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Matterport Kerfufflex

'Matterport Kerfuffle' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Matterport Pro3 Camera Shipments Begin in "early October 2022" DanSmigrod 3 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, From the WGAN Forum discussion today (Monday, September 19, 2022] ✓ Have you received your Matterport Pro3 Camera? Or what day were you told?
WOW!!! Email Chat Between Matterport and Matterport Pro3 Camera Purchaser DanSmigrod 22 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Thanks Nick! Doing my best to provide a platform for giving/getting help to help the Community succeed faster. And, thanks for adding clarity. Yes. The email chat (above) is a professional conversation between vendor-client that provides insight on many topics that the community is interested in. It goes without saying that Matterport should be coaching its employees that everything they write needs to be professional, accurate and be...
Spotted New Matterport PRO3 Camera Pictures ThinkLab 11 3 yearskwreece (85): As a company they will learn quickly enough that not delivering the growth and profit promised to the investing community will have a very short lifespan. Then changes will be made rather quickly I would imagine. All the more so when they hear that the company is/has lost the faith of its user base.
Matterport Competing with Matterport Pros? DanSmigrod 25 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, It's been a year since our discussion (above). You may find these related WGAN Forum discussions of interest: ✓ All WGAN Forum discussions tagged: Matterport Capture Services Program Best, Dan
Should Matterport be the Uber of 3D Spaces? DanSmigrod 4 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, About discussion is from four (4) years ago: 20 July 2017. Seems timely today (17 May 2021). Best, Dan
Matterport Cloud Pricing News for Matterport Classic Pricing Customers DanSmigrod 22 4 yearsWingman (4435): My understanding they are blocking it to stop people avoiding paying fees for processing. However I do not remember that they have actually said that spaces transferred from old to new accounts & then transferred back to old avoid anything. There may be a need to archive some spaces sitting on old accounts and bring them back online after some time.
Ending Transfers to Classic from New Not in the Spirit of One Year's Notice DanSmigrod 6 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, ✓ It's January 27th! Are you Matterport accounts in order for the change? Dan
Matterport to end Transfer to "Classic" from "New" effective 31 Jan 2021 DanSmigrod 7 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, ✓ It's January 27th! Are you Matterport accounts in order for the change? Dan
Question of the Day>How does the ending of transfers to Classic affect you? DanSmigrod 14 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, ✓ It's January 27th! Are you Matterport accounts in order for the change? Dan
Transfergate: Why not switch to a Matterport Competitor? DanSmigrod 9 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): @schaferu Thank you for your kind words and insightful post. And, thank you for proposing how Matterport might solve the pricing problem for long-term hosting: At a minimum, they should have: Simply bad form to upset the early adopters like you whom may now look at alternative tour creation and hosting platforms. Survey? I would prefer to see those affected to share their thoughts in this - or related " transfergate" -...
Matterport Ends "Transfergate" Reports WGAN Members: Can you confirm? DanSmigrod 11 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): @justinv Yes. I understand. Perhaps we can respectively agree to disagree about having clients host their own models versus a Matterport Service Provider charge for hosting, support and maintenance. Regarding a Matterport affiliate link for referrals, I can not even imagine why Matterport has not embraced this. Your business model is a great example of where this would be a win-win-win for Matterport, you and your clients. Happy...
Transfergate: I could imagine Matterport CEO Sending this Apology This Week DanSmigrod 9 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Great news! Can anyone else confirm? Dan
I Apologize. I Made a Big Mistake. DanSmigrod 28 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): @Joephoto114 GeoCV Kit owners continue to publish to GeoCV. GeoCV Kit owners keep reaching out to me to see if there are any used GeoCV Kits. (They want to buy more! There are none today for sale, that I am aware of.) The Matterport lawsuit continues ... ✓ Lawsuit: Matterport, Inc. versus GeoCV, Inc. - All Legal Documents Dan
Matterport Capture Services: Dan Smigrod Recommendations | Part 5 DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsbriangreul (684): The reason there are not enough insurance adjusters is because insurance companies want to pay the minimum they can. In the drone space they want you to fly the roof for an hour for $50. It's high risk flying involves flying 5 to 10 feet from the roof. This increases the odds of damaging your drone. Driving to/from the claim is not paid for or reimbursed. On the insurance side, they refuse to pay IA (independent adjusters) for using drones....
Matterport Capture Services: Dan Smigrod Recommendations | Part 4 DanSmigrod 4 5 yearsbryanhscott (843): @DanSmigrod Matterport Capture Services: Dan Smigrod Recommendations | Part 5 (tba): WGAN Members form NewCo, called "WGAN 3D Marketing & Capture Services," with full participation of member MSPs.
Matterport Capture Services: Dan Smigrod Recommendations | Part 1 DanSmigrod 21 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, Additional thoughts? Dan
Matterport Capture Services: Dan Smigrod Recommendations | Part 2 DanSmigrod 9 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Thanks all! Other thoughts? Dan
Matterport Capture Services: Dan Smigrod Recommendations | Part 3 DanSmigrod 7 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Thanks all! Other thoughts! Dan
Should Matterport be in the Business of Buying Scans from MSPs? DanSmigrod 11 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Open thread to view post.
Matterport Shoots Self in Foot Again (and Matterport Service Providers) DanSmigrod 18 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Open thread to view post.
Will Matterport Scan Services Eviscerate Matterport Service Providers? DanSmigrod 15 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Open thread to view post.
Matterport: the Irony of Competing with Pros DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, Seems like an appropriate time to revisit this WGAN Forum discussion from three years ago. Dan
Matterport - Just lost all my respect - Disgraceful - Embarrassing zacharysmiller 9 6 years3D_Hoffa (143): This post is important and should not be buried *bump*
Is Matterport using My 3D contacts to sell directly to my customers??? JCHAFE 10 6 years3D_Hoffa (143): This post is important and should not be buried *bump*
Another MP Attempt At Poaching Clients? Snap 7 6 yearsJamie (2037): You and us all :/
Matterport Shoots Itself in the Foot with Matterport Service Providers DanSmigrod 6 6 yearsrko1 (376): I totally agree, we have built and maintain a great business. We have 6 Matterports and our business has grown, and continues to grow. We work hard in promoting our services and our very strong pricing. In the 3 years we have been providing Matterport service we have completed over 1900 scans. NOTHING COMPETES WITH HARD WORK.
Is this Matterport rumor true?!?! Queen_City_3D 27 6 yearsMeshImages (3050): Good news! Matterport refunds the extra 38 USD large scans.
Matterport using cookies on every tour 3dshowcaseuk 11 6 yearsGarySnyder (2143): Thanks @DanSmigrod, GDPR clearly states that any website operating within the EU need to notify all users that any form of cookies are being attached to the device the viewer is viewing the content. This is why you clearly see a popup notice on most websites that states if you wish to proceed cookies will be added to your device. Most website now go even further and allow you to opp out of non essential cookies but all notify you that cookies...
WARNING Are you aware of this? GarySnyder 19 6 yearsGarySnyder (2143): Thanks @DanSmigrod, GDPR clearly states that any website operating within the EU need to notify all users that any form of cookies are being attached to the device the viewer is viewing the content. This is why you clearly see a popup notice on most websites that states if you wish to proceed cookies will be added to your device. Most website now go even further and allow you to opp out of non essential cookies but all notify you that cookies...
I apologize>Matterport does not use these cookies for Camera Ads to Viewers DanSmigrod 3 6 yearsMeshImages (3050): Thanks you Dan! This is good news 👍
Matterport Big Camera Issues & Errors costing loss in revenue Gerhard 17 6 yearsgeemaps (95): Recently, I have a lot of problems. The time to transfer information from the camera to the iPad takes about a minute to a minute and a half. normal time 25 sec In addition, there are quite a few faults of improper placement of the scan in an inappropriate place. Two days ago at the beginning of the work everything went really slowly and each scan took more than a minute to pass and then straighten the lines. Instead of 30 minutes job it took me...
CUPIX versus Matterport: Color Adjustments and Editing in Lightroom DanSmigrod 4 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): @Chemistrydoc Thanks for your okay to publish the following: --- @Chemistrydoc Writes to Matterport Support I just reviewed a recently processed model, [redacted] in my account. I am so incredibly disappointed with the results of this processing. Each room looks washed out, overexposed and the colors completely unsaturated. This is a premium property, and the results are so bad that I don't feel like I can even present it to my...
Matterport over-exposing issues rzphotoman 23 6 yearsJune (411): I have used the Theta V and was not happy with the quality. Maybe there is something better???
Example of Matterport Being Sneaky to Farm and Market to Your Clients DanSmigrod 8 6 yearsJamie (2037): I've had it happen many times myself Often my clients complain about mp contacting them directly Thankfully I have a good enough relationship with them and they are honest about it
Matterport uses MSP Program to Generate Lead for Camera Sales DanSmigrod 15 7 yearsRedRock3D (46): YEARS ago I was in the home fragrance business. It was an art and a science, perfected only by experience. It was soon taken over by rank amateurs and (very cheap) imports. Skill no longer played a role. Consumers were drawn to the new low prices and availability of the mass produced product but the quality was awful. It took only a few short years before consumers were convinced that ALL products coming from this particular niche were of poor...
Matterport using your tours to sell Cameras to competitors? DanSmigrod 6 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Matterport duplicated my models so I can not make a change. Dan
WP3D Models Help please: Hero Image (thumb nail) not loading WalterE 12 7 yearsBrokerBruce (281): Looked great to me! Really interesting floor plan that really benefits from the tour to see the flow.
Well, this sucks.... can deleted model be restored? Queen_City_3D 5 7 yearsrko1 (376): To restore you need the numbers at the end of the link. Very fast and they are very happy to help.
Approaching Matterport Hosting Limit Warning Email DanSmigrod 6 7 yearsGeorge_WALKINTOUR (85): Oi Vey, don't mention this one. I think we're past the 1000 model mark here. Lol George
Good Morning Matterport AI! Networker 13 7 yearsNetworker (157): WGAN Pros, A sad moment this morning. As I expected to see that old familiar Dollhouse view (because they said my Instant Gallery had been switched off) I was still being blessed by Bob's AI. Here is another example of how "intelligent" Bob's new AI is. It has correctly identified the "World's First Turkish Sauna Bathroom!" Great for losing weight while you defecate. Amazing! No? ...
Dear Matterport: Please Fix Collaborators DanSmigrod 2 7 yearstocha (166): It does give the opportunity to uncheck the box that says "receive information from Matterport". But that box is automatically already selected by default. I tell my collaborators to de-select it to avoid receiving a ton of unwanted email.
Here come the Matterport hosting fees! Metroplex360 6 7 yearsHarlanHambright (2133): Email dee
Have questions for industry leaders? immersivespaces 12 7 yearsfrstbubble (639): @rzphotoman I believe that there will be a big push of virtual tours in the rental markets. We are seeing more and more companies scanning their base models then linking to the tour when spaces become vacant. This could give us longer-term licensing of the scans and provide recurring revenue based on your business model.
Facebook's Mess is Good for Matterport Pros? DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Grab. | Wednesday, 29 March 2018 Hi All, Facebook is taking a grilling from Members, Media and Legislators about using Member data without the knowledge or consent. In a news story published Wednesday (29 March 2018) by, the author writes: "If you decided to do another take, you could...
An Open Letter to Matterport CEO Bill Brown DanSmigrod 21 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): @Rollinryan Yes! Still not resolved. Dan
Inman: Matterport Rolls Back Changes DanSmigrod 5 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): @PWIMAGING @immersivespaces Would love for you to be on WGAN-TV Live at 5 tonight asking/discussing this question, whom does Matterport consider the Customer? The home buyer? The agent? The photographer that created the content that has a paid Matterport Cloud account? Dan --- WGAN-TV: About the upcoming Matterport Ecosystem Town Hall Hi All, Anyone can join the WGAN-TV Mattreport Ecosystem Town Hall on WGAN-TV Live at 5 (5 pm EST | GMT...
Matterport now pricing their own 3Dscan cost DougTse Jump to first page133Jump to last page 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, Any additional news on this topic? Matterport engaging you directly? Dan
Why Matterport May be Desperate DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, As reported else where in the We Get Around Network Forum today (18 July 2017), Matterport may be desperate, resulting in Matterport offering scans directly to real estate agents for as low as...
Matterport Pricing Scans under $0.06 SQ FT DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, In case you can not read the small print (above) .... ---- How much does it cost? Our pricing is simple and based on square foot: ✓ Up to 3,000 sq ft $199 ✓ 3,000-4,000 sq ft ...
Three Ways Matterport Competes with Pros DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, Here are three ways Matterport competes with Pros: 1. In this San Francisco trial, clients can book shoots directly with Matterport 2. Matterport is soliciting business from multi-family...
Should You Return Your Matterport Camera? DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Screen Grab of Matterport Offer in San Francisco, CA | Facebook Link Hi All, If you bought a new Matterport Camera in the last 30 days, should you exercise the Matterport 30-day return policy, based ...