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'Matterport Support' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Matterport Support / Billing / Senior-level decision makers NC3D 5 9 monthsNC3D (119): Hi all, update… Last night Matterport reinstated my account and gave me a small discount to help with the delinquency. Still didn’t offset the damage that was done, but I’m just happy that I’m back online. Im sure it helped to have the power of the WGAN forum on my side! Thanks all!
Matterport Billing...Complaint rhelling 5 1 yearGETMYVR (1941): I'm pretty sure most of us can agree Matterport has among the worst customer service in the history of any service company. And that's just because Matterport has the wrong CEO of leadership. As a public company shareholders don't give a s*** about how you take care of the customers, just how much money they're returning. How's that return? Looking for all you who invested on top of crappy customer service?
Matterport not processing images [Saturday, 2 December 2023] rzphotoman 10 1 yearlilnitsch (5803): Snapshot link just appeared in my inbox this morning
How to check and update firmware on Matterport Pro3 Camera? wildcatdave71 6 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Matterport Pro 3: My customer service experience getting a replacement camera. | Video courtesy of Sparks Media Group's YouTube Channel | 4 Aug 2023 | Scan Your Space (a Division of Sparks Media Group) Founder and CEO Tom Sparks | | | @ScanYourSpace @Wingman You rock! Thank you for providing the detailed Matterport Pro3 Camera firmware update...
Video: Matterport Pro3-My customer service experience getting a replacement ScanYourSpace 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): @ScanYourSpace Thank you for sharing. That's great how Matterport Support handled your multiple Pro3 returns/exchanges. Plus, that's great how fast that the replacements where shipped to you. Sounds like a text-book case of how a Matterport Pro3 Camera problem should be handled by Matterport. If they invite you for a Matterport HQ tour, please share that video with us too. Enjoy your weekend, Dan
Insta360 One X2 issue with the Matterport Capture App? Gladsmuir 8 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): @Gladsmuir I reached out to Insta360 regarding this challenge. Here is the reply: --- Hi Dan, I have carefully reviewed the post and discussed the issue with our service team and tech team. Based on their initial feedback, the Insta360 One X2 has been working perfectly with the Matterport Capture App for a long time already, so this may not be a common issue. To accurately pinpoint the reason for this issue, they would need...
Matterport Tech Support? Sdoughtie 4 2 yearsSdoughtie (570): Update: I called tech support. They set the model to reprocess. Failed. I went in and deleted all the mirror annotations and uploaded it again. Work, except the mirrors in the space are not correct. Tech support created another job and it did process, but when I downloaded the matterpak the quality was noticeable reduced. Self-service only apparently.
Help Please: Matterport Pro2 Lite Upload Problems Flashcutter 4 2 yearsFlashcutter (80): Thank you…someone already graciously shared their space. Let’s see how the new pricing structure works out. Thanks for the input. JM
How to talk to a Matterport Tech Support person? NC3D 3 2 yearsNC3D (119): That is nearly exactly what happened to me!
Matterport 3rd party stitching? Uscampbells 21 2 yearsJuMP (2031): @Uscampbells Just send email to you. Please check it.
Matterport Maintenance: 10 pm Monday, 17 October 2022 | 6 Hours DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): eBlast View Matterport Full Scheduled Maintenance Details View Matterport Full Scheduled Maintenance Details Hi All, I wonder if Matterport is going to launch a new product or service...
Matterport Scheduled Maintenance 10 pm ET Thursday, 12 October 2022-4 Hours DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): eBlast received 6:47 pm ET Wednesday, 5 October 2022 Hi All, I wonder what will be new/different after this Matterport scheduled maintenance? I could imagine Matterport will have something new to sell since this maintenance affects: 1. Matterport Shopping Cart 2. Matterport API 3. Matterport Cloud 4....
What is the email address for Matterport Customer Service? ron0987 4 3 yearsron0987 (3499): @DanSmigrod Here is the MP response, Hi Ron, Thank you for reaching out to us here at Matterport Support. The sharpness of the images being taken on the snapshots would depend on what images were loaded on the screen when you clicked on the Camera icon. I would definitely wait until the computer completely loads the image on the screen before taking a snapshot. Webgl is RAM intensive. Make sure to close excessive browser windows and any...
Help MP 360 photo edit? ron0987 4 4 yearslilnitsch (5803): I find that sometimes it a little easier to get a 360 to appear where you'd like it in the workshop. Though, I still place my 360 views when on site in the field
I loaned Matterport $993.16 (and they have not paid me back yet) DanSmigrod 11 4 yearsExpertise (1192): Bless their hearts...:heart:
Matterport navigation and loading issues BenAdgie 2 4 yearslilnitsch (5803): @BenAdgie I am guessing this is the issue in reference
[Resolved] Unable to upload MP Pro2 scans "Can't Upload, Camera Mismatch.." SeattlePhotog 2 4 yearsGETMYVR (1941): Welcome to the forum and the pro 2 is only supported on certain new plans, not the starter plan so that would make sense. If you're in this for the Long haul you might want to see if you can find a classic plan, and good luck I hope everything works out for you.
MP stitching together TWO Tours to make ONE. BlueImmersiveMedia 3 4 yearsNoddy (432): @BlueImmersiveMedia, yes it can be done by sending the links in an e-mail to, There should be at least one common area / common scan point or points, and you can describe to them how it should be joined. First they will take a look and determine if it's do-able, then they will stitch the 2 parts into 1 model. This may take weeks. When it is done you will have a single scan added to your account, with a new link, and the...
Matterport Support Phone Numbers DanSmigrod 3 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): @3dshowcaseuk Can you call and let us know? :cool: Dan
Matterport needs to get their floorpan delivery speed up to snuff. adc1967 4 5 yearsmp2fp (509): The experienced WGAN service provider will be happy to help! Order in the evening and it is ready when you wake up in the morning! Get your own logo and any style by choice, 2D or 3D, multiple floors up to 10 000 sqf included in basic price. 10% discount for WGAN members and 50% price reduction for extended areas.
How can I scan multi floors without scanning stairs using elevators/tags skyload300 8 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): @skyload300 Let us know if this works. Thanks, Dan
Moving a 3D Scan to another Level outside of the Capture App? jonah 1 5 yearsjonah (17): Hi All, I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for moving a 3D scan to a another level once a tour has been proceed? In the capture app, I placed the scan on the 3rd level but after processing the scan appears on the 2nd level. I called Matterport fro suggestion but they say they do not support outdoor scans and were not very helpful. Here is a link to the mentioned point ...
Amazing efficiency of Matterport Support 3dshowcaseuk 13 5 years3dshowcaseuk (1355): I have just received the below email ROFL! Thank you for recently contacting Matterport Support for assistance. Please rate your support experience by completing a short survey. Click Here for Survey Thank you! Issue Title: URGENT. Media tags in all tours gone
Updating Map leonherbert 7 5 yearsRichardStanton (253): @leonherbert I have another thread going on this one which I will update as I hear more back - and this issue is at the top of my list with them as well. I had two more models corrupt in this way, so I am up to 4 captures which I am unable to curate. This latest is the most disturbing as I had a made a duplicate of the model prior to doing any edits. When this happened again during editing it corrupted not only the copy I had been working on,...
Matterport Support Prioritizing Phone Calls versus Email Requests DanSmigrod 5 5 yearsbriangreul (684): I guess it's easier for the people to say "I don't know." "We don't support that." and "I can't help you" then it is to respond to an email. :) I think the department name is mis-spelled. Customer Dis-service department. Or the department of who cares. I don't see how they think they can grow the company or revenue. Enterprise customers won't tolerate it for a second. That's why they don't own cameras...
Matterport tags down? Npapps 7 5 yearslilnitsch (5803): *05/16/2020 - MatterTags appear to be coming back online:
Where do I find "which version" of Matterport Capture app I am using? DanSmigrod 3 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Grab from Matterport Capture iOS App @Garnetwest Thank you! Not sure how I missed that! Dan
Matterport Product durability and Customer Service SLCUT 1 5 yearsSLCUT (34): I have experienced what I am currently chalking up to as a 'series of unfortunate events' in the purchase of my Matterport Camera. Which has caused me to raise the question as to how durable or problematic the Matterport is, as well as what your experience has been when working with their customer service. What happens when you have a problem with your camera outside of warranty? How problematic is the Matterport? I would like to ask the...
Matterport Server notifications JHFoust 4 5 yearsDouglasMeyers (1282): Try using a different browser, thats what they told me last week and I am good now.
Scan with two matterport camera hamid167 10 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Two months!? That's crazy! Dan
Can you combine 2 separate dollhouse into 1??? pixelray 7 5 yearsbryanhscott (843): @pixelray 400 total scans for one model will amount to approximately 10GB (the math: 25MB x 400). Your storage capability starting point is 80% of "Capacity" due to overhead needed by ios, etc. So, so "Available" is reduced by whatever that 20% equals to be safe. Once you run that math, do you have at least 10GB left to use? If yes, you should be good to go.
iPad Mini 5 and Madea works at Matterport Support briangreul 5 5 yearsbriangreul (684): @leonherbert Which mini did you have? I'm finding the Mini5 to be pretty snappy.
Ahhhhh! 3D/360 button on Matterport capture app 3dshowcaseuk 9 5 yearsleonherbert (903): Yep done that quite a few times, only to realise 5 shots down that I don't have any scans, this complacency creeps in between scan 400 and 450. Yeah they should put that somewhere else as @3dshowcaseuk says we do not use it that often.
1st Matterport Pro1 3D Camera Batteries not charging. Help please!!! soundisgood 12 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Open thread to view post.
Is a representative from Matterport still on our forum? leonherbert 9 5 yearsleonherbert (903): @JuMP thanks for the offer I am not looking for another solution. Clearly by the sound of crickets Matterport is not watching or interested in answering my questions. Maybe one day, they will realise how important listening is, and interacting with their clients.
Google Street View and Matterport ??????????? leonherbert 21 5 yearsleonherbert (903): @Astroprojector It must be because I complained to them again today :)
Dear Matterport - Your "Large Space" Billing Stinks! iTours360VR 9 5 yearsConvrts (240): Hi Ian, I don't know if your question has been answered exactly but yes, if you already have a job which is over 100 scans you can duplicate it on your iPad prior to uoload and remove scans on each model in order to create 2 models which could be linked via a Mattertag (paste the URL of your scan point at the start on the alternate model into a tag) following uploading, The only downside is you don't get as nice a dollhouse as it will remain 2...
Matterport Models crashing in new Matterport 3D Showcase app schaferu 17 5 yearsschaferu (137): Reporting back with update. Support began looking into the matter a month ago, and despite several promises unfortunately this has not been fixed yet and my Showcase App has remained unusable ever since, a real inconvenience. Apparently several users reported the issue. And we wait...
MP BS Support / 13-UP ERROR BlueImmersiveMedia 5 5 yearsBlueImmersiveMedia (303): @Photography360 In my case I was cold out. I was in NH shooting. I did just do a scan on the porch (with snow) then moved back inside. Not sure that temp is the reason, but lets hope the error goes away. I think my real concern is the lack of understanding of the error code. Feels shady... Like a revenue play. And, its not like me to go there... but it doesn't feel right. If there is an issue with the camera, I can handle that. No answer...
Payment information "missing" email received from Matterport PWIMAGING 4 5 yearsleonherbert (903): Got the same email
Four weeks to solve a problem? Maxdemartino 6 5 yearsalirizacil (162): Hi, I am waiting more than 8 weeks to solve one of my problems. And still dont know whem it will be solved :( My customer has already left me :(
Is matterport support completely off? alirizacil 7 5 yearsalirizacil (162): After 2 months, problem has not solved yet. They said, they have put my request to the line and i have to wait 4-6 more weeks, after 7 week. Congrats Matterport.. You are improoving...
Quick help from Matterport Support with model restoration Queen_City_3D 3 5 yearsChangesin3d (125): Here is the THING.... they are keeping these models and Delete does not mean Delete.... When CCPA comes into effect in January this would be a bad thing if it happened in California. I had heard that they are going to change this and offer a real deletion but like all things Matterport that remains to be seen. If you are not familiar with CCPA California Consumer Privacy Act it appears BUYERS will have the right to delete all home pictures...
Urgent: Matterport camera connection to app Ghagendorf 16 5 years9thsensevisuals (19): This happened to one of my cameras last weekend. I tried everything, but the only solution is exchanging it via matterport. It's part of an issue with one of the beta firmware updates. Sorry!
Processing Error - Need Help !! tejas_mithapelli 18 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): @tejas_mithapelli Glad it worked out. Thanks for letting us know. Dan
Face Blurr later DouglasMeyers 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): @DouglasMeyers Matterport Support can reprocess a tour without you re-uploading the Matterport 3D Tour from your iPad. While I could imagine that they could also apply the face blur feature, I do not know for sure. Please let us know what you learn from Matterport Support. Best, Dan
A Death at Matterport lisahinson 28 6 yearsMeshImages (3050): Hard times without Dee Johnson. It took Matterport support more than 80 (!) hours to send me this answer. @Matterport, we are in the photography business, we must deliver. I cannot wait days to deliver this answer.
How to combine two Matterport 3D Tours that are adjacent to each other DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsWingman (4435): They need to send links to the models to Dee through MOUG Facebook if she is still available there. That how I combined two sets of multiple models into two big models for publishing them on GSV as a whole. Dee asked me to show my models to her first and then confirmed it could be done. It took her about 48 hours to combine two sets into two big models.
Matterport sales lack of professionalism leonherbert 14 6 years3D_Hoffa (143): This post is important and should not be buried *bump*
Billing code - "error.internal" VTLV 8 6 yearsDeeJ (116): @vtlv You are more than welcome!
Still no clarity on Matterport hosting costs! Queen_City_3D 10 6 yearssbl110 (285): Ok, according to Matterport support, the first three uploads are gratis: I'm on a basic plan, but I think it would go without saying that if your subscription allowed 3, 7 or 11 (Basic, Pro, Business) processing credits, it shouldn't cost anything for small or large spaces. I still find it interesting that the web site shows...
MP Collaborator Issue - No response from support! BlueImmersiveMedia 1 6 yearsBlueImmersiveMedia (303): Very frustrated today. Sent a message to MP support yesterday. No response today, even called them. Even FB Dee Johnson. Nothing. Rrrr. Maybe someone knows the answer here. Two things - 1) I shot for another TGSVP. I thought He or I could upload to HIS GSV account via Matterport. Is this true? I read that I needed to add him as a collaborator, then editor on the scan. And, he would have access to use the App to GSV. True? Has anyone done...
Matterport Floor plans processing times rzphotoman 4 6 yearsashleighpaz (55): Blue-Sketch has a turnaround time of 24 hours or less for floor plans and we can include a logo free of charge. You're always able to use the WGAN discount for our products. We are also able to add "Smart Tags" to floor plans to allow your audience to interact with and explore inside the floor plan with static or 360 pictures. You may order any of our products directly from our website here and are able to email us at...
Show the Tour Path In Matterport Highlight Reel AMahfouz 7 6 yearsAMahfouz (10): Yea it worked... thanks for the information and your help
Creating a seperate account for large client. WallsCouldTalk 6 6 yearsWallsCouldTalk (90): THank you Dan, That is all great news! Yes, we purchased a Pro2 last month for a large hotel that we work with as well. We are currently awaiting approval and planning on those projects. We just don't like to make things up as we go, so we pulled the trigger early in order to allow ourselves time to establish an efficient workflow and enough experience to recognize potential issues before they arise. Now we are in the process of polishing our...
Matterport Cloud Down Sunday, 22 July 2018 (11 am-3 pm PST) for Maintenance DanSmigrod 4 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): It was postponed.
Matterport Support Live Webinar for Q&A DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsfotoguy (835): I liked parts of the video but none seemed centered on us, the MP Professionl. The one that came closest state at the end "contact Matterport for a quote". I would love a generic video aimed at us MP Professionls. Am I missing something?
Good Morning Matterport AI! Networker 13 7 yearsNetworker (157): WGAN Pros, A sad moment this morning. As I expected to see that old familiar Dollhouse view (because they said my Instant Gallery had been switched off) I was still being blessed by Bob's AI. Here is another example of how "intelligent" Bob's new AI is. It has correctly identified the "World's First Turkish Sauna Bathroom!" Great for losing weight while you defecate. Amazing! No? ...
Matterport ND Filter? OpticMatter 6 7 yearsProperty3dNZ (617): Update We went back through the FB page and it turns out that this does not work! Although it looked great while scanning on the iPad once the model came back it was incredibly distorted and all over the show. So it seems that the MP software couldn't handle what the filter had done. Therefore it is not recommended!
Matterport MTL (Matterpak) Problem c2astudio 9 7 yearsJuMP (2031): @c2astudio We PM you for the detail about our JuMP-POP v1.0 and you can get a trial account if you provide your email address. With the trial account you can try our services within one week trial period. Thank you. JuMP team from Beijing China
Ask the Matterport Experts Live: 17 May 2018 DanSmigrod 2 7 years3dVuz (507): Marcus is a great guy. Had the pleasure of destroying some pastrami and corned beef sandwiches at Katz’s in NYC. He has helped me numerous times, along with Dee (all hail Dee) and others.
Matterport Support? MarkCantu 3 7 yearsleonherbert (903): I generally call them. Even if they don't answer, they will get back to you pretty promptly just leave a message of course :)
Floor processing error - Matterport support 3dshowcaseuk 3 7 yearsPieroBortolot (230): I think with stairs