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Dear MatterportFarmingMatterport KerfuffleSneaky

Example of Matterport Being Sneaky to Farm and Market to Your Clients7963

WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

WGAN-TV Matterport Cloud and Workshop for Newbies #193-Sending An Invitation | Skip to 2 minutes into this video for the "gotcha sneaky farming" ..

Hi All,

You may have read in the WGAN Forum that Matterport reaches out to your Clients.

One way that they do this is when you invite a Client to Collaborate, when they receive an invite from you to collaborate, their form that they complete to do so, includes this pre-checked box (default setting):

✓ I will to receive marketing communications from Matterport


And, I could imagine that the sales driven company – not customer focused company - is reaching out to "your" Clients.

How do you feel about Matterport being sneaky farming and marketing to your Clients?



P.S. And, if I did not show you this (2 minutes into the video) - and you did not test the Matterport Collaboration feature as a Client - you would have no idea that Matterport is being sneaky!
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c2astudio private msg quote post Address this user
Yes, it's like being married to someone who continues to date other people. Or, like one of your best friends always asking out whomever you happen to be dating at that moment.
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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @c2astudio
Yes, it's like being married to someone who continues to date other people. Or, like one of your best friends always asking out whomever you happen to be dating at that moment.

Does this happen?

Sounds awful!

Post 3 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
@DanSmigrod, I warned MSP's that MP was doing this years ago. MP has the perfect prospect list of potential clients it's all of our Workshop listings. Once they see the same companies name come up a couple of time MP picks up the phone or emails our customers to say "you know how much you can save by shooting your own VT with our simple VT solution" in their own words they say "it's so simple even a monkey can do it" these are the exact words MP has used in the past to market their camera to our hard earned clients.
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3SixtyNow private msg quote post Address this user
When they send you a lead through the MSP program they keep track of them for you. This would be nice, if it wasn't required to put in how much you were paid if you want to keep track of your wins. Since they are in competition with us, whether they admit it or not, they don't need to know how much money I make on a sale! They are very shady.
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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @GarySnyder
@DanSmigrod, I warned MSP's that MP was doing this years ago. MP has the perfect prospect list of potential clients it's all of our Workshop listings. Once they see the same companies name come up a couple of time MP picks up the phone or emails our customers to say "you know how much you can save by shooting your own VT with our simple VT solution" in their own words they say "it's so simple even a monkey can do it" these are the exact words MP has used in the past to market their camera to our hard earned clients.

Do you think that this really happens?

If so, is it with the knowledge of Matterport management or a rogue sales person? Or, is it a combo of Matterport management looking the other way while sales people do this?

Post 6 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @3SixtyNow
When they send you a lead through the MSP program they keep track of them for you. This would be nice, if it wasn't required to put in how much you were paid if you want to keep track of your wins. Since they are in competition with us, whether they admit it or not, they don't need to know how much money I make on a sale! They are very shady.


What do you think of the following?

I noticed this week (week of 1 Oct 2018), if you request a Matterport Service Partner, once your request is completed, you get a popup chat window for Matterport Camera Sales. Essentially, their program for requesting a MSP is used to generate leads for Matterport camera sales.

Makes me nuts because if you do get a lead from Matterport and you do make the sale and you do scan a space for the client, then Matterport contacts the lead to sell them a camera (after you did the heavy lifting. Essentially, you just did a demo for Matterport sales. And, I could imagine that some MSPs have a new client discount. So, you do everything to convert a lead only to have Matterport enter the picture to sell a camera.

I could imagine that multi-family leads get forwarded on to this team:

Should Matterport be in the Business of Buying Scans from MSPs?
Matterport Competing with Matterport Pros?


Post 7 IP   flag post
Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
I've had it happen many times myself
Often my clients complain about mp contacting them directly
Thankfully I have a good enough relationship with them and they are honest about it
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