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'Scans' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Recover Matterport Scan Files? AmitPapneja 5 1 yearAmitPapneja (10): Tha ks everyone for give me the solution I got my all tours back....its really helpful platform
Will Matterport ever support Leica blk360 G2? vantage3d 7 1 yearron0987 (3493): @vantage3d I totally understand your position and agree with the real estate market being saturated and looking for other revenue sources, AEC being a different avenue for that source. I also run an older Faro S120 scanner and also found first hand that time on the job is greatly increased when using it. I ran a few scans from it and compared the Pro3 to S120 in Cloud Compare and found minimal difference. I know the MP capture app does all...
Interesting powerful exp. with Pro3 neonma 5 1 yearWingman (4426): Matterport uses Livox Mid-40 lidar in a Pro3. Its range is actually 260 meters but they cut of all data after 100 meters for a point cloud and reduce it further to 20 meters in 3D tours. You can see specs for Mid-40 on this link
Subscription plan upgrade in order to upload Pro3 digital twin? Shawn_P 9 1 yearJamie (2037): @Shawn_P I'll PM
New 3D Tours service by REALSEE (Matterport/GeoCv Style) RobertC21 11 2 yearsHome3D (4213): For general interest, look at the photo of the Realsee G1 "rotator" for capturing iPhone stills to process into panos. Then look at this photo of my old GeoCV camera which I purchased after a free trial arranged by none other than @DanSmigrod, many years ago. GeoCV was a fabulous system. Too bad Matterport sued them into oblivion. Maybe it was merited. Maybe Matterport simply had the money to sue, GeoCV was much smaller and by...
Launch of iGUIDE DWG Floor Plans for Architects, Engineers, and Designers iGUIDE 1 2 yearsiGUIDE (10): With the launch of iGUIDE DWG Floor Plans, we’re providing a head start on architectural and construction floor plans and design drawings! What you can expect: - Take 1,000’s of measurements instantly for improved accuracy - A faster rate of capture (measure properties in minutes, not hours) - Enhanced speed of delivery (< 48 hours instead of 5-10 days) - Less than half the cost of traditional methods To learn more, visit...
Not getting paid from a vendor👎🏻 Skeeter 4 2 yearsJamie (2037): Are they using the tour? I had a photo company do this to me once, with 40 scans. I ended up changing the title to "guys nane - pay your invoice" Worked like a charm.
Is there a way to remove interior furnishings from a Matterport tour? rhelling 7 2 yearsWingman (4426): Re-scan should be cheaper and less time consuming because there are two way more important questions than who can clean photos. 1)How are you going to get all 360 from Matterport in its original 16K resolution as there are no legal or allowed by T&C methods available. You can only get 4K 360 from Matterport workshop capture feature and it is only manually capturing 360 for each scan. You can get 8K 360 photos if you publish them through...
Matterport updated resynced map are not aligned! TobiasDahl 4 2 yearsJuMP (2031): @TobiasDahl Matterport showcase result has a random direction. Below is the relationship of two 3D mesh results from your showcases.
Matterport Pro2 Camera versus Ricoh THETA Z1? AerialWayz Jump to first page36Jump to last page 2 yearslilnitsch (5803): Not a problem, you as well.
Villa Kariya, Japan - SIM-ON x Matterport Property management system Jedrzej 1 2 yearsJedrzej (314): Last August, we reported on the use of the STAGES platform by Wisteria Consulting Co.,LTD., for the renovation of a historic Japanese mansion - Villa Kariya. Today, this historic building from the Meiji era is operated via SIM-ON, which serves homeowners to control IoT systems and allows them to always have at their fingertips precisely located data linked to their furnishings. The use of both platforms, during renovation work and later,...
Matterport digital twin in facility management Jedrzej 1 2 yearsJedrzej (314): public link: Matterport digital twin in facility management Check out, how facility management works in a virtual walk-through. Map equipment & finishing materials in their real location. Add related documents and muli-media. Schedule maintenance on a timeline. Use task manager to...
Does 8gb vs 16gb on ipad pro 2022 make a difference for MP Pro3 Scanning? Olegred 8 2 yearsOlegred (102): Based on what I hear I returned the 8gb iPad, thanks Amazon, and ordered a 16gb machine. Pro3 cameras are 4 weeks out, I can not wait to put my hands on it.
Matterport Re-align Scan? Harrycayman 18 2 yearsOlegred (102): It also works on nonlidar cameras.
Matterport Pro3 Camera and (a problem) creating floor plans with Matterport DigitalTwin 13 2 yearsBaezeni (149): is a many year WGAN network service provider of all types of BIM and floorplan and project visualizations and can easily solve this. We can use the link as you described and lower the top section and establish a 2D or 3D floorplan in any style you want for your project. We deliver within 12 to 24h. If you want a most accurate modeling of BIM or floorplan you can send us the Matterpack model (can be ordered as extra from...
Canvas compared to Pro3? Aldean 2 2 yearsSdoughtie (570): From my experience, canvas doesnt offer the accuracy of the pro 3 (or Pro 2). I’ve done small spaces with it. But it seems to have alignment problems on loops. The scan to plan is pricy at $0.15 per SF. I’ll show up on site and get physical measurements for that and the end user won’t have to do the scanning. I just don’t think 3D Slam on a handheld is going to ever get there.
Making Games Out of Matterport Scans RSET 4 2 yearsRSET (85): @MeshImages Gamifying a store is an excellent idea! That could completely reshape the way we shop online. We also love using the editor to flesh out empty spaces with interesting design, and you're right it is fast and designed so that it requires little technical skill. We do use RSET for first responder training, but we have not yet worked with jobsite training. However that would be a very valuable tool. All great ideas! Per your second...
COMPARE VIEW feature for split-screen Matterport scans & models comparison! Jedrzej 5 2 yearsJedrzej (314): Use STAGES and create your facility history timeline! What are the crucial aspects of our Digital Twin solution? • Construction progress monitoring tool • Communication platform for all stakeholders • BIM and As-Built complex history documentation • Before - After Compare view feature Go to the platform:
Facility management system with Matterport 3D interface Jedrzej 1 2 yearsJedrzej (314): SIM-ON is handier in facility management with a ticket system! A ticket task manager is a communication tool, which provides an easy way to send a notification with a reminder about upcoming events, report sudden issues, or any other information linked to the facility maintenance timeline, and share with added project users. Contact other users with the ticket feature for reporting...
The wait is over! iGUIDE’s Black Friday Sale has officially begun! iGUIDE 1 2 yearsiGUIDE (10): The wait is over! iGUIDE’s Black Friday Sale has officially begun! While supplies last, get: iGUIDE PLANIX Pro $2,699 USD Now $2,099 USD That's $600 off! $3,649 CAD Now $2,849 CAD That's $800 off! iGUIDE PLANIX Core $1,599 USD Now $1,299 USD That's $300 off! $2,199 CAD Now $1,799 CAD That's $400 off! This is a great opportunity to join the iGUIDE community! These deals won’t last long so don’t be left...
SIMLAB STAGES - Building Life-Cycle Support Laura1 1 2 yearsLaura1 (4): STAGES - what is it and why do I need it? This graphic shows it best. Build your own property Matterport time-lapse and track all facility changes through the complete building life cycle. Collect all building data (manuals, receipts, contact details) and communicate with all facility stakeholders in the most efficient visual way. No engineering knowledge is needed to digitize and capture your most crucial assets. STAGES is for...
Video: Openhaus — a quick tip on how to scan small spaces Carson 1 2 yearsCarson (302): Scanning a small space can actually be tricky. Most of the time it seems like the only option is to take a scan right in the middle of the room... but here is one other option to consider. Do y'all have any other tips?
New deadline for STAGES contest for the best Matterport scans time-lapse! Jedrzej 3 3 yearsJedrzej (314): I am glad you like the idea of STAGES. Our current target group is Matterport users, who pay for hosting anyway, and mostly b2b market on the enterprise level, where costs of multiple scanning and hosting are part of an investment plan. After all, the desktop version of STAGES works with any OBJ / FBX format, not only Matterport standard.
Workflow: How to use the Matterport MatterPak for Topography Sdoughtie 1 3 yearsSdoughtie (570): I had a client that needed condos surveyed and a BIM created. This was for the exterior deck replacement. I decided to capture the exterior with my Matterport camera at the golden hour. It was perfect because this side of the condos was shaded from the sun at the time. I purchased the matterpak so that I could have a...
BACKUP UKRAINE>3D scanning app-quickly/easily scan/upload Ukraine landmarks DanSmigrod 4 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Save Ukrainian Heritage | Video courtesy of Skeiron YouTube Channel | 2 April 2022 From the Skeiron YouTube Channel Skeiron is a team of people who have been concerned about the fate of Ukraine's cultural heritage for many years. Our task is to engrave as much of Ukraine's architectural and artistic heritage as possible and preserve historical memory from the destructive influences of the time. We scanned...
To all Matterport users! Before-after STAGES Contest is on! Jedrzej 2 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV | Introduction to SIMLAB STAGES + Matterport for AEC Design/Build Communications | Guest: SIMLAB Founder and CEO Marek Kozlak, PhD Eng. | Episode: 146 | Thursday, 19 May 2022 | SIMLAB STAGES Micro-Website Screen Grab: Time travel through your project history | View building history with timeline...
Take part in the best Matterport time-lapse contest and win a new iPad! Jedrzej 4 3 yearsJedrzej (314): Thank you, sir. We have to fix it, I did update with a new link.
Proximity Based Tags in Matterport? Carson 1 3 yearsCarson (302): Hello all, Do you have a matterport scan with tons of tags? It can start to feel kind of cluttered. Now you can de-clutter with Proximity Based Tags. With this feature enabled tags will auto populate as visitors navigate around your tour and only display tags in their immediate area. Openhaus Tags vs Matterport:
Timeline feature in STAGES app - Matterport scans synchronization Jedrzej 4 3 yearsMeshImages (3050): @Jedrzej Thanks, this is a great offer. I will send you an email 👍
DOWNLOAD360 Service: Download all the 360ºs from Your Matterport 3D Tour tresdepro 14 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, DOWNLOAD360 service is no longer available. Dan
2022:🛎️Maximum Matterport Scans🛎️??? skyload300 15 3 yearsWingman (4426): This one is 1198 scans. All done with a pro2, most of outdoor done during a daylight. Actually almost all of it, not counting a few small spots done after sunset and some done during a light rain.
Urgent - Matterport 3D scanning - Quality problem on some scans Matija 23 3 yearsMatija (20): Sure, if there will be any, as still no answer from them.
Download My Original Matterport Scans SNFmarkerting 15 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @ThinkLab Just emailed the promo code to you. Is this a helpful tool for you? Dan
Virtual tour of a college campus? JimmyJim 13 3 yearsHarlanHambright (2133): Leica BQK. I’m doing a whole hill town right now but there’s lots of close 3D data and plenty of shadow so the Matterport gliding along with few hitches. It would be possible with Z1 as well but scans closer together
Spatial AI Camera GarySnyder 4 3 yearsGarySnyder (2143): Thanks @meshimages for finding this This is incredible work. If this team can bring a solution like this demo to market it will revolutionize the 3D capture market. All they would need to do is buildout the ability to move between areas captures. Taking the $89 Spatial AI Camera and an application like the one above would be world changing. If the developer of the GeoCV engin is reading this and wanted to...
Matterport 3D Scanning of Large Event Spaces into Vectorworks? jstroming 24 3 yearskwreece (85): Great link!! Very helpful.
Faster processing with an updated iPad? sdubose99 2 4 yearsWingman (4426): I cannot say for a Z1 but with a Pro2 the difference is in alignment speed only. An Ipad 5 Gen does it about 15 seconds longer comparing to a Pro 2020. Also with an Ipad 5 a few trimming lines added during scanning can slow alignment a lot like 2-4 times longer. Nothing like this happens when I use an Ipad Pro 2020.
Anyone use Matterport or other 3D Scanning Software / Products? REsearch 9 4 yearsGETMYVR (1941): @REsearch like a lot of people I endured the long wait time to acquire a Theta Z1. Then I finally put it into action with Zillow and experimented a few other times. Within the Matterport ecosystem, the Theta Z1 fails to deliver at the level the Pro 2 3D will and does. I have a keen eye and there is no comparison. I'll try to make good use of my Theta Z1 however with my subscription to 3DVista with custom virtual tours. I would never...
Is there a way to fix Two Matterport Models (that should be one Model)? NC3D 5 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @NC3D Please let us know how long it takes to get this fixed: Thanks, Dan
WGAN-TV Training U>67 Tips for Creating Matterport Digital Twins of Schools DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV Training U Course: 7 Tips for Creating Matterport Digital Twins of Schools with Belfast, Ireland-based 3D Showcase ( 3DSC Ltd.) Sales Director Mark McBride (@3dshowcaseuk) | Thursday, 27 May 2021 Free! 104-WGAN-TV Training U Course: 7 Tips for Creating Matterport Digital Twins of Schools Hi All, Below...
Is there a Matterport Sq Ft tool? GETMYVR 9 4 yearsGETMYVR (1941): Thank you @metroplex360 & @wingman the team at Jump reached out to me and said their square foot tool is free for business and commercial. They did suggest refreshing the page twice to make sure that you're getting the square footage for the correct model. Thanks everyone for your help. And of course a big thanks to Dan as well.
Need help! Matterport scanning issue Amphotos 3 4 yearsJuMP (2031): @Amphotos Please provide the showcase link here, so that we can know the problem in detail and maybe we can help you out.
Project for scanning a Castle JaviMorales 7 4 yearsJaviMorales (4): Thank everyone for your answers!! Regarding the linking images is exactly what i though, I need to see the ones suggested by and decide which one suits better my budget and needs. That's what I need to confirm with them on the pitch, deppending on the amount of outdoors space I will see, however i picture it more practical to do it linking the images to the indoor tours. Thanks for the offering, I will take it into account, are you...
Moving multiple Matterport scans to another floor? mk4au 8 4 yearsmk4au (58): @DanSmigrod @harlanhambright. I don’t even want to imagine! Over 1000 scans and it’s ‘messy’ enough.
2D color flooplan options/work arounds? Padz82 7 4 yearsAlexHitchcock (451): Hi @padz82, I just replied. Thanks, Alex
Removal of two scans from Matterport tour? Other solutions? Shawn_P 12 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @lilnitsch @Home3D Ha! Too funny! Happens to all of us! Dan
Pricing advice on 75,000 SQ FT manufacturing floor/warehouse/office space? 3DElevations 7 4 yearswishing_well (74): Solid advice from Home3D. If there are competition offers try and stand out by posing the job in a different perspective than the others. The worst place to be is a direct comparison as it's a race to the bottom pricing wise, you need to use every customer contact as a point of variation.
Can a Matterport Tour skip a floor or two and still create a dollhouse? (Z1 maxmobile 5 4 yearsVirtusRealis (77): @maxmobile Yes, you can have a clean dollhouse view skipping a floor : just delete the undesired stations (stairs) and reload. You have to find a way to navigate your visit though. Either you decide that the visitor would have to switch back to the dollhouse view to access the upper floor, or you create a mattertag with an inside link to the upper floor. Hope this help. Jonathan
Big tours - space use on Matterport plan joelE 7 4 yearsron0987 (3493): Matterport has this on there webpage It looks like no charge, it looks like unlimited number.
Additional Question RE: Ricoh Theta Z1 jpierce360 8 4 yearsRomainReparage (161): Matterport do not supports Time Shift Shooting. That would be a winner for all Z1 users. I don't understand why this major company (Matterport)can't make a deal with this very little plug in company...
First Matterport tour of many. Feedback? rodrigocastillo 3 4 yearsrodrigocastillo (129): @lilnitsch I had that doubt when doing it. I even tried on one room but one of the blinds was not working so it looked weird. Thanks for your input.
Outdoor scanning and Cortex conversion? OR Outdoor 360 views "walkthrough"? DigitalTwin 6 4 yearsDunetop (40): Nice Winery. Love the combo of aerial and 360 views. Nice work.
Saving Duplicates>Can I upload it & still keep the numbered scan positions? Shawn_P 2 4 yearsCharlesHH (640): You don’t need a duplicate now. If you need to go back, you can make a duplicate then and add your scan. You could just open the original but if something goes wrong you have a problem. Back up your iPad too as standard.
Discontinuing 3D scanning after 4 years JohnLoser 4 4 yearsandreabortolot (199): Very sad to hear that! I wish to you and your wife all the best. Andrea
R&D New York Times (LiDar?) oshioyi 2 4 yearsTosolini (4392): This is such a beautiful, interactive, yet linear storytelling. Thanks for sharing it. I'm guessing that for the photogrammetry part they used a DSLR camera and a software like Agisoft Photoscan (renamed as Metashape) or Reality Capture. The quality is definitely superior than what you can attain using the Apple Lidar. I did some tests with various iPad Pro apps and the results are promising, but not photogrammetry quality. Yet, for something...
Any suggestions to trim a scan after capture? wishing_well 6 4 yearsjpierce360 (160): The markings look better.
Scanning big spaces + repetitive surroundings SuperScanner 8 4 yearsinmerso3D (126): @Home3D Hi kevin Great work on the aviation tour. An off-topic question, what camera did you use in the 360 aerial shot? Regards
How much Matterport actually charge for a tour? toscobr 4 4 yearsVTLV (2910): In todays billing subscriptions. You are correct saying 1 tour - 1 block. With no maximum # of scan points with a strong suggestion you do not go over 200 scan points on a single tour. The 3D dollhouse will process when you upload your completed tour with no extra work or money due on your end. Optional add on services are available such as getting a Black and White Floor Plan or Matterpack typically used in construction services for AutoCad...
How to move 360 Views within the Capture App or Matterport Workshop? Sibee 5 4 yearsSibee (25): Fantastic answer, thanks very much! Stupidly I didnt relaise I could xoom in when I was dragging onto the floor plan either! Thanks again, appreciated.
Yikes! Lost Matterport Floor Scans (one of two floors): How to Find? BrokerBruce 2 4 yearsCrazeVR (58): Things like this make me nervous about using matterport a great name a lot of flaws.
Help! Need fix for Matterport's messed up floor learning algorithm botticelli 4 4 yearscraigsauer (1078): I have a weird suggestion to try. I discovered recently that something I'd "known" about Matterport for years wasn't exactly true. I don't know if it would help in your situation, but it might be worth a try. I had a job scanning a commercial bus where it was crucial to have an accurate dollhouse for the client. I used a high tripod to scan the top from the perimeter and then also put the camera on the roof via the emergency exit...
Pricing in South Florida Joephoto114 18 5 yearsExpertise (1192): We owned a relatively large R/E brokerage for over a decade. I always told prospective new agents that getting a successful real estate career is like a jumbo jet trying to take off. It takes 110% throttle to even get off the ground, anything less and you crash spectacularly. Once you get to cruise altitude you can enjoy the view. Real estate sales (and now real estate photography) attracts a lot of people who think it is WAY easier and WAY...
Joining Multiple Buildings with Asteroom jwaltphotography 2 5 yearstoddwaddington (541): This is great, @jwaltphotography. I’m wondering what separates this tour from any other VR tour (ie, Kuula, etc.). Without the “dollhouse” presence it could be any number of tour providers. But, you make a good point which can’t be over stated. Whether it’s Asteroom, Kuula, Hippos for 360 (joke), one doesn’t need 20 scans to capture a few rooms. Tours can be crafted with far fewer images. That said, take a look at this...
What setup to start with (again) Rusty 9 5 yearsGETMYVR (1941): Dear universe, please send me a Leica BLK 360 so I can donate my pro 2 3D to an aspiring virtual tour artist.
Best camera to capture 100,000 square foot space? EnvisionedSpaces 8 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @EnvisionedSpaces In a few sentences, can you describe the space and how it is presently being used ( how it will be shot)? Dan
How to hide a floor in a Matterport tour? Harrycayman 5 5 yearsCharlesHH (640): You know you can do it super fast in EDIT mode? Click on the 3D Scans icon and then just click on the Eyes to hide them. That's the Eyes that show in the list on the right.
Moving Matterport models between iPad and iPhones devices Atriux 11 5 yearsAtriux (52): Yes . That's the one i will try for the time being iPad pro is in the back burner , now... & other hardware upgrades . TY
Scanning a HUGE space-135,000 SQ FT | Scanning issues? Pricing suggestions? Cabrahams 6 5 yearsaerialpixels (457): @briangreul hi brian. this isnt something u can easily judge with matterport. cos it needs to align from one scan to another. if it cant align, u gotta scan closer. i have had scans where we just gotta even scan every 3 feet. a supermarket may prove a challenge if the shopping aisles are homogenous. not sure that MP can differentiate the fine 3d of the items on otherwise very typical aisles.
Matterport vs Zillow 3D Tour GETMYVR 3 5 yearslilnitsch (5803): I shoot both Zillow & Matterport on everything I am shooting these days both with traditional real estate & the occasional FSBO’s. I partnered with an agent that will credit a FSBO back my marketing expenses should they decide to have him list their home
Re: removing a article inside a matterport tour 3dvrwalkthrough 14 5 yearsbriangreul (684): I bet for $1200 the Queen of Sheba can move the fan and let you reshoot that room..... Of course I don't like to gamble, so your luck may vary.
Photo editor - best practice TechnicTouch 3 5 yearsBrokerBruce (281): If I have a pic off the Matterport tour that needs help I send to []clickable text[/url] 24 hr turn around and cheap. I tend to over scan which gives me more angles to choose from for the pics giving me a better chance of having shots I can use.
USA vs world who does matterports with mattertags , video and more GlennTremain 3 5 yearsGlennTremain (2953): Looking for matterports that bring it in relation to tags and rich media. What have you seen that really pushes the envelope in the 3D experience
Matterport Pro Wanted: Salisbury, MD IFTI_Lindsey 2 5 yearsIFTI_Lindsey (942): This opportunity has been handled, thank you.
Matterport Pro Wanted: Deming, NM IFTI_Lindsey 1 5 yearsIFTI_Lindsey (942): IFTI PROVision has Help Wanted Privileges in the WGAN Forum --- Hi All! IFTI/PROVision has a need for Matterport Pros in Deming, NM ---- Project details: ✓ Matterport Pro ✓ Location: See Below ✓ Commercial Space: 5,000 sq ft ✓ Timing: Completed by April 7, 2020 ✓ Requirements: IPAD PRO ---- If you live in or near these locations, and would like more details, please email me at and...
Virtual Tours for Australian quarantine facilities modularmind 2 5 yearsysabelc (168): @modularmind Sounds like a great idea!
Matterport Pro 2 Camera sticking / not rotating fully trevornelson 19 5 yearstrevornelson (25): Thanks Dan! It was new, so well within warranty, and their customer service was exceptional, it didn't take long at all. Just got done with a pretty big house and it's looking fantastic. Thanks again for all the help here!
Matterport Pro Wanted: Tulsa, OK IFTI_Lindsey 1 5 yearsIFTI_Lindsey (942): IFTI PROVision has Help Wanted Privileges in the WGAN Forum --- Hi All! IFTI/PROVision has a need for Matterport Pros in Tulsa, OK ---- Project details: ✓ Matterport Pro ✓ Location: See Below ✓ Commercial Space: 4,400 sq ft ✓ Timing: Completed by March 10, 2020 ✓ Requirements: IPAD PRO ---- If you live in or near these locations, and would like more details, please email me at and...
Matterport Pro Wanted: Leland, NC IFTI_Lindsey 1 5 yearsIFTI_Lindsey (942): IFTI PROVision has Help Wanted Privileges in the WGAN Forum --- Hi All! IFTI/PROVision has a need for Matterport Pros in Leland, NC. ---- Project details: ✓ Matterport Pro ✓ Location: See Below ✓ Commercial Space: 3,500 sq ft ✓ Timing: Completed by March 7, 2020 ✓ Requirements: IPAD PRO ---- If you live in or near these locations, and would like more details, please email me at
Matterport Pro Wanted: Topeka, KS / Wichita, KS / Hays, KS IFTI_Lindsey 1 5 yearsIFTI_Lindsey (942): IFTI PROVision has Help Wanted Privileges in the WGAN Forum --- Hi All! IFTI/PROVision has a need for Matterport Pros in Topeka, Wichita, and Hays, KS. ---- Project details: ✓ Matterport Pro ✓ Location: See Below ✓ Commercial Space: 3,000 sq ft ✓ Timing: Completed by March 5th, 2020 ✓ Requirements: IPAD PRO ---- If you live in or near these locations, and would like more details, please email me at ...
Anyone doing IMDF? punjuut 4 5 yearsJuMP (2031): Below page maybe useful:
Matterport Pro Wanted: Merrillville, IN IFTI_Lindsey 2 5 yearsIFTI_Lindsey (942): This opportunity is still available.
Matterport Pro Wanted: Bozeman, MT IFTI_Lindsey 2 5 yearsIFTI_Lindsey (942): This opportunity is still available.
Venting... Joelbcollins 3 5 yearsleonherbert (903): @Joelbcollins A good business would say, well lets charge you for a single, but next time we will have to charge for a large. You learn a lesson, and are still happy. FMP
Matterport Pro Wanted: Destin, FL IFTI_Lindsey 2 5 yearsIFTI_Lindsey (942): This opportunity has been handled, thank you.
Matterport Pro Wanted: Hagerstown, MD IFTI_Lindsey 2 5 yearsIFTI_Lindsey (942): This opportunity has been handled, thank you.
Help Please! Matterport Scanning Alignment problem with Doors Open/Closed misho73 15 5 yearsmisho73 (50): @DanSmigrod Thanks Dan for the Matterport Sandwich tip. You guys Rock
Matterport Pro Wanted: San Antonio, TX IFTI_Lindsey 2 5 yearsIFTI_Lindsey (942): This opportunity has been handled, thank you.
Matterport Pro Wanted: Augusta, ME IFTI_Lindsey 2 5 yearsIFTI_Lindsey (942): This opportunity has been handled, thank you.
Matterport Pro Wanted: Paradise, CA IFTI_Lindsey 4 5 yearsIFTI_Lindsey (942): This opportunity has been handled, thank you.
Matterport Pro Wanted: Cheyenne, WY IFTI_Lindsey 5 5 yearsIFTI_Lindsey (942): This opportunity has been handled, thank you.
Matterport Pro Wanted: Overland Park, KS IFTI_Lindsey 4 5 yearsIFTI_Lindsey (942): This opportunity has been handled, thank you.
Matterport Pro Wanted: St. Michael, MN IFTI_Lindsey 2 5 yearsIFTI_Lindsey (942): This opportunity has been handled, thank you.
Matterport Support: the Maximum Number of Scans in a Matterport model is... DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, From the Matterport Support Live Q&A Thursday, 21 November 2019. Transcript Question: "Is there a maximum of scans I can do within one tour? I've heard of problems when reaching 1,000 scans." Matterport Support: ... the supported number of scans is 200. The reason why it is 200, yes you can definitely scan more than that 'cause if you get yourself an iPad Pro, you can potentially, you know, it's a...
Does Matterport camera ever need calibrating? NC3D 5 5 yearsKfromPoland (117): Did it helped ?
Cupix - 10 000sq.m Exhibition - 120 minutes Joakim360 15 5 yearsJoakim360 (125): Yes, like @DanSmigrod posted, it can. But the 3D tags would not stay in place in a tour like this because there is no 3D mesh generated. I tried to map the panos with Cupix using the 3D mapping option but the result was not good enough. The panos were not aligned correctly due to amount of people moving between the shots.
Brain Teaser: Converting Matterport Outdoor 3D Views to 3D Scans? DanSmigrod 10 5 yearsWingman (4426): Tried it now in full sunlight and I could not scan at all. It seems it can work somehow with clouds covering the Sun but once it is out and shining it won't work. With clouds though just keep looking at a minimap in Capture and make sure your next scan data is going to overlap data from any of the previous scans. If there is no Sun you should have about 2-3m of data placed around each scan(can be more if it is really cloudy) so you next...
Quality Comparison between Pro2 - Theta 1 & Insta360 kkc1006 5 6 yearsrzphotoman (1837): @kkc1006 Thanks for sharing. Pro 2, winner hands down.
Large Commercial Buildout - Bi Monthly Scans Tyler 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @Tyler Cupix 3D tour platform is exactly the solution for the Scope of Work that you described. With Cupix, you could shoot 130,000 SQ FT - easily - in less than a day and you can use any 360º camera with Cupix. You would want to use the Cupix iOS app paired with one of the supported 360º cameras for easy and fast capture. Here are some related WGAN Forum discussions to get you started: ✓ Videos: How to use the Cupix SLAM...
2D Plans exported using 3D Scanners VaughanHarris 4 6 yearsNoddy (432): Thanks
Insta360 One X Tour 3SixtyNow 2 6 yearsJanHamorsky (180): here you are... but with Slovak titles, if you don't mind. Best, jan
Window Trim (or not)? And, what if I go over 100 Matterport Spaces? June 6 6 yearsJune (411): Thanks everyone! @DanSmigrod I think I will leave it as it is then because I do like that I can fly down to the 2nd floor.... @Queen_City_3D thanks! That was what I wanted to know $38.00 U.S. which translates into $53.00 Canadian. I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't being charged something else as well. Thanks again!
Virtual Tour Logbook tresdepro 6 6 yearstresdepro (385): @AtlanticAerialworX good idea thanks, will add that feature in the second edition
OBJ to LAS (Point Cloud) Is it possible? Priest 3 6 yearsxiarosh (32): 3DReshaper
Dark scans izoneguy 5 6 yearsizoneguy (468): OK yes I saw that earlier. I did test with my TEST....While you can adjust the parameters. The pano will pop from the original color/brightness to the filtered version. I understand mpembed is like an overlay over the MP Space but can it get re-processed to hold the color adjustments? There really should be a way to do this with Matterport spaces directly. Or if you get the mpembed plug-in will it function differently? Short of using mpembed how...
Bye, Bye Christmas Tree BrokerBruce 3 6 yearsBrokerBruce (281): Thanks much!
Laser scanners for producing as-built Drawings 3dvrwalkthrough 5 6 yearsron0987 (3493): @3dvrwalkthrough You might also consider FARO Scanplan, if you only want a 2D layout this might be a consideration, still about a $10,000 investment. clickable text Ron
Re: Outside Virtual Tour 6 Acres 3dvrwalkthrough 8 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @3dvrwalkthrough As a WGAN Standard Member, you get the free use of Panoksin Pro to moderate Google Street View Tours. Please see your Welcome Onboard Letter (password required) for the We Get Around Panoskin Pro Order Form. Best, Dan
Insurance company using matterport ? Olivius 1 6 yearsOlivius (91): hello everyone, do know you insurance company name that uses matterport scan (US and non US) ? And if so ,how do they use this scan if you know it? Cost estimation ? insurance expert ? Keep a trace ? Any of you ever scan legally for one of them ? Because I can see insurance section in a lot of matterport users website but never an example with a name of a real insurance company. Thks Olivier
MP tripod shadow MKourani 4 7 yearsMKourani (31): Thank you "harlanhambright" i cannot do 300 scans with BLK each scan takes around 5 minutes. Also thanks dor "3dvuz" i am new in MP i have both BLK & Campro2.i am thinking to buy a projectors with many colors (yellow and white) inorder to delute the shadow. What do you suggest? Thanks again
Matterport Outdoor Scanning - Rainbow & Glare IanA 3 7 yearsLiam_Tayler (239): ensure the lens is completely clean with one of those glass-cleaning cloths.
GSV successful post of outdoor scan tocha 7 7 yearsgeemaps (95): Thanks... It was a few hours before sunset, the whole garden was covered by the building next to. And no sun rays touched the photographed area
Help. Matterport wont stay connected to IPAD FedTheRealtor 8 7 yearsProperty3dNZ (617): @FedTheRealtor Hi There Sorry I have just seen this post now. A long time ago when I first started shooting with this camera I experienced something similar and wasted alot of time trying to figure it out! MP advised me that something else was interfering with the signal and advised me to turn off all electrical things in the area that could be interrupting the signal. This was not an option as I was scanning an apartment in a Retirement...
Changing puck angle wvmb 2 7 yearswvmb (1): Silly question — it shows the angle from the direction your approaching :) Nevermind
How to remove a person from scan angusnorriss 4 7 yearsQueen_City_3D (3159): As per Matterport's e-blast yesterday, it is my understanding is that this feature is coming to beta in Capture App 2.5 ("Note that Capture 2.5 will install only on 64-bit iPads. If you can update your iPad to iOS11, then it is a 64-bit device") Here's what Matterport said: [Beta] Face Blurring As one of our first processing option choices, when you upload a job you can choose to automatically detect faces and blur them. This helps...
Anyone scan inside a car? 3dvirtualview 10 7 years3dvirtualview (119): @KevinBasset very cool. Thank you! I will check out that program
Bad Image Quality in Showcase - all modells LeventeSolczi 19 7 yearsFaga (34): Hi everyone, I've read this topic a while ago and now I'm facing the same problem. Unlike @LeventeSolczi I happened to scan the exact same place with 1 year difference. It's an art exhibition...the place is same, walls are same and even the lightning is exactly the same. The only difference is the art works but the latest is very white and the customer is rightfully complaining about it. Here are some snapshots: ...
JUST Floorplans? Liam_Tayler 8 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): It should be noted that with Fast Capture, the cost of providing a Matterport tour is much less. If you're considering creating a very sparse tour for the purpose of schematic floorplans, I'd be open to scanning a space for a floorplan at a pricepoint much lower than you would consider for a professional 3D Tour. Offer the 3D Tour as a sample, covered if your own branding as a sample for the client to consider for the next time. We're...
Question regarding sqft vs scans 3dvirtualview 8 7 years3dvirtualview (119): @sbl110 that is a lot of great feedback! Thank you!
Capture Software crashing suncoastskyview 2 7 yearsBrettMtn (127): Have you updated the firmware recently? I had a similar issue the other day after updating to the latest firmware. It was taking forever to transfer after each scan and although mine wasn't crashing, it would get an error saying I was too far from the previous scan point (which I usually wasn't). Ended up shutting everything off and restarting both the ipad and camera and it seemed to help. Was able to finish the rest of the tour with very few...
Viewable Labels in HIghlight reel Dolloff 10 7 yearsleonherbert (903): No problem, glad it worked, except the 360 and 2d, I without fail will forget to change it back to 2d and i end up taking a whole lot of the 360"s :)
Matterport LARGE Scan | 23,000 SQ FT Cabrahams 10 7 years3dVuz (507): Here’s 20k Sq Ft on 4 levels. No problem. clickable text
How to opt out of the Ecoystem???? BrianM 5 7 yearsBill (288): I'm not a fan of this whole ecosystem license (EL) myself. We had older client reaching out to Matterport directly asking them to reactivate a model which was taken down after the home sold over 2 years ago as per our hosting agreement. Apparently the house went back on the market and they needed the model. I was surprised with response from Matterport. Here is abbreviated ticket: Client: The link for the following address is not active any...
Youtube and Matterport Video Show Time! GeorgeK 1 7 yearsGeorgeK (958): The Real Meat to this is in the time showing Graph of the percentage of time the videos are viewed when they feature Matterport This is a "semi private" announcement for a Live Broadcast I am doing to show how I used Matterport to sell a "Distressed Property". It also has some good info in it about learning the live broadcast system. Enjoy! Hope to see you in...
Changing Colors and textures Andyh2o2 8 7 yearsPetraSoderling (752): @Andyh2o2 Hi Andy, we (Blue-Sketch) can stage snapshots with new materials, structure, furniture, etc. The outcome is a still .jpg image (not a virtual tour) which the builder can use on their website. I will PM you some recent cases we've done. Alternatively we can create a furnished 3D Floor Plan, again still .jpg images, of how the place looks like after renovation.
Small uplights to remove dark areas GeorgeK 1 7 yearsGeorgeK (958): I use lights like this in difficult situations like dark bathrooms. The Savage Light has increased the quality of my scans!
Car dealerships and car interiors help! htimsabbub23 9 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @htimsabbub23 Seems to me one 360º inside a car tells the story. The 360º can he shared with a platform such as ThreeSixty.Tours (which plays nice with WP3D Models too). (With ThreeSixty Tours, you can annotate the 360º :cool: ) Happy holidays, Dan
Editing scans RichardByers 4 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @Property3dNZ About " change colours etc but without warning it disappeared off the website (that was a long time ago now)and has never been mentioned again." Please see ... ✓ What ever happened to Matterport 3D Studio? Dan
Yacht (Catamaran) Shoot with Matterport DroneProjects 17 7 yearsDroneProjects (7): Sorry @DanSmigrod I can´t edit my post :( .. just I want to tell that you can move the discussion to the right theme XD Thank you very much !!
Can we get a 360 photo of a reguar MP Scan? walk360 4 7 yearswalk360 (79): Great!!! I though that was only available for the pictures taken on the 360 mode!! thanks a lot for the great news ;) Have a great night!
How you Scan inside cars ? DroneProjects 17 7 yearssbl110 (285): Hi Dan, This was one of those "let's try this for fun" scans. My son photographs cars for a living and he gets his hands on some pretty nice rides every now and then. It's not often that one gets to play with a $177,000.00 vehicle. As an alternative, I was going to try and scan a Smart car as a comparison! Not sure the Matterport camera would even fit. Another reason is that it allows me to experiment with Mattertags. This...
Add lower floors to already done space DroneProjects 7 7 yearsJakeRees (96): @DroneProjects I add anew floor halfway up/down the stairway- you can do it however you want to though. Its more preference than anything else. This only effects the model when you select to only see one floor and half of a stairway will show up.
Link into Matterport Tour by Room? Dolloff 6 7 yearsrpetersn (2013): All sounds great! Thx Stephanie. :)
Google Street view starting location Prism3DTours 10 7 yearsMagnaShow (32): Thank you so much for the advice, you all were very helpful!
Moving MatterTags anywhere you want BrianAshley 2 7 yearsTosolini (4392): It has been there from the beginning. Not very discoverable until you really try it out.
Zillow creates new ‘3D Home’ iphone app iTours360VR 11 7 yearsfullpreview (163): @EileenB - what you have said is very true and practical, for Zillow. And, you're right - because of the simplicity of performing the video and its inherent "Zillow" value, it should be done... if for nothing else, it's a value proposition. For all the MSPs, please ALWAYS mentioned one, if not the best, USP for a Matterport Tour - dedicated property detail pages! These are the best way for an agent to market the property outside of...
Any way to hide a Floor? lcorbett 8 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Could you ... 1. Add some 360º Views in the basement of the specific rooms 2. duplicating the model on your iPad 3. deleting the scans of the basement 4. still have the 360º Views of the specific rooms in the basement Does that work? Dan
Air BnB - and Matterport SpencerLasky 23 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @Spencerlasky This is a Matterport Service Provider aggregating Matterport Service Providers to pitch hospitality spaces. Their company name implies that it is related to airbnb. It's not. Dan
What to do with door open and then closed... lcorbett 9 8 yearsaristepp (58): And if your space allows for it, take the door off it's hinges. Extreme, yes, but I've scanned 2 places where the trim thing did not work so I went back, removed the door and rescanned. Problem solved.
Scan not aligning & panning direction Riaan 2 8 yearsaristepp (58): I'd love an answer to your last sentence. I have read one explanation about controlling the pan direction. Can't say that it was helpful at all. I continue to work at understanding the machinations of the process so I can control it. Sometimes the pan works out exactly as I want it and other times I simply cannot win. Explanations welcome.
How to scan a +16,000 sq ft house MarcelloM 8 8 yearsMarcelloM (82): Thank you all for the useful contributions!
Long running upload Ghagendorf 3 8 yearsjustinv (1044): @Ghagendorf I have reached out to support two different times in the last couple of weeks and had a reply within an hour. I am not sure if you are able to make a duplicate with the model uploading, but if you can, I would and upload the copy as well.
Courtyard by Marriott scan DFWVT 12 8 yearsDFWVT (31): @Queen_City_3D @Marcel This is very helpful information. I can certainly say I got tired of scanning! I can see where you would get tired of virtually moving.
Pro 2 errors? tocha 15 8 yearstocha (166): This is what I got back from support: Matterport - Dee (Matterport Support & Community) Jul 28, 8:27 AM PDT Todd, Thanks for contacting Matterport Support. I'm sorry that you have experienced issues with your recent Space. The issues that you are experiencing have been fixed in our latest update. Please make a copy of the model in Capture and re-upload. If this does not fix the issue, please let me know. Best, Dee Matterport Support...
Zillow now promotes using HouseLens davidpylyp 11 8 yearstocha (166): @360Idaho, That is sad and funny all at the same time.
upload time fotoguy 2 8 yearsRadie842 (254): No usually a reupload is quick
Matterport Capture app crashing dtavres 4 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @dtavres Hmmmmmmm.... What does Matterport say? (3:30 am in Atlanta. Going back to ZZZzzzzz.... Dan
First virtual tour fotoguy 8 8 yearsfotoguy (835): Yes, the first photo was from a 360. What height is a good height? We were thinking we had to keep it a consistent height throughout the house in order for everything to align.
Licensing Agreement for every listing? 3SixtyNow 2 8 yearshometakes (1134): No, not at all. It will annoy them if you kept on presenting them with that. Just do a blanket one to cover all tours you do for them.
Cost of Matterport Scans Processing Changes? tocha 9 8 yearstocha (166): Quote your projects the same. The customer has no idea what you pay Matterport unless you tell them. What this structure would allow is the opportunity for MSPs to think outside the real estate box. Do you think a car dealer will pay $30 per car just so you can cover your processing fee and make a couple of dollars? What about a sculpture or work of art or a tiny house? The way the processing pricing is being treated now is limiting the MSPs...
Share 360 scans with multiple Showcases? cswartz 8 8 years3SixtyNow (484): Yes, the links are turned off for the MLS. So, I had to add them to the highlight reel as well. It was really easy to use.
Group Photos Just Got Fun Again! ArtisticConcepts 8 8 yearsmp2fp (509): #matterportmannequinchallenge :D;)
How much heat can a Matterport Camera handle Scannen 8 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): This is a good idea for a firmware update for both the Pro1 and Pro2.
Re-Uploads no longer show individually VTLV 1 8 yearsVTLV (2910): I recently made a couple tours and uploaded them to the server. Later, I made alterations to make my models and re-uploaded them. In the past, I would have a separate upload for my 1st uploaded model. In some cases, I could edit that model up to 4 times and have 4 or 5 of the same model uploaded to the Matterport server using a similar name. This week, my models were simply replaced to only be one unit on the server. What changed? I...
Effect of Camera Height Richierichks 15 8 yearscraigsauer (1078): I'm just finding this thread as I'm searching for threads about verticals. I'm hoping to get some opinion from Matterport with regards to this issue now that they are really marketing the new camera as providing sufficiently high quality captures to use for real estate marketing stills. I'm pretty unconvinced, primarily because of the issue of the verticals in the Matterport images. Whenever I capture images (primarily for Guided Tours) I...
Average number of scans StevenTing 3 8 yearsAlex_iGuide (361): Some iGuide stats: average iGuide home size is 2400 sqft and has 22 panos, which results in 9.2 panos per 1000 sqft.
17000 sq ft resort Wonderdawg 14 8 years3SixtyNow (484): Oh, @Metroplex360, I wish it was mine! A guy named Nico De Frenne shared it on the Facebook Matterport Usergroup.
Stray Floating Scan Point Icon in pano View ArtisticConcepts 8 8 yearsArtisticConcepts (681): We will wipe your memories and it will all be forgotten. Just look at this pen...
Processing Errors this week samgaetz 3 8 yearssamgaetz (49): Yes! I'm so frustrated! Why has Matterport not said anything yet? Why the change all of a sudden??? It was working perfectly before!!
Sample request PHILG 4 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): Me too. I am the webmaster for a MAJOR association in Texas that works with all of the vineyards, wineries, etc -- and I'm trying to pitch Matterport and Street View to boost Texas Wine awareness through the agency that I work with... this was a sample :)
Is there a Maximum number of floors? newview 16 8 yearsnat_vanveen (598): @CKeefe Agreed, that's one awesome scan!! Congrats :)
Has anyone scanned a car dealership? TourMySpace 10 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @SailAway Those are some SWEET photos of the cars. WOW!
First major space 43,000 sf DFWVT 12 8 years3SixtyNow (484): Very nice!! I was going to contact some of the local churches around my area. I was afraid they may be to big. Thanks for proving me wrong @DFWVT!!
Image with multiple links frstbubble 8 8 yearsfrstbubble (639): @RobinLycka Thanks for the link. I added it to my it is possible to do this with my scans list. Wow, it just amazes me how far people can push the limits of technology and what they can provide!
There'll soon be a major new player in town GarySnyder Jump to first page38Jump to last page 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, Please continue this discussion here ... ✓ NCTECH IRIS360 PRO 3D IMMERSIVE Thanks, Dan
People in Scans NKH_Controls 7 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @NKH_Controls Must view this people in scan in the discussion: ✓ Video in mattertags - krispy kreme Dan
Mark Features not working VTLV 1 8 yearsVTLV (2910): How is your Mark Features Option working on your app? My mark windows and mirrors feels useless this month. Are you getting loads of spray in your scans creating blocks in the walk throughs?
Virtual Interior Construction Products? reality360imaging 4 8 years3DVUE (40): Sent Email! :)
Is it possible to edit or blur? BobbyG 10 8 yearsBobbyG (50): Although I don't know about the tech of the google cams, Not too sure I would do that. I've seen the finished work for interiors from them. Matterport images and the 3D walk through is more impressive. Pros and cons to everything.
Weirdest Matterport Model of 2017! Networker 9 8 yearswalk360 (79): I have had the same problem couple of times.... if you are able to determined which scan is making the misaligned problem... just delete that one... you might not have to go back and re-scan. Make a copy model on the iPad and delete the 'Problem" scans... and see what happenes.... if for any reason you have to go back to the model it will be just for 10 mins to re-scan few spots. Is that a building in Bogota, Colombia?
Max number of scans in matterport model? technodai 7 8 yearstechnodai (4): Thanks everyone! That's pretty encouraging if people are getting good results way above 200 scans. I wish I had thought to try this earlier as I now have two large scans of individual floors but a better approach would have been to scan one floor, duplicate the scan, continue onto the next as 3dshowcaseuk describes above...maybe I'll continue in that way from now on... Has anyone ever successfully joined two scans before? I would assume...
scanning Problem: camera/ipad kept freezing 3SixtyNow 5 8 years3SixtyNow (484): I've only had my camera for 1 1/2 months. This is only the 3rd model I've done. The iPad is new and has nothing else on it. I rebooted the iPad and camera and that did the trick. This is just very time consuming if it's going to happen all the time.
Virtual Furniture in a Matterport Scan? GLARI_International 5 8 yearsGLARI_International (45): No worries, the confusion was on my side. Your write up was excellent!
How much do you charge? marcomatt 5 8 yearsMarkHak (1): Many thanks.
Shopping Mall scanning DmitriyReev 1 8 yearsDmitriyReev (43): Hi all, one question to you. Please advise. I have as target one 2-story shopping mall (total area is 6000 m2, around 40x75m building). I'd like to scan public zones (white zones on the attached picture) and outside all around. The total area of "white zones" is 1200 m2 (per 600 m2 per floor). Can I make such scanning and get nice dollhouse view (facade and 2 floors of public zones)? And after that to start making 3d tours for each...
Problems with a Matterport scan grmngrl 8 8 yearsChemistrydoc (1930): Northern Gulf Coast
Can I clone a scan? jmprop 3 8 yearsjmprop (52): Easy enough even for a newbie! Thanks JC3DCX,
Missing entire spaces Sandiemcr 3 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @Sandiemcr 1. Delete the scan in the wrong location 2. If you put the tripod lowest height, you should be able to complete the space successfully 3. Go back and scan at normal height 4. Disable the low scans in workshop Dan
Stained glass windows Sandiemcr 4 8 yearsSandiemcr (56): Thank you This is a Catholic Church and so is covered with stained glass. You can see some coloured light coming in but cannot see items through them. So should they be marked as windows?
NewBie Questions BobbyG 23 8 yearsBobbyG (50): But the Matterport website is very slow.
Need help with scanning a shopping mall abalkhail 3 8 yearsChemistrydoc (1930): At 90,000 sq meters (810,000 sq ft), you will not be able to do as one model (in all probability). You should probably look to break the project into different models. You should also consult the guide "Scanning Large Spaces" for some tips on how to get alignment with maximum distances between scans. See: Perhaps some...
Plymouth Rock and Plymouth Plantation Scans RGO 2 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @RGO Please do share your Matterport scans of these historic locations. Please see this forum post: ✓ Is Matterport VR Available on iPhone? There are no other options today (6 January 2017) for converting Matterport Spaces to VR. Samsung Gear VR + Matterport VR app + your scan: is the best way to showoff Matterport VR. Best, Dan
Matterport Unique Project: 30,000sf to CAD? Acomeau15 6 8 yearsAcomeau15 (52): @JC3DCX Awesome thank you!
Matterport Spaces 3D Tour: USS Hornet CIC George_WALKINTOUR 4 8 yearsSpencerLasky (413): Yes reminds me of being on the USS Enterprise, great use of this technology!
Matterport to Sketchfab? AAS 10 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @AAS Download the OBJ, then upload to Sketchfab. If I remember correctly, I had to disable a few options for the tour to look right and then position the view inside of the tour.
Scans of a large scale office benn1973 5 8 yearsbenn1973 (157): Mate your a ledgend perfect!
Uploading New Scans to existing model Jamwoc 10 8 yearsGarySnyder (2143): No, as long as it's the same model there's no additional charge. Just remember that once you have a model you're happy with you should delete the other models you've uploaded to your My-Matterport account as these will count to you total models hosted.
How to get model onto clients ipad? terrygrant 7 8 yearsterrygrant (34): Thanks for your help everyone. In answer to your question Kev it is not on the market. The understandably proud owners carried out the refurbishment themselves and I don't think they will be parting with it any time soon. I did the scan for free in return for letting me use it in my marketing :-)
Change Background Color Dollhouse & FP view Dolloff 13 8 yearsDolloff (131): @Metroplex360- Just wanted to thank you as well. You always go above and beyond and I am amazed at your hard work and dedication. Thank you for looking into this for me!
Is Business Slow in the North East for you? AAS 5 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @AAS Great. Thanks. Hi All, Business slow? Holidays? Other? Your thoughts about @AAS post? Dan
"Editing" a room in an existing model JohnLoser 3 8 yearsJohnLoser (305): @DannyBasting Thank-you.
360 shots AAS 2 8 yearsJonJ (1760): Yes, you need at least 1 scan to create a model.
Blurred panel within a scan? akirk 4 8 yearsakirk (4): Thanks I got some response from the Matterport support forum and i8tvlooks like I must have moved the camera to soon - I've deleted the scan and now it looks fine!
Service Agreements james 7 8 yearsfrstbubble (639): Staging document provided to client via email.
Scanning Issue & Should I Nuke my iPad? AdamplatinumHD 3 8 yearsAdamplatinumHD (31): Thanks @photoJoe I did another scan and didn't get any problems at all? Weird.
Just wanted to share 2 of our last scans Olivius 11 8 yearsProperty3dNZ (617): Thats awesome! I would have been worried with the movement of the boat the camera might have fallen over!
We've created a monstor! What do you think? 3dshowcaseuk 27 8 yearslisahinson (785): Glenn at Matterport Support is golden!
New Processing Images Delay RenderingSpace 16 8 yearslisahinson (785): Is it 'safe' to do the latest firmware upgrade ? I just received the firmware upgrade option and was wondering I should do it - :O Thanks for the feedback.
Disable a scan in Workshop? Dolloff 5 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @Queen_City_3D Yes. We find it VERY ANNOYING that we can not disable a scan that we want for a SnapShot. For example, we want a wide shot of the kitchen for the Matterport Spaces 3D Tour "thumbnail" ... So, we would like to scan from the corner of the room. That same scan, we want to hide after we use it as a "thumbnail" ... no can do. Seems obvious to all of us. (The good news is Matterport reads every word of the We...
Has anybody done 300+ scans in one model? grmngrl 6 8 yearsNoel (94): I have done one which is 731 scans! It took over 18 hours to do. I have processed into four areas. One is the Whole floor space using 228 Scans, then 3 departments 244, 208, and 233. During scanning there are many mis alignments, and this is very noticeable in the floor view. The store is a major Australian and Global retail store. the area is 4500 sq meters and there are lots of isles with products. The ipad Pro with the max amount of...
Aligning Scans Distinctive360 4 8 yearsJohnLoser (305): Here is my very first test scan. It had alignment issues. I was scanning near one staircase on the first floor when I noticed it aligned with the other one. I made additional scans near the first staircase and also made certain I could see the mail boxes as "unique features". Then, I re-scanned and it aligned.
3 of the 9 lenses light up red on Matterport judysmithre 4 8 yearsJonJ (1760): No, it is not broken. That is the correct operation.
Connecting 2 scans via link / mattertags FloridaProperties 22 8 yearsJamwoc (16): Here's the non-shortened link to other model,
Capturing a retail store (dollhouse view) joez 5 9 yearssuncoastskyview (178): We always cover up any sensitive areas before scanning. Use a flower pot or other obstruction to hide it.
360 Scenes Post Original Processing vchelf 6 9 yearsThreeDImaging (74): Thank u very much frstbubble.
Conversion of Matterport scan to a SqFt diag Cabrahams 4 9 yearsPetraSoderling (752): Thanks for the email Charlie. Will continue the discussion in that thread.
Somebody else model on my showcase skycamguatemala 2 9 yearsGlennTremain (2953): If you have the right membership here you can get a bunch of models to use (plus a bunch of other things to help your business). Reach out to Dan to learn more.
iOS 10 + Matterport Capture App? homepagerealty 4 9 yearshomepagerealty (25): Dan, I've been running iOS 10 on a phone all summer. I've not had any 'brick' issues. Mike, thanks for that! Their twitter told me it wasn't compatible but thats nice to see. Thank you guys!
Building with 3 floor 3500sq/m Fuse 4 9 yearsPieroBortolot (230): Yes, you can this is 4000 square meters (4 floors, 200 scans)
Editor not loading on new scans Acomeau15 2 9 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): Alex, see my post on 'Matterport Making Huge Changes'. I believe they have just changed their processing methods to include creation of 2 new floorplan map files (not publically available) as well as a set of higher resolution tiles for future use with their platform.
Huge property w two basements Cabrahams 8 9 yearsCabrahams (118): Thanks for all of the responses to this question. Not only were there two separate basement spaces w two separate staircases leading down but also two upper level spaces w two separate staircases leading up. I guess Gary's explanation was the easiest to process for some reason. Anyway, the model turned out great: Thanks again! Charlie
Mega Mansions Stevecosta 6 9 yearsStevecosta (1): Very helpful thanks!
Group client scans skycamguatemala 5 9 yearsRobinLycka (727): Linkable Mattertags aren´t that far away, you could then link together the scans so they´re all accesible in each model.
Yellow colored walls? NKH_Controls Jump to first page36Jump to last page 9 yearsTHRHHI (292): I agree Mori. I have one similar and All the tests I have done have worked well with it. In a small bathroom it does not give could coverage from floor to ceiling. Did a test today using a vertical LED strip light. Only had it facing into the bathroom and it did a good job. Unfortunately it is 110v so may be hard to hide cord in many instances. Was more to verify the to refine it until Matterport releases the fix. I have been told...
shopping Malls ThreeDImaging 3 9 yearsThreeDImaging (74): Is that not the owner of the malls problem? Becides he wants to use the scans to show the space people can rent, he doesn't really care about the Company currently renting the store.
Timeline on Outdoor 360° Views? Acomeau15 6 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): I apologize ... I incorrectly wrote (above) that Matttertags will be available by the end of August 2016. Matterport reminded me that their press release Tuesday (2 August 2016) says that the new Mattertag features will be available later in the 3rd quarter [2016]. 360º Views are being targeted to release by the end of August 2016. Dan
Unique tours- post yours here EnvisionedSpaces 2 9 yearsJC3DCX (823): I have done one of a long distance doubledecker coach.
to scan a propery or a photo 360 tour? skycamguatemala 4 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @skycamguatemala How much is "look around" worth to your client? How much is "get more students faster with more pre-qualified parents and students touring the school in person" worth to your client? Dig deeper about what problem you are helping solve for your client and you will know which solution to recommend. Dan
Matterport Scanning Tips: Mirrors BayAreaAdam 6 9 yearsfrstbubble (639): Wonder if you had some scenic pictures on a thumb drive and put the still picture on the screen if that would keep it from acting like a mirror.
Matterport Camera Rental - Really? lisahinson 10 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Has anyone in the MUG Forum community rented a Matterport Camera? Dan
Scans Appearing in Wrong Places BayAreaAdam 5 9 yearsJC3DCX (823): I have experienced the same on previous scans, especially with sunlight interfering with the camera's infrared sensing. I just keep a watch on where it place a scan and if wrong delete immediately, move camera closer to previous successful scan and try again.
MP Support Slower Than..... BrianM 7 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Why Tech Support Is (Purposely) Unbearable
Scans show up in wrong room mk4au 15 9 yearsCarlosFHdz (605): Glad it worked out. :beer:
Dealing with Skylights BayAreaAdam 9 9 yearsBayAreaAdam (70): @VTLV It is tough. I try to look online for prior photos if possible but sometimes you just got to play the hand that your dealt...
Oddest Thing... Black Squares GeorgeK 14 9 yearsjntooker (109): Just had this same experience. Blackout boxes...they disappeared when I processed but it was weird. I noticed that the black areas appeared after placing trim elements because the scan was fine until then. Luckily, they didn't affect the model. I do suspect it is specific to trimming multi-floor models but haven't been able to pinpoint the exact cause.
Windows Viewed from two sides DigitalImageries 8 9 yearsJonJ (1760): There are a number of reasons to mark windows that are apparent in the final product. 1) If you mark the window, in the dollhouse view, the image on the window will be fixed. It will not change as though you are able to look through the window into the yard or patio space. This would be the desired effect if there are no scans on the opposite side of the window. If the window was not marked, often times they will appear as black holes in the...
More than 200 scans walk360 14 9 yearsBarrieFisherPhoto (34): Thank you 3DscannUK, I know that's a real stretch (1500), and alot of work. I will approach my client with the per floor concept. The only thing is, the builder would like to have the whole building. Maybe I'll have to let him know it's not feasible. I just completed a 250 scan - 15,000 sq ft and all went well. I'm glad to know I can get up to 450 scans (@Jamie, did it try to crash at all, while working?) Has anyone done over 450 scans?
Recovering iPad Scans Cabrahams 5 9 yearsWashingtonState360 (40): Fabulous news. Thanks for sharing the resolve. :)
Some window shots good, others bad DigitalImageries 1 9 yearsDigitalImageries (43): Even when scanning in the late afternoon, spins further away from windows display ultra brighty. Spins closer to the windows are great. Is there a way of balancing the light across all spins?
First scan open up into wall. EnvisionedSpaces 3 9 yearsWyzlo (100): Hi Jennkeen in the Workshop !! you can set your starting point and view ! an many other things !!
Hiding a scan in Workshop JCHAFE 3 9 yearsJCHAFE (84): excellent, it worked great, thanks Grtz Rene!
Re-use partial scan? MagnusM 10 9 yearsBarrieFisherPhoto (34): Thank you!!!
Multi-Building projects? Hawaii360 3 9 yearsHawaii360 (4): Thanks VTLV
Upload Partially Complete Before I Upload BrianM 6 9 yearsmk4au (58): I've never had one begin uploading on its own. However, all scans this week have taken over three hours to upload - over full signal wi-fi, not LTE. Yesterday a scan took FIVE AND A HALF HOURS to upload! Talk about frustration! Now the question: From that scan yesterday I moved a couple of incorrectly placed windows and uploaded it again today - over three hours. But it is now a different model and I have already adjusted the first one...
New Cave scanning light setup 360Verbeelding 13 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Rene, @360Verbeelding And, great job keeping the camera out of the reflection in the glass cases. Dan
Pre/Post Matterport Scan Check List htimsabbub23 8 9 yearsjscottsmith (110): For reference, here's a thread I started a while ago. I'll be comparing the above to my notes to build a master list. Thanks for all the suggestions!
Scanning bathrooms & Walk in closets lisahinson 6 9 yearslisahinson (785): Thanks @petrasoderling & @Maria
2 homes 2 iPads 2 Cameras - they connect! Bill 5 9 yearsBill (288): The WIFI from Matterport camera is open network and should be password protected - IMO. While 1 ipad cannot connect to 2 cameras simultaneously I don't see why 2 ipads wouldn't be able to connect to single camera at the same time. Not sure of any added benefit here but might be fun to do a little experimenting :-)
Super Size Properties leeverdon 17 9 yearsny360east (22): Thanks @garysnyder. Appreciate it.
Handling blown out windows pixelray 15 9 yearspixelray (1068): I seem to be doing a lot of educating about the whole window thing...Did that in full detail WITH PHOTOS as visual back up and proof of what I was talking about...and she still wanted the blinds open after I just proved they would look way better closed. I am going to start bringing up the blown out widows to every client now and giving them the option up front...closed or open. It will look like this and it will look like that...your choice.
Parade of homes htimsabbub23 8 9 yearsSeventhsunrise (64): Interesting take. The builders I worked with loved it and saw both additional post show online revenue and numerous new contracts based on the scans associating the builders with the parade of homes.
Scanning a Cave 360Verbeelding 7 9 yearsBrianM (148): Send that out for the new schematic floor plan and see what comes back. That wound be interesting.
Mobile charging? 9,000 SQ FT project Jake 10 9 yearsAdamplatinumHD (31): @jake I scanned a huge mansion (5 hours) and the ipad battery lingered on 2% for a while before dying on the second to last scan. I charged and scanned the remaining scans. Like others have said the MP is great, it's the ipad that is the problem. Just don't chase the battery life like I did!
Infrared BarrieFisherPhoto 3 9 yearsBarrieFisherPhoto (34): Thanks so much for all of that info, I will let him know. Barrie
Matter port won't align any image 2bookpix 5 9 yearsDaK (181): An ipad mini first version? Will not work. I ran into the same thing. Got an ipad mini 3 and haven't had a problem since.
Time Saver Tip!!! How to Move Many Scans judysmithre 6 9 yearscraigsauer (1078): The Capture App and Matterport processing actually don't care if you do all the scans on one floor. But it makes a mess of the floorplan sketch view on the Capture app if you do it.
Closets and wardrobes to fill dollhouse RobinLycka 7 9 yearsRobinLycka (727): @Jamie I tried your method yesterday, worked like a charm. I was surprised that I could even move into the area where the door was closed in the first round. I kind of expected it to be perceived as a "wall" in the walkthrough, and that you could only move up to the scan point outside the door. Very happy that the result was otherwise, albeit not needed as it was only a utility and a small cloakroom. Thanks for the suggestions :)
How much Black is acceptable? Cabrahams 7 9 yearspixelray (1068): I have learned to try and avoid it at all costs - but it's just unavoidable sometimes. When you trim around your windows, do you have the red line cutting into what actually looks like the last part of the wall where it begins to get fuzzy or do you just trim the spray only and leave the fuzzy areas? Hope that makes sense
Pro Camera image quality problem yguo 17 9 yearsgofastpro (49): @RGO I haven't had any problems on Safari (desktop or mobile) and I use it daily. hmmm Can you forward a copy of the link and I will test it on this side for you?
Getting Caught in Scans lisahinson 11 9 years360Verbeelding (352): Your welcome.
Client Want To Add Garage to Tours BrianM 6 9 yearsdanmorell (74): I've gone back and completed a walk up and through a front door with what @ron0987 is recommending and it worked out fine. The initial time of day for the original scan had way too much sunlight in it, hence revisiting once the sun moved.
Delete A Snapshot BrianM 8 9 yearssuncoastskyview (178): We usually take a lot of snapshots then dump them into Dropbox. The customer can select their favorites and download them as required.
clean up Dalivingston 3 9 yearssuncoastskyview (178): After your work is processed by Matterport there are times when certain artifacts appear outside the dollhouse. You can use the "trim" process to clean up these anomalies. It is not difficult and only takes a minute. Then you re-upload your file and have it re-processed. They do not charge you for that. I agree with the Beckers regarding taking still captures from the Matterport scans. They are excellent. Most of the time, I...
One Model - Multiple People Want It pixelray 17 9 yearspixelray (1068): I am following the advice of a long time real estate photographer. He DOES NOT use agreements/contracts. He said in over 25 years of service, he has only had 3 issues and those issues were easily handled. I have researched this subject too - it seems it's about half and half. A lot do contracts and a lot don't. I see both sides and decided for myself to keep it simple. The only thing I use is a simple email informing clients that they are...
Free Matterport MP 3D Tours for Your Website DanSmigrod 1 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Promoted Post --- Frequent Asked Questions (FAQs) by Matterport Pro 3D Camera Photographers getting started are: 1. "Does any one have some Matterport 3D Tours I can include on my website to help me launch my business?" 2. "I am trying to get business in [category]. Does anyone have an example that I can embed in my website?" I (try to) listen hard to solve...
Tip of the Day: Scan an area twice RenderingSpace 8 9 yearsProperty3dNZ (617): I do this on a regular basis and it works just fine! - keep in mind that the on the 3D model it sometimes has the curtains shut
Saving data - Retrieving data? ScanMan 8 9 yearsRobinLycka (727): ok, makes sense now, thanks @DanSmigrod!
3 newbie questions Dutchinny 2 9 yearsJamie (2037): No merging multiple cameras Once you delete the scan from your iPad, it's gone. You can rescan a room after its been processed, assuming it's mostly unchanged Yes you need to keep an active account going for that model to be alive. If you win the lottery, just pay for it with your winnings :)
Matterport Cloud and File Downloads BDPelton 3 9 yearsron0987 (3493): Hi @BDPelton, the actual models are all hosted in the cloud/Matterport server and accessed thru their access portal and there is no way to download a finished model. You can download an OBJ file which can be used with other software programs but in that format are useless to show as a model. An OBJ is more of a 3D modeling format that can be converted to be used for again other programs. I hope that helps. Ron
What happens to models if I cancel account? ianatcatoimages 9 9 yearsfburch (28): @JohnBecker,thanks, you've helped me solve a major problem.
Blacked out Area / Upload hung up processing stevenp92 6 9 yearsstevenp92 (1): We were able to reach tech support so with sand blasted windows I guess the glass shoots light everywhere and confuses the camera which is why those areas were black as for the hang time they are having a technical glitch on their end thank you for all your help anyway Maria really appreciate the support.
Distance between scans for warehouse? Cindiewozniak 16 9 yearsvincent (52): bring some objects to place in the wide open space the more objects the better consider sticking large squares of different colored paper to the walls every so often too zig zag as much as possible last thing pay attention to where the last scan is placed delete it if its been misplaced before you proceed
Trouble Scanning Townhouse mallir 4 9 yearsQueen_City_3D (3159): Only way I know would be to scan an exterior pathway leading from the one area to the other... You wouldn't be able to do it in direct sunlight though.
Too many scans? suncoastskyview 7 9 yearsMikesobay (127): This is the summary of Matterport's recommendation, similar to what @Lbelland stated above. Source, with full explanation in the context of creating a complete mesh "As you’re creating models now, keep in mind that this data could be used for a number of applications in the future. That’s why it’s so important to scan thoroughly, and try to get behind furniture and into every nook and cranny. (Remember, if you over-scan, you can...
My first scan BabluN 8 9 yearsBabluN (49): @Queen_City_3D and @Max_Sodomovskiy, thanks, will try that...!
Tip of the Day: Don't Ignore This Warning RenderingSpace 9 9 yearsRenderingSpace (607): I'm 99% sure my camera was level at the time and I remember that the warning message came right at the connecting scan.
When to mark? DigitalImageries 4 9 yearsHarlanHambright (2133): Yds, mirrors must be marked sometimes to allow alignment. i missed a mirror today, unaligned a scan, marked the mirror and successfully scanned without moving anything. An unmarked sliver of a mirror went unmarked last week. It caused an errant 3D object in the hall beyond which showcase would not walk through. Marking the mirror and reprocessing the model fixed it. So you can mark stuff anytime you want.
Hiding scans timmath 5 9 yearsJRMaddox (106): I accidentally found out if you go into edit scans then click on each one that you want disabled you can do more then one at a time.
# of Models per client? smcclell 3 9 yearssmcclell (156): Yeah I'm thinking in the 5-15 range I guess or close.
Color correction? Hopscotch 7 9 yearsHopscotch (207): Thanks Ron, super helpful!
Proposed 17,000 SQFT Matterport Tour Metroplex360 17 9 yearsPieroBortolot (230): @TopSnapCoomera we worked about 12-13 hours
Undo'ing a deteled scan from the App Shane 3 9 yearsShane (91): Wise words, thanks. I'm not in too much trouble. I spotted that I had left my slippers at the door step only in one scan between outside and inside. So I figured I would delete that scan and hope that the tour will still work going through the door. What I did wrong is I deleted it from Floor two balcony and not floor one. Note to self... pay more attention. Thanks
Needing Volume Floor Plan & Sq Ft. Partner tydowning 14 9 yearsMarcel (387): @RenderingSpace, does good work and helped me once with an urgent job. I think hes just very busy since he has a good service at a low cost.
Missing Room in Dolls House Noel 4 9 yearsron0987 (3493): On your Ipad did you use the trim tool, I have seen this when the trim tool was not complete and or not used appropriately. I also saw that when you went outside it was extremely bright which does not work good with this system. I also saw you could not come in from the outside on the patio, was the sliding glass door ever shut? But back to the original issue, you usually see the missing rooms when you do multiple floors and trim tool not...
Re-decorating using MP?? pixelray 10 9 yearspixelray (1068): Queen City 3D: That's the first time I have seen that video. That is pretty cool. I wonder if that will ever happen. That video is pretty old.
Need some REALLY good retail space examples Cabrahams 10 9 yearsCabrahams (118): Thanks! Keep them coming! I think it's useful for all.
Deactivating sweeps in current workshop MikeLjungbergTvedt 1 9 yearsMikeLjungbergTvedt (4): It seems we are unable to deactivate sweeps in the current workshop. We haven’t been able to produce models with the level change function either. Both functions have played a key role in our production method. We have just recaptured a mezzanine in a model initially produced in April and in order to connect the upstairs sweeps we had to capture 2 sweeps downstairs. Since the downstairs scene had changed we were planning on...
LARGE house scans pheller 11 9 yearsfalconshakka (68): yea looks pretty good man, you got lucky with the courtyard door, having the door closed in some of your scans almost blocked the entrance, you can only exit through a specific way Doing a large mansion is tricky, especially when you are in a crunch for end up sacrificing the doll house view which ends up leaving a lot of holes in the 3D mesh but the walk through is pretty good...good job man on such a large scan
Stairs Dgitin 5 9 yearsron0987 (3493): @Dgitin I also try for the landing if there is one and if not I usually try to go for the top of the stairs. I would also recommend not doing more than 3-4 steps at a time and to make it look good in the model I would keep it the same number of steps each time. Ron
Have You Ever Been Caught? BrianM 7 9 yearsmikeE (34): Thanks Bill! Very kind of you.
On Camera Lighting RenderingSpace 14 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @chdsi80 I successfully use my iPhone flashlight to "burn" in light. I am a few feet behind the camera - holding the iPhone high - and while the camera rotates, I "brush" in light. I contacly keep the phone moving so that I do not create sharp lines of dark and light areas or shadows on walls. The Camera does very well in low light with out this. I only do this in very, very dark areas. Practice and review your...
Yesterday I did my first two scans. BrianM 5 9 yearstradetickers (10): I find the highlight tour guided system to be annoying. Not smooth enough yet. Not yours, just in general.
Builders Scan Maxx90 14 9 yearsMaxx90 (7): Just wanted to thank everyone that shared their scans! My meeting with the builder went great due to those. This matches up so well with my aerial business.
Remove security cameras from a business BrianM 10 9 yearsBill (288): This is good information mwaychoff as we are GSA Schedule Contract holders and we will soon be offering 3D Matterport Services through GSA. thx
Upload speeds Kracka60 26 9 yearspixelray (1068): Ok, I think I figured this out - at least I hope so anyway. Late last night, I took apart my router. Cleaned it and then reset it and then did some updates. Changed a security setting. Re-uploaded one more time. Woke up this morning and everything was uploaded and I had final 3D models. So, I'm guessing all this was a problem with my router. It's just weird b/c I have done many other uploads that worked fine. If this happens to me...
South Carolina Insurance Scans immersiveprop 2 9 yearsMaxx90 (7): I live here in Charleston and have an UAV aerial business. My camera should be here this week and one of my partners is an agent so he is currently trying to get this setup. Feel free to email me and maybe we can collaborate. Jon
Blinds Open-Blinds Shut seanminor 4 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @seanminor 1. I begin capture with a compass so that, when possible, I do not have direct light into the windows. 2. If I can not avoid bright sun, I will do my best to capture the room anyway. Then, I will return to that room (during the same shoot) to add the "walk around" scans. (All other scans where needed for the Dollhouse, Floor Plan and to keep moving to the next space, BUT these "sunlight" scans get...
Is it possible to extract ALL of the images JonJ 4 10 yearsRenderingSpace (607): JonJ, I don't think you have to worry about the viability of Matterport. They're hiring like crazy, receiving tons of VC, and partnering with large firms across the world. In the end of the world scenario, if they were to go bust, I'm more than willing to bet a 3rd party application would be released allowing existing models to be hosted.
Sanning times REMAX_EDGE 2 10 yearsCarlosFHdz (605): At first, it takes longer because you're being conservative on the distance from scan to scan point. As you get more practice, it will be faster. You will start to push the distance from each scan, specially in bigger rooms. Now, we're at about 35 min per 1000 sqft. I personally did a 6300 sqft property in 3 hours and 4200 sqft property in 2 hours. The layout of the home is also a determining factor in time to scan. I would recommend...
Does a scan ever expire on the ipad? Ramyr 3 10 yearsdavidpylyp (178): WOW Once a property is sold is there a need to keep the model on my CAPTURE? As it is sold, I deleted it Under our rules [Toronto Canada] I would need the permission of the new owner to continue using this as an advertisement.
Matterport Staircases-Bottom Up or Top Down? DanSmigrod 15 10 yearsHarlanHambright (2133): Here's something I just did: I'm scanning a HUGE beach cottage with 2 separate second floors. After finishing the first one, I got halfway up the stairs to the second one. After a scan, without moving the camera, I switched to 2nd floor then scanned again figuring that might help the device figure out where it was. It posted the new scan in exactly the right spot relative to the initial series of 2nd floor scans. Maybe a waste of a scan but it...
Industrial Scan GarySnyder 8 10 yearsGarySnyder (2143): Hi Canada That would also be great, can you please provide me with a link to the scan. Many thanks Gary
Improving My Scans THRHHI 3 10 yearsTHRHHI (292): Thanks for the input Jamie. I understand what you said using the workshop. I went and researched and like your idea of shooting the closets if for nothing else to capture the data to fill in the dark spaces. That has been annoying me. Next on the list is the video aspect for my wife's real estate videos. So far the screen capture is way to choppy for my liking. I have tried several that i already have but not happy with the results. Always...
Rendering 3D furnishings in showcase Conor 3 10 yearsConor (13): thanks @DanSmigrod
Scanned area completely black EricThomas 9 10 yearsEricThomas (175): I did not submit a ticket to Matterport....Once i deleted those scans and started over it was fine. I was reaching out to this community to see if others had the same issue, and if I should be concerned long term about it.
Best way to make a walk through video. Aghachi101 18 10 yearsJerry_D (31): Created this using snagit. Worked really well. It's more a promo video but includes a 'walk-through'
Scanning Levels not physically connected Conor 7 10 yearsccctucker (160): If you had a staircase, you might connect the scans through it and then just turn off the scans in the model...just an educated guess-i havent tried it.
What's the average processing time? CarlosFHdz 11 10 years3dHouseScan (52): UPDATE: After 12 hours of processing and emailing/calling Matterport, my model is complete! Weird part is, I didn't receive an email saying that the model is ready to view. Oh well. When it doubt, reach out.. to Matterport.
Long Hallway scan issue craigsauer 5 10 yearscraigsauer (1078): Ah! That's what I was missing. I was stuck thinking both these issues were related to the long hallways, but actually they are unrelated issues. The hotel issue was that the hallway was long and featureless and the house issue was that because the hallway was too sunny I tried to scan outside before completing the house. Thanks! Craig
Second Jet Scan Drew 7 10 yearsdaveaustin999 (16): This a fantastic model, Drew. Could we ( feature it in an upcoming email newsletter? If so, please send me the link to the showcase. Many Thanks.
Pre Scan Checklist smcclell 8 10 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @falconshakka I recall capturing for 12 hours on one charge, so I never bought the inverter car charger cable for the Matterport camera. Matterport Car Charger Inverter Cable (USA) Because the iPad will not go 12 hours on one charge, I always charge the iPad Air via a battery in my pocket. iPad batteries...
problems with scans PieroBortolot 20 10 yearsPieroBortolot (230): Hi guys, I rescanned the abbey and now the SC works good I deleted the old scans where there was the problems and add new scan The blue stains disappeared and I can go through the door between the 2 little rooms (2nd floor) Problem solved here the SC clickable text
Areas Displaying on Wrong Floors George 18 10 yearsGeorge (7): The master bedroom is on the same 'floor' as the basement three floors below. Areas across the entire model are completely mismatched up like this.
Over 100 scans AdamplatinumHD 17 10 yearsAdamplatinumHD (31): 5YZG73eAWc9
Why I Shot 300+ Scans for this Model + Risks DanSmigrod 14 10 yearsAdamplatinumHD (31): Thanks @DanSmigod Great advice!!
Camera Placement versus alignment/stitching DanSmigrod 4 10 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @CKC Wow! Thank you for this update about the firmware update. I imagine that the MP team will want to get this fixed pronto. Glad you helped them identify this ... Dan
Some scans not registering? EricThomas 5 10 yearsEricThomas (175): The area I am having trouble with is an outdoor covered patio. Sun was going down and this patio is huge...Its about 12-15ft wide and the covered ceiling is about 12ft high. So there was plenty of shade in my opinion, but Im guessing I was wrong. The funny thing is once I use the dollhouse view to access those points I can move freely between them. If I want to come back inside the house I am unable to reach the scan closest to the door but...
MP Capture App Kept Crashing Out GarySnyder 10 10 yearsGarySnyder (2143): Update from Bob at MP support Hello Gary, I suspect you have already heard this through the grapevine but since it had been a few days since we chatted thought i would update you directly. While there continues to be investigation into the cause of this issue, there is some indication that it is memory related. Engineering is currently working on some improvements in this area which will likely make their way into the next release of the...
People in the Scan GarySnyder 21 10 yearstxgreg66 (49): @tim I checked the display on my ipad4 so I know iOS works. I presume you can see other scans so this is beyond my support capabilities
Loosing connection between camera and ipad Dan 5 10 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @Dan For help on scanning stairs and multiple floors, please see this Forum thread about stairs and second floor scan. If you do not see the answer to your question about stairs/floor, please post your question there. Thanks, Dan (Smigrod)
First gen camera and new app update 2.0.7 issues Jamie 3 10 yearsJamie (2037): Interesting. Thanks Charlie. I will email support as well and see what they have to say.
25,000 sq/ft TrueSpaces 8 10 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @TripleSpaced Wow! I wonder if 25,000 sf is the record. I recently created this 16,000 sf model with 212 scans. (I probably shot nearly 400 scans; duplicated the model then deleted until I was at about 280 scans and then deactivated scans until I was at 212. I had managed our client's expectations that we might need to deliver as two separate models since officially Matterport supports up to 10,000 sf and update 200 scans. Plus, manage...
Issues with Capture JakeRees 10 10 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @judysmithre @Tim I got the wobble message while positioning the camera on top of a bed: a different way to generate this message. :cool: (By placing a flat board on the bed, I was able to get the scan I wanted.)
Yachts Drew 14 10 yearsDrew (82): Night scan of a cool yacht from December. Heading to the Miami Boat Show this week to grab some new clients. Jet scans are coming soon...
Camera Placement for Sweeps CharlieB 12 10 yearsVincentlublink (63): Thank you John Becker. Ok i am out. there are to much downsides on this system. - logo in every tour ( my god Matterport thake out the logo) - low res foto's - very low res 3d model (.obj ) - a lot of money for only the hosting and still pay 19 dollar per scan!!!!!! - you can not buy the camera the normal way outside the US, wy?????????? And when you buy it and there is someting wrong with the camera?, what then?, when you are in the...