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Meet Rescan - 3D Scan helmet MeshImages 23 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WON the Red Dot Design Award 2021 in 3 categories with Best of the Best distinction | Video courtesy of ReScan YouTube Channel | 12 August 2021 From the ReScan YouTube Channel The REscan Spatial Communication System and Mobile Viewer won the Red Dot Design Award 2021 in Applications, Mobile User Interface, and Ready to Launch Design Concept categories with Best of the Best distinction. Source: ...
Anybody using or accepting Bitcoins? ArchimedStudio 12 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Ugh! I can't even imagine! thanks for sharing. The good news is that PayPal accepts BitCoin and settles with the seller in USD. Dan
Anyone else experiencing Real Estate slow down? Shawn_P 13 4 yearsimmersivespaces (1229): South Florida is booming, but the issue we have here is lack of inventory. Many agents sell homes before they can even get them listed in the MLS or get any imaging done. (We had a house sell while we were on property doing a capture.) We simply redirected our services to focus on the new home buyer, offering Matterport for insurance documentation and interior design services. Even with the low number of listing shoots, we've pretty much...
What happens to the models I host if I quit my subscription to Matterport? Shawn_P 4 4 yearsCharlesHH (640): You can transfer one model to a new FREE account that your client must open. Then if they want to share it on a website or anywhere, they must upgrade the FREE account to a STARTER account and pay a monthly fee. Hope that is clear.
Advice on landing insurance company gigs? Shawn_P 6 4 yearsGETMYVR (1941): @DanSmigrod Thanks and I just got a call out of the blue one day for the above scan, and a contractor was trying to figure out a better way to estimate all the damage. With the 3D scans not only were they able to see the full extent of the damage but a determination of where the fire started and where it eventually went up to. My customer told me basically fire insurance adjusters have normally relied on blown up images, but when they saw the...
Future prospects of Matterport? Should I buy Matterport Pre-IPO Shares? Silvadro 23 4 yearsrko1 (376): bold text We are always looking, are we happy with Matterport? Depends on which day it is. We are an MSP, and on the capture team. We have been shooting with Matterport for 5 years. Technology is like grabbing a handful of sand, what you have in your hand at this minute won't be there in the next, but a new handful is always available. Do we make a living strictly on Matterport? Yes and no, it is currently a substantial part of what we do. We...
List of top YouTubers in our industry... Do you have any to add?! πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ JoshMais 8 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @sherpa_media βœ“ WGAN List of 60+ Photography Podcasts for Real Estate Photographers Dan
What is your uniform for your business? GETMYVR 7 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Grab: Atlanta Matterport Photographer Expects to Walk Nearly 1,000 Miles in...
Show & Tour is going U N L I M I T E D πŸš€ JoshMais 2 4 yearsGETMYVR (1941): I wish I got more compliments for my show and tour microsite that all my clients get, but I know it's working for them, this is great!!
Exterior 3D Scans for Construction DylanWilcox 8 4 yearsjohnwheatley (244): You can get roof or property data for an address with Geomni without taking any shots. I believe they use satellite images. I do not know the price or anything else.
new Virtual Tour company to add to list GETMYVR 3 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @GETMYVR WOW! Yes! I added VIAR.LIVE to the: βœ“ WGAN List of 3D/360ΒΊ Virtual Tour Hosting Platforms/Software I am always amazed when yet another one turns up that I have never head of! Much thanks! Dan The WGAN curated list of 170 3D/360 virtual tour platforms/software is free for WGAN Forum Members. Two ways to receive: Option 1: Join the We Get Around Network Forum ( free) and automatically receive an email...
The latest filing for the Matterport class action suit Axis360Media 6 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Grab fron Class Action Lawyer Tom Zimmerman expressed interest in commenting this Thursday, 5 November 2020 following the motion to dismiss. Hi All, If you would like to virtually attend the motion to dismiss this Thursday, 5 November 2020 at 8 am PT: Dial In: (888) 684-8852 Access...
DroneDeploy New Product: 360 Tours for Construction EaglePrecision 8 4 yearsmodularmind (29): @Home3D Still a great feature. The software you were thinking of is Cloud Compare - :)
Demand for video tours 8643d 16 4 yearsHome3D (4213): I agree that "slideshow videos" which some older agents still refer to as 'virtual tours' are boring, redundant, and make an agent look WAY behind the times. Virtual tours, whether Matterport 3D, GeoCV 3D, NodalView, EyeSpy360 or 3DVista (and others) are what Buyers are looking for today. We talk about agents and brokers a lot because they pay for media (photos, videos, virtual tours) but let's never forget that the Customer in...
Do you outsource your video editing? 8643d 10 4 yearsPhotoAndVideoEdits (258): In and out within an hour!
Need advice Shawn_P 5 5 yearsJonJ (1760): I think that part of the reason you seem to run into a bunch of "flakes" is because of your low pricing. When you are starting out, or even if you have been in business for a while, it seems like it makes sense to come in at a lower price point and "steal" business from your competitors. This is not a good practice for a number of reasons. If you are competing on price, everyone loses. By offering a low price, you devalue...
Getting started with little money Fish 30 5 yearsjen_ishayoga (33): @fish Hola and welcome aboard! Question for you ~ what market are you interested in getting into? You had mentioned 360s but later go into real estate and photos. So many of these markets bleed together, which is awesome and you'll probably have a lot of opportunity across the board! My specific focus (right now) is REP. One thing about this area, specifically, is that agents are looking for a one stop shop. You may offer 360s but there...
360 Tours and Commercial Real Estate jericreson 2 5 yearsjpierce360 (160): Agree with this as I have been doing nothing but CRE for the entire summer. 360 Virtual Tours Experiences? thereal360 4 5 yearsWingman (4426): If they charge $99 for this 360 video walk through it is not that low. 1-5 minutes of walking through a property and then just uploading it to youtube without any post editing for $99 is quite a good fee. I am offering the same for AUD$160 per hour with a minimum of 1 hour order. That's a bit over $100 in USD but not too much over. It would suck if it were the only service ordered for one location as a photographer probably wouldn't spend...
Robot virtual tour guide GETMYVR 2 5 yearsJuMP (2031): @GETMYVR you tell a great idea, and we would like to imagine a new addon for Matterport showcase. Why not add a virtual robots within a normal Matterport showcase page, it will look like the one you mentioned in your topic. But a 3D object that be added to the Matterport showcase to be a robot guide for showcase viewers. This virtual robot can be added by Matterport SDK bundle.
How do we see the 3D Virtual Reality Future - where we right? carloscardo 2 5 yearsCharlesHH (640): I so agree with your original thoughts and your expanded view. Thanks for sharing. Businesses, restaurants, hotels, schools - it's so perfect. Persuading them is harder, but I am building up a good set of examples. There is also high demand for tours of yet to be built properties.
Have you shot virtual tours in Healthcare spaces? HIGH5iVER 2 5 yearsAhmedAttia (220): @HIGH5iVER . Yes I did several spaces with the Medical sector . Here are 2 examples below:
Matterport CEO on Fox News PropertyGuyCLT 6 5 yearszenith012 (32): He didn't even attempt to answer the question.
Live iGUIDE Camera Demo Thursday, May 7th at 5:30 PM EST andriystrebkov 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @andriystrebkov I am looking forward to the iGuide webinar. Dan
Ways to Grow Your Real Estate Photography Business Amid Corona Crisis andriystrebkov 6 5 yearsjacobpmac (68): @andriystrebkov I started my business in the midst of all this pandemonium.
Race to the Bottom Pricing Wonderdawg 2 5 yearsExpertise (1192): I price in a way that I calculate works best for my business, and my employees. Period. I have been offering Matterport as an affordable add-on to our photography services. Pricing is based on that. My goal has been to grow our customer base of agents, and have a higher percentage of those folks consider Matterport scans to be a part of their marketing package, and include it in their listing sales pitch. Then I'd like more agents to...
Received this morning: "You will be reported to [CO] state officials." pixelray 15 5 yearsphotosintheround (43): Just saw Gov Polis' press conference. Looks like the order will end on the 27th, BUT, restaurants will remain as it is now. Looks like other businesses, like haircuts, will open with specific restrictions. Regarding real estate, 1 on 1 showing will begin again, but, no open-houses. In addition, some counties, including mine, have requested to use their own discretion to make the rules. a week, it looks like we will be able to go...
Matterport contacting your clients to sell them cameras ChuckJ 14 5 yearsleonherbert (903): Wait if there is all this demand why did they fire 1/3 of their staff ????
What depends on what? Accuracy depends on software or on 3D-scanner? SamSon_NewSpace3D 3 5 yearsron0987 (3499): @SamSon_NewSpace3D it actually can be both, you can have the best equipment like the BLK360 and depending on your software your accuracy can drop. I regularly use a FARO scanner and process it thru FARO Scene software and can tweak the processing to bring the accuracy up. But like @JuMP said you can only get as good as the accuracy of the equipment. I have little experience with BLK360 and if you just need a point cloud then I would use the...
(Intro) Asteroom and its founder - Eric Tsai EricTsai 6 5 yearsEricTsai (171): @leonherbert - right now we don't have a white label option, but we probably will in the near future.
160 000 sqft hangar with Pro.. is it possible? SamSon_NewSpace3D 6 5 yearsSamSon_NewSpace3D (2): @Kumar there is a difficult pipe system, and a few piece of the old production line.I think, that it will be enough. :)
Matterport Privacy - CCPA - Will Matterport answer Basic Questions? Changesin3d 9 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): [Placeholder]
Has Matterport announced how They will comply with CCPA? Changesin3d 1 5 yearsChangesin3d (125): In less that 30 business days the CCPA goes into effect. Realtors in Ca. are asking about how this will effect their images and if they can delete Matterport Scans. The Ca. Association of Realtors has offered some private guidance on this to REALTORS ONLY on their website. Does anyone know if DELETE WILL MEAN DELETE?
Friends don't let friends use tax data in listings! Sara_iGuide 1 5 yearsSara_iGuide (39): It's pretty clear that accurate floor plans, square footage, and room dimensions will be the next big topic and trend in Real Estate, so we're encouraging all real estate photographers to jump ahead of the curve to understand how they're best positioned to provide a viable alternative to real estate agents! We've been working with Marilyn Wilson from WAV Group and RE Technology on a case study to demonstrate the dangers of using tax records...
OC6 - current state of Facebooks 3D scan technology MeshImages 1 6 yearsMeshImages (3050): Video from Michael Abrash's speech
Matterport must have pissed Zillow off :) grmngrl 5 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Thanks for sharing your excellent Zillow Tour example. You nailed the navigation in this beautiful space. Dan
Sample of Everpano 3D izoneguy 1 6 yearsizoneguy (468): Yesterday KR Pano announced version 1.2 - and a companion to that is Everpano 3D. Everpano 3D uses depth maps and in conjuction with a pano you can get a walking feel. This is a sample page showing what is possible - the demo was shot with a Z1. You can play with the controls to get a feel for what you can do, Depthmap-Tour of the 'Little Temple of Abu Simbel' A...
Scan to BIM Outputs Gerhard 2 6 yearsSantiagoAyerbe (2): Hey Gerhad, Im Santiago and have been working with point clouds in BIM software for over two years mostly in Barcelona and Colombia. Most of our clients work with Archicad, it reads .e57 files. but its very important to clean very good the scan so its manageble, cause it handles those files in a diferent way than Revit or autodesk softwares. we also work with point cloud for infrastructure projects, this is done with recap and...
Matterport to Keynote Inman next week + 4 break out sessions Jwbuckl 6 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Grab courtesy of Inman. Hi All, Reminder that you can watch - free - Matterport CEO RJ Pittman on the Inman livestream 11:35 am PDT (2:35 EDT GMT -5) today (Thursday, 25 July 2019). Use my Inman referral link to subscribe to Inman at $19.99 monthly (1st month free) and cancel at anytime. Dan
Solution for Scanning Open Manufacturing Facility michaelakinyemi 4 6 yearsWingman (4426): I do not believe Insta360 will be different from a Theta V or Z1 for this type of a job. Please check the following thread
Is Matterport a Franchise????? Are they Registered? Changesin3d 17 6 yearsQueen_City_3D (3159): I still fail to see the fuss. If someone is searching for a Matterport provider and reaches out to Matterport, then Matterport sends the lead to a local MSP. And if there's several MSPs then there's probably some rule they use to decide who gets the opportunity (not sure what process they follow for that). In the initial days of Matterport, this was likely more common for leads to go to Matterport. Now; however, if we are all advertising our...
Is it time to band together 3D_Hoffa Jump to first page39Jump to last page 6 years3D_Hoffa (143): Of course he's reporting back, that's what he is here for. While I remain anonymous to protect myself "in theory", I think if Matterport started terminating accounts they would find themselves in more hot water than they would like. Then again, who knows where the edge of what they will do lies? Sure, I'll poke around the FTC site. There may be something there and if enough of us complain, maybe something happens. I hadn't thought of...
Slowly but surely being forced to Zillow 3D pixelray 9 6 yearspixelray (1068): @3D_Hoffa - I think the listing only gets 7 days at the top of the search results when you do a zillow video or zillow 3d - think that is what they meant As far as improvements - I wish they would allow me to select the INTRO starting point - I don't understand how they choose what and where to start these. I have had them be my first 360 pic; my middle and even one toward the end. I also have weird quirks in the field. App crashes, wifi...
Leadership Change Signals Further Growth for iGUIDE and Planitar Inc. Sara_iGuide 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @Sara_iGuide Congrats Alex and Kevin. Best, Dan
Working on Face to Face Marketing at Trade shows! Sara_iGuide 1 6 yearsSara_iGuide (39): We've walked you through Marketing Analysis, so this week’s Building Blocks episode is the start of a new theme - Face to Face Marketing. It highlights the benefits of investing in Trade Show Marketing to grow your real estate photography businesses. Along with this video we’re sharing our Event Marketing Tool Kit. We follow it when we’re investigating, planning, and executing trade show events and activities and now we’re sharing...
Virtual Wedding Venues Walkabout 1 6 yearsWalkabout (61): Has anybody else seen this? I have signed up and think its a great way to build and sell to potential and existing customers, the concept is great and gives a one stop shop for wedding planners and couples looking for venues in the area. It's free until April to get your existing clients and any new ones. So the more content it has the better it is for everyone! I'm not affiliated in any way just think...
Insurance Claims TopPiX51 7 6 yearssbl110 (285): Hi @TopPiX51, Just my two cents on this pricing thing. Whenever I do a shoot, I order 2D schematics, then invoice based on the total square footage scanned. I've had homes where the reported square footage was 8K plus, but after I'm done, it may work out to less than that. This might be because the customer wants me to skip a garage, large closet, furnace room, etc. I then apply a cost per square foot against the total provided by the...
Lost an expo GiG to WAYFINDER click360tours 3 6 yearsGarySnyder (2143): @click360tours, you may still have a chance to capture some business here. I'll PM you for your contact details and we can discuss it.
Where are our Matterport tours migrating to ? JMEPhotos 4 6 yearsJMEPhotos (36): Thanks Dan
Seeking Advice for Commercial Real Estate Company MarkCantu 7 7 yearsMarkCantu (105): @DanSmigrod Mil Gracias! I would have never thought of that!
vpix vs matterport dewmon 3 7 yearsHarlanHambright (2133): Their website begins with a long list of untrue statements about Matterport. Reminded me of the presi.... never mind.
No longer providing Matterport services Bill 2 7 yearsVTLV (2916): Picking off one negative round of comments at a time with GeorgeK and now Bill by stalking WGA. Hey Bill Brown, Do you really want to roll up your sleeves as a CEO and score multiple wins on your campaign trail for approval? Rather than stalking We-Get-Around with and never commenting publicly. Approach We-Get-Around as a platform of Professional Photographers who offer Matterport Services where other platforms may be a mix of...
BLK 360 + matterport> 3D CAD 3dR 9 7 yearslauks (19): i was wondering if the BLK360 added any accuracy to the model (it should, but as MP does a lot of decimation, I am not sure about this. The BLK360 could make it possible to use the spaces for BIM, but I am not sure if the 3d space as it is now is acceptable. (ok, MP is about visualization, not about precise survey= :-)
Will Matterport become more consumer centric tocha 4 7 yearstocha (166): Would love for you to expand if you can on what you are hearing. I think with a move like this for Matterport it shows their cards a bit for sure. If their vision is truly to scan the world they will need to make it super accessible for all. It will create the need for MSPs to solidify their business plan.
3D Scan ANYTHING!- Leica BLK Gerhard 4 7 years3dvirtualview (119): Extremely Impressive! Odd to see rechargeable batteries instead of a built in one. Wonder how long the charge is but anywhoo this thing is definitely a business bucketlist as it gets into a good price range. Thank you for sharing and keeping us up to date on new technology out there!
Oculus Go - Matterport MarkCantu 7 7 yearsTosolini (4395): @3dvirtualview The Go works with WiFi. I did two tests on MP tours. The MP app runs fine using the default content provided in the app. I'm not sure if we can load our own content on the MP app in the Go yet. Then I experimented running a MP tour in the Oculus browser (just type the URL or navigate to a MP embedded into a page). The experience is not immersive, as the browser is just a rectangle container in front of you. But you can click on...
Advice on finding using virtual assitant frstbubble 4 7 yearsSnap (194): They are but VA can answer phones too and may be able to work out a monthly retainer / hours on the phone and have them track the time. My operators place orders too. I have an online order form for residential real estate that they fill out with the client which is pretty straight forward and are instructed to take a message for commercial work, inquiries or any other calls. I get the order in a confirmation email in between jobs and try to...
Matterport Gets Up the Inc. 500 Shakoure 2 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @Shakoure Thanks for sharing. Worth noting: Matterport 2016 Revenue: $19.2 million Employees: 174 Revenue per employee: $110,345 Dan
Kuula Tour EZ 4 Newbie! MarkCantu 1 7 yearsMarkCantu (105): I been reading and attempting so many software projects over the last two weeks, and then I stumbled onto Kuula and made a tour, really easily. I am not sure if it's going to be hard for just about anyone to create 360 tours soon. Posted a link to my first tour at Blue Star Art Complex San Antonio. Shot with a Theta V.
Virtual Tours - Impact on Sales JosephFolan 2 7 yearssbl110 (285): Hi Joe, I know this isn't exactly what you're looking for, and the info is a bit dated (2017), but it does have some interesting data -- industry and Matterport data. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 ...
Practical & Sellable Usage of MT Measurement MarkCantu 1 7 yearsMarkCantu (105): Newbie question here again, I was wondering if there is a target segment for Matterport's Measurement feature. I conceptually see the usage (Architecture-Engineering-Construction), but I was wondering what type of success others may be having? I viewed Dan's Forum on BLK 360 combined with Matterport last Friday [13 April 2018], and I was in awe of where the technology is going - I am just curious if any one is already using this feature with...
Is the Matterport MSP Program going away? immersivespaces 12 7 yearsPeterMcCready (232): From reality capture to reality distortion within 24 hours ;) Bill, I firmly believe you can do the right thing and turn this fiasco around: Let content creators OWN/CONTROL the destiny of their own content. Properly INCENTIVISE content creators to OPT-IN re Ecosystem. SUPPORT your MSPs, you've nothing to pitch without their paid contributions.
Massive Discovery: VRBO Supports Matterport! Metroplex360 19 7 yearsmori (819): Look forward to scan some dutch vacation locations in The Hague.
AEC Advice and inspiration: Oil/Gas Space Briski2208 2 7 yearsCarlosFHdz (605): Email him a request for meeting. Schedule a meeting, and then show him the Matterport/krispy kream/power ranger 3D tour with videos, tags, and other items and Guide him through it telling him to imagine the office/space with tags and videos of things mentioned. If you send an email, he won’t be able to share the vision of what’s possible. If you meet him and chat, you can guide him.
No monkey needed! frstbubble 2 7 yearsShakoure (568): @frstbubble ...HAS TECHNOLOGY TRULY BENEFITTED THE AVERAGE JOE? This is an increasingly interesting subject that you're touching on here. While machine learning/A.I. is really amazing and gaining traction, many people are getting concerned about the changing landscape of our work force and employment rates, i.e. employers are replacing human employees with robots and AI programs, leaving the average person with ever shrinking opportunities for...
Hospital Sample Needed Gerhard 4 7 yearsangusnorriss (747): This is very good and includes a great google fly-in.
View matterport in VR and watch on a screen? 3dvirtueletour 6 7 yearsFoundry45 (34): We used Chromecast back in 2016 (centuries ago!) and screen casting, but it was super hard to setup and didn't work at all if there was any traffic on the WiFi.
Airport scan cswartz 2 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @cswartz Here's one of a airport hanger ... βœ“ Matterport Tour of the Day: NASA P3-B Does this help? Dan
Intergeo 2017 Berlin mori 12 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @mori Just received this email from NCTech ... Dan ---
What is the point of being a MSP? 3SixtyNow 20 8 yearsBale100 (175): Agree, price fixing does not work. Each market is different and we should live in a free market in economy where choice, quality, differentiation and availability determine prices. We know there's availability & choice in most markets, however the quality & differentiation maybe to difficult to spot for an untrained eye i.e. new prospects. Hence Matterport grading & client feedback to help make it clear.
MSP Summit Invite: Did anyone else get this? justinv 28 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @Wonderdawg Thanks for the additional backstory. I look forward to visiting with you when you are in Atlanta. Best, Dan
Multi-Scan Heights Snap 14 8 yearsSnap (194): Thank you @mori I will have a look
Architecture pricing-vs-RealEstate Pricing tocha 2 8 yearsDouglasMeyers (1282): I have done a few like this and the most important this is FARO does not have Doll house view nor can you add video , photos and such with matter tags.
Private Matterport VR spaces? Briski2208 8 8 yearsmori (819): The above legal text as also the embedded one in the viewer is from 2016. HereΒ΄s the latest:
Attorney Do I need 1? Drone manufacture GeorgeK 4 8 yearshometakes (1134): Hi George, Im not saying that all of what you said isn't so and lots of Solo owners are going to be mad and maybe there is a class action suit brought forth. What I am saying to you, its not worth your time or energy seeking your own legal advice. Unless you have a friend that does this type of attorney work, its going to cost you at least $150 to talk about the possibility of a case. And if he tells you yes, you have a case, its not going...
is this pricing ridiculous ? TierOneVentures 15 8 yearsViewing (589): Interesting points. Let's see how it plays out over the coming months and years. It seems the vast majority want to go solo when it comes to pricing and I respect that. I'm an idealist though and want every 3D pro to succeed. It's still early enough to set benchmarks and there's no precedent so in my simple mind I figure, why not? Many will disagree though and I don't think I've ever had a positive response to the idea of agreeing on minimum...
Need Quotes for Book GLARI_International 1 8 yearsGLARI_International (45): I am looking for a couple of quotes to use in a book that I am writing. I wold like to include some quotes on how the adoption pioneers here feel about the adoption curve, where you feel the trends are heading, and how it has changed you business model. All quotes will be properly sourced, so you will become famous to the dozens and dozens that will read it. :) If you have time for a quick chat, please [Private Message me]. Thanks!
Is it time to drop prices? VTLV 4 8 yearsVTLV (2916): @justinv - Thanks for the feedback. Never thought if it as a "Doghouse" dilemma. lol. Many blank stares on that one as well. Opening pantries to get every nook and cranny would be self inflicted death, I wish that upon nobody. Walk in closets though, not a terrible idea, but could be avoided for faster shoot times, sure. The other services are there with stills and slide shows, ect. Just got the drone license, I've been an agent...
Sell Tour from previous listing to new agent 3SixtyNow 8 8 yearsDroneGirl (16): I am a RE photographer as well as MP provider. Like photography, the Matterport providers (as well as MP) own the copyright. You have every right to sell any tour to another agent. We do it all the time with RE photos. In over 10 years as a high end photographer I have only had one agent request I not re-sell listing images for one particular property. I sell the images for the exact amount I charged the original agent. My clients know...
3D Property Renderings Exteriors - Offplan Bale100 6 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @Bale100 We Get Around Network Forum Related Discussions βœ“ 3DVUE (All Discussions) βœ“ InventiveCG (All Discussions) βœ“ Archilogic (All Discussions) βœ“ 3rd Party Service Providers ( Renderings) βœ“ Blue-Sketch (All Discussions) βœ“ MP2FP (All Discussions) Special Landing Pages βœ“ 3DVUE βœ“ InventiveCG βœ“ Archilogic βœ“ Blue-Sketch βœ“ MP2FP All five of these companies offer special savings for We Get...
Preschool Marketing Dept. Concerns 3SixtyNow 3 8 yearsOpenHouseOptics (208): Statistics show that people go where they are familiar - if anything, them seeing it online will encourage a site visit AND increase enrollment because parents feel like they KNOW the environment. It's based on the same psychology we use when teaching fire safety or mass panic situations, look for the exits that are OPPOSITE of where you came in because people will go the way they are most familiar.
LIDAR Scanning with Drones DougTse 2 8 yearsfrstbubble (639): Depending on the desired output requested you shouldn't need LIDAR pictures should be good enough. If you are looking for wire connection issues then infrared would be best.
Social Media Sites that can display VR? LetMe3D 5 8 yearsnat_vanveen (598): @LetMe3D forgot to say... that's a very cool business name 'LetMe3D' brilliant!
New Leica BLK360 Scanner Kracka60 6 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, Related Forum discussion: βœ“ SPAR3D: Leica BLK360 Imaging Laser Scanner Dan
GO LONG Hail Mary of Matterport Promo Videos GeorgeK 4 8 yearsGeorgeK (958): I agree with the LONG Winded... but I think it has a place in the market.... I can think of several ways to leverage this. Please feel free to share it and give me any imput. We are on virgin Ground with this.... I broke my own rule and went more than a minute.... Cheer mate.
Video Day in the life of a scanner 1 min. GeorgeK 8 8 yearsDouglasMeyers (1282): Nice video, I just have one question. Why is you camera so high up on the tripod ? I notice when the camera gets so high when you pull photos from the tour they seem to be looking down at a room not eye level. I use mine at about 5'5" and my photos look stright on not like a person looking down at a room. Maybe it's just me.
Matterport launch Rich Media Mattertag Posts nat_vanveen 11 8 yearsPanoraman (10): Hi @Metroplex360, we are following these new features closely. I hope this will be integrated soon in MP, also allow us to add HTML code in iframe so we can integrate more than video and text. I have a client that even wants to hide a wheel of fortune in the space to play out tickets and goodies. I saw a lot of interesting whish lists on the forum, these are my favorite and personal 3D showcase requests: -custom branding for...
InsideMaps vs Matterport Mario 20 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @dorlando My impression is that all Spaces, including homes, can now be published to Google Street View. That's why I imagine that Matterport will enable easy, fast and ($$$) to publish to Google Map. And, that we will see Google acquire Matterport. 😎 The first, big step forward will be Matterport making their API public. Dan
CNN Coversge of Matterport. How old? justinv 3 8 yearsChemistrydoc (1930): As a point of art, I would pop the Matterport showcases into another browser window....but other than that, the message is just as fresh today as when the CNN Money article came out (2015, I believe)
Best Practices Thread: Working w/ Government DovrMedia 8 8 yearsTrustedPhotoDC (1108): With security work you can't fake it 'til you make it. You should either hire a specialist or a company that has a history with InfoSec and understands OPSEC.
Invitation to VRARA Event 1/31 with Scoble Hopscotch 5 8 yearsmcatino (118): Not on twitter yet.
REAL VISION: Anyone Using It? Gransky Jump to first page34Jump to last page 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): Thanks, Alex. I wasn't sure so I did make sure to state that this was my guess. 😁
Matterport for Construction Projects? Ramblinman 11 8 yearsDannyBasting (1171): @Ramblinman I've been rather busy so my response got a bit delayed SOrry fot that. You can read about the application I mentioned earlier over here. It will. That's the only reason I invested in the Matterport camera. They told me the that while in beta, the service will be free. When fully released, they will charge a small fee for this service. I use the data as t is. I took some measurements during my first scans and compared...
Travel Trends in the coming year. VR photosbyhopsing 1 8 yearsphotosbyhopsing (22): Aloha Gang, Going thru my daily emails and updates. This following link has motivated me to pursue some other arena's Hopsing
Sharing My Matterport Presentation Deck and timbaland 2 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @timbaland The We Get Around Network curates 3rd party solutions to help Matterport Pros succeed faster. Here are three examples of services that you might consider bundling for the large property management company. Happy holidays, Dan
Matterport Webminar Wednesday, 16 Nov 2016 grmngrl 7 8 yearsgrmngrl (942): I was asked to provide a MP Webinar survey feedback: I know if wont make a difference and I wasted 15 more minutes of my life!:( My feedback: The referral program is a joke. I never gotten even one referral, neither did other MSP’s. Do you really think anybody believes that you provide referrals and we wouldn't get back to them? Really? Vertical markets is another joke! Why would a company limit them self's? It would be like me as a...
Free marketing material htimsabbub23 2 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31629):
Green Laser JC3DCX 9 8 yearsRobinLycka (727): @JC3DCX Our Facebook banner is just a photoshop mockup ;) I just wanted something that looked a bit more .... lazeryyy!! :D
Headset News: Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear VR DanSmigrod Jump to first page187Jump to last page 8 yearsbobophoto (1): is one able to walk through models once wearing headset to is it just a 360 degree view of a certain space?
Matterport Scenes / Phab 2 pro frstbubble 6 8 yearsJamie (2037): @JonJ it's around USD $40,000
Is Matterport Marketing Misleading? grmngrl 5 8 yearsgrmngrl (942): @Property3dNZ you make me smile. Egg on my face... Haha!
Inman report on 3D integration EricThomas 1 8 yearsEricThomas (175): Posted today [Thursday, 10 November 2016] in the daily Inman report:’s 3-D integration, on the other hand, is reportedly gearing up to integrate 3-D tours into its site. It currently only lets agents add links to 3-D tours on listings. But Matterport, a leading 3-D provider, is working with’s product team on how to increase their accessibility, Matterport CEO Bill Brown said. Agents say 3-D tours...
Matterport Terms of Service / Copyright Law Metroplex360 4 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Other thoughts? Dan
3D scanning & printing JC3DCX 4 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Top 20: Most Popular 3D Scanners and 3D Scanning Software
Pro Tip: How To Find Plagiarism RenderingSpace 5 8 yearsVRealExperience (115): Nice job rendering. I must admit, when I first started and tried getting the word out, I almost did this. Then I thought, and decided against using the old "How would I feel". I settled that if I ever wanted to I will seek permission, as that's what I would want". It was this very experience, that made me rethink my whole strategy. I decided to go big or go home, and now am hiring a professional web developer/hoster, and...
Matterport is the Gold Standard davidpylyp 3 8 yearsVRealExperience (115): I agree with the product and solution, but their support is lackluster. This is not a personal shot at the people they have in support, but more the way their support is structured and operationalized Forget 24x7 which I think should be a given for them - but how they offer support in general. It's really only email and in some cases 4 days go by. Does anyone know a single real estate agent who is also patient? Most "Sales"...
I see a link for Real Vision (Toursler)? MadHusband 13 8 yearsExpertise (1192): The new gen looks pretty good to me. I already have Canon DSLRs, just need a fisheye lens and a few accessories. I could then shoot a house in 1 swoop, and generate a 3D tour, floorplan and pretty high quality stills from that 1 shoot. So... my math tells me that instead of spending maybe 60 minutes shooting an average house and 90 minutes "Matterporting" it I could just do BOTH in 60 minutes. That's worth something....
MP Facebook AD 4 Display App and a Video GeorgeK 3 8 yearsGeorgeK (958): I looked for the advertisement again but it has dropped off my Facebook page, it was a sponsored "feed' and those fall off. If I see it again I will post it. It was most likely directed or to Realtors so I bet I see it again. The person has to write to them to get the app.
Hurricane Season is Here! JonJ 2 8 yearsChemistrydoc (1930): Jon, This is a great idea. My recent background is in the construction area, specifically hurricane shutters, wind abatement and other similar. Your best bet would be to contact insurance providers who regularly deal with higher $ homes - Lloyds of London, AIG Preferred Clients Group and similar. I don't think they would mandate the use of Matterport, but they could certainly recommend it. Keith
Intel Realsense technology JC3DCX 4 8 yearsDouglasMeyers (1282): This is Very cool Tech...
Matterport marketing questionable 3Dwalkmethru 23 8 yearsDSPhoto (112): The last thing I would want to do is a sell a camera to someone I could have as a client. The guy living across the street from me has 135 Remax agents. Why would I try to sell him a camera when I could do the work for him? If I had only found out what he did a year earlier... If you are worried about your clients buying the camera then you have 2 problems; The wrong clients and the wrong approach to selling your services. I come from an...
Rothenberg Ventures (Matterport backer) news fsmith 1 9 yearsfsmith (22): They were involved in the Series C round.
Building with 3 floor 3500sq/m Fuse 4 9 yearsPieroBortolot (230): Yes, you can this is 4000 square meters (4 floors, 200 scans)
Related Companies, Products and Services DanSmigrod Jump to first page261Jump to last page 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Snapshots of virtual reality with Nokia camera - Business
Multiple trour from 1 model? BenedicteDamm 5 9 yearsBenedicteDamm (26): @jward Yes. 1 long full version allowing in-depth immersion, 1 shorter giving a general overviwe, 1 version for external visitors before entering, 1 version containing instructions before entering the facility.
Great article in Florida realtors mag today Rootsyloops 1 9 yearsRootsyloops (322): This is some good pr for us matterport pros:
Single page listing htimsabbub23 5 9 yearsJonJ (1760): I provide them to my clients and they are included with the virtual tour. They don't cost me anything since I am now using the WP3D plugin. If they want a custom url (.info), I do charge a small fee ($10). It is a great way to drive additional traffic to your website instead of to Matterports. They usually have a sign rider that they put in the front yard to get attention to the neighbors and anyone driving by looking at houses in the...
All Encompassing Photography Business Examp Cabrahams 5 9 yearsjntooker (109): My new site just went live today. It is custom by CJ Designs. She is amazing. She also did my real estate website.
Samsung Gear 360 Photos Showcas3D 18 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Samsung Gear 360 review
Project Tango News and Commentary DanSmigrod 23 9 yearssmcclell (156): It was perhaps a bit dramatic a comment i made that could be read as foreboding, with a coming doom haha. I agree with you..i did not mean this will replace MP. If anything, with matterport already experimenting with tango it could open up some exciting complimentary options. Lets hope so!
Matterport Enters Australian Market Mikesobay 5 9 yearsShane (91): Agree also with Marcel. Vendor pays. Agents like the idea of the Matterport Scan but don't see it as their cost nor understand how it sets them apart from others. I worry about my investment as the Scanning is the only service I offer. No use getting into photography as the market is already covered. It will only be a short time that the large photographic companies buy into the Matterport scanning and offer as another of their packaged...
Black screen htimsabbub23 6 9 yearsArchimedStudio (714): By the way, I have one computer where I have the same problem (black screen) 75% of the time... I found out it's mainly a browser problem (I use IE) lacking memory. When I close all the IE processes and retry, it usually works. Making sure the latest updates are installed is an easy thing to check. Then, there is this website that tells you if your computer is compatible with Webgl : If it is, great! If it's not, it...
Parade of homes htimsabbub23 8 9 yearsSeventhsunrise (64): Interesting take. The builders I worked with loved it and saw both additional post show online revenue and numerous new contracts based on the scans associating the builders with the parade of homes.
Any one use for signage? JoeMontaleone 3 9 yearsJoeMontaleone (25): @GarySnyder Thanks, Gary! That's good to know. I'll conduct a test after sundown sometime soon, and we'll see what happens. Much appreciated!
Matterport public models mashup website? yguo 2 9 yearskenangiguere (46): There are a bunch on the Matterport website
Questions for Vendors, from a newbie candy4me 1 9 yearscandy4me (19): Hello All I plan on purchasing a MP camera within the next few weeks to vendor in NYC after some research. I stumbled across this forum after attempts to gain a variety of service providers through matterport (slow, unresponsive!) To help me along, if some of you members could answer some of these questions, it would help me out tons! *How long have you been providing 3D services? *Issues with Camera? Software? (Does it REALLY last 10...
Warehouse shoot kevingame 3 9 yearskevingame (1): That's great, thanks for the response. I'll post my results!
What happens to models if I cancel account? ianatcatoimages 9 9 yearsfburch (28): @JohnBecker,thanks, you've helped me solve a major problem.
Video walkthrough example alex1908 2 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi Alex, Welcome to the MUG Forum :cool: To learn more about getting free use of my Matterport 3D Tour examples, please click here. Here are five marketing tools to help you launch your Matterport business. Best, Dan
Marketing or Advertising childert 7 9 yearsDigitalImageries (43): Cathie have you posted on this site any of the ideas concerning marketing to retirement communities? I am preparing to do a presentation next June for eRetirement community folks and am looking for good marketing stratagies.
Matterport vs Others romdus 7 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @MDuff Thank you ... and thank you for being a Member of the We Get Around Referral Network in Newport Beach, California. @romdus If you would like a referral of a Matterport Pro in France, please Private Message (PM) me. (And, please let me know which city too please.) We have Matterport Pros all across France. Thanks, Dan
Link to Museums Fernando 7 9 yearsfranmts (181): Ah, true @Invelop. I did an art exhibition as well. Very nice your model, helped me sell to this artist. Do you have a build (executable) of the art gallery you could share, or a produced video? Joarez Filho Vernissage:
Making 3-D imaging 1,000 times better falconshakka 1 9 yearsfalconshakka (68): Pretty cool news for imaging technology from MIT
Need some REALLY good retail space examples Cabrahams 10 9 yearsCabrahams (118): Thanks! Keep them coming! I think it's useful for all.
How was this done? Les Stroud VR Video BrianM 5 9 yearsBill (288): There are many 360 video rigs (PM me if interested) and here is an inexpensive 360 video camera:
Virtual tours for un-built spaces OpenHome 8 9 yearsVertexVR (7): We use Unity to create interactive 3D visualisations, for example here: or This is also ready for the Oculus Rift. If anyone is interested, please contact me.
Matterport Hosting should be Bandwidth Based Metroplex360 11 9 yearsJamie (2037): @metroplex360 If you die, that's not a nice thought :) It is a good point however. I'm not sure if matterport has considered this, but for the publicity alone they should take over hosting models that the scanner/us no longer can or want. Seems like a smart thing to do to have a product saturation in the market (to a point)
How do you compete with Google? tradetickers 6 9 yearstradetickers (10): Matterport may get bought out by google at this rate
Looking for Matterpeeps in Sydney, Australia AdamplatinumHD 9 9 yearsMitchell (7): Thanks Adam
Floor Plan Sketches & Smart Galleries RenderingSpace 11 9 yearsRenderingSpace (607): Here's a quick video of how the floor plan view is transformed into a schematic floor plan.
Matterport's long-term aspirations CarlosFHdz 2 10 yearsDoyleRealtor (534): Matterport's long term vision is very exciting, great article Carlos
What are we doing? HarlanHambright 17 10 yearsInvelop (121): Completely agree with Dan. After a few scans you should realize how much you don't know.
Industrial Scan GarySnyder 8 10 yearsGarySnyder (2143): Hi Canada That would also be great, can you please provide me with a link to the scan. Many thanks Gary
The Int'l Virtual Reality Photography Assn Tosolini 9 10 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): As of Sunday, 9 May 2015 Attending @Jamie @DanSmigrod Maybe @AltitudeCinematic I could imagine this being the first of something big! Dan
Filming Hi-Line Automobiles Kenj69 4 10 yearsAltitudeCinematic (7): found it And here is the Ferrari Alonso :
Ownership of Model tedriolo 7 10 yearssvensson (10): matterport owns all the data indeed.
Anybody body know gofastpro 15 10 yearsal9901 (61): I have seen this too. I wouldn't get too caught up with these 360 photo tours. As Gary said, the future is 3D. I met with one of the countries largest real estate brokers here and they were trying to work out how much it cost for them to back out of a deal they signed with a 360 photo company because they liked the Matterport captures so much better. 360 photos have terrible problems with fish-eye; the photo is projected on to a 3D sphere and...
Disclaimer Forms Queen_City_3D 6 10 yearsdavidpylyp (178): Thank you That would an interesting and valuable disclosure
Funny Matterport Wannabe RenderingSpace 3 10 yearsgrantmuller (31): #Motionsickness
Adding location links to a scan Jamie 6 10 yearsvirtualshowingsla (13): Hi, I have been using Marcel's portal for some time.. It is great.. I couldn't see operating my matterport business without it. Thanks Marcel!!
Interactive features, possible? CKC 4 10 yearsCKC (85): Hi Scott, Yeah I think it's absolutely doable even without the Google just need people from different specializations. Right, definitely not with MP for now...thanks for your feedback.
E-commerce & smart journalism CKC 1 10 yearsCKC (85): Hello, I have got clients asking how we can integrate MP and E-commerce and even VR-based reportage...right now what we can offer is a) the link, b) the embed code and c)obj files...are these enough for clients as a base to further create online shopping experiences and virtual reporting? Big and perhaps a bit vague questions, thanks!
MP vs Google Business View CKC 9 10 yearsJamieSher (200): Hi Todd, Thanks for the kind words! Glad you like the films. I've been making these for a little under a year now so it's been a bit of time to get the techniques down. Always getting better at making them but each place and space is different and it's cool to see how they turn out. The other good thing is that people from anywhere in the world can just email them to me and they can be produced, packaged and sent back. Oh how good the...
Project tango? Canada 5 10 yearsTim (355): Yeah, received an email earlier today...not sure I see any use for us at the moment...
Matterport for Apartments in Michigan TrueSpaces 1 10 yearsTrueSpaces (55): In addition to residential and commercial real estate listings, we're exploring using Matterport for apartment community rentals too. Have you had success in offering apartment communities 3D Showcases? Seems like it would a great fit to help get new residents; especially relocations. Thanks!
Realtor Asks: How to Get Listings via 3D SummerMayhugh 7 10 yearsalx3D (719): Awesome Eric! Great to see some TX success.
What if? LeeBlackston 6 10 yearsJamie (2037): Vincent No link, I was just told by one o the matterport guys that floored in new York had done it. I saw maybe 18 months ago that they had partnered up (a presentation they did together) I looked at floored to clean up the scans when it was the mesh only view. Recent matterport users might not remember that
Yachts Drew 14 10 yearsDrew (82): Night scan of a cool yacht from December. Heading to the Miami Boat Show this week to grab some new clients. Jet scans are coming soon...