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'Problems' Topics
Title | Author | Posts | Last Post |
Do NOT update to the latest version of WP3D | lilnitsch | 4 | 6 monthslilnitsch (5800): @GlennTremain I am just glad I have back-ups of my site |
Pro2 unbalanced as spinning | Randiesel24 | 4 | 8 monthsDigitalReplica3D (191): @matterfix is a Matterport repair company. He’s been helpful to many in this forum. |
Matterport Pro3 slow to align scans when scanning: Help? | Noddy | 17 | 9 monthsSdoughtie (567): I like living on the edge! |
Matterport charged me for the free E57s/Matterpaks in the Accelerator Kit | ron0987 | 2 | 1 yearGlennTremain (2941): @ron0987 good luck |
can you replace a google street view if client orders it? | GlennTremain | 8 | 1 yearGlennTremain (2941): @Wingman yes street car view. I was told that we can but I'll send details once we try it |
error when trying to log in to | Help? | sese | 3 | 1 yearsese (45): Hi Dan, I'm using the same one "" as you can see in the picture. Happy New Year! Sesé |
Matterport not processing images [Saturday, 2 December 2023] | rzphotoman | 10 | 1 yearlilnitsch (5800): Snapshot link just appeared in my inbox this morning |
My client has raised concerns over the ceilings being blurry: Solution? | Taoiseach_7 | 7 | 1 yearShawn_P (304): @Queen_City_3D my thoughts exactly. However not sure how that would be received lol! |
Treedis Help? | Matterfan | 4 | 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @Matterfan You are welcome to share Matterport + Treedis info, ideas and experiences in the WGAN Forum. Dan |
Matterport Capture App + iPad Pro touch screen Problems? | Harrycayman | 14 | 2 yearsHarrycayman (439): I tried the app and still same problem |
I am unable to edit spaces in Matterport. You? (5:45 pm ET 10 April 2023) | Jrphoto | 3 | 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): That's great news. Thanks for letting us know. Dan |
Warning: Matterport Pro3 Camera | A HEX Nut May Need to be Tightened | DanSmigrod | 2 | 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): WGAN Forum discussions tagged: Pro3 | Pro3 Problems |
Moving Icon Badges around in 360 shots added to Matterport tours? | Flashcutter | 10 | 2 yearsFlashcutter (80): That’s a great suggestion. Thank you….will try that. |
Tipped my Pro3 over and it hit the ground: now what??! | RobertGalletta | 21 | 2 yearsRobertGalletta (67): Thank you |
Video: How to add a contact form to your client's 3D tour | Carson | 5 | 2 yearsRealtyMediaMx (105): Hi @tosch, why there's no pricing on your web? |
Check Your Account Credit/Debit Cards for classic plan | KfromPoland | 3 | 3 yearsKfromPoland (117): Yes I use Debid Card since 2017. It 's Visa. Did you have Visa as well or mastercard? |
How to apply Matterport lab paints to the original scan and save it? | nvarkawan | 2 | 3 yearsWingman (4408): I think it is a lab thing meaning you can play with it testing it but you cannot save it. |
Help please: trouble uploading a Matterport model | Laserpro3532 | 4 | 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @Laserpro3532 Great. Enjoy your weekend. Dan |
MATTERTAGS: Why aren't you using them? | Carson | 6 | 3 yearsMeshImages (3029): @tosch Great example, this looks very good! I also like the persistent shopping cart :cool: |
Can't upload models due to connectivity issues. You? | pguerreiro | 3 | 3 yearspguerreiro (112): @GETMYVR Thanks my friend. It worked! |
Integrating a video wall with the Matterport SDK | tristan | 11 | 3 yearstristan (10): Thanks for your help, I'm going to build video walls natively using the SDK bundle. |
🚨Matterport Yacht Scan problems: can you help? 🚨 | skyload300 | 16 | 3 yearsSdoughtie (567): @Wingman I’m just thankful that I noticed the cause. I’d much rather go the self help route. Now we know… |
Urgent: Matterport Server error code 3???!! | Jrphoto | 6 | 3 yearsJrphoto (50): @GETMYVR Just did that and it worked! Thanks for your help. |
Adding audio/titles to a published 3DVista interactive 360° video | BigSwifty | 2 | 3 yearsPau (58): Try this and see if it works for you clickable text |
Scanning issues with Matterport Pro2 Camera: Noise/Will Not Align | Rebecca936 | 9 | 3 yearsRebecca936 (10): @MatterFix Thank you! I truly appreciate all your help. |
Urgent - Matterport 3D scanning - Quality problem on some scans | Matija | 23 | 3 yearsMatija (20): Sure, if there will be any, as still no answer from them. |
Help please: Crazy misalignment lately in capture app | pixelray | 11 | 3 yearsVTLV (2910): |
How to Stop Unstable camera Scans with Tripod? | Harrycayman | 8 | 3 yearsHarrycayman (439): Cool keep me posted Thank you |
Download My Original Matterport Scans | SNFmarkerting | 15 | 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @ThinkLab Just emailed the promo code to you. Is this a helpful tool for you? Dan |
Urgent: Matterport Capture app won’t start up? [In the midst of scanning] | NC3D | 5 | 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @NC3D That's great news! Thanks for sharing how you solved the puzzle. Best, Dan |
Matterport newbie, help please. | kimhyunho | 4 | 3 yearsWingman (4408): I have answered in another topic Dan has created for you. Please have a look there. |
URGENT: Capture App says ‘Waiting’- Onsite! Need Help (Please)! | mk4au | 6 | 3 yearsmk4au (58): BTW, it was the app that updated, the scanner still needs to update, but that will happen tonight 😳 😁 |
Matterport BLUR BRUSH - Yay or Nay? | GETMYVR | 5 | 3 yearsGETMYVR (1940): @Dataventurer Excellent - that was all it took. Have a great week! I knew I could count on the WGAN community. |
Is there a way to fix Two Matterport Models (that should be one Model)? | NC3D | 5 | 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @NC3D Please let us know how long it takes to get this fixed: Thanks, Dan |
Strange Matterport scan point placements | NC3D | 5 | 4 yearslilnitsch (5800): @MatterFix Playing with camera height can also help when a scan position is being difficult |
360 View markers showing up randomly: Has anyone experienced this? | NC3D | 2 | 4 yearsSkeeter (425): Thats always been an issue. You can drag them around and see where the line goes in the floor plan. |
Hallway Matterport Scan issues | NC3D | 6 | 4 yearsNC3D (119): Ah I see. Thanks so much guys. |
Is this a Heat Alert Symbol on Ricoh Theta Z1? (it was 91-degrees outside) | tmroberts | 2 | 4 yearstrueview360s (117): Yep. When I left it in a hot car... |
Need help! Matterport scanning issue | Amphotos | 3 | 4 yearsJuMP (2031): @Amphotos Please provide the showcase link here, so that we can know the problem in detail and maybe we can help you out. |
Ex-Matterport tech person to consult with? | Noddy | 3 | 4 yearsNoddy (432): @ Axis360Media, Thanks for your input, We are using all Pro2 cameras though. |
GPS controlled location data in 3DVista pano tour? | tuxdidge | 7 | 4 yearstuxdidge (11): BTW: 3DVista answered: Yes, it´s on our To-do list for 2021 :) GREAT!!!! |
Matterport Not Paying For Contracted Services | woodallt | 2 | 4 years3SixtyNow (484): I've had that problem with Matterport before. The late fees I had to charge almost ended up as much as the job itself. |
Facebook photo uploading issue | rzphotoman | 3 | 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): Blog (4 February 2021) Facebook 360 photo not working? How to post 360 photo on Facebook in 2021 |
Removal of two scans from Matterport tour? Other solutions? | Shawn_P | 12 | 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @lilnitsch @Home3D Ha! Too funny! Happens to all of us! Dan |
Problems hiding floors in a model | sese | 5 | 4 yearstoddwaddington (541): Cool, @sese! I learned something new. Thanks! |
MC250 exposure / seam issue + advice? | picture_this | 5 | 4 yearspicture_this (22): Thanks Wingman- appreciate the confirmation! |
Yellow Virtual tour | htimsabbub23 | 6 | 4 yearslilnitsch (5800): This was early in the beta testing of the Z1 within the Matterport ecosystem |
Yikes! Lost Matterport Floor Scans (one of two floors): How to Find? | BrokerBruce | 2 | 4 yearsCrazeVR (58): Things like this make me nervous about using matterport a great name a lot of flaws. |
What is this blurry area in my model? | johnwheatley | 5 | 4 yearsGETMYVR (1940): What do you expect for posting bare naked walls! |
Matterport site not performing today | Home3D | 3 | 4 yearsGETMYVR (1940): @Home3D are you hooked up into the backbone? Those speeds are crazy. |
Not uploading from Matterport Capture app | Harrycayman | 3 | 5 yearsHarrycayman (439): Yes. It uploaded 3 times. Two of those said zero and then I re booted iPad |
My Matterport model is three floors; it should be two floors. Help Please! | filinto | 9 | 5 yearsBenAdgie (85): Apologies, I was confused with a different thread on the camera detail. |
Cookies popping up with Mattertags | Alex77 | 3 | 5 yearsAlex77 (50): @CharlesHH Thank you Charles, I'll forward your reply to my client! Bests. :) |
Is there a problem with Matterport URL parameters working? | craigsauer | 6 | 5 yearsGhagendorf (378): Yesterday I coded a url to start automatically and it didn’t work. |
360 photo not part of model upload | BobbyG | 4 | 5 yearslilnitsch (5800): @BobbyG Not a problem |
Help please with large scale models: scanning techniques? gear? | BobbyG | 14 | 5 yearsBobbyG (50): Just ran out of film with my brand new camera Pro2. Scan 209 then 187,188,189 I’ll post something |
Finders Fee? | crephotos | 1 | 5 yearscrephotos (11): What is a fair finders fee for appointments from another pro leaving the industry? |
Highlight Reel Not Working | pixelray | 3 | 5 yearspixelray (1068): Strange...always used Firefox with no issues til today |
Anyone else see a red overlay onscreen when editing? | BobbyG | 1 | 5 yearsBobbyG (50): Anyone else see a red overlay onscreen when editing? Seems to happen when I hover over scan points. Thanks Bobby |
Matterport contacting your clients to sell them cameras | ChuckJ | 14 | 5 yearsleonherbert (903): Wait if there is all this demand why did they fire 1/3 of their staff ???? |
No "Play" Button on Published Scans | keirob | 3 | 5 yearsdenlee (208): There will be no play button unless you have created a highlight reel. |
Help- Tour Freezes at Doorway to Room- Cannot enter. | PropertyGuyCLT | 8 | 5 yearsron0987 (3466): Any update on your tour or the cause of the problem? |
Matterport support issue AGAIN | Radie842 | 2 | 5 yearsDouglasMeyers (1282): I have been seeing it for days now ??? But they seem to still be saving ??? |
Matterport Service Providers: Make Money by Learning from My Mistake | DanSmigrod | 2 | 5 yearsShawn_P (304): Good advice. Thank you |
IMMERSOLUTIONS - Matterport Reseller in Canada - Buyer Beware | JCHAFE | 26 | 5 yearsImmerSolution (19): It will be ok for tomorrow. I will send you an email when it's ready to pick up |
Google Street View and Matterport ??????????? | leonherbert | 21 | 5 yearsleonherbert (903): @Astroprojector It must be because I complained to them again today :) |
unplug camera | zhijieyuan | 7 | 5 yearszhijieyuan (4): pro2:) |
Has anyone noticed a drop in image quality? | NC3D | 5 | 5 yearsNC3D (119): Thanks for the feedback. I'll check on the firmware update. |
Help Please! Matterport Scanning Alignment problem with Doors Open/Closed | misho73 | 15 | 5 yearsmisho73 (50): @DanSmigrod Thanks Dan for the Matterport Sandwich tip. You guys Rock |
Matterport Editing/Photo capture | ron0987 | 6 | 5 yearsron0987 (3466): @leonherbert I am not familiar with the incognito mode. Please explain if you got a chance. Thank you |
Weird Matterport/Insta360 One X issue.......maybe a haunted house??? | photosintheround | 9 | 5 yearsphotosintheround (43): Thanks for all the feedback!!!! |
What to use for Google Street View (GSV) publishing? | Astroprojector | 3 | 5 yearsAstroprojector (62): were you able to publish anything recently with success? |
Payment information "missing" email received from Matterport | PWIMAGING | 4 | 5 yearsleonherbert (903): Got the same email |
Urgent: Matterport Capture App shuts down when i press floor icon | alirizacil | 9 | 5 yearsalirizacil (162): After 2 months, problem has not solved yet. Congrats Matterport... |
Combining 2 large Matterport scans | rzphotoman | 6 | 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @rzphotoman Above from a similar WGAN Forum discussion: ✓ Split my Matterport Tour by Floor Best, Dan |
I pad not showing tours | DouglasMeyers | 3 | 5 yearsDouglasMeyers (1282): I believe the i pad did just update not to long ago. Now what ? |
Does Matterport camera ever need calibrating? | NC3D | 5 | 5 yearsKfromPoland (117): Did it helped ? |
Bidding on 45,000 sq ft space | GETMYVR | 6 | 5 years3SixtyNow (484): I believe they do. It's just going to take a while to get it done. |
Matterport Scan Preview not working with the updated Capture App? | June | 3 | 5 yearsJune (411): Crap! Does that mean I've been spoiled? |
MAttertags has been lost | alirizacil | 3 | 5 yearsalirizacil (162): Exactly :) Thanks Dan. |
Blur Faces and Sensitive Info | SNFmarkerting | 7 | 5 yearsKumar (547): @SNFmarkerting GeoCV is the answer. |
Help please | JanHamorsky | 5 | 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @JanHamorsky Please see this WGAN Forum discussion: ✓ Warning: Please DO NOT upgrade to Capture 3.0.4 until further notice. Dan |
Billing code - "error.internal" | VTLV | 8 | 6 yearsDeeJ (116): @vtlv You are more than welcome! |
Urgent/ Important: Matterport New Pricing | Gerhard | 11 | 6 yearsGerhard (1484): Have a wonderful weekend all and thanks @dansmigrod for the forum. |
Matterport slow processing | rzphotoman | 6 | 6 yearsrzphotoman (1837): I did re-upload all 3 scans and they were finished in a few hours...the original 3 are still processing. Thanks everyone. |
The "Mice" Are Back.... | Chemistrydoc | 5 | 6 yearsrzphotoman (1837): @Chemistrydoc Have you tried re-uploading it. I still haven't seen the problem on my scans. Got one back today. |
Matterport white balance | izoneguy | 12 | 6 yearsrzphotoman (1837): No, you won't. |
360 Placement | June | 6 | 6 yearsJune (411): P.S. Thanks for the tip on the blur tool. @Walkabout thanks for your tip as well.....too bad I don't seem to have that option. June |
Question on 360 - 2D's | BrokerBruce | 3 | 6 yearsBrokerBruce (281): Ok, thanks much for getting back to me! |
Mattertag help | rzphotoman | 4 | 6 yearsDannyBasting (1171): Glad I could help :) |
Help- Tours not uploading- upload stating at 0% | stephdolloff | 5 | 6 yearszsolt (52): just trigger with small modification. |
Help! My latest MP scan won't upload... | RobertGalletta | 16 | 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): ABBA, Here we go again .... Help- Tours not uploading- upload stating at 0% Dan |
Desmond DLEV-1 Leveler issue? | PlusUltra | 11 | 6 yearsPlusUltra (41): @Home3D strong rec, ordering as we speak to give it a go :) thanks again |
Floors Flip Flopped | BrianM | 4 | 6 yearsBrianM (148): No, just labeled were backwards. Seemed odd. I never seen this happen. |
Looking for a photosphere tour solution | BrianM | 12 | 6 yearsTrustedPhotoDC (1108): The example was created in PanoTourPro(Kolor - Deprecated) Right Click on the tour. |
2 realtors working together to sell a property | Liam_Tayler | 7 | 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): Wow! That's not only great, that's a feature Matterport should add. |
Charging for hours but still showing 0% | CKC | 19 | 7 yearsJune (411): I top mine up after each job just to be ready. Glad I’ve been doing that now. |
Camera Battery not charging... | Lbelland | 14 | 7 yearsCKC (85): Looks like I am having a similar issue to Lawrence's.... |
Matterport hardware - damaged mainboard - Can you help? | gustavovc | 7 | 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @gustavovc Thanks for keeping us posted. Dan |
URL Links Not Working with Embedded Tour | WarrenVandal | 5 | 7 yearsWarrenVandal (19): Thanks for taking a look. We have determined that the problem is with my client. The Mattertags are working fine. |
Where are the public links on new Meta versi | Virtuality22 | 3 | 7 yearsVirtuality22 (19): Got it....Thank you very much! :) |
New Capture App and firmware update crashing | tocha | 6 | 7 yearsVirtualView (28): What model is your iPad? Maybe it doesn't have enough memory for the speed that you are moving at? |
Changing puck angle | wvmb | 2 | 7 yearswvmb (1): Silly question — it shows the angle from the direction your approaching :) Nevermind |
Matterport "Glitch Occured" | Property3dNZ | 5 | 7 yearsrzphotoman (1837): I also lost a published highlight reel yesterday. Thought I did something wrong...should have known better. LOL |
How to build Matterport website in Wordpress | AnnekeCilliers | 7 | 7 yearsfrstbubble (639): @Metroplex360 Does putting multiple showcases on one-page bog down load times or hog resources? |
Issues uploading scan to GSV | Bryan | 4 | 7 yearsChi3d (16): anyone know if they are working on it. Been trying for days to upload for a client with no luck. |
Pro2 Power Button Issues | newview | 3 | 7 yearsron0987 (3466): @newview I hate to ask the obvious but have you call MP tech support to see what they say about the issue. |
Looming future issue? 3rd Party Bookings? | tombook | 11 | 7 yearstombook (37): @3dVuz Good advice Howard. Thanks. |
Ugh,what do I do with this lighting??!! | Dolloff | 6 | 7 yearsadvancedhdr (220): It looks AMAZING! |
Problems with scans near a door | junoimelda | 5 | 7 yearsjunoimelda (16): I'll give that a try, thanks. |
Out of the Loop, Can someone help? | KenBanks | 9 | 7 yearsimad (184): What is that about? you mean one can't download the Pro2 Panoramas with full resolution? |
Matterport Italy Unfair Marketing | PieroBortolot | 5 | 7 yearsPieroBortolot (230): @DanSmigrod thanks piero |
Does Matterport Capture Work in [Country]? | DanSmigrod | 3 | 7 yearsDannyBasting (1171): See link below: Matterport Pro2 "Wifi Fault" Error |
WP3D embed issue | Radie842 | 22 | 7 yearsRadie842 (254): We got it situated. HTTPS on my end. Thanks Ross, thanks Glenn. |
Matterport 360 views in separate scan | virtuallyreal | 11 | 7 yearsvirtuallyreal (34): Nope sorry - client wants to keep it confidential! |
SUPER SLOW Workshop, specifically snapshots. | lcorbett | 7 | 7 yearslcorbett (43): @Dan, thank you for the info. It was just with actually TAKING the snapshots that was taking so long! Happy holidays! |
My First Scan... What could I do better? | erikolsonmba | 16 | 7 yearsIanA (7): Thanks Jon! Great explanation. Ian |
Multimedia mattertags | PieroBortolot | 3 | 7 yearsPieroBortolot (230): ...the holy bible... |
Level Problems - Help | walk360 | 6 | 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): That model is not being shared, so we cannot look at it. |
KRACK Wi-Fi exploit - serious threat | natcoalson | 2 | 7 yearsPointCloudVR (106): Thanks for the share. I had seen some headlines but good to read more. Cheers, Aaron |
Are Matterport pictures High Quality? | MagnaShow | 3 | 7 yearsMagnaShow (32): Thank you for your reply! |
Mattertag Link Help | htimsabbub23 | 4 | 7 yearsnat_vanveen (598): @htimsabbub23 Hi I thought we could only add 1 link per mattertag? |
Hilton References for Matterport | Bale100 | 5 | 7 yearsBale100 (175): Thank you Richard |
Workshop problem with huge model | alirizacil | 4 | 7 yearsalirizacil (162): Thanks @Bale100 and @Olivius. Matterport support suggests same, I may need more memory space in my computer. Best regards... Ali |
Sun washed out problem with new camera | judysmithre | 16 | 8 yearsjudysmithre (95): Thank you for the feedback |
stuck at "Shutting down..." after Firmware! | PedroPretell | 3 | 8 yearsGerhard (1484): |
Private Matterport VR spaces? | Briski2208 | 8 | 8 yearsmori (819): The above legal text as also the embedded one in the viewer is from 2016. Here´s the latest: |
Bluetooth problems | walk360 | 6 | 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @walk360 ✓ Emergency Check List: Matterport Capture App Please let us know how you solve the puzzle. Good luck, Dan |
Floor Plans | samgaetz | 8 | 8 yearsPauluploadabode (28): I can highly reccomend Robin and his team. A top class service at a very reasonable price. |
What would you do? | justinv | 20 | 8 yearsjustinv (1044): @nat_vanveen The last great birthday I had was 21! Thanks for the wishes! |
Matterport Capture App Shutting Down | Invelop | 6 | 8 yearsInvelop (121): Update - figured it out by virtue of extensive troubleshooting, updating, power cycling, etc. |
Overexposed scan point | vpodlogar | 6 | 8 yearsnat_vanveen (598): @Queen_City_3D @cswartz LOL :D I hope it never happens to me! |
MSP Business Closing Considerations | TruView | 10 | 8 yearsTruView (25): That's great advice. Thanks for sharing. |
Mattertags Desktop vs iOS:2 different models | valen_felipe | 3 | 8 yearsJamie (2037): Clear the cache |
Help! Where is the Workshop! | Dolloff | 9 | 8 yearsChadcloses (271): This is what happens when we don't pay our bill. Lol |
Stray Floating Scan Point Icon in pano View | ArtisticConcepts | 8 | 8 yearsArtisticConcepts (681): We will wipe your memories and it will all be forgotten. Just look at this pen... |
Change Floor Names had a Stroke | Gerhard | 5 | 8 yearsTourMySpace (61): Learn something new every day! |
Processing Errors this week | samgaetz | 3 | 8 yearssamgaetz (49): Yes! I'm so frustrated! Why has Matterport not said anything yet? Why the change all of a sudden??? It was working perfectly before!! |
Protect your iPad from Turkish Crime Family | frstbubble | 2 | 8 yearsnat_vanveen (598): @frstbubble That's nasty!:O thanks for the tip :) |
Matterport Camera's Rear LED stop working | Gerhard | 2 | 8 yearsfrstbubble (639): @Gerhard Any update on the situation? Did support get back to you and have they issued a resolution? |
Yellow in Kitchens! WHYYYYYY? | Chemistrydoc | 7 | 8 yearsChemistrydoc (1930): Thanks....then probably current, as I've been on a shooting bonanza this last week, |
Help - new model not uploading | tomasdunbar | 5 | 8 yearsKennyBPhotography (4): Any luck with your issue tomasdunbar? |
Matterport Tour Not Ready--Day 3 | tgdmax | 6 | 8 yearstgdmax (1): JonJ- good idea. When I stop at my first shoot I will upload again--running out the door right now. Thank you again sir! Have a great day! |
Saving Raw Data | samgaetz | 3 | 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @samgaetz @GarySnyder is spot on! iExplorer Backup is supported / recommended by Matterport. The free version will work fine for you. |
Matterport Tours and more "Personality"? | Joelbcollins | 8 | 8 yearsjfantin (1733): Thank you @Metroplex360. You are very generous sharing your knowledge with us. |
Easiest way to replace a scan? | lknbigfish | 6 | 8 yearslknbigfish (19): Thanks, I really appreciate the tips. |
Room Labels on Floor Plan View missing | PHILG | 5 | 8 yearsalsangio (46): They shut down when you download your models on iOS . |
cant download 360 shot | Radie842 | 11 | 8 yearsachabot (37): It's a 360 degree camera that we cannot export 360 degree photos from. |
Web platform for sharing | DaveFahrny | 9 | 8 yearsDaveFahrny (365): Many thanks to everyone for all the help. I appreciate it |
Issues with Model | TourFactoryUT | 2 | 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @TourFactoryUT Moving this discussion to here ... Help: Model won't load, gray screen Identical issue? Dan |
Scan still processing after 30 Hours | Lizzg | 8 | 8 yearsLizzg (198): The copy processed! I'll upload the link later today. Thanks for you helps! Lizzg |
Help! Does anyone know what this means? | Property3dNZ | 11 | 8 yearsProperty3dNZ (617): That's just it it wasn't visible! |
Scanning Issue & Should I Nuke my iPad? | AdamplatinumHD | 3 | 8 yearsAdamplatinumHD (31): Thanks @photoJoe I did another scan and didn't get any problems at all? Weird. |
FB updating showcase problem | 3SevensStudio | 6 | 8 yearsrpetersn (2013): Great! Glad we could help! :) |
can't see the full screen icon on iPad | JC3DCX | 7 | 8 yearsRobinLycka (727): @DSPhoto S6 |
VR glasses symbol and MLS | 3SevensStudio | 18 | 8 yearsHelen (769): Do any Canadian users know if this rule applies to the Canadian MLS system? |
Black 3D Model Issue | unewe | 8 | 8 yearsProperty3dNZ (617): @unewe in my experience this can happen when the Internet is slow |
Warehouse scan critique | jmprop | 9 | 8 yearsjmprop (52): Thanks for the input Metro. Still a newbie but really excited about what this has to offer. |
White marks on glossy wood | Olivius | 4 | 8 yearsGarySnyder (2143): I see what you mean, it almost looks like some form of interference. Please let me know what MP has to say about this. |
Oops, something went wrong. | tresdepro | 5 | 8 yearsGrant (63): @ole989 It's your browser. |
Matterport Workshop Privacy | bonduell | 6 | 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): At least it's read only. |
Wrong account | marcdempsey | 5 | 9 yearspixelray (1068): Wow. I asked MP to do the same thing for me and they said they couldn't. |
Model Statistics-Did Your Data Disappear too | 3Dwalkmethru | 7 | 9 yearsCharlieshoe (16): It's noon in Chicago and all my models are at "0". |
Stitching on Just the lamp | billherman | 5 | 9 yearsbillherman (7): Good Idea, I'll do that. Thanks, Colin |
Shooting Differernt Buildings | Szwed87 | 6 | 9 yearsfrstbubble (639): Sorry was looking at this post to reference. Posted to wrong on. LOL |
Support for ios and workshop? | JC3DCX | 2 | 9 yearsLuisBrilanti (31): No it has to be on laptop or desktop. |
Workshop not launching consistently | 3Dwalkmethru | 3 | 9 yearsBayAreaAdam (70): Constantly |
Scans show up in wrong room | mk4au | 15 | 9 yearsCarlosFHdz (605): Glad it worked out. :beer: |
I can see circles from above | Wyzlo | 9 | 9 yearsWyzlo (100): @Mikesobay All floors are connected Where do you see that is not connected? |
Scanning the inside and outside of a house | sstarkey | 15 | 9 yearsBayAreaAdam (70): @sstarkey ahh, got it, thank you |
Zillow no longer supporting Matterport? | RenderingSpace | 11 | 9 years3Dwalkmethru (289): Home is very beautiful |
Blocked in one direct and not the other - | mefederau | 9 | 9 yearsjscottsmith (110): I have a similar issue now. How did you decide which scan was the offending one? |
Recovering iPad Scans | Cabrahams | 5 | 9 yearsWashingtonState360 (40): Fabulous news. Thanks for sharing the resolve. :) |
5 floors on capture app - 4 floors in Space! | ArchimedStudio | 7 | 9 yearspixelray (1068): So, mine turned out ok. BUT, it did take 6 levels and turn it into 4 on its own. Weird, but it works. |
Broken tile lines on dollhouse view | 3Dwalkmethru | 6 | 9 years3Dwalkmethru (289): Thanks Carlos |
JohnLScott tour integration | DigitalImageries | 6 | 9 yearsDigitalImageries (43): Thanks! |
missing 3D tour | JCHAFE | 3 | 9 yearsJCHAFE (84): Thanks, I placed a 2 at the end of the name and uploaded again....I wonder what happened to the first one? lost in the |
schematics not appearing on link sent to us | Dalivingston | 4 | 9 yearsDalivingston (4): have to remember not to look for things on the ipad ...duh |
Cannot Add a Collaborator | lisahinson | 7 | 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31559): @pirusan yes (And, yes. Makes no sense.) Dan |
Can I empty a room? | overview | 3 | 9 yearsoverview (4): I was hoping for a solution that works within the current MP farmework. Has anyone tried trimming inwards? |
My order for Matterport 3D camera | RossCo | 10 | 9 yearsdanmorell (74): Hi Candy4Me, 3 days is great. About a month ago it was 7 - 10 days. |
LED and Florescent lighting effect on MP | yoon2366 | 3 | 9 yearsyoon2366 (61): Thank you for your advice, Gary. I really appreciate it. |
Seemingly long upload ? | ScanMan | 2 | 9 yearslisahinson (785): The same thing happened to me on one last week with very few scans - It finally showed up. Yours probably will too! |
10,000 sq ft + Job | Cole | 11 | 9 yearsStevenHattan (1513): No, I was not able to even SEE the master bedroom or 2nd bedroom. | Down? | EricThomas | 6 | 9 yearsStevenHattan (1513): I had an issue yesterday. |
Scanning a Concert Venue | virtuallytheredfw | 3 | 9 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): If you find a good hiding spot, you can see the next concert for free! |
Legal protection | justinS | ![]() ![]() | 9 yearscswartz (98): Hi Jamie, I would like to get a copy if possible. Thanks! |
Issues in showcase | PieroBortolot | 12 | 9 yearsandreabortolot (199): @vincent @HarlanHambright Thanks a lot! Now I know the trick... Merry Christmas |
My Matterport is Down | GarySnyder | 9 | 9 yearsGarySnyder (2143): Seems to be working now. Not sure what happen. Thanks all for your quick response :) All the best Gary |
Image missalignment artifact | Dennis_N | 5 | 9 yearsJamie (2037): Or the quick release bracket (if you have one) |
Scans that are permanently on the cloud? | Dennis_N | 3 | 9 yearsDennis_N (91): Thanks for the suggestion. I'll give that a try. |
Rectangular Gray Patch | Grant | 2 | 9 yearsJamie (2037): Yep I had the same problem once. The black area would move around. I assumed it was sunlight related but never found out what caused it |
How do you compete with Google? | tradetickers | 6 | 9 yearstradetickers (10): Matterport may get bought out by google at this rate |
Scanning 2 levels with no interior stairs | markmc90 | 7 | 9 yearsJamie (2037): No to combining later unfortunately. Hope it worked out |
Errors floor | Max_Sodomovskiy | 6 | 9 years3DVUE (40): supposedly the fix for this is coming in two weeks. |
invisible doors | Showcas3D | 7 | 9 yearsmikeE (34): I think the trick the distance at which you transition. |
Cant move from inside to outside area ? | Gerhard | 11 | 9 yearsGerhard (1484): Hi Gents, Thank you it worked. Have a great weekend. |
Opening the 3D Showcase within a mobile app. | tejas_mithapelli | 6 | 9 yearsfranmts (181): Any good news here Tejas? Best. |
Zillow | Aghachi101 | 3 | 9 yearsinna (1): I see some people starting to chime in please keep this going. |
Doors that must be opened/closed | pixelray | 6 | 10 yearspixelray (1068): awesome. thanks Jamie. This has been driving me crazy. |
Consumer Trouble Shooting Guide | Queen_City_3D | 11 | 10 yearsRenderingSpace (607): @Queen_City_3D Just noticed that that you posted more on that thread and have had the same problem. |
Checklist for seller? | justinS | 3 | 10 yearsJerry_D (31): That would be nice, to have a checklist to send to sellers prior to the scan appointment. |
Advice for re-scanning | craigsauer | 12 | 10 yearsRobV (25): Thanks Guys... Rob |
3D Workshop Not Working in Google Chrome? | CKC | 10 | 10 yearsdavidpylyp (178): wow Glenda Thank you Have been struggling with this for a few weeks Thank you! |
Problem with scan | Jennifer | 3 | 10 yearscrullier (16): Good info ladies. |
Potential Issue with iOS 8.4 + Capture 2.1.2 | DanSmigrod | 6 | 10 yearsJohnBecker (391): I updated my iPad Air 2 yesterday and had no problems. Did a successful scan today. |
Issues with Samsung phones | pattimurray | 2 | 10 yearsJamie (2037): I have a note 4 and it works ok I just saw it load on an edge the other day using Chrome |
Why You Do Not Want to Delete 3D Models | DanSmigrod | 11 | 10 yearsCKC (85): Those are very very good points, thanks Dan! |
Link on facebook | Canada | 3 | 10 yearsTim (355): Check the ad for Facebook solutions |
First Complete Test Scan 5000+ sq ft | EscapeVelocity | 2 | 10 yearsEscapeVelocity (25): Support responded that there's a bug in the trim tool. Engineering is going to look into the tearing issue. |
Dollhouse Levels | grantmuller | 11 | 10 yearsgrantmuller (31): NICE! |
Changes to | Glenda | 12 | 10 yearsSourxstar (31): same email here too...looks like we might get it fixed |
Workshop 2 Bugs (and Work-Around)+ Problem | DanSmigrod | 9 | 10 yearsTim (355): Yep, had done before this post. Cheers |