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TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Brightness issue with 360 panos? robinlucasphoto 8 29 daysScanYourSpace (834): @Home3D we only shoot raw for panos. 5 brackets. 6 shots around 1 up and 2 down. 45 bracketed images in total to make the one pano. We typically shoot about 20-40 panos a week for the hospitality industry and a few other use cases. No complaints. I recognize others may have different techniques but this is what works for us and our clients.
Matterport Pro3: Error "Camera Unstable" 3dscanindonesia 17 1 month3dscanindonesia (55): Quick update, so far the refurbished unit has been working without problems. We did several large-area scans with it (1000+ scan points).
Pro3 issue in cold weather / low temperature leon6782 8 2 monthsron0987 (3466): @leon6782 if you read my earlier story which is just like yours and second unit went out in about 6 months. I say poor design Mike from Matterfix thinks I am crazy. But we keep hearing these stories. I also base it on comparisons to similar products. I bought a used Faro scanner 5 years ago. This scanner new sold for $60,000 I bought for $15000. It was new in 2013 I bought it in 2020, Faro no longer supported this scanner. It now has...
Matterport Pro3 - Refurbished/Replacement Units MatterFix 9 2 monthsron0987 (3466): @ScanYourSpace ya my commercial work had stopped and not enough Real Estate to keep a Pro3 plan up and running and so those were some of the reasons and after Mike was assessing my camera for purchase and said the drive was going out all for the better. I will pull the Pro2 out if needed or I am introducing Realsee to agents.
It's Official after over 11 years with Matterport as a Service Provider ron0987 7 3 monthsron0987 (3466): @ScanYourSpace There are a lot of them but the two glaring issues are when the customer service rep started laughing when I asked camera removal. I respond with you can declutter a whole room but you cannot remove a camera from the mirror. He then said your wrong you can remove a camera from the mirror. I tried to explain and he would not let me talk and started to go thru the process and I said look at my model and he goes "Oh the...
How to Remove a Matterport Scan (that is on top of other scan)? J8MediaServices 3 4 monthsJ8MediaServices (25): Of course ! I created a floor 2, move 26 on this floor, delete 25, and move 26 on floor 1 again. Thanks very much
3dVista skin not showing when uploading tour to web server enriqueleopardi 12 4 monthsWingman (4408): I do not remember if there are any numbers.. it just has to be set for public access with anonymous user. anonymous means anybody can access it so it's made public with it. Usually you set it for a folder and say it applies to any subfolder and files within the folder you allow anonymous users to access. httpaccess file was my second guess but from my professional experience in web development and setting up web servers 100s of times in my...
Video: Matterport Pro2 Camera | Coping with Sunlight DanSmigrod 1 5 monthsDanSmigrod (31559): Matterport Pro2 | Coping with Sunlight | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 20 September 2024
Video: Matterport Pro2 Camera - Shaking During Scanning DanSmigrod 2 5 monthsWingman (4408): My guess is some gear(s) inside has become loose and it can be a matter of opening the casing and just tightening screws that hold gears.
Do NOT update to the latest version of WP3D lilnitsch 4 6 monthslilnitsch (5800): @GlennTremain I am just glad I have back-ups of my site
Matterport Showcase and Workshop are currently offline DriveIndustries 12 6 monthsBuster6070 (259): Thanks for sharing Dan. Was thinking why didn't I get that alert, and then scrolled down and saw this, lol. Have to subscribe.
Client concern RE matterport acquisition? BrettMtn 3 7 monthsMeshImages (3029): I am convinced, that Costar will run Matterport as an independently acting daughter in their corporate group structure. It is important that Matterport on its own is successful. They will not cut out Matterport from platform competitors. For us Matterporters this can be a very good situation, if market players suddenly need the best 3D tour technology to stay on par with their competitors.
Openhaus platform stopped working? 360pointsofview 2 7 monthsBuster6070 (259): Did you get any response yet? If not here's some contacts I've dealt with when asking for support. Christian Adams, not sure his title Carson Clement - Head of Development
Trouble shooting Matterport 2 camera stuck on tripod TaylorC 6 8 monthsTaylorC (13): OK,I was able to get unstuck. I had to remove the middle post from the tripod, remove the rubber cap at the bottom of the middle post to see inside the post. There is a bolt head at the base of the middle of where the camera rests. This bolt is a 13mm and you will need at the least a 12" extension of a socket wrench. Doing this will remove the middle post from the camera leaving the plate on the camera. I will be getting a quick release...
Matterport Support / Billing / Senior-level decision makers NC3D 5 8 monthsNC3D (119): Hi all, update… Last night Matterport reinstated my account and gave me a small discount to help with the delinquency. Still didn’t offset the damage that was done, but I’m just happy that I’m back online. Im sure it helped to have the power of the WGAN forum on my side! Thanks all!
Pro2 unbalanced as spinning Randiesel24 4 8 monthsDigitalReplica3D (191): @matterfix is a Matterport repair company. He’s been helpful to many in this forum.
Matterport Pro3 slow to align scans when scanning: Help? Noddy 17 9 monthsSdoughtie (567): I like living on the edge!
Matterport Pro3 Camera making this sound, other problem: help? ron0987 3 9 monthsron0987 (3466): @MatterFix Purchase date was 4/18/23 will have to see what Matterport says and have no plans to use it until repaired. Thank you for feedback. I just saw the accelerator pack has a longer than 1 year warranty, so got to see what Matterport says tomorrow.
Matterport 2 Story House Processed As 1 Floor: help? WallsCouldTalk 9 9 monthsSdoughtie (567): Yes, I had something similar, but the second floor was inaccessible. I could see it on the dollhouse but not get to it. I had to call tech support to get it worked out. I've also had scans for 1 story put on multiple stories. Odd, but I didn't call tech support for that.
Nearly 800 "Problems" in the WGAN Forum Tagged: Problems [and Answers] DanSmigrod 1 10 monthsDanSmigrod (31559): WGAN Forum Posts tagged: Problems Nearly 800 Problems Posts Tagged in the WGAN Forum Hi All, To see a list of nearly 800 Problems Posts tagged in the WGAN Forum, go to: problems (Nearly all problems have answers!) Best, Dan PS. Tip: Search Tags to locate keywords
Google Street View Blue line not public,only private Boat Show Palma Femski 1 11 monthsFemski (1): Hi Guys, Last year I uploaded a 360 video to Google Street View. I just checked on it and I discovered that although the tour is on Google Street view I have the following issues.. 1. The tour is not highlighted when dragging the yellow man over to the street. No blue line but the tour is still there. 2. The tour only highlighted when I am logged into GSV 3. The tour only shows up as a private tour and not public I am using the Insta360...
Can not process a job where I deleted 360º photos to bring it down to 499 s Pedrotex69 11 11 monthsWingman (4408): Most of the time when you cannot upload your job it is your account authorisation issues in the app. If it happens to you log off from the capture app and log in again. Then try to upload again.
Matterport Billing...Complaint rhelling 5 11 monthsGETMYVR (1940): I'm pretty sure most of us can agree Matterport has among the worst customer service in the history of any service company. And that's just because Matterport has the wrong CEO of leadership. As a public company shareholders don't give a s*** about how you take care of the customers, just how much money they're returning. How's that return? Looking for all you who invested on top of crappy customer service?
Scanning Occupied Spaces - Challenges rhelling 6 1 yearVanaman06 (85): @ron0987 I am scanning with a pro 3. I am doing the same thing but I usually just skip past one scan where the door is and keep going into the next room. Every once in a while the pro 3 will give me an alignment error so I just keep going to get some addition data since I am scanning the next area anyways. Even though rare it saves me from having to rescan. I’ve never had an issue with a door blocking the pathway as long as I scan on...
Matterport Scan button disappearing intermittently Adam777 3 1 yearDanSmigrod (31559): @Adam777 Where you able to figure out what was happening? Did Matterport Support have any suggestions? Thanks, Dan
Matterport charged me for the free E57s/Matterpaks in the Accelerator Kit ron0987 2 1 yearGlennTremain (2941): @ron0987 good luck
failure of PRO3 mount: solution? dave3d 6 1 yeardave3d (527): We purchased 5 of the matterport pro3 mounts on ebay and now think they work better than our originals. No more errors with these. And at $25 each and availability in about 1.5 weeks are surprised and pleased. Thanks for the find on ebay!
Major MP Camera connecting issues today (Thursday, 22 Feb. 2024) pixelray 9 1 yearpixelray (1068): Well just an update...this issue occurred again this morning. I immediately did the same thing...swap batteries. Boom...worked perfect. I think I have a bad battery in my arsenal. Only thing that makes sense. Maybe it's not giving off the proper power??? Who knows.
Problem with google street view from matterport? dave3d 10 1 yearGETMYVR (1940): I only publish with 3D scans. And I make sure I walk out all the way to the middle of the street. I don't believe Google accepts the 360 panoramas. I've been porting a lot of tours through mattapore to Google with zero issues. The only hiccup is that it could take a week or two for all the arrows to properly reconcile inside the tour. I am also a long-term Google trusted pro photographer so that might help me. And right now uploading to...
Matterport App Stuck at logo page (iOS): Help Please neonma 1 1 yearneonma (31): Dear all, I have an urgent issue: I was scanning with Pro3, I left pro3 for a distance and lost connection.When I return, the apps frozen. I restarted the apps but it stuck at logo page forever. I tried to restart my iOS but situation remains. Any brother got similar situation and can successfully solved?
Pro3 Issue in cold: motor can't move & noisy: Have you had this issue? GETMYVR 3 1 yearGETMYVR (1940): @MatterFix thanks! It's not mine, just sent to me for this 3 day job. My counterpart for this gig has not experienced these issues with his personal Pro3, so I think it's just been heavily used.
can you replace a google street view if client orders it? GlennTremain 8 1 yearGlennTremain (2941): @Wingman yes street car view. I was told that we can but I'll send details once we try it
WP3D models not playing on Mobile lilnitsch 9 1 yearlilnitsch (5800): So, this morning I spent a little time flipping switches on the backend of my website and found that in my website booster ( that either the CSS optimization or Lazy loader optimizations were effecting my tours from loading on mobile. If you are running any optimizations on your site this may be worth a look as well.
Tip: How to Get email notifications that Matterport is down DanSmigrod 1 1 yearDanSmigrod (31559): Tips of the Week --- Tip: How to Get email notifications that Matterport is down Hi All, Wondering if Matterport is down ( like this morning)? In addition to checking the We Get Around Network Forum, Matterport offers a free email alert service when Matterport is down. You can subscribe to auto-generated...
Im having a problem with the capture app while scanning Marmao6 6 1 yearMarmao6 (10): Si now that I was home today I set up the pro 2 and scanned my basement. When I was done scanning I marked out the windows, doors, and mirrors and the arrow was there for me to go back to my scan screen. So it worked perfectly... there must of been a glitch in the capture app. At the time of my job, after scanning my first floor and noticed I had this problem I should have deleted the job and started over.... So now I know and you guys now know,...
Any Fix for MP's "Print-Quality" Photos? Shakoure 15 1 yearFathom3D (150): @MeshImages That's interesting. The thing is, we don't want to edit the scan positions in Matterport tour at all after processing. The obvious time to do that is on site, when we're actually making the decision of which scans are for a better dollhouse, which are for 2D photos, and which are for the walkthrough. It's duplicated effort to go back and assess all over again the next day. (Usually this is done by a different person, not the one...
error when trying to log in to | Help? sese 3 1 yearsese (45): Hi Dan, I'm using the same one "" as you can see in the picture. Happy New Year! Sesé
Giraffe360 cancellation and billing issues GETMYVR 4 1 yearDanSmigrod (31559): @GETMYVR [@quote=GETMYVR]I'm pleased to inform everyone that I was contacted by my success representative and everything is okay. I could not be more happy with the results.[/quote] @GETMYVR Thanks great news. Thank you for letting us know. --- Hi All, The following may be helpful to anyone else that may have a concern. I received this note from GIRAFFE360 CEO Mikus Opelts: ===== Hi Dan, Thanks for reaching out...
Video: My Matterport Pro3 Camera is noisy! What should I do? DanSmigrod 4 1 yearhayyu360 (49): The video was great, and I’m curious about the causes of the noise issue in the Pro3. Could it be linked to scanning with an imbalanced tripod or scanning lengthy outdoor jobs, leading to dirt and dust particles getting stuck in the Lidar Motor? What recommendations are there to ensure the camera’s safety in both scenarios? Balancing the Pro3 becomes challenging, especially when adjusting tripod legs for specific heights. Could you...
Matterport not processing images [Saturday, 2 December 2023] rzphotoman 10 1 yearlilnitsch (5800): Snapshot link just appeared in my inbox this morning
My client has raised concerns over the ceilings being blurry: Solution? Taoiseach_7 7 1 yearShawn_P (304): @Queen_City_3D my thoughts exactly. However not sure how that would be received lol!
Matterport Pro2 Charging Cable NOT Charging my Pro2 Benrk0385 4 1 yearBenrk0385 (225): Yup, 15.2 volts DC coming out of my charger. Called Matterport and the RMA team is going to reach out. I hope they will fix it for a decent penny. Thanks again Mike!
Are you experiencing slow turnaround on your digital twins from Matterport? Shawn_P 2 1 yearselder76 (117): With the pro2, yes. Pro3 processing time is faster than ever. Wondering if they are prioritizing.
Matterport Scan editing tool issues: how to solve? Taoiseach_7 7 1 yearWingman (4408): Then I guess you can still follow my advice. Just do not try to import more than one 360 at a time. You need to find those that are wrongly aligned. If you realign them manually all next ones most likely to be fine.
MP + iPhone 13: I scan one room and the scan shows up in the adjacent room Taoiseach_7 5 2 yearsron0987 (3466): @Taoiseach_7 sometimes the most complex issues are fixed with the most basic troubleshooting. I am glad the issue was resolved and it didn’t waste a lot of your time.
How to fix issues with Matterports GSV Add On? jamal2022 3 2 yearsGETMYVR (1940): @jamal2022 I recently did a gym about 40 scans... You want to be patient, it will take a good week for Google to set all the arrows. I too.first saw only single unconnected scans, then poof, the magic happens.
Seamlessly Link to Specific Rooms and Tags in Your Matterport Tours Carson 1 2 yearsCarson (302): Ever wished you could share a direct link to that jaw-dropping room or the coolest product in your virtual tour?
How to check and update firmware on Matterport Pro3 Camera? wildcatdave71 6 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): Matterport Pro 3: My customer service experience getting a replacement camera. | Video courtesy of Sparks Media Group's YouTube Channel | 4 Aug 2023 | Scan Your Space (a Division of Sparks Media Group) Founder and CEO Tom Sparks | | | @ScanYourSpace @Wingman You rock! Thank you for providing the detailed Matterport Pro3 Camera firmware update...
How to add eCommerce integration to Matterport tours Carson 2 2 yearsMeshImages (3029): When I first tried the Openhaus E-Commerce-Integration with my Shopify website, it was an absolutely magic experience! You can place 100s of products by simply adding the pre-created Mattertags to the tour. All data is already in the tags, amazing! I placed 150 products in about 1 hour. And congrats, Carson, the new checkout option with the contact form looks absolutely phantastic! A check in-store-availability feature could be a great...
Adding Music To A Matterport Tour? Carson 3 2 yearsrzphotoman (1837): I've been adding music and more to all my Matterport tours for the last 4 years with and as a WGAN member you get a FREE basic account plus the Unlimited plan is only about $25 per month.
Video: 2.5 month old Pro3 making horrible sound and now not working. ScanYourSpace 3 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @ScanYourSpace BTW, I noticed that your YouTube video has 150 views. One would think that Matterport would want to quickly resolve this problem so that you can add that info to the comments section of the video. Dan
Treedis Help? Matterfan 4 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @Matterfan You are welcome to share Matterport + Treedis info, ideas and experiences in the WGAN Forum. Dan
Matterport Capture App + iPad Pro touch screen Problems? Harrycayman 14 2 yearsHarrycayman (439): I tried the app and still same problem
Insta360 One X2 issue with the Matterport Capture App? Gladsmuir 8 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @Gladsmuir I reached out to Insta360 regarding this challenge. Here is the reply: --- Hi Dan, I have carefully reviewed the post and discussed the issue with our service team and tech team. Based on their initial feedback, the Insta360 One X2 has been working perfectly with the Matterport Capture App for a long time already, so this may not be a common issue. To accurately pinpoint the reason for this issue, they would need...
4 Story Matterport scan--asked to start on third floor...? Flashcutter 2 2 yearsGladsmuir (664): Hi @Flashcutter No problem, it makes no difference where you start or what you call the floors. Cortex AI will sort it out. Oliver
Not able to transfer Matterport model: How about you? Solution? Queen_City_3D 3 2 yearsMeidansha (832): Not directly related but along those lines: I had problems getting statistics at the end of last month. I would click the "get my stats" button and nothing would happen. No email or anything. I had to screen shot it in the end. Any other functions affected?
Matterport Pro2 Create Tour: White Balance Issue - Orange Hue. Help Please leeverdon 3 2 yearsGETMYVR (1940): I agree with Harlan. And I often get a green hue from the lawn outside. Even with the highest grade DSLR in the best lens, these light issues are really difficult to bypass. Simply because these high quality cameras really absorb the true light that we see. I carry a box of daylight LEDs with me at all time. However, I think we can't neglect the overall objective of what these 3D tours are actually meant to do and that's put people inside of...
Frustrations with Virtual Tours EyeSpy360 1 2 yearsEyeSpy360 (88): https: Frustrations with Virtual Tours Hi all - I hope everyone is well. Recently we have been contacted by a large number of real estate photographers becoming increasingly frustrated with a particular Virtual Tour Platform, resulting in large numbers moving to us. There have been many reasons why they have decided to migrate; the overriding one being price. As such we have restructured our...
Help Please: Matterport "hexagon" around the Matterport scan number? fotoguy 3 2 yearsfotoguy (835): Both tours were done with a MP 2. Oddly enough, the owner had two houses he needed us to do re-scan partially. We did them. Ask to back. The second house worked like a charm. We never received a notice from MP the scan was done like we did the other house. We have tried 3 times. The only difference is the hexagons on the new scans.
Matterport outage April 15th 7:00 p.m. West Coast time USA wildcatdave71 9 2 yearswildcatdave71 (104): Just log back on this morning to see it's a bit disappointing that they completely ignored that this happened as far as acknowledgment. I'm glad they got it fixed, but I would have expected an email this morning apologizing and explaining the problem. Very unprofessional to just let this pass as if it didn't happen.
I am unable to edit spaces in Matterport. You? (5:45 pm ET 10 April 2023) Jrphoto 3 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): That's great news. Thanks for letting us know. Dan
Advice: How to reduce Matterport alignment issues…? rhelling 7 2 yearsMarcelloM (82): Z1 for sure is a nice and versatile 360 camera, however it is not the most recommended for scanning large spaces. You can mix spaces scanned with Pro 2 and Z1 in order to have better results.
Warning: Matterport Pro3 Camera | A HEX Nut May Need to be Tightened DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): WGAN Forum discussions tagged: Pro3 | Pro3 Problems
How to Fix Blown Out Windows with Matterport? bwest360 24 2 yearsGladsmuir (664): Hi @bwest360 Delighted that it worked for you. I agree we tend to think of it less as a camera, but of course the same principles apply. As the lens is so wide-angle the smudge way not be noticeable at a glance. Oliver
Matterport Transfer Issues to Classic Account (PRO2 Camera).... Queen_City_3D Jump to first page40Jump to last page 2 yearsQueen_City_3D (3144): Glad to hear it's working again. I was worried as we have a few jobs this month for one of our clients that are out-of-area for us and we have sub-contracted that work to other MSPs who are supposed to then transfer the model to us. I was concerned about having to give them our log-in details to get an upload. I did hear back from Support late last night: "When it comes to transferring the space, our senior support team responds to...
Help! Matterport Pro3 Camera won’t turn on after changing battery iPhotoTN 6 2 yearsWingman (4408): Since it is happening with all batteries the first thing I would check battery pins inside a camera for some dirt or damage. If there is something on them or they damaged it can prevent battery contacts to come in a full contact with all pins inside the camera
Moving Icon Badges around in 360 shots added to Matterport tours? Flashcutter 10 2 yearsFlashcutter (80): That’s a great suggestion. Thank you….will try that.
Does your Matterport Pro3 Camera sound like this? RichardStanton 10 2 yearsHome3D (4191): Our Pro 3 makes a generally similar noise coinciding with the mirror spin. I was surprised at first since the BLK360 mirror appear to spin even faster and makes virtually no sound at all. But the Pro 3 works well, so I've presumed this is normal.
URGENT! Matterport File Uploaded, but not processing. Help Please! fotoguy 10 2 yearsdave3d (527): Failure rate for us continues about the same percentage. As of today a minimum of 4 of 74 (5.04%) Sorry if this sounds confusing. Something we are looking into now: We scan for multiple accounts each day. We're gonna make sure we only check to upload scans for one account at a time. No upload checks on scans for any other account until the first accounts scans show complete and processing. Only then will we log out of that...
Can I do a Matterport scan of 1 of 2 floors, use; add 2nd floor in a month? Flashcutter 7 2 yearsWingman (4408): I have replied to your problem in the thread Dan has created from your last post here. Check it. I do not think you are affected by the same but at least you will know that after running a bit of diagnostic. I have also written a note on the problem that probably has been experienced by many of us and it is related to uploading process.
Help please! upload to Matterport (90 scans) but the upload never completed DanSmigrod 8 2 yearsWingman (4408): as for loosing login details in the app and the app uploading nowhere it is happening to a lot of us. Since login off and login in does not always help and actually quite a long process I think checking in spaces in the app and seeing your process tours before attempting to upload at least can give us indication if the app still hold authorization to your account.
Help! I tried a "trim sandwich" to fix an open/close door. Other solutions? Alex77 9 2 yearsaerialpixels (457): @3dblickwinkel super solution. thanks for sharing i suppose the poor man's equivalent is to use mattertags deep links to link thru the door too.
Is my Matterport data on my lost iPad or in the Matterport itself? Flashcutter 6 2 yearsWingman (4408): If you have not uploaded it for processing then it has been lost. However if you have apple backup setup and backup was done between completion of a job and the time you realised your iPad was dead you should be able to recover it from apple cloud. Also what do you mean by died? May be you can somehow turn it on and get the job exported or uploaded for processing.
Scammer Problem: Can I restrict who can share a Matterport 3D Virtual Tour? lifestyle72 10 2 yearsfdd (125): When you visit a web from another web, your browser send the original web url to the destination web. It's called HTTP Referer header: So technically matterport can give the option of forbid urls from virtual tours are embedded or linked. But I think the most easy thing is include contact name (name/telephone/url) of the owner in the matterport house title.
Pro3 outdoor issues: How to handle? dave3d 6 2 yearsdave3d (527): Thanks, Our method has been resubmitting with small changes. That works. Just concerned with beginning pro3 scans. We’ve only done 17 pro3 scans so far. Will have a better understanding after 50 or so I imagine. One outdoor completed after a longer than expected processing period and one required resubmission.
Model mesh looks strange in Walkthrough: you too? How to fix? Sfalco 12 2 yearsSfalco (22): P.S. my tour is shot on the Pro 3, indoor and outdoor. When I got to over 230 scans, the capture app began to crash and it took me a day of tearing my hair out to learn that I just needed to start a new scan and request a stitch. Matterport provided the stitching service for free under the circumstances, which was nice. Out of necessity, I have been doing most of my editing on my IPad, not sure if that’s making this harder than it needs to...
Matterpod Episode #9 Carson 1 2 yearsCarson (302): Hey, We Get Around Network friends! Last week our team had a conversation with Ahmed Attia from NAV3D. I'll share below for anyone who is interested in listening :)
New iPhone 14 not connecting to Matterport Pro2: help please! bwest360 19 2 yearsbwest360 (97): Figured it out. The iPhone had a VPN automatically synced up for some reason. The VPN had to be turned out and there is another setting in the phone that had to be disabled. The average person would have no idea if was even a feature on the phone without going to the Genius Bar at the Apple store. Good tip for the future if anyone is having this issue.
Scaling Asteroom 2D Floor Plans correctly for planning applications pscott 5 2 yearsAnjumDesign (52): this plan could be inserted into cad software and scaled accordingly and then could be printed on correct 1:100 scale. Let me know if you need assistance and I will be happy to demonstrate it to you.
Matterport Pro3 Camera and (a problem) creating floor plans with Matterport DigitalTwin 13 2 yearsBaezeni (149): is a many year WGAN network service provider of all types of BIM and floorplan and project visualizations and can easily solve this. We can use the link as you described and lower the top section and establish a 2D or 3D floorplan in any style you want for your project. We deliver within 12 to 24h. If you want a most accurate modeling of BIM or floorplan you can send us the Matterpack model (can be ordered as extra from...
Asurion Pro 3 Insurance refund DouglasMeyers 1 2 yearsDouglasMeyers (1282): I asked for a refund today for the Asurion Pro 3 Insurance I bought thru Amazon and they sent the refund right over. What good is it if it does not cover commercial use...
Matterport Pro3 - included AC adapter problems? RichardStanton 7 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): Grab: Matterport Pro3 Batteries ($154.99) ordered today (20 December 2023) are scheduled to arrive 5-9 January 2023 via Amazon Matterport Pro3 Batteries Ordered Today (20 December 2022) Scheduled to Arrive 5-9 Jan. 2023 via Amazon Hi All, I (just) noticed that Matterport Pro3 Batteries ($154.99) ordered today (20...
Matterport Pro3 Camera stop spinning issue? DanSmigrod 17 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @DouglasMeyers Any update? Now that you are back on land, any "spinning" issues (as shown in your video) with the Matterport Pro3 Camera? Are you taking Matterport up on their offer to exchange your Matterport Pro3 Camera? About your Matterport tour of the cruise ship, please do start a new WGAN Forum discussion on that topic. Happy holidays, Dan
Matterport MatterTags visible through floors and walls: Help please?! DEGMedia 6 2 yearsDEGMedia (40): Will do Dan. A research arm of a University operates it, and they have difficulty in allowing visitors to the location in numbers. There's expensive, sensitive equipment, trip hazards, utilities etc. Thanks Mark
tripod adapter does not lock the camera well MATTERPORT PRO3 EMILIANO 10 2 yearsWingman (4408): I have actually said that mine is ok while I have seen other complaining to experience some problems with it. However I have not used it much so may be I will have similar problems after some use.
Tipped my Pro3 over and it hit the ground: now what??! RobertGalletta 21 2 yearsRobertGalletta (67): Thank you
Matterport Scan Points Shifting (on Backup Matterport Pro2 Camera)? BenAdgie 3 2 yearsinmerso3D (126): @BenAdgie If by shift you mean numbering changes (and repeated numbers) there should be no problem when you process it. It has happened to me in scans with more than 1000 points (with the pro2). But if it's misalignment, don't continue and waste time and work. As Dan say, then "Better call Mike" Our experience with him has been very good. Luck.
Matterport Pro3 Camera Firmware Problem? (31 October 2022) DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): WGAN-TV | Matterport Pro3 Camera: First Impressions; plus, Pro3 versus Pro2 and Pro3 versus Leica BLK360 | Guest: Southern 3D Tours Matterport 3D Imaging Specialist Larry Gamel | Episode: 161 | Thursday, 29 September 2022 | | @GamelLarry | WGAN-TV Podcast | WGAN-TV Podcast Matterport Pro3 Camera Firmware Problem? (31 October 2022) Hi All, You may want to hold off updating the Matterport Pro3 Camera firmware, as of Monday,...
Matterport Pro3 Camera Failure - Error code #80 808virtually 10 2 yearsBlueCandle (4): @GamelLarry Is there a firmware update for the Pro3? We haven't seen any prompts to update. Any info you have on what the new firmware addresses would be appreciated. We have had Error #80 coming up. Seems to happen about 40-odd scans into a job. It has resolved without much intervention other than turning the camera off and on again. I am wondering if it is a temperature related issue.
Matterport Showcase Loading Issues | 12:45 PM ET Tuesday Oct 25, 2022 DanSmigrod 3 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): eBlast: 2:38 pm ET Tuesday, 25 October 2022
Video: How to Fire Bad Real Estate Photography Clients DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): How to Fire Bad Real Estate Photography Clients | Video courtesy of Nathan Cool Photo YouTube Channel | 18 October 2022 Hi All, Clients that: 1. constantly reschedule 2. constantly late 3. constantly don't prepare space 4. constantly still have people in the space 5. constantly complaining (pricing, quality) 6. other 7. (have you managed expectations) Constructive input or time to fire? ...
Matterport Pro3 Camera Problems Tagged: Pro3Problems DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): WGAN Cheat Sheet: Cost Worksheet for Matterport Pro3 Camera Matterport Pro3 Camera Problems Tagged: Pro3Problems Hi All, WGAN Forum Members have reported some problems with the Matterport Pro3 Camera. I added a WGAN Forum tag to these discussions: Pro3Problems While there have only been a few posts...
can you retrieve a deleted matterport? GlennTremain 5 2 yearsGlennTremain (2941): @Chemistrydoc @MeshImages @Skeeter Thank you all for your quick responses....I thought it was the broker but you confirmed his response and he is back on my christmas card list. Anyone on tiktok find me @nailsoupmedia and I will support you
Video: How to add a contact form to your client's 3D tour Carson 5 2 yearsRealtyMediaMx (105): Hi @tosch, why there's no pricing on your web?
New Matterport app version 2.0 is completely broken on Android wildcatdave71 9 2 yearswildcatdave71 (104): I just got confirmation from Matterport that the update posted two days ago is in fact the fix, everything should be fine for everyone now at least on Android
Help! Known Issues with Matterport Capture App Versions 5.1.0 and 5.2.0? DanSmigrod 2 2 yearskaliforniatuffy (38): Lots of features seem not to be working with the app update at the moment. This morning for about an hour, I tried to import a model from a .zip file. It did not matter which model I clicked on, nothing would import. Then suddenly at 7am PST (when Matterport opens for support), the model imported normally. I have no idea why, but the app update definitely has lots of bugs.
Help! Matterport App not working, jobs not being processed Pedrotex69 6 2 yearsPedrotex69 (310): Hi all, got an email from Matterport Suport sugesting to update my iPad to the latest version (which was availabe today)as a work around for a problem that as it looks they know about it. Here is the email they sent with what to do, I hope it helps anyone with similar problems: Hi Pedro, This is (Name), one of the Matterport Support people you spoke with on the phone. I hope you're having a great day. The job Olala Home that you uploaded...
Warning - Do not use the new "jobs" feature to import models kaliforniatuffy 8 2 yearskaliforniatuffy (38): Edit: I should have said do not use the new "spaces" feature on the app to import. Also, the .zip file suddenly decided to work. Thankfully, this version of the model is not totally degraded and destroyed. In any case, DO NOT use "spaces" to import a job, unless you want a destroyed version of your model. Using the restore from a .zip file is the better way to go. The "spaces" import feature should come with a...
Ricoh Z1 Matterport - alignment issue sdubose99 6 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): Yes! Nothing to stitch on the wall: just stitching between the two lenses down/up the hallway. Because that's in the distance, you will not see bad stitching. Dan
⚠️ Erorrs! Google Street View with ONE X2 insta360 skyload300 2 2 yearsWingman (4408): I would offer to wait a few days but the part with the black screen may be a problem. It should show a 360 photo not a black screen. You can try to unpublish it and try it again. If it is a camera model or specific app problem you are better to find their group on Facebook and ask them. However publishing anything(blue lines or tours) may take a few days and 3 days is quite fast for it to start working in full. And if you are going to do it...
Check Your Account Credit/Debit Cards for classic plan KfromPoland 3 3 yearsKfromPoland (117): Yes I use Debid Card since 2017. It 's Visa. Did you have Visa as well or mastercard?
🤖 Glitch?>>New Matterport workshop & MpEmbed ! skyload300 1 3 yearsskyload300 (279): Hey guys, The new Matterport Workshop Update is really cool, now we can have special icons instead of default tags. but i am encountering a glitch! It seems that MPembed can not read the Tags new icons and keep showing default tag circles. Until MPembed catch up, does anyone have a workaround ? See 2 photos below:
Matterport Schematic Floor Plans: Download issue 11:36 AM Thurs., 25 Aug 22 DanSmigrod 4 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): eBlast Revised 1:55 pm ET Thursday, 25 August 2022 -- Matterport Issue Status | Subscribe to Free Matterport Status Alerts
Help please: Matterport Capture App not opening Pedrotex69 6 3 yearsMeshImages (3029): Yes, and with release of Capture App version 5, Matterport will give you the possibility to download your scan-jobs to the Capture App again. Probably later for a fee, but nothing gets lost, no worries ;)
Tips Needed - When Matterport Dollhouse view is critical kaliforniatuffy 6 3 yearsWingman (4408): I always make all big & noticeable black holes covered at least on jobs where it is possible. In some spots like on a couch with a lot of pillows stacked it is just much easier to remove pillows and do one scan in front rather than trying to fill holes between pillows from 2-3 sides. Also using low sitting tripod where needed.. for example to scan inside sinks in kitchen/bathroom and do two scans inside a bathtub to cover it all. However I...
Problems with Matterport Capture Update 4.18.0 (1604) (or just me)? WallsCouldTalk 7 3 yearskaliforniatuffy (38): I am having other issues since the update. Rooms that I have already scanned and that appear perfect, will suddenly change to having black holes and other data loss areas when I move into and begin scanning another room. I don't understand why this is happening, but I assume it's due to some app bug. Has anyone else been experiencing this?
Matterport Pro2 Battery Issues MAGNOLIA3D 5 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): Matterport Battery Issues | Video courtesy of MatterFix YouTube Channel | 27 July 2022 Transcript (video above) [00:00:11] Mike Vorce: Hello, this is Mike with, and this is another one in our series of walkthrough videos that we're doing for the Matterport Service Provider Community. In these videos, we try and go through common problems that you might encounter with your Matterport camera,...
How to remove Matterport download ad from my Matterport tour? nvarkawan 10 3 yearslilnitsch (5800): Here are both a Matterport tour & a 360 tour using an iFrame
Error Message Loading Matterport E57 file: help please AnjumDesign 1 3 yearsAnjumDesign (52): Just bought E57 file and it is not opening in cloud compare. I am getting below error. Any help appreciated
Help Please: Matterport Pro2 3D Camera Not Charging Pedrotex69 7 3 yearsPedrotex69 (310): Hi all, A special thank you to Mike and Wingman. As my camera was out of warranty, and I needed it for a job tomorrow, I decided to open the camera. It was a very easy fix, I carefully removed the 6 screws from the back cover, after adding removed the rubber covers from them (they pop up easily with a screwdriver)I lifted the back cover carefully, as this as the power cables and display cables attached to the front cover, but you get enough...
Issues with Matterport motion sickness? northernWIld 3 3 yearsQueen_City_3D (3144): There's certainly a learning curve to properly navigate through the Matterport tours and I'll admit to having had some dizzy spells myself early on. I think the best fix for that is to make sure you have a highlight reel and encourage your viewers to use that. I almost always have a walkthrough tour and I use the &kb=0 parameter to turn off the auto pan between highlight scan locations. Unless you are really precise with where the scan...
Copy mattertags from a space to another space (duplicate)? nvarkawan 3 3 yearsSIMLAB (26): @nvarkawan this is exactly what STAGES is doing ... please search FORUM for STAGES and visit our website: if you have any question "how?" and "what is possible?" - than me or my team would be happy to help. You can contact us at: good luck !
ONE thing you wish you could change about the Matterport Experience? Carson 7 3 yearschristianadams (27): @MeshImages There isn't a formal place for the masses to submit dev requests, but if you use Slack, we'd love to open up a direct channel with you so we can talk with you directly about ideas, updates, features, etc. Or if you prefer email, we can do that as well.
How to apply Matterport lab paints to the original scan and save it? nvarkawan 2 3 yearsWingman (4408): I think it is a lab thing meaning you can play with it testing it but you cannot save it.
Bottlenecks in your Matterport Workflow? Carson 3 3 yearsCarson (302): Wow, yes! Well said. I think the ability to make quick edits like that inside of the capture app would be a game changer. @fathom3D, do you mainly service clients in the real estate industry, or elsewhere?
Anyone else having a huge problem with the Matterport Edit Button? Integratedman 9 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @Integratedman Thanks for the update. If/when you hear back from Matterport about ... ... can you post an update here? Best, Dan
Matterport Blur Tool not working for me. You? How to solve? 808virtually 8 3 years808virtually (157): **Update** I received an email from Matterport Support today, 7/12. It seems they have fixed the issue. "Thank you for your patience. I have received an update from our engineering team that blur issue is fully fixed now. We have also tried in our sample spaces and sometimes the blur is not applied immediately after it says "applied" but once I move the scan point a little or refresh the screen, the blur is applied. Please...
Proximity Based Tags in Matterport? Carson 1 3 yearsCarson (302): Hello all, Do you have a matterport scan with tons of tags? It can start to feel kind of cluttered. Now you can de-clutter with Proximity Based Tags. With this feature enabled tags will auto populate as visitors navigate around your tour and only display tags in their immediate area. Openhaus Tags vs Matterport:
Help please: Matterport Workshop Edit button not working PWIMAGING 16 3 yearslilnitsch (5800): @Chemistrydoc Matterport is pretty fragmented in their leadership teams and since they currently do not have any of the advisory boards running like they once had in the past. It seems like these issues fall on deaf ears as they get lost as they often do not get to the proper team(s) for a resolution
Help Please: Matterport Pro1 3D Camera Creating Stitch Lines 360world 3 3 yearsMatterFix (526): As mentioned above, this is how the different camera images are shaded in the capture app.... you cannot judge image quality/shading from within the capture app. The shading defects seen in the capture app will not appear in your processed model. What you can look for in the images in the capture app is misalignments in the stitching of the images. Mis-alignment of images at the vertical stitching lines in the capture app. Look at...
Anyone Noticing Increased Matterport Pixelation? Shakoure 6 3 yearsMarcel (387): I also noticed this and was thinking wow these old pro 1 tours look crap and I need to speak to the client and get them re-captured. Probably should anyway.
3D Matterport to 360 tour? InStasy 9 3 yearsWingman (4408): I thought of a phone IMU as a problem since I have been testing these apps. It is a very good idea in the video to use a gimbal for an iPhone. I had actually never thought of a gimbal until your post. And I believe any gimbal will work. However my problem is I have an iPad and there are no gimbals for them. Once I have my rover ready I will try IOS LiDAR scanning by moving my rover at constant slow speed with my Ipad tilted at...
Help please: trouble uploading a Matterport model Laserpro3532 4 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @Laserpro3532 Great. Enjoy your weekend. Dan
Mattertags Not Working : PDF ThinkLab 5 3 yearsWingman (4408): I have mentioned many times that most clouds are not suitable for loading anything into Mattertags. Clouds do not spit back binary data of a document you are calling from them. They return HTML code that contains a lot of things. Fo example when you try to open an image from a cloud(say Google Photos) through HTTP(s)(url is using http(s)) you are getting an interface for editing, a viewer to display the called image and on top of that you will...
Adding E-commerce layer to Matterport Tours? Carson 21 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @MeshImages Thank you for sharing your (great) use-case for Matterport + Openhaus = shopping. Please let us know when you sell your 1st art this way. Do you have any Shopify clients that is now using the Matterport + Openhaus integration? Or, not yet? -- Openhaus has done a great job integrating a shopping experience within the Matterport tour. Please remember me when you are rich and famous :cool: Dan
MATTERTAGS: Why aren't you using them? Carson 6 3 yearsMeshImages (3029): @tosch Great example, this looks very good! I also like the persistent shopping cart :cool:
Can't upload models due to connectivity issues. You? pguerreiro 3 3 yearspguerreiro (112): @GETMYVR Thanks my friend. It worked!
Integrating a video wall with the Matterport SDK tristan 11 3 yearstristan (10): Thanks for your help, I'm going to build video walls natively using the SDK bundle.
Matterport Not uploading; red cloud. Help Please? DouglasMeyers 3 3 yearsWingman (4408): I agree with Mike. It has happened to me once. The problem is somehow you get logged out of your account but the app says you logged in. So when you try to upload it does not know what account it is going to be uploaded and shows an error.
🚨Matterport Yacht Scan problems: can you help? 🚨 skyload300 16 3 yearsSdoughtie (567): @Wingman I’m just thankful that I noticed the cause. I’d much rather go the self help route. Now we know…
Which 360 platform enables open/close of glove box in this car tour? peterek87 Jump to first page32Jump to last page 3 yearsTosolini (4359): Some time ago, I shared this experiment which is based on swapping entire panoramas. Using 3D renders to simulate interactions in a 360 space The number of possible combinations can easily get out of hand, so it's not an efficient workflow. 3D Vista recently released a new hotspot type for virtual staging which seems to address this specific use case.
Wp3d Matterport LOGO issue on mobile view + Permalink issue nvarkawan 4 3 yearsDanielBenion (127): Hi @nvarkawan, Our plugin is set up for 3 views. Standard - default URL (uses your theme settings and design) Skinned - /skinned (custom wp3d design) Fullscreen- /fullscreen Unfortunately, we can't change the /skinned/ slug as it is embedded in our codes. There is currently no way to customize the term "skinned" as part of the URL. We use this specific term to route what "view" is shown. This is the same as...
Matterport Pro 2 Accuracy cammar 4 3 yearsSpencerLasky (410): Has anyone gotten and used the Revit File - scan to BIM service they offer? I have a lot of interest from architects in it - one reason is they don't want to manage work flow from point cloud to Revit, feeling there is too much resolution, cloud points and it's heavey and hard to manage - hoping this will create a model that easy for them to start working with. I'm not a Revit software useer so I just have to hand it off. Spencer
Help Please! Matterport Fullscreen video in fullscreen tour Problem maxcademy 3 3 yearsCharlesHH (640): Try MPembed and their billboard function. I set it to 80% and get videos opening ready to go. As for your video problem, is that only on Mac Safari or every browser. I had a similar issue.
Urgent: Matterport Server error code 3???!! Jrphoto 6 3 yearsJrphoto (50): @GETMYVR Just did that and it worked! Thanks for your help.
converting 360 panorama to video -black bars added with metadata injection? cdahl 4 3 yearsMeidansha (832): I have found this with editing 360 video in premiere pro also. I can’t remember which preset I ultimately used but I found the 360 video export presets for YouTube and Vimeo make the two black circles you have.
Adding audio/titles to a published 3DVista interactive 360° video BigSwifty 2 3 yearsPau (58): Try this and see if it works for you clickable text
Scanning issues with Matterport Pro2 Camera: Noise/Will Not Align Rebecca936 9 3 yearsRebecca936 (10): @MatterFix Thank you! I truly appreciate all your help.
Urgent - Matterport 3D scanning - Quality problem on some scans Matija 23 3 yearsMatija (20): Sure, if there will be any, as still no answer from them.
It's official....the Pro1 is better at alignment than Pro2 pixelray 5 3 yearsGETMYVR (1940): @pixelray I began to notice ghost scans arbitrarily placed on the model in the app, when I've decided to delete scans! The only other real glitch I see is the Matterport app can only handle about a thousand scans per model. So I hope matterport gets working on that, I'm pretty sure investors are scoping out these forums.
Video: Troubleshooting Matterport Issues DanSmigrod 6 3 yearsMatt19 (354): @ThinkLab That is interesting. I have had an Ipad Pro with 515 GB and 4 GB ram and it has always worked great since I have had the Matterport Pro 2 Camera. Did Matterport update something that requires more ram than it used to? By technology standards some would say my iPad is probably getting close to obsolete.
Help please: Crazy misalignment lately in capture app pixelray 11 3 yearsVTLV (2910):
How to Stop Unstable camera Scans with Tripod? Harrycayman 8 3 yearsHarrycayman (439): Cool keep me posted Thank you
Matterport Processing Delayed for Add Ons - 1:15 PM EST 23 DEC 2021 DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): Resolved
Video: 15 Real Estate Photography Mistakes to Avoid! [Any to add?] DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): 15 Real Estate Photography Mistakes to Avoid! | video courtesy of Jordan Nielsen YouTube Channel | 8 December 2021 Hi All, Any mistakes to add? Dan
Help Please: Scanning problem - Blurred at the edges of frames concept20_Milan 8 3 yearsMatterFix (526): @concept20_Milan How do your images look in the capture app? There are 6 vertical seams in each well are those aligned when you view them in the capture app? If you're seeing misalignment in the images when viewed in the capture app, that is usually the cause of alignment problems or errors in the model. The types of problem you're experiencing usually have to do with the fact that the camera's internal frame or one of the drive train...
WGAN-TV Training U: Top 10 Matterport Pro1/Pro2/Pro2 Lite Repairs-Revisited DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): WGAN-TV Training U (in Matterport | Top 10 Matterport Pro1, Pro2 and Pro2 Lite Camera Repairs (Revisited) | Guest: MatterFix (@MatterFix) Founder Mike Vorce | Thursday, 18 November 2021 | Episode #126 ...
Download My Original Matterport Scans SNFmarkerting 15 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @ThinkLab Just emailed the promo code to you. Is this a helpful tool for you? Dan
Urgent: Matterport Capture app won’t start up? [In the midst of scanning] NC3D 5 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @NC3D That's great news! Thanks for sharing how you solved the puzzle. Best, Dan
It seems not all Pro2s are the same?! Wingman 20 3 yearsWingman (4408): I have tested my new camera on a job and I can confirm transfer speed is fast as long as you come close to a camera. It is not affected by any reasonable distance created during scanning. Matterport have replied they will let me know what is wrong with my previous camera.
Camera not Stable Error: How can I fix? rodrigocastillo 6 3 yearsMatterFix (526): If you’ve eliminated the mount as a possible problem, then most likely the problem is in the clutch assembly or that the camera is sensing that something is out of alignment internally. We can usually fix these issues by adjusting the clutch or replacing the one of the cameras internal frame components. Typically this error will not stop you from scanning and uploading models successfully but it is annoying.
Zillow floor plans taking 2 weeks macalenny 9 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): Hi All, Above is from the WGAN Forum discussion: ✓ Video: Zillow 3D Home Marketing Video Acknowledges Real Estate Photographer Dan
Matterport newbie, help please. kimhyunho 4 3 yearsWingman (4408): I have answered in another topic Dan has created for you. Please have a look there.
URGENT: Capture App says ‘Waiting’- Onsite! Need Help (Please)! mk4au 6 3 yearsmk4au (58): BTW, it was the app that updated, the scanner still needs to update, but that will happen tonight 😳 😁
Can't align Matterport MatterTags properly: how to fix please? Mastle 14 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @Mastle Need help locating a Matterport Service Provider with a Matterport Pro2 3D Camera? ✓ WGAN Find a Matterport Service Provider Map (Or, email me: Best, Dan
title bar blocks top of photo media in mattertags. Solutions? Queen_City_3D 3 3 yearsThinkLab (387): @Queen_City_3D I think Captured or Treedis allows you to put in images better. This has been the problem since day one, they had how many years to fix this, and its such I simple fix. The UI is still broken in Matterport they will need to hire very talented engineers to fix this, but might take them another 2 years to get this fixed. And we are rolling out the BETA next month 😂
Matterport BLUR BRUSH - Yay or Nay? GETMYVR 5 3 yearsGETMYVR (1940): @Dataventurer Excellent - that was all it took. Have a great week! I knew I could count on the WGAN community.
Matterport Spaces are greyed out and inaccessible on platform Fmodjr1913 5 3 yearsWingman (4408): it can be a local cache browser issue. Press & hold Ctrl and press F5 a few times when you see the same again.
Matterport Extracted Photos: every shot is fuzzy (You too?) ron0987 15 3 yearsJuMP (2031): @lilnitsch I just tried insta360 player. But seems like it can't support 16K x 8K panorama on my laptop. BTW the zoom function is not ZOOM enough. You should try our panorama check page Make sure your have enough free memory before drop the 16K x 8K panorama to our page, it may turn black screen if out of memory. You can close and restart your Chrome to clean the memory buffer.
Lost Mattertag ıssue? alirizacil 2 3 yearsCharlesHH (640): It seems that if you get close or over 100 tags you can have problems. I could not change stalk length and some would not move. Known bug with no solution. Maybe similar problem. Suggest you publish after every ten. But refresh view page to see if they are there. Stalk changes showed in preview but went back to default when model was refreshed.
Multiple "unable to scan" error messages Shawn_P 20 3 yearsShawn_P (304): A follow up. Matterport has instructed me to send my camera in and for $500, they will send me a replacement camera since mine is out of warranty. Better than another 3k for a new one. Thanks all for the advice.
Problem with Matterport Mattertag stalks: Workaround? CharlesHH 1 3 yearsCharlesHH (640): Hi I have a model with 140 Mattertags. It is now refusing to let me edit the stalk length. Apparently this is a known bug when you go over 100 tags. You make the edit, you see it, but after publishing it reverts. Has anyone else experienced this and found a workaround. I am using MPEmbed to place content in the tags. But I still need the height to be correct. Thanks for any advice.
Vimeo autoplay not working in matterport link: something change? ukvisualimmersion 6 4 yearsukvisualimmersion (161): Browser is Microsoft Edge. In the browser settings it is under cookies and settings (image attached)
Question of the Day: When a Matterport can not be done, do you charge? DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsdmcquade (60): By official policy, we charge $99 for cancellations within 12 hours and full fee if we ring the doorbell. However, in reality, we almost never charge and use it as more of a motivation tool. The only time I charged a no-show fee was a realtor who kept sending us to sketchy properties because they didn't want to go there themselves ... so we charged here the full fee ... which she didn't pay ... but we didn't hear from her again so problem...
URGENT! Help! Capture app won't open (10 AM EDT Tuesday, August 3, 2021) Noddy 11 4 yearsHarrycayman (439): Hi issue seems to have resolved itself. i too have no problems now so not sure and cost me a new ipad too. harry
Is there a Bug in the floor plan view for multi-story scans? vgarcia 2 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @vgarcia Can you share: 1. Matterport tour URL? 2. Mini-map showing all floor scan points? With these two visuals, it is likely that we can help you trouble-shoot. I would get a ticket started with Matterport Support too. Dan
Second Pro 2 dead with "Sensor Fault" error twinmoons 7 4 yearstwinmoons (144): I wanted to post an update on this. Today I heard back from Matterport support, and I was VERY pleasantly surprised that they made a one-time exception to keep this under warranty although it was about 14 months out. I definitely wanted to make sure they receive recognition for providing excellent support and resolve the issue in a fair manner. @MatterFix, definitely keeping you in mind for any future issues!
Is there a way to fix Two Matterport Models (that should be one Model)? NC3D 5 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @NC3D Please let us know how long it takes to get this fixed: Thanks, Dan
Strange Matterport scan point placements NC3D 5 4 yearslilnitsch (5800): @MatterFix Playing with camera height can also help when a scan position is being difficult
Matterport Pro2 for Fire restoration: build-up of ash inside the camera? Jmiller 3 4 yearsWingman (4408): I did not think it'd be a problem. I would put a hepa filter on vents at the bottom of a camera just to reduce amount of dust sucked in.
Matterport - Ricoh Theta Z1 color baaaaaad sdubose99 6 4 yearssdubose99 (143): Thanks, I was close, just around the corner. Here's what one of the photos looks like, along with the re-do:
Example: Matterport 3D Tour of a Convection Centre (with 730 Scan Points) Wingman 11 4 yearsVirtour (170): @Wingman - this is awesome work all around. Thank you so much for sharing not only the model but your insights, tips, and takeaways. I imagine not too many folks could film a space like this as successfully as you have - I hope your client appreciates it! All the best, Noah
My Virtual Tour business is not taking off. What am I doing wrong? DanRess 14 4 yearsExpertise (1192): Here is the problem my friend... (dmcquade) The number of people who thought it would be "as easy as Build a website -> Get customers -> make money" is off the charts. The bad news is you got a very late start in this bidness. Six years ago there were 2 people doing R/E photos in our county. We were the 3rd. Now there are 25-30 I'd guess. The good news is you seem to be in a large market. I've noticed that many folks in...
360 View markers showing up randomly: Has anyone experienced this? NC3D 2 4 yearsSkeeter (425): Thats always been an issue. You can drag them around and see where the line goes in the floor plan.
Photo Capture errors: Can you help? Wonderdawg 6 4 yearsGETMYVR (1940): When I first started my journey I shot Matterport only and all my images came from my matterport camera, until I purchase my Nikon D750 and lenses, and I would never consider such a thing ever again. At no price. Night and day difference.
Hallway Matterport Scan issues NC3D 6 4 yearsNC3D (119): Ah I see. Thanks so much guys.
Links in Matterport Mattertags Not Working? How about you? MiB 1 4 yearsMiB (1): Hi is it just me or is the ability to create new links within mattertags currently broken? They only seem to work with full URLS right now. Tested on a couple of accounts & devices.
Matterport tour screw up with some small piece of mesh stuck in a doorway. Wingman 9 4 yearsWingman (4408): The password has been removed so you can see how simple trick with trimming has completely removed the mesh sitting in the doorway.
Is this a Heat Alert Symbol on Ricoh Theta Z1? (it was 91-degrees outside) tmroberts 2 4 yearstrueview360s (117): Yep. When I left it in a hot car...
Transcript: WGAN-TV 25+ Tips for Scanning Large Spaces with Matterport Pro2 DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): 106-WGAN-TV 25+ Tips for Scanning Large Spaces with a Matterport Pro2 3D Camera with Los Angeles-based Photographer Eric Dole (@Home3D). Digital Twin by Los Angeles-based Photographer Eric Dole (@Home3D) Transcript: WGAN-TV 25+ Tips for Scanning Large Spaces with a Matterport Pro2 3D Camera Hi All, Transcript below ... Scanning large spaces with a...
Urgent: Matterport Pro2 (Error): Recharge Matterport Camera 3DAxs 10 4 yearsMatterFix (526): Yeh, I've heard a lot of people talk about issues with drone batteries. Because matterport uses high quality 18650 cells in their packs and uses a good BMS board, I've never run into an unbalanced battery pack in a Matterport camera. They do have the annoying "kill-switch" feature though that will permanently disable the packs if the voltage gets too low (I think around 6 volts) always keep your Matterport cameras charged to 50%+...
Video: Top 5 Matterport Problems (and how to fix them) DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): Top 5 Matterport Problems (and how to fix them) | Video courtesy of Scene3D Virtual Tours YouTube Channel | 10 June 2021 From the Scene3D Virtual Tours YouTube Channel It’s no secret that we absolutely love Matterport, its a fantastic platform for virtual tour experiences that we feel is unrivalled in its quality, accuracy, usability and variety of application. That’s not to say Matterport is...
Help Please: Holes in the terrace floor in my Matterport Tour ImperialProperties 4 4 yearsImperialProperties (34): all good now, went back and scanned many more points on the terrace, now the holes are filled! Thanks Still got some annoying spray though from the surrounding trees, will rework the trimming when I have a mo. cheers all.
Matterport Servers Are Down | (6:08 am EDT Tuesday, 8 June 2021) GarySnyder 4 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): Matterport Status | Email notification received at 7:05:28 am EDT Tuesday, June 8, 2021 @GarySnyder Thank you for being the first WGAN Member to publish this Matterport status news. As of 9:06 am EDT Tuesday, 8 June 2021, looks like there are still some issues (see below). Hi All, I encourage you to sing-up for ...
Not seeing Matterport Processing SpencerLasky 3 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @SpencerLasky Thank you for letting us know that you fixed the problem by making one slight change via the Matterport Trim tool. Dan
Matterport Reports"internal server error when attempting to log in via SSO" DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): notification received Friday, 28 May 2021 at 5:07 pm EDT Resolved :cool:
Matterport Content not loading Shawn_P 7 4 yearsVTLV (2910): Clearly the fault is on the other side of the table. These are times Super Dee tokens came in handy. If you're getting an opps. I would duplicate and get another one in there. Best we can tell our clients is they're merging with another company right now and not telling us much when things like this are going on.
Step-by-Step Guide: WP3D Models WordPress Plugin and Google Maps API Key DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsWingman (4408): Google API is not free.. you have to pay for every map loading. They give you a $200 credit every month that can be nothing for websites with huge traffic.
Problem: How can I improve this Matterport dollhouse view? Alex77 8 4 yearsJuMP (2031): Maybe you can try to add two "windows" mark back to back at the "red arrow" area, one inside and one outside of the glass. Reupload and reprocess to see if there is any imporvement. It will make the windows mark area to be a full double sides surface. Same thing can be try at the "yellow arrow" area. About the fragments on the roof, currently no way to solve it except the Matterport guy can modify the mesh...
Yikes! Matterport bad map: 180 degrees out of rotation. Help please ... ImperialProperties 9 4 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): I hate to say this, but this is one of those cases where using the one shot 360 cameras fails compared to using the pro cameras.
Matterport navigation and loading issues BenAdgie 2 4 yearslilnitsch (5800): @BenAdgie I am guessing this is the issue in reference
Need help! Matterport scanning issue Amphotos 3 4 yearsJuMP (2031): @Amphotos Please provide the showcase link here, so that we can know the problem in detail and maybe we can help you out.
[Resolved] Unable to upload MP Pro2 scans "Can't Upload, Camera Mismatch.." SeattlePhotog 2 4 yearsGETMYVR (1940): Welcome to the forum and the pro 2 is only supported on certain new plans, not the starter plan so that would make sense. If you're in this for the Long haul you might want to see if you can find a classic plan, and good luck I hope everything works out for you.
Uploading issue - please help!! trevornelson 12 4 yearstrevornelson (25): Sorry for not responding sooner - it looks like it must have been a server issue (?) as it's now back up and running like normal. Scared me for a moment, but I think everything is okay, thanks for the replies!
Ex-Matterport tech person to consult with? Noddy 3 4 yearsNoddy (432): @ Axis360Media, Thanks for your input, We are using all Pro2 cameras though.
GPS controlled location data in 3DVista pano tour? tuxdidge 7 4 yearstuxdidge (11): BTW: 3DVista answered: Yes, it´s on our To-do list for 2021 :) GREAT!!!!
Hi-tech house tour exposes personal data aidanashby 4 4 yearsGETMYVR (1940): Having been in the retail sales business long time with credit applications and such, I know what it means to secure personal data. That's why I always do a good scan before the job with my eyes,and I've even had occasions where customers didn't care their checks and driver's license were exposed on the coffee table, so I hid them. I let them know everything the camera can see so will the world. I know securing personal data prior to a photo...
URGENT: I get broken diagonal lines win my scans MolinaPhoto 5 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): Excellent solutions! I would add to that, if you need to order floor plans from Matterport, duplicate the model that includes Ricoh Theta Z1 "scans" and then delete the Ricoh Theta Z1 shot "scans" (because Matterport will not create floor plans that include 360s shot with a 360 1-click camera. Dan
Tourmake Servers Fried Gladsmuir 4 4 yearsGladsmuir (664): Tourmake is back Update April 07, 2021 We are proud to inform our customers that Tourmake is definitely online. Our developers have been working hard during the Easter weekend to ensure the full restoration of the platform. You can now access the photographer/user panel to edit and publish your virtual tours. It is currently possible: Create and edit Viewmake Create and edit Tourmake Create and edit Create, edit and publish...
Matterport Capture upload Failure AaronL 4 4 yearsAaronL (10): In case anyone has a similar problem it's been fixed with the capture app being updated yesterday. It seems to be an android device issue only. I must be the only person using Matterport on Android it seems :) From Matterport suppport "The upload error has been resolved with a new push of the Beta build. Build 167 is live as of last night so please check for pending updates in the Play Store." What the experience did teach me was...
Matterport Model is rotated after processing??? Can Matterport fix this? DigitalTwin 2 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @DigitalTwin Ugh! That's not good! 1. Can you share the tour with us to see "what's up"? 2. Can you include the mini-map? 3. Can you tell us where to see the bad scan? Dan
Matterport Not Paying For Contracted Services woodallt 2 4 years3SixtyNow (484): I've had that problem with Matterport before. The late fees I had to charge almost ended up as much as the job itself.
Matterport to Google Street View (MP working on fix 4:06 pm EST 4 March 21 DanSmigrod 9 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): received 5:30 pm EST Friday, March 5, 2021
What happens to the models I host if I quit my subscription to Matterport? Shawn_P 4 4 yearsCharlesHH (640): You can transfer one model to a new FREE account that your client must open. Then if they want to share it on a website or anywhere, they must upgrade the FREE account to a STARTER account and pay a monthly fee. Hope that is clear.
Pano2vr Pro - connections problem after uploading to GSV IdeaMedia 1 4 yearsIdeaMedia (4): Hi all, Please I need a help. I'm having a problem with connections in Pano2vr vs GSV. Even though I connect hotspots manually in PANO2VR, placed them correctly in map. They are almost in a straight line so my plan was to connect only nearby spots one to the next one only. Google lets me walk almost anywhere and but what is worse after few days of uploading all the spots were sort of mixed and connections doesn't work as it should. There must...
Long term HarlanHambright 5 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @Wingman Yes. Thanks for sharing that. @HarlanHambright You may want to duplicate the space before transferring. However, spaces cannot be transferred OUT of a Free or Starter account. This is to prevent abuse by users uploading to a Free account and transferring out to avoid processing fees. If a Schematic Floor Plan or Matterpak Bundle was purchased for the space, those will need to be downloaded and sent to the new host separately ...
Transcript: WGAN-TV Top 10 Matterport Pro1, Pro2 & Pro2 Lite Camera Repairs DanSmigrod 3 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @MatterFix Founder Mike Vorce A viewer writes: Very Informative. I just bought a used Pro 1 and I've tested it and it works fine. When i charge it it gives me the double blinking light but it only shows 5 1/2 hours of charge and 1/2 full on the charge bar. Should I be concerned? @MatterFix, should she be concerned? Dan
Matterport : Sensor Fault ChuckJ 8 4 yearsalirizacil (162): Hi Since i am in Turkey, and having 3 Pr2 camera, i had to solve my problems myself. Cencor fault was one of them which i solved surprisingly. This is how: I had battery problem with one of my camera. (One of the battery was off) Than i took it to one of my tecnician friend . While he was chainging the battery, he also just tried to check the cables and reconnect them( there are usd cables conecting cencors to mainboard) . And cencor fauld has...
Facebook photo uploading issue rzphotoman 3 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): Blog (4 February 2021) Facebook 360 photo not working? How to post 360 photo on Facebook in 2021
International event with Matterport+Treedis! Can the server crash? AlanD 1 4 yearsAlanD (40): Hello guys! I need some help with these. On Thursday we will have an international event in Spain in which more than 5000 people are already registered! The event has a virtual platform with access to Matterport + Treedis (Overlay). A few months ago I asked here if I could have problems with the server and I received answers that left me very calm, but now I am talking with a programmer who tells us that the platform will crash when...
Removal of two scans from Matterport tour? Other solutions? Shawn_P 12 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @lilnitsch @Home3D Ha! Too funny! Happens to all of us! Dan
MPEmbed: integrate 5 tours in a defined order on a first tour and iFrame? MyVirtualScan 6 4 yearsHome3D (4191): I haven’t yet personally tried embedding an MPEmbed URL or IFrame instead of Matterport, into 3DVista or ThreeSixty.Tours. I expect both will work, and both permit audio tracks to play during a Matterport walkthrough. MPEmbed plays a single track which runs throughout the display of the MP tour until it is closed. 3DVista allows audio tracks to be attached to each individual 360 pano. So you can talk about the kitchen while there, the...
Problems hiding floors in a model sese 5 4 yearstoddwaddington (541): Cool, @sese! I learned something new. Thanks!
any advise to scan when you can only go down with a mouse ladder? sese 7 4 yearssese (45): Hi @808virtually @HarlanHambright, Sorry for not answering earlier but I have had to delay this tour until now. I have followed HarlanHambright's indications ... and it works! Thanks a lot for your help!
Workshop tools disappear in Chrome sese 2 4 yearsWingman (4408): Chrome is updating these days quite frequently. It may be a problem with any update applied but it requires restarting PC for it to work. I run into a problem a week ago that Matterport tours were not showing in Chrome at all. Just a blank white screen was shown instead. After I restarted my PC everything went back to normal.
Help me clear up the use of the trim tool in Matterport tubazoltan 20 4 yearsron0987 (3466): This is what I was talking about the limitations of the MP trim line. I wish they would make trim work like a typical CAD program. If it would work like that then your problem be resolved.
3 floors when scanned, 4 floors when published - help angusnorriss 6 4 yearsVirtusRealis (77): @angusnoriss Yes, there is an automatic process that creates floors when the elevation varies too much. I had recently scanned a very long technical hallway with several light slopes along the way and I ended with 3 floors ! Reprocessing allowed to reduce it to 2 floors however.
Yikes! Awkward client brief. What/How should I do this?!!! sandhun 6 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @sandhun Another thought - with people - use a DSLR to shoot 360 and use a very slow shutter speed. This creates the sense of action/motion and the still objects would be sharp. Dan
Zillow 3D home tour shooters lilnitsch 20 4 yearslilnitsch (5800): @Expertise I shoot Matterport w/Pro2’s and Zillow 3D home tours with the Z1 All my improved property shoots get at least a Zillow 3D home tour in addition to professional stills When the app is working as it should an average sized home can be knocked out in 10-15 minutes tops
Highlight Reel Problem - extra large over 600 scans tresdepro 1 4 yearstresdepro (385): Hello Everyone, I've been trying to add the dollhouse and floor plan view in the highlight reel for a massive factory (about 800 scans) but some unknown reason I cannot add them, no problems with inside views. Just in case I tried with a small tour and I didn't have any problems whatsoever has anyone run into the same problem? any solutions? best Angelo
Experiencing issues with Matterport VR via WebXR/WebVR web browsers? DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): Hi All, An update from the WGAN Members that emailed me previously (above). Dan --- UPDATE: The only immediate solution to this problem is using an Oculus headset, Android device that supports WebXR or pre-iOS14 for Google Cardboard. Here is a link from support: From Matterport Support Team: Unfortunately we will be unable to support iOS devices beyond iOS 14 for VR. We were using an...
VRBO publishing from Matterport issues: can you help? dave3d 5 4 yearsdave3d (527): They said their issue was "browser related". I've asked for more information and clarification from them. (It sounds like they know what's up.) I'm not "under the gun" on this one so I'll give them a bit of time to respond before I invest more time with Matterport support.
Free WGAN-TV Training U Course: Top 10 Matterport Pro1/Pro2 Camera Repairs DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): Grab: 83A-WGAN-TV Top 10 Matterport Pro1, Pro2 & Pro2 Lite Camera Repairs: Wi-Fi | GPS | Housing | Batteries | Component Board | Charger Port | Stepper Motor | Rotator Gearbox | Sensor Errors | DIY Failed Repair Attempt | More Free Course: WGAN-TV | Top 10 Matterport Pro1, Pro2 and Pro2 Lite Camera Repairs: ...
Anyone know if Matterport can correct this? Shawn_P 9 4 yearsimagine3d (37): That suggestion is possible but no guarantee and a lot of extra work especially if plus if you have a 4000-6000 sq ft home to scan. You will have to preview each scan to make sure the scans are not giving this issue. It'll take forever to finish the home. In my point of view, this issue is the responsibility of MP to fix. For an expensive camera such as the Matterport Pro, we should not have to deal with issues like this. Professionally we...
My theta z1 fell in a slight breeze now it needs a new alignment roballoba 13 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @roballoba I feel your pain. Is this helpful for your new Ricoh Theta Z1? ✓ 9 Tripods/Monopods to Consider for Your 360º 1-Click Camera Best, Dan
MC250 exposure / seam issue + advice? picture_this 5 4 yearspicture_this (22): Thanks Wingman- appreciate the confirmation!
Mattertag "Can't find media" Flickr problem tinsoldier 10 4 yearsskretnica (10): I corresponded with Flickr, Matterport, and Embedlly Flickr itself recommended embedding this short link .. Mattertag saw it as a media file and the text did not cover the image .. But now I see that whatever image you link to the tag the text does not cover it ... a reason to celebrate :cool:
What is this Matterport issue, and is there a fix? MattSCrowder 15 4 yearsMattSCrowder (110): It appears that a window marker from the upper floor was bleeding down onto the main floor. Once I removed that window marker, everything worked.
Yellow Virtual tour htimsabbub23 6 4 yearslilnitsch (5800): This was early in the beta testing of the Z1 within the Matterport ecosystem
Are you having WP3D Models Galleries issues? (mine no longer visible) lilnitsch 2 4 yearslilnitsch (5800): The Themify Ultra version 5.0.1 theme for Wordpress was the issue. I was able to downgrade an earlier build of this theme and seem to be back up and running again. I downgraded to Themify Ultra 2.8.3
Theta stitcher problem - help needed thereal360 9 4 yearsthereal360 (271): @DanSmigrod Yes they are helpful, but not the problem that I am expericing. I believe he is talking about using the DFE HDR option, where images are fused to one in camera. I did bracket option where i have 7 HDR's Theta stitcher seems very finicky I blended in LR. Manually megred a window with PS. made sure teh right dimensions are used and saved as tiff. Tried to stitch as plugin export and as in "edit in" menue in LR. Get the DNG...
What is the limit of users to enter a Matterport tour at the same time? AlanD 8 4 yearsWingman (4408): There is no limit per tour for Matterport. It does not operate that way. When viewers are inside some tour all that a Matterport server does is sending them a bunch of images as tiles to represent each viewer field of view. And these requests can come to the Matterport server simultaneously from 1000s of unrelated Matterport tours. No need to make any duplicates in order to make it faster-it won't change anything. Viewers from each duplicate ...
suggestion against glare? thereal360 8 4 yearsthereal360 (271): as far as the lighting situation goes here is a 360 I think all the top lights are together. 3D KULLA PICTURE
Yikes! Lost Matterport Floor Scans (one of two floors): How to Find? BrokerBruce 2 4 yearsCrazeVR (58): Things like this make me nervous about using matterport a great name a lot of flaws.
Help! Need fix for Matterport's messed up floor learning algorithm botticelli 4 4 yearscraigsauer (1078): I have a weird suggestion to try. I discovered recently that something I'd "known" about Matterport for years wasn't exactly true. I don't know if it would help in your situation, but it might be worth a try. I had a job scanning a commercial bus where it was crucial to have an accurate dollhouse for the client. I used a high tripod to scan the top from the perimeter and then also put the camera on the roof via the emergency exit...
Any tips for shooting/scanning a multi-level indoor open space? GWatsonImages 13 4 yearsMattSCrowder (110): @GWatsonImages Very well done! I glad you found an option that worked for you. I'm in Indy too, so DM me if you ever want to grab a coffee sometime.
What is this blurry area in my model? johnwheatley 5 4 yearsGETMYVR (1940): What do you expect for posting bare naked walls!
Matterport Backup and Restore Scenarios: Questions/Issues mikemay1 2 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @mikemay1 WGAN Forum Discussions that may be helpful for your Matterport Back-up and Restore Questions ✓ Video: Backup & Restore Your Matterport Models (And Why This is a Problem!) ✓ WGAN Forum discussions tagged: Backup | Restore | iMazing | iExplorer If you still have questions, I suggest that you do new WGAN Forum posts with just one question per post. (Please do read through the above first). Best, Dan
Shiny Shop Floors, Building the 3D Tour - issue? BlueImmersiveMedia 5 4 yearsGerhard (1484): @GETMYVR Yes did a shoot last week for a very big client and had only two days onsite. The artifacts is absolutely horrible, especially the exterior 360 from balconies, took 6 shots at different heights and distance from the railing, all had broken artifacts. Also door handles and other things like cylindrical light fittings are broken. Never had that problem when I was shooting with Geocv. And the color and textures are also getting very bad in...
Matterport Pro2 Wiggly Loose Charge Port cgraft 3 4 yearstoddwaddington (541): Hey @cgraft. Mine is the same. Although, I haven't tested it to see if it will fall out. I place it where I know it won't be kicked or tugged. It works but does not plug in snugly. Purchased a few months ago.
Matterport site not performing today Home3D 3 4 yearsGETMYVR (1940): @Home3D are you hooked up into the backbone? Those speeds are crazy.
Yikes! I can only go down the stairs! (Not Up) What did I do wrong??? Matt19 16 5 yearsMatt19 (354): It's strange as the system seemed to have figured it out or maybe it is device dependent. I put a deep link if it doesn't work. I have not tried the trim tool yet which I probably should.
Not uploading from Matterport Capture app Harrycayman 3 5 yearsHarrycayman (439): Yes. It uploaded 3 times. Two of those said zero and then I re booted iPad
Getting started with little money Fish 30 5 yearsjen_ishayoga (33): @fish Hola and welcome aboard! Question for you ~ what market are you interested in getting into? You had mentioned 360s but later go into real estate and photos. So many of these markets bleed together, which is awesome and you'll probably have a lot of opportunity across the board! My specific focus (right now) is REP. One thing about this area, specifically, is that agents are looking for a one stop shop. You may offer 360s but there...
missing adresse in Google Street View by Matterport Michaela 4 5 yearsWingman (4408): When you publish you need to enter a place name(GMB Listing name) not a street address. if you did it with just a street address it is not a surprise you have them published under unknown place name. I would just go back to Matterport and click edit on the Google app there, enter the name and click publish. If it does not fix a problem with unknown name then you will need to delete the tour from Google and publish it again with a correct GMB...
My Matterport model is three floors; it should be two floors. Help Please! filinto 9 5 yearsBenAdgie (85): Apologies, I was confused with a different thread on the camera detail.
Cannot install Cortex on Capture app. Please Help!!! Teden 16 5 yearsWingman (4408): 401 error is an authorisation error of HTTP protocol. It means one is trying to access some files on a web server that they have not been authorised to access. Most likely Cortex installation is coming from the Matterport server directly(not Apple store) and Matterport only gives it to their authorised users. So it looks like when one cannot download Cortex installation files they simply have not been logged in into their Matterport cloud...
How do I fix this connecting problem with Google street View please? LV360Tour 2 5 yearsWingman (4408): I saw somebody complaining about a similar issue on local guides connect boards about 2-3 weeks ago. I think it is a problem with Google and they are aware of it. I know there are other problems there as well. I have published a tour for my kids school and it is not shown under their GMB listing and only shown on mine. I asked on the boards about it and I was told it is known issue and Google is working on fixing it. Other issue is that it...
Large room disappeared from model after being processed in sese 7 5 yearssese (45): Hey @Castaway, thanks a million for your very detailed reply and your advices. I did try to add some trims marks specially to the area that disappeared and reuploaded the model with no success. Oh, I also tried moving the stairs to floor 1 as you suggest, but no difference. We will go to the property again today or tomorrow, now that we have the lights we need to finish the dark rooms and we will follow your recomendations. Lets see...
Adventures in high scan count models. briangreul 12 5 yearsbriangreul (684): I believe it was. My deliverable was the completed scans so I don't know what finally happened or how they ultimately used it. The space was a vacant hospital and there were parts of it that were unscannable. Even with Apriltags I couldn't reliably scan in the bathrooms in each patient room. As it was I had to deploy the Apriltags in a fairly high density. I would have needed too many to scan the bathrooms. I personally didn't see the...
Matterport Brain Teaser of the Week: Scans Showing Up in Wrong Place DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): Hi All, You are an experienced Matterport Pro. This week's Matterport Brain Teaser is how do you solve this problem? ✓ How to fix scans showing up on wrong floor in my Matterport Tour? Please post your answers in the discussion above. Dan
Client Wants Matterport - Advice Needed GeorgeH 5 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @GeorgeH Welcome to the WGAN Forum and thank you for your insightful post. Since you have the client's trust - and your competitor has a Matterport Pro2 3D Camera - is there a way for you and your competitor to collaborate so that you and your client are happy (instead of reshooting with the Insta360 One X?) Using 3rd Party Matterport overlay too - MP/Embed - you can: ✓ adjust the brightness, saturation, contrast, hue, white balance...
Cookies popping up with Mattertags Alex77 3 5 yearsAlex77 (50): @CharlesHH Thank you Charles, I'll forward your reply to my client! Bests. :)
Any software to convert 360 tours to 3D models like Matterport or similar? jokos 4 5 yearsysabelc (168): @jokos Check out Metareal Stage: That model was built using just 360 images.
Deformed objects: wrong distance, wrong light or wrong camera? Alex77 12 5 yearscastaway (78): Second the more scan positions and make sure no closer than 24" from anything in any direction (including the edge of the table)
Using iXplorer: Which Download Should I upload? mikemay1 5 5 yearsbriangreul (684): yes.... as long as you don't delete anything from the old iphone you are good. If you move all the JOBS folders it will be fine and they will all show up. Sort by age and do one or two to test. Do not move the JOBS folder itself.... it's the folders in there that matter.
Help please transferring to iPhone 8+ And iXplorer challenge mikemay1 8 5 yearsbriangreul (684): On the subject of speed... the iPad Pro 2020 is a beast. It will align the scans pretty much as fast as they copy to the device. The only time I've seen it not do this is when I was exploring the limits of the app. Around 1100 scans the first scan alignment would take 5 to 7 minutes. The app seems to have no concept of where to start and I think it starts at the beginning looking for a match. For the record, I made it to 1144 scans before...
MP/Embed: your connection is not private? rzphotoman 16 5 yearsWingman (4408): Not really, it is just not possible to tell every user plus it is still a security problem and some devices may not even provide an option for "proceeding at a user's risk" . The new SSL certificate should be applied on a hosting side to each host where the SSL has been expired and renewed. It has nothing to do with website users, it is a hosting problem only.
Solution For Selling Bulk Voucher Packages Help Gerhard 6 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @Gerhard Does this solve your puzzle? ✓ Transcript: WGAN-TV How to Make Money with HomePlan Pay Per View Service This is a service of WGAN Member HomePlanNZ Director Scott MacKenzie (@HomePlanNZ) Best, Dan
How to update half a Matterport scan of a showroom (1/2 space updated)? MattSCrowder 11 5 yearsMattSCrowder (110): @ron0987 I will give it a try. But I let them know it may not work and that we might have to do the whole floor. They accept that possibility.
Is there a problem with Matterport URL parameters working? craigsauer 6 5 yearsGhagendorf (378): Yesterday I coded a url to start automatically and it didn’t work.
360 photo not part of model upload BobbyG 4 5 yearslilnitsch (5800): @BobbyG Not a problem
Ricoh Theta Z1 used for Matterport Capture: Going Outside Help Please Andy17 7 5 yearsCharlesHH (640): I've been using the new 4.02 Capture with Cortex enabled. So I had all my 360 MP scans on the terrace with regular scanning but black holes on the floor plan. Then I positioned the camera where it would cover the black areas. Shot a 360. Selected the image (bottom right)and then at top - Place on Map. This placed it in top left corner of floor plan. Touch the circular 360 marker and you get 4 choices. Bottom one is Convert to 3D. Touch that,...
Matterport's no longer restoring deleted spaces! PeterMcCready 15 5 yearsPeterMcCready (232): Final update. I asked Matterport: "What are your plans for my data?" They responded: "This is a great question! After checking in with my supervisor, he told me that you deleted spaces will go into stasis, and would only ever be used for internal training purposes." Queue the 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' theme...
Why my doll house view with theta Z1 is look so bad? marcoastan 6 5 yearsRichardStanton (253): This is because of your outside scanning of 3D data. The capture app and showcase are tuned for indoor environments, so it does not always know what to do with things like tree lines, etc. overlapping. You can use the trim feature to cut away what does not overlap to clean things up a bit. The splotches are just a lack of 3D data, outside small things over a larger distance = no 3d data. What you WILL get is the outside of the house....
Matterport Mattertag JPEG Size Recommendation? And, Text Overlap Solution? 3SixtyNow 1 5 years3SixtyNow (484): Is there a way to not have the text overlap the image until clicked on? Also, what is a good size for the image? I have to combine multiple images to cut down on the amount of tags. I don't want them to cover the entire screen from left to right. Thanks
Urgent: Duplicate Your Matterport model on iPad before doing Cortex Merging DanSmigrod 14 5 yearsRichardStanton (253): @PieroBortolot from my experience on two iPads if you put yourself back to the beta you should be good to go as of now if you still needed those jobs back. The change that they made appears to be a bit broader than just a fix for this issue. They changed the behavior of first load to do an asset assessment/load from the ground up. This apparently solves several issues. You could always then just downgrade again if you felt it necessary.
Does MP no longer accept dropbox hosted links for media? AlexofInnovated 1 5 yearsAlexofInnovated (7): In my models I tend to utilize the tags more than any other feature. Specifically with adding media (images) to tags. In the past I have been able to host the images on dropbox, create a link to that image, change the parameter to raw=1, and then paste that link into the tag. However, now it is not accepting my link, and images on previous models have disappeared. Does anyone have any suggestions to what the problem may be? or if MP no longer...
Looking for tech service to repair matterport pro2 battery nachomorzan 7 5 yearsaerialpixels (457): @nachomorzan check out my new entry to the post
Help please with large scale models: scanning techniques? gear? BobbyG 14 5 yearsBobbyG (50): Just ran out of film with my brand new camera Pro2. Scan 209 then 187,188,189 I’ll post something
Urgent problem scanning a large camper area inside Pro 2 and outside BLK 3dblickwinkel 20 5 years3dblickwinkel (235): Thank you all for your support here. Tour has been stitched from MP, thanks to MP too. [wp3d][/wp3d]
Newbie Matterport Question - 360 View Labels Placement Wrong OutermostImaging 6 5 yearsOutermostImaging (4): @HomePlanNZ @Wingman Thank you both for your input. I've tried rotating and adjusting the label position and zipping back to the other to see if it made a difference and I could not find any (but I'm new so much to learn). I did speak to Matterport support late today and they confirmed it was a bug. It was one that they had see before and thought they had squashed but evidently is back (their words). They said that they would follow-up with...
Problem with Matterport moving from inside to outside; How to fix? itsrichphoto 16 5 yearsSpencerLasky (410): I found what seems to be the issue but not sure how to fix it. the numbers in the capture program and what we see in the final don't match but you can see from the furthest back point the cloud point in the porch - you can't, however, see that cloud point once you move forward to the next three scans - again maybe the door is doing something strange acting like a mirror? ...
Updating Map leonherbert 7 5 yearsRichardStanton (253): @leonherbert I have another thread going on this one which I will update as I hear more back - and this issue is at the top of my list with them as well. I had two more models corrupt in this way, so I am up to 4 captures which I am unable to curate. This latest is the most disturbing as I had a made a duplicate of the model prior to doing any edits. When this happened again during editing it corrupted not only the copy I had been working on,...
Big Issues with new Capture 4.0 RomainReparage 6 5 yearsSpencerLasky (410): Hiding under pod
MPembed imported video not integrating with Matterport Space matt4hutch 2 5 yearsahagert (141): hey there! Did you ever get an answer to your question? I am trying to do the same. For the tour to start with the video.
My First Repetitive Repetitive Repetitive space issue. briangreul 8 5 yearsbriangreul (684): Here is the re-processed space. Based on everyone's feedback I'm going to roll-forward with pushing this to Streetview. I have hidden several scans in the tour that don't need to be there for Streetview. I'll still circle back and recapture the space for my own learning purposes. @Jump - the view above reiterates that MP lost count of the number of pews. The green line is the lower ceiling and...
Check your Mattertags this morning lilnitsch 24 5 yearslilnitsch (5800): *05/16/2020 - MatterTags appear to be coming back online:
Matterport tags down? Npapps 7 5 yearslilnitsch (5800): *05/16/2020 - MatterTags appear to be coming back online:
New Matterport Capture Version 4.0 Issues? RichardStanton 1 5 yearsRichardStanton (253): Has anyone else experienced Capture suddenly losing the ability to load a particular model's map? Symptoms: Scan loads in Capture to a black screen stating nothing but "Updating Map..." but the UI remains "active". In fact I was still able to upload the model and see it in the Showcase, but cannot edit the local copy for trimming and other pre-showcase maintenance due to the fact that I cannot see the map. In fact new...
Friday - Apparently many experiencing Mattertags Down (no media link) SpencerLasky 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @SpencerLasky Thanks for reporting this ... Since another WGAN Member reported this just ahead of you, let's redirect the discussion here: ✓ Check your Mattertags this morning Thanks, Dan
360 Matterport Views NOT Showing Up in Media PropertyGuyCLT 6 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @jacobpmac WGAN Forum related discussions ✓ Downloading independent 360 views ✓ DOWNLOAD360 Service: Download all the 360ºs from Your Matterport 3D Tour ✓ Free! DOWNLOAD360 will Download All 360s from 10 of Your Matterport Tours ✓ Download all 360° pics in high resolution from a Matterport tour ? Best, Dan
Finders Fee? crephotos 1 5 yearscrephotos (11): What is a fair finders fee for appointments from another pro leaving the industry?
Opinion of the Ipad (7th generation) and Matterport Pro 2? wvirtualhomes 5 5 yearsMeshImages (3029): @wvirtualhomes Yes, the ipad is the brain of your camera. The camera itself does not do much more than capturing the data, but the ipad does all the processing and is repsonsible for speed and maybe future features (if you think of the new ipad pro 2020 with the built-in lidar).
Where do I find "which version" of Matterport Capture app I am using? DanSmigrod 3 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): Grab from Matterport Capture iOS App @Garnetwest Thank you! Not sure how I missed that! Dan
Matterport Product durability and Customer Service SLCUT 1 5 yearsSLCUT (34): I have experienced what I am currently chalking up to as a 'series of unfortunate events' in the purchase of my Matterport Camera. Which has caused me to raise the question as to how durable or problematic the Matterport is, as well as what your experience has been when working with their customer service. What happens when you have a problem with your camera outside of warranty? How problematic is the Matterport? I would like to ask the...
Having issues with the Ricoh Theta Z1? Time to go with an 8k camera? junior 4 5 years8643d (246): @junior Mine does this as well, usually at least once during a shoot. Like @lilnitsch does, I usually just turn it back on and continue scanning.
Did you experience a Matterport Interruption on Thursday, April 30, 2020? DanSmigrod 3 5 yearsNarvan891 (79): Mmmmm..yessss. Three large shoots to upload, Looking to get them done quickly and turn in reasonably early that eve as the next day was another big one with farther travel and early programming meeting... definitely NOT the night to watch in dismay as the first shoot lagged along uploading.. had late dinner, came back to 31% ( hour and 10 minutes later)... searched main Matterport site for news about any downtime and couldn't find anything......
Zillow 3D Home Tour not publishing certain listings botticelli 16 5 yearsChemistrydoc (1930): If you think the above are bad, consider a multiunit condo. The permutations of "#", "Unit #", "Nr", when describing the unit number are nearly endless! To top it off, the part of the app that associates address with the tour has not been working for me the last several days. And, getting anyone at tech support to respond is like "Waiting for Godot". Be Well - Keith
Photo editor - best practice TechnicTouch 3 5 yearsBrokerBruce (281): If I have a pic off the Matterport tour that needs help I send to []clickable text[/url] 24 hr turn around and cheap. I tend to over scan which gives me more angles to choose from for the pics giving me a better chance of having shots I can use.
PLEASE HELP!!! Ricoh Theta Z1, Weird Artifacts in 360 Panos the3rdeye 6 5 yearsSophoto (7): The good news is that it is not your camera. You have captured the strobing of the LED lights of the house. You will need to slow your shutter speed down.
Combining multiple buildings into 1 Matterport space matt4hutch 14 5 yearsAlexHitchcock (445): Hi @matt4hutch CAPTUR3D allows you to integrate a side Navigation Menu that you can custom label and skip to different scans within 1 tour:
Another matterport scanning question rastas 15 5 yearsleonherbert (903): @JuMP This is not my first rodeo and no I don't think your solution is a good one unless I decided to use that. @Wingman You may be correct about limits but they either have a server timeout or something like that, that prevents a very large model from processing. Also it is folly to create massive tours that cannot display well in a browser. Also we might as well forget about stitching, I do not believe anyone at Matterport now knows what...
Kandao qoocam 8K dave1380 3 5 yearsNN2020 (4): Dan, I agree. I too bought a Qoocam 8k with the idea of offering virtual tours. The camera is still in beta. You have to be a very advanced photographer or settle for the (limiting) auto modes provided. VERY difficult to implement an HDR workflow with the camera.
What's the worst that can happen? (matterport related) rastas 5 5 yearsExpertise (1192): I'm pretty much a Matterport fanboy. The Pro2 is great hardware, and the processing is never a problem. If there is a glitch in your scan, it is probably due to a correctable mistake you made in the field. Matterport is by no means perfect, but user friendliness is on Apple level.
Can't Place 360 Degree Pano, Basement Floor showing as part of Main PropertyGuyCLT 3 5 yearsleonherbert (903): @PropertyGuyCLT Yes you can only associate 360 with actual floors. Occasionally even though you may add a section as a floor by itself the AI will consider it as one part of the floor below or above it, and vice versa. As @bryanhscott said I would shoot a few shots on the basement floor. You can always switch of those pucks.
Matterport Workshop Highlight reel functions inactive rzphotoman 6 5 yearsron0987 (3466): Shocker, maybe Matterport is still reading the blog, once I posted my last statement I get a second email from support asking me if I can use another computer to resolve the issue. After being told the support request was going to be moved to a higher level, it sound like I am dead in the water with this computer. Three years ago I invest just under $3000 for the best computer at the time and right now it still out preforms most computers to...
Highlight Reel Not Working pixelray 3 5 yearspixelray (1068): Strange...always used Firefox with no issues til today
From Highlight to Explore 3D Space Mode: missing any parameters? BobbyG 4 5 yearsBobbyG (50): I realized by the time I got over to broadway, that the 360 photos are so much easier to work with. Client is happy though.
Long Term Matterport Approach and Exit Strategy Wonderdawg 5 5 yearsJayInLA (45): I have the same dilemma myself, I’ve heard a lot of people only use Matterport for their house tours and then they use another platform for their business tours. And now that Matterport is now going into competition with its own customers that they’ve sold equipment to and that use their services, this is extremely off putting to me and a lot of other people within the industry and for that reason now a lot of people are moving away from...
Anyone else see a red overlay onscreen when editing? BobbyG 1 5 yearsBobbyG (50): Anyone else see a red overlay onscreen when editing? Seems to happen when I hover over scan points. Thanks Bobby
EyeSpy360 Issues? realeshots 2 5 yearsEyeSpy360_Support (55): Hi there, This isn't an issue we're aware of but I will have our technical team investigate immediately. Could you PM me the email address for your account and a screenshot of the issue? Many thanks. Frederick EyeSpy360 Support Team
Received this morning: "You will be reported to [CO] state officials." pixelray 15 5 yearsphotosintheround (43): Just saw Gov Polis' press conference. Looks like the order will end on the 27th, BUT, restaurants will remain as it is now. Looks like other businesses, like haircuts, will open with specific restrictions. Regarding real estate, 1 on 1 showing will begin again, but, no open-houses. In addition, some counties, including mine, have requested to use their own discretion to make the rules. a week, it looks like we will be able to go...
How to avoid bright contrast when sun hitting RICOH Theta V two lenses? JPPeron 4 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @JPPeron Yes. This is likely the challenge (without a solution). I will defer to others in the WGAN Forum that might have a solution for you. Dan
Can someone from Matterport call me to discuss a billing situation? JCHAFE 3 5 yearsJCHAFE (84): @Garnetwest Thanks Garnetwest At least its not a dispute per say, its just a few things I need looked into and resolved and it would be done considerably easier with a 5 minute phone call rather then typing a book via email every second day!
Matterport contacting your clients to sell them cameras ChuckJ 14 5 yearsleonherbert (903): Wait if there is all this demand why did they fire 1/3 of their staff ????
matterport scans showing up in the wrong place davem 7 5 yearsWingman (4408): I have just come from scanning a roof of an apartment building with gym, pool, some outdoor sitting and bbq area. It was sunny so I used cortex. At first it went well but then close to the middle it started ruining the whole model even though I stopped using cortex and used normal scanning. At some point outdoor area started coming inside of the gym area by at least 2 meters. And that was happening on two sides of the gym. Not sure what I will...
No "Play" Button on Published Scans keirob 3 5 yearsdenlee (208): There will be no play button unless you have created a highlight reel.
Help- Tour Freezes at Doorway to Room- Cannot enter. PropertyGuyCLT 8 5 yearsron0987 (3466): Any update on your tour or the cause of the problem?
Re-scans not Updating MP4 Movie and GIF PropertyGuyCLT 6 5 yearsCharlesHH (640): I have found the auto videos and anigifs to be useless recently. Starting and ending in odd places. Today I did a Porsche dealership and the anigif opens and ends at the doorway to a sales office! Previous scan of really beautiful offices chose to start in a coffee corner!
What's your problem? DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): Hi All, What's your problem (or question)? Lots of WGAN Forum Members would be happy to help you. Simply start a new WGAN Forum discussion with your problem (or question). Not yet a WGAN Forum Member? It's free to join. Free to post. Plus, 50+ free WGAN Forum Membership Benefits. Best, Dan
RICOH Theta Z1 connection issues with Android phone. Please help. JPPeron 3 5 yearsDprice2414 (1): I had issues with connectivity too. I ended up uninstalling the app and reinstalling. Working fine now.
Matterport support issue AGAIN Radie842 2 5 yearsDouglasMeyers (1282): I have been seeing it for days now ??? But they seem to still be saving ???
Scan Spots all over FloorPlan. Not Happy. BobbyG 10 5 yearsHomePlanNZ (251): Though it's a big investment - the best solution is to buy or get a hire arrangement in place for a Leica BLK360. We use this for outdoor and big jobs. It's photographic quality is lower but you can do it in big jumps; or just use it sparsely to sort the black spots you're experiencing. Example: Sorry I know it's big money, but it is a suggestion :)
Cannot view my Matterport model on Chrome realeshots 9 5 yearsleonherbert (903): I had this issue in the past cannot remember exactly how I fixed it, but I would do all those checks anyway, also download most recent chrome but I am sure you did that.
Seam line when opening DNG file in Camera Raw b01ng 7 5 yearsb01ng (4): @leonherbert Just a quick update. Someone from reddit appears to have the same issue. This is what he said. "I have raised this with Insta360 in the official OneR FB group. There is not an option for chromatic equalization when stitching the DNG's. This is enabled by default for the JPG. While RAW should be RAW and unadjusted, I agree that these images are unusable. I just noticed this when upgraded to the latest version of Insta360...
Alignment Problem with Ricoh Theta Z1 misho73 14 5 yearsprofx (4): I have also run into similar issues that you had. One thing I noticed that causes alignment issues with the Ricoh Theta Z1 is when the white balance or color of the light in the room changes. I have also run into similar issues that you had.
Space just attempted - Not compatible with your subscription plan VTLV 4 5 yearsVTLV (2910): @pixelray - I've been dancing just under limit line all year dropping unnecessary tours. But this time dropping onto a whole other account seemed odd for getting the email in the first place. @lilnitsch - The middle man account had hundreds of tours on it - doubt it was new. I dropped a tour last week for another middle man company and no email came to my account then saying what i received yesterday. I also converted some 360's to 3D in that...
Matterport Links In Constant Contact Eblast JMEPhotos 4 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): Hi All, Other than a screen shot of a Matterport digital twin that links to Matterport 3D Tour, what are other ways to include a Matterport 3D Tour in Constant Contact (or similar eNewsletter) service? A WGAN Member writes (below). Dan -- Hi Dan, Hope you and your family are staying safe and doing well... I am still a bit confused on how I can add a Matterport tour to my Constant Contact eblast. Because of the virus we have been doing...
Matterport Pro 2 Camera sticking / not rotating fully trevornelson 19 5 yearstrevornelson (25): Thanks Dan! It was new, so well within warranty, and their customer service was exceptional, it didn't take long at all. Just got done with a pretty big house and it's looking fantastic. Thanks again for all the help here!
Matterport Service Providers: Make Money by Learning from My Mistake DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsShawn_P (304): Good advice. Thank you
Urgent: Matterport capture app not opening; help please? leonherbert 2 5 yearsrzphotoman (1837): @leonherbert The capture app worked fine for me all day today. I just tried opening it up again and had no issue.
IMMERSOLUTIONS - Matterport Reseller in Canada - Buyer Beware JCHAFE 26 5 yearsImmerSolution (19): It will be ok for tomorrow. I will send you an email when it's ready to pick up
Moving a Matterport Project from a PC to the ipad with iMazing? jpierce360 1 5 yearsjpierce360 (160): I used to be able to do this on a regular basis with no problem... but no the capture app is not reading the project I loaded to the Ipad. I have an Ipad Pro and I'm using Imazing and the file is there... but the MP Capture is not showing the project. This is normally an easy process but is anyone else having this problem?
Google Street View and Matterport ??????????? leonherbert 21 5 yearsleonherbert (903): @Astroprojector It must be because I complained to them again today :)
Lightroom / Ricoh Theta Stitcher putting green triangles on my images jthorstad 3 5 yearsjthorstad (36): I'm using the Dual Fisheye plugin on my camera, that allows for HDR stacking, and results in a fisheye DNG file. That file can then be edited in lightroom, but needs to be stitched since it's fisheye.
Why are all floor plans squeezed onto one page? leonherbert 3 5 yearsleonherbert (903): @kjoman yes thank you I know that. Those few minutes could be better spent getting more jobs, which would make Matterport more money. It's all about efficiencies. Like there is no way to automatically download all 360 images from Matterport that you create. You have to download each individually unlike photographs that you can batch download. People will say oh but in this time you have taken to write this you could have sold more...
unplug camera zhijieyuan 7 5 yearszhijieyuan (4): pro2:)
Matteport Processing or is it me? Skeeter 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): WGAN-TV MPEmbed-an Overlay for Matterport Showcase with FounderDeveloper Chris Hickman-Short Story #409- Custom Image Filters @Skeeter I will defer to you and others about the Matterport processing / color challenges .... In the mean time, this might be helpful: ✓ Video: How to improve the Color Brightness/Saturation of a Matterport Tour using MP/embed Enjoy your weekend, Dan --- Special Offer for WGAN Standard and...
How to remove a weird artifact from a Matterport Digital Twin? Shawn_P 24 5 yearsShawn_P (304): @Gerhard I did 3 scans around the table. I think I may have removed one. I believe I had the tripod at a about 5ft. I usually have it a bit higher but was told by Matterport to lower it. Could you explain a bit more about marking the top railing? Not sure I follow but I certainly don't need anything jumping around either ;) Thank you for the advice.
Scan Tracker appearing in some (not all) snapshots Queen_City_3D 4 5 yearslilnitsch (5800): @DanSmigrod @Queen_City_3D I'd recommend sending the image along with the tour link to In the couple instances I have ran into really bad mesh (parts of wall and floor) appearing in the snapshot I have been able to go back and re-take the snapshot to resolve this. Sometimes, it did take 1 or 2 times of re-taking the snapshot to resolve this issue
Has anyone noticed a drop in image quality? NC3D 5 5 yearsNC3D (119): Thanks for the feedback. I'll check on the firmware update.
Help Please! Matterport Scanning Alignment problem with Doors Open/Closed misho73 15 5 yearsmisho73 (50): @DanSmigrod Thanks Dan for the Matterport Sandwich tip. You guys Rock
Matterport Editing/Photo capture ron0987 6 5 yearsron0987 (3466): @leonherbert I am not familiar with the incognito mode. Please explain if you got a chance. Thank you
How to fix slant instead of vertical 360º photos shot with Ricoh Theta Z1? DanSmigrod 25 5 yearslilnitsch (5800): @leonherbert when your arm falls off. If the icon isn't going away you might try a larger or smaller figure 8. For good measure you may also try the middle of the room away from electronics or metal items
Matterport measurement tool not working with MPEmbed ? Hassan 3 5 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): Measurement mode can only be triggered by clicking on the measurement mode UI button. As you may not be aware of, MP/Embed uses a completely custom UI -- even though it was built to replicate Matterport's UI 1:1. It's actually out of date and doesn't look like their new red/white scheme. What this means is that I have been dependent on the SDK in order to make each of the buttons function. There are no SDK calls for 'launch Measurement...
Weird Matterport/Insta360 One X issue.......maybe a haunted house??? photosintheround 9 5 yearsphotosintheround (43): Thanks for all the feedback!!!!
What to use for Google Street View (GSV) publishing? Astroprojector 3 5 yearsAstroprojector (62): were you able to publish anything recently with success?
Payment information "missing" email received from Matterport PWIMAGING 4 5 yearsleonherbert (903): Got the same email
Car dealer virtual tour alignment problems with Insta360 ONE X MarcelloM 5 5 yearsJoakim360 (125): I think you guys have come to the correct solution. Im just wondering,are you shooting the cars with doors open or closed? Open doors align easier with photogrametry (360 cameras). It should be possible to shoot a few with the car doors open and then delete or hide them after everything inside has been aligned.
Cool New Official Matterport Promo Video To Use Your iPhone.. Changesin3d 6 5 yearsShakoure (568): Plans starting at $0?!!! If there was any award case for Best Click-Bait advertising... MP definitely got my nomination.
Four weeks to solve a problem? Maxdemartino 6 5 yearsalirizacil (162): Hi, I am waiting more than 8 weeks to solve one of my problems. And still dont know whem it will be solved :( My customer has already left me :(
Urgent: Matterport Capture App shuts down when i press floor icon alirizacil 9 5 yearsalirizacil (162): After 2 months, problem has not solved yet. Congrats Matterport...
Google My business: How to Verify a business with no physical address? Harrycayman 4 5 yearsHarrycayman (439): Hi i will try that. its an island in Caribbean so not too many places have addresses google recognizes.
Well that's not a good start (with my Ricoh Theta Z1) leonherbert 5 5 yearsleonherbert (903): @DanSmigrod @bryanhscott The camera has some sort of error that cannot be fixed through a firmware update or anything else. I was able to see that it had the correct firmware but the camera just showed an error in the camera display. The camera was fully charged and just switched off after showing the error. Ricoh recons that it is just one of those rare duds. B&H has already overnighted me a replacement. There customer care is very...
Google Street View Experiencing Missed Connections on Newly Published Tours DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): Grab from Panoskin eBlast (Wednesday, 13 November 2019) Hi All, Whether you are publishing to Google Street View with Panoskin, Matterport or other moderator, Google Street View is experiencing missed connections on newly published tours, according to the Panoskin eBlast (above) sent Wednesday, 13 November 2019. ...
Combining 2 large Matterport scans rzphotoman 6 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @rzphotoman Above from a similar WGAN Forum discussion: ✓ Split my Matterport Tour by Floor Best, Dan
Insta360 One X - Wifi Issues. Anyone? pguerreiro 1 5 yearspguerreiro (112): Hello everyone. I've just bought the Insta360 One X and i'm having problems with the wifi connection. It works only if i'm close to the camera. More than 3, 4 metters, loses connection all the time. "Operation couldn't be completed. com.insta360.camerasdk.error error 444" The firmware is updated and i'm using an iPhone XS. I appreciate your help. Pedro...
I pad not showing tours DouglasMeyers 3 5 yearsDouglasMeyers (1282): I believe the i pad did just update not to long ago. Now what ?
Does Matterport camera ever need calibrating? NC3D 5 5 yearsKfromPoland (117): Did it helped ?
Split my Matterport Tour by Floor SNFmarkerting 7 5 yearsWingman (4408): There is an example on MOUG when they have used deep links in a Mattertag to mimic an elevator. Here is a model When the model is loaded go to a dollhouse view to see where their elevator Mattertag is located.
My 360º spheres created with Ricoh Theta Z1 are crooked. What should I do? Stevede 10 5 yearsWingman (4408): If you level a shoot lines will be straight(the same for Matterport cameras) but stitching errors are happening from time to time. Just make sure you are at least 60cm away from any object pictured. The closer the object the most likely you will have some stitching errors. Also if you picture some specific object in a space place your camera with the front lens looking at that object. Since a Z1 is two lens camera stitching will be done on...
Bidding on 45,000 sq ft space GETMYVR 6 5 years3SixtyNow (484): I believe they do. It's just going to take a while to get it done.
Matterport Scan Preview not working with the updated Capture App? June 3 5 yearsJune (411): Crap! Does that mean I've been spoiled?
Overlapping Floors with Matterport Gianni 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @Gianni Can you post: 1. The Matterport 3D Tour 2. Mini Map screen grabs showing the problem This will help the WGAN Community trouble-shoot the problem. Thanks, Dan [via Google Translate] @Gianni Puoi pubblicare: 1. The Matterport 3D Tour 2. La schermata della Mini mappa mostra il problema Ciò aiuterà la comunità WGAN a risolvere il problema. Grazie, Dan
MAttertags has been lost alirizacil 3 5 yearsalirizacil (162): Exactly :) Thanks Dan.
Error Message When Trying to Capture with Insta360 One X and Ricoh Theta V DanSmigrod 4 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): Hi All, Good news ... While I got my Insta360 One X working with my iPad, I have no idea why it is working now. I did NOT update the firmware. Hmmmmm... Dan
Any advice pls? workshop 403 error. No tour loading angusnorriss 1 5 yearsangusnorriss (747):
Blur Faces and Sensitive Info SNFmarkerting 7 5 yearsKumar (547): @SNFmarkerting GeoCV is the answer.
HELP-client says Matterport Floor plans [not nice]. MagnaShow 7 6 yearsmp2fp (509): Dear @MagnaShow have long experience and can deliver all styles and types and a most possible accuracy based on the input we get. We as well can help to advice what is the best way to co-handle depending on your need. * 2D Floorplans all styles and type of measures (metric or imp) * 3D Floorplans all styles and categories * With your own logo and full measurements without extra cost * Included editable files so you can change all...
Help Please: Scanning a Large Venue over 12,000 SqFt - Need Advice 3dFlex 11 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @3dFlex Just in case, please see this WGAN Forum discussion: ✓ Video>Matterport: Scanning Repetitive Spaces Dan
How to restrict sharing videos and images? allanretail 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @allanretail Thanks for your kind words. I do not know how to restrict 2D image sharing. Perhaps an alternative would be a digital watermark tracking service like this or this? Dan
"Please resolve this among yourselves." VTLV 5 6 yearsDeeJ (116): @vtlv Correspondence has been sent to both you and to the "other company". All billing issues have also been resolved. Sandeep is one of our top Support agents who was following protocol. I will work with management to address the issue of uploading to the wrong account Thanks for your feedback and understanding.
Opening Doors and Appliances in a MP Tour SNFmarkerting 4 6 yearsDouglasMeyers (1282): This this one out I just did. Get close to the island closer to the master bed room and the one spin shows the microwave open and the next the draws will open and then by the counter the spice rack will open and close.
Help please JanHamorsky 5 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @JanHamorsky Please see this WGAN Forum discussion: ✓ Warning: Please DO NOT upgrade to Capture 3.0.4 until further notice. Dan
Lost Highlight Reel Mikey 7 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @Mikey Glad it worked out. I could imagine that you figured-out the following: ✓ How to Enable - or Disable - Highlight Reel in Matterport Workshop 3.0 Dan
newbie using for xactimate and mitigation leemdc 1 6 yearsleemdc (3): so brand new getting camera setup and i have been trying to reach matterport for 2 weeks and can never get a reply anyone else have this problem and also any tips or tricks on using for xactimate will be greatly appreciated
Matterport to Street View: When do I see the tour rather than just 360ºs? tremont 10 6 yearsWingman (4408): They always go that way on google maps and each panorama from a Matterport tour will be shown as an individual 360 under your/client Google account. However if somebody clicks on any one 360 from your tour they will be able to move from/to another 360 from the same tour. As for how fast Google ads linking, I have seen 2 days as a minimum and up to 10 days as a maximum. And that's only if Google Maps is working properly. The last week there...
Issues with Matterport hard links within mattertags. leonherbert 7 6 yearsVTLV (2910): @leonherbert - I had a similar issue last February and got out of the beta program only to have it come right back. Support went cold. The issue didn't change. I created a BitLy link and the link worked from there. Have you considered trying this idea?
Contemplating hitting the War Button with the Sales Team VTLV 22 6 yearsChangesin3d (125): Well @Jwbuckl why do you not go get an ATTORNEY'S opinion from the Matterport team.... you are really no more that a PR guy that is trying to make people love a system that they have major faults with. You play word games and use half truths. You should run for political office, just my opinion. You want to compare Matterport to GEOCV let's do that. Tell me where I am wrong, if I am, GEOCV will allow people to host their files and give...
Tripod Legs or "cockroaches" ??? Gerhard 4 6 yearsVTLV (2910): I wouldn't waste my time trying to apologize. Take a look at some of your portfolios or examples on your website. Hopefully, you will see tripod feet in one of them you can reference. Then explain it is something you cannot edit out of the tour. If you get more resistance, mention most clients use the tour to navigate the property and inspect when they arrive in person. Took 12 tours to find a flaw? Sounds like a search for discount or a...
Is it time to band together 3D_Hoffa Jump to first page39Jump to last page 6 years3D_Hoffa (143): Of course he's reporting back, that's what he is here for. While I remain anonymous to protect myself "in theory", I think if Matterport started terminating accounts they would find themselves in more hot water than they would like. Then again, who knows where the edge of what they will do lies? Sure, I'll poke around the FTC site. There may be something there and if enough of us complain, maybe something happens. I hadn't thought of...
How do you build a highlight reel in New Matterport Workshop? Queen_City_3D 9 6 yearsQueen_City_3D (3144): @cswartz You aren't crazy and you didn't awake from any deep, dark sleep... Matterport simply did an update which I haven't seen announced anywhere other than their User Group Facebook Page. Here's what was posted: "We added something new in Workshop today... did you see it yet? Workshop 3 now lets you easily add Photos to your Highlight Reel! Whether you use the automatic photos we make for you, or you like taking your own photos in...
Billing code - "error.internal" VTLV 8 6 yearsDeeJ (116): @vtlv You are more than welcome!
Too many topics? fotoguy 2 6 yearsleonherbert (903): This is off-topic. :) I look at the tags when I am trying to research things. I also just skim the subject to see if it is something I am interested in. No idea why I opened this, must be the catchy title :) :)
house not lining up fotoguy 6 6 yearsfotoguy (835): Thanks Dan. I just submitted an online support request and attached the image. I believe they work on pacific time so there is still time for them to call today.
Scanning and Quoting for large projects with Matterport and BLK 360? AnthonyOptic 9 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @AnthonyOptic I recommend that you reach out to Cupix Director of Sales Scott Anderson (@scott_CUPIX) about your project. Screen Grabs. This Matterport Support page was last updated 10 April 2019. ...
Your matterport pricing theone05 8 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @CGPhoto Welcome to the WGAN Community. Yes. It's an odd thing in the Matterport New Pricing Rate card that it makes more sense to keep adding more Professional accounts that it does to switch to a Business account. Essentially, you could add five month-to-month Matterport Professional Plans and still pay less than Matterport Business Plan. ✓ Five (5) Matterport Annual Professional Plus Plans @ $1,316 each annually = $6,580 (250 active...
GSV or The Joker’s lair?!?! ArtisticConcepts 3 6 yearsArtisticConcepts (681): Anthony, Thank you VERY much! That was the answer I was afraid I would get, but just wanted to hear it from someone more experienced with GSV than myself. Thank You! 😁👍🏽 With the Insta stitcher upload, it required me to disable gyro. I’m thinking of possible workarounds does anyone know of a way to convert my video file to an image sequence (here’s the kicker, though) with individual GPS data still intact for each frame? If I can...
Canvas on walls Briski2208 1 6 yearsBriski2208 (147): Not my Field & not sure of the complexity, but wondering if there's anyone that can help? I received a email from the colourful north who produces murals for schools, old buildings and derelict walls ect. I am due to go into consultation and I was wondering if I could hire your services for some computer generated material which will assist our consultation process. I am looking for the outside of the Wilko's building on Roper Street...
Anyone ever experience this? NC3D 3 6 yearsChemistrydoc (1930): Yes, I've had that happen numerous times - best advice is to delete, rescan, changing something in the pattern or the environment of the scan. But, sometimes they don't go away!
External 360 to 3D aligment angusnorriss 10 6 yearsHome3D (4191): It'll be great when there's more user control over the process. I certainly have no knowledge of the coding complexity of these things, but it sure is easy to link 360s however you want on dashboards like NodalView. It's actually fun linking them, like making a link jump from Master Bedroom balcony to Aerial panos and back. (see attached) User control is the key. I know, much easier here than lining up point clouds, but we should have more...
Urgent/ Important: Matterport New Pricing Gerhard 11 6 yearsGerhard (1484): Have a wonderful weekend all and thanks @dansmigrod for the forum.
Which 3D Tour Platforms are compliant with this MSL Requirement? DanSmigrod 5 6 years3SevensStudio (67): @GlennTremain Thank you Glenn. I will reach out to the compliance department. I hope they will say that it is ok, but I could also see them being like no you cant use it because that stupid tiny, tiny little Matterport Symbol next to the help/terms in the bottom right corner can direct you to Matterports website to purchase their products. Fingers crossed. Thank you for the advice and for offering to let me reach back out to you should I get...
Any Way Matterport Will Fix Tags & Realtor MLS use Issue Soon 3SevensStudio 20 6 yearsWingman (4408): Thanks for explanation about MLS systems but it still seems to be quite dogi on MLS system terms. Matterport tours are always being loaded from the Matterport cloud hence it is linked to "other website" anyway. They seem to be kind of ok with that but want all other links to be removed. I would try to talk with a higher level of support or some kind of supervisor at MLS. The problem they have created for the OP is ridiculous as he is...
Any way to submit suggs/fixes to Matterport 3SevensStudio 4 6 yearsizoneguy (468): Matterport support sucks. The Facebook MAtterport user group and here at WGAN seems to have more helpful information.
Can not move between multiple VT when using Mattertags that have MLS links 3SevensStudio 2 6 years3SevensStudio (67): I spoke to a Matterport guy he said the MLS links will stop it from appearing and that the regular link there was no way to turn off their symbol, and so he didn’t really have an answer for me, nor did he think Matterport would be changing this anytime soon. Was disappointing to hear as this would be a great feature to give my realtors that have huge properties with more than one building, so unless I can find a way around this, it looks like...
Problems with adding models to the highlight reel in MPEmbed. leonherbert 1 6 yearsleonherbert (903): Has anyone else had problems adding models to the highlight reel? All I get is a non-existent thumbnail and when you click on the thumbnail nothing happens. I brought this to attention to support over a month ago and again recently but I have had no reply. This is embarrassing for me since I have offered a client this option and I could lose further business with them. I am including an example of the model and a video showing the behavior....
Processing "Failed" and taking longer hours jfantin 5 6 yearsjfantin (1733): News from Matterport. I just received news from Matterport tech support: Hello, Our engineering team caught that this was failing, so they processed it on a test processing engine which seems to be resolving the bug your model was falling into. I've moved the model into your account. We apologize for the inconvenience! Best, Christine Matterport Support I have asked about the origin of the problem, so as soon as I receive an explanation...
Insta360 One X won't show in capture app Bycha 3 6 yearsBycha (52): *UPDATE* for iOS devices apparently you can not have the Insta360 app running in the background with the Capture app. I had to close the app and then the scan started to appear. I completed the first test scan of a unit and was pleasantly surprised with the quality of the scan. I definitely will be keeping this tool in my arsenal and creating a separate pricing structure for it.
Which Key Industry Stakeholders Do You Focus On When Opening A New Market? Sara_iGuide 1 6 yearsSara_iGuide (39): Understanding how to conduct a useful Market Analysis is one of the key skills we teach our Operator Network. This week’s video talks about the different stakeholders you need to focus on when conducting a Market Analysis. Do you know who should be on your top four list? 1. High producing real estate agents and teams/ local real estate brokerages 2. Your local real estate boards 3. Associations and MLS’s 4. Your local...
Alignment Chaos Shakoure 10 6 yearsShakoure (568): @DulceG ... Thanks for inquiring. Actually, Dee at Matterport support took care of it. On her end, she has the capability to edit/move/align the scans individually, something that we don't have access to. I'm not sure of the actual process but she managed to put it in proper order. I now have a huge appreciation for her role at MP and what she was able to do for me.
mp photos stretched fotoguy 4 6 yearsfotoguy (835): In the old workshop I never had this issue at 100%. This is the reply I received back.from MP tech support: Thanks for reaching out with your concern. This has always been the case, but if you zoom in a little bit, that will help. The more you zoom out to see more of the room in a single shot, the more distortion you will encounter and the more you zoom in, the less you will encounter. It is, unfortunately, the nature of viewing panos...
Issues with delivery of downloaded photographs matterport leonherbert 4 6 yearsQueen_City_3D (3144): You can also directly download your photos from here: Ask @DanSmigrod for the promo code.
Matterport slow processing rzphotoman 6 6 yearsrzphotoman (1837): I did re-upload all 3 scans and they were finished in a few hours...the original 3 are still processing. Thanks everyone.
Mattertags showing content without pushing on Mattertag 3SevensStudio 9 6 years3SevensStudio (67): @DanSmigrod Do you know if it is possible to have the Mattertags showing their content with out hoovering over or clicking on the tag?
The "Mice" Are Back.... Chemistrydoc 5 6 yearsrzphotoman (1837): @Chemistrydoc Have you tried re-uploading it. I still haven't seen the problem on my scans. Got one back today.
Matterport white balance izoneguy 12 6 yearsrzphotoman (1837): No, you won't.
Not Syncing: and BlueImmersiveMedia 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @BlueImmersiveMedia A workaround would be to duplicate your model. Matterport does not charge extra for the reprocessing. They do count the additional model towards your plan. I could imagine that if you use WP3D Models and/or MPEmbed, this creates an addition work for you. Hopefully, Matterport will step up to the plate with a solution. Dan
Linking 360 views izoneguy 9 6 yearsizoneguy (468): Hello Charles, Yes I understand how the 360 views work and with just one 360 view it is pretty simple. I took 360 views all around the house. The problem I was having was getting all the 360 views to look at each other. The 4 in the front and side of the house all see each other. It was views 5 and 6 that would not see 1-4. I did get 5 and 6 to see each other but then I could not get 5's Green puck on a good place inside the house so I...
360 Placement June 6 6 yearsJune (411): P.S. Thanks for the tip on the blur tool. @Walkabout thanks for your tip as well.....too bad I don't seem to have that option. June
Question of the Day: Should Matterport publish a list of known issues? DanSmigrod 12 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @Metroplex360 Thanks for sharing. Hi All, WGAN Standard and Premium Members get the free use of MPEmbed. Happy New Year, Dan
Matterport Snapshot - Black Thumbnail Problem tolga 6 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @tolga Glad to hear that you solved the puzzle. And, thank you for sharing how to fix this ... Happy holidays, Dan P.S. And, thank you for recently joining WGAN ...
Camera Issues - Recalibrate?? Warped Floor Plans KenBanks 1 6 yearsKenBanks (19): My camera has been getting very finicky in the last few months. Constant alignment errors, low overlap errors, sensor error issues, and now it seems like the battery is dropping quicker than ever. Scanning even a tiny house takes a ton of time because scans have to be almost right on top of one-another. Even the floor plans I've gotten back from matterport are warped so somethings gotta be wrong.(I'll attach an example). We've had the camera...
Question on 360 - 2D's BrokerBruce 3 6 yearsBrokerBruce (281): Ok, thanks much for getting back to me!
Matterport Big Camera Issues & Errors costing loss in revenue Gerhard 17 6 yearsgeemaps (95): Recently, I have a lot of problems. The time to transfer information from the camera to the iPad takes about a minute to a minute and a half. normal time 25 sec In addition, there are quite a few faults of improper placement of the scan in an inappropriate place. Two days ago at the beginning of the work everything went really slowly and each scan took more than a minute to pass and then straighten the lines. Instead of 30 minutes job it took me...
Adding Matterport URL of 3D tour in signature Email gets in as spam. Bryan 2 6 yearsimmersivespaces (1229): We discovered this issue a few months ago. The domain was listed as "Likely Spam" on several of the RBLs. They were being listed pretty regularly with Cloudmark, SpamCop, and Barracuda, which are the three largest RBLs. As of right now, they are not listed, but whenever they are, your emails containing the domain will likely get flagged as possible spam. I suspect it may have been caused by overzealous...
Workshop displays dark grey or black screen or crashes with all my browsers artguy55 3 6 yearsBuschstu (24): Check your video card see if you have at least 4gb of video ram . I had the same problem with 2009 mac book pro . While everything was up to date.Plenty of regular ram . Video ram is what is needed for 3D processing such as Matterport Workshop.
MP Private tour - limit client to view only? petefstopuk 1 6 yearspetefstopuk (7): does anyone have a way to let a client just view a MP tour that is private - not a collaborator as this seems to let them see all the features
Matterport Windows and Lights Seem Worse. For you too? mykals21 15 6 yearsRichierichks (715): @mykals21 If you use WP3D it has the basic version of MPEmbed built into it. Under the "Model" tab you will see a drop down for "Customize Showcase". This will turn on all of the basic functions of MPEmbed. @leeverdon If the bottom one is the "New Improved" processing, I think they may have turned the knob the wrong way since that is clearly way more blown out and less detailed in the bright areas!
Canon 5D Mark III Peeps: Help with a Video Recording Setting DanSmigrod 7 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @WallsCouldTalk Thank you for the links/video. I anticipate reviewing over the weekend. In the mean time, I was able to increase the video length to 18 minutes by changing: ✓ 1280 instead of 1920 (High Definition instead of full High Def) ✓ compression IPB instead of ALL-I (I did not want to reduce resolution further.) Still not the 29.59 length that I was hoping for, but at least - with your help @WallsCouldTalk of the links/video -...
Model Critique and Advice WallsCouldTalk 5 6 yearsWallsCouldTalk (90): @ericlien I sent them an email this morning after I found that the Trim Sandwich didn't work. The support team apparently doesn't reconvene until 9am Pacific Time, so I'm here trying to be productive while I await their response. I hope it can be better polished in post, just trying to learn enough to be proactive in scanning as opposed to reactive in post :) Definitely don't want to rely on someone else to solve it behind the scenes if I can...
Mattertag help rzphotoman 4 6 yearsDannyBasting (1171): Glad I could help :)
Help- Tours not uploading- upload stating at 0% stephdolloff 5 6 yearszsolt (52): just trigger with small modification.
Help! My latest MP scan won't upload... RobertGalletta 16 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): ABBA, Here we go again .... Help- Tours not uploading- upload stating at 0% Dan
Frustrating post-production in Workshop: anyone else feels the same? ELAN42 1 6 yearsELAN42 (146): That's my point: Inside Workshop Scan number always change if you go back to the place, delete some scans, and re-process the Space. This is a very stupid thing to do, why not using same numbers as the Capture applications ? It's so frustrating to search every time for Scans...
Issues with Google Street View leonherbert 12 6 yearsleonherbert (903): @Metroplex360 i agree 100% I have the tours in Pano2VR, I added nadir patches with them. Only problem is that I passed ownership to the company. I will see if they will give me google credentials to publish the tour again with their credentials.
Showcase Dollhouse not working in tour mode. PointCloudVR 1 6 yearsPointCloudVR (106): I'm trying to use the dollhouse to jump floors in a Matterport tour . None of the dollhouse views show up in the highlight reel. Anybody else having a terrible time in the workshop today?
Desmond DLEV-1 Leveler issue? PlusUltra 11 6 yearsPlusUltra (41): @Home3D strong rec, ordering as we speak to give it a go :) thanks again
Floors Flip Flopped BrianM 4 6 yearsBrianM (148): No, just labeled were backwards. Seemed odd. I never seen this happen.
Looking for a photosphere tour solution BrianM 12 6 yearsTrustedPhotoDC (1108): The example was created in PanoTourPro(Kolor - Deprecated) Right Click on the tour.
Unacceptable Matterport Processing times fotoguy 7 6 yearsmike02h (19): If you think that's bad, I just scanned a condo yesterday at around noon + uploaded. 19 Scans. It's been 30+ hours. No replies from Matterport.
Tiger Pro is a Fraud company run by cheats!! Gulzarmalhotra 11 7 yearsGulzarmalhotra (4): I also heard that their cases are really great and hence ordered from them. I ordered directly from their website and paid about USD 270 including priority shipping! Unfortunately, I don’t have any number to all them on and am left with mails like this one!!
Preview Anomaly? Anyone else getting these? George_WALKINTOUR 5 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @George_WALKINTOUR See if this WGAN Forum discussion could be related: ✓ Question of the Day: Any reason not to use Matterport Fast Capture? Please let us know what Matterport Support says ... Best, Dan
Help! Scanning Multi-Unit Bldg for sale and need to make 1 model! lcorbett 18 7 years808virtually (157): Great you were able to tie the upstairs in with the downstairs! As far as feedback, I prefer the walkthrough tour versus the slideshow. You could hide a few scan locations that are not needed, making the journey through the space smoother.
Please Help! - Matterport Not ADA Compliant? MagnaShow 13 7 yearsGeorge_WALKINTOUR (85): Perhaps have the label or computer voice tell the keyboard user what the object is when they bump into it? Like a wall, furniture, window, etc? Wouldn't that be a coding thing for Universal Access? It would also have to be an "Accessibility button" to allow the user to enter Univeral Access mode to enable VoiceOver. Similar to the Universal Access controls on a Mac.
MP tripod shadow MKourani 4 7 yearsMKourani (31): Thank you "harlanhambright" i cannot do 300 scans with BLK each scan takes around 5 minutes. Also thanks dor "3dvuz" i am new in MP i have both BLK & Campro2.i am thinking to buy a projectors with many colors (yellow and white) inorder to delute the shadow. What do you suggest? Thanks again
2 realtors working together to sell a property Liam_Tayler 7 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): Wow! That's not only great, that's a feature Matterport should add.
Tripod issues CKC 13 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @CKC Buy one of these two tripod heads: Dan
No longer providing Matterport services Bill 2 7 yearsVTLV (2910): Picking off one negative round of comments at a time with GeorgeK and now Bill by stalking WGA. Hey Bill Brown, Do you really want to roll up your sleeves as a CEO and score multiple wins on your campaign trail for approval? Rather than stalking We-Get-Around with and never commenting publicly. Approach We-Get-Around as a platform of Professional Photographers who offer Matterport Services where other platforms may be a mix of...
Hardware Error - Sensor fault richeshkolhar 1 7 yearsricheshkolhar (1): Hey Fellas, Accidentally, My Camera (Pro2) dropped on the floor due to a technical issue in Tripod. We are getting error of "Hardware Error - Sensor Fault" now. Contacted Matterport Service and received quote of 1200 USD. At the moment, Camera is in Bangalore (INDIA). Shipping charges comes upto 500 USD. Bit confused to invest 1700 USD for repair or to buy new one at discounted price. Secondly, If I buy new one, Can we...
Manfrotto 3 Way Tilt Head In Tour MarkCantu 11 7 yearsMarkCantu (105): Thank you every one for your advice and suggestions. I bought an additional tripod, Pro Master Professional Tripod Series with a Ball Head. Luckily, I have an independent Camera Shop right by my house. The associate took the time to explain how to use it with my Matterport Camera. My Manfrotto Tripod is heavy weight, which is a good thing and a bad thing. I am taking both tripods to my next project, and will look into the Gemtune DY-60N.
Tips Needed: How can we eliminate "top scatter"? Networker 3 7 yearsProperty3dNZ (617): There is no way to remove it at this stage - any property you scan with high ceilings, skylights etc will generate something similar. This is not a new issue and I have been asking since June 25th, 2015 for there to be a fix with this (I can remember exactly where I was standing in a cafe I was scanning when MP called me and we discussed this in depth lol). I raised it again earlier this week with Dee hoping they might be able to do a sly fix up...
Good Morning Matterport AI! Networker 13 7 yearsNetworker (157): WGAN Pros, A sad moment this morning. As I expected to see that old familiar Dollhouse view (because they said my Instant Gallery had been switched off) I was still being blessed by Bob's AI. Here is another example of how "intelligent" Bob's new AI is. It has correctly identified the "World's First Turkish Sauna Bathroom!" Great for losing weight while you defecate. Amazing! No? ...
Urgent: processing time today (3 July 2018)? ajabba 3 7 yearsajabba (25): @Property3dNZ Thanks. I did call support and they actually called me back and said that occasionally happens. She started processing it again and it just took a few hours then.
What WGAN Map Symbols mean? MKourani 2 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @MKourani Red pins = WGAN Forum Members Green, Blue Purple Location Pins have public profiles Example of a Public Profile Public Profile are included in WGAN Basic, Standard and Premium Membership WGAN Membership Benefits Compare WGAN Membership Plans Best, Dan P.S. People click on red pins to request a Matterport Pro. If we have a green, blue or purple pin, we refer the prospect to those...
Matterport shoot 360 view add text TAG miss19881111 2 7 yearsMKourani (31): Hi, You use the 360 view shooting in places where you do not need 3d data. Mainly matterport users use this option when scanning outdoors where sunlight affects the 3d sensor. Sometimes you can use it also inside elevator wher eyou do not need to make it 3d. Regards,
Trimming Matterport Dollhouse Issue: “wall scatter” Networker 19 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @Networker Much thanks for your kind note. It’s Members like you ... giving and getting help that makes this Community magic. Dan
Model loads to a blurry closeup when viewed PPC 6 7 yearsPPC (4): It looks like resetting the start point has resolved it. I thought we had done it several times but it seems to work now. Thanks Dan you guys are the BEST!
Scanning of Staircase Problem geemaps 4 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @geemaps About the examples that you shared above, do you know if the Matterport camera was parallel to the railing? I got to think that it was not ... Dan
Mattertags Image Quality Faga 8 7 yearsFaga (34): Here's the update from MP support: "Talked to Engineering and they opened a bug fix - Mattertags billboard image that might look blurry if the corresponding file is large and has many tiny details. Thanks for reporting this issue. I don't have an ETA on a fix yet. " Hope to be fixed soon...
Charging for hours but still showing 0% CKC 19 7 yearsJune (411): I top mine up after each job just to be ready. Glad I’ve been doing that now.
Camera Battery not charging... Lbelland 14 7 yearsCKC (85): Looks like I am having a similar issue to Lawrence's....
Matterport hardware - damaged mainboard - Can you help? gustavovc 7 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @gustavovc Thanks for keeping us posted. Dan
URL Links Not Working with Embedded Tour WarrenVandal 5 7 yearsWarrenVandal (19): Thanks for taking a look. We have determined that the problem is with my client. The Mattertags are working fine.
Where are the public links on new Meta versi Virtuality22 3 7 yearsVirtuality22 (19): Got it....Thank you very much! :)
Ceiling Problems samgaetz 8 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): With the integration with the BLK360, there is more interest in tools like this and an acceleration in feature development within Workshop. Stay tuned.
Help. Matterport wont stay connected to IPAD FedTheRealtor 8 7 yearsProperty3dNZ (617): @FedTheRealtor Hi There Sorry I have just seen this post now. A long time ago when I first started shooting with this camera I experienced something similar and wasted alot of time trying to figure it out! MP advised me that something else was interfering with the signal and advised me to turn off all electrical things in the area that could be interrupting the signal. This was not an option as I was scanning an apartment in a Retirement...
New Capture App and firmware update crashing tocha 6 7 yearsVirtualView (28): What model is your iPad? Maybe it doesn't have enough memory for the speed that you are moving at?
Changing puck angle wvmb 2 7 yearswvmb (1): Silly question — it shows the angle from the direction your approaching :) Nevermind
Help please! Client having trouble Joelbcollins 23 7 yearsfrstbubble (639): @Joelbcollins Did you get the trim to work. I had a model last week where I could go into a room but couldn't get back out because we moved the room for access to a bathroom. I tried a trim sandwich which didn't work. When I did a trim box it worked.
Matterport MTL (Matterpak) Problem c2astudio 9 7 yearsJuMP (2031): @c2astudio We PM you for the detail about our JuMP-POP v1.0 and you can get a trial account if you provide your email address. With the trial account you can try our services within one week trial period. Thank you. JuMP team from Beijing China
Problem with my Google Business Website Smuller7711 4 7 yearsRichierichks (715): This is what it looks like inside of the iPad App.
Bad Image Quality in Showcase - all modells LeventeSolczi 19 7 yearsFaga (34): Hi everyone, I've read this topic a while ago and now I'm facing the same problem. Unlike @LeventeSolczi I happened to scan the exact same place with 1 year difference. It's an art exhibition...the place is same, walls are same and even the lightning is exactly the same. The only difference is the art works but the latest is very white and the customer is rightfully complaining about it. Here are some snapshots: ...
Confidential tours - HELP! tomasdunbar 16 7 yearsmori (819): A option we use for this is the Indoor Viewer of NavVis: But of course this is another pricetag range than Matterport. Otherwise you need to do it yourself with a self hosting tour software or development kit: Hope there will be some news at IVRPA Tokio end of may:
Problem with Matterport U links leonherbert 1 7 yearsleonherbert (903): Just so you know if you are attempting to use a link created from U in showcase and attempting to use it with mattertags it won't work. This is a bug for both showcases. Support is aware of the problem.
Matterport "Glitch Occured" Property3dNZ 5 7 yearsrzphotoman (1837): I also lost a published highlight reel yesterday. Thought I did something wrong...should have known better. LOL
Urgent: Matterport Capture App Crashing! Networker 6 7 yearsNetworker (157): @rko1, @DanSmigrod WOW! Thanks. The checklist will come in handy. Also, I did not either reboot the camera nor did I erase a few scans. Is it just me or, should Matterport be working diligently for these types of issues, not to be happening?
Matterport Mattertag Labels Always Visible LMTLESS 1 7 yearsLMTLESS (67): How do people get around not having Mattertag label always visible if you choose to do so? I am connecting a tour to another tour and if a user doesn't click on the blue tag, then they won't know there is another tour linked. Solutions anyone? Thank you so much!
What is wrong with this showcase? JuMP 3 7 yearsJuMP (2031): @CarlosFHdz Thank you for advice. It is not my showcase, I just find the issue. And it happened on below beta showcase link only. The normal link below is running well.
How to build Matterport website in Wordpress AnnekeCilliers 7 7 yearsfrstbubble (639): @Metroplex360 Does putting multiple showcases on one-page bog down load times or hog resources?
Missing Teaser Video/GIF...? Queen_City_3D 1 7 yearsQueen_City_3D (3144): This seems odd... I had a Matterport model process where the teaser video/gif file started in the bedroom. This particular client really likes the gifs to send out in their emails and so, because the look wasn't ideal, we slightly tweaked some trim lines and reprocessed (hoping to get a teaser that started in the kitchen as they typically do). Oddly enough, when the model final re-processed, there was no teaser video/gif file at all the...
Are the quality of pro1 tours getting worse? JCHAFE 11 7 yearsjasondavidpage (205): In the first example you provided, those "beams" seem to remind me of when your cell phone lens has been cleaned but there are oils still on the lens. You may need to get a qtip with and alcohol pad or lens cleaning pad and do a thorough cleaning of the protective glass in front of it. On another note, I too have the first version and feel like the processing is getting worse for most scans that I do.
Invoicing Conundrum ... sbl110 5 7 yearsrzphotoman (1837): I agree with DAK...only charge for what you did. Honesty is always the best policy and the client will appreciate you for that which should equal future work.
Major Alignment issues: Fast Scan Related? pixelray 11 7 yearsShakoure (568): @pixelray ...This won't be much help if you've already covered it, but... If you haven't gotten and installed the updated bug fix to the first fast-capture firmware upgrade, then your alignment issues might be related to the bugs found in that first upgrade.
Capture Software crashing suncoastskyview 2 7 yearsBrettMtn (127): Have you updated the firmware recently? I had a similar issue the other day after updating to the latest firmware. It was taking forever to transfer after each scan and although mine wasn't crashing, it would get an error saying I was too far from the previous scan point (which I usually wasn't). Ended up shutting everything off and restarting both the ipad and camera and it seemed to help. Was able to finish the rest of the tour with very few...
Alignment issues, advice required angusnorriss 10 7 yearsangusnorriss (747): Most helpful thank you. I can’t seem to exit the downstairs living room and enter the hallway by the front door. I can only enter the living from the other direction via the front main entrance of the house. Any reasons why? Lack of scans in that area?
Bad reflection strange lines 4dlegacyvision 9 7 yearssbl110 (285): I know it's easy for me to say, but I wouldn't worry about the floor. I looked at the whole tour and didn't find the reflective floors distracting at all. I was focusing on the amazing vehicles on display. Nice touch that you were able to do a scan inside. Overall, if I were the client, I'd be very satisfied. Nice work! As for Shakoure's suggestion of extra scans for potentially reflective areas, it's a great idea, but you may not realize...
Can U transfer un-uploaded tour to other MSP MarkCantu 5 7 yearsQueen_City_3D (3144): @MarkCantu You were asking if the raw data could be transferred, right? Did you find out if that's possible? We've had other MSPs do scans for us, and we've always just given them an email address to a collaborator account we've set up... but that's just having the processed scan show up in our workshop... we've never had the pre-upload raw data sent to us. We've had to rely on the other MSP to do the uploading, and if there were any tweaks...
Issues uploading scan to GSV Bryan 4 7 yearsChi3d (16): anyone know if they are working on it. Been trying for days to upload for a client with no luck.
Pro2 Power Button Issues newview 3 7 yearsron0987 (3466): @newview I hate to ask the obvious but have you call MP tech support to see what they say about the issue.
How to Add Photos to Metta Tags..? Rollinryan 4 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): Excellent Tip! Here's an example of what @Queen_City_3D is describing in WP3D Models --> Media
Google Streetview: Can Not 'Walk' in Space Chi3d 4 7 yearsBrianAshley (74): Dan, Comment for those who eventualy publish a wrong tour to GSV or a client wants it down: Go into your account/specific spac e/ GSV and clcik on the trash can: Thanks to Dee Johnson for this.
Freaking Out...need HIGH RES PICS JMortimer 10 7 yearsrzphotoman (1837): This is a screen shot of a still I just downloaded from a recent Matterport scan using the Pro2 camera. Check out the file size...5664 x 3186px Image size 51.6megs. I always download them at full res. Never had an issue. I have to downsize them for delivery to the client. I don't shoot with a DSLR at all and use the quality of the images I get from the Matterport as a selling point. They don't need to hire a traditional photographer...
Dollhouse view issue meets Fast Capture? rzphotoman 12 7 yearsrzphotoman (1837): @Lukmoorkens Thanks for showing the comparisons. I didn't have any old ones to compare to but I knew something was different. Does anyone know if Matterport is aware of the problem and hopefully trying to fix it. If not I would show them these comparisons so they clearly see the issue.
I am Refusing 2 Sign the Mattport TOS Change GeorgeK 25 7 yearsGerhard (1484): @VTLV Hey, I loved taking on those guys. They are a bunch of millennials getting offended by the truth they cant swallow or cant see even if they were born 70 years ago... I love the facts and the truth. I feel bad for the poor newbies, I get that this must come as a shock to them. Just starting your business and then a month later Matterport hands you some KY and starts winking at you. Then you know somethings up (no pun intended). But we...
Matterport Town Hall - Deflecting Gerhard 4 7 yearsGerhard (1484): I don't believe we are in their best interest, if we are then change the TOS back and give us ownership, you have nothing to lose Matterport or do you?
MisDirection- WORDS -Ommissions r Lies - TOS GeorgeK 3 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): Well, George talked to Bill Brown and he's now onboard. Sounds to me like a one-on-one conversation cleared some things up and that obviously, Matterport's intentions aren't as ugly as the TOS changes could lead everyone to believe.
In the unlikely eventI get run over by a bus leonherbert 6 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): I was one of the MSPs who was given a very abbreviated pitch about these ideas and asked what I thought. My submission was that Matterport need to take over hosting responsibility to anything that was being absorbed into this program. It solves the 'bus' problem and it enables them the right to claim that they have a database of 800,000 spaces. I think that this could have been accomplished without the TOS being amended and without scaring...
Weird: Matterport Dollhouse View-All Black DouglasMeyers 7 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @DouglasMeyers I could imagine that your client has a super-slow internet connection. Ask your client to do a and report the up/down speed here... Dan
Any Matterport Firmware Issues with Pro1? GarySnyder 2 7 yearsGarySnyder (2143): I've heard back fro MP instantly via chat that I should not have a problem with the latest firmware update for my camera, so it good news.
Matterport Pro Turned Down This Scan: You? DanSmigrod 7 7 yearsdouglogan (46): I've had many situations where the presentation of the home has been... less than desirable. Usually resolved with an honest and frank conversation with my client and a return trip rescheduled. Sometimes they want/need to proceed as-is. Use these opportunities to build and strengthen the relationship with your clients, they value our experience and expertise, this is one of those times to make it shine.
Looming future issue? 3rd Party Bookings? tombook 11 7 yearstombook (37): @3dVuz Good advice Howard. Thanks.
Ugh,what do I do with this lighting??!! Dolloff 6 7 yearsadvancedhdr (220): It looks AMAZING!
Problems with scans near a door junoimelda 5 7 yearsjunoimelda (16): I'll give that a try, thanks.
Out of the Loop, Can someone help? KenBanks 9 7 yearsimad (184): What is that about? you mean one can't download the Pro2 Panoramas with full resolution?
360 panoramic upload to google street view miss19881111 6 7 yearsmiss19881111 (4): Thank you for your reply Because before waiting for a period of time did not finish processing a bit worried I previewed in panoskin is no problem The following is taken with Matterport but then Matterport and Google have not yet started to cooperate In some ways, I uploaded six images to my blog ...
Tours on Zillow have the height shortened 3SixtyNow 8 7 yearsMediaTrends360 (19): I’m sorry you’re experiencing trouble with your shoot but it looks great on my iPhone 6 Plus and iPad Pro2 10.5 inch. Great Job on the walkthrough. Btw, are you trying to view it in Landscape mode? If so it will shorten the height automatically. However you can sill pan up and down, and look in all directions to view the entire space.
Matterport Italy Unfair Marketing PieroBortolot 5 7 yearsPieroBortolot (230): @DanSmigrod thanks piero
Does Matterport Capture Work in [Country]? DanSmigrod 3 7 yearsDannyBasting (1171): See link below: Matterport Pro2 "Wifi Fault" Error
WP3D embed issue Radie842 22 7 yearsRadie842 (254): We got it situated. HTTPS on my end. Thanks Ross, thanks Glenn.
Matterport 360 views in separate scan virtuallyreal 11 7 yearsvirtuallyreal (34): Nope sorry - client wants to keep it confidential!
Large venue alignment problems - please help virtuallyreal 7 7 yearsVTLV (2910): I got the same issues going around a large venue. Seems like every update either takes you 2 steps forward or 5 steps back. This update, 5 steps back. Nothing aligns.
It’s taking foreverrrrrrrrr to upload OpenHouseOptics 11 7 yearsHelen (769): @OpenHouseOptics Do you know what your speeds should be? If the speeds are lower than they should be try rebooting your router.
SUPER SLOW Workshop, specifically snapshots. lcorbett 7 7 yearslcorbett (43): @Dan, thank you for the info. It was just with actually TAKING the snapshots that was taking so long! Happy holidays!
unique application - can it be done? Queen_City_3D 3 7 yearsMontreal3D (202): You should simply use a different tool for the job, such as LiDar. If 360 pictures are required, you can bring the MP or a simple 360 picture camera. The new 'Marker' implementation from MP acould also be valuable if you decide to give it a try with your MP and face issues with alignment Good luck!
My First Scan... What could I do better? erikolsonmba 16 7 yearsIanA (7): Thanks Jon! Great explanation. Ian
Multimedia mattertags PieroBortolot 3 7 yearsPieroBortolot (230): ...the holy bible...
Add PDF to Mattertag 3SixtyNow 17 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @3SixtyNow Zamzar should enable .pdf to URL conversion. Can you check? Also, please try Docdroid for .pdf to URL conversion. Because Docdroid is friendly, it should seamlessly work with Matterport. Still visiting with family ... thanks for letting us know if either of these solutions work for you. Best, Dan
Level Problems - Help walk360 6 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): That model is not being shared, so we cannot look at it.
KRACK Wi-Fi exploit - serious threat natcoalson 2 7 yearsPointCloudVR (106): Thanks for the share. I had seen some headlines but good to read more. Cheers, Aaron
Are Matterport pictures High Quality? MagnaShow 3 7 yearsMagnaShow (32): Thank you for your reply!
Problem with Multiple Scans for 1 space.... lcorbett 5 7 yearslcorbett (43): I think I will just have to re-shoot it for free...the problem is they have moved and now there is no furniture in the rooms already shot. :( I don't know if anyone else notices this, but with the Pro2, the pictures come out distorted when you try to get a good shot of a room. A countertop looks too long, one window looks bigger, etc. I fixed this on a few of the photos, but she was stating that they like the DSLR pictures that have the...
Matterport Pro2 "Wifi Fault" Error firoze 20 7 yearsfiroze (25): Yes, this was one of my suggestions after the second camera failed... but didn't push it much cos no one knew at that time, what was causing that error on pro2. After they diagnosed it, took them around 2 weeks to realize that firmware update is not going to come out soon so they sent the pro.
Any way to hide a Floor? lcorbett 8 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): Could you ... 1. Add some 360º Views in the basement of the specific rooms 2. duplicating the model on your iPad 3. deleting the scans of the basement 4. still have the 360º Views of the specific rooms in the basement Does that work? Dan
Anyone using PhotoBiz? Help Embedding Tours BrianM 3 7 yearsBrianM (148): Got it fix. For some reason the cut and paste embed code from the Matterport site isn't recognized. I retyped the code and it worked.
Mattertag Link Help htimsabbub23 4 7 yearsnat_vanveen (598): @htimsabbub23 Hi I thought we could only add 1 link per mattertag?
What to do with door open and then closed... lcorbett 9 7 yearsaristepp (58): And if your space allows for it, take the door off it's hinges. Extreme, yes, but I've scanned 2 places where the trim thing did not work so I went back, removed the door and rescanned. Problem solved.
Hilton References for Matterport Bale100 5 7 yearsBale100 (175): Thank you Richard
Workshop problem with huge model alirizacil 4 7 yearsalirizacil (162): Thanks @Bale100 and @Olivius. Matterport support suggests same, I may need more memory space in my computer. Best regards... Ali
Sun washed out problem with new camera judysmithre 16 8 yearsjudysmithre (95): Thank you for the feedback
stuck at "Shutting down..." after Firmware! PedroPretell 3 8 yearsGerhard (1484):
Private Matterport VR spaces? Briski2208 8 8 yearsmori (819): The above legal text as also the embedded one in the viewer is from 2016. Here´s the latest:
Bluetooth problems walk360 6 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @walk360 ✓ Emergency Check List: Matterport Capture App Please let us know how you solve the puzzle. Good luck, Dan
I ordered - I paid - The camera got lost MeligenHungary 11 8 yearsJAX1979 (52): I had issues getting my camera, was told a couple weeks ended up being just over 2 months. It is here now and working. The most frustrating thing is the lack of communication, paying for a premium product and service you expect the customer service to at least be as good as an average high street chain not beneath it.
Floor Plans samgaetz 8 8 yearsPauluploadabode (28): I can highly reccomend Robin and his team. A top class service at a very reasonable price.
What would you do? justinv 20 8 yearsjustinv (1044): @nat_vanveen The last great birthday I had was 21! Thanks for the wishes!
Trouble with support: guided walk throughs Lizzg 7 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @Lizzg @3SixtyNow @Helen Ah! Matterport Workshop is automatically and randomly creating duplicate Snapshots that are ending up in Highlights Reel. Presently, the solution is deleting the random duplicate Snapshots (and Matterport is aware of the bug and working on it.) Thank you all! Best, Dan
TAGS - Hover Over Tag to Expand Photo RGO 1 8 yearsRGO (100): Hello With MP now offering color to TAGS, we went back and began to ask all of our TAGS inside a project, we wanted the user to HOVER their mouse over a TAG and have it expand to open the full picture without having to click on the TAG. After about 6 or 7 links, the entire project failed. We already have the project completed, but wanted to go back in and allow this EXPANSION with the mouse without having to CLICK to Open. We are...
360 View Embed in Mattertag VirtualVisit 10 8 yearscraigsauer (1078): Darn it! Just realized that Matterport had already provided this functionality! I needed it to try to cover up a stupid mistake I made on a different tour. I somehow missed a scan point at the bottom of the stairs so you can't get upstairs with the normal navigation. So while I wait for the opportunity to...
New Facebook UI - Who Adjusts? ArtisticConcepts 3 8 yearsGlennTremain (2941): facebook is having growing pains as you have seen with the video header and a few other new features if you have tried them. Many things not working quite right at the moment. I play around with facebook a lot. When it's fixed I will post here.
Customer NOT Happy AT ALL With Tour. 3dVuz 17 8 years3dVuz (507): Thank you to all who replied.. (Steve we gotta get lunch sometime!) Here is the link to the Christies shoot that she asked to see:
Matterport Capture App Shutting Down Invelop 6 8 yearsInvelop (121): Update - figured it out by virtue of extensive troubleshooting, updating, power cycling, etc.
Scanning Balcony? 3 Things That Can Go Wrong DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): Hi All, I received the following email from a Forum Member today (22 June 2017) in reply to a Dan's Tip of the Week eNewsletter (to Forum Members). Dan --- Hi Dan Thanks for this email as always they are really informative. I was wondering if you could help with a problem I am having. I completed a tour for a restaurant last year and I scanned there balcony no problem. I...
Trouble with doors [HELP] mikerodin 6 8 yearskellysuesharp (31): If you shoot with the door open and then closed and it messes up and won't let you navigate back thru the door (which happened to us), here is the cut and paste from tech support on how to fix it: Fortunately there is a trick to fixing this that you can use in the Capture app: Return to the Capture app, open the space up, place 2 Trim Markings on either side of this door frame, Arrows facing one another, then reupload the space. You'll have to...
Matterport Billing Error GarySnyder 21 8 yearsJamie (2037): @Helen totally. Something happened a few months ago and this started happening. They are looking at it with the finance department. Hopefully they get it fixed. It shouldn't be up to us to find each one.
Overexposed scan point vpodlogar 6 8 yearsnat_vanveen (598): @Queen_City_3D @cswartz LOL :D I hope it never happens to me!
Recovering deleted Matterport models? immersivetours 14 8 yearsOlivius (91): Hi All, What you are saying @DanSmigrod seem to be confirmed here listen as 36m40s ;) Webinar video Think it's one of the best info for the current pro camera users in the webinar ;) Olivier
Re-Uploads no longer show individually VTLV 1 8 yearsVTLV (2910): I recently made a couple tours and uploaded them to the server. Later, I made alterations to make my models and re-uploaded them. In the past, I would have a separate upload for my 1st uploaded model. In some cases, I could edit that model up to 4 times and have 4 or 5 of the same model uploaded to the Matterport server using a similar name. This week, my models were simply replaced to only be one unit on the server. What changed? I...
MSP Business Closing Considerations TruView 10 8 yearsTruView (25): That's great advice. Thanks for sharing.
Dollhouse View dirty view Sandiemcr 9 8 yearsVTLV (2910): Loose the deck scans. The sun is peaked towards the middle of the day. You have an uphill battle getting the deck to show in the dollhouse in the middle of the day regardless of tree shade. Too bad you can't convert them to outdoor 360's for your highlight reel.
Mattertags Desktop vs iOS:2 different models valen_felipe 3 8 yearsJamie (2037): Clear the cache
Realtor can't link tour to listing sites. 3SixtyNow 12 8 years3SixtyNow (484): Thank you @LewisBishop! I have advised my client and hopefully they won't have any more issues. Thank you everyone for your help!
Matterport Camera Warranty & Renewal tomasdunbar 5 8 yearstomasdunbar (88): Yes same thing happened to me. Loose legs seems to be the thing to watch out for. I will just be careful and hope for the best!
What's up with Google Street view App? LetMe3D 2 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @LetMe3D Street View is more compelling to some ppl than Matterport b/c it integrates with Google. Matterport, however, is a superior experience for all of the reasons you've mentioned. What system did you post your Street View tour with? If you did it recently, I believe you can import it with and edit it. I've posted tour with the Street View App and had to remove them all and rebuild them as it did a terrible job.
Blur on Tripod Richierichks 13 8 yearsjfantin (1733): Dan I use the Desmond Leveler without the Discal Clamp (not sure what is that discal clamp for anyway). It is very good for leveling the camera in each shot (I use a small circular buble level - a couple of dollars in Home Depot). The only problem that I have found with the Desmond Leveler is that in some way the camera shakes when it rotates, it is an almost unnoticeable movement, but sometimes I get the "unstable camera" warning from...
Stitching problems in some images jfantin 1 8 yearsjfantin (1733): Hi, Today I processed a model and I noticed some stitching errors, like in this example: This is not something that happens with all the images, so I guess that it is related to the sun coming into the windows? I am sure that some of you have experienced this before (this is my first in almost two years working with...
Help! Where is the Workshop! Dolloff 9 8 yearsChadcloses (271): This is what happens when we don't pay our bill. Lol
Stray Floating Scan Point Icon in pano View ArtisticConcepts 8 8 yearsArtisticConcepts (681): We will wipe your memories and it will all be forgotten. Just look at this pen...
Is workshop working? (9 pm ET Wed 3 May 17) samgaetz 6 8 yearskaybaum (88): I'm having the same problem. I scanned a condo this morning, got the model back from Matterport this afternoon, but there is no Workshop button. I have no way to launch Workshop. I have shut down my computer. I have tried browsers other than safari. Any help would be appreciated.
Change Floor Names had a Stroke Gerhard 5 8 yearsTourMySpace (61): Learn something new every day!
360 View Errors George_WALKINTOUR 3 8 yearsGeorge_WALKINTOUR (85): Yeah, It took us several tries to get a hold of Matterport. We've got that camera swapped out for a new camera, but it was odd that we were getting this with a relatively new camera. Thanks.
Processing Errors this week samgaetz 3 8 yearssamgaetz (49): Yes! I'm so frustrated! Why has Matterport not said anything yet? Why the change all of a sudden??? It was working perfectly before!!
Playback flickers on Google - not on Safari kimgoode 4 8 yearskimgoode (7): Thank you very much. It does work now without the dot after com in the link. I have check all of my 36 spaces and each have the dot after com on their links. When I delete the dot they will play. I wonder where the dot came from?
Mattertag problem 3SevensStudio 3 8 years3SevensStudio (67): Does anyone know if there will be a fix to this as they use to work and now I see even past virtuals I did their tags are now not working on FB and they use to.
Matterport Collaboration Error Message Radie842 4 8 yearsQueen_City_3D (3144): @Radie842 That's an annoying problem. What makes it worse is when you do set up a new email address for the collaborator to use and then they forget to log out of it after they've done the job. I've had 3 instances now where a collaborator has successfully uploaded the model I had them perform for me but then has forgotten to log out and uploaded the next model that they perform for themselves onto my account. Who gets charged the processing...
Big color differance alirizacil 3 8 yearsjustinv (1044): @alirizacil Did you use the preview button to look at it before you left the dealership? If you go back, do a scan and preview it. I have seen color shifts before but not that far off.
Matterport for JMEPhotos 7 8 yearsrpetersn (2013): Hi @PHILG...Correct, I don't believe VRBO will allow you to add any links to the general property description area. Instead, they offer this "external link" option that has to be approved by someone there at VRBO. Once approved, these links are then buried (in my opinion) way down the page. The ideal solution would be as you describe....adding a link near the beginning of the text used to describe a property. If I've missed...
Workshop loading Problem Gerhard 3 8 yearsGerhard (1484): Hi @justinv , I am running it on Mac. But for some bizarre reason it just started working again, after a couple off hours .I find it very strange and frustrating.
Protect your iPad from Turkish Crime Family frstbubble 2 8 yearsnat_vanveen (598): @frstbubble That's nasty!:O thanks for the tip :)
Backup before it's too late! CarlosFHdz 4 8 yearsfrstbubble (639): Will backup solve anything with the upcoming release of iOS?!? I am concerned with the upcoming update of iOS. In the post listed below @DanSmigrod points out that they are changing the file system. I am hoping this does not break my backup strategy. Warning: Do NOT install iOS 10.3 Wait Until WHY DOESN'T MATTERPORT PROVIDE US A SOLUTION TO THIS FOR US!!!!
moving to a selling tool for agents Joelbcollins 26 8 yearsGlennTremain (2941): Even for a quick market you can convince selling AND buying agents to get a scan because it helps you farm the market that property is in. I have convinced buyer agents to get a matterport for a gated community that he wishes he had more listings in. His main competitor has just been there a long time but doesn't use matterport. Now that he has one matterport from a sale he was a buyer agent for he then got a listing there. Now he has two and...
Mark Features not working VTLV 1 8 yearsVTLV (2910): How is your Mark Features Option working on your app? My mark windows and mirrors feels useless this month. Are you getting loads of spray in your scans creating blocks in the walk throughs?
Matterport Camera's Rear LED stop working Gerhard 2 8 yearsfrstbubble (639): @Gerhard Any update on the situation? Did support get back to you and have they issued a resolution?
Is it possible to edit or blur? BobbyG 10 8 yearsBobbyG (50): Although I don't know about the tech of the google cams, Not too sure I would do that. I've seen the finished work for interiors from them. Matterport images and the 3D walk through is more impressive. Pros and cons to everything.
Upgrade your wordpress ASAP GlennTremain 4 8 yearsGlennTremain (2941): it depends on your web person's setup preferences. If you have core / plugins auto update and you don't watch the site much and it doesn't work right then you have to spend more time working to track down the problem. warnings are sent out because most dont use auto update. I see clients that host their own that are running 3.6 still :-)
WP3D MODELS - Adding Agent - Help 3SixtyNow 6 8 years3SixtyNow (484): Thank you @rpetersn for you help! Thanks for letting me know I forgot to activate one of my plugins. WP3DMODELS is now working as it should!!
Weirdest Matterport Model of 2017! Networker 9 8 yearswalk360 (79): I have had the same problem couple of times.... if you are able to determined which scan is making the misaligned problem... just delete that one... you might not have to go back and re-scan. Make a copy model on the iPad and delete the 'Problem" scans... and see what happenes.... if for any reason you have to go back to the model it will be just for 10 mins to re-scan few spots. Is that a building in Bogota, Colombia?
Matterapps - RSS Feed Acomeau15 7 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): Just a note to anyone reading this -- I'm not keeping track of who is actively using MatterStats. I've kept the app/tool rather simple and avoided storing any data that is not necessary. If I had a vocal userbase, I would perhaps make feature requests. One idea is to actually pull the information automatically once a day and cache it. This would speed up loading tremendously. In addition, I could potentially allow feeds to be setup by...
scanning Problem: camera/ipad kept freezing 3SixtyNow 5 8 years3SixtyNow (484): I've only had my camera for 1 1/2 months. This is only the 3rd model I've done. The iPad is new and has nothing else on it. I rebooted the iPad and camera and that did the trick. This is just very time consuming if it's going to happen all the time.
Issues With Firefox Senojev 2 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @Senojev I noticed that Matterport's servers seemed slow tonight. Matterport uses Amazon's Cloud - so my suspicion was that it was ME, not them. I'm making an assumption that it might be the loading speed that you were experiencing. Check again tomorrow -- and if in doubt, you might try viewing the tour via your mobile phone using your mobile carrier's network. I did note that you mentioned it ran well in Safari and not Firefox -- and I...
Yellow in Kitchens! WHYYYYYY? Chemistrydoc 7 8 yearsChemistrydoc (1930): Thanks....then probably current, as I've been on a shooting bonanza this last week,
Matterport 3D Tour Locking Up ADS 5 8 yearslisahinson (785): This might have helped you in the upstairs area where you mentioned you closed the door to access the toilet area..??
Help - new model not uploading tomasdunbar 5 8 yearsKennyBPhotography (4): Any luck with your issue tomasdunbar?
Problems with Unofficial Cardboard jmprop 25 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @benn1973 Great suggestion. Time for a "time out" ... I will disable posting to this discussion for two days. You can PM me if you think otherwise ... Dan
Matterport Stitching Error George_WALKINTOUR 8 8 yearsProperty3dNZ (617): @aznparkranger Hi There - our second photographer had this happen a couple of weeks ago (in a very important) 3 hour out of Auckland shoot! She assured me that she was checking the tripod etc.... a few days later she did admit that there had been a movement in the camera warning - she kept the scan and carried on (again and again) - then she mentioned that the plate was loose... I would suggest that this is whats happened here! I had never seen...
Scan points accessible on other floors. George_WALKINTOUR 3 8 yearsjustinv (1044): @aznparkranger Can you post a link so we can experience it and maybe help you out a little more? I agree with @GarySynder that it is probably the sun. Was the windows/mirrors marked correctly? Have you tried trimming it? Of course, make a copy before you change it too much.
Matterport Tour Not Ready--Day 3 tgdmax 6 8 yearstgdmax (1): JonJ- good idea. When I stop at my first shoot I will upload again--running out the door right now. Thank you again sir! Have a great day!
Missing entire spaces Sandiemcr 3 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @Sandiemcr 1. Delete the scan in the wrong location 2. If you put the tripod lowest height, you should be able to complete the space successfully 3. Go back and scan at normal height 4. Disable the low scans in workshop Dan
Dollhouse - Floorplan Tourspace 5 8 yearsPetraSoderling (752): Is that a bug or a new feature? It slows me down when I'm drawing floor plans and I need to wait every time I toggle between the views. I wish it was the way it was before.
Saving Raw Data samgaetz 3 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @samgaetz @GarySnyder is spot on! iExplorer Backup is supported / recommended by Matterport. The free version will work fine for you.
Question - Rescanning Chemistrydoc 7 8 yearsChemistrydoc (1930): Thanks for all of your great suggestions. However, 1) I have to remove something that is in about 70% of the shots, and 2) I'm actually paying for the upload. I want to remove all but one scan and start from that point. Today's lighting will be very close. Nothing has moved. Technically, things should work. I was asking purely from a "Matterport rules" point of view, and because I'm basically a cheapskate! I will post the model and...
Bad quality of dollhouse and floorplan views DmitriyReev 3 8 yearsJamie (2037): That's how it works. Try taking more scans to help clean it up, or alternatively use a 3D rendering company to make a 3D floor plan
Matterport Tours and more "Personality"? Joelbcollins 8 8 yearsjfantin (1733): Thank you @Metroplex360. You are very generous sharing your knowledge with us.
Option to move between Floors mk4au 3 8 yearsmk4au (58): @DouglasMeyers Thank you for the suggestion. I thought I had already tried that, but tried again this morning with no success. Since the original scan does separate scans by floor, and the model will let you walk up and down the steps, I see no logical reason it doesn't show up. @DanSmigrod - any suggestions?
Ugly doll house Radie842 2 8 yearsQueen_City_3D (3144): It needs a few additional scans and some additional trimming. I'd suggest one or 2 more scans in the mechanical/furnace room, even if those scans are later deactivated, and 1 more scan in the upstairs bedroom where the black spot shows on the floor plan view. It looks like that's where the camera was positioned and so it...
Easiest way to replace a scan? lknbigfish 6 8 yearslknbigfish (19): Thanks, I really appreciate the tips.
How to get the space to open in a new window terrygrant 6 8 yearsUserName (586): Do you want to give users the ability to click an image thumbnail and switch to fullscreen in the current tab? Or open a separate popup window? Or open in fullscreen in a different tab? If so, you can do that with a little code that calls the fullscreen api that works in all modern browser. See it in action by clicking ON the picture that's on this demo page. Click that' page's button only puts you in fullscreen mode without enlarging the...
Style Changes>Matterport TAGS with Big scan? RGO 8 8 yearsRGO (100): Thank you...we have in our original proposal, was a drone flight over the school footprint. Having that aerial view with TAGS as portals is a nice addition, but until we get there in the we just had our first 18 inches of snow the other day here south of Boston, we need to come up with solutions now. We have a game plan, but having to add lots of other SAME COLOR SHAPE TAGS as portals, can make the model looked cluttered. When...
Unable to view model on mobile device grmngrl 11 8 yearsgrmngrl (942): @Chadcloses I solved the problem: when that happens you just need to click on the very top right- go to and it opens the browser again.
Room Labels on Floor Plan View missing PHILG 5 8 yearsalsangio (46): They shut down when you download your models on iOS .
How to change the VR path and starting view? samgaetz 1 8 yearssamgaetz (49): Hi everyone! Struggling to figure out how to edit the VR path. I can't figure out how to change the starting position either! Any help is appreciated :) Sam
We Get Around Network Forum email alerts? Radie842 4 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @Radie842 Our tech did a deeper dive into your We Get Around Network Forum email notifications and (just) emailed you ... Dan --- Hi [Redacted], Thanks for your patience and for the extra info you provided to Dan. Makes my job much easier. Our email notification system identified your email address [redacted] with a "Bounce/Recipient not found" error. This happens occasionally to legit email accounts but it's nothing to worry...
How many MatterTags can we do? epicfoto 3 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): Hi All, Anyone else experiencing problems with MatterTags? @epicfoto What computer OS? Browser? (We work in Chrome) Have you tried other browsers? Best, Dan
Blue Circle Issue. GeorgeK 6 8 yearsjustinv (1044): @GeorgeK Are you using chrome? Settings > Show Advanced Settings > scroll to the bottom and checkmark "Use hardware acceleration when available" Hopefully that works for you.
Cloud plans and payments DmitriyReev 6 8 yearsDmitriyReev (43): Good day, all! Today I had another problem with potential client and can't solve it w/o your help!..I proposed to one SPA (300 m2) who has already panoramic tour on their web page to replace it with matterport tour as they can use mattertags and VR. They were interested from the beginning, but when I sent offer to them where was annual hosting fee (46 USD/year) starting after 6 free months, they said NO. They don't pay anything for their...
cant download 360 shot Radie842 11 8 yearsachabot (37): It's a 360 degree camera that we cannot export 360 degree photos from.
Ever had your creative work stolen? Helen 10 8 yearsNarvan891 (79): "Walk softly and carry a big stick" as Teddy Roosevelt said aptly long ago! I'd try the genial approach first - contact them and let them know that it appears that they've inadvertently used your creative work without getting the required usage license (temporary or permanent at xx$$ - two different price structures of course) and that it would " really great" for them to be sure to cover that immediately and here's...
A moaning real estate agent onepsg 4 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @onepsg Matterport does not offer security of digital assets. Even if you password protect your content, it's easy to discover your links. Dan
Why is the wall bending in? Dolloff 5 8 yearsDolloff (131): Hi Everyone, Thank you for the wonderful feedback and advice. After making copies and deleting some scans, I went back to the space and just re-shot that area. Matterport explained it as "Loop Closure"- It is a very large space, so if each scan was just a touh off, by the time you close the loop, the scans are a lot off. It is a very large space, so I was thinking about starting with the walls first and then filling in the...
Help: Model won't load, gray screen LewisBishop 17 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): I recall when I was first starting out in July 2014, I could get a white square - one of six sides of a cube - if the internet connection was not good. Dan
Web platform for sharing DaveFahrny 9 8 yearsDaveFahrny (365): Many thanks to everyone for all the help. I appreciate it
Issues with Model TourFactoryUT 2 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @TourFactoryUT Moving this discussion to here ... Help: Model won't load, gray screen Identical issue? Dan
Matterport Camera Error Sensor Fault PANOPTICMOTION 1 8 yearsPANOPTICMOTION (19): Hi, We have had an error message showing - Hardware Error - Sensor Fault.... The camera will not not work even after rebooting several times. Has anyone had any experience with this? The camera has not been dropped or abused before anyone asked. It has however been working almost non stop for the last 7 weeks, so not sure if its just not built to last as a full on commercial tool!?
Blurred panel within a scan? akirk 4 8 yearsakirk (4): Thanks I got some response from the Matterport support forum and i8tvlooks like I must have moved the camera to soon - I've deleted the scan and now it looks fine!
Scan still processing after 30 Hours Lizzg 8 8 yearsLizzg (198): The copy processed! I'll upload the link later today. Thanks for you helps! Lizzg
New firmware update for Matterport Camera? yoon2366 Jump to first page37Jump to last page 8 years360Verbeelding (352): Hi looks good. great update from MP. The scans are getting better with almost every update. The realy work on picture improvement. What i don't understand is that losts of our MP friends are wondering if a scan takes 40 seconds or 60 seconds. Good scanning takes time. Because i as a photograper can't do anything with the camera then let it spin a am realy glad that MP takes the time and effort so the scans get better and better. So please...
Highlight Reel Problem Brtz 2 8 yearsCelisNet (233): It must be because you add 360º pictures on the highlight reel right? When you add this 360º the reel doesn't hide automatically. If someone know a way to hide it, please let us know.
Help! Does anyone know what this means? Property3dNZ 11 8 yearsProperty3dNZ (617): That's just it it wasn't visible!
Scanning Issue & Should I Nuke my iPad? AdamplatinumHD 3 8 yearsAdamplatinumHD (31): Thanks @photoJoe I did another scan and didn't get any problems at all? Weird.
Managing clients expectations ScanMan 17 8 yearsProperty3dNZ (617): @ScanMan You can't please everyone. I previously was a real estate photographer and I try to use this to my advantage by saying that I choose to start shooting with MP rather than doing real estate photography for a number of reasons.... first off MP is incredible technology that opens the market place up to a much wider audience, secondly because I disliked deceiving people by shooting with wide lenses which set un achievable expectations for...
FB updating showcase problem 3SevensStudio 6 8 yearsrpetersn (2013): Great! Glad we could help! :)
Broken Matterport, How to Reconnect? George_WALKINTOUR 6 8 yearsGeorge_WALKINTOUR (85): So here's Matterport's response to our situation... That definitely looks pretty serious and would need to come home for repairs. Unfortunately our camera is not serviceable by anyone but Matterport, so I would recommend you sending in your unit asap! RMA instructions are as follows: Your RMA number is: RMA-XXX To return the camera, please do the following: 1) Securely pack the camera and all included parts, using the instructions below....
can't see the full screen icon on iPad JC3DCX 7 8 yearsRobinLycka (727): @DSPhoto S6
VR glasses symbol and MLS 3SevensStudio 18 8 yearsHelen (769): Do any Canadian users know if this rule applies to the Canadian MLS system?
How would you respond? JonJ 29 8 yearsTrustedPhotoDC (1108): HDR is a file format and process commonly mistaken as the low dynamic range result. When most people say HDR, they are inferring a tone mapped, multi-exposure image. To view a HDR image, also referred to as a 32-bit float image, you need a HDR monitor which will run you about 20k. Otherwise all you are viewing on your monitor is a tone-mapped LDR image. The intermediate processing of combining exposures creates a HDR image and opening a HDR...
Black 3D Model Issue unewe 8 8 yearsProperty3dNZ (617): @unewe in my experience this can happen when the Internet is slow
Mattertags not showing on certain devices. Scannen 6 8 yearsScannen (40): I found a solution. After trying various things as disabling VR showcase, erasing mattertags, contacting matterport for support (non given), I did the last thing missing, "Duplicating Model and process it again". After duplicating it and reprocess the model I got the mattertags to work. I still don´t know what happened before but this was the solution to this issue. The only thing I see now is that my highlight reel includes every...
Warehouse scan critique jmprop 9 8 yearsjmprop (52): Thanks for the input Metro. Still a newbie but really excited about what this has to offer.
White marks on glossy wood Olivius 4 8 yearsGarySnyder (2143): I see what you mean, it almost looks like some form of interference. Please let me know what MP has to say about this.
Problem with goes rogue! BenedicteDamm 3 8 yearsCarlosFHdz (605): Ensure the highlight reel is set up the way you want and publish, if the problem persist, call support. I've had something similar happen in the past.
MP in MLS question Joelbcollins 11 8 yearsBillJones (22): Easy to do, one link. On my site I upload the clients images, tours ect on a date basis. 1610 (2016, October) / address. For the tour I have one html template I plug in the address and maybe youtube url. They then paste in the url to the mls virtual tour link. Loads the gallery, 360 virtual tour (I'm old school) and a youtube video.
Is iPad the Only Way to Upload? PhotoJoe Jump to first page34Jump to last page 8 yearsPhotoJoe (13): Final update: Matterport was able to process my models and I could open them in my workshop. Some of the 360 images were missing but I can live with that. One more question. There are now seven identical versions of each model. They each have a unique URL. Can I safely delete all but one of them? Thanks, Joe
MP2SQFT OFFLINE / Showcase v2.8.4-0 Metroplex360 8 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): Just a note to everyone -- --is-- back but does lack the colored floorplan to help you visualize the data. I have some ideas to make up for it that I'll be working on in the future.
MSP Referral Service Test Drive ArtisticConcepts 5 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @360Idaho I am not sure I understand your question about collecting leads, so if I am not answering it, can you ask your questions a different way? Basic, Standard and Premium Members of the We Get Around Referral Network - Green, Blue and Purple pins respectively on the Forum/ Referral Network Map, have public profiles. We do this to make it super-easy and super-fast for potential clients to find a Matterport Pro. ✓ Basic Members...
Help Camera doesn't seem to be charging MWP 4 8 years3dinsights (40): It might be that it thinks its already fully charged. I did 1 small job today and it still said fully charged when i had finished.
Won't Upload from Capture App dronie 20 8 yearsPhotoJoe (13): CaseySmith, I all of a sudden can't upload either. I have DropBox and just downloaded iExplorer. Could you please invite me to your Dropbox? BTW I called Matterport and they didn't seem to have an answer to this problem. Thanks!
Oops, something went wrong. tresdepro 5 8 yearsGrant (63): @ole989 It's your browser.
Big Alignment Problem JosePino Jump to first page31Jump to last page 8 yearsJosePino (1): Thanks again, Dan For me at this point is good to know that this is not a normal error of the camera, so it should be replaced for a new one. I sent messages to Matterpot support team yesterday and also this morning. I hope they answer me ASAP. Regards
Point cloud to CAD Problems Invelop 3 8 yearsJoshReadhead (24): @Invelop Hi Stephen Sincere apologies for taking so long to reply. The process for importing the point cloud does vary depending on what version you have, but will attempt to troubleshoot as best I can. Judging by the error message, it sounds to me like you are trying to open the point cloud directly within AutoCad. For most AutoCad versions, the point cloud still needs to be imported (even though it's in the .rcs Autodesk format) while the...
Matterport Workshop Privacy bonduell 6 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): At least it's read only.
Cursor problems (blue circles). FuturePhotography 10 8 yearsFuturePhotography (13): Yep, tried restarting and closing all the tabs. Here is a link so you guys don't think I am making this up ;). Thanks. It took me a total of three days to do both villas, the still photos and I had a little fun with the drone. Still working on editing all the material into one good video. I can feel you Queen_City! In the summer we have 50 C which is just as bad! Here is a picture from my outdoor scan in 48 C heat! ...
Theta S settings Queen_City_3D 5 8 yearsHelen (769): @Metroplex360 Yes on the capture app you can choose noise reduction, DR compensation or HDR rendering. I find the HDR has more chromatic than DR compensation. The DR is a one shot I assume using cameras dynamic range, and as you know it uses 3 bracketed for the HDR. Did you happen to view the VR on YouVisits? I do not have a VR headset yet so I am wondering how it looks in VR? I was very pleased with the interior not so happy with the exterior...
Uploading issue from ipad CaseySmith 7 8 yearsalirizacil (162): They mailed me very detailed explanation about how to do it. I searched it in my mail account. Here it is: "On a Mac or Windows PC, install the free version of iExplorer (i.e. 'Demo' Version) from the following site - - Click the blue Download button next to the orange Buy button. Connect the iPad to the computer and launch iTunes. If your version of iTunes is newer than 12.2, you'll need to open...
Yacht issues Gregclicks 3 9 yearsron0987 (3466): The 360 photos will turnout way better during that time frame also. But if you do the whole model below deck you can do that at anytime, the evening shots would just take a few and that would reduce the afternoon evening time. But this would require more time on your part. Just my input. I also agree with Glen, but don't let the drinking impact running the camera. Ron
Problem with bright reds, oranges and yellow manolohk 5 9 yearsmanolohk (49): So I just wanted to update you guys. The response from Matterport was that they are releasing a color correction firmware and that I have to "reshoot" the place. Oh and they say "Sorry" as well. I find this kind of issues unacceptable. This was a huge client for me and now its lost. Beware of this lighting problems.
Something Strange want to call Ghostbusters Gerhard 4 9 yearsRobinLycka (727): I`m going to place my bet on the palmtree that´s captured outside the bedroom. Probably happened due to the way the pointcloud splits the floors, and the palm tree is perceived as ground floor, the first floor bedroom right next to it is perceived as part of ground floor due to it being the same height to the slanted ceiling. There´s a hole in the mesh in the bedroom wall, maybe a trim line that´s placed to close to the wall from the outside....
Wrong account marcdempsey 5 9 yearspixelray (1068): Wow. I asked MP to do the same thing for me and they said they couldn't.
Model Statistics-Did Your Data Disappear too 3Dwalkmethru 7 9 yearsCharlieshoe (16): It's noon in Chicago and all my models are at "0".
Have you got problems with Mattertags? Wyzlo 3 9 yearsWyzlo (100): Thanks I don't want to be seen from more angles, as is a tag por each piece of art. so putting the extension it only will make a more dirty model. My problem is that they move suddenly, and they apear in a other part of the space. not where I put them.
Yellow colored walls? NKH_Controls Jump to first page36Jump to last page 9 yearsTHRHHI (292): I agree Mori. I have one similar and All the tests I have done have worked well with it. In a small bathroom it does not give could coverage from floor to ceiling. Did a test today using a vertical LED strip light. Only had it facing into the bathroom and it did a good job. Unfortunately it is 110v so may be hard to hide cord in many instances. Was more to verify the to refine it until Matterport releases the fix. I have been told...
Workshop: space stats on the blink again JC3DCX 3 9 yearsArchimedStudio (714): Hi, I also have the same problem. I wrote to support twice. The first time, they told me they manually fixed the problem. The second time, here is the reply I received : "I spoke with our QA team about this Stats issue you're experiencing. Each day, when the stats are calculating, they display as Zeroes, at approximately 8 -9 AM US Central Standard Time. This is a bug we are addressing to fix. Your stats will appear as such until...
Stitching on Just the lamp billherman 5 9 yearsbillherman (7): Good Idea, I'll do that. Thanks, Colin
Help can't walk from staircase to bedroom? Gerhard 3 9 yearsnewview (31): Hi @Gerhard, Like @GarySnyder above, I was able to walk through the model with no problems at all. I was able to get up and down the staircase with no issues.
Nikon Full Frame Cameras & WP3D Pic Gallery pixelray 13 9 yearsrpetersn (2013): @pixelray - I would not remove that rule. If you recall, this was other custom code that was created for you in response to a different gallery customization you requested in the past. Removing this rule would affect all of your existing gallery layouts at "desktop" sizes.
Shooting Differernt Buildings Szwed87 6 9 yearsfrstbubble (639): Sorry was looking at this post to reference. Posted to wrong on. LOL
Green and Pink Dollhouse manolohk 8 9 years360Verbeelding (352): its not a LED thing, read earlier tpoivs on this. Its a MP processing thing caused by Unity. Upload again and the issue should be cleared. you can contact a MP tec for info but he is going to tell you the same. what it does show is that MP lroseccingbdiem doesn't check their process. So i think its more and more automated. Happy scanning Grtz Rene
Support for ios and workshop? JC3DCX 2 9 yearsLuisBrilanti (31): No it has to be on laptop or desktop.
How would you improve my Matterport Space? BabluN 9 9 yearsBabluN (49): Hi Guys, Sorry, but I was travelling, therefore, the delayed response. The issue was that this model was blotched with colours scattered all over the dollhouse and floor plan, some how, it seems to have fixed itself....and to address the comments, yes, I understand that my trim lines are way too close, but that was cause I was under the impression that they were supposed to be done that way, figured it out a couple of days ago that I was wrong....
Super Slow Uploads BayAreaAdam 8 9 yearsleeverdon (341): Same here folks. I have AT&T GigaPower where my upload speed currently averages around 250Mbps! So it's not a problem on my end. What I do is e-mail Matterport Support and complain and miraculously the upload finishes within a few minutes.
Workshop not launching consistently 3Dwalkmethru 3 9 yearsBayAreaAdam (70): Constantly
Scans Appearing in Wrong Places BayAreaAdam 5 9 yearsJC3DCX (823): I have experienced the same on previous scans, especially with sunlight interfering with the camera's infrared sensing. I just keep a watch on where it place a scan and if wrong delete immediately, move camera closer to previous successful scan and try again.
Newbie issue with stained glass windows glennstockton 3 9 yearsglennstockton (4): Thanks Dan. As doing the scanning required about 3 hours (though I may get faster!) it may be challenging to find a time that both, the Church can be empty and has such stable and better lighting conditions. I noted in doing this that walking around the camera works for most spots, but found that, in such an open space, some scans required long walks to get out of view. Note that the door closing was intentional, and followed the instructions...
Scans show up in wrong room mk4au 15 9 yearsCarlosFHdz (605): Glad it worked out. :beer:
Obj file need some help Wyzlo 12 9 yearsWyzlo (100): @danSmigrod I'm a Real Estate Agent since 2006 my focus is in trying to offer what we can do You know the time in this industry gives you a lot of contact with all related profesional in the Industry. All the possibilities are just by extending my hand the best arquitecs the best Interior designers the best developers. So if we have nothing to offer them (just the tour) I will forget this matter. and offer just what you see is what you...
I can see circles from above Wyzlo 9 9 yearsWyzlo (100): @Mikesobay All floors are connected Where do you see that is not connected?
Scanning the inside and outside of a house sstarkey 15 9 yearsBayAreaAdam (70): @sstarkey ahh, got it, thank you
Camera Connection Drops Trade show Wifi prob VTLV 9 9 yearsVTLV (2910): Matterport is on shirt staff so I don't expect to hear back from them anytime soon. But I just saw Facebook allows 360 Ricoh shots today. Something else to get excited about ;)
More than 200 scans walk360 14 9 yearsBarrieFisherPhoto (34): Thank you 3DscannUK, I know that's a real stretch (1500), and alot of work. I will approach my client with the per floor concept. The only thing is, the builder would like to have the whole building. Maybe I'll have to let him know it's not feasible. I just completed a 250 scan - 15,000 sq ft and all went well. I'm glad to know I can get up to 450 scans (@Jamie, did it try to crash at all, while working?) Has anyone done over 450 scans?
Zillow no longer supporting Matterport? RenderingSpace 11 9 years3Dwalkmethru (289): Home is very beautiful
Blocked in one direct and not the other - mefederau 9 9 yearsjscottsmith (110): I have a similar issue now. How did you decide which scan was the offending one?
Recovering iPad Scans Cabrahams 5 9 yearsWashingtonState360 (40): Fabulous news. Thanks for sharing the resolve. :)
Square Footage Off On Floor Plans, MP Issue? tydowning 7 9 yearsccctucker (160): This was talked about in a thread a long time ago. The scanner isn't designed for fine measurement in inches, but in feet. Most of the things that can alter the number is based on the infrared. If the light is bright, the points are collected at different distances, causing the mesh to take an average of distance over several points. If they are off on both opposite edges, that could double the error rate. I tell people you can measure for...
5 floors on capture app - 4 floors in Space! ArchimedStudio 7 9 yearspixelray (1068): So, mine turned out ok. BUT, it did take 6 levels and turn it into 4 on its own. Weird, but it works.
Broken tile lines on dollhouse view 3Dwalkmethru 6 9 years3Dwalkmethru (289): Thanks Carlos
JohnLScott tour integration DigitalImageries 6 9 yearsDigitalImageries (43): Thanks!
missing 3D tour JCHAFE 3 9 yearsJCHAFE (84): Thanks, I placed a 2 at the end of the name and uploaded again....I wonder what happened to the first one? lost in the
Matterport app closing down after aligning EnvisionedSpaces 8 9 yearsny360east (22): same thing happened to us a few weeks ago. Had to purchase a new ipad. No issues since. unfortunately, u have to start again with a new ipad.
Matterport workshop with macbook htimsabbub23 8 9 yearsgofastpro (49): I have a late 2010 MacBook Air with SSD running tours and workshop in Safari just fine. The fan does run during workshop but no more than it does when I am running video on YouTube.
Walk through now no different from slide sho kenman 5 9 yearsgofastpro (49): Not sure what you are talking about here. The walkthrough is working fine on my models (blue line and all) and I don't know of any other "slideshow" where one can start walking around to different areas like on the Matterport shows and then continue through on your own or hit play to continue on the walkthrough.
schematics not appearing on link sent to us Dalivingston 4 9 yearsDalivingston (4): have to remember not to look for things on the ipad ...duh
Issues with Setting Start Position? CLE3D 6 9 yearsQueen_City_3D (3144): I also can't get unity to load on IE. I often have difficulty with loading it on Chrome as well. So far Firefox has been the one dependable browser for using the workshop.
Highlight Reel Recorded with QT is Jerky Mikesobay 1 9 yearsMikesobay (127): I used QuickTime to record a Highlight Reel - Walkthrough as it moved through the property and found the result was jerky throughout. I'm guessing it has something to do with the frame rates not matching the output of Matterport, but don't know for certain. Has anyone who has had the same issue been able to successfully smooth the movement? Thanks
Full screen mode not working manolohk 20 9 yearsleeverdon (341): I used a presentation software as recommended by someone on this forum called Visme. It's great because you can embed the Matterport code into your presentation. However, I am still not able to see the full screen option. I'm coming across this more frequently lately which is becoming a nuisance. Has anyone else had any issues where the full screen option isn't available?
Need help capturing the properties views AllenThompson 6 9 yearsAllenThompson (4): My Dyslexia set in, this unit faces East. I do understand the concept and am scheduling another time to scan the property that may deliver better results. I will post what I get.
Editing - New Black spots on Windows why? walk360 9 9 yearswalk360 (79): Thanks for your recommendations JonJ and Pirusan! The extra scans we did was to covered some black spaces on the iPad so the Dollhouse will look perfect... yes it took us an extra hour to do those but one of our selling strategies are the dollhouses and we like them to be as close to perfect as possible. Like you both said, at this point I'll be trinng anything I can to make those black holes look better. thanks,
Several Alignment/Stitching Issues thebiggerpicture 8 9 yearsthebiggerpicture (13): All very good points here. Thanks @GarySnyder, @ArchimedStudio, and @danmorell for the feedback. I agree with Matt in terms of attention to detail. With over a decade of experience in print design, branding, web development, and photography, I've learned the details expose strengths and weaknesses. That said, I totally understand the technology is cutting-edge and I'm still getting familiar with maximizing potential and respecting limitations....
Facebook Matterport Users Group VTLV 7 9 yearsVTLV (2910): Thank you for sharing your experience Matt. Facebook seems to be a sensitive space for starters. This experience has shown me to focus on help in forums. Matterport help and support here first and nowhere else before contacting Matterport Tech support. Social Media sites appear to have members looking more for social interaction. When I saw our members contributions getting posted on Facebook. I couldn't help but to get sensitive and not see...
Cannot Add a Collaborator lisahinson 7 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @pirusan yes (And, yes. Makes no sense.) Dan
Can I empty a room? overview 3 9 yearsoverview (4): I was hoping for a solution that works within the current MP farmework. Has anyone tried trimming inwards?
Time Saver Tip!!! How to Move Many Scans judysmithre 6 9 yearscraigsauer (1078): The Capture App and Matterport processing actually don't care if you do all the scans on one floor. But it makes a mess of the floorplan sketch view on the Capture app if you do it.
Upload Times pixelray 6 9 yearspixelray (1068): .25 MBPS upload speed - that's the problem. Not sure why it's this bad. Will have to call SP. Last time I checked that speed, it was close to 3 to 4. Sorry to bother with this - should have checked that first. It took 3 hours on one and the other is still uploading. Carlos I will look up how to do what you are suggesting. Thanks
Workshop Failed to Load (for specific model) Queen_City_3D 8 9 yearsPetraSoderling (752): Hmm.. weird. The Workshop icon has changed for me and instead of the green/blue color box that says 'Workshop' it is now showing one or more screenshots from a room. This happens with all of my customer accounts right now. I've emailed MP, hope to hear from them soon.
Updating a Tour BestViewImaging 4 9 yearsron0987 (3466): Like both Jamie and Dan have pointed out it may take some time, I have gone in an added a few scans and they have immediately taken, I have had a few where I had to scan several times from different Heights or positions to get it to take. Good luck Ron
Pro Camera image quality problem yguo 17 9 yearsgofastpro (49): @RGO I haven't had any problems on Safari (desktop or mobile) and I use it daily. hmmm Can you forward a copy of the link and I will test it on this side for you?
My order for Matterport 3D camera RossCo 10 9 yearsdanmorell (74): Hi Candy4Me, 3 days is great. About a month ago it was 7 - 10 days.
LED and Florescent lighting effect on MP yoon2366 3 9 yearsyoon2366 (61): Thank you for your advice, Gary. I really appreciate it.
Problem, Next floor Would not Align judysmithre 5 9 yearsHarlanHambright (2133): Are you SURE you had moved the capture app back to the first floor? I had that issue once. And sometimes I scan, create a new level and scan again w/o moving the camera.
Blacked out Area / Upload hung up processing stevenp92 6 9 yearsstevenp92 (1): We were able to reach tech support so with sand blasted windows I guess the glass shoots light everywhere and confuses the camera which is why those areas were black as for the hang time they are having a technical glitch on their end thank you for all your help anyway Maria really appreciate the support.
Seemingly long upload ? ScanMan 2 9 yearslisahinson (785): The same thing happened to me on one last week with very few scans - It finally showed up. Yours probably will too!
"Failed" models Property3dNZ 12 9 yearsMaria (106): I was reading up on your problem and found a thread that may be of interest. Have you tried duplicating the scan on the capture app and uploading the duplicate for processing?
Error 504 iGor 1 9 yearsiGor (4): Removing the object collided with an error 504. This error does not allow for the film to pass into the next room, not allowing previous layers to stick together with the new. Tell me in what cases the error 504 occurs. And if there FAQ a description of all the errors that occur, please throw off a reference to it.
Suggestions to fix this please... pixelray 21 9 yearspixelray (1068): FIXED!! It was a combination of what Cabrahams and Harlan suggested. Thanks guys! I moved the mirror out further on the chiffonier and I marked the fireplace as a mirror due to it's reflection and it worked! YES! Thank you guys!
Trouble Scanning Townhouse mallir 4 9 yearsQueen_City_3D (3144): Only way I know would be to scan an exterior pathway leading from the one area to the other... You wouldn't be able to do it in direct sunlight though.
10,000 sq ft + Job Cole 11 9 yearsStevenHattan (1513): No, I was not able to even SEE the master bedroom or 2nd bedroom.
What I miss with Matterport/Workshop KPunsvik 4 9 yearsQueen_City_3D (3144): @KPunsvik If I understand your concern correctly about "* “How to navigate”-pop-up disappears when enabling walkthrough.", there's an easy fix for that.... For that, you can customize your code as follows: ----------------------------------------------------------- Always show, or always hide, navigation help The help screen will display the first time a Matterport user loads a model. To ALWAYS show help, add the &help=1...
Misalignment franmts 7 9 yearsCarlosFHdz (605): That is possible. I think you should send it to Matterport support so this can be analyzed and learned from so they can show how to prevent this in the future.
Powered by...... Alticon 5 9 yearskenangiguere (46): You can add a new "cover image" which shows up before you hit play, which is what wp3models and other providers do, but once you hit that play button it will load the actual Matterport tour and the typical Matterport logo will display. That is the part you cannot remove. A cover image can be manually created several ways with CSS overlayed images. A play button, and logo placed over the Matterport tour thumbnail for instance. Upon... Down? EricThomas 6 9 yearsStevenHattan (1513): I had an issue yesterday.
Moiré-Artefacts on outdoor scan KPunsvik 3 9 yearsKPunsvik (41): I have not seen the moiré effect on inside scans, but I imagine it is there, but not as visible as on outside scans. I thought it would be easy to remove this artefact with a built-in filter. So it seems that Matterport team has not integrated this filter in their camera. The artefact is not a big deal for me personally (or my customers), but it would be nice if it would be fixed in post.
Scanning a Concert Venue virtuallytheredfw 3 9 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): If you find a good hiding spot, you can see the next concert for free!
Is Matterport working with Google Maps? VTLV 7 9 yearsGarySnyder (2143): @VTLV This is a repeat to what I wrote in the link which Dan has been so kind to include in this section but I'll go over a few of the points to consider as well as add some additional if you're considering shooting for Google. As a former Google Trusted Photographer that is or was the status you needed to achieve to shoot and produce Business View (BV) for Google. the process is very time consuming, that is not the actual photography but the...
Issues with recent scan THRHHI 7 9 yearsTHRHHI (292): Thsnks for looking at it Gary, Typically i shoot the whole living room and them open the door, scan and then move into the porch and scan and have not had any problems. Have never had an issue with the front door, although i always start with it open and then close it when I am 2 or 3 scans away. At this point even more perplexed as to why i can move through marked windows
Ticking noise while scanning? 3dHouseScan 12 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @Bill Seems like a great opportunity for Matterport to surprise and delight with a loaner program: especially because we are all the early adapters / key influencers. I can not even imagine being without the Camera for 2-4 weeks. I recall that happened to you when you needed the Camera re-calibrated. Enjoy your weekend. We're expecting 12-18 inches of snow Saturday in NYC and wind gusts up to 55 mph. I am glad I flew in early for Inman...
Scan Glitch niagrealtygroup 13 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @niagrealtygroup That's great news. Glad the challenge was identified and puzzle solved. It's a good example about the importance of marking mirrors. Best, Dan
Server Problems? ArchimedStudio 4 9 yearsArchimedStudio (714): Thanks @Shane ! It was a long shot... I had problems with my account during the holidays, and had to create a new one in emergency. I've been using the second one ever since. Apparently, Matterport decided the new temporary one was due and disabled it. Good thing Matterport support works on Sundays! After resetting my first account, I was able to log in, and weirdly enough, all scans now work fine. @Jamie ... I use IE. When I couldn't open...
Swimming Pool Scan, help needed Conor 16 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @Conor One of the "wish list for 3D Showcase" Forum thread post that we shared with Matterport is the option to disable the dollhouse and/or floor plan views. Would this feature request be helpful to you with this model, if it was an option? Dan
Legal protection justinS Jump to first page31Jump to last page 9 yearscswartz (98): Hi Jamie, I would like to get a copy if possible. Thanks!
Issues in showcase PieroBortolot 12 9 yearsandreabortolot (199): @vincent @HarlanHambright Thanks a lot! Now I know the trick... Merry Christmas
Scan button does not light or work dphi 5 9 yearsShawen (37): Your problem was the date. So here is what happens. The Camera acts as the WiFi access point and hands out IP addresses to any device that connects. This connection procedure does not care about the dates on either device. Here comes the problem, The iPad connects to the camera via HTTPS. Even if you try and connect to port 80 you are automatically forwarded on to port 443 for a secure connection. When the date on the client system, in this case...
Crazy Shoot / Crazy Solution Metroplex360 4 9 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): Tosolini - Thanks for posting the link to that thread. I read it and it was VERY interesting. I will say, the method I used relied on being able to run around with the Matterport and look VERY silly. I imagine in the church that you shot, running outside and back in would have been IMPOSSIBLE.
Unity works, showcase no walking in bedroom seanminor 4 9 yearsseanminor (40): Thanks Carlos for you insight. I went back to the home and rescanned about 4 locations with the door open and now everything is right as rain. We had to lock the cats up in that room and scan the room last. My gut was telling me to do a few more scans further away with the door open and then move closer and through the doorway, but my ego got in the way. I thought I could accomplish with only two scans with door open. Great lesson though. Thanks
Custom Floor Names sshannon 4 9 yearspmjacoby (28): It's possible to change the names of the floors in Workshop Classic by just clicking on the floor name in the list of scans and typing a new name in. I tried doing the same in in the new version of Workshop and couldn't. Perhaps there's another way to do it in the new Workshop?
My Matterport is Down GarySnyder 9 9 yearsGarySnyder (2143): Seems to be working now. Not sure what happen. Thanks all for your quick response :) All the best Gary
Highlight real - Blue line & Speed mefederau 8 9 yearsShane (91): @mikeE I'm with you, it is unnecessarily complicated to get between floors especially stairs with landings that turn around 180 degrees. Bring on a take me up - down function.
messed up playback on android? Dennis_N 4 9 yearsDennis_N (91): It seems like Firefox for Android has an issue with it. It blacks out after a few clicks (screen goes black except for the buttons), and soon after it crashes.
How to connect 2 apartment homes in 1 model JCHAFE 7 9 yearspheller (91): I did a house with a detached guest house. We just did two scans and used WP3D to build a landing page. Here is the link: Be sure to scroll down.
Missing Room in Dolls House Noel 4 9 yearsron0987 (3466): On your Ipad did you use the trim tool, I have seen this when the trim tool was not complete and or not used appropriately. I also saw that when you went outside it was extremely bright which does not work good with this system. I also saw you could not come in from the outside on the patio, was the sliding glass door ever shut? But back to the original issue, you usually see the missing rooms when you do multiple floors and trim tool not...
Image missalignment artifact Dennis_N 5 9 yearsJamie (2037): Or the quick release bracket (if you have one)
Scans that are permanently on the cloud? Dennis_N 3 9 yearsDennis_N (91): Thanks for the suggestion. I'll give that a try.
Blackout RenderingSpace 9 9 yearsgofastpro (49): My clients were both using broadband - one at home (connected to provider by home wifi)the other at their office; they were not going through a mobile provider. I sent a write-up to support yesterday and will post any response I get back today.
Slow camera connection geoffllerena 5 9 yearsgeoffllerena (7): Yes I tried too. Someone's answer on Facebook that makes sense too: Michael said: "Most likely there was a high 2.4GHz traffic in that place and when Matterport device opened its access point (AP), negotiated a slow transfer channel with the neighboring APs. Why? Well, that's how 802.11x standards are written. The bandwidth is limited, the more members, the slow it gets. What to do? restart the camera to give it another run of the...
Rectangular Gray Patch Grant 2 9 yearsJamie (2037): Yep I had the same problem once. The black area would move around. I assumed it was sunlight related but never found out what caused it
Glass walls and partitions. chdsi80 2 9 yearsGarySnyder (2143): You need to mark-up the glass walls as windows otherwise you can walk right through the walls to any spot that you've shot a scan as the camera thinks it a clear approach. Make sure that you leave the door open into each office otherwise you won't be able to enter the office. I would suggest marking up the glass wall as you shoot the office complex. This will help the camera align each scan correctly.
How do you compete with Google? tradetickers 6 9 yearstradetickers (10): Matterport may get bought out by google at this rate
Floors too bright? Glare causes issues! Jake 6 9 yearsUnrealerAleksi (49): We've had issues with sun light all the time. We are quite up north, so in the winter sun is low and really makes it difficult to scan some rooms, if there are no blinds. Does anybody have any ideas how to handle the situation, except for planning the time of the scan etc.? We were thinking about getting some type of canvas/sticker with suction cups etc. to place on the windows, to be able to "capture the dollhouse" when there are no...
Get default background image JacobClausen 7 9 yearsrpetersn (2013): Hey @mikeE... No, WP3D doesn't currently obscure/obfuscate/hide/etc any of the URL data. One could potentially try to do some of that using Javascript or something, but any decent developer would be able to see through it using a modern browser's debugging tools. I suppose there's a bit of "security through obscurity" you might gain....but not sure how much it'd be worth it. Are you having a problem with people...
Scanning 2 levels with no interior stairs markmc90 7 9 yearsJamie (2037): No to combining later unfortunately. Hope it worked out
Errors floor Max_Sodomovskiy 6 9 years3DVUE (40): supposedly the fix for this is coming in two weeks.
invisible doors Showcas3D 7 9 yearsmikeE (34): I think the trick the distance at which you transition.
Why was a new Floor Created?? KenBanks 4 9 yearsKenBanks (19): @Daniel1977 There are only physically 3 floors in the house. However in the showcase model, over on the bottom right where you can select the floors, the software created 4 floors for some reason. Standing out on the patio is floor 1, then a step inside the basement is now listed as floor 2. That should all be Floor 1. I had this issue once before but there was an obvious bad scan. I don't really notice anything strange in this model.
Cant move from inside to outside area ? Gerhard 11 9 yearsGerhard (1484): Hi Gents, Thank you it worked. Have a great weekend.
App Bug / Alignment Bug / Wifi Bug Richard 2 9 yearscdpmedia (52): Richard, Sorry I cant help resolve any of your technical questions. But your entry brings forward serious concerns I have with MP. Foremost, How is it that you have to turn to a forum to resolve this unresolved problem. How is it that the company that sold you the $4500 camera and the hefty processing and monthly fees hasnt jumped to attention to sort it out? And my even bigger concern is how could a well established user like you with...
Odd problems in workshop mode only childert 4 9 yearsWalkVirtually (4): I agree it's challenging and not time effective. I've done 2 shoots on the same yacht-a catamaran. When you're up in the captains area which is 2nd level, you're zoomed down to the head. I don't think that's what the Captain wants to portray! I do have to say with the challenges, we're certainly getting all of future obstacles out of the way.
Extreme lag time today - anyone else? pixelray 5 9 yearspixelray (1068): Update - thanks for all your input. I spent an hour on phone with MP support - great team there btw - he concluded that my scanning problem and taking so long for the transfer/connecting to camera to complete it's process had to do with some type of wifi interference in the building. I was in a high rise apartment building. There were 100's of wifi connections within this building. I am not a "techie", but I guess that seems to be...
Opening the 3D Showcase within a mobile app. tejas_mithapelli 6 9 yearsfranmts (181): Any good news here Tejas? Best.
Zillow Aghachi101 3 9 yearsinna (1): I see some people starting to chime in please keep this going.
overlapping rooms in preview qmutton 11 9 yearsPieroBortolot (230): Hi guys, I made this work in 2 separate times In the Capture App it was created an overlapping in a room, as shown in the picture As you can see from the images, result two doors between the two rooms, in the floorplan and in the dollhouse In the showcase I can't go through the door and I can't go from room to room and the rings are on the wall What should I do to fix this? (in the same palace, on 2nd floor I had another overlapping...
Can't get through the door THRHHI 4 9 yearsTHRHHI (292): Thanks Jesse, That is exactly what I did. I left the opening for the door on the first floor but on the second floor I marked the windows across the whole wall as they appear. Obviously it did take it all the way down to the first floor. Made the change, re-uploaded and it worked perfectly. Thanks for your time and expertise. Tom
Sky Light problems DigitalImageries 7 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @DigitalImageries In your Capture workflow, when you have direct sunlight, do that space later in the shoot (as described by @ccctucker). When that's not possible - shooting a stairwell that has a skylight, for example – that you need to shoot to get to the next floor, shoot the stairwell anyway. Then, during the same shoot, return to the stair well to re-scan. In 3D Workshop, disable the original scans. Dan
"Camera not stable" on almost every scan pixelray 18 9 yearsHarlanHambright (2133): I use a 2 axis bubble level i bought back in the 1980s that i used for my Globuscope. it is screwed to the matter port and the quick release plate screws to it. Anyone in the market for a non-functioning Globuscope?
Bug Max_Sodomovskiy 2 9 yearsJohnBecker (391): Max, this is a known issue. I've been experiencing this problem for almost 2 months now. They're working on it, but the fix is complicated by the impending update for iOS. They want to make sure whatever they do to fix the problem won't be broken by the new iOS version. So we'll have to wait a bit longer. The good news is that the erroneous location of the blue dot, while troubling, will not affect your model. If the scan aligns, you're ok.
Zillow virtual tour are not featured anymore inna 2 10 yearsCathieRasch (115): Inna, I don't know but I hope that they do, I just got my camera and would love to use that button! How else are you marketing your Matterport, both with buyers and sellers. I am working on my marketing plan and would love to corroborate if you're interested.
Download Screen Capture Errors Queen_City_3D 11 10 yearsrpetersn (2013): Hey Dan... Where would the static text come this something unique you'd want to enter/set for yourself? Or, could it use the name of the model? Something like this could be possible...but it'd be a bit more work on my end. Maybe we can put a bounty on this for me to put some more time into it? I'd be willing to continue to cover the hosting cost.
Help: Overlay on Floorplan.Pictures attached Grant 7 10 yearsccctucker (160): Is the top floor a loft that may overlook the maim floor? If so, you would just move the cutoff lines around the portion of the scan that you want on the main floor. Another thing is to complete the trim lines around the entire floor, it looks like you only covered windows, and mirrors. That will also help clean up stray points that appear in the dollhouse mode. I will normally put a complete box around it. See example ...
Scanned area completely black EricThomas 9 10 yearsEricThomas (175): I did not submit a ticket to Matterport....Once i deleted those scans and started over it was fine. I was reaching out to this community to see if others had the same issue, and if I should be concerned long term about it.
Doors that must be opened/closed pixelray 6 10 yearspixelray (1068): awesome. thanks Jamie. This has been driving me crazy.
Door Issues (URGENT) 3DListings 7 10 yearsCarlosFHdz (605): 3Dlistings, deleting a scan and uploading is different than disabling because of what Dan said, it changes the mesh and will chenage the ability to walk through places.
Consumer Trouble Shooting Guide Queen_City_3D 11 10 yearsRenderingSpace (607): @Queen_City_3D Just noticed that that you posted more on that thread and have had the same problem.
Checklist for seller? justinS 3 10 yearsJerry_D (31): That would be nice, to have a checklist to send to sellers prior to the scan appointment.
Advice for re-scanning craigsauer 12 10 yearsRobV (25): Thanks Guys... Rob
Rats! WebGL hit a snag. RenderingSpace 11 10 yearsQueen_City_3D (3144): I also had an real estate agent's assistant not be able to open the link on Firefox or Chrome. This was the screenshot she sent. Browsers are supposedly the most recent. If it got passed this page at all it was just a black screen with the walkthrough, dollhouse and floorplan icons, but no model. The agent was concerned that...
Basement merged with Main Floor? Jake 5 10 yearsJake (49): Thanks for the input guys. I received this response from Matterport: Each time you upload a model, a new model is created in your portal account. The good news is the re-uploads of existing models do not count against your monthly plan. A little insight into the multi floor feature, the software which determines how to display the levels does not actually use the level designations you assign during the scanning process, (those are...
Posting on Facebook - Download File? 3dHouseScan 20 10 years3dHouseScan (52): Update from Matterport: I contacted matterport about this (before it was resolved) and here is their reply. "Hello Aya, Good news: this should be fixed by the end of the day. Facebook has a bug, which we've launched a work-around to address. That is currently propagating through the various servers, hence the delay in seeing the update. I'd suggest trying a fresh Facebook post in 2 hours, and letting me know if that works!" So...
What's the average processing time? CarlosFHdz 11 10 years3dHouseScan (52): UPDATE: After 12 hours of processing and emailing/calling Matterport, my model is complete! Weird part is, I didn't receive an email saying that the model is ready to view. Oh well. When it doubt, reach out.. to Matterport.
Problems with clients opening showcase link childert 10 10 yearscraigsauer (1078): Yes, that's right. This is the link I gave my client for my most recent scan for the MLS: Craig
Android issues? AltitudeCinematic 6 10 yearsJacques (98): I do alse have the problem on my : - Tablet (Galaxy Note 10'' 2014 Edition) Android "customized/provided by Samsung" However I have no problem on my : - Phone (Galaxy S3) Android "Cyanogen Mod" (flashed by myself) From my very short experience, it seems that Samsung put something in it's Android customization that prevents Matterport Showcase to work as expected... Jacques
Support Multi-language for 3D Showcase vrealstudio 2 10 yearsGweb (7): Hi vrealstudio, I agree that Matterport's lack of multi-lingual support is a frustrating problem. If you're displaying your models on a website running WordPress, one solution is to use our Matterport WordPress plugin called WP3D Models. One of its many cool features is that it's "internationalized." This means it can be quickly translated into any non-English language. We're currently running an introductory discount for the...
3D Workshop Not Working in Google Chrome? CKC 10 10 yearsdavidpylyp (178): wow Glenda Thank you Have been struggling with this for a few weeks Thank you!
Threat to Matterport Users? Queen_City_3D 8 10 yearsTosolini (4359): If I were Matterport, I'd focus on the magic of their software. The writing is on the walls that the hardware is not going to be a big differentiator in the future, and prices are coming down. I think they are smart embracing threats like Google Project Tango, which allows you to scan a room in 3D using a simple device. The quality might not be there yet, but it's a matter of time that everybody will be able to do basic scans with their tablets...
Scan problem. 2500sq.m Andrew 5 10 yearsAndrew (224): Hi everyone! Ipad Air2 fixed my problem :) (as @DanSmigrod said). So, the result of my first matterport experience is here: I will be glad to hear advices, criticism and recommendations. Andrew
Failed to Generate from Scan NoRC 15 10 yearsNoRC (16): Well thought I would post an update, I sent Matterport an email about the issue. They duplicated the job 4 times, of that 2 actually rendered out and are now available while 2 others failed. So at least the issue is their end and not the upload/shoot. Will post more as I find out.
Scanpoint problems JulianHowardCT 15 10 yearsHomeBaseTeam (10): I had this problem 2jobs ago! i couldn't get into the Master Bedroom and my scan would 'sink' like the picture. it looked like an invisible wall. i went back and re-shot the Master, deleting all the old scans in that room and reloaded it, and same problem. Finally i realized, the third floor had a loft area that was shorter than the back-wall of the house (bc it had a rooftop patio)so i had a window marking right above the Master entrance. even...
Changing Floors by MP Rik 4 10 yearsNoRC (16): Has there been any progress on this? I ask as we have the same issue, level 1 & 2 are mixed together along with the ground floor. No matter how we group the scans in the app the process is the same. You can see it and the other oddities in this URL.
Insurance for Camera Queen_City_3D 4 10 yearsdavidpylyp (178): Just secured a rider under my home insurance policy for a camera with serial number Cost me 110 per year for damage, drop, theft well worth it
problems with scans PieroBortolot 20 10 yearsPieroBortolot (230): Hi guys, I rescanned the abbey and now the SC works good I deleted the old scans where there was the problems and add new scan The blue stains disappeared and I can go through the door between the 2 little rooms (2nd floor) Problem solved here the SC clickable text
Problem with scan Jennifer 3 10 yearscrullier (16): Good info ladies.
Potential Issue with iOS 8.4 + Capture 2.1.2 DanSmigrod 6 10 yearsJohnBecker (391): I updated my iPad Air 2 yesterday and had no problems. Did a successful scan today.
Do deleted scans count to upload scan total? Queen_City_3D 11 10 yearsJamie (2037): Yep. You could re-upload 99 or 110 and not be charged. On that note, if you trim a duplicate 110 to 99 and upload, you will be charged for 1. If you then upload the 110 after, they charge you an additional 1 (2 in total) That's from experience :( and it was 103
Camera Placement versus alignment/stitching DanSmigrod 4 10 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @CKC Wow! Thank you for this update about the firmware update. I imagine that the MP team will want to get this fixed pronto. Glad you helped them identify this ... Dan
MP Models failing to load on iphones Rentertainment 7 10 yearsfalconshakka (68): interesting ...I was pretty sure in could be a memory problem but if your saying its still crashing I have an iphone 5S and I haven't had any problems with it sorry man I cant think of anything else
Issues with Samsung phones pattimurray 2 10 yearsJamie (2037): I have a note 4 and it works ok I just saw it load on an edge the other day using Chrome
Gov agencies requiring secure MP Model Links Rentertainment 7 10 yearsDoyleRealtor (534): Have you considered Toursler? There has to be a way to keep the content private. It has been a concern for a few homeowners we've shot for already, but we were able to just delete the scans of areas of concern like offices, closets etc. The public not wanting their private residences completely mapped is a legitimate concern. Most of the homes we've been doing are vacant, but we already present it as an option. In most cases the pros will out...
Help! 21,000 sf model; 197 Scans Crashes my iPad Max_Sodomovskiy 3 10 yearsVizocube (28): Max I uploaded model for galaxy note 4. No problem ... as the scan is large enough it can be loaded for a long time , depending on the Internet speed. We had a scan of a shopping center that's three makes sence sometimes to split them up. You can copy the model in capture app and delete one of the levels and re upload. Matterport suggested for us to make sure that we are running updated capture app and also most recent updated I pad...
MP Capture App Kept Crashing Out GarySnyder 10 10 yearsGarySnyder (2143): Update from Bob at MP support Hello Gary, I suspect you have already heard this through the grapevine but since it had been a few days since we chatted thought i would update you directly. While there continues to be investigation into the cause of this issue, there is some indication that it is memory related. Engineering is currently working on some improvements in this area which will likely make their way into the next release of the...
Black Spaces showing up on clients browser MikeRosenhahn 9 10 yearsMikeRosenhahn (19): Thank you guys for all your help! I passed all this information off to my client and it was something to do with their computer (I'm just not sure exactly what it was yet). You guys are great! Thanks for taking the time to help out.
Camera Refused to See Any Additional Scans GarySnyder Jump to first page39Jump to last page 10 yearsGarySnyder (2143): UPDATE: Just finished a job that took 290 scans to complete 197 scans. The same problem cropped up several time again. Thanks goodness I knew what to look out for this time or I would have bee screwed In so far as the new update which I had uploaded before the shoot it did no good so everyone please be aware if scans go missing look at your entire mini-map and I'm sure you will find the missing scan. Then delete the scan and move closed to the...
Why You Do Not Want to Delete 3D Models DanSmigrod 11 10 yearsCKC (85): Those are very very good points, thanks Dan!
Do You Need WiFi to Scan a Remote Location? CKC 13 10 yearsJamie (2037): I think the aliens on the far side of the moon might take the camera and reverse engineer it. Hey maybe that's a good thing, we can have our upgrades then
Link on facebook Canada 3 10 yearsTim (355): Check the ad for Facebook solutions
Client complaint (when using older PCs) craigsauer 8 10 yearscraigsauer (1078): @alex3D I just checked it again, and now I can't get through. Weird! Last time I checked I went through no problem, with the only weird thing being a brief flash of black screen as I went through it. (And that property you linked to isn't mine, although it's pretty cool!)
Embed the showcase asset into Facebook? Canada 2 10 yearscraigsauer (1078): There are several threads here about this issue, which you can find by using the search funcion here. There's no straightforward way to get it to work, but workarounds have been found. 1. You can create a subpage on your own business page for the property and include some nice stills in a gallery, and then have your clients use the link to that page instead of the direct link. The upside is that you get publicity to your site. 2. If you...
First Complete Test Scan 5000+ sq ft EscapeVelocity 2 10 yearsEscapeVelocity (25): Support responded that there's a bug in the trim tool. Engineering is going to look into the tearing issue.
25,000 sq/ft TrueSpaces 8 10 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @TripleSpaced Wow! I wonder if 25,000 sf is the record. I recently created this 16,000 sf model with 212 scans. (I probably shot nearly 400 scans; duplicated the model then deleted until I was at about 280 scans and then deactivated scans until I was at 212. I had managed our client's expectations that we might need to deliver as two separate models since officially Matterport supports up to 10,000 sf and update 200 scans. Plus, manage...
Dollhouse Levels grantmuller 11 10 yearsgrantmuller (31): NICE!
Issues with the new capture update Jamie 16 10 yearsTim (355): Looks like a textbook lighting issue for the sink, the scan processes shiny metallic objects as if they weren't there. I'm up at the moment so feel free to call me if you'd like to discuss further.
Changes to Glenda 12 10 yearsSourxstar (31): same email here too...looks like we might get it fixed
Workshop 2 Bugs (and Work-Around)+ Problem DanSmigrod 9 10 yearsTim (355): Yep, had done before this post. Cheers