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Creating a seperate account for large client.7964

WallsCouldTalk private msg quote post Address this user
Hello all,

First time post. We have a long term, exclusive relationship with a large Vacation Rental Management company. Meaning we provide all photography services for all listings and have been for years. Other competitors of theirs in the area have been providing matterport models with their own camera and also use our photography services exclusively for stills. They have shown interest in the service but we are very certain they are not interested in purchasing a camera because they have already been approached by MP directly. So the question is, before we pitch this to our client, Is it possible to set up an account for them that they would use as storage/ parking lot for their models to be transferred(from our account to theirs) after completion. I understand we would be footing the bill for processing. So the pitch will be for them to manage the hosting(assuring they won't have concerns of being locked into our services)and we will provide the services, including transferring the completed models to their account. After all I have read, I don't trust communicating directly with matterport on the issue, because they have a history of trying to scalp clients from the service providers.

Does anyone have a similar agreement with any high volume clients? Any advice on how to approach this?

Thanks in advance for any insight!

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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Screen Grab: To set up a Matterport Cloud account - without buying a Matterport Camera - contact Matterport Support here.


Thanks for joining the WGAN Forum and for your insightful question.

Yes. Your client can set up their own Matterport account without owning a Matterport camera.

Your client can request this Matterport account here. (When you get a Matterport Cloud account only, follow this process.)

If you had them set you up as a Collaborator on their account, you could use their free processing and then additional processing beyond the free would be charged directly to your client. Since you would be managing their account, ideally, they give you access to all Folders.

Have you considered?

1. Agree to Transfer (but Not Unless They Exercise Option) If their concern is that you might go out of business or that they don't want to be tied to you, how about agreeing to transfer all models to their account, if they wish to do so.
2. Hosting and Maintenance - Charge monthly recurring revenue for hosting. (Small fee for scanning where you make your payback in 18 months and then pure profit drops to the bottom line.) For vacation rentals, it is likely that you will be tweaking wording, etc. over time, so you should get paid for this.
3. I do have concerns about Matterport pitching your client either on buying Cameras ...

Example of Matterport Being Sneaky to Farm and Market to Your Clients

... or their multi-family home business model:

Should Matterport be in the Business of Buying Scans from MSPs?
Matterport Competing with Matterport Pros?

Does this help?



P.S. I recall from 4-years of WGAN Forum posts, there are Members that have clients set up their own Matterport Cloud account and their are Members that would never do this.
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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

BTW, if you have your client become a Collaborator in a folder in your account, be warned:

Example of Matterport Being Sneaky to Farm and Market to Your Clients


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WallsCouldTalk private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you Dan!

I don't think they have any concerns about the stability of our business, we have outlived most of our competitors in the area and continue to grow every year. They are just more old school and like to hold the cards. Completely understandable, we are of the same mindset (exactly why we have hesitated so long about buying into the MP ecosystem). We shoot for them several times a week almost year round, so maintaining a mutually beneficial relationship is the goal. It isn't a concern yet, as we are just getting started with MP, but I like the idea that they wont be taking up half of my hosting slots in the future. As I understand it, 300 is going to be the max as of now before our profit margins take a beating from the overage charges. Strategically, if they are hosting their own, it will minimize our overhead and leave more parking spots open in the hosting lot for larger commercial models that will be hosted long term. This will also allow them to maintain their models if we decide at some point to break away from the MP platform (entirely possible the more I have read about their business ethics). Potentially saving us from a sticky situation with a great client in the future. As for allowing clients to access our account, until MP creates controls to access for the account admin, I don't think it would be appropriate to expose any details between clients. I really appreciate the colossal amount of valuable information I have gained reading through these forums. I still have A LOT of reading to do, but I am working my way through it one thread at a time.

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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you for the additional backstory and insight.

It's a no-brainer for you to pitch Matterport to your Client. You don't need to buy a Camera, until you have your first, big client lined up. Brilliant.

About ...

Originally Posted by @WallsCouldTalk
As for allowing clients to access our account, until MP creates controls to access for the account admin, I don't think it would be appropriate to expose any details between clients.

With Matterport Collaborator, you can give your client access to only:

✓ one model
✓ one or more folders
✓ all folders

For clarification, Client A can not see Client B; as long as you set it up correctly. (Not hard: though the Collaborator feature could use some Matterport User Experience (See CUPIX for best practices)

You can transfer the Matterport model - and the copyright - to your client:

How does the "Transfer Space" work?
Transfer Model Also Transfers Copyright?

About the 300 cap, plus an up-charge for more, you can always get an additional Matterport account. Yes. Not the most efficient process, but doable.

Do you already have a Matterport Camera?



P.S. Thank you for your kind note about the WGAN Forum Community ...
Originally Posted by @WallsCouldTalk
I really appreciate the colossal amount of valuable information I have gained reading through these forums. I still have A LOT of reading to do, but I am working my way through it one thread at a time.

... if you got started tonight, you could read all 52,000 posts among 7,500 topics from Members in 118 countries in less than two years
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WallsCouldTalk private msg quote post Address this user
THank you Dan,

That is all great news! Yes, we purchased a Pro2 last month for a large hotel that we work with as well. We are currently awaiting approval and planning on those projects. We just don't like to make things up as we go, so we pulled the trigger early in order to allow ourselves time to establish an efficient workflow and enough experience to recognize potential issues before they arise. Now we are in the process of polishing our pitch and best practices. It is always easier to sell more to an established client than to find new ones, so our strategy is to start with people we have an established relationship with that will give us valuable feedback. There is a learning curve every time we launch a new service line. This forum is shortening that curve greatly!

Thanks again!
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