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'Multiple Floors' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Matterport 30,000 sqft. 1st, 2nd, and 8th floors? 8643d 8 1 yearDanSmigrod (31629): [showtour][/showtour] Show & Tour example displaying three (3) Matterport tours. Example courtesy of Show & Tour Founder @JoshMais @8643d Would displaying the three (3) Matterport floors within one player be helpful? Above is an example of what's possible with the Show & Tour player that plays nice with Matterport, photos, videos, etc. Your thoughts? Happy holidays, Dan
3 floors when scanned, 4 floors when published - help angusnorriss 6 4 yearsVirtusRealis (77): @angusnoriss Yes, there is an automatic process that creates floors when the elevation varies too much. I had recently scanned a very long technical hallway with several light slopes along the way and I ended with 3 floors ! Reprocessing allowed to reduce it to 2 floors however.
Best way to add multiple floors in Google Street View? Anyone? pguerreiro 4 5 yearsWingman (4426): Pano2VR should have that functionality. Never used it in Pano2VR but used to get a model with multiple floors to load from GSV into Pano2VR. Then after some changes I reuploaded it back and all floors were left unchanged. I believe they are done through labels in Pano2VR Street View submission form. If it is critical, I can check how it is written there for floors. And I am sure there should be a tutorial about it.
How to have multiple rooms/floors in Google Street View? Ros 2 6 yearsGladsmuir (664): Hi Ros, This previous topic response from @Metroplex360 might help. ✓ Multiple floors in GSV Oliver
MP to Streetview Multifloor - how to do this? mori 4 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @mori Publish via Matterport. Import via GoThru Refine connections Fix floors if Matterport did not get it right. Publish Download all panos Fine tune all images Export from Photoshop optimized for ~1.6MB Upload all panos back to Gothru with the same filenames - be sure to upload to the correct floors Publish again. Or, send me a line at
Above 'Spray' Removal Grant 3 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): The fix is likely going to come in Workshop v3.0. I expect it to be a vertical mask.
Matterport 3D Virtual Tour of a Large Ship DennisQ 14 7 yearsProperty3dNZ (617): @DouglasMeyers Thats a fancy pants ship! The one I used to work on was a complete dive in comparison!!
Creating a 3D render of a sloping empty lot Liam_Tayler 4 7 yearsteamadcor (4): Hi Liam, I would map it with a drone and use software like Drone Deploy or Pix4D. BR Team Adcor
My First Few Scans mojack93 2 7 yearsfrstbubble (639): @mojack93 Not sure on your use case. I am assuming a website for cabin rentals. I would suggest that you use WP3D models for posting to the site. Many good options in that Wordpress plugin. As for the scans, I like the walkthroughs going outside! To make the dollhouses look a little better you could trim around the models and/or mark the windows to clean up some of the spray (stray pieces in the outlying regions) of the dollhouse. In one of...
First Scan for Feedback Liam_Tayler 5 7 yearsHelen (769): @Liam_Tayler I did notice them on the stairs you can always turn some off in workshop if you feel there is to many.
Very large Matterport scan - options? virtuallyreal 5 7 yearsvirtuallyreal (34): Hi guys, Thanks for the link (and instructions on how to use the forum) :) I've had a little read. So to be clear the safe course is to... - Scan the whole venue - When you hit 200 scans, duplicate the space - Continue scanning in this new copy - Repeat every 50 scans or so - Upload - Cross fingers - If it doesn't complete, consider removing some scan positions or - Duplicate the model and delete 50% of it from each copy - Link via...
Yacht (Catamaran) Shoot with Matterport DroneProjects 17 7 yearsDroneProjects (7): Sorry @DanSmigrod I can´t edit my post :( .. just I want to tell that you can move the discussion to the right theme XD Thank you very much !!
Add lower floors to already done space DroneProjects 7 7 yearsJakeRees (96): @DroneProjects I add anew floor halfway up/down the stairway- you can do it however you want to though. Its more preference than anything else. This only effects the model when you select to only see one floor and half of a stairway will show up.
Routes / Mattertags mistyjamjo 3 7 years360now (4): Searchable mattertags would be fantastic. In fact it is necessary if you want tho Use as a CMS
Capturing separate floors of a Brownstone GardinerW 16 7 years3dVuz (507): Hey Guys, Here is an example where I had to skip the middle floor of a three family home... I went up the stairs and simply passed the middle apt. clickable text Here's a three family brownstone where I was able to do all three floors clickable text clickable text Howard!
Scariest scan so far (for camera safety) kjoman 6 8 yearsLeventeSolczi (58): Here is the right link: This model is from Hungary - Debrecen (Great Forest WaterTower and Bar)
How to scan a +16,000 sq ft house MarcelloM 8 8 yearsMarcelloM (82): Thank you all for the useful contributions!
Our first paid scan fotoguy 8 8 yearsjustinv (1044): @fotoguy Awesome I hope you and the clients are happy. The scans get easier with experience. After a few, you will hardly even have to hide scan spots in workshop.
Houses on a hill, and floor ordering dtavres 4 8 yearsmp2fp (509): @dtavres No worries! It´ll be a bit hit and miss if the floors are displayed accurately. Sometimes you´ll find that if you view a single floor in multifloor dollhouse you´ll see the stairs extending upwards. i.e. the stairs might connect to one floor and one floor only. This is automatically generated so it will not help moving scans around in the capture app. -Robin Lycka
Change Floor Names had a Stroke Gerhard 5 8 yearsTourMySpace (61): Learn something new every day!
Is there a Maximum number of floors? newview 16 8 yearsnat_vanveen (598): @CKeefe Agreed, that's one awesome scan!! Congrats :)
10,000+ SF multiple buildings DFWVT 3 8 yearsDFWVT (31): @Queen_City_3D thank you for the tip!
Max number of scans in matterport model? technodai 7 8 yearstechnodai (4): Thanks everyone! That's pretty encouraging if people are getting good results way above 200 scans. I wish I had thought to try this earlier as I now have two large scans of individual floors but a better approach would have been to scan one floor, duplicate the scan, continue onto the next as 3dshowcaseuk describes above...maybe I'll continue in that way from now on... Has anyone ever successfully joined two scans before? I would assume...
Kickboxing gym Ramblinman 4 8 yearsTrustedPhotoDC (1108): The height of the ring should not matter. If the camera can see the top of the ring when scanning from the floor, you will just add additional geometry. If you were to add a second floor(i.e. the ring), Matterport would most likely combine in the stitching and publishing and give you back only one floor.
Option to move between Floors mk4au 3 8 yearsmk4au (58): @DouglasMeyers Thank you for the suggestion. I thought I had already tried that, but tried again this morning with no success. Since the original scan does separate scans by floor, and the model will let you walk up and down the steps, I see no logical reason it doesn't show up. @DanSmigrod - any suggestions?
HUGE job pricing advice Charlieshoe 2 8 yearsJamie (2037): I did a 52,000 sq ft job and charged them 7c per sq ft. It was divided over 4 scans. 52,000 is a lot of data as well and you will most likely have issues with the app crashing.I'd plan it out carefully and quote accordingly.
Large Tour over 200 Scans Paulterry 13 8 yearsPaulterry (19): I think they I'll only support up to 200 scans so if you have issues with it then it's not supported. Large numbers of scans in a model take longer to upload and even longer to process. The scan app on iPad can crash aswell so important to keep duplicating your models after say 175 scans just to be on the safe side.
Theatre cast experiment ArtisticConcepts 12 8 yearsArtisticConcepts (681): Baxter & Lisahinson, thank you for the encouragement!
MatterTags Showing Up in the Wrong Places lucadeal 8 8 yearslucadeal (162): Hi guys, just got an email from MP support saying: Hi Luca, Thanks for reaching out with your concern and I'm very sorry for the delay in our reply. This is a recent bug we've run into and are working on getting it resolved. Once corrected, all your tags should fall into their correct floor automatically. Unfortunately, there's no way for me to know exactly when the bug will be fixed. Best regards, Thought to share with the...
Just got our first REALLY BIG project JohnLoser 17 8 yearsLizzg (198): John, Well done, it looks great!
New model ready almost 500 shots Wyzlo 23 8 yearsWyzlo (100): @JohnLoser Yes, every day you open the same model In capture app And add the new ones. I will go again to finish a better view in Dollhouse. (and the parking spaces (entrance to the House)
Misalignment - Is this fixable? Hide scans? ScanMan 1 8 yearsScanMan (256): Is this classic misalignment ? Im seeing scans from the floor below appear on the upper floor as can be seen in the smaller circles in the image attached. Is it fixable other than hiding the scans.
Warehouse scan critique jmprop 9 8 yearsjmprop (52): Thanks for the input Metro. Still a newbie but really excited about what this has to offer.
Feedback on My First Scan plorenz 3 9 yearsRadie842 (254): I think nit looks great. congratulations!!!!
Building with 3 floor 3500sq/m Fuse 4 9 yearsPieroBortolot (230): Yes, you can this is 4000 square meters (4 floors, 200 scans)
Shooting as single/multiple model bckz2020 4 9 yearshoangatuan (4): @ bckz2020: I used to have the same thinking as you as the idea of putting all the rooms into 1 model does reducing our MP processing costs. Otherwise, we might be spend several USD 19 for many small room models (sometime a model might have less than 10 scans). Doing the way of Jamie still costs us several USD 19 for small room models, right? I just came out with this idea: Most of hotels has identical floor layout from room floor, right?...
Help can't walk from staircase to bedroom? Gerhard 3 9 yearsnewview (31): Hi @Gerhard, Like @GarySnyder above, I was able to walk through the model with no problems at all. I was able to get up and down the staircase with no issues.
please critique my scan at a resort JC3DCX 7 9 yearsJC3DCX (823): Hi Marcia, thanks for the feedback, will implement. :-) I am learning a lot on here
1-1/2 Story - Processed as one level glennstockton 10 9 yearsglennstockton (4): All, I corrected my window and mirror errors (thanks Ron!) and encapsulated each floor with trim lines, per Ron's suggestion, but the property is still not shown as two stories. I then tried moving one of the less necessary scans on the Main Level to the 2nd floor (thinking that maybe since there was no horizontal overlap between the floors that that might be the issue). Still a no go... So, I guess it is a two lever rambler! Any idea if...
Really Impressive Models on sstarkey 6 9 yearsTrustedPhotoDC (1108): Plenty of stitching errors as the camera cannot handle narrow spaces. Had this issue today on 60' yacht. Ladder - a little bungie cord and you are all set.
Must begin on lowest level? BayAreaAdam 17 9 yearssstarkey (16): @Bill,very impressive model by the way. One question I have is why don't you outdoor scans show up in the dollhouse view? you can move around and go between the house and casita and also down by the pool but done of the walkway is in the dollhouse view. I guess I'm confused why its not shown.
Problem with floors/ground when isolated ArchimedStudio 5 9 yearsArchimedStudio (714): @Jamie, as @PieroBortolot suggested, I re-uploaded the exact same model (well, I made a very minor change in one miror, just so that the capute app would let me re-upload), and everything turned out way better the second time around. Disabling individual floor view is a major drawback on huge houses, in my opinion. (do Matterport always suggest the tricks that do not involve them?... that's a bit disappointing). Anyway, problem solved 12H...
I can see circles from above Wyzlo 9 9 yearsWyzlo (100): @Mikesobay All floors are connected Where do you see that is not connected?
4 storeys 11 Apartments 3dshowcaseuk 6 9 years3Dwalkmethru (289): I have encounterd some issues with front doors opening inwards and blocking lets say a guest bath door or a small room etc .. We have to factor that and direct sunlight when the door is open and is facing a large sliding door at 9:00 a.m. facing East .. My job was 60 vacation rentals and most had small entrance hallways and the guest or primary bathroom in reach of open door partially blocking the area.
Second Scan 15,000 Square Feet Nfinitevr 9 9 yearsPeterMatterport (58): > Ok, how did you link to a scane spot? > Click "u" inside Showcase and then copy the URL that you see.
Measurement error bonduell 19 9 yearsbonduell (121): Good news guys! MP has fixed my model! They reprocessed it manually. They said nothing about trouble and reasons. Thks!
$7 Mil Yacht Invelop 20 9 yearsDreammachine (35): Billionaire hangouts are cool, but you can't eat or pay this months bills with advice and small talk. So my question to you is.. Did the client invest: Over or under $1000 for your services? 💰💰💰
floor cut in half? BrettMtn 1 9 yearsBrettMtn (127): Scanned a home today and the laundry room and 1/2 bath was 2 steps down from the rest of the main floor. I kept all the scan points for this area as if they were on the main floor. Then they had a basement (about 10 steps below that) which was created as a separate floor. Now that the model has processed, when you view it in dollhouse, the laundry room shows up half on the main floor (upper parts of the walls)and half on the basement level and...
Warehouse shoot kevingame 3 9 yearskevingame (1): That's great, thanks for the response. I'll post my results!
Scanning only part of a property ArchimedStudio 11 9 yearsArchimedStudio (714): So, the co-listing realtor was there along with the seller. I subtly explained again to both of them why it is important to show the whole property. They both agreed it was better to show it. I had the co-listing realtor call his fellow realtor to tell him we were doing the basement, and the seller was in favor of that... I think it's a good ending. thanks everyone for the great advice/options!
Scanning 7000 sq foot home advice Wonderdawg 5 9 yearsron0987 (3499): Dan, is right on the money again UGH, it sound like he knows what he is doing, :D:D:D:D:D just kidding. We always asses what we got, what we are trying to accomplish. We are just like Dan we asses the sun, exterior scans, is the home occupied, overall size and work flow not worrying about the floors. Ron
Problem, Next floor Would not Align judysmithre 5 9 yearsHarlanHambright (2133): Are you SURE you had moved the capture app back to the first floor? I had that issue once. And sometimes I scan, create a new level and scan again w/o moving the camera.
Weird alignement IBAdvantage 11 9 yearsGarySnyder (2143): Well done for one of your first jobs. If the sun is covered by clouds that still can be a problem as the IR will pass right through the clouds in many cases. You did you best and explained to the client the limitations of the camera and delivered and outstanding Showcase which then should be very happy with. They have to understand that you did indeed encounter and issue with the sun as you had warned them.
Sunken Living Room & 2 floors lisahinson 5 9 yearslisahinson (785): Thanks!
Tip of the Day: Don't Ignore This Warning RenderingSpace 9 9 yearsRenderingSpace (607): I'm 99% sure my camera was level at the time and I remember that the warning message came right at the connecting scan.
Custom Floor Names sshannon 4 9 yearspmjacoby (28): It's possible to change the names of the floors in Workshop Classic by just clicking on the floor name in the list of scans and typing a new name in. I tried doing the same in in the new version of Workshop and couldn't. Perhaps there's another way to do it in the new Workshop?
My first property scan Dennis_N 2 9 yearsfalconshakka (68): good points to Sun light...BAD!! the idea behind having good coverage is to create a nice clean doll house and floor plan view can always disable those scan points that you used to build the 3D geometry and have a nice flow through the house going up spiral stair cases, it's better to have more scan data to prevent artefacts or stitching errors...doing every other step seems to work pretty well minimizes...
Scanning 2 levels with no interior stairs markmc90 7 9 yearsJamie (2037): No to combining later unfortunately. Hope it worked out
Biggest Ever Scans al9901 5 9 years3dHouseScan (52): @Vizocube Do you know how many sqft the shopping mall was?
Why was a new Floor Created?? KenBanks 4 9 yearsKenBanks (19): @Daniel1977 There are only physically 3 floors in the house. However in the showcase model, over on the bottom right where you can select the floors, the software created 4 floors for some reason. Standing out on the patio is floor 1, then a step inside the basement is now listed as floor 2. That should all be Floor 1. I had this issue once before but there was an obvious bad scan. I don't really notice anything strange in this model.
Odd problems in workshop mode only childert 4 9 yearsWalkVirtually (4): I agree it's challenging and not time effective. I've done 2 shoots on the same yacht-a catamaran. When you're up in the captains area which is 2nd level, you're zoomed down to the head. I don't think that's what the Captain wants to portray! I do have to say with the challenges, we're certainly getting all of future obstacles out of the way.
Remove the lower level of a scan BLee 3 10 yearsBLee (10): Thank you Dan
Scanned area completely black EricThomas 9 10 yearsEricThomas (175): I did not submit a ticket to Matterport....Once i deleted those scans and started over it was fine. I was reaching out to this community to see if others had the same issue, and if I should be concerned long term about it.
Scanning Levels not physically connected Conor 7 10 yearsccctucker (160): If you had a staircase, you might connect the scans through it and then just turn off the scans in the model...just an educated guess-i havent tried it.
Basement merged with Main Floor? Jake 5 10 yearsJake (49): Thanks for the input guys. I received this response from Matterport: Each time you upload a model, a new model is created in your portal account. The good news is the re-uploads of existing models do not count against your monthly plan. A little insight into the multi floor feature, the software which determines how to display the levels does not actually use the level designations you assign during the scanning process, (those are...
Door Strategy RenderingSpace 8 10 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Yes. 😎 It should work. Sometimes I can walk into the pantry (and can not walk out. Manage clients' expectations. This is art: not science.) Worst case, if you can wal-in, but not out: keep these scans for the dollhouse and floor plan views; and deactivate from wal-around view in 3D Workshop. Dan
Changing Floors by MP Rik 4 10 yearsNoRC (16): Has there been any progress on this? I ask as we have the same issue, level 1 & 2 are mixed together along with the ground floor. No matter how we group the scans in the app the process is the same. You can see it and the other oddities in this URL.
Out of the Box-Hotel-Multiple Floors Blended Grant 5 10 yearsGrant (63): @DanSmigrod Looks great Dan! I did have a chance to see this Mandarin Oriental, beautiful place. Thanks for the info! @andreabortolot @RenderingSpace Thanks for the feedback! I know its a wild idea, curious if it was feasible. Not Official: I am hearing some rumors regarding MP adding links or some sort of scroll icon to the side of a model. Take Dan's pool model above for example. Then think of a side icon to click on other models in...
Wall Misplacement on Stairs RenderingSpace 3 10 yearsRealEstateReadines (70): I have had similar occurrences as well. Not sure what the solution is for the best place to cut off the stairwell. Each home is different and we will want different results. On a large home with a grand entryway and staircase, we will want it to capture it like that. On a condo with a narrow long stairwell it does not look as appealing though.
Viewer starts in the wrong place? JohnBecker 19 10 yearscrullier (16): yes I figured that after reading more threads. Thank you for replying.
Why You Do Not Want to Delete 3D Models DanSmigrod 11 10 yearsCKC (85): Those are very very good points, thanks Dan!
problem with uploading missing ONE FLOOR 3dvirtueletour 3 10 yearsGarySnyder (2143): @3dvirtueletour it would appear that Showcase (SC) has combined some of your ground floor scan locations (the circles) with your first floor so the SC is confused. I would suggest removing the scan locations that are confusing SC and see if that solves your problem. These scan locations appear to be near the big carpeted open lounge area. Please let us know how you make out. Gary
Upsell these services to your clients alx3D 16 10 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): All, If you have a Matterport related service that you offer to other Matterport User Group Forum members, please post it in these threads. Content Management System (CMS) Solutions Videos from 3D Showcase and/or Mesh View Floor Plan Services created from 3D Showcase or .obj file Maps Advert: Facebook Sharing - 3D Showcase or Mesh (If you offer a service that does not fall into any of these categories, please private message me...
Multi-floor Misplacement RenderingSpace 15 10 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Spencer @RenderingSpace For clarification, what I mean by "screen grabs of the ... floors" are the mini-maps from your iPad that show the scan numbers and trimming. I suspect that the challenge may be trimming on one floor affecting another floor. If you would like to test this, duplicate the model. Then, remove all trim. Then re-upload the model. Thank you in advance for posting the mini-maps here. Best, Dan
Scanning home + detached garage Canada 4 10 yearsCanada (10): Thanks for the heads up guys!
Compare Matterport Camera Versions WeinigerHomes 13 10 yearsWeinigerHomes (13): Good to know john thnx
Materport links saulstokes 2 10 yearsJohnBecker (391): Saul, Just this week, we got a way to define the starting point where a user enters a model. While the functionality you're talking about is theoretically possible, it doesn't exist just yet. The approach that occurs to me is to make the user aware of the dollhouse view, and how powerful it can be in navigating to different locations in the model.
Stairs and Second Floor Scan CharlieB 4 10 yearsTim (355):