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bugMultiple FloorsProblemsScans

Scanned area completely black568

San Antonio, TX
EricThomas private msg quote post Address this user
Had an interesting issue today while scanning a large home. 1st floor no issues. Went up the stairwell, made the turn and got to the top landing for start of 2nd floor. Scanned, edited and made it start point for 2nd floor as usual. First 2 scans of that floor fine....3rd-8th scans were weird.
Scan points showed up, everything was flowing from point to point, however the entire area on my iPad was black except for the blue scan point indicator and very large pieces of furniture. First 2 scan points were there and you could see the carpet like normal but other than that i had a large room, that was all black except for the sofa showing. I was worried that this would kill the area so i deleted all 8 scans, went back to the stairwell landing and started 2nd floor over with no issues.

Anything wrong, anyone else run into this situation before? Were the scans really ok you think? Again the camera was flowing fine i just had no visual of what it was taking.
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JohnBecker private msg quote post Address this user
When that kind of thing happens, I power cycle the camera and the iPad. The scans were probably ok, but you wouldn't know until you came back into Capture. If things still look the same, I would redo the scans right on top of the ones that were funky *before* deleting them.
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ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
Which Ipad were you using, I have found even though one Ipad works fine, we have found a few issues using an earlier version of Ipad. Were you reaching the max space in your memory.

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Stubacca private msg quote post Address this user
That happened to me too. At about 60+ scans on a two story home (2nd floor) scans were as you described. Scan points showed up, but remained all or mostly black. I finished that way leaving worried it wasn't going to process correctly. Good news is after getting the completed model back, everything seemed to process correctly. Dollhouse and Plan view even processed correctly.

It was the second house I did in a row that day so my guess is that it might have been an overheating issue? Maybe a memory issue? I don't think it has anything to do with being the 2nd floor. I used an iPad Mini about a year old and it had plenty of memory available. I really don't know what causes it and since the final product was fine I didn't worry about it.

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San Antonio, TX
EricThomas private msg quote post Address this user
This was an iPad 2, and only about 70 scans in. This was also my 2nd home of the day....first property was 4800 ft, this one 5800. 132gb iPad with plenty of room. Camera and iPad both were off for about an hr/half during lunch break between scans.
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Stubacca private msg quote post Address this user
My properties were next door to each other. I didn't even turn the camera off so it had been on and scanning continuously for almost 4 hours. That's what leads me to believe it might have been and overheating issue... Not to mention I'm in Phoenix, AZ. It hit 117F last weekend!
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Did you hear back from MP Support on this?

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RenderingSpace private msg quote post Address this user
Happens to me all the time. I do the same as JohnBecker. Just restart the camera and reload the app. Works for me every time.
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San Antonio, TX
EricThomas private msg quote post Address this user
I did not submit a ticket to Matterport....Once i deleted those scans and started over it was fine. I was reaching out to this community to see if others had the same issue, and if I should be concerned long term about it.
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