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Cupix pricing - more expensive than you think7644

CFster private msg quote post Address this user
I’m starting to think Cupix isn’t the best choice for a real estate photographer like me. It quickly gets very expensive.

I recently completed a tour of a 2500 sq’ home. After running the images through JPGMini Pro, it still resulted in a tour that took up 225MB of 250MB in the FREE space provided.

So, if I did 40 tours I’d be up to their $65mo for the 9GB plan, PLUS either $29mo for the Studio Pack, or $69mo for AEC Pack, which I would need if I wanted to produce floor plans - which I also have to pay BlueSketch an additional $29 for.

Maybe someone from Cupix can tell me if my math is wrong? It seems I could get 100 tours on Matterport for $49 and pay $14.99 for a floor plan. Cupix is literally two and a half times more expensive. And, coming from a real estate photographer - I can tell you the results from a 360 camera like the Theta V just aren’t acceptable. We STILL need to invest in decent hardware to capture the images. “Capture a Space in 3D Without a 3D Scanner” is their motto. It sounds like they are pushing themselves as an alternative to Matterport. Not that it’s their fault - but I still have thousands invested in hardware to produce a decent image.

Of course, I have yet to produce a floor plan to even try because when Cupix says all features are free to try out during the trial period - yeah not so much. I have to buy the AEC Pack to do that - according to their own customer support.

That and they need to work on their customer service. Their 24hr support ticket system is actually three days in my experience. And here’s the kicker - since they advertise that I can try all the features, I tried adding a brand to my tour. Their trial system let me do it. Then I tried removing it. No such luck. Hence the support ticket. Their response was I couldn’t add a logo in a trial tour. Do these people talk to each other? I ended up having to delete the tour and do it all over again.
Post 1 IP   flag post
Cupix Director
of Sales
San Francisco
scott_cupix private msg quote post Address this user
Great topic. You can expect 25-50 photos per 3BR/2BA house depending on the layout. If you have shot with more than that you should expect the number of photos to come down with experience. Think about where people would want to walk in your tour -- usually just one or two spots in a room and a few more in a bigger area. If you're using JPGMini (or Lightroom or any other image compression software) then that multiple of the file size is going to come down a bit with Ricoh photos which are already come out of the camera with more aggressive compression, and even more so with other camera types. It sounds like you are taking about 4x too many photos.

You can toggle the MLS encoding option (link) when sharing the tour, but I'd definitely recommend the Studio Pack if you want more control over the branding plus it provides a full white label with an annual commitment (this means tab name, tab favicon, domain/url, and no trace of any other branding in the tour).

Yes, the 250MB capacity and standard features are free -

You can add on any other package (which aren't free) -
AEC Pack -
Studio Pack -
Team Pack -

The way the AEC pack is priced is that it covers all the tours in the workspace and that would provide measurement capabiliyt.

For support, we do on occasion take the weekends off but the 24 hour response is typical even for more in-depth analysis of a tour. A new support ticket can be created here.
Post 2 IP   flag post
Property3dNZ private msg quote post Address this user
I guess it comes down to how much you want to show of the property. In my mind if I'm going to do a tour of someones property I want the viewer/potential purchaser to be able to look as many details as possible - one pano in the centre of the room isn't necessarily going to enable them to do that. I certainly wouldn't say you are "taking about 4x too many photos" I would say you are being thorough and wanting to provide an experience to your users. Maybe this isn't the tool to provide the experience you are after.
Post 3 IP   flag post
Cupix Director
of Sales
San Francisco
scott_cupix private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Property3dNZ
I guess it comes down to how much you want to show of the property. In my mind if I'm going to do a tour of someones property I want the viewer/potential purchaser to be able to look as many details as possible - one pano in the centre of the room isn't necessarily going to enable them to do that. I certainly wouldn't say you are "taking about 4x too many photos" I would say you are being thorough and wanting to provide an experience to your users. Maybe this isn't the tool to provide the experience you are after.

@Property3dNZ - It most likely has to do with the learning curve as I mentioned. When users first get started they either take too few or too many photos. In this case, there's probably way too many.

Also -- 25 photos / (3BR + 2BA) is a few photos per room. A single photo in each room might be enough for you, but the recommendation is to have some area to move around in the way I described. There's plenty of spots to walk around and see the space from different perspectives. Actually, it's a lot like a Matterport tour.
Post 4 IP   flag post
jblythe private msg quote post Address this user
I do not have any skin in this game, but I think at least 1 more factor needs to be added into the math for Matterport. The pricing website mentions that only X # of models are included in the monthly fee, and a $19 fee is added on for each one after the min. Also, 1 Model = 100 Scans. I am not expert and I have no idea home many photos go into an individual model but if it is more than the 100 scans, that cost needs to be factored in. I also dont know ALL the specifics around pricing but using what I can see online I get something like this for your 40 Tour example:

Matterport (Assume highest volume plan for most amount of included models)
Monthly Hosting - $149
11 Models - Free
29 Addl Models ($19 ea)- $551
40 Floorpans ($14.99 ea)- $599.60

Total $1299.6

Monthly Hosting - $65
AEC Pack - $69
40 Floor Plans ($29 ea) - $1160

Total $1294

I may be really off base here but I have been trying to research these for awhile and see where the numbers make sense. Please correct me if I have had any errors.
Post 5 IP   flag post
CFster private msg quote post Address this user
The house I shot had twelve doorways if you include the 2-1/2 baths and laundry room. Using the Cupix recommended method of three images per doorway that’s 36 images and all I’ve shot is doorways. Maybe some people live where the houses are more open floorplan than my part of the country...
Post 6 IP   flag post
Property3dNZ private msg quote post Address this user

What I'm saying is that he is clearly trying to provide an experience to his end user not a glance. Personally when shooting matterport I scan - one in doorway, one at end of bed, one on each side of bed, one at window - plus if the room has an ensuite - one at doorway, one showcasing sink, one in front of the bath tub, one lowered down in bath tub, one inside the shower - these scans are about providing an experience and a quirky way to engage the viewer. So once again I don't believe he is over shooting I think is is looking to provide a different experience to what Cupix is providing with less images.
Post 7 IP   flag post
CFster private msg quote post Address this user

40 models can be done with the $49 Matterport plan. Why quote the $149 plan?
Post 8 IP   flag post
jblythe private msg quote post Address this user
From what I am reading, in the $49/month plan, only 3 of them are processed for free. Beyond that, it is an additional $19 per Model processing fee. Again I do NOT own a Matterport, nor do I know the specifics behind the processing fess, these are just what I am reading. I quoted the larger plan as it include 11 Models in the monthly fee and tacked on the additional models to the 40 number.

I am trying to figure out these costs as well and so if I am mistaken anywhere I would love some feedback from the group.
Post 9 IP   flag post
CFster private msg quote post Address this user

No you’re right. The cheaper initial plan actually costs more in the long run.
Post 10 IP   flag post
Cupix Director
of Sales
San Francisco
scott_cupix private msg quote post Address this user

Yes, what you are describing is very similar to what Cupix would provide. 4 photos per bedroom. A few more photos in larger rooms. If you want to shoot 10 photos per room, more power to you. It will take another minute or two to shoot the room with Cupix.


That is a lot of doorways. You might need 50 photos in your part of the country for a 3BR 2BA. You can take fewer photos in doorways than the more conservative recommendation on Cupix we make for new users. Here's the Cupix how-to you are referring to.
Post 11 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
I'm sorry but if you want a truly immersive VT experience that captivates the viewer you need to shoot the location as if you're walking through the entire location, not just a few snaps to try and give the view a half baked VT experience as @Property3dNZ has stated. The viewer wants to virtually walk throughout the location and around the many items within the location. As much as I've been negative towards MP over the years it's still the best fully immersive solution unless you want to shoot 360 pano's and use an application like 3dVista to produce a comparable and fully immersive experience. Although with Vista at the present time you can't produce the dollhouse view you can certainly produce a details floor plan with drop in's for each camera location including the angle of view. I feel that for the high end professional looking to produce a VT or VR experience with the least amount of bother MP is still the go to solution. I have spoken to many companies around the world over the past 4 years who have tried to deliver an similar and so far only GeoCV has come the closet. Given time GoeCV are the ones to watch out for as they have the foundation to give MP a run for their money.
Post 12 IP   flag post
CFster private msg quote post Address this user
I look at 3DVista and the examples they had on their site appear to load very slowly. As well as the transitions around the space.

I can see people getting bored with that very quickly.
Post 13 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
If you host Vista yourself and you learn how to use it correctly the transition between pano's is very immersive and quick. You will be surprised how many companies use Vista under their own name as you can completely white label the final product.
Post 14 IP   flag post
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