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Insurance Claims8156

TopPiX51 private msg quote post Address this user
The restoration company I currently work for is new to implementing Matterport in to documenting the claims. We are wondering how people are doing this currently and is there any luck in billing the insurance companies and if so how much is an acceptable range to charge for this documentation seeing how it can be helpful for both parties involved? Any feedback would be very appreciated.
Post 1 IP   flag post
Bon Secour, Alabama
Chemistrydoc private msg quote post Address this user

I am aware that some very low level MSPs got attracted to do this last year in Florida (aftermath of Irma). Some have not been fully compensated, more than a year later. Be careful.

Post 2 IP   flag post
TopPiX51 private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you for your reply, I am not fully understanding your deffintion of "low level" MSP's. This is being used to capture the documentation needed in a more detailed way. In our eyes this is benificial in painting the picture to all parties involved and to provide this in a better way. I would not consider that service low level. We are a rather large company and in Florida as well and the difficulties of providing this documentation can be difficult at times and the use of the Matterport camera is a very good solution. I have been doing a lot of research on this topic and just wondering a fair price. Example is like the use of a thermal camera in this industry could be paid out as much as $150 per job. Since Xactimate does not have a line item for Matterport we were just trying to get an example of a fair price. Maybe the individuals that were providing this service were at a high number and we just don't want to make that mistake. There are times when in a hurricane environment price gouging can happen in many different services.
Post 3 IP   flag post
Bon Secour, Alabama
Chemistrydoc private msg quote post Address this user

What I meant by "low-level MSPs" are those who operate Matterport cameras, but do not strive to be professionals. These are folks who do not generally participate in informative, interactive fora like this one. These are folks whose motto is, "I can do it for cheaper". I know a few of these who really got stiffed doing this very thing last year, thinking they were going to make a killing, and got left with a bunch of uploading fees for their trouble.

I had some discussions with some flood adjusting firms about using Matterport. They were really excited about doing some things with Matterport, but pulled back when they read Matterport's ToS. I never knew the exact reason, or what specifically bothered them about Matterport's ToS, but I experienced it from two separate firms, so it's really not a coincidence.

All of that said, the market will never pay you more than you are worth.

Post 4 IP   flag post
TopPiX51 private msg quote post Address this user
Ok I fully understand where you are coming from and can understand how that can hurt the rest of the Matterport industry. Myself, I am new to this, but that said, am focusing on this in the most professional manner. I wonder why the push back because I have been in the Insurance industry for 4 years now and when I came across Matterport I thought this would be such a solution to all parties involved with how transparent the data of the measurements and the photography aspect as well. Iv compared several sketches to matter ports floor plans and they really are only small amounts off and that may be to human error as well. the 3D scan is a time saver in itself saving all parties trips to the job site. Well I appreciate your input. I will update if I get any traction at all. we have about 10 spaces scanned and will try to get some kind of traction on accepted payment, if any.

Thank you sir
Post 5 IP   flag post
Bon Secour, Alabama
Chemistrydoc private msg quote post Address this user

Fully understand where you are coming from... the fact that you are here shows what your commitment is to doing things the right way!

That said, I wish I knew what spooked my flood adjuster friends from using MP. It just makes too much sense to use it. I've personally witnessed what passes for "insurance adjusters" here on the Gulf Coast after storms. It's unbelievable. MP offers an objective record rather than what a former cook turned adjuster happens to think on a given day.

Best of luck to you! I think it's a great area of endeavor.

Post 6 IP   flag post
sbl110 private msg quote post Address this user
Hi @TopPiX51,

Just my two cents on this pricing thing. Whenever I do a shoot, I order 2D schematics, then invoice based on the total square footage scanned. I've had homes where the reported square footage was 8K plus, but after I'm done, it may work out to less than that. This might be because the customer wants me to skip a garage, large closet, furnace room, etc.

I then apply a cost per square foot against the total provided by the schematics and submit that. I believe it's as fair as I can make it.

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