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'Sneaky' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Spotted New Matterport PRO3 Camera Pictures ThinkLab 11 3 yearskwreece (85): As a company they will learn quickly enough that not delivering the growth and profit promised to the investing community will have a very short lifespan. Then changes will be made rather quickly I would imagine. All the more so when they hear that the company is/has lost the faith of its user base.
Matterport Scraping Data - Contact clients direct Gerhard 13 4 yearsWingman (4435): That's why all this happening in the first place imho. It has started with IOS devices capture. They'd need positive data that they have grown in subscription. So what they have reported about more users joined I am sure it has come from people with Iphones. And I believe their boost in revenue is coming from new plans.
How to help reduce Matterport poaching of your Collaborators DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Grab: See Capture Services icon at the top and Matterport Capture Services now available in selected regions (Box to the right). How to help reduce Matterport poaching of your Collaborators Hi All, Unfortunately, Matterport apparently continues to solicit Matterport Service Provider clients that are Collaborators...
Good News! Matterport will pay you $10 for creating Matterport Digital Twin DanSmigrod 5 4 yearsGerhard (1484): They must rather spend that $10 one paying more sales staff to call our customers than launch this crap
Matterport Competing with Matterport Pros? DanSmigrod 25 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Hi All, It's been a year since our discussion (above). You may find these related WGAN Forum discussions of interest: ✓ All WGAN Forum discussions tagged: Matterport Capture Services Program Best, Dan
Matterport targeting Collaborators? NC3D 5 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): @NC3D Once you do use the tactic, please share with us what emails that you start to receive from Matterport. :cool: Dan
Matterport Cloud Pricing News for Matterport Classic Pricing Customers DanSmigrod 22 4 yearsWingman (4435): My understanding they are blocking it to stop people avoiding paying fees for processing. However I do not remember that they have actually said that spaces transferred from old to new accounts & then transferred back to old avoid anything. There may be a need to archive some spaces sitting on old accounts and bring them back online after some time.
Is Matterport blocking transfers from NEW to OLD Matterport Pricing Plans? DanSmigrod Jump to first page56Jump to last page 4 yearslilnitsch (5803): @DanSmigrod This change doesn't effect my business ~ I occasionally have transferred from my Classic account into the New accounts or Classic to Classic but, never from one of the New plans to a Classic
Ending Transfers to Classic from New Not in the Spirit of One Year's Notice DanSmigrod 6 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Hi All, ✓ It's January 27th! Are you Matterport accounts in order for the change? Dan
Matterport to end Transfer to "Classic" from "New" effective 31 Jan 2021 DanSmigrod 7 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Hi All, ✓ It's January 27th! Are you Matterport accounts in order for the change? Dan
Question of the Day>How does the ending of transfers to Classic affect you? DanSmigrod 14 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Hi All, ✓ It's January 27th! Are you Matterport accounts in order for the change? Dan
Transfergate: Why not switch to a Matterport Competitor? DanSmigrod 9 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): @schaferu Thank you for your kind words and insightful post. And, thank you for proposing how Matterport might solve the pricing problem for long-term hosting: At a minimum, they should have: Simply bad form to upset the early adopters like you whom may now look at alternative tour creation and hosting platforms. Survey? I would prefer to see those affected to share their thoughts in this - or related " transfergate" -...
Didn't realize how badly Matterport treats us til I started writing Expertise 3 4 yearsron0987 (3499): I do bash Matterport on regular bases, in some cases it’s out of pure frustration. I use lots of technology and MP is the only company that does very little to work collaboratively with its user. When the company I worked for bought a Faro laser scanner, there was tons of support. They had seminars, conferences, I met software developers, engineers for Faro and other user. It felt like it was a collaborative effort to make the product better....
Matterport Ends "Transfergate" Reports WGAN Members: Can you confirm? DanSmigrod 11 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): @justinv Yes. I understand. Perhaps we can respectively agree to disagree about having clients host their own models versus a Matterport Service Provider charge for hosting, support and maintenance. Regarding a Matterport affiliate link for referrals, I can not even imagine why Matterport has not embraced this. Your business model is a great example of where this would be a win-win-win for Matterport, you and your clients. Happy...
No transfer is allowed anymore from new plans to old classic ones Wingman 4 4 yearsbriangreul (684): It's also worth mentioning that when they rolled out the new pricing it had been calculated to provide a certain amount of ongoing revenue. Any software company needs to monetize it's product to stay in businss. The fantasy land of seed money to burn in a pit just doesn't work and investors tire of it quickly. Matterport has gone through a chunk of cash without producing sizeable profits. If they were producing sizeable profits they wouldn't...
Matterport contacting your clients to sell them cameras ChuckJ 14 5 yearsleonherbert (903): Wait if there is all this demand why did they fire 1/3 of their staff ????
Contemplating hitting the War Button with the Sales Team VTLV 22 6 yearsChangesin3d (125): Well @Jwbuckl why do you not go get an ATTORNEY'S opinion from the Matterport team.... you are really no more that a PR guy that is trying to make people love a system that they have major faults with. You play word games and use half truths. You should run for political office, just my opinion. You want to compare Matterport to GEOCV let's do that. Tell me where I am wrong, if I am, GEOCV will allow people to host their files and give...
Smoking Gun: Proof That Matterport Markets to Collaborators (Your Clients!) DanSmigrod 16 6 yearsmori (819): A first attempt I can think of to make them aware: try to collaborate by merging your accounts via cooperations. E.g. if 100 MSP´s ask MP for a special offer to bundle all their single accounts and spaces and then cancel all their single subscriptions they may start to listen? [redacted]
Another MP Attempt At Poaching Clients? Snap 7 6 yearsJamie (2037): You and us all :/
Has this happened to you? Will this happen to you? DanSmigrod 3 6 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): No one is safe from the coming apocalypse...
Matterport pitching pets to buy a Matterport Camera (Really) DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Hi All, A WGAN Member - whom is also a Matterport Service Partner - told me today (5 October 2018) that Matterport is pitching his/her pets to buy a Matterport Camera. How did that happen? S/he created an email address - composed of the first and last name of his/her cat (first name) and dog (last name) and requested an MSP. S/he got back three leads (including himself/herself. Now his/her dog and cat are receiving email to buy a...
Example of Matterport Being Sneaky to Farm and Market to Your Clients DanSmigrod 8 6 yearsJamie (2037): I've had it happen many times myself Often my clients complain about mp contacting them directly Thankfully I have a good enough relationship with them and they are honest about it
Matterport using your tours to sell Cameras to competitors? DanSmigrod 6 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Matterport duplicated my models so I can not make a change. Dan
An Open Letter to Matterport CEO Bill Brown DanSmigrod 21 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): @Rollinryan Yes! Still not resolved. Dan
Matterport are contacting my clients. eggardner 20 7 yearsShakoure (568): @Metroplex360 ...Sounds like you're among the few doing really well. I'm in the mecca of real estate and can't get realtors to bite. Any chance of getting a few subcontracts from your subcontracts?
Matterport Sales Team Farming Your Clients? DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Hi All, Please see another example (and discussion) here: ✓ Matterport are contacting my clients. Dan