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'Pricing' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Scheduled Matterport Hosting Periods? DigitalTwin 5 18 daysDigitalTwin (173): @Wingman Another great idea. Thank you, sir!
cost of Matterport enterprise account versus Matterport models only? SpencerLasky 3 1 monthSpencerLasky (413): Wingman - I put a new thread in to see if I can simple the request - in this case as I learn more form the client I'm hearing that the issues is FlexSpace over charges. So they have been sold a account that gives each location 250 scans - after that they get hit with overages. I would not of advised this based on the problems we are solving when scanning these locations which are many... many challages, they are about as far from straight...
Majority of my clients do not want their own Matterport account. Wingman 6 3 monthsHome3D (4210): This is a subject that periodically haunts me like many MSPs. Dan, I'll look into MoonClerk. Never heard of this before but could be a nice solution if it's well-integrated. Reading all the comments in this thread, I concur that clients most likely prefer the SIMPLICITY of obtaining both scanning services and hosting from one source, even if it costs a touch more. People LOVE simplicity. I know my clients love that I provide so many media...
Video: Real Estate Photography Pricing - What Clients Are Willing to Pay DanSmigrod 4 3 monthsBuster6070 (268): @DanSmigrod That works as well. I really think the inflation reasoning is the best way to go. Everyone can understand that without feeling taken advantage of. My biggest concern was the reasoning of offering better service. That may work with new clients, but I would never suggest to a current client they were receiving nothing but my best from the get go. Great video to consider all in all.
Resale value of Matterport Pro3 Camera? Shawn_P 6 5 monthsHome3D (4210): I’ve been fortunate to never (yet) need Mike’s expertise to repair any of our MP cameras. But based on his reputation and the praise I’ve heard from numerous owners that he has helped, I’m really happy to know Mike is there to support us all. Thanks, Mike!
Pricing a 27-acre Lakeside Resort Scan? nthutton 5 7 monthslilnitsch (5803): Typically on large projects I bill a daily rate plus any travel expenses if occurred I would also discuss how the tour is going to be hosted. Do they have an account or will you be hosting the tour long term. If you are hosting the tour you would also want to discuss pricing for on going hosting of the model.
Wish List: Matterport Pricing DanSmigrod 4 8 monthsHome3D (4210): Top request from my team: Let users download FULL RESOLUTION 16K panos from our tours. Also permit retouching and reloading of enhanced panos back into tours, just as was part of the GeoCV system years ago, and is also part of the new Realsee system. Clearly it is possible, just let users do it. The ability to retouch / enhance is a critical function for consumer-end tours, whether for real estate or commerce. To protect the interests of...
2020 is the year of Google Street View Blue Line Map Updates by Pros DanSmigrod 10 8 monthsDanSmigrod (31620): WGAN-TV | How to Publish to Google Street View from Matterport; +10 GSV FAQ Pro Tips for Common Problems (Solved) | Guest: Wingman Media Brisbane Owner Michael Lysov | | Thursday, 18 July 2024 | Episode: 222 | WGAN Forum Member Name: @Wingman [streetview][/streetview]Google Street View Tour with Multiple Floors | Published via Matterport GSV Add On | Tour by: Wingman Media...
Matterport Limits on Scan Points: 199 Scan Points Works for Me Sdoughtie 2 9 monthsWingman (4420): I am doing ones with 300-450 scan points(pubs and hotels) now and it is really stuffing my iPad Pro 2020. I have to delete almost all jobs from the Capture app just to scan quick and even for trimming. From another point I have not updated the camera firmware and probably the app for a few months. May be it will get faster with updating.
Question of the Day: Are you offering Matterport Plug-ins as an Add On? DanSmigrod 2 10 monthsSdoughtie (570): I'll just be honest; I don't find the property report to be useful. It's more work to correct the AI than if I just did it myself. Perhaps there are keys that will select segments with a window, but as it stands now, I have to delete rooms and individual segments, frankly, it's a huge waste of my time. Moreover, I don't like giving clients access to models with erroneous info on it. ...
Video: How Much to Charge for Real Estate Photography DanSmigrod 1 10 monthsDanSmigrod (31620): How Much to Charge for Real Estate Photography | Video courtesy of Nathan Cool Photo YouTube Channel | 28 May 2024 Your thoughts? Best, Dan
Nearly 600 Posts in the WGAN Forum Tagged: Pricing DanSmigrod 1 10 monthsDanSmigrod (31620): WGAN Forum Posts tagged: Pricing Nearly 600 Posts in the WGAN Forum Tagged: Pricing Hi All, To see a list of nearly 600 Pricing Posts tagged in the WGAN Forum, go to: Pricing Best, Dan
So, things are starting to pick up for the season... lilnitsch 2 11 monthsrhelling (347): Best advice I ever got when starting my business long ago was...'s important to say no to work that doesn't fit your business model for whatever reason. When that happens, don't dwell on it - instead, go play golf or do something enjoyable. Point is - during those enjoyable moments, I've picked up some of my best contracts. ---- Glad things are going well for you.
Matterport Classic Plan: Addition cost for scans above my 100 limit? Integratedman 7 1 yearGETMYVR (1940): This is one of the coolest groups on earth! I try to charge all commercial clients $250/yr hosting per model, this helps offset expenses on my Classic Plan. $21 for an extra 50 models is a good deal. I am not buying a Pro3 and do not need to upgrade. Been a Pro2 user since 2017, and it's a great 3d tool for us. When Matterport sunsets the Classic Plan, I will too.
Video: How To Create Packages | Real Estate Photography Business Advice DanSmigrod 1 1 yearDanSmigrod (31620): How To Create Packages | Real Estate Photography Business Advice | Video courtesy of Jordan Horn YouTube Channel | 9 February 2024
Matterport Blog: Guide to Real Estate Photography Pricing DanSmigrod 1 1 yearDanSmigrod (31620): Matterport Blog Posts Matterport Blog (18 March 2024) Capturing Value: Your Guide to Real Estate Photography Pricing | Let’s delve into the realm of real estate photography, comparing the benefits and costs of standard photos, 3D virtual tours, drone photography, and more. Hi All, Without suggesting real estate...
REALSEE Add Ons: Pricing for WGAN Readers DanSmigrod 3 1 yearDanSmigrod (31620): Hi Robert, Cool! Yes. Can you start a new topic and share some tours taken with the REALSEE G1 Gimbal and with your Ricob THETA Z1? (Ideally, 1 tour per post (simply post multiple times to the same topic). Best, Dan
WGAN Chart: Comparing 70+ REALSEE Features to Matterport (Side-by-Side) DanSmigrod 1 1 yearDanSmigrod (31620): REALSEE is a WGAN Marketing Partner --- REALSEE | Add Ons: Pricing [realsee][/realsee] REALSEE 3D Virtual Tour Example courtesy of ...
Chart: Matterport Versus Realsee Pricing and Features DanSmigrod 3 1 yearDanSmigrod (31620): @hayyu360 Thank you. I made significant updates (corrections and additional features) in the Google Sheet (chart) to compare [url=]Matterport versus Realsee Pricing and Features[/url]. Best, Dan 10 am ET Wednesday, 21 February 2024
Get insights from a HDPhotoHub power user at today's (19 Feb) live webinar Kevin_HDPhotoHub 1 1 yearKevin_HDPhotoHub (37): Join us today, Monday February 19th, at 1pm PST (4 pm EST) for a special live webinar with Rachael Adkins. Rachael has been in business since 2012 and a full-time real estate photographer since 2017. She is the founder of the Focused Media Collective, and we are excited to have her as a guest for this special webinar!...
Do you charge mileage to your clients? Buster6070 4 1 yearlilnitsch (5803): So, I will be shooting this property on Monday ~ I'll at least be shooting a 360 tour & stills ~ they were discussing video & Matterport ...
Video: How much is my Matterport virtual tour really going to cost? DanSmigrod 1 1 yearDanSmigrod (31620): Virtual Tour Pricing - How much is my Virtual Tour really going to cost? | Video courtesy of Scene3D Virtual Tours YouTube Channel | 10 January 2024
ShowingTime+ new "Listing Showcase" offering - The Scoop! Dataventurer 3 1 yearVTLV (2910): Sounds like a direct rip off of the Listing Showcase feature from 2006-2009. At that time, they would sell a space with 2 lines and a picture of your featured listing on a side column below the premier agents.
Pricing Matterport Pro3 scanned spaces as large as 272,000 SQFT? Harrycayman 6 1 yearMatterFix (538): If they dont need a lot of scan density, you can probably knock it out in a day. I’d figure my day rate and add for hosting since it will take up multiple slots in your hosting account. This job could set you up for the interiors next!
If you Have a Classic Unlimited Plan, MP is Coming for you. Shakoure 10 1 yearWingman (4420): Despite seeing others complaining about the same I have never seen anything like this myself. I was in situations when my bank locked my credit card and did not let any payment to process and that included paying Matterport subscriptions for two accounts. And with one account being from old plans Matterport just asked me to update my payment method for both. I did it and there was no single problem. I still have and use both. I think those who...
One Photographer - Multiple Matterport Accounts? monoffoto 9 1 yearShawn_P (310): @monoffoto I’m in the same boat with the Pro3. My main bread and butter is a sizable nationwide builder. I have explained the situation to them and now I wait to see if they are going to upgrade their plan from business to professional
What do you charge for Matterport hosting fees? fotoguy 1 1 yearfotoguy (835): I'm looking for an average of what folks charge when their clients wants you to host their MP tours long term. I have a few house rental companies that now have me host their tour and they embed them into their website. These aren't plain MP tours. I use a third party to customize them with their logo,company colors, etc.. Currently I'm charging $10/mo per tour if paid one year in advance or $15/mo if paid 6 months in advance....
How to price hundreds of MatterTags in a Matterport art institution tour? Senojev 4 1 yearJedrzej (314): We did a case study for our SIM-ON platform in an art gallery. This solution, based on the Matterport space, allows an extended version of descriptions to be added to each artwork. You can also import previously made Mattertags, which are converted into an asset repository format. The customer creates their own account in the SIM-ON application and can complete the tags themselves. Perhaps this tool will be helpful for your project? If you would...
Would you charge for this? This was from May, 2019... Cabrahams 7 2 yearsCabrahams (118): I guess you were trying to be funny? I did what I have normally done and just sent her the link. Her response? "I’m so happy you still have the Matteport. I am bringing on the listing August 9th. So I will use this, the house still looks the same. I really appreciate that you found it. Thank you for responding so fast too. I have a fuzzy memory about the pics, this works though. It looks great. I’m really pleased."...
Captur3D new price structure? dave3d 4 2 yearsSteven_Kounnas (38): Hi Dave, Your understanding is pretty much correct. The only thing ill add is that you will have access to an unlimited number of basic overlays, which includes branding and a menu. Then all of our creator studio based features (including virtual staging) will be part of the subscription. All of our services, such as floor plans, post production and photo retouching, remain on credits with the price staying the same, but we have slightly...
Matterport Blog>Guide to Real Estate Photography Pricing-Cost Factors/Tips DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsStaviphoto (4): Good rundown of drones and virtual tours but only mentions HDR for standard photography. Price point is accurate for this method, but flambient and higher end (eg arch style shoots with multiple strobes flags etc) should be mentioned.
How low will it go? dave3d 6 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Video: 92-WGAN-TV 74 Reasons Real Estate Agents Buy Virtual Tours with REALTOR Brandon Doyle | Video courtesy of WGAN-TV Podcast | 18 February 2021 @dave3d @GETMYVR RE/MAX Results in Maple, Grove, Minnesota-based Real Estate Agent Brandon Doyle (@DoyleRealtor) shares 74 reasons that real estate agents should use 3D/360 virtual tours with every listing ( Doyle Real Estate Team). BTW, Brandon was one of the first 10 We Get Around Network...
What is the average cost for a 40,000 SQFT Matterport scan? DanSmigrod 3 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, The question that I would suggest asking is: => Tell me about the space and how will the Matterport tour be used? These two open-ended questions would likely tease out what you need to know to quote on the project. To help me think through the potential client request, I asked ChatGPT-4: You are a Matterport Service Provider. What are 50 questions that you would want to ask to quote on a Matterport scanning project when you...
Matterport 2023 New Pricing Announced 1:22 pm ET Tuesday, 16 May 2023 DanSmigrod Jump to first page41Jump to last page 2 yearsShakoure (568): ANOTHER PART OF THIS EQUATION... GENERATIVE AI: As AI + mobile capture devices continue to gain astonishing capabilities, MP will be either forced to deliver for capture pros & end-users rather than shareholders (or watch as smaller, more nimble competitors eat their lunch). AI technologies are scalable and will cost significantly less than any of MP's pricing, past or current. And forget it if folks behind a spatial AI engine decide to...
WGAN-TV Town Hall: Matterport 2023 Price Changes (How to Participate) DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, I am cancelling the WGAN-TV Live at 5 Town Hall Matterport 2023 New Pricing scheduled for today (Wednesday, 17 May 2023) given the complexing of the Matterport price increases (which may be better addressed in various WGAN Forum topics such as: 1. Matterport Classic Pricing (2019 and earlier) - See this WGAN Forum topic 2. Price increase for all - see this WGAN Forum topic 3. You do Matterport spaces with 200+ scan points...
Why MSPs should be reluctant to ask clients to create a Matterport account DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Why MSPs should be reluctant to ask clients to setup Matterport account Hi All, If you are a Matterport Service Provider (MSP), you may be tempted to ask your clients to create a Matterport account given the introduction of Matterport 2023 New Pricing on Tuesday (17 May 2023): 1. Matterport Classic Pricing (2019 and earlier) - See this WGAN Forum topic 2. Price increase for all - see this WGAN Forum topic 3. You do Matterport...
Matterport Announces (16 May 2023) New Pricing Effective Dates (Varies) DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsron0987 (3490): Maybe I missed something, I got an email explaining my classic plan pricing was going to increase. To look at the new plans and consider a change, but I could not see the new price breakdown for the old classic plans. Did I miss it?
Matterport Announces (16 May 2023) Price Increase for Classic Accounts DanSmigrod 4 2 yearsVTLV (2910): Anyone taking bets on how Accounting will work out in June? Curious to see if everyone will get a new bill that month or if their accounting department will be competent enough to add in the price increase when our current annual runs out.
Matterport Announces (16 May 2023): You will pay more: Here's How DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Matterport Announces (16 May 2023): You will pay more if ... Hi All, You will pay more: Here's How: 1. Matterport Classic Pricing (2019 and earlier) - See this WGAN Forum topic 2. Price increase for all - see this WGAN Forum topic 3. You do Matterport spaces with 200+ scan points - See this WGAN Forum topic 4. You need to unarchive-to-active spaces - See this WGAN Forum topic And, see this WGAN Forum topic about when...
Matterport Announces (16 May 2023) New Fees for Tours with 200+ Scan Points DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Grab from Matterport Blog (16 May 2023) Matterport tour with more than 200 scan points (spins) will count as more than one (1) active tour. === New policy for large spaces Until now, spaces of every size—whether a small apartment or a massive stadium—were considered equal and counted as one active space...
Matterport Announces (16 May 2023) "Unarchiving" to Active Fee DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): courtesy of Matterport courtesy of Matterport | Matterport Price List ...
Matterport Announces (16 May 2023) New Pricing for New Customers DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Grab courtesy of Matterport | 16 May 2023 It's unclear (to me) if you can "push out" the date of the price changes by pre-paying additional months of an annual plan. For example, if you annual plan is scheduled to renew on 20 June 2023, if you renewed now to add another 12 months, would that "push...
Matterport Hosting (Need Advice): "indefinitely" Tour Host/Price Options? rhelling 18 2 yearsrhelling (347): SOLUTION: The client decided that 360 images were just as good as the virtual tour. We elected to go with Kuula ($144/yr - Unlimited Hosting). It requires a little more touch-up on our end to link the files together, but we're not scanning the whole space in detail like with Matterport. We're just scanning the center of main rooms, etc. Until Matterport can come up with a less expensing solution for maintaining virtual tours online, this...
Your experience with Zillow Listing Media Services? And, ....? Deano 12 2 yearsDeano (158): Zillow,, Homelight, Upnest and virtually everyone sells consumers to agents for 35% of the commission. It's really ridiculous, but agents are OK with it so the race to the bottom begins... The thing is that consumers COULD negotiate with agents and get this 35% for themselves. So Zillow will need to narrow this gap themselves so that they can put all of the other companies out of business and keep the flow for themselves. Enter...
Matterport hosting 'the one who shall not be named' dave3d 5 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @dave3d Thank you for your insightful post. WGAN Forum related discussions: ✓ Tip: Offer Hosting, Maintenance and Support Instead of Transferring Spaces ✓ Example of Charging for Matterport Monthly Hosting, Support and Maintenance ✓ Tip: How to do automatic monthly billing ✓ WGAN Forum discussions tagged: Recurring Revenue Best, Dan
How would you price an 80,700 SQ FT (20-Exhibits/hallways) Museum? Cabrahams 22 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @Cabrahams I could imagine that a Matterport Service Provider that was asked to quote on the project is making other MSPs irrelevant by mashing up 3DVista + Matterport (something that can also be accomplished with Matterport + 3rd Party Service Providers overlay). For clarification, you can still shoot the museum tour(s) with a Matterport Pro2 Camera (Pro3 recommended) and 3DVista is used for menus, branding and more. For example, the...
A photographer offers a ton of deliverables for $250: is this Realistic? Flashcutter 15 2 yearsScanYourSpace (864): For every Harrods there's going to be a target, for every target there's going to be a walmart, for every walmart there's going to be a $.99 store. I hate the term 4k photos, 4k is for video. they probably do what Matterport is now doing with their digital pro package. taking photos from the tour and saying that those are useable for marketing purposes... Matterport is offering it for $299 see my video about it here: ...
Matterport capture agreement includes drone and fees: What do they pay? dave3d 1 2 yearsdave3d (527): Reading through this and thought a few things interesting. 50% cancellation charge under 24 hrs, travel fees, size related changes described if over planned amount, can’t exceed 50k ft2, drone services specifically included, statement all capture is done by 3rd parties, 25% surcharge 7pm to 7am. Wonder what going rate amounts to now for techs to capture and if these fees cross over to capture agreements.
How much do Matterport Capture Services Pros Get Paid? DanSmigrod 10 2 yearsdave3d (527): We’ve done million plus property photos many times from Matterport. Keep in mind placements aren’t just for tours and height changes when appropriate. No complaints and all sold :)
iGUIDE Winter Sale 2023 iGUIDE 1 2 yearsiGUIDE (10): All through the month of February, enjoy more great sales from iGUIDE. From now until February 28th, 2023 at 11:59 (EST) get: As a bonus, act now and receive 10 free standard iGUIDEs with your purchase. This deal is only on for a short time and is while supplies last so don’t wait! Get to the []iGUIDE store[/url] today and secure your discount! ...
Who do you use for outsourcing photo editing? 8643d 24 2 yearsAndrew_Lampman (55): Hey Expertise, We can do either way -- I personally prefer blending layers aka. hand blending but as you mention both have pros and cons --- at the end of the day we know the photos need to WOW people so we do make sure we put the time into each photo to WOW you and your client. We use both Photoshop and Lightroom for photo editing As for file types you can send raw (cr3, dng or another format you use) or JPG files are fine as well, 2 of my...
Video & Blog: How Much is my Matterport virtual tour really going to cost?  AlexScene3D 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @AlexScene3D Thank you for sharing your video - How much is my Matterport virtual tour really going to cost? - and related SCENE3D Blog post. Best, Dan
BLK360 G1 Price? Sdoughtie 10 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @MeshImages My bet is Matterport will NOT support BLK360 G2. They likely feel they checked the AEC box with the Matterport Pro3 Camera. Does that make sense? No. That’s what happens when companies are not obsessed with their customers. I hope I am wrong. Dan
Drone shoot for flood insurance claim - how to charge?!?!? Dataventurer 5 2 yearsdaslack (187): Glad to hear you got it to work out Dave. Thanks for posting your process as well. That may be something that I or someone else need someday. I plan to get my drone license at some point in the future.
Question of the Day: Should you get paid at closing? No closing; No pay? DanSmigrod 8 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Real Estate Photography Overview | Video courtesy of SmartReal Real Estate Photography YouTube Channel | 27 December 2022 Hi All, I noticed this real estate photography agency video (above) today (Tuesday, 27 December 2022): ✓ real estate agent only pays if the listing sells ✓ $299 package (up to $3,000 SQ FT) - includes: Matterport, photos, video, aerial and floor plans Your thoughts...
What is the current EyeSpy360 Special Pricing for WGAN Forum Members? JPPeron 2 2 yearsEyeSpy360 (88): Hi - We have now standardised our offerings. You can now sign up with No subscription for 6 months. You will only pay a per processing fee of $1 per room / 360 image (typical rooms only require 1 x 360 image). This price point includes the auto build of your virtual tour, 3D Model & Floor Plan. You can access this offer by signing up via our home page: Do let me know if you have any questions. Many thanks
MSP with Pro3? 10 Thought-Starters for Charging for Scanning OUTDOOR Spaces DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsExpertise (1192): We are 98% residential. My thought right now is to keep our current pricing structure and just do an add-on for exterior scanning. Less than 1/4 acre, 1/4 acre to 1/2 acre, 1/2 acre to 1 acre. More than acre > quote. We currently offer 2 residential interior MP choices. 1- living space only, not including garage (only available as add-on to photo shoot) 2- all under roof spaces including garage and covered porches, free floorplan
Video: Real Estate Photography Pricing Secrets DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsGlennTremain (2953): he is great on Tiktok: @itselijones but at he brings up something most here and branding those reviews across the internet. Listen to him here and get on getting reviews.
Matterport Pricing for Commercial Properties? Plymouthphotog 15 2 yearsGETMYVR (1940): @parkerjh yesterday I spent 3 hours going through about a hundred commercial listings for lease and sales. And no less than 90% of the listings they had one or two pictures. Zero had 3D tours. Zero had a floor plan even though numerous structures I looked at were from 1500 ft² to 7,500 ft². So we can really see the low level of expectation that currently exists for property owners. I can envision in the future an agent less...
Will the Matterport Pro3 Camera work with Matterport Classic Cloud Plan? SpencerLasky 4 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): WGAN-TV | Matterport Pro3 Camera: First Impressions; plus, Pro3 versus Pro2 and Pro3 versus Leica BLK360 | Guest: Southern 3D Tours Matterport 3D Imaging Specialist Larry Gamel | Episode: 161 | Thursday, 29 September 2022 | | @GamelLarry | WGAN-TV Podcast | WGAN-TV Podcast Matterport Pro3 Camera shot Matterport digital twin by Southern 3D Tours Matterport 3D Imaging Specialist Larry...
Video: Real Estate Photography and Matterport Pricing in Los Angeles DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsjohnwheatley (244): I wonder what the social media story entails like that he's including with each photo package. It bums me out that he's including it, as that is a great upscale potential that he is turning into a must-deliver for the rest of us. Other than that, his prices seem reasonable, if a bit low for an expensive market like Los Angeles.
About Offline and Online spaces in the Current Matterport Cloud Plans inmerso3D 4 3 yearsinmerso3D (126): Thanks pedrotex
Stitching Cloud9 2 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @Cloud9 Thank you for joining the WGAN Forum and for your question. I am going to move your question for discussion here: ✓ Matterport offers stitching services as a paid service Thanks, Dan
Video: How Much Should You Charge for Photography & Video? DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): How Much Should You Charge for Photography & Video? | Ben Claremont YouTube Channel | 30 August 2022 Photo & Video Business Bootcamp from Virtual Tour Pro Course Creator Ben Claremont | Plus, use this WGAN affiliate link to buy Photo & Video Business Bootcamp Course...
Matterport Pro3 LiDAR Camera/Scanner: Pricing and Availability DanSmigrod 5 3 yearsGamelLarry (189): I've found the battery and they cost $154.99 on amazon. I've just preordered mine. I'm also in a chat with a Matterport rep. They are stating people with classic plans will need to switch. I'm going to wait and see. I know once they monkey with a classic plan you can never get it back. Here's the link to the amazon page for the battery. ✓ Matterport Replacement Camera Battery for Pro3 3D Lidar Digital Camera (Amazon | $154.99) ...
Pricing Matterport subscription for 50 models? SpencerLasky 8 3 yearsAbel (4): THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO PRICING YOUR MATTERPORT 3D SCANNING SERVICES Is your business struggling to develop a pricing model for Matterport 3D Scanning Services?... l have just the solution you need.As a professional Accountant venturing into Matterport Capture Services l have come along a lot of people asking for advice on how to Quote for the Matterport 3D Scanning Services and no one seems to have a valid,well thought out pricing structure...
What/How do you charge for Zillow 3D Home Tours and Photo Packages? rzphotoman 15 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @VTLV May your bother always continue to live in your heart. Dan
Video: Charge a flat fee versus percent of residential listing price? DanSmigrod 9 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Commission...A bad business model for real estate's why | video courtesy of Jordan Nielsen YouTube Channel | 27 July 2022 Hi @Jamie @ArchimedStudio @Buster6070 This video (above) seems to be related to your real estate photographer pricing discussion. Best, Dan
Cloudpano Pricing Changes ? PhotographyByWasim 5 3 yearslilnitsch (5803): I bought an unlimited lifetime account a year or two ago as I saw the value for no other reason than vacant land tours. For budget Real Estate tours ( US & Canada ONLY) I still really recommend Zillow's 3D home tours as they boost the listing on Zillow and they are really easy to shoot and aren't time consuming
Learn how to make money and charge for Matterport "overlay" features Carson 1 3 yearsCarson (302): [openhaus][/openhaus] Happy Monday! I've spoken with many MSP's in the WGAN who are unsure how to make money or charge customers for "overlay" features. Example: This Wednesday [20 July 2022], I will keep my schedule open from 10am - 5pm MST to share info on this topic, answer questions, and help you however I can. If you'd like to connect,...
Tip of the Week: When to charge client 1/2 Matterport Cloud Hosting Account DanSmigrod 3 3 yearsWingman (4420): I agree with @Gladsmuir. It seems everybody hates these resuming fees no matter how small they are. I've recently lost a client and disabled their 3D tour because they've decided not to pay $180 AUD per year for the tour hosting. I won't tell the client name but this is one of the biggest worldwide know property developer company that Matterport bragged around a lot making them their client. A bit of history about them: I contacted their local...
Pricing Question: How to charge for Vacation Rental Photography? GETMYVR 2 3 yearsMeidansha (832): Not sure about vacation rentals in particular but for case study houses for a building company I was told the houses are used for ten to 13 years so I charged the equivalent of 100 dollars a year up front and did a job equivalent to the price. I give them statistics every month and updates on how they can use SDKs to improve their viewing experience. They’re a big company but they don’t have time to be following changes on Matterport so...
Tip: Compare Your Pricing to National Companies Operating in Your Market DanSmigrod 7 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): How to set appropriate pricing? | Video courtesy of Jordan Nielsen YouTube Channel | 30 June 2022 Hi All, Your thoughts? Dan
Question of the Day: What is your average house real estate shoot price? DanSmigrod 3 3 yearsExpertise (1192): This kid is a BS artist.
Service Search: Rendering of a Building Scanned Matterport Meidansha 5 3 yearsbethereeu (100): Hi, I can help you -
Matterport — Baby Steps into the Metaverse Carson 5 3 yearsWingman (4420): None, because Matterport has not been created for 3D so they cannot built a good 3D model. You can hover use it to collect some 3D data and then manually clean & fix it. Sure it is faster than doing it from a scratch but still should cost a few 1000s to build a clean 3D model with realistic textures from a Matterport tour and Matterpack.
Customers self hosting? Wonderdawg 2 3 yearsVTLV (2910): I wish we could be affiliates getting something to transfer them over. Or at least archive on the Grandfathered plans. I've kept a few for a portfolio -well worth the extra $19.
Do you charge the same for any Matterport camera? GETMYVR 5 3 yearsGETMYVR (1940): Thanks for the replies. With a Theta you have to disappear from the scene completely instead of follow behind with the Pro 2. Not sure how much time that really saves. And with 95% of listing still without a 360 or 3D virtual tour perhaps the price point is still a little hefty for some agents despite historically highest commissions ever. I think what is prudent is offer two versions of the Matterport tour, standard and Premium. I would...
Real Estate Agents Spend $229 (Average) Per Order on Photography Services DanSmigrod 6 3 yearslilnitsch (5803): my PayPay summary has my average sale at $469 last month that is more or less within reason I have a couple agents who prefer to pay via Venmo which I do not like the reporting as much but, I make it as easy as possible for folks to pay me.
PFRE: How to Handle Clients Who Don't Pay DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): What to do when customers don't pay | Video courtesy of Jordan Nielsen YouTube Channel | 5 April 2022
Nathan Cool Video: How much to charge for Real Estate Photography DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Cool Video: How much to charge for Real Estate Photography | Video courtesy of Nathan Cool Photo YouTube Channel | 28 March 2022 Nathan Cool Photo YouTube Channel In this episode I discuss pricing real estate photography, and why (and how) you should be charging more than you might think. After establishing your prices with some basic principles, available info, and calculations, I then show how...
since when does matterport free plan allow sharing space?? Yerlan 9 3 yearsShakoure (568): @Yerlan ...Can you share the space your newbie-colleague shot in this thread?
Example of Charging for Matterport Monthly Hosting, Support and Maintenance DanSmigrod 13 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): As of today (15 March 2022), that's $4.95 times 76 monthly payments = $376.20 and still going! We do incur a $0.44 monthly processing fee from Stripe (our payment processor) - and we do use MoonClerk on top of Stripe, but the charge to a credit card happens automatically and is automatically deposited to your checking out.
Video: How Much Should I Charge for Real Estate Photography? DanSmigrod 3 3 yearsExpertise (1192): Go low when starting. Very low. Why? A- you have no clients B- you probably suck at it We started at $59, I believe. That was over 6 years ago. We thought we were pretty good! In hindsight, we sucked.
🏧💰🪙How do you price matterport jobs?🪙🪙🪙 skyload300 6 3 yearsskyload300 (279): @Wingman it took me 2 days (about 16 hrs) And my rate included Guided your Tags Videos GMaps integration Custom Landing page All for 4K$
I have a Matterport Classic Plan. How to archive or workaround? Harrycayman 7 3 yearsCharlesHH (640): The mails seem to come once you go over 90. They may stop if you go under that.
Matterport BIM costs? virtuallyreal 4 3 yearsBaezeni (149): Dear @John and other interested in BIM modelling and floorplans and other high quality but price affordable custom or standard content from Matterport or any other input. The many year WGAN service provider and forum member Baezeni have more than 15 years experience in producing all types of engineering modeling and viz services and will be happy to help. Baezeni can produce from any input and make any type of output format and level of...
Pricing large scan job per SQ ft rate GETMYVR 2 3 yearsWingman (4420): I bet it can take anywhere from 15 to 20 days to do alone and that assuming it will be closed for scanning. If it is going to be open I cannot even guess how long it can take. I would simply charge per day multiplied by required days. If it goes faster there is always an option to be honest and charge only for actual time. 20 days was my estimation for an Exhibition centre which was a similar size(45000 sqm) but it supposed to be closed with...
Should I ask my client to get a Matterport account to take-over hosting? SnappyDave 7 3 yearsSnappyDave (1): Yeah I can see that hosting and billing the clients is the way to go. Thanks guys.
Urbanimmersive: One Time Lifetime License Payment of All Immersive 3D Tours DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Urbanimmserive eBlast received Tuesday, 18 January 2022 | Urbanimmersive (Tourbuzz) 3D Tours This announcement is to inform you that we will soon be modifying the pricing of [ Urbanimmersive] Immersive 3D...
Question of the Day: Will you raise your prices in January 2022? DanSmigrod 15 3 yearsExpertise (1192): What if two of them are friends and compare notes? Someone's gonna be mad.
Anyone else get their Matterport 100 scan business hosting plan... Expertise 6 3 yearsExpertise (1192): $309 USD for 125 spaces now. Was $309 for 100 spaces. I think they did this to fix a glitch in their pricing. Previously, you could have TWO 50 space plans at $129 each, so $258 per hundred while the 100 space plan was $309.
Video: How Much Do Drone Pilots Charge For Real Estate Photography? DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsArchimedStudio (714): Ridiculous pricing, again... I keep getting annoyed by Jordan's video, even though I do like him and respect what he's built. I just think the race to the bottom is not a healthy one, and I'm definitely not part of it. Sure, for us photographer and official drone pilots, it's easy to do aerial photos. BUT that doesn't mean we should "give" them (at this price, it's a gift) to the realtor... Having drone photos on a listing is a...
Video: Pricing for Real Estate Photography DanSmigrod 3 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): What is APPROPRIATE pricing for real estate photography? | video courtesy of Jordan Nielsen YouTube Channel | 4 December 2021
75,000 square foot shop rite: pricing/alignment questions JimmyJim 11 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): 106-WGAN-TV 25+ Tips for Scanning Large Spaces with a Matterport Pro2 3D Camera with Los Angeles-based Photographer Eric Dole (@Home3D). Digital Twin by Los Angeles-based Photographer Eric Dole (@Home3D) --- WGAN-TV - 45 Tips: Scanning Grocery Stores with Matterport from Santa Barabara, CA based Liz McDermott (Liz G Photography | |...
Video: Charge by the hour or picture count for Real Estate Photography? DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Charge by the hour or picture count for Real Estate Photography? | Video courtesy Jordan Nielsen YouTube Channel | 3 November 2021 How do you charge for residential real estate photography and why? Dan
How to pricing a Matterport Museum/Art Gallery tour like this one? Senojev 6 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Galeria Estação, São Paulo, Brazil | Matterport Digital Twin created by Brasil 3D Realidade Virtual Matterport Blog (20 October 2021) Learn about the historical and contemporary works of Brazilian artists in Galeria Estação | Brasil 3D Realidade Virtual uses Matterport to increase the visibility of non-scholar art collections to a global audience
Video: How Much To Charge For Drone Photography? Real Estate Photographers DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): How Much To Charge For Drone Photography? | Real Estate Photography | Video courtesy of Jordan Nielsen YouTube Channel | 13 October 2021 Your thoughts? -- Save $50 with this WGAN affiliate link for Drone Pilot Ground School and WGAN Coupon Code: WGAN50
Professional Plus Matterport Subscription Plan Coupon Code? rodrigocastillo 5 3 yearsThinkLab (387): @GETMYVR yes that was the best plans was the old Grandfather accounts, when Matterport still made sense. When they had support staff that would ring you at 3am their time to make sure your model was fixed ( Maggie and Dee ) not this profit hungry low budget cheap virtual tour company that they are turning into.
iGuide large space pricing? jcyin 4 4 yearsChris_iGuide (337): That is correct! iGUIDE Radix would be great for the application suggested. However, bear in mind that because it does not have drafted floor plans the laser data (point cloud) is used for navigation.
Video: How do I change my pricing? DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): How do I change my pricing? | Video courtesy of ourPPA YouTube Channel | 12 March 2021
Question of the Day: Do you offer discounts on Matterport tours? DanSmigrod 4 4 yearsWingman (4420): They are kind of feeling they do not need it as it is going to be sold anyway and fast these days. I have started noticing that some of them bragging that the sold something off market or even worse.. to a first viewer. That actually is the worst thing they can do now... everybody knows and agents know it for sure that in my city any property will receive multiple offers(most of them time 4 and much more).. Then where is a benefit or any...
Video: How this MSP charges for Matterport Tours and Floor Plans DanSmigrod 3 4 yearsHome3D (4210): Does anyone want to hire a brain surgeon based on price? Go ahead, search Craigslist for “someone who owns a scalpel”. Promoting your services by price is an admission, a statement, that you don’t believe there’s any other reason to hire you over another breathing human with the same gear.
Advice needed: Scanning roofs (for commercial roofing company) JonnathanAlgarin 24 4 yearspcollart (100): @JonnathanAlgarin sorry for the late reply ... I had a couple of days off! Please reach out and I can get you in touch with our Customer Success team in your region. Regards, Paul paul <dot> collart <at>
Auctioning a Matterport NFT (for $187,000 or more) Worldof3D 22 4 yearsCharlesHH (640): @Wingman one of the weird things about NFTs is that you can make a video and post it on YouTube where it is seen by 10 million viewers. Then you can sell the original mp4 file as an NFT and keep the video on YouTube. Similarly you can sell a photograph as a nft. But you still retain the copyright and the buyer does not have the rights to make and sell prints from the image. But he owns it.
Large Building with big hole in the middle leeverdon 6 4 yearsrzphotoman (1837): In my opinion, this type of job should be quoted based on time & expenses not by sq ft. I scanned a 300,000 sq ft high school with basically a big hole in a lot of places...see dollhouse view. I didn't go into every room, but did go down 3/4 of a mile of hallways to make everything work. I walked the job, calculated what it would take to complete and gave them one price. Took three full days and 924 scans, and 2 separate models to...
Advice Request: Pricing a very large venue chrispy_magic 13 4 yearsAce864 (1): Basically, everything you need is just a couple of apps that will secure your video by limiting access to uninvited viewers. It doesn’t matter if you are streaming on-air or it is a recorded video. You can restrict access to it and send an inviting link to a specific group of people. In some countries, real estate people practice this. They share the link of the virtual tour of the property for people who have provided some details and shared...
Matterport features and picture packages for real estate BenAdgie 7 4 yearsBenAdgie (85): Thanks for the feedback! We have been typically pulling stills from the matterport scan. The overall image quality is high but artifacts are very common. We have also started exporting the still editing to spend more time in the field. Thanks for the feedback on arranging the pictures. We have found it is time consuming labeling the picture files in a similar order you described. Arranging the pictures on the single property website feels like...
Question of the Day: Do you charge for Snapshots from the Matterport Tour? DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, The WGAN Forum Question of the Day for Thursday, 15 July 2021: Do you charge for Snapshots from the Matterport Tour? Best, Dan P.S. This WGAN Question of the Day was inspired by this WGAN Forum post by @BenAdgie ✓ Matterport features and picture packages for real estate
How should I price this Sports Complex with an aerial view and tours? 3SixtyNow 4 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Yes. Whatever your day rate calculations are, likely best to double the quote because: 1. It will always take longer - particularly post production - than you estimated 2. When the client makes a ton of requests (such as Highlight Reel, Labels, MatterTags), it's likely that you would prefer to say "my pleasure" rather than "that's additional" ... Your expectation of "done" is likely different than your client's...
What does Matterport Capture Services charge clients versus paid to Pros? DanSmigrod 6 4 yearsWingman (4420): The fees that they pay to photographers are in this thread We can compare them with whatever quotes they have given to Dan and others testing Matterport quotation. As far as I can remember Dan has been quoted $911 plus taxes for a 10000 sqf commercial space. According to their table with fees to a photographer 10000...
Video: How a UK MSP answers the question: How much for a Matterport Tour? DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): How much is my virtual tour really going to cost? | Video courtesy of Scene3D Virtual Tour YouTube Channel | 17 June 2021 Scene3D Virtual Tour YouTube Channel Our " How Much Is My Virtual Tour Really Going To Cost?" blog is one of our most successful posts, however we understand that not everybody has the time to sit and read a full article so we have condensed it into a short 3 minute video...
Video: Top 5 Matterport Problems (and how to fix them) DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Top 5 Matterport Problems (and how to fix them) | Video courtesy of Scene3D Virtual Tours YouTube Channel | 10 June 2021 From the Scene3D Virtual Tours YouTube Channel It’s no secret that we absolutely love Matterport, its a fantastic platform for virtual tour experiences that we feel is unrivalled in its quality, accuracy, usability and variety of application. That’s not to say Matterport is...
PFRE: My Formula for Real Estate Photography Pricing DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): PFRE (March 17, 2021) My Formula for Real Estate Photography Pricing --- Save 15 percent with this WGAN affiliate link for Virtual Tour Pro course by Ben Claremont and WGAN Coupon Code: WGANVTP
Did not get a job. Have I asked too much? Wingman 6 4 yearsWingman (4420): I can see my quote is the same or less. I asked for $2500 AUD for two weekend days. It is slightly less than $2000 USD I did not lose to anyone, an idea was cancelled by a client who was expecting to pay less than $1000 for it. Could I do it for $1000? After I did more research & saw each boat pictures from different angles I realised that they were much smaller than I thought both in terms of indoor and outdoor scanning. Most likely...
Charts: How much Matterport Capture Services Program Pays Photographers DanSmigrod 16 4 yearspixelray (1068): Been getting jobs from Matterport for a long time - it's about volume - the ability for me to keep a few people busy. Just like most any company that is subbing a job out in any other market - they won't be paying much.
Video: How to Raise your photography rates (why, when and how) DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Raise your photography rates, why when and how | Video courtesy of Nathan Cool YouTube Channel | 28 May 2021 Real Estate Photography Report for 2020 | Nathan Cool Photo YouTube Channel | 24 November 2020 Real Estate Photography Client Target Marketing | Nathan Cool Photo YouTube Channel | 24 November 2020 More From Nathan Cool ...
Pricing Captur3d Virtual Staging ftosolini 5 4 yearsahojman (335): @AlexHitchcock Thanks for your clear and fast answers! I am trying to learn how to work with Blender, because 3D Builder was not a valid option for creating Customized objects for Captur3D. So I need patience, I am an old man learning slow :) Here I share what I did up to this moment (without color): ...
Costs for 140,000 sqft? ukvisualimmersion 4 4 yearsWingman (4420): Make sure you can scan it with a Pro2 first. it is quite a big size and it may have very large rooms. If they are empty a Pro2 can stop aligning and you'd better do it with a rented BLK360. Without a BLK360 I would ask at least $10000 AUD and this will be the lowest I ever offer unless it is for my partners.
Pricing on scanning restaurant? AerialWayz 7 4 yearsAerialWayz (81): Hi @DanSmigrod, Many thanks for the links. Excellent info for me to go on. It was very helpful as the client is looking to pay a minimum of 3 years of hosting for about 7 different outlets. I am adding the GSV for the client. Thanks, John.
MSP offer for 9,000 sf fotoguy 10 4 yearsJuMP (2031): @Wingman Thank you for the information.
Matterport Pricing to Agents - it's craziness for sure! tmroberts 8 4 yearslilnitsch (5803): When I has the "In-house" guy I still would hit the sales meetings to be ever-present and top of mind for the agents
How to Charge the SAME Amount for a Matterport Tour (But Sound Less) DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): How to Charge the SAME Amount for a Matterport Tour (But Sound Less) Hi All, Above is from the WGAN Forum discussion: ✓ Matterport Pricing to Agents - it's craziness for sure! Perhaps you are already losing business to another photographer that uses this pricing strategy to sound less? BTW, you might actually make MORE if you unbundle creating the Matterport tour and hosting. Your thoughts? Dan
Anyone else experiencing Real Estate slow down? Shawn_P 13 4 yearsimmersivespaces (1229): South Florida is booming, but the issue we have here is lack of inventory. Many agents sell homes before they can even get them listed in the MLS or get any imaging done. (We had a house sell while we were on property doing a capture.) We simply redirected our services to focus on the new home buyer, offering Matterport for insurance documentation and interior design services. Even with the low number of listing shoots, we've pretty much...
How do I price the buyout of my commercial images to a rental home builder? fotoguy 1 4 yearsfotoguy (835): This has probably been covered but I can't find it in the search. I recently photographed a very nice rental home. The builder has contacted me and wants to buy all my images to display on their website. I'm looking for suggestions on pricing for this type of sale.
What would you charge for Matterport - 25kSF commercial space? sdubose99 10 4 yearscgraft (117): Also realize that although the Ricoh cameras capture scans faster than a Pro 2 does, you have to run and hide somewhere out of the shot every time with the Ricoh. You'll be getting quite the workout scanning a large open space with that device, VS just stepping behind the Pro 2 while it spins. So wear your apple watch for the workout points! and charge accordingly. Nice work finding a big job.
How to price 360 video shot with an Insta360 One R? AlanD 5 4 yearslilnitsch (5803): @AlanD Lighting for the little Insta360’s may be a bit of an issue as well as they have pretty small sensors. Something along the lines of Insta360’s titan may be a better solution for a commercial video project like this
Seeking pricing suggestions for non-tour videos: interviews, info spots,etc Dataventurer 2 4 yearsGlennTremain (2953): @Dataventurer add to the list "why use a realtor that uses premium property marketing"
Charging customers for hosting? JimmyJim 11 4 yearsJimmyJim (76): Thank you all for your help. Lot's of great info. here!
3DVista with embedded Matterport spaces: i Need comments (please) MyVirtualScan 7 4 yearsHome3D (4210): @kirtg - it’s simple. The same essentially as linking in a video from Vimeo or YouTube. This similar tour has a dozen Matterport’s and about as many videos.
Asteroom 3D Virtual Staging Drops Price to $35 Per 360 Panorama DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): WGAN-TV Asteroom Virtual Staging- #1551- How To Order With Asteroom Virtual Staging with Asteroom Co-Founder and CEO @EricTsai Hi All, In this WGAN-TV Short Story (#1551), Asteroom Co-Founder and CEO @EricTsai shows how to order Asteroom Virtual Staging within: ✓ Asteroom Desktop Editor ✓ Asteroom App Spoiler Alert: It's super-easy! Got an Asteroom 3D Tour that you had virtually staged? Feel free to share ... Best, Dan Transcript...
Asteroom 3D Tour Virtual Tours: Special Offers for WGAN Forum Members DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): WGAN-TV Enables Asteroom to Easily Publish to Details About The Special Offers WGAN-TV Enables Asteroom to Easily Publish to To Sign Up For The Special Offers Asteroom 3D Tour Virtual Tours: Special Offers for WGAN Forum Members Hi All, In these two WGAN-TV Short Stories (#1772, above), I talk about Asteroom Special Offers for WGAN Forum Members with Asteroom...
Video: Strategy for Pricing Residential Real Estate Photos & Virtual Tours DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, New! Lower Price for the WGAN Community (effective 9 February 2021). Use this WGAN Affiliate Link for Real Estate Photographer Pro Course - with the coupon code - WEGETAROUND to get the course for $497 instead of $897; plus, the first 12 months of WGAN-TV Training Academy free! Dan
Atlanta Agent Magazine: Testing Out Asteroom DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Atlanta Agent Magazine (1 February 2021) Testing Out Asteroom "As 3D tours are almost a necessity now, I have been on the hunt to find something that is cost-effective, easy to use and doesn’t compromise quality. Zillow and Matterport have both come out with 3D capture apps but you need an iPhone and Matterport requires you to have an expensive subscription," reports Atlanta Agent Magazine. "Each shot automatically...
How much to charge for 108,000 SQ FT Matterport? Doable in one model? DanSmigrod 4 4 yearsmartel (90): I typically have discussion about what exactly they want to highlight with 3-D. Conference rooms? Offices? 3-D those spaces and 360 the rest of building. Having 3-D throughout the whole building that big gets redundant and shows the same thing. You can set up the virtual tour very well with 360 photos.
Fees Associated With Matterport-Technical Files Benrk0385 7 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @Benrk0385 Thank you. It's likely that others reading this have same/similar questions. So, please do post your follow-up questions. Best, Dan
Asteroom Updates: Integration & New Pricing Plan EricTsai 6 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): WGAN-TV: Enables Asteroom to Easily Publish to - Plus, Asteroom New Ala Carte Pricing for Real Estate Photographers with Asteroom Co-Founder and CEO Eric Tsai - #1770- What Is The Asteroom Ala Carte Pricing? | Thursday, 21 January 2021 Hi All, In this WGAN-TV Short Story (#1770, above) Asteroom co-Founder and CEO @EricTsai walks us through new Asteroom pricing for real estate photographers. Sign-up: Asteroom...
WGAN-TV Podcast | Enables Asteroom Publishing to DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Grab: WGAN-TV Podcast | Enables Asteroom Publishing to Grab: a live listing on ( Asteroom 3D...
Asteroom Adds New Un-Bundled Add On Pricing Options for WGAN Forum Members DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): WGAN-TV: Enables Asteroom to Easily Publish to - Plus, Asteroom New Ala Carte Pricing for Real Estate Photographers with Asteroom Co-Founder and CEO Eric Tsai | Thursday, 21 January 2021 Hi All, On WGAN-TV Live at 5 Thursday (21 January 2021) - starting at 21:19 (video above) - Asteroom Co-Founder and CEO @EricTsai announced Asteroom un-bundled Add On pricing options for WGAN Forum Members: Asteroom...
different charge for real estate vs rentals? fotoguy 4 4 yearsArchimedStudio (714): Hey Jan, I'm not quite sure I understand this tax "problem"... of course when you earn money, you're going to pay taxes on it. Licensing photos is earning money (almost) passively with photos you were already paid to shoot. You can look at it another way if you want : instead of being paid X amount for the original shoot, you indirectly charged X+++ for that shoot (and yes, a bit extra taxes on those +++, but you keep the difference!...
Video: Getting Started with Virtual Tours for Real Estate? Offer Photos 1st DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): WGAN-TV Real Estate Media Services and Pricing-#1591-You Must Offer Photos: discussion with Real Estate Photographer Pro Course Creator Eli Jones Video: Getting Started with Virtual Tours for Real Estate? Offer Photos First Hi All, In this WGAN-TV Short Story (#1591 above) Norman & Young Founder and Real Estate Photographer Pro course creator Eli Jones discusses: ✓ If you are just starting out with offering virtual tours...
Question of the Day: Are you a Matterport Artist or Business Person? DanSmigrod 7 4 yearsHome3D (4210): I got my first camera at age 12 and have owned many since. So I’m an artist first, trying to maintain a good business approach to work. When I’m working for an agent/client who is appreciative, who recognizes my level of commitment to service, I often go above and beyond. For example, this month I had several small jobs booked for HDR photos only, but delivered a MP tour as well as an end-of-year thank you. If I’m on a job that pays...
Video: How to make a good living on two $155 real estate photo shoots daily DanSmigrod 4 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @JoeyMac1965 Thank you for your metrics. So helpful as a "reality check" for those with ongoing business and for those just starting out. Glad to hear that you are thriving. @ron0987 Eli's real estate business photography business, Norman & Young, use to use a Matterport Pro Camera. They switched to Ricoh Theta Z1 cameras because the workflow is much faster and the results are "good enough" for the price point that...
Video: How much should you charge for real estate photos (post to website) DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): WGAN-TV Real Estate Media Services and Pricing-#1592-What Is The Importance Of Pricing When Offering Your Photography Services Hi All, In this WGAN-TV Short Story (#1592, above) Norman & Young Founder and Real Estate Photographer Pro course creator Eli Jones describes: 1. How much should you charge for real estate photos 2. Why you should post your real estate photography pricing to your website Here is my entire WGAN-TV Live...
Videos: How much should you charge for Virtual Tours (Non-Residential) DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): WGAN-TV Ben Claremont Top 10 Tips for Building a Profitable Virtual Tour Business-#1742-How Much Should You Charge? WGAN-TV Ben Claremont Top 10 Tips for Building a Profitable Virtual Tour Business-#1743-How To Price Packages Based On Quality Hi All, In these WGAN-TV Short Stories (#1742 and #1743, above), Virtual Tour Pro Course Creator Ben Jones talks about how to price virtual tours for non-residential real estate. You can see...
Tip: Why Give Real Estate Agents an Opportunity to Pre-Pay for Matterport DanSmigrod 4 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, Applies to 31 December 2020! Happy New Year, Dan
Any US-based users find per-foot pricing successful? peanutismint 6 4 yearsTimothyThomas (77): I don’t even bother with the monthly fee for homes... for CRE it’s 6 months free... all of those CRE properties are sold or leased in 6 months or less
Pricing advice on 75,000 SQ FT manufacturing floor/warehouse/office space? 3DElevations 7 4 yearswishing_well (74): Solid advice from Home3D. If there are competition offers try and stand out by posing the job in a different perspective than the others. The worst place to be is a direct comparison as it's a race to the bottom pricing wise, you need to use every customer contact as a point of variation.
Question of the Day: Will you increase your rates effective 1 January 2021? DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, The WGAN Forum Question of the Day for Thursday, 17 December 2020: Will you increase your rates - for new and/or existing clients - effective 1 January 2021? Happy holidays, Dan
Transcript: WGAN-TV Virtual Tour Pro Creator Ben Claremont | Top 10 Tips... DanSmigrod 4 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Grab | See Live Popup to Right in WGAN Forum Text Reminder: Text Me 5 Minutes Before Air! Hi All, Ben Claremont is my guest (again) on WGAN-TV Live at 5 today (Wednesday, 16 December 2020): ✓ ...
Large Warehouse and Office Shoot Pricing? simbany1 8 4 yearstoddwaddington (541): @GETMYVR, that is ALWAYS the case. I've worked in many different industries. Perhaps it all boils down to whether a person has a consciousness of abundance (generosity) or lack (poverty). The abundance consciousness is much less fearful and always knows there is enough to go around while the lack consciousness "nickels and dimes" because they are always in fear of being in need or something being taken from them. I realize, this is...
Interesting timing Axis360Media 3 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @htimsabbub23 In Matterport ShopTalk #9 Webinar (above), there is no mention of "Transfergate" ... Instead, the Matterport Classic Pricing is discussed starting at 23:29 and ending at 33:00, AND during the Q&A. Interesting how much time was spent trying to explain how/why Matterport new pricing is a much better deal that Matterport Classic pricing. Worth noting at 51:01, Matterport Director of Product Marketing Volkie Yelkovan...
Matterport Webinar: Which Matterport Subscription is Right for You? DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Matterport ShopTalk #13 Webinar: Matterport Plan Comparison Deep Dive | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 2 December 2020 From the Matterport YouTube Channel video description: In this episode of Shop Talk, our host, Amir Frank is joined by Volkie Yelkovan, Director of Product Marketing, here at Matterport. This episode was entirely dedicated to Matterport’s Subscription Plan structure....
How much to charge for 360 car interiors shot with a Ricoh Theta Z1? AerialWayz 4 4 yearsAerialWayz (81): Hi GETMYVR and Dan, Many thanks for your posts, a lot of great advice and info. I will post some results soon on the project. [redacted] I will update. Thanks, John.
Is it standard within the industry to charge clients a monthly hosting fee? peanutismint 3 4 yearspeanutismint (27): Thanks for the advice but I’m not asking whether or not to charge hosting, but rather how much to charge/whether to make it different for one-off customers VS recurring listings such as in real estate?
Transcript: WGAN-TV MSPs: How to Price Matterport, Photos, Video and Drone DanSmigrod 3 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Black Friday Pricing for Real Estate Photographer Pro Course by Eli Jones Hi All, Here is the WGAN Affiliate link for Black Friday pricing for Real Estate Photographer Pro course by Eli Jones. I highly recommend this course for you if: 1. you are new to residential real estate photography 2. you are thinking about...
Video: Why this MSP charges $135 for 25 photos & posts this on his website DanSmigrod 3 4 yearsExpertise (1192): Ok, you solved one problem and created another one. This is an honest question for Eli- When Chucky Cheapskate (under)orders 25 photos for a 5000SF, million dollar waterfront pool home and then wants to know why you didn't shoot 2 angles of the master bedroom... how do you handle it?
Video: This MSP charges a flat fee for Matterport and no bundling DanSmigrod 6 4 yearscgraft (117): Seems like he's leaving money on the table. Are people happy collecting sub $250 for a 3,000 SF space?
WGAN-TV Live at 5: Which Real Estate Media Services & How to Pricing Them? DanSmigrod 12 4 yearsGETMYVR (1940): This really broke through a couple of fences holding me back on pricing. Offering the same price regardless of size makes sense. It all depends on your local market average sq. ft property, but the mean balance is the focus point. Another excellent lesson, thank you Dan!!!
Does anybody here charge for Matterport by the room, rather than footage? peanutismint 18 4 yearsGETMYVR (1940): I spent 20 years as a digital marketing director for automotive dealerships, and a constant gripe for salespeople was that it seemed like car dealerships were always in a race to the bottom for pricing in their advertising. The reality is you can have an "offer" and then you can have standard pricing. And everybody came in on this special low price ads, but they wanted a vehicle different from the ad car. That's when you had to go...
Question of the Day: Why do you/don't you include pricing on your website? DanSmigrod 6 4 yearstoddwaddington (541):
Percentage Sales: Photos, Video, Drone, Matterport, Twilight and Other DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Grab: Real Estate Photographer Pro Course by Eli Jones | Save 70 Percent with this We Get Around Network Affiliate Link. | Exclusive: get 12 months FREE of WGAN-TV Training Academy when you buy ...
When to Archive a model on Matterport misho73 3 4 yearsmisho73 (50): Thanks @DanSmigrod much appreciated
How much Matterport actually charge for a tour? toscobr 4 4 yearsVTLV (2910): In todays billing subscriptions. You are correct saying 1 tour - 1 block. With no maximum # of scan points with a strong suggestion you do not go over 200 scan points on a single tour. The 3D dollhouse will process when you upload your completed tour with no extra work or money due on your end. Optional add on services are available such as getting a Black and White Floor Plan or Matterpack typically used in construction services for AutoCad...
10 Tips for How Matterport Service Providers can get off the Hamster Wheel DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, Are you so busy that your head is spinning? Do you feel like you are on a hamster wheel and can not get everything done? Are you so busy that you are turning away business? (Many in the WGAN Community have told me that COVID-19 has dramatically increased their business.) 10 Tips for How Matterport Service Providers can get off the Hamster Wheel 1. Charge more (at least for new clients) 2. Double your income with 15...
Have you cut a deal with Matterport for MatterPaks? DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, If you have special rates with Matterport for MatterPaks, can you Private Message me with the details? Much thanks! Dan
Matterport Legacy (Classic) Basic plan: Includes all processing? joelE 12 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @joelE Please see this related WGAN Forum discussion: ✓ 360 camera processing fees for Classic Cloud Plans Dan
Pricing in South Florida Joephoto114 18 4 yearsExpertise (1192): We owned a relatively large R/E brokerage for over a decade. I always told prospective new agents that getting a successful real estate career is like a jumbo jet trying to take off. It takes 110% throttle to even get off the ground, anything less and you crash spectacularly. Once you get to cruise altitude you can enjoy the view. Real estate sales (and now real estate photography) attracts a lot of people who think it is WAY easier and WAY...
Do you offer Zillow tours and MP tours? fotoguy 10 5 yearsGETMYVR (1940): $50 add on for Zillow. I got one guy who refuses to pay for Zillow but what I do is a couple scans in the front in the back of the house and upload that to Zillow and voila, that unit gets the special 3D home icon. For free!! I want my agents to be top performers.
Do you charge less for shooting Matterport with a Ricoh Theta Z1 than Pro2? DanSmigrod 10 5 yearsVTLV (2910): I can wrap my head around charging less For another use. If you have a classic plan, you’re putting up to $39 for upload using dual fisheye lens. Your monthly plans still need to help with costs to fund your tour slot plus other slots not currently being used. You use a pro 1 or 2, you’re out a few hours of shooting time. It’s right there with charge more for pro2 vs pro1 price comparison a couple years ago. Fund the plan, compete with...
Are there any Film/TV Commercial Location Scout and Managers on here? purplejesse 2 5 yearsZeeshanV7 (7): Hey Jesse, yea sure! We're a Film/Media Real Estate Brokerage. We focus on filming locations and also do 3D Scanning, etc. You can check us out here:
Question of the Day: Does your shoot include 2 or more Add On services? DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, The WGAN Forum Question of the Day for Tuesday, 8 September 2020) is: Does your average shoot include 2 or more Add On services? Such as: 1. Photos 2. Video 3. 24/7 Open House Virtual Tour 4. Zillow 3D Tour 5. Floor Plans 6. Drone Photos 7. Drone Video 8. Twilight 9. Virtual Twilight 10. Virtual Staging Best, Dan --- This WGAN Question of the Day was inspired by the following post in this WGAN Forum...
Matterport Pro? Asteroom solves the challenge of shooting 200,000+ SQ FT DanSmigrod 4 5 yearsjericreson (84): I just shot a 20,000 sf project. It included 54 panos - 13 of which were exterior panos. The # of panos will vary by project - for example, large open spaces will require fewer panos than individual offices with connecting halls, and complex layouts. If you are shooting with a relatively low resolution camera, you will need substantially more images to capture a decent level of zoom in detail, especially of larger rooms. A Theta Z1 would...
Why Asteroom has two different pricing options DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): [asteroom][/asteroom] Asteroom virtual tour created from this Matterport Digital Twin shot with a Matterport Pro1 3D Camera by We Get Around Atlanta. Images were lightly retouched by Asteroom (automatically included in workflow for WGAN Members). WGAN-TV Intro to Asteroom Virtual Tour Platform with Founder and CEO Eric Tsai #1472-Pricing For...
Understanding Matterport subscription charges joecostanza 3 5 yearsjwaltphotography (55): The model is broken. I would highly recommend shopping other hosting companies such as Asteroom. Their models are easy to follow and match volume of use as reasonable prices.
Matterport Services Revenue Virtual_Homey 4 5 yearsjen_ishayoga (33): Always difficult to pinpoint based on the location. There's a few things I've noticed in my area, Indianapolis IN. Average starting rate is around $0.08/sf. Almost everyone has incremental pricing based on sf. It's rare to find a group with flat rate pricing. Fair entry would be around $175 - 200. After learning the hard way, I've realized that I just have to scout my area and see how things are doing. 🙃
Lowest cost Matterport 3D provider in the US DanSmigrod Jump to first page47Jump to last page 5 yearsVirtual_Homey (78): This post is a few years old and I'm wondering what happened to the $99 plan? What do people charge these days for Matterport? I feel like I might be charging too much, but without continuing the discussion I have to rely on the search results I see and I feel like those could be misleading.
Matterport Highlight Reel: what should I charge? Shawn_P 9 5 yearsBrianNash (4): I have done many for free. Then realized some people don't value them or use them. Since Covid my business has jumped up big time, partly by working with other photographers that do drone and video, but don't have matterport - which their clients are asking for... so I profit share a bit of commission. Anyway, they charge for video, which many times if comparable to a highlight, apart from music.. which can also be done with a HL with a screen...
Question of the Day: Your Matterport special offer for first time clients? DanSmigrod 5 5 yearstoddwaddington (541): Yeah, the problem with publishing any deals, is that the same square footage I do for a realtor will generally pay half of what a "Matterport provider" will pay. Commercial space, etc.
What would be a good rate to charge per square foot in Scotland? Gus360 3 5 yearsWingman (4420): I cannot say per square foot and I am in Australia so my price is in AUD but I charge $2/sqm maximum unless it is a small under 250sqm space with people walking in it during scanning. For these I will add surcharge as it is harder to do with people interupting scanning process. After 250 sqm my rate goes down in small 5-10% discounts. 1 sqm is about 10.8 sqf and AUD/GBP rate is 0.55 so if you convert it it is $0.1 GDP per sqf it may look...
Matterport Capture Services Program: ongoing hosting costs? HomePlanNZ 1 5 yearsHomePlanNZ (251): Does anyone out there know what Matterport is charging customers of its new Scanning Services for ongoing hosting of spaces? I'm assuming they are signing them up to enterprise 'active' licensing arrangements at a discounted rate. But I'm interested to know how much of a discount compared to what MSPs and non-scanning services clients have access to, and if they are allowing any to work under the much cheaper classic licensing...
How a Matterport Service Provider Doubled His Bookings DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): WGAN-TV Matterport Customer Journey with Matterport Service Provider Ross Zanzucchi with 3D RoomScapes (Greater Chicago Area) ((Wednesday, 20 November 2019) How a Matterport Service Provider Doubled His Bookings Hi All, The following is from the WGAN Forum discussion: ✓ Question of the Day: Has COVID increased your Matterport 3D Tour Revenue? What is your most successful marketing tactic? Want to know more...
Moving Matterport models between plans? denlee 3 5 yearsdenlee (208): Thanks Dan.
20-second elevator pitch to realtors for Matterport johnwheatley 3 5 yearscswartz (98): Many Realtors still think iPhone photos and a photo tour with the Ansel efect is all that's needed to get a house on the market. And it's true. You can do that. What they do not understand is that the market has changed and the focus is now on the online audience. They are the ones buying most of the properties. You need to convince Realtors this sells houses in today's market. Especially in today's market! It could not be a better time for...
Making Money Producing Google Street View Blue Lines? homefinders3d 3 5 yearshomefinders3d (349): @wingman you've opened the box for me lol. I actually experienced not being able to find a home on Google maps this past week. It actually happened twice. One was a newly developed gated community. Google maps put me near it and showed the pin, but didn't show any road to it. Thanks
"You are charging way too little! I'll will pay you double what you asked!" DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): WGAN-TV Virtual Tour Pro Creator Ben Claremont- #1139-How To Charge Appropriately For Your Service Hi All, Are you charging too little? It may be why you are NOT getting the business! (And, costing you money!) In this WGAN-TV Short Story (above, #1139), Virtual Tour Pro Course Creator Ben Claremont talks about why charging too little may stop you from getting the order. Dan P.S. Save 15 percent on Virtual Tour Pro Course by Ben...
Options for self hosting virtual tour on own website JakeMcK 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @JakeMcK Welcome to the WGAN Forum. For self-hosting virtual tour options, it would be helpful to know: 1. client category 2. client's use case for the tour 3. what "inductions" means. (Can you say a different way?) 4. help understanding if you prefer self-hosted or embed (cloud hosted) (and why) 5. why you have chosen not to use Cupix. That will provide much insight 6. "big picture" of what you are trying to achieve for...
Scanning a HUGE space-135,000 SQ FT | Scanning issues? Pricing suggestions? Cabrahams 6 5 yearsaerialpixels (457): @briangreul hi brian. this isnt something u can easily judge with matterport. cos it needs to align from one scan to another. if it cant align, u gotta scan closer. i have had scans where we just gotta even scan every 3 feet. a supermarket may prove a challenge if the shopping aisles are homogenous. not sure that MP can differentiate the fine 3d of the items on otherwise very typical aisles.
Pay-Per-View service over Matterport 3D Virtual Tours now available! HomePlanNZ 13 5 yearsHomePlanNZ (251): Great news - we're now in our final stage of testing for version 2 of our Matterport Pay-Per-View (PPV) service. This version supports multiple currencies (any), the purchase of multiple e-tickets in one transaction, and a 'free demo' setup option that 3D Technicians can use to demonstrate the possibilities to venue hosts. Coming really, really soon!
Tiered Matterport Packages Expertise 2 5 yearsEladitems (71): Very few people will pay for the other features that are offered with a Matterport. Not really worth the time
How much would you charge for 60,000 SQ FT Tour? [Which platform?] realeshots 7 5 yearsrealeshots (146): Was thinking about doing the T&M. Thanks.
Nearing 100 Spaces - What will Matterport Charge jpierce360 4 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Yes. It's $19 for the next 50 Matterport tours - and so forth - for those on Matterport Classic Pricing. Enjoy your weekend, Dan
What is your pricing strategy for charging for Matterport tours over time? BillJones 1 5 yearsBillJones (22): If this has been covered, sorry, I didn't find it. Since Matterport has changed to 25 or 50 or whatever active sites, how are you handling the realtor charges, do you have a set time frame. ' like, I charge this and the tour will be a active for 90 days' If you are an active Matterport provider for real estate listings, how long do you leave active? do you know when the house sells and you can make inactive? Or, are you moving away...
Promo Code: Matterport Offering 2 Free Months of its Starter Plan DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Matterport website (as of Friday, 22 May 2020) Promo Code: Matterport Offering 2 Free Months of its Starter Plan Hi All, Matterport is offering two (2) free months of the Matterport Starter Plan with promo code 2MStarter2020 until 30 June 2020 (for new sign-ups), says Matterport CEO RJ Pittman in a ...
Matterport new pricing structure, over 100 scans? toddwaddington 16 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Yes. That would be cool. See the livestream within the Church. Please let us know what you figure out: especially with YouTube Livestream. Dan
Do Realtors Think You're "Cheap?" immersivespaces 4 5 yearsGerhard (1484): @immersivespaces Yes I see she is on Matterport website also , looks like she is working for Matterport
How much should I charge for EyeSpy360 Tours? fotoguy 4 5 yearsbryanhscott (843): @fotoguy For me, for a small property (up to 1,000sf), retail for EyeSpy360 is about 75% of Matterport. For a larger property (say up to 5,000sf) it works out to be about 58%. The fixed costs; drivetime, computer time, etc. is close to same for all. Those static costs are spread across small and large to account for the difference in price between MP vs EyeSpy360.
Video: 8 Problems Solved with RELA for Photographers Storefront Add On DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): WGAN-TV RELA Booking System and Billing Platform for Matterport Pros #1248-RELA Workflow Features Video: 8 Problems Solved with RELA for Photographers Storefront Add On Hi All, In this WGAN-TV Short Story (#1229, above), RELA CEO Mike Land demos and discusses RELA for Photographers, which simplifies your workflow by consolidating the following into one platform: 1. booking 2. scheduling 3. reminder emails (to client,...
Please help me understand how the Matterport plans work DanSmigrod 4 5 yearsambientar360 (8): Hello Alej. I am Luis from Argentina, I am on the Clasic Plan. I know a little about the new plans... I think that if one month you make 25 projects, for the next month you should buy "starter plan" which allow you to host more spaces. If interested send me private mesage and we can talk in spanish. Regards, Luis
Finders Fee? crephotos 1 5 yearscrephotos (11): What is a fair finders fee for appointments from another pro leaving the industry?
Video: RELA for Photographers Backend Ordering Dashboard Demo & Discussion DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): WGAN-TV RELA Booking System and Billing Platform for Matterport Pros #1229-How To Access Dashboard Order Details Hi All, In this WGAN-TV Short Story (#1229, above), RELA CEO Mike Land demos and discusses RELA for Photographers backend ordering dashboard, including: ✓ how to edit an order ✓ your choice of billing bands (specify the SQ FT or SQ METERS range such as 1,000 to 2,500 SQ FT) ✓ your terms and conditions ✓ pricing...
Video: How to Create Pricing Rules & Promo Codes for Matterport & Packages DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): WGAN-TV RELA Booking System and Billing Platform for Matterport Pros #1240-How to Create Pricing Rules and Promo Codes for Matterport and Photography Packages Hi All, ✓ Want to offer a coupon code for anyone, anyone with redeem by date, anyone with a redeem by date with a limited quantity? ✓ Want to create packages for your "sweetheart" clients, assigned by client, dollar amount or percentage discount? ✓ Seek...
Pricing for commercial scanning, matterport? rastas 3 5 yearsJayInLA (45): Me too!
Video: How to Simplify Offering Photo/Video/3D/Aerial Packages and Add Ons DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): WGAN-TV RELA Booking System & Billing Platform for Matterport Pros #1239-How to Simplify Offering Photo Packages & Add Ons Video: How to Simplify Offering Photo/Video/3D Packages and Add Ons with RELA for Photographers Hi All, In this WGAN-TV Short Story (#1239, above), RELA CEO Mike Land shows and tells how to simplify offering photo/video/3D/aerial Packages and Add Ons: ✓ photos ✓ video ✓ Matterport 3D Tours ✓...
How to Offer "Smart" Matterport Packages/Bundles/Pricing DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): WGAN-TV RELA Booking System and Billing Platform for Matterport Pros #1225-How Rela Offers Smart Packaging And Pricing Hi All, The RELA platform for Matterport Service Providers offers "smart" Matterport packages. This makes it easy to offer bundles with simplified packages and Add Ons. In this WGAN-TV Short Story (#1225, above), RELA CEO Mike Land gives you an overview. RELA Home Page | RELA for...
How To Price 360 Tours JayInLA 4 5 years3Din360 (9): Definitely depends on the market and for what purpose your VT is going to be used for. I use a 350.00 for up to 3500 square ft and charge 75.00 for any additional 1000 square feet. For very large ones I will just Bill .10 per sq ft for scan work and up sell all the other integrated features such as tags, floor plans as well as drone, video and photo integration. That being said, depending on how new you are, you can consider doing some free or...
Matterport Survey: a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing? DanSmigrod 16 5 yearsleonherbert (903): @JuMP righty oh then, suppose I am a sheep then, mmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Thankfully that is your personal opinion
Race to the Bottom Pricing Wonderdawg 2 5 yearsExpertise (1192): I price in a way that I calculate works best for my business, and my employees. Period. I have been offering Matterport as an affordable add-on to our photography services. Pricing is based on that. My goal has been to grow our customer base of agents, and have a higher percentage of those folks consider Matterport scans to be a part of their marketing package, and include it in their listing sales pitch. Then I'd like more agents to...
Anyone go up against Virtuance? realeshots 6 5 yearsrealeshots (146): That's why a floor plan is so pricey. they have to use a photographer with a Matterport camera.
How To Provide Client With Their Own Matterport Hosting Account homefinders3d 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @homefinders3d Any reason not to make a profit on hosting, support and maintenance? Please see this related WGAN Forum discussion: ✓ Example of Charging for Matterport Monthly Hosting, Support and Maintenance If you are not charging recurring revenue, you are leaving money on the table. If you do not want to host / or your client(s) want to host, I recommend that you have your clients set up the accounts directly to avoid business...
Ben Claremont: How Much Should You Charge For Virtual Tours? DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): -- Ben Claremont: How Much Should You Charge For Virtual Tours? Hi All, The...
Can someone from Matterport call me to discuss a billing situation? JCHAFE 3 5 yearsJCHAFE (84): @Garnetwest Thanks Garnetwest At least its not a dispute per say, its just a few things I need looked into and resolved and it would be done considerably easier with a 5 minute phone call rather then typing a book via email every second day!
advise on 360 photos using matterport platform EnvisionedSpaces 3 5 yearsbryanhscott (843): @EnvisionedSpaces Yes, but to process through Matterport, you need at least one 3D scan in the model. As for single panoramic retail cost, I charge $15 each if running through MP. You can use any 360 cam, but your customer will need a player to view., among others, can display them for viewing.
Matterport: the Irony of Competing with Pros DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, Seems like an appropriate time to revisit this WGAN Forum discussion from three years ago. Dan
Looking for Timelapse Camera Options coulee360 5 5 yearsSaarikor (17): BCC2000 haves 1080 also. But it is not enough.
Suggestions for this WGAN Member's Quote for a Commercial Space? DanSmigrod 3 5 yearsbryanhscott (843): Notwithstanding the implied need for long-term hosting, does the provider usually charge $.15psf for typical residential? If yes, why wouldn't they consider a discount for a larger job, which might also be a springboard to more commercial-type business? If no, does $.15psf represent a significant discount to their normal rate card for residential? If not, perhaps it should. On balance, depending on what features are included with their...
Matterport Pricing Models JCHAFE 2 5 yearsgeemaps (95): is there a way to archive the old tours? have a great week. yossi
Schematic floor plans inquires JCHAFE 10 5 yearsmisho73 (50): is the way to go. I deal with them for long and they are just amazing. You will get the best customer support you will ever have with the amazing @deej
Video: How to Offer Robust Matterport/Real Estate Photos Discount Codes DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): WGAN-TV RELA Booking System and Billing Platform for Matterport Pros #1240-How Pricing Rules Work with RELA CEO Mike Land Hi All, In this WGAN-TV Short Story (#1240, above) RELA CEO Mike Land shows and to use the RELA Platform (a "Swiss-Army knife" platform for Single Property Websites, Pricing, Booking, Billing and a lot more) for robust discount codes such as: ✓ one-time use discount code ✓ one-time use discount code...
Video: How to Manage/Charge Sweetheart/Legacy Clients Differently DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): WGAN-TV RELA Booking System and Billing Platform for Matterport Pros #1240-How Pricing Rules Work with RELA CEO Mike Land Hi All, I could imagine that when you got started, you had sweetheart pricing for some clients. So, how do you manage/charge different clients different amounts (such as existing clients versus new clients)? Feeling stuck with how to manage public rate card with sweetheart pricing? In this WGAN-TV Short Story...
Video: Communicate Value to Justify the Price of Your Matterport Tours DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): WGAN-TV S.U.C.C.E.S.S. in Selling Matterport 3D Tours and Real Estate Photography #1209-How To Get New Clients And Improve Business with MasterMessaging Founder David Kurkjian -- Hi All, I could imagine that you have received an objection to the price that you charge. So, how do you overcome this objection? In this WGAN-TV Short Story (#1209, above), MasterMessaging Founder David Kurkjian talks about communicating value to...
What to charge residential builders for Matterport? Shawn_P 2 5 yearsrzphotoman (1837): @Shawn_P That all depends on what significantly larger is. I have one client that gave me 150 homes last year, and he's on track to double that this year with his expanded team. The deal I have with him, and him only, is that that I don't bill by sq ft, I bill by number of scans. I have a flat rate for any homes up to 99 scans. If it's over 100 scans I charge an additional fee for that. I explain how Matterport pricing works and I basically...
Hosting Fees based on the New Matterport Pricing Plans johnwheatley 9 5 yearsGerhard (1484): @VTLV I agree with you. I don't understand this new pricing structure as it does not benefits me as a service provider at all. I have tours that I have to keep them active for a very long time, yes the client paid me a premium so it justifies hosting them for them. Who has the time to send out hundreds of invoices a month for coins for hosting its a waste of time, chasing clients for these payments? We need self-hosting option yesterday... ...
How to Make Money with ThreeSixty Tours; Making Your Competition Irrelevant DanSmigrod 8 5 yearsjunior (55): Wow! simply great video, Russ. I like the background music too, it fits very well. Can you share how you blended the video file to the Matterport Tour? I am new to this but I can't see how a client wouldn't love your work, I am very impressed, Jim
How do you collect payment on Matterport Tours, Photography, Video, etc.? JoshMais 5 5 yearsbryanhscott (843): @sherpa_media Perfect! Glad to hear.
Matterport Pricing (confused) fotoguy 6 5 yearsfotoguy (835): I apologize. I forgot we did a large house earlier in January and it was over 100. So that makes the one that I'm referring to above free. I believe it's free as long as you don't make it public. If I read their pricing update correct, it sounds like starting Feb 1, even jobs that aren't made public will be charged $19.99. Am I reading that correctly?
360 Camera Processing Fees for Matterport Classic Cloud Plans VTLV 19 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @virtualpro Well said! Hi All, Matterport Classic pricing applies to Matterport customers that have accounts on or before Wednesday, 8 May 2019. Some related WGAN Forum Discussions ✓ How to game the new Matterport Pricing ✓ How to Succeed with Matterport Classic Pricing (for Users and Matterport) ✓ Why I will stick with Matterport Classic Pricing ✓ 11 Reasons to Keep Matterport Classic (Old)...
If you use MPEmbed, do you charge your clients extra coulee360 6 5 yearsAstroprojector (62): Thank you.
Question of the Day: What is your minimum work order? DanSmigrod 6 5 yearslilnitsch (5803): @Home3D I have broker load for most of the agents I work with. But, even for those I do not I takes the extra steps to make sure that the services in which I provided are being used to their fullest potential
How to Save 10% for Life on WGAN Membership DanSmigrod 20 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, Marietta, Georgia-based (@robertmuller) added Our Network to their website. Dan
Free 30-Day Pass: List of Nearly 200 Matterport Service Provider Rate Cards DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): WGAN Forum Membership Benefit of the Week --- Free 30-Day Pass: List of Nearly 200 Matterport Service Provider Rate Cards Hi All, When you join the We Get Around Network Forum ( free), you receive - free - 50+ plus WGAN Membership Benefits including a free 30-day pass to a list of nearly 200 Matterport Service...
Tip: Do you have a "use it [budget] or lose it" year-end corporate client? DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, If you have corporate clients, they may have to spend what's in their 2019 budget by 31 December 2019, or lose that amount of budget going into 2020. Between now and 31 December 2019, I urge you to reach out to your corporate clients to see if they want to pre-paid for 2020 Matterport scanning before the end of this year. You do not even need to offer these clients a discount for pre-paying. Plus, simply ask them the amount...
Should MSPs charge extra for enabling Matterport Measurement Mode? DanSmigrod 7 5 yearsbryanhscott (843): @DanSmigrod To me, this is another reason to send out a blast email to your client and prospective client email list. It's also another reason why they should purchase a Matterport Tour over so many other platforms offered by 3rd parties. The implications of this new feature for all business verticals is a really big deal!
This Pro is testing offering a FREE TRIAL for Matterport Street View DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsAstroprojector (62): This a good idea to try out, especially for people who just starting out. My question is how difficult is it to remove virtual tour from Google streets if the client decides not to continue?
Cyber Monday Special for WGAN Forum // Show & Tour Software JoshMais 2 5 yearsJoshMais (392): Just a reminder to everyone, our Cyber Monday offer is valid through the end of the week! [Friday, 6 December 2019] Receive 25% off your first 12 months of Show & Tour with discount code cybermonday. Start with a free account here:
Cannot share a tour on free account? Astroprojector 5 5 yearsleonherbert (903): @Astroprojector To be fair this is a technique used by a very large percentage of software manufacturers to test out their product. The idea is that you can see what it looks like.
How Matterport Service Providers can improve their cashflow NOW! DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsfotoguy (835): Great idea. For many of us in the midwest, the winter months are slower so this allows some cashflow in a cashflow strapped time. You can do this anytime before the end of the year and tailor it to what you offer and your own needs. Being in the youth sports industry, there is an industry disrupter right now called Photoday. Instead of parents paying for the photos in advance and getting whatever they get, they now have the chance to see the...
Should I include hosting - or Add On - when quoting a Matterport 3D Tour? Burak 3 5 yearsBurak (5): Thanks for helpful answering Liam.
Question of the Day: What is your Matterport 3D Tour Black Friday offer? DanSmigrod 3 5 yearsbryanhscott (843): I have multiple, "Specials," not tied to Holidays, but that change each month. All versions require purchase of one of my packages, then I will discount by 50% to 100% (depending upon retail value) the cost of various add-on items not already included in my packages. One of those is a Zillow 3D Tour, which I discount by 50%. Other items include pretty much everything on my Add-Ons list.
Matterport price structure, again, flogging the horse. leonherbert 3 5 yearsleonherbert (903): @Jwbuckl Thank you, somehow must have missed the significant value added services.
RE Photography + Matterport: do you offer bundles? ftosolini 22 5 yearslilnitsch (5803): Here is the active Zillow link the matterport tour will be buried under interior details then Virtual tour: View virtual tour
How to Add a Matterport 3D Tour to a Zillow Listing DanSmigrod 3 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @Home3D Yes. Next time Zillow executives are on WGAN-TV Live at 5, I will ask them ... Thanks in advance for your WGAN-TV reports from the 2019 Commercial UAV Expo Americas this week. Please tag: uavexpo19 Best, Dan
I have Matterport Classic Pricing: What happens when I exceed my plan? WayanMatt 9 5 yearsBiggles (43): Dan, I agree with everyone here, your advice is so helpful to us all. One question from a recent invoice (if it's ok to keep this topic of costs going). Please let me know if I should start a new topic. We have been on the 200 space plan ($99/month) since we bought the camera back in 2016. Our recent invoice included an extra cost of $38 each for 3 spaces that were over 101 scans. I only scan show homes and they are always over 101 scans so I...
commercial vs residental pricing fotoguy 8 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @fotoguy Pricing Matterport 3D Tours for commercial spaces is likely a custom quote – as @newengland3d, @bryanhscott and @leonherbert write – based on the space and other factors such as: ✓ do you need to shoot nights or weekends when the business is closed? ✓ Is a day rate most appropriate such as a hotel with many rooms (e.g. waiting for housekeeping)? ✓ Is a Matterport MatterPak required? (shooting Matterport scans closer...
Bidding on 45,000 sq ft space GETMYVR 6 5 years3SixtyNow (484): I believe they do. It's just going to take a while to get it done.
Your experience using Cupix for commercial real estate or Construction? Joakim360 1 6 yearsJoakim360 (125): Hello I'm very interested in hearing Cupix users success and/or failure stories. If you have a story that you would like to share please do :) Currently I'm trying to learn as much as possible while I'm targeting Commercial Real Estate and Construction businesses. Regards, Joakim360
Early Results of WGAN Pricing Study of Nearly 200 USA Matterport Pros DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Webinar: Actionable Insights from Matterport’s Top Service Partners (Wednesday, 11 September 2019 Hi All, Interesting to see how Matterport study of MSP pricing slide (above) compares to the early results of the WGAN Benchmark Pricing Study of nearly 200 Matterport Pros in the United States that have public rate...
xyz to cad conversion for 6000mq (65000 sq ft) Maxdemartino 2 6 yearsmp2fp (509): Hello @Maxdemartino MP2FP have long experience in producing all types of models and presentations 2D, 3D, CAD and BIM from Matterport scans and other input. We can do the job for 120 USD and deliver in 1 to 2 days depending on detail level and wished output CAD format. just send us input or downloads to and we are happy to help.
USA MSPs: 20% Charge for Matterport 360º Views / 20% Include in Shoot DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): 2019 | Planned Publication Date Hi All, If you are just starting out as a Matterport Service Provider, among the first questions that you are likely asking are, "Should I charge for Matterport 360º Views? If so, how much?" If you are already a Matterport Service Provider, among the likely questions...
Research: The Matterport 3D Tour likely pays for itself! DanSmigrod 5 6 yearsbryanhscott (843): @Jwbuckl So long as the study specs do not lean towards a specific 3D/360 vendor, no issues with who funded it, though I would prefer a consortium of industry pioneers to collaborate on such a project (similar to the working groups that have developed specifications for technology like IEEE 802.3 & 802.11). As asserted in my last post, I do not believe that any knowledgeable buyer will overpay for a property solely due to the availability...
3 Reasons why Matterport Service Providers must start charging Hosting Fees DanSmigrod 4 6 yearsbryanhscott (843): @DanSmigrod I agree that for a smaller quantity of spaces under new pricing, it is clearly more costly per space when you are not using the quantity of spaces that comes with the MP subscription level. No question about that. My motivation was to not lose money, while attempting to keep pace with the competition, most of whom do not charge for hosting now, but may in the future. This said, if I only have 12 spaces up and backed up by paying...
How much nearly 200 USA MSPs charge for 1,000; 2,000; 3,500 and 5,000 SQ FT DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, We Get Around Network (WGAN) has complied a list of public rate cards of nearly 200 Matterport Service Providers in the United States and then calculated - for these nearly 200 MSPs - benchmark pricing for creating a residential Matterport 3D Tour of ...[/b] ✓ 1,000 SQ FT ✓ 2,000 SQ FT ✓ 3,500 SQ...
pricing and insta 360 scans fotoguy 4 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @fotoguy Is this WGAN Forum post helpful? ✓ How to game the new Matterport Pricing Dan
CUPIX - how do you price AEC jobs? angusnorriss 1 6 yearsangusnorriss (747): Being that you can capture much larger sqft/sqm how do you quote? Any advice for CUPIX users?
"Please resolve this among yourselves." VTLV 5 6 yearsDeeJ (116): @vtlv Correspondence has been sent to both you and to the "other company". All billing issues have also been resolved. Sandeep is one of our top Support agents who was following protocol. I will work with management to address the issue of uploading to the wrong account Thanks for your feedback and understanding.
Buyer Beware: The Matterport Starter $9.99 Account sbl110 7 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): ✓ New! Buy-Sell Used Matterport Cameras (and Related Gear)
Matterport pricing for Google Street View JC360Tours 7 6 yearsWingman (4420): No it won't be. Whatever you submit to GSV from Matterport becomes hosted by Google so you can archive or even delete that submitted model from your cloud account. However for the model to be hosted on a website it needs to be active(public). After you archive the model it stops being public and the website where it has been hosted will stop displaying it.
Question of the Day: Should you publish a 100% Money Back Guarantee Offer? DanSmigrod 3 6 yearsbryanhscott (843): @DanSmigrod 100% Money Back v. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Both say essentially the same thing (more or less), but one approach (to me) is clearly more acceptable than the other... Having been in the service business in one form or another for 40+ years (all service-based), I can safely (and, thankfully) attest that most Customers do not select a supplier/vendor based on availability of a 100% Money Back Guarantee. In fact, arguably, this...
What to do with our Portfolio? VTLV 5 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @VTLV One of the advantages of a seasoned Matterport Pro like you – versus a Newbie - is the sheer quantity and variety of the Matterport 3D Tours that you have created. And, one of the best ways to visually show this "tonnage" is with map feature within WP3D Models WordPress Plugin that automatically maps Matterport 3D Tours (like this); plus, enables the viewer to sort by category. Call me PollyAnna, but I believe Matterport...
Is it time to band together 3D_Hoffa Jump to first page39Jump to last page 6 years3D_Hoffa (143): Of course he's reporting back, that's what he is here for. While I remain anonymous to protect myself "in theory", I think if Matterport started terminating accounts they would find themselves in more hot water than they would like. Then again, who knows where the edge of what they will do lies? Sure, I'll poke around the FTC site. There may be something there and if enough of us complain, maybe something happens. I hadn't thought of...
Matterport New Pricing Tweak: Business Plan to be Available Month-to-Month DanSmigrod 5 6 years3D_Hoffa (143): This post is important and should not be buried *bump*
Contracts Thea_VR 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @Thea_VR ✓ WGAN Sample Forms Library Dan
FREE LEADS! GLARI_International 1 6 yearsGLARI_International (45): I had a great time with Dan on WGAN Live at 5 Thursday! For those who did not catch it, Forum members now get a FREE AI (Artificial Intelligence) avatar for your websites. This AI will engage your visitors, increase their interest, and provide actionable information for you! Whether you're starting out, looking to grow,...
How would you reply to this Matterport Pricing question? DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi all, Does this additional info affect your thinking? Dan --- I asked the WGAN Member these follow-up questions: ✓ Do you charge this client a monthly or annual fee for hosting the model that you shot for them? ✓ Is this a client that might do a testimonial video for you? Here's what I heard back ... --- Hi Dan, Thanks for the quick post & reply! I’m charging them a [redacted]/month collaborator hosting fee that they have...
Example of an MSP Getting Paid at Closing: 1/2 Price if Listing Cancelled DanSmigrod 5 6 years3dVuz (507): Outstanding strategy when you’re trying to break into a new marketplace etc.
Book a tour through June 15th & we will donate $50 [your charity of choice] DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Grab: San Diego-based Tour it Now Newsletter article Hi All, I saw this promotion in the San Diego-based MSP Tour it Now Newsletter. "May is the month we are offering a charitable donation to your favorite non-profit. Book a tour through June 15th and we will donate $50. We extended the offer especially for...
Scanning and Quoting for large projects with Matterport and BLK 360? AnthonyOptic 9 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @AnthonyOptic I recommend that you reach out to Cupix Director of Sales Scott Anderson (@scott_CUPIX) about your project. Screen Grabs. This Matterport Support page was last updated 10 April 2019. ...
Matterport Executives to Listen/Take Your Questions on WGAN-TV Live at 5 DanSmigrod 21 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, The transcript (above) is also available via ISSUU platform (which may be an easier way to read). ( Preview) Here is a link to receive free read via ISSUU platform through 31 December 2019. [Reading this after 31 December 2019? Join the free WGAN Forum and you will automatically receive a free Promo Code. Or, Private Message me.] Dan P.S. Download the ISSUU iOS app and look for the Publisher: We Get Around Network
Question of the Day>Do you charge extra for image editing? "Premium Photos" DanSmigrod 3 6 yearshtimsabbub23 (910): I do charge extra for Photoshop editing images. My price for the client is $15 per Item per image. So for instance if they want the power lines removed from the photo I can do that for $15. But here's the catch it has to be done to all images that showcase that item. That way everything is consistent for the MLS. I no longer worry about what the MLS has to say about me photoshopping images because I work for the realtor and not MLS. If they ask...
Question of the Day: Do you charge extra for a Single Property Website? DanSmigrod 4 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, This Matterport Service Provider charges $50 for a Single Property Website (with custom domain name). For those that do not charge for a Single Property Website, why not? Best, Dan
Hosting Fees 3dVuz 7 6 yearshometakes (1134): thats silly. so you have to un-archive it just to see the model in workshop?
My answer to RJ Pittman Matterport's CEO - copy of my email jfantin 3 6 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @jfantin - Great post :) Always thoughtful, respectful and accurate.
New Matterport Pricing Starts May 9th [2019] VTLV 27 6 yearsJune (411): And if you are from another country like Canada the cost would be $10,000.00 a year!!!!
How to Succeed with Matterport Classic Pricing (for Users and Matterport) DanSmigrod 26 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Thank you for your super-kind note. Much appreciated. Wouldn't be possible without WGAN Members like you posting and the nearly 13,000 Visitors monthly - many of which are researching 3D/360º Platforms/Cameras - that provide the audience that enable us to have a soap box to stand on ... Best, Dan
To Matterport MSPs and Customers Jwbuckl Jump to first page32Jump to last page 6 yearsArchimedStudio (714): @leonvanzweel It's already the case now. 1 over 100, and you move to the 200 plan. 1 over 200, and you move to the 300 plan. But you have a great point for NOT wanting to pay a plan yearly! Your needs may change on a month to month basis. @DanSmigrod, I will try to be available to listen at 5pm (if I understand where to watch the live feed). I will not interact live, but might take notes that I will address after. My point has absolutely...
11 Reasons to Keep Matterport Classic (Old) Pricing DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, Here are 10 reasons to keep Matterport "Classic" Pricing. instead of switching to Matterport "new" pricing. 1. You have more than 50 Matterport 3D tours that need to remain public for a long time 2. You want to continue to pay month-to-month 3. You typically pay less than $69 per month in overages for processing 4. You can always ADD Matterport New Pricing plan for unlimited processing and transfer spaces...
New Matterport Pricing a Sham! JCHAFE 22 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Share how you feel about the Matterport New Pricing and ask questions of two Matterport executives. Please join the Town Hall discussion today (Thursday, May 16, 2019 at 5 pm EDT (GMT -4) Join the Town Hall Live
Question of the Day: New to Matterport? What do you think of new pricing? DanSmigrod 15 6 yearsizoneguy (468): OK this is my first shoot with the Z1 - shot RAW and processed in lightroom. I probably over processed on a few shots. Not bad for a one-shot camera. [threesixty][/threesixty]
Transitioning Clients to Higher Hosting Costs VTLV 9 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @VTLV Thank you for your insight. Awesome! Wish you could join us on WGAN-TV Live at 5: Town Hall: Matterport New Pricing on Thursday, (16 May 2019). If no one else asks a question about this, I plan to. Best, Dan
Question of the Day: Have you - or will you – change your hosting pricing? DanSmigrod 4 6 yearsbryanhscott (843): Regarding the abrupt nature of Matterport's new price structure roll-out: For my part, I am new to this biz (Real Estate Media) and had not yet published my rate sheet. So, for me, no biggy - just add this new ingredient (pricing model) to the mix and stir. Not so easy for those in the business long enough to have amassed 10's or 100's of hosted spaces and gotten their clients used to certain costs resulting in mark-up and pass-through. Like...
Question of the Day: Keeping Matterport Classic? Switching to New? Both? DanSmigrod 4 6 yearsShakoure (568): @jellofan... Loopholes like that tend not to last long with companies like this,assuming this works in the first place. But we'll see. Has anyone actually tried this?
Question of the Day: Do you offer Gift Cards for Matterport 3D Tours? DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, The WGAN Forum Question of the Day for Monday, 6 May 2019: Do you offer Gift Cards for Matterport 3D Tours? Best, Dan
If GEOcv charged $1788 a year for unlimited processing who'd jump ship? hometakes 23 6 yearsVisualKusuma (31): Definitely Yes
How much to charge with GeoCV new pricing model? jzgk 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi @jzgk I could imagine that how you price a GeoCV 3D Tour is similar to how you would price a Matterport 3D Tour. In addition to feedback that you may receive from WGAN Forum Member, some good starting points for your research are: 1. Guide to Matterport Service Provider Pricing - includes deep links to the rate cards of 100 Matterport Service Providers. WGAN Forum Members get free access for 30 days. I sent you the password via...
Question of the Day: Are you charging a minimum of $100 for 2D Floor Plans? DanSmigrod 3 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, If you charge $100+ for 2D schematic floor plans that @mp2fp charges $22.50 (after WGAN 10 percent discount), you can see that 2D schematic floor plans can be a great Add On. Do this twice a week for 50 weeks and that's $7,750 more a year. Do this four times a week, and that's $15,500. Easy money! If you are not offering 2D schematic floor plans – or barely charging more than what your cost is – you are leaving money on the...
Question of the Day: Do you charge extra "per additional floor" for MP? DanSmigrod 6 6 yearsHome3D (4210): Maybe I’m the odd duck, but I bid each job individually. I offer so many services, MP, GeoCV, NodalView, Zillow 3D Home, HDR photography, aerial drone photos and video, Zillow video, professional video, websites... and every agent has their favorite combo. So I just ask what services they want and the square footage. Once I know what they want, I can make a quick mental calculation as to the hours on site (sometimes days) and the hours at...
Question of the Day: Do you charge more for one business day delivery? DanSmigrod 4 6 yearsfotoguy (835): The MP processing is incredibly slow these days. I ordered a floor plan last week that took over 48 hours to process. The realtor had to add it to the MLS listing later. I hate making more work for them.
Tip: License aerial video to real estate agents (for the listing) DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, In the UAV Coach Forum – same company that runs Drone Pilot Group School for the FAA Aeronautical Knowledge Test ( FAQs) – is this excellent post: ✓ Licensing Media for Real Estate – Are you doing it? Here's a short excerpt: "If you work in an area where properties are bought and sold repeatedly, you'll want the opportunity to license that media to the next realtor who's picking up the listing. It happens...
GEOCV prices cheaper than Matterport now Lukmoorkens 12 6 yearsmori (819): Matterport is maybe only ahead of time as always and as I started my activities in the netherlands two years ago they may follow soon and already applied the correct pricing? I just can recommend the Netherlands, especially in comparison to germany ;-) O.k. - it´s not the right time for jokes - unfortunately - also the new CEO now proves he´s just a investor puppet if I see their latest behaviours, pricing updates and that large spaces can´t...
PRICING..Square footage or rooms? Seaweedsoul 8 6 yearsSeaweedsoul (26): I don't think .10 sq ft is unreasonable if the space is a standard ranch style one level 3 bed 2 bath. But when it's 6 bedrooms, two stories, multiple stair cases, 4 bathrooms, 2 living room spaces, etc.. it gets to be a two hour job with great efficiency. I'm fast and efficient. Careful to not bump walls with tripod as I move from room to room. It would be faster if you did not need to keep the distance between scans between 5 - 7 feet. This...
Pricing DarrylB220 1 6 yearsDarrylB220 (4): I went through the pricing threads and honestly was quite confusing. My girlfriend is a semi-pro camerawoman. I am buying the Insta360 One-X and 3DVista for my business and has nothing to do with the real estate business. On that note, she is looking to do some side work doing the VT, 3D and 2D floor plans with this setup for realtors and businesses. Through my contacts, I already have 4 businesses interested. 2 restaurants and 2 cigar...
How to price long distance scans in rural areas litespeed74 5 6 yearsWingman (4420): I agree. 3-7 hours is a very long drive and considering that you will need to come back that turns into 6-14 hours of driving only. I would go for 3 hours one way especially how far from me a great holiday place(Sunshine Coast) with a lot of private holiday accomodations, resorts and hotels but 7 hours one way ... it should be some really huge space for me to agree to drive that much. We charge $2 AUD(about US$1.5) per kilometer outside of...
Update: Matterport Cloud Hosting and Processing Pricing DanSmigrod 4 6 yearsMiami305 (20): Agree! They kind of have by the short hairs..
New Matterport Cloud Hosting Plans Live: includes $0 for 1 & $9.99/Mo for 5 DanSmigrod 9 6 yearsShakoure (568): Huh? So the free plan is for just one space? Why even make that a tier? So silly. It's like, I sell rice... $20 for a ten pond bag, $5 for a six pound bag, and free for one grain of rice. I don't get it.
Comparing Matterport Camera Solutions: DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsJune (411): $14.99 PER FLOOR???
How to charge for Matterport scans of commercial spaces with fire damage? DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, Below is how I replied. ( Your thoughts?) Dan --- Hi [redacted], Good to hear from you. Thanks for reaching out. And, congrats on your potential opportunity. 1. Focus on listening to the Clients needs. This meeting is not about selling. It’s about listening. They called you. 2. Ask questions that will help you price the project. a. How will the Matterport scan of the “before” be used? b. Will the “before" be used on...
Matterport hosting question: if I set some of my spaces to private... Buschstu 9 6 yearsBuschstu (24): Dan thanks so much for your insights. I agree 100 percent on the recuring charge. Just hope i have not under priced the hosting so far .(At 10.00 for the year )That they will not want to pay higher monthly fees for hosting.Unless i lower the shooting fee.Nice thing is they cant make me re-shoot too much 1) they dont give much time before the move in to shoot 2) because once rented they have no acess
Video: How to charge for real estate photography DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): How do I price my real estate photography business? | Video courtesy of JRDNPWRS YouTube Channel Hi All, Whether you are just starting out or a seasoned Pro, it's likely helpful to hear how another real estate photographer prices his real estate photography services. ✓ Pricing (tiered based on SQ FT) [Originally: 3,000 SQ FT = $125; 6,000 = $200; and 9000 SQ FT = $275, etc.] [Then: 2,000 SQ FT =...
Question of the Day: Do you include some Matterport 360 Views at no charge? DanSmigrod 8 6 yearsHome3D (4210): Placing 360s into a MP dollhouse display is pretty easy. It's done in the Capture app prior to upload / rendering. Yes, you can go back later and place them and "re-upload/render" if you forgot to initially. I've done that! As long as it's the same model, MP does not charge you again. To place 360s so they will surround a MP dollhouse model, start in Capture by selecting the "360 View" tab. Select "Place on the...
Video: How does licensing photos for real estate photography work? DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsimmersivespaces (1229): Disagree on one point, the distribution of real estate listing photos is actually very high. Listing photos can appear on hundreds, if not thousands of websites through IDX distribution. This is one area where photographers have cut themselves short. What has also driven the licensing fee down in most markets is competition from other photographers, not smaller distribution. Over the past two decades, licensing fees for real estate photos are...
Question about how to price licensing a still photo for commercial use. Richierichks 3 6 yearsRichierichks (715): @immersivespaces Thank you for the very detailed response! That helps a lot!
Question of the Day: Do you include Highlights Reel and MatterTags in base? DanSmigrod 5 6 yearsWonderdawg (343): Highlight reel always. Mattertags only if I’m linking one model to another.
When your competitors are selling Matterport for way less than you, do this DanSmigrod 8 6 years3dvrwalkthrough (89): Hello everyone. First like to say welcome to capitalism and market saturation. Just think about it. There are way too many businesses that provide the same services in any particular market for the available customer base in the area so what is the difference maker. The biggest mistake anyone of us can make about our Matterport Businesses is over exposing what we do on social media by posting tours. Now this sounds backwards in our day and...
How and why to be strategic in your Matterport Service Provider marketing? DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, Which client would you like to have: Option 1: a Client that engages you to do one Matterport scan a year? Option 2: a Client that engages you to do 10 Matterport scans a year? Option 3: a Client that engages you to do 100 Matterport scans a year? While we all would likely unanimously agree on Option 3, are you marketing efforts focused on Option 1 and 2? It likely takes as much time to develop the business for Option...
Question of the Day: How much hosting do you include with Matterport Tour? DanSmigrod 8 6 yearsrzphotoman (1837): @Queen_City_3D, I hear you, but that's one of the reasons I advertise that only 6 months are free. If Matterport isn't in by business interest, after six months I can still charge them or delete the file.
How would you reply to this request for Matterport Pricing? DanSmigrod 7 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @Chemistrydoc @Shakoure @LoudandClear @Wingman Thanks for weighing-in (and your comments/questions). Here is a summary of what I suggestion to the WGAN Member in a phone call earlier in the week: 1. Keep the rate of $0.14 SQ FT: that's what you quoted on your last project with this Client 2. Don't compete on price. You have a trusted Client. Compete on making your competition irrelevant 3. For this commercial space - leasing - help with...
Yikes! Has this happened to you when quoting Matterport? DanSmigrod 4 6 yearsrzphotoman (1837): I include Matterport floor plans with all my jobs. I let the client know the final price will be based on the total sq footage listed on the floor plans. Most realtors don't figure the 1500 sq ft finished basement into their estimate.
Add On: Offer Clients 2D Floor Plan with their Logo DanSmigrod 5 6 yearsashleighpaz (55): Hi everyone! Thanks @lucadeal for the kind words! @walk360, you can check out our 2D Plans here: We create marketing ready schematic floor plans out of construction blueprints, Cupix, Matterport or iGuide 3D models, and even from hand drawn sketches. Although schematic floor plans are meant for marketing purposes, we take great pride in maintaining high quality both in terms of placing windows, doors and fixed furniture in their correct...
How much would you charge for this Nodalview 360º Tour? DanSmigrod 4 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @HugoPerez Thanks I have not shared this We Get Around pricing with the client yet: ✓ Option 1 ✓ Option 2 This is value-based pricing with a reality check of would I do the same job again for the same pricing. That said, We Get Around would typically always charge an upfront fee so that if the client wants a refresh on the space, We Get Around always gets some $$$ for that phase of the project. Your thoughts? Best, Dan P.S. Since...
Question of the Day>Why is Matterport asking what discount you will accept? DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsChemistrydoc (1930): @DanSmigrod Probably so that they can underbid this amount for additional savings on the backs of MSPs. Hate to be cynical, but what choice have they left us? Keith
Question of the Day: What are the Pros and Cons of getting paid at closing? DanSmigrod 9 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): How about the price is based on 120 days payment and the agent can take a discount for paying either upfront or within 10 business days? The pricing is the same - either way - but the positioning is taking a discount rather than paying an additional fee. Your thoughts? Best, Dan
Pricing Help?! Client wants to me to rescan multiple times...? immersivetours 1 6 yearsimmersivetours (19): Hello all! Happy New Year. Hope you all are having a wonderful year so far. So this delima is new to me. My client is a retro arcade offering rare machines and they are requesting a scan and publish to Google. Of course, I will be attaching MatterTags to each machine defining what it is and the high score *currently*. I price my self at $199.00 minimum for commercial tours and of course an additional $25.00 to Google Street...
Purchase of Matterport Pro2 camera vs Pro2Lite Wonderdawg 3 6 yearsWonderdawg (343): Yep! “Oh it’s just $10 more per scan.” Factor in the credits and the math is like... Rent to Own pricing.
Pro2 vs Pro2 lite Wonderdawg 6 6 yearsWonderdawg (343): If acollaborator is willing to host (no fees) does the Pro2 Lite make more sense? Only because of the lower bar to entry for purchasing. And if the output specs are the same, and hosting costs can be passed along, why not use a Lite?
What's my Matterport camera worth? KenBanks 3 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @KenBanks I wonder if you could call Matterport Sales and say something like: 1. If the last ___ three years, I have spent ___ with Matterport. 2. In the next three years, I am likely to spend ___ with Matterport. 3. In exchange for me pre-paying for __ years of Matterport Cloud, how about you repair the camera for free? ... or ... 4. How about I buy a new Matterport Pro2 Camera and trade you my Pro1 for a credit of _______ AND pre-pay for...
Question of the Day: Do you offer gift certificates for your services? DanSmigrod 3 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @immersivespaces That's exciting. Thanks for sharing that gift certificates work for you with Brokers for their Agents. Perfect! And, cash is king! Happy holidays, Dan
Making Money Idea of the Week #10: Offering Matterport Features as Add Ons DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Video: WGAN-TV Matterport Cloud and Workshop for Newbies Short Story #203: Offering Matterport Features as Add Ons | Short Story from the nearly two-hour Matterport Cloud and Workshop for Newbies video Making Money Idea of the Week #10: Offering Matterport Features as Add Ons Hi All, New Year's Resolution: Stop giving it away free! Just because Matterport offers features for free (or charges), does not mean that you need to give...
Matterport Service Provider? Offer Your Services as a Subscription? DanSmigrod 5 6 yearsMiguelea (75): @DanSmigrod Not yet. I am on pretty tight pricing with the client (I am considering to try it on). So I would probably go with Interactive 2D floorplan like this Or video virtual tour like this What do you think?
How to shoot/share a 3D Tour of a 3,000 SQ FT House in 15 minutes for free* DanSmigrod 4 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @TrustedPhotoDC I apologize that i did not ask your question during the WGAN-TV Live at 5 show .. It is a great question. @TrustedPhotoDC @Home3D Our entire space has a challenge about naming conventions where virtual tour can mean slide show and virtual reality can mean a 3D Tour. It IS totally confusing. Going forward, I will refer to Zillow 3D Tour as Zillow Tour and in the first reference mention that Zillow calls it Zillow 3D...
Question of the Day: What is your Matterport 3D Tour Black Friday Offer? DanSmigrod 4 6 yearsIntegratedman (629): @DanSmigrod TY..pushing this deal hard..hoping to get 5/6 packages sold this week...I will let you know.
Question of the Day: Do all your clients pay the same rate for Matterport? DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, Here is the Question of the Day for Sunday, 18 November 2018: Do all your clients pay the same rate for Matterport? For example, some of your existing clients may pay less than the rate listed on your website. Happy holidays, Dan
Question of the Day: Will you increase your Matterport Tour rates on 1 Jan? DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, Here is the Question of the Day for Friday, 16 November 2018: Will you increase your Matterport Tour rates on 1 January 2019? Best, Dan
Money Making Idea of the Week #10: Why Licensing 3D Tours Makes More Cents DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): [wp3d][/wp3d]WGAN licenses the free use of this - and many more - 3D Tours to WGAN Basic, Standard and Premium Members to use as examples for their website. --- Money Making Idea of the Week #10: Why Licensing Matterport 3D Tours Makes (More) 'Cents' Hi All, If you license* – not sell – your Matterport 3D Tours, there are multiple ways that this can lead...
Question of the Day: How do you handle a slow (or no) pay client? DanSmigrod 12 6 yearshometakes (1134): @Chemistrydoc Check your inbox. :-)
Insurance Claims TopPiX51 7 6 yearssbl110 (285): Hi @TopPiX51, Just my two cents on this pricing thing. Whenever I do a shoot, I order 2D schematics, then invoice based on the total square footage scanned. I've had homes where the reported square footage was 8K plus, but after I'm done, it may work out to less than that. This might be because the customer wants me to skip a garage, large closet, furnace room, etc. I then apply a cost per square foot against the total provided by the...
Question of the Day: Why don't you accept credit cards for Matterport? DanSmigrod 3 6 yearshometakes (1134): @htimsabbub23 1 million percent agree. Ive been only accepting credit cards for the past 12 years. However, make sure that you don't send the photos until you are successful in charging their card.
Question of the Day: When you do not get a Matterport job, do you ask why? DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, The WGAN Forum Question of the Day for Tuesday, 30 October 2018) is: When you do not get a Matterport job, do you ask why? Best, Dan
Tip: How to Create an Address Specific Website DanSmigrod 2 6 years3dVuz (507): I pay 8.47 for a dot com name... client happier, less explaining!
Up-Sell Opportunity for Matterport Service Providers DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsGlennTremain (2953): $90k porta potties agent’s just won’t do it and the market selling too fast has them gambling that they don’t need it. So you push more that they need to have them so they can farm a market hard to crack. Gated communities, areas that someone else sells a lot in. They can create pages or posts on their website and get them ranked page one better with a lead capture form that through a year will pick up at least one sale from it. So 5 or 6...
Money Making Idea of the Week #8: 14 Tips on Quoting a Matterport 3D Tour DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Money Making Idea of the Week #8: 10 Tips on Quoting a Matterport 3D Tour Hi All, Do you respond to requests to quote on a Matterport 3D tour, but are losing business to the lowest price competitor in the market? Here are 14 tips when responding to a request for a quote to shooting a Matterport 3D Tour (rather than replying “X per SQ FT Sent from iPhone”): 1. [company] has created [quality]+ Matterport 3D Tours: [establish...
Question of they Day: When you quote Matterport, do you always get the biz? DanSmigrod 6 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): When quoting - especially for an agent that ALREADY HAS THE LISTING - do you include selling points about helping the agent: ✓ get most listing appointments ✓ win more listings ✓ win bigger premium listings (While the agent is asking about an existing listing, it's likely that you will have more successful if you can frame the quote about getting more business. Otherwise, Matterport is just another expense that comes out of the agent's...
Large Complex 3rd Party Job: Referral Fee or Make the Spread? DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsHelloPado (177): I've enjoyed being the 3rd party a few times now and i feel like it's a win/win. The original MSP fosters the relationship that they created and I get a fairly simple "scan only" job. Relationships are what we do as providers but i understand how it can be difficult to bring an unknown variable (3rd party) into a trusted relationship. As long as it is fair to both parties, i can see either option working well.
Counterintuitive? Charging Less to Make More While Paying for Outsourcing DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620):
WGAN-TV: All Demo and Discuss Shows DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620):
Question of the Day: Do you include a Highlights Reel with Matterport scan? DanSmigrod 3 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @Home3D Setting the tour to always in walkthrough mode sounds like a great idea to encourage engagement. We lean to providing the fullest experience possible. It does eliminate us from consideration when agents are seeking the lowest price. We're fine with that since we seek high-end business for those that want the best experience. Best, Dan
Question of the Day: Do you include hosting in your Matterport scan rate? DanSmigrod 5 6 yearsJohnLoser (305): Yes - 6 months with the scan. It just makes sense to do it this way. I think "most" homes sell within 6 months so it's worry-free for the realty agent.
Question of the Day: Are your Matterport rates public? If not, why not? DanSmigrod 5 6 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): Mine are public so that my telephone calls with clients go along faster ;)
Prices in Italy DmitriyReev 1 6 yearsDmitriyReev (43): Hi everyone! Italy colleagues, can you please advise prices for 1 m2 for scanning of objects in Italy. I have Russian client with objects in Italy and want to make a economically feasible offer to her. You can send info in private message. It will stay private. rgds, Dmitriy
Question of the Day: Your sweet spot for Matterport 3D Tour Clients? DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): WGAN-TV Short Story #17 | Florida panhandle-based Matterport Service Provider Keith Foster ( ID 360 Media) (@Chemistrydoc) chats about his sweet spot during this WGAN-TV Live at 5 show with Founder Colin Forte. Hi All, The WGAN Forum Question of the Day for Wednesday, 3 October 2018) is: What is your sweet spot for Matterport 3D tour Clients? Best, Dan
Pricing Matterport ala McDonalds: Would you like Fries and a Coke too? DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, Have you changed your pricing strategy after watching this WGAN-TV Short Story? Best, Dan
Question of the Day: Do you have a special offer for 1st time RE Clients? DanSmigrod 3 6 years3dVuz (507): Yeah... Either YOU use me, or your biggest competitor will... So far, it's worked like a charm. Actually this is not far from the truth. Howard
Embedding photographs Matterport leonherbert 4 7 yearsleonherbert (903): @Queen_City_3D I know how to do that, it is just inane to expect us to do that, and should be included. Time is money. or so I heard :)
Pricing Question (none Matterport) BrianM 7 7 yearsron0987 (3490): The only concern I have would be and I do not know if you have a signed contract you use that has "a hold harmless" clause that if the potential bidder uses the photos in a way to back out of a sale point out an issue with the listing of the property at the auction. Then the seller goes after you. Did you offer the seller a chance to completely view all unedited shots?
Making Money Idea of the Week #5: Variable Pricing for 2D Floor Plans DanSmigrod 3 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @PetraSoderling Thank you for sharing this research. Yes. Clients are paying up to $600 for 2 Floor Plans, there is a lot of room for a Matterport Service Provider to charge way more than what they are likely charging and charge by the size rather than one price for any size. Best, Dan
Question of the Day: Do you offer photo shoot cancelation insurance Add On? DanSmigrod 4 7 yearsGeorge_WALKINTOUR (85): We usually make a courtesy call if we anticipate that it's going to be rained out and let them decide. If they decided to reschedule, we don't charge them for this because we've reached out to them.
Matterport: How to Make MSPs Happy (And Sell More Cameras) DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): P.S. You are not winning the hearts and minds of Matterport Service Providers - particularly potential MSPs - when you do this: ✓ Matterport uses MSP Program to Generate Lead for Camera Sales ✓ Matterport Offering $1,000 Off Matterport Pro2 Camera + Pro2 Lite Special
Pricing for Google Street View Tours: Example Rate Cards DanSmigrod 10 7 yearsclick360tours (61): clickable text
Question of the Day: Pricing Strategy for Matterport to Google Street View? DanSmigrod 3 7 yearsChemistrydoc (1930): I love the pricing matrix that @Metroplex360 shared a while back on the forum and have pretty much incorporated that into my pricing. I think that one has to differentiate between clients that only want upload into GSV versus others for whom the hosting and use of the Matterport showcase will be also useful. Also, the price matrix that I mentioned needs to be upwards adjusted in light of Matterport's upcoming charging for the conversion and...
Question of the Day: Do you offer Matterport floor plans as an Add On? DanSmigrod 5 7 yearsGeorge_WALKINTOUR (85): We did at first, but Matterport actually messed up the first time with a client. It actually took them over 2 weeks to finish the floor plans. I can't remember what the issue was with it, but they totally screwed up on that job. The client then decided to cancel the order because Matterport took too long to produce the floor plan. :O
Question of the Day: Do you charge extra for Matterport 360º Views? DanSmigrod 6 7 yearsGerhard (1484): you hit the hammer on the head. There is no way we can charge clients for this , its terrible. if we can edit the blown out skies maybe, but otherwise will never charge any of my clients.
Friction: How hard is it to do business with your Matterport business? DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, What are your friction points that make it hard to do business with you? Do you missing out on business because of any of these friction points? 1. How long does it take to respond to an email requesting pricing? 2. How long does it take to respond to a voicemail requesting pricing? 3. Does a potential client always get a real person or voicemail? 4. Is your pricing hard to understand? 5. Do you accept credit cards? 6. Are...
Are You a Real Estate Agent or Broker? Two Ways to Book Matterport Pros DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): We Get Around Network Instant Booking Service powered by KoaWare | Available in Georgia: Other United States Locations Coming Soon --- Real Estate Agents and Brokers If you are a real estate agent or broker in the United States, it's about to get super-easy and super-fast to book a Matterport Service Provider in...
Self-Service Booking of Matterport Service Providers DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Screen Grab: We Get Around Network Instant Booking Service powered by KoaWare Hi All, ✓ Do you prefer to book an airline ticket online/app or by calling the airline? ✓ Do you prefer getting cash from an ATM machine or via a bank teller? ✓ Do you prefer to get pricing online or wait for a sales person to call you...
WGAN-TV Pricing for Matterport Service Providers: Bundles and Add Ons DanSmigrod 5 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): WGAN-TV Pricing for Matterport Service Providers - Bundles and Add On with Founder Colin Forte Hi All, If you struggling making Matterport sales to real estate agents, this two-hour WGAN-TV show (above) with @PhotoAndVideoEdits and @Hometakes Founder Colin Forte will be tremendously helpful. As a real estate agent in a previous life, Colin sold $165 million in real estate in the West Palm...
Uber Your Business Before It Gets Kodak'ed DanSmigrod 6 7 yearsrzphotoman (1837): I'm anxious to see how it unfolds. Concept is great...pleas keep us up to date on how the rollout in your market area is going.
Dear Matterport ... DanSmigrod 4 7 yearsosakadave (80): Exactly, Dan. Thank you for writing and posting. I am in complete agreement with your twenty talking points, and I had the same reaction when I first saw the news. Dave
Are you struggling as a Matterport Service Provider? Help in on the way! DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, If you are struggling as a Matterport Service Provider, it's likely that you have not cracked the code for pricing for Bundles and Add Ons ... @PhotoAndVideoEdits (@Hometakes) Founder Colin Forte is a ROCK STAR on this topic. If you watch these WGAN-TV Short Stories, you'll get a taste of Colin's expertise: ✓ Editing on the Fly: Workflow Best Practices for Shooting Photos and Videos Plus, more from Colin in these two...
Question of the Day: Do you charge extra for Matterport Highlights Reel? DanSmigrod 18 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): WGAN-TV Short Story #8-Photography Business models (false belief; matterport only) | @PhotoAndVideoEdits (@Hometakes) Founder Colin Forte providing tips to WGAN Forum Member @ChemistryDoc WGAN-TV Short Story #32 @PhotoAndVideoEdits (@Hometakes) Founder Colin Forte providing bundle example for video Hi All, @PhotoAndVideoEdits (@Hometakes) Founder Colin Forte will share his experience in ... ✓ Pricing for Matterport Service Providers:...
Is a 22% increase in views week to week good, bad or ?? sbl110 6 7 yearsjblythe (58): @sbl110 No problem, and happy to help! All we can ever do in a customer service oriented space is supply the client with the information they ask for. I agree every opportunity, good or bad, is a learning opportunity and what we do with that is up to us. I think there really is some value in the information you are able to provide, figuring out the "how" is always the tough part :) jason
Core services that you must offer as a Matterport Service Provider? DanSmigrod 6 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @3dVuz Yes. Absolutely. That would have been on my initial list. I would also add a vanity website URL. This one points to a Single Property Website powered by WP3D Models Word Press Plug-in. Best, Dan
Cupix pricing - more expensive than you think CFster 14 7 yearsGarySnyder (2143): If you host Vista yourself and you learn how to use it correctly the transition between pano's is very immersive and quick. You will be surprised how many companies use Vista under their own name as you can completely white label the final product.
Matterport Packages and Up-Selling Aerial, Video and Digital Twilight DanSmigrod 3 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): We're inspired by Colin Forte and what he's saying -- we're shooting our first property walkthrough tomorrow :)
How do you charge for Google Street View? DanSmigrod 4 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): WGAN-TV - How to Price Matterport to Google Street View Publishing @leonherbert I did an hour WGAN-TV episode on GSV pricing for Matterport Service Providers. WGAN Basic, Standard and Premium Members receive an All Access Pass to the WGAN Training Academy that includes this pricing video - and about 10 more hours on Matterport pricing. I will Private Message you the password (which is in the Welcome Onboard Letter). Best, Dan
Here We Go Again Pricing Thread MarkCantu 5 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @MarkCantu @angusnorriss @VTLV @leeverdon Is outsourcing to your competitors an option? Make the spread on what you charge your client and what you pay the Matterport Service Provider. Find a blue ocean: a vertical that your competitors are not pursuing. You likely have friends, trusted colleagues and former Clients/employers in verticals other that residential real estate. Ask for referrals in a space you are not likely to have a...
Cost Sharing Proposed - Thoughts? Snap 5 7 yearsSnap (194): Thank you. My question is more geared towards how much extra do I charge on top of what I normally charge. I think I may have used the wrong example. Think of it more for commercial applications for all parties. I can see the split ratio being up for discussion in some cases but if each party receives an entire scan for commercial purposes it would seem fair to say 50/50. It would also concern me that it would foster losing control over...
vpix vs matterport dewmon 3 7 yearsHarlanHambright (2133): Their website begins with a long list of untrue statements about Matterport. Reminded me of the presi.... never mind.
WGAN Forum Question of the Day: Index and Tag DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, New to the WGAN Forum? Here's are Questions of the Day to give/get help ... Join the discussion :beer: Best, Dan
Matterport Charge per square foot lmrich73120 6 7 yearsVTLV (2910): I wouldn't bank on those numbers. Middle Man companies outsourcing to Matterport pros might get away with that pricing because their marketing budget has been pumped up and beating you out of your own market. Many of us try to make $0.10 a square foot. If there's multiple cameras around you, expect your competition to drop to as low as $0.03 a square foot just to beat you out. Photography services have been taking off the past few years...
Dirt Cheap Tours BrianM 10 7 yearseggardner (411): This is one of the reasons why I decided to get my real estate license. Now I can provide the service where it will cost me nothing but time and the monthly hosting fee. I also plan on offering commission sharing which wouldn’t be legal in Florida if I didn’t have my license
Question of the Day: Do you charge extra for Matterport MatterTags? DanSmigrod 5 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): I don't have a bias one way or the other: simply inspiring Members to share what's working / not working for them. For example ... ... is enabling Clients to sample the value of MatterTags, with the potential for upsell. I could also imagine that it depends on the kind of Space. If your client is a Museum, MatterTags matters! Do you charge extra for Matterport MatterTags? (Why or Why not?) Join the discussion ... Best, Dan
Video>How Matterport Service Providers can make money with ThreeSixty Tours DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): WGAN-TV Grayslake IL based Matterport Service Provider Ross Zanzucchi ( @ezphoroman ) shares with ThreeSixty Tours Co-Founders Ross Peterson ( @rpetersn ) and Lorenzo Gangi how he uses ThreeSixty Tours to make money. Hi All, Matterport Service Providers can make money using ThreeSixty Tours. In this excerpt (above) from the WGAN-TV Live at 5 show on Friday (15 June 2018), Grayslake IL based Matterport...
Is MP Charging for GSV Converstion Yet? Chemistrydoc 6 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): I could imagine that they will charge USD $19 Matterport should consider Annual/Monthly Pro tiers and bundle: ✓ Google Street View ✓ Floor Plans ✓ MatterPak ✓ White-Label ✓ Download full-size .jpg Or, the Pro tiers entitle 50 percent off ala carte services. The challenge with Matterport charging $19 publishing to Google Street View - if that's the number - is that Matterport Service Provider Clients may expect to get...
Make Money: Refer Leads to Matterport Pros DanSmigrod 5 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, Are you generating in-bound leads for other markets? Above is an example of how you can make money with these leads. Best, Dan
One Order: Offer Matterport for Many Markets DanSmigrod 5 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, WGAN Basic, Standard and Premium Members get the free use of the white-label version of the We Get Around Network Find a Pro Map. (Find the link and the iFrame Embed Code in My Profile tab above.) Questions? Best, Dan
Are you turning down Matterport projects over project fee? DanSmigrod 2 7 yearshometakes (1134): I ask them where or who it is that is cheaper and I will look to see if we can beat their price. How about this..... I am running a promo that if you spend $349 with us on a tour package (photos, videos, aerials, etc.) then we will give you a free Matterport tour with 90 days of free hosting (up to 4000 a.c.). So after 90 days our hosting renewal email goes out to the client and they tell us that they dont want to pay the $55 dollar hosting...
Pricing for commercial spaces Virtuality22 5 7 yearsVirtuality22 (19): Thank you guys for sharing that info. Have you guys every thought about some sort of a subscription service model? Is that even possible in anyway? Thanks VC
Matterport Pro: Make $$$$$ Without Scanning DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Matterport Pro: How to Make $$$$$ Without Scanning Hi All, Yes. You read that right. As a Matterport Pro, you can make (a lot) more $$$$$$ not scanning. If you have trusted relationships where the Client has a need outside of your market, engage a Matterport Pro in that market and make the spread between what you charge your Client and what you pay the Pro. Use the We Get Around Network Find a Pro Map to source your...
Who Gives A [Redacted] about your MSP Biz? DanSmigrod 4 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Thank you. Yes. Blue Ocean Marketing rocks! On the power of free: Givers Get More with patience ... You might enjoy, The Heart and Art of NetWeaving. Best, Dan
How to I respond to this!? 3SixtyNow 5 7 yearsjasondavidpage (205): I'm guessing there was a misunderstanding between what the agent thought he was getting and what he actually received. I don't know how many times I've had an agent call asking about virtual tours only for them to just mean a slideshow of still photos. That being said, try to appease this client and then fire him. Anyone who comes back the way he has is not someone you want to work for and will ruin your day every time you work for him (plus...
Matterpak/AEC RPOceanic 2 7 yearsJuMP (2031): @RPOceanic Would you please read below post there is an official DEMO for MatterPak and a reference result from JuMP-POP v1.0? If you like JuMP-POP, we can generate one reference result of your showcase as DEMO. Please PM me if you want to try. Thank you. JuMP team from Beijing China
Dear Matterport: About Your Pricing Plans DanSmigrod 16 7 yearsBycha (52): Does anyone know the price of MP Cloud-Only plans?
$49 for OBJ File Thank You Matterport Gerhard Jump to first page95Jump to last page 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, From the Matterport Newsletter today, Friday, 4 May 2018. Dan --
Pricing with Realtors contract agreement Liam_Tayler 7 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @Liam_Tayler Thanks for sharing. Congrats! Best, Dan
New to the business Smuller7711 4 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @Smuller7711 Good luck scanning the 100,000 SQ FT church today. I estimate that it will take you 7-10 days using Matterport to do a space that size. I hope you have read the discussions tagged: large ✓ Contracts, Release Forms - Sample Forms Library ✓ Pricing/Estimates - Guide to Matterport Service Provider Pricing These We Get Around Network Forum discussions might be helpful. They are tagged: ✓ Pricing ✓ Contract ✓ ...
Transfer of Files to Client SpencerLasky 4 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): [quote@2Spencerlasky]Yes I do feel they know what they are asking for and it was a little surprising to me they want to "not pay" anything for this additional, and this might just be a producer tactic, probably is just to see how easy I cave. However I have operated with out a contract till now for reasons I feel make sense, as said the more you require people to sign the more potential to them just in general shying away and we...
Invoicing Conundrum ... sbl110 5 7 yearsrzphotoman (1837): I agree with DAK...only charge for what you did. Honesty is always the best policy and the client will appreciate you for that which should equal future work.
Matterport getting started.... mjstef 2 7 yearsimmersivespaces (1229): @mjstef Just my opinions here... 1) Go with the Pro 2 3D. If you are the only MSP in your area, your margins will grow rapidly and the overall savings for having the paid plans will be worth it. 2) The average target pricing is between 8.5¢ and 12¢ per sq ft. Personally, I use a sliding scale based on the size of the property. The larger the property, the cheaper the price. I scan a lot of vacation rentals and most sit around the 10¢ per sq...
29 Ways: Make Money offering Matterport Free DanSmigrod 16 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620):
Reactivating an old model Cindiewozniak 4 7 yearsQueen_City_3D (3159): @Cindiewozniak I guess it depends on your working relationship with that agent. It doesn't cost you anything to push a button to have it active again, and so far it seems that Matterport has been holding off with their insane idea to charge for going over the hosting limits (MATTERPORT: Remove that from your plans and you will 100% sell more cameras!!!). Personally if it was me I'd let him use it again. He paid for it once and I'd want to keep...
Please advise: FASTEST way to create 3D tour mikeb 4 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @mikeb I only suggest GSV certified cameras to keep options open. (Anyone reading this would kick themselves if they bought a non-GSV certified camera and then had an opportunity to shoot a business.) I need to get on the road now ... Related WGAN Discussions ... ✓ Platforms for Hosting 360º Photo Spheres ✓ Hosting Platforms for 360º Photo Spheres ✓ WGAN Discussions tagged: 360 I look forward to hearing what others have to say...
Barter Matterport for International Resorts? DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, I received the following email from a WGAN Member (below) ... Best, Dan --- Hey Dan, Hope youre doing well. I wanted to ask if you or anyone you know in the forum has specialized in exchanging matterport services for resort accommodations. If so do have a POC or could share any best practices on how to explore that. Thanks, [redacted] -- Here are discussions in the WGAN Forum tagged: barter I sent these...
Matterport Pricing jerryran 6 7 yearsjerryran (19): What is included in the 10 cents per sq. ft.?
Will Matterport Charge for Publish to GSV? DanSmigrod 9 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Source: Matterport Support (2 March 2018)
How much do you charge clients for GSV? Ramblinman 10 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): How about how to charge for Google Street View? Best, Dan
We are not Silent Lamb, we can have free OBJ JuMP 10 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @mori I agree completely. Give out the 50k OBJ file and label it 'BASIC OBJ' - For hobbiests and enthusiasts. And then have 'PRO OBJ' with high resolution textures with the MatterPak. I believe that the people who want the OBJ files for recreational purposes are unlikely to purchase Matterpak and the people who actually want the 3D data will gladly pay.
In the unlikely eventI get run over by a bus leonherbert 6 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): I was one of the MSPs who was given a very abbreviated pitch about these ideas and asked what I thought. My submission was that Matterport need to take over hosting responsibility to anything that was being absorbed into this program. It solves the 'bus' problem and it enables them the right to claim that they have a database of 800,000 spaces. I think that this could have been accomplished without the TOS being amended and without scaring...
Advice for Monthly Hosting Prices photosbyhopsing 2 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @photosbyhopsing Please see this WGAN Forum post: Tip: How to do Automatic Monthly Billing Best, Dan
Why Accept a Deep Discounted Matterport Scan DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Any push-back? Dan
A Matterport Email Targeting Agents DanSmigrod 9 7 yearsRPOceanic (215): Already spoken to this lots. Even if Real Estate agents were inclined to dive into this- and most, most definitely are not..... it just doesn't add up for an agent in terms of time/money invested and lost focus. With the cost of a camera, ancillary gear, hosting fees, learning curve, time spent on shoots, post production, keeping up with new developments.... the only way it remotely makes financial sense is making tours for a LOT of listings....
How do you sell MatterPak™ bundle? Queen_City_3D 11 7 yearsmori (819): Here they mention "High resolution OBJ" -> same as before -> for me the "previous" OBJ´s are far away from a high resolution mesh. Did I miss something?
Matterport Virtual Reality Charge 2018? VTLV 5 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Source: Matterport
Matterport Marketing --> Real Estate Agents DanSmigrod 3 7 yearsKentoBlanco (22): They kept referring to the use of the Pro 2 ... how much of what they are demonstrating is not available with the pro 1 model?
Brain Teaser: What would you do differently? DanSmigrod 8 7 years3SixtyNow (484): It's not as easy as 1, 2, 3. They oversimplify the process, a bit misleading in my book.
Impact of MP faster speed in your business jfantin 9 7 yearsjudysmithre (95): @jfantin Thank you for letting me kow how to do it!
Barter Matterport for Travel Example DanSmigrod 3 7 yearsjfantin (1733): This makes me remember my first Matterport project immediately after I purchased the camera. It was a 5 star hotel in the country side about 40 miles far from Buenos Aires City. A very big project (aproximately 40 acres of park with tennis courts, etc, and 40,000 sq ft of rooms, SPA, ball rooms, etc. I did Matterport plus a virtual tour of the outdors using my special outdoors panoramic camera mounted in a backpak and shooting panoramics...
What is your average revenue per client? DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, What is your average revenue per client annually? Happy New Year, Dan
New Listing Platform for Real Estate Agents DanSmigrod 6 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, I could imagine this platform is NOT about how many agents/traffic; rather a way for a real estate agent/broker to have a place to host and share their branded tours. @OpenHouseOptics I could also imagine that this platform may be helpful to those that do not have a Wordpress hosted website (that then can take advantage of WP3D Models Wordpress Plugin). Happy holidays, Dan
Pricing for Google Street View DanSmigrod 7 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): Too many words and too many options. Keep it simple. And change 'enquire' to 'inquire' as prices are in USD.
News - Matterport to Charge for Overage Metroplex360 11 7 yearsQueen_City_3D (3159): @Helen that’s the only way that remotely makes sense to me.
Do you charge for Matterport Mattertags? DanSmigrod 3 7 yearshometakes (1134): Time is money. Nuff said.
Free Matterport 3D Tour with $349 Purchase DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, Noticed this free with purchase offer (above) on a Forum Member's website today (Sunday, 17 December 2017). For more on FREE, please see: ✓ 29 Ways: Make Money offering Matterport Free Here are WGAN Forum posts tagged: Pricing | Marketing Happy holidays, Dan --- In the We Get Around...
Matterport + Headshots Promotional bundle? Wonderdawg 1 7 yearsWonderdawg (343): Anyone ever done a promotional bundle with headshots included to drive adoption of Matterport usage? I’m somewhat hesitant as headshots can be consuming time wise unless they are very specific. 2 looks, 1 group final edit.
Buy $1,000 Gift Card before/receive $100 off DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, A Member of the WGAN Forum sent me this Gift Card offer. Thought you...
Email Marketing Example from Matterport Pro DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, Are you using email marketing as part of your business development strategy? I frequently receive special offers via email from this (below) Matterport Pro. Your thoughts? Got an example to share? Please post here too. Happy holidays, Dan --
Matterport Biz Dev with Foreclosures DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Screen Grab of Full-Screen We Get Around Network Find a Matterport Pro Map --- Hi All, Are you prospecting – or already shooting foreclosures – for Matterport 3D Tour opportunities? A WGAN Forum Member reached out to source Matterport Pros for 18 foreclosures in the United States. The Pro makes the...
First Time Client Offer: $99 3D Tour DanSmigrod 10 7 yearsJohnLoser (305): I have seen a provider's offer for "$99 for a scan". It's a race to the bottom. Once a "$99" price is set, a customer will expect it again and again or something close. He is following the Cable TV/Satellite TV pricing scheme. (If he is following the cell phone marketing scheme -- he is hitting them with a TON of hidden extra fees.) Let's look at the costs: Travel Expense (presume 20 miles round trip): $9.00 (using a rate...
Car dealerships and car interiors help! htimsabbub23 9 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @htimsabbub23 Seems to me one 360º inside a car tells the story. The 360º can he shared with a platform such as ThreeSixty.Tours (which plays nice with WP3D Models too). (With ThreeSixty Tours, you can annotate the 360º :cool: ) Happy holidays, Dan
Virtual Staging For Matterport foxwrth13 6 7 yearsDom (58): @foxwrth13 @JakeRees @JonJ thanks for the comments and possible solutions! JonJ's approach is mainly used for commercial properties where the functional aspects are more important than bringing things together visually. Combining a Matterport mesh with our furniture library produces a correct result (i.e. everything is to scale), but of course the visuals are totally different. Here's a how to for doing that. Multistory: yes, that's possible!...
A long-time Matterport Pro writes ... DanSmigrod 6 7 yearsAYODELE (69): Nice advice there @glenntremain. What you pump into the game is what you get out.
Real Estate Client Not Paying You? DanSmigrod 7 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @Spencerlasky Yes. Turning off the tour is the last resort. You never know why people are having a bad day that can be completing unrelated to you. Dan
Videos: How Much to Charge for Matterport? DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): We Get Around Network Training Academy Video: Matterport Service Provider Pricing for Newbies. If you are a WGAN Basic, Standard or Premium Member, get your All Access Pass to view this video in the Welcome Onboard Letter. Private Message me if you need the password. Please include in the Subject Line: Welcome Onboard Letter Password Hi All, How - and how much - to charge for Matterport 3D Tours are questions that I am asked...
Charge for Cancellations of Photo Shoots? DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsaarongeis (72): Hi all, I agree with the answer given in the first response on the blog. For me it depends on the client relationship and how busy I am in practice. My contract states that written notice must be given 48 hours prior to the scheduled shoot time or I will invoice for 50% of the cost estimate. For clients I haven't worked with before or that I only work for infrequently I ask for a 50% deposit to secure the scheduled shoot time with the...
Matterport pricing -- did I miss something? sbl110 7 7 yearstocha (166): I have suggested to Matterport several times that they created a graduated pay per number of scans schedule that would allow for more experimentation and discovery. For example: 4.95 for up to 10 scans, 9.95 for 11-50, $19 for 100. I believe it would foster more innovation and income opportunities for us and for Matterport.
Matterport versus iGuide: how to Compete? DanSmigrod 10 7 yearsAlex_iGuide (361): Of course it does, otherwise it would not be seeing increasing adoption at the rate it does for almost a year and half now since Alberta Residential Measurement Standard (RMS) was introduced. Alberta RMS is about accuracy and repeatability in measuring and reporting square footage and rules that must be followed by whoever is measuring - agents, appraisers, surveying companies or iGuide Operators. RMS was introduced to improve communication...
Matterport to explode (in a good way) DanSmigrod 15 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, WGAN-TV Live at 5 (pm ET Today, 12 September 2017) discussion about Matterport Content Distribution (formerly known as Matterport Syndication Beta). Matterport Content Distribution is an example of leveraging the Matterport APIs/SDKs to create exponential growth for Matterport (and hopefully for Matterport Service Providers). Thanks in advance for tuning in ... Best, Dan
Matterport for WeddingWire Richierichks 29 7 yearsRichierichks (715): Ah, OK. Yeah, I had a conversation with them the other day trying to make sure I don't overstep my boundaries with their customers. I don't see a conflict of interest with it either, but just wanted to make sure.
WGAN-TV>Pricing Strategy-Client-Get-a-Client DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): WGAN-TV Live at 5: Matterport Service Provider Pricing Strategy for Client-Get-A-Client Hi All, Here is the recording of today's (Tuesday, 24 October 2017) WGAN-TV Live at 5 program Matterport Service Provider Pricing Strategy for Client-Get-A-Client. WGAN Basic, Standard and Premium Members receive an All Access Pass to the We Get Around Matterport Training Academy Videos, including this one. Not yet a Member? Around 40 Membership...
WGAN-TV: Pricing Strategies for TV/Newspaper DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): WGAN-TV Live at 5: Pricing Strategies for TV Stations, Newspapers and Non-Profits for Matterport Service Providers Hi All, Here is the recording of today's (Monday, 23 October 2017) WGAN-TV Live at 5 program about Pricing Strategies for TV Stations, Newspapers and Non-Profits for Matterport Service Providers. WGAN Basic, Standard and Premium Members receive an All Access Pass to the We Get Around Matterport Training Academy Videos,...
WGAN-TV: Creative Pricing Strategies for MSP DanSmigrod 4 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @Ghagendorf Okay. Done. Thanks for asking ... Dan
WGAN-TV Live at 5: 23-27 October 2017 DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, WGAN-TV Live Events Programming Schedule | Monday, 23 October through Friday, 27 October 2017 ✓ Monday, 23 October - Pricing for TV Stations/Local Newspaper and Non-Profits ✓ Tuesday, 24 October - Pricing for Friend-Get-A-Friend Program ✓ Wednesday, 25 October - Recorded Programming ✓ Thursday,...
WGAN-TV Matterport->Street View Pricing DanSmigrod 5 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): WGAN-TV Live at 5: How to Price Matterport to Google Street View Publishing with WGAN Forum Founder Dan Smigrod Hi All, Here is the recording of Wednesday's (17 October 2017) WGAN-TV Live at 5 program about how to price Matterport to Google Street View publishing. WGAN Basic, Standard and Premium Members receive an All Access Pass to the We Get Around Matterport Training Academy Videos, including this one. Not yet a Member? Around 40...
WGAN-TV Pricing Large Matterport Projects DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): WGAN-TV Live at 5: How to Price Large Matterport Project with WGAN Forum Founder Dan Smigrod Hi All, Here is the recording of today's (Tuesday, 17 October 2017) WGAN-TV Live at 5 program about how to pricing large Matterport projects. WGAN Basic, Standard and Premium Members receive an All Access Pass to the We Get Around Matterport Training Academy Videos, including this one. Not yet a Member? Around 40 Membership Benefits,...
How to Price Matterport Spaces 3D Tours DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, Here are We Get Around Network Resources to help you with pricing Matterport Spaces 3D Tours: Free Resources for WGAN Forum Community Members (Join WGAN Forum: in Welcome Letter) 1. See WGAN Forum Community discussions tagged with: Pricing 2. Guide to Matterport Service Provider Pricing (deep links to 100+ Matterport Pro Pricing Pages) 3. We Get Around Matterport Service Provider Annual Gross Revenue Calculator We Get...
$0.05 a SQ FT: Matterport 3D/VR + MatterTags DanSmigrod Jump to first page44Jump to last page 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @hometakes As you shared, 2D schematic floor plans are a high value / easy/low cost solution. Any time you can get paid $85 for something that costs you $15 and no effort, seems like a no brainer. Best, Dan
Matterport now pricing their own 3Dscan cost DougTse Jump to first page133Jump to last page 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, Any additional news on this topic? Matterport engaging you directly? Dan
Do you have a formal Refer-A-Friend Program? DanSmigrod 3 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @fullpreview How is it going with your referral program? Seems like you nailed the logistics. Best, Dan
Matterport's single biggest competitor is... DanSmigrod 3 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, FYI ... I did not hear back fro the agent. Best, Dan
Should I Buy a Matterport Camera, or ....? DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, I received this message via LinkedIn ... Dan --- Dan, thanks for connecting! I’m based in [redacted]. I’m interested in getting behind 3D/vr for my businesses. I own [redacted] and can see synergy being able to offer a product like this for clients. My questions are: I came across your website and like it. Do you represent any one piece of software like Matterport or others or provide a platform? I’ve seen...
WGAN-TV Live: We Get Around Quotes/Rate Card DanSmigrod 3 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): WGAN-TV Live at 5: We Get Around Atlanta Matterport Quotes and Rate Card. WGAN Basic, Standard and Premium Members receive an All Access Pass to the We Get Around Training Academy Videos, including this one. Not yet a Member? Around 40 Membership Benefits, including the All Access Pass. Already a Basic, Standard or Premium Member? See the Welcome Onboard Letter for your free All Access Pass. Best, Dan
WGAN-TV Matterport Bundles V Optional Extras DanSmigrod 5 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): WGAN-TV Live at 5: Bundling Versus A La Carte for Matterport Service Providers We Get Around Network Basic, Standard and Premium Members receive an All Access Pass to watch this and all WGAN Training Academy Videos. (See Welcome Onboard Video). Not yet a Member? Around 40 Membership Benefits | Best, Dan
WGAN-TV: 16-20 October 2017-MSP Pricing Week DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, WGAN-TV Live Events Programming Schedule | Monday, 16 October through Friday, 20 October 2017 A second week of Pricing Programming on WGAN-TV Live at 5 ... Theme Week: Matterport Service Provider Pricing ✓ Monday, 16 October - Free Matterport Scan with [bundle] ✓ Tuesday, 17 October - Pricing...
Matterport operator job offer/salary Mr_Mugen84 7 7 yearsNerdvice451 (74): I worked for my many years as a wage slave. I would tell anyone who has the drive and the talent to be independent to stay away from being someone's elses employee. The vast majority of the employers out there (not all) want to do two things: use you and make a lot of money off of you. We work really hard and spend a lot hours with our business but at the end of the day, the money we make is ours. We are not getting a slice of the pie... we...
WGAN-TV>Matterport Pricing for Seasoned Pros DanSmigrod 3 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): WGAN-TV Live at 5: Matterport Service Provider Pricing for Seasoned Pros. We Get Around Network Basic, Standard and Premium Members receive an All Access Pass to watch this and all WGAN Training Academy Videos. (See Welcome Onboard Video). Not yet a Member? Around 40 Membership Benefits | Best, Dan
WGAN-TV: 9-13 October 2017-MSP Pricing Week DanSmigrod 6 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, Amazing week of Matterport Service Provider Pricing episodes on WGAN-TV Live at 5 this week. Reminder that these WGAN-TV Live at 5 Pricing episodes will only air once - Live. The only way to see the recorded pricing programs is to have an All Access Pass to the WGAN Training Academy (which is one of around 40 Membership benefits for WGAN Basic, Standard and Premium Members. Best, Dan
Matterport Scan on a Sat/Sun: Charge Extra? DanSmigrod 5 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): I think that charging extra can make the difference between getting a job and someone else getting the job. I don't scan on weekends, but I have people on my team who will. For those who want to charge more for weekends because it is a challenge with family live, consider training a weekend person and marketing that you offer scans 7 days a week. I don't personally scan at 7am or late at night, but the same applies. I have a team member...
WGAN-TV Live: Matterport Pricing for Newbies DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): WGAN-TV Live: Matterport Service Provider Pricing for Newbies (2 Hours) WGAN Basic, Standard and Premium Members receive an All Access Pass (Welcome Onboard Letter) to all We Get Around Network Training videos. Not yet a WGAN Basic, Standard or Premium Member? Best, Dan
WGAN-TV: How to Create a Vanity URL, and ... DanSmigrod 6 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Are you a newbie with vanity URLs? Please share a success story... Already using vanity URLs? Please share what working for you... Dan
Pricing Help for a 10Ksq.ft. preschool W/Gym 3SixtyNow 2 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @3SixtyNow Consider two fees: 1. Shooting/Post Production 2. Monthly or annual hosting Make your money on the monthly or annual hosting so that what you would have charged for a 1x shoot is paid back in 18 months and then all monies after that is profit. "Hosting/Maintenance" (since you will edit MatterTags, adding videos, etc.) Dan
Free Matterport Spaces 3D Tours to compete? DanSmigrod 3 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, I received this free offer again today (18 Sept. 2017). How might you offer a free Matterport Spaces 3D Tour (and still make money)? Dan
What is the point of being a MSP? 3SixtyNow 20 8 yearsBale100 (175): Agree, price fixing does not work. Each market is different and we should live in a free market in economy where choice, quality, differentiation and availability determine prices. We know there's availability & choice in most markets, however the quality & differentiation maybe to difficult to spot for an untrained eye i.e. new prospects. Hence Matterport grading & client feedback to help make it clear.
Charge for 2D Schematic Floor Plans? Bundle? DanSmigrod 3 8 yearsmp2fp (509): The good thing about bundling is that there´s no need for transparent pricing - so the perception of value can easily be increased. Take for instance our $ 40 2D + 3D package - mark that up 3X and you´ve made an $ 80 profit. $ 120 for a 2D + 3D floorplan is not an unusual price, and I´m sure in some markets you could charge even more.
3D Showcase Now - Pay At Closing for Realtor fullpreview 8 8 yearsfullpreview (163): @lhconn - the ability to charge a card on file is already authorized and we have this info because they have to put a 10% deposit down when ordering... see here: image attached with clause in agreement
Handling/Pricing for special MP Projects Joelbcollins 4 8 yearsfullpreview (163): @Joelbcollins - not that the way I do it is best for you or anyone else, but for Active Businesses with a perpetual hosting... let's say so that the tour is one their website or anywhere else online indefinitely, I use a subscription model as shown here: The exception to this will be when Matteport injects the button/link into our accounts for publishing a tour to Google...
Architecture pricing-vs-RealEstate Pricing tocha 2 8 yearsDouglasMeyers (1282): I have done a few like this and the most important this is FARO does not have Doll house view nor can you add video , photos and such with matter tags.
Matterport vs DSLR Tour with Photoshop Bale100 15 8 yearsmori (819): If Smithsonian wants something special, they will call the M.I.T. Media Lab or Google Arts. But here some great history: Looks also as they are currently relaunching their website:
How Matterport Can Sell More Pro2 3D Cameras DanSmigrod 15 8 yearsmori (819): Great discussion and topics. I still think MP should honor the (very) early adaptors and buyers of a Pro1 with a very very special upgrade deal, so these ones can also benefit from the new Pro2.
28 Dan's Tip of the Week | Immediate Access DanSmigrod 2 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Basic, Standard and Premium Members of the We Get Around Network can get immediate access to all 28 Dan's Tip of the Week. Please see Member benefit #46 in the Welcome on Board Letter for the password for the link above. (Need the password to the Welcome Onboard Letter? Please PM me. Thanks, Dan
PFRE: Should I Buy a Matterport Camera? DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, Matterport is frequently a topic in the (excellent) Photography For Real Estate blog. The most current discussion was posted Wednesday, 9 August 2017 here: ✓ Should I Invest in Providing Matterport Tours as a Product? In addition to the question - and the response by PFRE Blogger Larry Lohrman - the comments are always a great read. The previous post - 15 February 2017 - is equally interesting (and timeless): ✓ ...
Is $150 the New Normal? VTLV 12 8 yearsjustinv (1044): @JonJ I can see where you would say incomplete model. I rarely do closets, unless they are fabulous, maybe a nice shower and never in a "watercloset"as @metroplex calls it. The one time I was going to do it, they had a kitchen sprayer hooked to toilet that I wanted to get a picture of but the sprayer had sh¡t all over it and that room stunk too high heavens! I did leave door open while in masterbath and you can see it. You can also...
is this pricing ridiculous ? TierOneVentures 15 8 yearsViewing (589): Interesting points. Let's see how it plays out over the coming months and years. It seems the vast majority want to go solo when it comes to pricing and I respect that. I'm an idealist though and want every 3D pro to succeed. It's still early enough to set benchmarks and there's no precedent so in my simple mind I figure, why not? Many will disagree though and I don't think I've ever had a positive response to the idea of agreeing on minimum...
Matterport subscription VS CAPTURED3D IN AU Sabrina 4 8 yearsSabrina (7): thanks @davemckean and @benholmes. So is it correct that you also need to purchase the matterport account. could get very expensive if you need the both.
I must be an incredible salesman. Are you? Metroplex360 12 8 yearsRamblinman (46): Lol...I was gonna ask how u pull it off😊
Matterport's Unofficial Announcement justinv 23 8 yearsVTLV (2910): That's as bad as having news channels speculating over tweets as an ongoing investigation for their main story. When WGAN-TV launches. They can hire some analysts to speculate the Matterport story of the day back around to where the day started. Maybe we could get a couple microphones and screen cast an All That Matters Show following the same core commitments. Maybe we could pick up some sponsors like IGuide and Magic lube.
Where Are You Publish to Street View? LeventeSolczi 6 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): "Currently we are examining instances where MP Spaces have scans at multiple heights..." There's a little meta tag that you add to the pano called 'altitude'. Matterport already stores this data for each pano - as well as already organizes into levels (floors). This could be added in a day, then tested and ready within a week. Easily. "our...
UK: Matterport Spaces Pricing by Matterport DanSmigrod 24 8 yearsVTLV (2910): You got the call, didn't you? I may need to re-think this WGAN-TV Satire Analyst gig. Sorry if I fueled the fire someone else couldn't spark. So I dedicated a song to cool the hot spots.
Best Tripod for Matterport? JAX1979 7 8 yearsTrustedPhotoDC (1108): @JAX1979 for a number of reasons, you really want the carbon version of any tripod you purchase.
Australian Matterport users help ! Sabrina 12 8 yearsJAX1979 (52): For me one of the biggest attractions to Matterport is the hosting. Lets say you charge a hotel 2k to photograph their lobby and bar, they can then inbed this on their website and use it for marketing. If you charge them a hosting fee of £50 - £100 pm you will get an extra 1.2k p.a. EVERY year. They will not look to re-shoot with another provider as they do not want to pay another 2k Most successful service providers are set up as...
Why I am participating in the pilot Hopscotch 14 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @Hopscotch Thank you SO much for your thoughtful backstory. I - we - appreciate your insight (as well as @BillRobinson ) About the San Francisco trial, please help me understand what success might have looked like at scale for you? What would have been the best possible result? Even if Matterport could send you all the business you could want at the prices it publishes - and whatever the revenue share - I can not imagine how that income...
Is Matterport a Commodity? DanSmigrod 3 8 yearsVTLV (2910): Sounds a lot like my analog Tivo's with Lifetime service sitting in my garage, now being used to hold down the painters roll.
Artistic or NOT - Matterport Price Fixing GeorgeK 1 8 yearsGeorgeK (958): I do not wish "BAD" upon anyone as people even companies do enough to bring bad upon them self. After all the PRICE FIXING and establishing value for Scans by mass advertising, well this if far from finished. Myself, I consider the "digital space" artistic opposed to being mechanical. I am not a plumber I do not put together pipes. I take digital images and tell a story. Thus I am a story teller. Here is part one...
Pros Getting Top Dollar: Good for Matterport DanSmigrod 3 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @iTours360VR Well said. Matterport needs to focus on the benefits. As you said, how easy it is to use is not a benefit. Benefits for agents include: ✓ winning more and bigger premium listings more often. Benefits for a broker, add: ✓ and recruit more tech savvy agents Benefits for homeowners include: ✓ get the most offers sooner at the highest price with the least amount of stress ✓ get on with your new life...
How to Make More Money with MP MatterTags DanSmigrod 5 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, In light of the discussion yesterday (18 July 2017) in this We Get Around Network Forum discussion, how to compete again low price providers is more relevant than ever. Consider potential clients where MatterTags 'Matter' ... Dan
How to Complete with a Low Priced Competitor DanSmigrod 3 8 yearsjustinv (1044): @DanSmigrod As of right now, I take pride in my scans. I might not scan every closet but I will scan the important ones. I am not the in every corner person either but I make sure I get from wall to wall. Now if I was being paid to be the experiment like a lab rat, I would definitely get out with the fewest scans. A 3000sqft house would get about 1.5 hours of my time. Lots of black holes. They would not get any of the other services unless...
How much can you make as a Matterport Pro? DanSmigrod 10 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, In light of today's discussion (18 July 2017) ... ✓ Matterport now pricing their own 3Dscan cost ... you may want to revisit this calculator. Dan
Does Matterport have a conflict of interest? DanSmigrod 4 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, A related We Get Around Network Forum discussion: ✓ Matterport now pricing their own 3Dscan cost Dan
Why Matterport May be Desperate DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, As reported else where in the We Get Around Network Forum today (18 July 2017), Matterport may be desperate, resulting in Matterport offering scans directly to real estate agents for as low as...
Matterport Pricing Scans under $0.06 SQ FT DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, In case you can not read the small print (above) .... ---- How much does it cost? Our pricing is simple and based on square foot: ✓ Up to 3,000 sq ft $199 ✓ 3,000-4,000 sq ft ...
Three Ways Matterport Competes with Pros DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Hi All, Here are three ways Matterport competes with Pros: 1. In this San Francisco trial, clients can book shoots directly with Matterport 2. Matterport is soliciting business from multi-family...
Should You Return Your Matterport Camera? DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Screen Grab of Matterport Offer in San Francisco, CA | Facebook Link Hi All, If you bought a new Matterport Camera in the last 30 days, should you exercise the Matterport 30-day return policy, based ...
Should you buy a Matterport Camera? DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Screen Grab of Matterport Offer in San Francisco, CA | Facebook Link Hi All, Matterport is now competing head-on with the professional community - and agents seeking ancillary revenue. Please see...
Which is the best Camera??? fragache 6 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): The iGuide by Planitar excels in providing a panoramic tour with a map overlay that can be produced in very little time on-site. For businesses that are scaling and serving many Realtors who want a more affordable option, you can be very successful by choosing iGuide over Matterport. If you want a 3D Tour that requires about an hour on-site per 1500 SQFT (my average), then Matterport is your only option for a 3D tour with a floorplan and...
Is it time to drop prices? VTLV 4 8 yearsVTLV (2910): @justinv - Thanks for the feedback. Never thought if it as a "Doghouse" dilemma. lol. Many blank stares on that one as well. Opening pantries to get every nook and cranny would be self inflicted death, I wish that upon nobody. Walk in closets though, not a terrible idea, but could be avoided for faster shoot times, sure. The other services are there with stills and slide shows, ect. Just got the drone license, I've been an agent...
Compare Matterport Pricing to Competitors? DanSmigrod 10 8 yearsGerhard (1484): @mori, yeah I checked it out does not make any sense, one word comes to mind - CLICKBAIT, you click we sell you a camera. Must say looks like someone in their marketing department either is starting to do their job, just a pity they are not putting that same effort into getting the showcases in consumers heads. That is much easier to do than to try and sell cameras. But what do I know, I don't have a marketing, branding, Post Hole Digging...
How to Price Matterport Spaces 3D Tours? DanSmigrod 3 8 yearsmori (819): One thing which is interesting especially in the relation when publish to streetview is available: the prices of streetview photographers. A list is available here: On most pages then you find prices. They charge much more for less viewpoints than an average MSP. But from our experience even this is often to much for people interested here in europe. In US the prices are lower than in europe.
Matterport Pros when do you get paid & why? DanSmigrod 16 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): While I do invoice the moment that I send the client the link, I request payment upon complete satisfaction. So far, I'm batting one hundred. No one has stiffed me. I have had one unhappy client concerning a GSV conversion - and his dissatisfaction with Google Street View's 'see-inside' no longer being an option is shared by me, understood, and I was happy that I managed to sell him a Matterport Tour from a GSV lead :) Just didn't get the...
Add Sales Tax to Still Image Pricing? JohnLoser 9 8 yearsChemistrydoc (1930): Another way around the tax would be to not charge for the photos themselves, but charge only for the delivery... but again, I'm not a tax professional.
Commercial Licensing Agreement 3SixtyNow 4 8 yearsnat_vanveen (598): @3SixtyNow in what context do you need it? I might be able to help
Cost of Matterport Scans Processing Changes? tocha 9 8 yearstocha (166): Quote your projects the same. The customer has no idea what you pay Matterport unless you tell them. What this structure would allow is the opportunity for MSPs to think outside the real estate box. Do you think a car dealer will pay $30 per car just so you can cover your processing fee and make a couple of dollars? What about a sculpture or work of art or a tiny house? The way the processing pricing is being treated now is limiting the MSPs...
Dropping like a Rock? More like a Meteor! hometakes 12 8 yearsNamecomingsoon (13): @Gerhard agreed. I'm thrilled with the product, the customer experience just leaves a lot to be desired. I just feel like a dummy because like you said- the writing WAS on the wall. Live and learn.
WSJ: VirtualAPT 3D/VR Robot Gets $1 SQ FT DanSmigrod 2 8 yearsJC3DCX (823): I would love to see ANYONE in SA pay R39.00 (3xR13.00 / R13.00 = $1) an SQM (3feet = 1m). Thus a 1000SQM (3000SQF) home would cost R39 000.00, :eek::eek: 3x scans and I can purchase a new Pro2.
The Next Generation: MatterBabies StevenHattan 30 8 yearsVTLV (2910): How can I become a card carrying member of the Matterbabies? We invested in the company being told future product capabilities were coming down the line. The wait times have been frustrating after watching videos from Matt Bell talking about upcoming product capabilities and not seeing the results come to us anytime soon after his announcements. Many members helped speed up the innovation while...
Contacted by other company for scans 3SixtyNow 11 8 yearsExpertise (1192): We own a busy RE photo company. We have subcontracted out Matterport to a local guy for the past few months. We received a 20% discount, which was OK, but not great IMO. I think he was being a little greedy and shortsighted. I really wanted 30% or 35%. So... We have a new Matterport camera on order now. If he had given me 35% off we probably would have continued subcontracting.
New Camera Price justinv 4 8 yearsGeorgeK (958): @Justinv We think alike Justin, I am still singing the benefits of having it but saying it has a higher resolution is not that big of a thing to me. I bet there is more on its way, in the digital space but right now in San Diego the percentage of Realtors even using the system is embarrassing given we are a high tech center and our prices are through the roof. Hope all is good your you in the TVA... george
How to Charge for MP to Google Street View DanSmigrod 5 8 yearsPHILG (79): I believe in SAS. Spent my entire career in software. That is how software companies made their money. I'm talking enterprise software, not off the shelf single user or small # of users. I'd close a deal, asp $250k, then we'd charge 15% foe maintenance and service. Although that model still exists in large corporate sales, the mainstream is going to a pure subscription - monthly or annual payment. Much like Matterport, adobe, dollar shave club,...
How Matterport Should Charge for Street View DanSmigrod 4 8 yearsViewing (589): We'll have to wait and see what the nominal fee is. I just can't get my thinking away from the fact that we would be paying Matterport to publish their own 3D tour to Google. Bill Google if they're going to bill anyone. Don't bill us or the client by default as it's neither ours nor the client's 3D tour to publish to Google Street View. The greatest respect as always and I do appreciate the staff commitment to making GSV happen. We shouldn't be...
Giraffe 360 camera - Matterport threat? tomasdunbar 15 8 yearsPauluploadabode (28): To be fair to @MikusOpelts his product is great and I was very impressed by his pitch for investment at London Proptech. The quality of image is much better than matterport but it still felt more 360 than 3d. I can see it working for traditional estate agents in the uk who charge £3-5000 per property so won't mind paying £99 processing, but for smaller independents it won't work. My understanding is to get the camera for free you need to be...
Raise the Price of the Camera to Sell More? DanSmigrod 23 8 yearsMatt19 (354): @grmngrl I completely agree with you about having to be tied to Matterport for something you created! I think you partly explained the difference between matterport and Iris...Thanks!
Matterport Pros>Pricing When Sub-Contracting DanSmigrod 4 8 yearsViewing (589): With the way our site functions, one member of the forum suggested it could work as a distribution channel. This was never my intention but it's actually feasible because of the DM & IM features, the upload, create draft, share with client and edit by either party until happy nature of how it all works. Now, taking into consideration what was mentioned above and the fact that we already display the network map of providers to help clients...
How to charge for MP Rich Media MatterTags? DanSmigrod 5 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): I think that the nature of the MatterTags should be taken into consideration. If the client sends you links to YouTube videos, fine. If the client sends you a list of Amazon items and tells you to include their id # so they get a kick-back, then you are providing a white-glove custom integration service that requires testing and precision. I would recommend providing a free # of MatterTags with each tour. Allow -1- video and up to 5...
Custom VR pricing matthew 8 8 yearsmatthew (25): Maybe @DanSmigrod can enlighten into this? Thanks in advance :), Trulia, Zillow costs etc foxwrth13 3 8 yearsViewing (589): Would be really interesting to hear some examples from agents regards average monthly prices for Zillow etc. Here in the UK many agents (estate agencies) pay upwards of £1,000 pcm just to list on Rightmove.
Pricing advice. 3SixtyNow 19 8 yearsBobbyG (50): Anyone have an opinion on NYC prices? 300 for a studio? 400 for 1 bedroom. Nice first scan 3sixtyNow. Penthouse - my First scan
I feel they are missing the boat LetMe3D 5 8 yearsVTLV (2910): @Invelop LOL. I can't stop laughing. Thank you, I needed that tonight.
Matterport Scan: Is Good Enough; Good Enough? DanSmigrod 10 8 yearsRPOceanic (215): I completely agree that a good number of agents aren't so concerned or even aware of the little details that an MSP may sweat over trying to get right. I think there are numerous reasons for this. An Agent isn't going to spend nearly as much time as the pro within the tour, won't likely walk through an entire model. An Agent will only be associated with most tours they buy for a short period, then will move on to the next listing or sale, will...
.99 .info URLs justinv 1 8 yearsjustinv (1044): I just got an email for .99 vanity URL with .info on it from GoDaddy. It is a two day sale and total will be $1.17!
Scanned Preschool Advice 3SixtyNow 4 8 years3SixtyNow (484): Thank you so much @Metroplex360 & @craigsauer. I have been soaking in all of the advice on the forum for almost a year now. With the help of a friend who wanted to help me get started, I was able to get my camera. I'm extremely excited to help realtors and business' alike to show what they have to offer. I'm also going to focus on the AEC industry since I have 15 years experience as a Designer & CADD Technician.
Free Matterport Spaces 3D Tour for Realtors DanSmigrod 8 8 yearslisahinson (785): @JonJ love this description "Photos 25 HDR photos with Elevated Photos, Blue Sky Guarantee"
Virtual Furniture in a Matterport Scan? GLARI_International 5 8 yearsGLARI_International (45): No worries, the confusion was on my side. Your write up was excellent!
.info domains on sale justinv 4 8 yearsjustinv (1044): @DanSmigrod I honestly answered someone on the slower forum about building websites for the tours. I always give Ross credit and tell them to buy it. Little did I know that he did the drone work on the Goodsprings Loop in the example. He just bought a camera recently and I guess he was trying to sell her a tour. She gave him the site and he was blown away. He was trying to figure out how to duplicate my website and I was the one who answered!...
Important: Offer Payment Plans Metroplex360 30 8 yearsDSPhoto (112): @jfantin "The most important thing to consider is that you never have to start with a lower price with the intention of increasing the price in the future. It works in the opposite direction." That, right there, is the truest of truths! Except for when I go to the grocery store.
Getting Paid After Matterport Scan? mike02h 25 8 yearsmike02h (19): Thank you everyone so much for your replies, I've been away for a bit contemplating all of your advice in regards to this. She and I have agreed that a bill will just be paid in regards to services rendered. I agree that not only is the commission idea complicated but legally, it's becoming a bit too difficult to track down the legalities where I live so I'm happier to just go on the safe side of things. I'm actually working on getting my...
I-Guide versus Inside Maps RichardBurt 11 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): I've argued that iGuide seems clunky to me too :) With enough people saying this, maybe they'll take some feedback and create some options :) I personally love RealVision's platform -- which differs from iGuide on a very simple 'packaging' level. I believe that RealVision's packaging and ability to work with a camera that you may already own are the two advantages over iGuide. iGuide uses brilliant technology to aid in creating an...
Refurb / Secondhand Cameras JACKS79 3 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @JACKS79 @LetMe3D While I fully plan on buying a new Matterport Pro camera when it comes out, as inevitably, a new one will arrive, I am very cautious to speculate when one will come out. The current Matterport camera shoots 2K tiles -- much larger than is needed for viewing on mobile. The current Matterport camera, through recent firmware updates has demonstrated that image quality can continue to be improved through software...
Drones & Price Radie842 15 8 yearsaerialpixels (457): Hi all. As you can see from my username, one of my services (was) geared at aerial photography. I started it due to my pre existing hobby of flying RC planes. Then drones came into the market like 7 years ago and started tinkering with them and adding cameras and gimbals. As Rootsyloops says, in the end, its DJI. Nobody comes close to 2nd. Dont bother unless you are a hobbyist who wants to tinker. Nowadays, I dont even have time to...
Calculating Square footage of Matterport? Radie842 6 8 yearsPieroBortolot (230): Hi Dan, could you send it to me as well? Thank you
Matterport Scan Pricing? DouglasMeyers 5 8 yearsHarlanHambright (2133): i wish the monthly statement was expressed in $ terms and not vague lime it is. i get these several hundred $ monthly charges then go to see what it is and have to translate from prose to $.
How to Price Your Matterport Services DanSmigrod 3 8 yearsfrstbubble (639): @Rootsyloops just a note on the video. Video is not cheap at all. There is quite a lot of time in the post process. But remember how much production companies charge for a 30-second video. That is what you have to compare your pricing. You are doing it for a tenth of what they would charge for 30-seconds and giving them from 3 to 7 minute commercial. We have a few clients that don't care for or get Matterport but love the video end of it. We...
HUGE job pricing advice Charlieshoe 2 8 yearsJamie (2037): I did a 52,000 sq ft job and charged them 7c per sq ft. It was divided over 4 scans. 52,000 is a lot of data as well and you will most likely have issues with the app crashing.I'd plan it out carefully and quote accordingly.
Now we're talking! Goldman Sachs selling... lisahinson 4 8 yearsJC3DCX (823): Quite interesting and its the way forward,
Cloud plans and payments DmitriyReev 6 8 yearsDmitriyReev (43): Good day, all! Today I had another problem with potential client and can't solve it w/o your help!..I proposed to one SPA (300 m2) who has already panoramic tour on their web page to replace it with matterport tour as they can use mattertags and VR. They were interested from the beginning, but when I sent offer to them where was annual hosting fee (46 USD/year) starting after 6 free months, they said NO. They don't pay anything for their...
Vacation Rentals? photosbyhopsing 9 8 yearsCartoBlue (43): AirBnB is testing Matterport in the Sonoma Select market and may be bringing it to other test markets soon. There is a Vacation Rental site coming soon that supports Matterport tours I found, called Vacation.Vision - Looks promising for us to sell as an add-on product for individual rental owners looking to promote their property with Matterport tours.
New MP-ad & landing page for Pointcloud mori 15 8 yearsAlex_iGuide (361): With more scans you collect more data and, as a minimum, that data will result in a denser point cloud and finer mesh. That will increase computation time and storage requirements, so MP must draw a line somewhere for practical reasons and may limit how dense the point cloud is and how fine the mesh is that they store and make available for download. If you leap-frog along the wall with more scans, the overall room length error will be smaller...
Mattertags - Charge or included in price? 3dshowcaseuk 6 8 yearsRobinLycka (727): We charge £ 30 for 6 tags.
Is This A Phishing Scam? BrianM 12 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): ---- FYI ... I did not reply. I received this follow-up email: -------- Original Message -------- Subject: RE: Matterport Tour request From: <> Date: Tue, November 15, 2016 2:55 am To: [my email address redacted] Hi Dan, We just got a very large order in Georgia, so I would love to chat with you, if you have a moment to spare. Our rates are somewhat negotiable based on clients, so let me know when you are...
Upcoming winter months Distinctive360 5 8 yearsDistinctive360 (52): @HarlanHambright Thanks!
Summer Camp BrettMtn 5 8 yearsJamie (2037): For hotspots you could try
What would you charge for a Mall? ThreeDImaging 14 8 yearsThreeDImaging (74): the person is not interested right now but i plan on trying back in a couple of months.
Help in pricing a 5 star Hotel Wyzlo 6 8 yearsWyzlo (100): So after we have the minimum $150 per model is ok $1 for square meter? after de 150 mts2? thanks guys
How to charge clients for Matterport CoreVR? DanSmigrod 9 8 yearsProperty3dNZ (617): We are charging $50 NZ dollars for the VR. We decided on this number for a number of reasons - we want people to use the service, therefore it needs to be achievable. We are still struggling to really get MP off the ground with Real Estate with a constant number of scans weekly so having this small additional cost will hopefully not scare them off! We need to cover ourselves for the NZ dollar getting weaker as well.
Matterport Vs. Google Radie842 2 8 yearsjfantin (1733): MP and GSV are two different animals that happen to use similar concepts. In my opinion they complement each other but are not direct competitors because the value proposion is different. Quality is different and the navigation experience is superior with MP. The dollhouse is a killer feature for some customers (although not to everybody). While with Google StreetView you get more exposure because any time a user searchs for a business or a...
How to far is to far to travel for a scan? 3SixtyNow 3 8 yearsProperty3dNZ (617): If someone is willing to pay for our time and travel as well as the scan we will go where ever we need to to get the job done!
Whats Matterports plan!!! AAS 3 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): If Matterport would allow MSPs to sell cameras and receive a kick-back (either $ or credit), I would love to help sell cameras and offer a free consultation with scans. In my opinion, you cannot stop a Realtor from buying a camera, therefore, the best position to be in is to HELP them make that decision by allowing them to participate with you, have a hands on, and decide if its the right decision. I think that if Matterport ended the $600...
20 Questions About Your Matterport Pricing? DanSmigrod 2 8 yearsfrstbubble (639): Do you have licensing fees? What are licensing fees? Why are licencing fees important?
Long Term Hosting WarrenVandal 9 8 yearsJohnLoser (305): We just started our Matterport services. By reviewing pricing information around the country (Thanks to Dan for the access), and talking with a very large local realty firm, we determined what seemed to be appropriate pricing for models. Our prices are higher than some areas and lower than others. We kind of fall "in the middle". We have a "scanning" and model prep service rate based on the size of the property (with a...
Billing Plan Change BabluN 5 8 yearsBabluN (49): I'm not sure what's going on, I've got a mail stating that my plan has changed by Matterport, but when I try to verify that on the website by clicking on change, it tells me that I'm not allowed to upgrade. I still haven't heard from Matterport support, I will post an update once I hear from them.
Example of Matterport specific Proposal Cabrahams 2 9 yearsDSPhoto (112): I don't have a proposal to offer you but part of my consideration for using Matterport is how to license the work. If you are creating content to be used in marketing you have to license the use of the work for a specific amount of time. If not you will eventually pay for the hosting of your clients scan out of your own pocket. As for what that licensing fee should be? Good question.
licensing and pricing schemes jntooker 2 9 yearshometakes (1134): I am in the tour business and I license "Amenity and town tours" for my videos through Vimeo. The cool thing with Vimeo is that I can set the licensed 'embedded videos' only to play on what ever URL's I tell them to play on. This way, I have control over the videos as to whether they plays on the licensees website. They don't pay the bill, I take their URL off off Vimeos system and of course their videos won't work anymore. It would...
360 View Pricing Helen 7 9 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): I think I'm just going to do it for free ... unless we can link to and FROM them into our tour with Mattertags. Then it might be a small upcharge.
Matterport in Europe mori 13 9 yearsmori (819): @Wyzlo That´s really great for you - congrats. Wish we had such a project also.
If Matterport Released a newer camera... Metroplex360 14 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @Metroplex360 I haven't had time to study LinkedIn for EXISTING employment titles. I imagine that Matterport already has a team in place for next generation Cameras. There's a ton that can be learned from both job openings and LinkedIn profiles. Best, Dan
Offer to get paid if/when a listing sells? DanSmigrod 6 9 years3Dwalkmethru (289): I still think is a bad idea regardless ... Get paid for your work when your work is done period.
shopping Malls ThreeDImaging 3 9 yearsThreeDImaging (74): Is that not the owner of the malls problem? Becides he wants to use the scans to show the space people can rent, he doesn't really care about the Company currently renting the store.
How to Price Your Matterport Services DanSmigrod 1 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): On Friday (29 July 2016), I received an email from a real estate agent that is transitioning to property media production. Presently, he shoots aerial for 20 real estate agents for the last two years. ("(I got my 333 exemption last year in February).") He writes: "I would like to provide a full-service property production company (360, photo, video, aerials), which for a beginner, has led to a very STEEP learning...
Victoria Canada CTV coverage | Real Pricing? davidpylyp 8 9 yearsJamie (2037): That's the price. He's in Victoria, the island just off Vancouver. His prices are so low and it makes no sense as he is the only one there. Not sure why he is bastardising the market.remeber to take off the processing fee from that as well (about $25 cad) Matt, if you are on this forum. Put your prices up man. It's worth more than that...
to scan a propery or a photo 360 tour? skycamguatemala 4 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @skycamguatemala How much is "look around" worth to your client? How much is "get more students faster with more pre-qualified parents and students touring the school in person" worth to your client? Dig deeper about what problem you are helping solve for your client and you will know which solution to recommend. Dan
Package Pricing Cabrahams 6 9 yearsKateKratochvil (31): I charge .10 per sqft, and that includes my full set of professional photos. I say professional, because I have been an RE Photographer for 9 years. The photos I include with my 3D package are of the same quality and quantity that I deliver for any photo shoot I am hired to do. What's the point? I'm still making between 40-80 bucks an hour, including drive time and post processing. Works for me. To each their own!
Matterport account for clients cswartz 7 9 yearscswartz (98): Thanks to all! Very helpful input!
FLY-IN 3D Video: Mark up price? JRMaddox 6 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): FLY-IN 3D Video: This 14,000 sf house was scanned by We Get Around Associate Photographer and Architect @YairYepez Captain @suncoastskyview Crawl-->Walk-->Run My view is that potential buyers want to scans photos quickly first. If they have some interest, videos are a lean back experience. If they are very interested, Matterport Spaces are a lean forward experience. That said, the above simply does not matter. What...
MP + Stills + Drone Video for Less Than $200 DanSmigrod 5 9 yearsdorlando (67): A note I just received this morning from a shoot we did last week. "That’s wonderful! Thanks Drew – we loved you! You are always a welcome addition to our home. You are very talented! Glad to know it was “audio jungle” that is hilarious! We must of listened to it 10 times! Not sure how we settled on orienteering!! Have a wonderful day!!" My client was cc'd on that e-mail and these happen all the time. This is what it is all...
Building Value Nfinitevr 16 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): What else about building value? Dan
How much should I charge for Matterport? DanSmigrod 2 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): If you would like to receive the Guide to Matterport Service Provider Pricing, please PM me by Thursday, 30 June 2016. Dan
Quoting leeverdon 2 9 years3Dwalkmethru (289): @leeverdon I think each market is different and every client is different, some are fully decided to use this service some are ready to walk away from the whole idea based on price so this is when your selling tactics come in. If you know they are committed stick to the number you like if they are not then hit them with a number you are happy with. Sometimes we have to bluff and play little poker with clients so start high give yourself some...
Pricing Tip $199 / $299 / $399 / $499 / $599 DanSmigrod 3 9 yearsStevenHattan (1513): I've been told that numbers ending in 7 or 3 statistically do the best. $347 vs $349, for example.
Pricing Tip: $15,000/$10,000/$7,500/$5,000 DanSmigrod 5 9 years360Verbeelding (352): Hi, we also work in that price range. But we don't have clients from the real estate marked. Mainly government, culture and industry. So we are a bit blessed. And MP is one of our many tools. Happy scanning, Grtz Rene.
IVRPA: Sebastian Sylwan on VR Narrative DanSmigrod 3 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): State of being: not a spectator The importance of presence in VR. Be in the middle of the interaction. Spatial audio to put you in a dream-like state. Interactivity: always protecting the experience as it is. Even with other potential interactive elements, careful not to break the state of being in narrative.
BDX New Home Ad Questions VTLV 1 9 yearsVTLV (2910): Are any agents/builders approaching you about BDX Builder Ads? I came across an ad this week offering Matterport service for builders. Take a look. (It's a PDF) I am curious about your thoughts on the following: How do you like the ad? Is this in line with your...
10 Takeaways from this 1,000 sf $500+ Order? DanSmigrod 2 9 yearsRandyAggie (34): My takeaway is that I'm undercharging. But I'm also inexperienced. I've always found pricing to be the hardest part of any of my entrepreneurial adventures.
Matterport Pros: Pay Yourself a Commission? DanSmigrod 11 9 yearsRandyAggie (34): That's a great way to think about the pricing. I'm partnering with HomeJab to do some of their shoots down here and it's in the neighborhood of the suggested breakdown. Also, with this idea I just signed up 2 salespeople with a 20% split just since reading this an hour ago. And I will be signing up some more. Thanks a bunch for this post! Good stuff.
Multi-Building projects? Hawaii360 3 9 yearsHawaii360 (4): Thanks VTLV
What is the average price you charge? Wyzlo 11 9 yearsDreammachine (35): Hello @danmorell,@Wyzlo and anyone else that reads this post, Courtesy of The Dreammachine.. #GAMECHANGER
too expensive! ArchimedStudio 9 9 yearshtimsabbub23 (910): Along those same lines I worked many years in retail cellular (the startac was our number 1 selling phone in 1997). Fast forward to the blackberry and you were so dumbfounded business people would spend $45 a month on Internet for their phones. A few years later everyone and their 5 year old kids have smart phones...... OK ok maybe 10 Yea old kids. When I left Verizon last year our quota was 93% smartphones to 7% basic phones. We're at the...
Calling potential clients suncoastskyview 4 9 yearssuncoastskyview (178): Thank you for your wise advice. I'll be on the phone if you need me!
Hosting Fees passed to Customer? lisahinson 11 9 yearssrennick (373): COSTS are about .60 per month after the max. I asked.
Monthly Recurring Revenue versus 1x Payments DanSmigrod 24 9 yearshtimsabbub23 (910): The way I see it is, real estate buying and selling will always be part of our society. Build yourself a network of realtors and be trustworthy, honest with your clients and yourself. save money for the "next big thing" because we all know even the biggest companies come and go. But for now these mountains are filled with pretty gold flakes!
How much do you charge for a 2D,3D floorplan chi 2 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @chi A quick review of the pricing pages of 70 Matterport Pros in the .... Guide to Matterport Service Provider Pricing - curated by We Get Around (For a 30-day free pass, please PM now through through this Saturday, 30 April 2016) ... reveals that Pros charging as much as $150 for 2D schematic floor plans like your sample (of the entire house). If you set your price at $150 and can not get any takers, then you may be charging too...
Payment and forms htimsabbub23 1 9 yearshtimsabbub23 (910): let me start off by saying I just got off the phone with squareup and was disappointed with the answers they gave me for booking appointments. I needed two basic items taken care off and they do not support either 1st) I need to be able to customize fields at check out such as address, and MLS, listing and a few others. 2nd) I would like to be able to add a custom redirect page which will take customers to our contract page Does anyone...
clean up Dalivingston 3 9 yearssuncoastskyview (178): After your work is processed by Matterport there are times when certain artifacts appear outside the dollhouse. You can use the "trim" process to clean up these anomalies. It is not difficult and only takes a minute. Then you re-upload your file and have it re-processed. They do not charge you for that. I agree with the Beckers regarding taking still captures from the Matterport scans. They are excellent. Most of the time, I...
Pricing Strategy: Pay Nothing Until Close DanSmigrod 17 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): When should photographers get paid?
VR Beta costs Noel 4 9 years360Verbeelding (352): Hi, I understand that MP wants 500 US for processing a file to VR and it needs 2 weeks to process. Is this correct. My question is, why so expencive and why do the need al that time to process. As i wamt to convert my regular 360 shootings to VR it takes me not more then a day including touch ups of the footage. I do this in Kolor, that sells for under 200 US, more then half the cost of on MP VR. I think MP should think about who their clients...
Monthly/Processing Plan Fees Amaury 6 9 yearsAmaury (16): Thank you for the clarifications @Queen_City_3D!
Pricing>Bundle Hosting or Charge Separately? DanSmigrod 6 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @Aghachi101 Great question. You might ask and report back in this thread post ... I could imagine the house not selling. Another agents wants to use the 3D Showcase - or even get a VR version - and you would want/need the original model. As far as I know, if you delete a model from your account, it's gone. While I can appreciate that the shelf-live of a house-for-sale may be limited, here's why not...
Two Pricing Questions Cabrahams 6 9 yearsron0987 (3490): I do what Jamie does, its dependent on the client, a long term client that has been loyal with work I don't worry about it. Newer clients we include it as an additional charge, most clients have no problem with the charge if they know it up front. Others hate the added charge after the job is complete. Ron
Contracts/Disclaimers IntheD 4 9 yearsfburch (28): From another thread on this same subject: FREE PHOTOGRAPHY CONTRACT WRITTEN BY A LAWYER
Need Examples of Large Commercial RealEstate tydowning 7 9 yearsAerialMG (70):
7,000 Sq Ft pixelray 2 9 yearsJRMaddox (106): I didnt know there was a direct link to peoples pricing.... Well im a complete newbie to the 3D tour world but I would try and base it off how long it may take you... I just did one and it took me 5 hours... At the end of the day I want at least $100 an hour but that just my time. Again also depends on how much per sq foot you want to charge. Im charging a price range of a 1000 sq foot then it goes to the next tier. But something this big would...
My solution to get invoices paid on time Marcel 12 9 yearsStevenHattan (1513): How about send a letter to all the Realtors telling them what happened....then...send a letter to the builder and say, "I'm a local Realtor and received a letter you're not paying your bills. If this is true I will never send a buyer yoru way and make sure everyone knows how you operate." It only takes a single person not to buy from him and he's lost tenfold.
Is Matterport working with Google Maps? VTLV 7 9 yearsGarySnyder (2143): @VTLV This is a repeat to what I wrote in the link which Dan has been so kind to include in this section but I'll go over a few of the points to consider as well as add some additional if you're considering shooting for Google. As a former Google Trusted Photographer that is or was the status you needed to achieve to shoot and produce Business View (BV) for Google. the process is very time consuming, that is not the actual photography but the...
Let's talk pricing CathieRasch 28 9 yearsSeventhsunrise (64): Cathie, it depends on the client type (our focus is not on the real estate market primarily) We do offer floor plans, traditional photography, and 3D modeling, along with private webpages... But we also bring marketing help, strategic communications and other tools. In real estate- We market direct to homeowners which garners significant business and places more pressure on the realtors in the market to utilize the service (regardless of...
Pricing for 100 Matterport Service Providers DanSmigrod 5 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Promoted Post The Guide to Matterport Service Provider Pricing includes direct links to the pricing page for 38 Matterport service providers, as of Sunday, December 27, 2015. The Guide is free for Basic, Standard and Premium Members of the We Get Around Referral Network. For a 30-day access pass ($49), please click here. If you engage a We Get Around Referral Network Matterport Pro 3D Camera Photographer within 60 days – that...
Square Footage unavailable? Dennis_N 8 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Promoted Post --- Hi @Dennis_N About 2D and 3D Floor Plans - with measurements - We Get Around Referral Network Premium Member RoomSketcher (MUG Member @PetraSoderling) offers these solutions using the Matterport 3D Showcase. Plus, they off a DIY floor plan creation solution too. You can PM @PetraSoderling for more info too. Best, Dan P.S. RoomSketcher is listed in the We Get Around Matterport 3rd Party Solutions Directory
What Should You Charge For RE Photography? DanSmigrod 1 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): All, What Should You Charge For Real Estate Photography? is tonight's (8 December 2015) Photography For Real Estate blog post by Larry. It's a excellent blog that is relevant to MUG Forum Members. And, this post is particularly relevant. You may want to comment below or or the PFRE blog. Best, Dan
Scans that are permanently on the cloud? Dennis_N 3 9 yearsDennis_N (91): Thanks for the suggestion. I'll give that a try.
Virtual tours for un-built spaces OpenHome 8 9 yearsVertexVR (7): We use Unity to create interactive 3D visualisations, for example here: or This is also ready for the Oculus Rift. If anyone is interested, please contact me.
Working for Free and Wholesale davidpylyp 3 9 yearstradetickers (10): never work for free
volume discounts offered to clients? Showcas3D 3 9 yearsdavidpylyp (178): Multiple discounts could apply if I did the job once and sold it to six people Doing the job 6 times for half my regular price does not work for me IMHO Everyone wants something unique This is unique
Floor Plan Sketches & Smart Galleries RenderingSpace 11 9 yearsRenderingSpace (607): Here's a quick video of how the floor plan view is transformed into a schematic floor plan.
Pricing CarlosFHdz 10 9 yearsJML (1): Its too often that more or less young guys start offering these kind of services, either drone or anything that has to do with electronics and basically ruin the market with a pricing that is completely out of the range. As Cathie said, they simply dont understand business cost and earning structure good enough in order to justify proper pricing. When this happens, its too late as the client for sure will only remember the lowest price someone...
Scan Price based on Price of Home StevenHattan 7 9 yearsedirwin (34): I think it's a big mistake to price our services on the price of the listing. That should have nothing to do with the price of our service because it has nothing to do with the value of our service. Once again, you start to do that and bingo, you ask for someone to undercut you in price. Come up with a rational pricing structure that fits for all situations and that applies to whether the home is vacant or staged or occupied. Yes, there will be...
Service contract and Disclaimer cnrfaber 3 10 yearsdavidpylyp (178): What kind of service contracts? I invoice for services rendered.
Agents Claiming These Can't "sell" a home. tydowning Jump to first page43Jump to last page 10 yearsDoyleRealtor (534): Our team was up against 2 other agents for a listing which we secured on Monday. The sellers stated they decided to work with us because of our cutting edge technology which of course included digital showings.
Hosting duration pheller 4 10 yearsccctucker (160): Six months and then a surcharge after that per month.
Scanning the market Bo911 11 10 yearsDoyleRealtor (534): Agreed, I'm anxious to see what they come up with. In review of my previous comment, I probably should have proof read it and clarified some of my points a little better.
Cloud Plan Billing BabluN 5 10 yearsBabluN (49): Thanks Jamie and Andrew.
Defer Some or All of Your Fee to Closing? DanSmigrod 8 10 yearsccctucker (160): I wouldn't wait until a closing, who do you get the money from if they change agents? its not that much to collect before you give them the link. We have had some good luck, so we have billed the agents with a 7 day pay cycle.
Pricing for Matterport 3D Showcase Tours? Matt 6 10 yearsJamie (2037): Wow Rolf Wish I could charge that
What does someone charge for this service? ccctucker 7 11 yearsCharlieB (77): DoyleRealtor, I brought this up to Matterport Support yesterday and mentioned to them that a Photographer friend of mind was correcting for the wash out with his HDR photos on his computer....and I was surprised to find out that they have HDR capture in the Matterport.... Seems that the issue is doing some type of software adjustment on so many frames from so many basically they are doing an average at this time that works for...