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'FeesHosting' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Creating a seperate account for large client. WallsCouldTalk 6 6 yearsWallsCouldTalk (90): THank you Dan, That is all great news! Yes, we purchased a Pro2 last month for a large hotel that we work with as well. We are currently awaiting approval and planning on those projects. We just don't like to make things up as we go, so we pulled the trigger early in order to allow ourselves time to establish an efficient workflow and enough experience to recognize potential issues before they arise. Now we are in the process of polishing our...
Monthly/Processing Plan Fees Amaury 6 9 yearsAmaury (16): Thank you for the clarifications @Queen_City_3D!
Long time storage on Matterport Cloud kc1302 20 9 yearsJamie (2037): Yep you are correct Your $149 monthly fee includes 11 models. Remember up to 100 scans is 1 model and above this is counted as 2. The balance is charged at $19 each. If you are doing very high volume, give them a call and see what they can do about the price. You can also get a yearly plan and basically get 2 months/22 models for free by paying in advance
Model Processing Fees - Clarification - Help EscapeVelocity 13 10 yearsEscapeVelocity (25): I totally agree that a revenue model is necessary. I also understand that they are a startup and will have growing pains and advancements may not come as fast as we would like. I'm also planning on being in it for the long haul. I want them to survive. I want them to come out with a higher end solution that we as professional photographers can get to the meat of the photos and do what we do best, that automated HDR can't. In all honesty what we...