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'3Dvista' Topics

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Cameras for 3DVista Home3D 8 2 monthsHome3D (4213): @ron0987 - Sorry for the delayed reply. Finally dug out computer to write. Winds have calmed for now, fires still burning but have been blown west of us. To your question, using a full-grame camera like Sony mirrorless with 12mm lens (Samyang or Rokinon) on the Nodal Ninja involves 9 shots to create a very clean hi-res pano about 16,000 x 8,000. I've never compared to Matterport or Realsee full res panos using proper focus charts, but to my eye...
WGAN eBook: How Create a Matterport of a 400,000 SQFT Convention Center DanSmigrod 2 3 monthsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV | How to Create a Matterport Digital Twin of a 400,000 SQ FT Convention Center | Guest: Meidansha Inc. President Daniel Brown | Wednesday, 18 December 2024 | Episode: 234 | | @Meidansha Transcript (video above) - How many days did it take to create a Matterport digital twin of the 400,000 square foot Kobe Convention Center? - What was the pricing strategy for such a super-large space? - In addition to...
WGAN Podcast: How Create a Matterport of a 400,000 SQFT Convention Center DanSmigrod 2 3 monthsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV | How to Create a Matterport Digital Twin of a 400,000 SQ FT Convention Center | Guest: Meidansha Inc. President Daniel Brown | Wednesday, 18 December 2024 | Episode: 234 | | @Meidansha Transcript (video above) - How many days did it take to create a Matterport digital twin of the 400,000 square foot Kobe Convention Center? - What was the pricing strategy for such a super-large space? - In addition to...
WGAN Transcript-How Create a Matterport of a 400,000 SQFT Convention Center DanSmigrod 2 3 monthsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV | How to Create a Matterport Digital Twin of a 400,000 SQ FT Convention Center | Guest: Meidansha Inc. President Daniel Brown | Wednesday, 18 December 2024 | Episode: 234 | | @Meidansha Transcript (video above) - How many days did it take to create a Matterport digital twin of the 400,000 square foot Kobe Convention Center? - What was the pricing strategy for such a super-large space? - In addition to...
3dVista skin not showing when uploading tour to web server enriqueleopardi 12 5 monthsWingman (4426): I do not remember if there are any numbers.. it just has to be set for public access with anonymous user. anonymous means anybody can access it so it's made public with it. Usually you set it for a folder and say it applies to any subfolder and files within the folder you allow anonymous users to access. httpaccess file was my second guess but from my professional experience in web development and setting up web servers 100s of times in my...
WGAN-TV eBook: How Was this 3D Tour Created? DanSmigrod 3 7 monthsMeidansha (841): @DanSmigrod, Thank you for this recording and transcript! @EricDole is so cute! I hope my son grows up to be able to help me on site! @KevinDole, This tour was more intricate than I had at first anticipated. It would benefit from some tool tips to explain what each function does. However your explanation video idea is a great idea. I had a similarly large project last year and in hindsight the video was a good touch.
WGAN-TV Podcast: How Was this 3D Tour Created? DanSmigrod 2 8 monthsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV | Multimedia Case Study: Visit Hampton Virginia 3D Digital Twin Tour | Guests: 3D/360º Virtual Tour Creation and Consultant Kevin Dole ( @Home3D); 3D/360º Virtual Tour and Aerial Content Creator Eric Dole; and Hampton Convention & Visitor Bureau Director Mary Fugere | Thursday, 8 August 20245 | Episode: 223 | | | ...
WGAN-TV Transcript: How Was this 3D Tour Created? DanSmigrod 2 8 monthsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV | Multimedia Case Study: Visit Hampton Virginia 3D Digital Twin Tour | Guests: 3D/360º Virtual Tour Creation and Consultant Kevin Dole ( @Home3D); 3D/360º Virtual Tour and Aerial Content Creator Eric Dole; and Hampton Convention & Visitor Bureau Director Mary Fugere | Thursday, 8 August 20245 | Episode: 223 | | | ...
WGAN-TV Case Study: How Was this 3D Tour Created? DanSmigrod 6 8 monthsDanSmigrod (31629): @ron0987 Thanks Ron, I added you question to the list to ask Kevin and Eric ... Best, Dan
Video: 35 Pro Tips for Viewing DanSmigrod 2 8 monthsGlennTremain (2953): WOW!!!!
What can 3DVista do? Home3D 5 1 yearMeshImages (3050): Impressive workflow, chapeau! I think you have good chances to place this tour on the 3DVista website as client sample. This would be a great marketing effect for your business.
Client interested in Scan Concierge sholder 14 1 yearHome3D (4213): @sholder - 3DVista is a phenomenal product. The learning curve is long, but worth every hour, day, month required for mastery. I'm not a master, may never be considering the pace at which they add new features, but I consider myself an advanced intermediate. Here is one to take a look at. This is a...
Possible to change default settings in 3DVista? enriqueleopardi 5 1 yearSaulius (62): Thanks Ron. I wouldn't agree with you. But tried to squeeze from my old Theta Z1 all it's juice :) . Panoramas captured in HDR. Individual settings depended on location and light conditions. Later - polishing in Lightroom, Afinity, Topaz DeNoise AI and Sharpen AI.
Software to replicate this amazing Project? Jerrit_Appel 10 1 yearron0987 (3499): @Jerrit_Appel if you look at Cloudpano there is a feature while building your 3d model to build a side by side slider in the 360 degree photo. Hopefully this link comes thru and this is what you’re looking for. clickable text
3dvista Measuring units with 3d model? enriqueleopardi 4 1 yearenriqueleopardi (56): Hello. I Finally got an answer from 3DVista. To solve the problem I must give the software a reference measurement. Fot that go to 3D tab, Settings, and under "World Unit equivalent to:" press the cube icon, and measure a known distance and give its value. After that it will work! Great feature!
3dVista Hotspot with image preview enriqueleopardi 3 1 yearenriqueleopardi (56): Hi There. Thanks a lot. I checked both icons sold and they do look great! I was doing some research on how to create them myself, since now I have the time, and I came upon a post telling that we can download some tour samples from 3dVista and from there download their icons; or at lest understand how they were made. Here is a link. In this Casa Cascada they do use it. It doesn't look as nice as the ones at 3Dvistamarket, but for sure is an...
Thanks to 3DVista - Our latest Estate Tour Home3D 4 1 yearMatterFix (538): Really like what you're doing here! Great integration of the 3d model! On my PC, the initial video intro appears to be tilted by about 20 degrees though, was this intentional?
Software suggestions for multi-family units (such as high rise rentals)? ron0987 6 1 yearMeshImages (3050): Like GarySnyder said, you can do it with 3Dvista and a brand new add on called SkinCMS that works via Airtable - here is the link - you can reach out to Ronald who developed this solution, he can help you with this requested development.
Elegant way to merge exterior 3D scan with internal 360 VT Saulius 5 3 yearsMeshImages (3050): @Wingman with MPSkin you can do it, too. Here is a demo. The cool feature about MPSkin is the visibility setting, so you can see the 3D model only from the outside, but not from the inside. You can check this here from the top of the tower.
What other Virtual Tour platforms are compatible with Matterport cameras? HunsletRiviera 8 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, DOWNLOAD360 service is no longer available. Dan
Which 360 platform enables open/close of glove box in this car tour? peterek87 Jump to first page32Jump to last page 3 yearsTosolini (4395): Some time ago, I shared this experiment which is based on swapping entire panoramas. Using 3D renders to simulate interactions in a 360 space The number of possible combinations can easily get out of hand, so it's not an efficient workflow. 3D Vista recently released a new hotspot type for virtual staging which seems to address this specific use case.
Digital Marketing Assets for Agent: Shoot on an overcast day or reschedule? GlennTremain 7 3 yearsShawn_P (310): When shooting for a builder, they will postpone certain aspects of the shoot for better weather. Rarely do they request a “sky swap.” Best to ask the owner or realtor how they want to proceed
Connecting 360 images for walk through of a homes interior BlueImmersiveMedia 6 3 yearslilnitsch (5803): @BlueImmersiveMedia No frills with minor limited branding has a free option outside of that there is several good options available for building out of 360 tours. BoxBrownie even has an option in which they’ll build and connect it for you
Adding audio/titles to a published 3DVista interactive 360° video BigSwifty 2 3 yearsPau (58): Try this and see if it works for you clickable text
self hosting with 3D Vista Virtual Tour Pro kmusawi 6 3 yearsWingman (4426): I am not sure you need to worry about simultaneous connections. Unless you are hosting a tour for something really big with a lot of web traffic it is very unlikely you will have a lot of users exploring one tour or even a few of them at the same time. What you need to worry though is your server iNode limit. Each pano from your tours by the way they are built and shown in a browser is being sliced into multiple small tiles, stored in its own...
Is iGuide really good as you guys are talking here? Tutanchamun 7 3 yearsTutanchamun (16): This is amazing, thank you @Wingman for your answer. This would be great, when they would add support for Insta360 Pro2. Also there is a Insta360 Titan and do you know about Kandao Obsidian? But I don’t really understand the differences between stereoscopic and 3D, or is it the same? Then I am asking myself, how the Matterport software is working without stereoscopic and 3D. I mean the point cloud data isn’t only used for the...
Virtual tour of a college campus? JimmyJim 13 3 yearsHarlanHambright (2133): Leica BQK. I’m doing a whole hill town right now but there’s lots of close 3D data and plenty of shadow so the Matterport gliding along with few hitches. It would be possible with Z1 as well but scans closer together
3D Vista Positives & Negatives Including Matterport Integration? ukvisualimmersion 5 4 yearsEaglePrecision (289): I will add another con: software & hosting support is sometimes less than helpful and you may have to submit your request a few times before you get a helpful support agent.
How should I price this Sports Complex with an aerial view and tours? 3SixtyNow 4 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Yes. Whatever your day rate calculations are, likely best to double the quote because: 1. It will always take longer - particularly post production - than you estimated 2. When the client makes a ton of requests (such as Highlight Reel, Labels, MatterTags), it's likely that you would prefer to say "my pleasure" rather than "that's additional" ... Your expectation of "done" is likely different than your client's...
3DVista skins Kumar 3 4 yearsArtisticConcepts (681): @Kumar, I currently have an “Advanced Window” item for sale in the Marketplace, but I plan to add some skins in the near future. 😉👍🏽 God Bless, Chris
Integrating Matterport into Drone Video/Creating Navigable Midair Reality Benrk0385 28 4 yearsBenrk0385 (225): Wow, that is great!
How was this Tour Made ? ( Retail Experience Best ) Gerhard 3 4 yearsGerhard (1484): @immersivespaces thanks for the help. Yes also looked like 3D Vista , but this is the best 3D Vista tour I have seen so far. Would love to connect with the company who created it.
Tutorial: How to integrate virtual tours with interactive digital signage Tosolini 7 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, @Tosolini has previously shared with me the free [INSIDE NOCODE] newsletter. I enjoy reading it. Dan
GPS controlled location data in 3DVista pano tour? tuxdidge 7 4 yearstuxdidge (11): BTW: 3DVista answered: Yes, it´s on our To-do list for 2021 :) GREAT!!!!
I recommend Canva for creating .png for 3DVista & Matterport with MPEmbed RomainReparage 1 4 yearsRomainReparage (161): Now that it's easy to include our own .png as tag icones in Matterport with Mpembed or animated icones with 3Dvista (and other VV platforms). i recommend this website to make your own in a quick and easy way
Linking tours using a 2D image 3dshowcaseuk 7 4 yearsWingman (4426): I have a great example done exactly this way with a hotel facade 2d image as a start of a tour and linking to room Matterport tours through icons placed on hotel windows. Sorry I cannot show an example but it has been done with ThreeSixty Tours
Pano specific audio? craigsauer 6 4 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): You can set up different audio files for each panorama in MPEMBED now. The feature was added in the past few months and it works extremely well.
Stand alone 3D? CharlesHH 6 4 yearsCharlesHH (640): Hi Dan PTGui Pro looks like a good way of stitching panoramas together but not what I was after. Pano2VR is definitely cool. Check out the examples on their home page. It would also seem to be able to do what we were after. Stand alone. We will need to spend some time trying it out. thanks Charles
Tutorial: How to create dynamic pop-ups for your 360 virtual tours Tosolini 5 4 yearsTosolini (4395): @vtlv Good luck with your new Bubble journey. I think this kind of mash-ups are powerful and effective.
Tutorial: How to create dynamic pop-ups in Matterport Tours DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): To comment, please see: ✓ Tutorial: How to create dynamic pop-ups for your 360 virtual tours Thanks, Dan --
List of Virtual Tour Platforms/Software that do NOT require a Subscription DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsHome3D (4213): Anyone who's been on the WGAN Forum for the past year knows how highly I regard 3DVista. My admiration is for the software, its power and flexibility while NOT requiring knowledge of coding, the responsiveness of the company and its support team, and that your finished work can be self-hosted which builds your company's SEO. Google "matterport los angeles" and my company ranks top of page one except for the paid Ads. I credit...
Taste of 3DVista Home3D 20 4 yearsandreabortolot (199): @kevin what camera via do you use for shooting? I'm about to purchase Z1 but I see that its photos are not that perfect.. And not what expected from a $1K...
Why I rave about 3DVista - Try this with any other system! Home3D 17 4 yearsGlennTremain (2953): @rzphotoman you an exciting 3dvista chicago soon and should post here
How hard is the 3DVista Virtual Tour Pro Learning Curve? AerialWayz 18 4 yearsJuMP (2031): @ron0987 It is good for MSPs to understand the cost of hosting. Matterport should pay the hosting fee to AWS either. Yes as a huge client of AWS Matterport must have a very big discount, but can't be free. Matterport should let MSPs know the benefit from Matterport hosting and then select it, but not force them to use it.
Tutorial: How to add a 3D dollhouse to your 360 virtual tours Tosolini 6 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @Tosolini Thank you for sharing the various how to dollhouse techniques. Way cool! Dan
3DVista Tour Pro Wanted for Back-End Tour Creation DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): About Matterport Pro Wanted Posts | Text Me When a Help Wanted Post Appears in the WGAN Forum --- The We Get Around Network has a need for 3DVista Tour Pro Wanted for Back-End Tour Creation. ---- I am often asked for referrals of WGAN Members that can do 3DVista Back-End Tour Creation. For example, today (Friday, 26 February 2021) a long-time WGAN Member in Europe writes: The client is looking for a guided tour with...
Remodel Before and after scans: stay in same model? PWIMAGING 9 4 yearsron0987 (3499): @Wingman It would be great if they would do it. This is something I have been researching and trying to find for awhile now, I have a contractor extremely interested in this feature. In the last 2 months I asked Matterport if it could be done even mentioning Dee had indicated that it was possible. Tech support responded with Dee no longer works here and they have no plans to do that. They would would be interested in the feature if I was...
[R&D] Making a 3DVista tour look like Matterport Tosolini 8 4 yearsTosolini (4395): @takedasan thanks for the links to the Blender add-ons. I'll pass them to our VR designer for exploration. Object2VR doesn't create dollhouses by itself, but it allows you to assemble various images into one. So if you have an existing dollhouse (like I did), you can extract stills (I used Snagit by TechSmith) and ingest the images in Object2VR. The outcome is an interactive spinning image.
3DVista with embedded Matterport spaces: i Need comments (please) MyVirtualScan 7 4 yearsHome3D (4213): @kirtg - it’s simple. The same essentially as linking in a video from Vimeo or YouTube. This similar tour has a dozen Matterport’s and about as many videos.
Skyway Interactive Unveils Virtual Recruiting Tour For Purdue Athletics DanSmigrod 3 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @Jake Ah! I (just) corrected the original post to show Panotour Pro (rather than 3DVisa Virtual Tour Pro Software.) Congrats on creating a business models - sending 360s cameras to clients to create content - that enables you to offer your tours anywhere. Best, Dan
[R&D] 3DVista mash-up: tour of a virtually staged 3D rendered space Tosolini 8 4 yearsTosolini (4395): @wishing_well Thanks! These mash-ups force us to think outside the box and look for creative solutions and new features.
SPECIAL 25% OFF until Jan 15 - - by Nick Powell Home3D 4 4 yearsMarkJohn (56): What problem have you got? I can fill out all the fields on this page with my personal details but I have not completed payment as I dont need to buy.
Snowing in Hollywood (via 3DVista) Home3D 3 4 yearsHome3D (4213): I've added a button to this tour called "AERIAL MAP". It brings up a satellite view that shows where the panos are located along the city block. There are "tooltip" labels on the pano hotspots which include the snow density and speed settings at each position, such as "CROSSWALK, Heaviest Fast". On mobile devices use landscape orientation. Playing around with 3DVista is fun because you can do...
Video: Creating a basic virtual tour in 3DVista (walkthrough step by step) DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Creating a basic virtual tour in 3DVista (walkthrough step by step) | Video courtesy of 360Creators YouTube Channel | 4 January 2021 From the 360Creators YouTube Channel: How I'm currently creating a basic virtual tour in about an hour in 3DVista with a floorplan. Note that it's a creation process, so sometimes I do things that might not make too much sense as I'm correcting myself. I've kept the amount...
3DVista workflow for Mac users toddwaddington 1 4 yearstoddwaddington (541): OK, so I'm starting to dig into the 3DVista universe. In their tutorials most if not all references are for Adobe Suite and other third party programs. I am a FCPX/Motion user and so the attached tutorial is helpful but I'm missing a handful of things. The jargon is different and I'm not 100% sure how to crop the video the way she does in After Effects. I know how to CROP a video, but it is the actual resizing of the window that I don't...
How to save $60 on 3DVista Virtual Tour Pro Software DanSmigrod 5 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, Moving to the top in light of the recent 3DVista Virtual Tour Pro Software discussion. Dan
3DVista New Navigation EaglePrecision 4 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @RomainReparage @GlennTremain WGAN Standard and Premium Members can save Save 50€ on 3DVista Virtual Tour Pro. (Private Message me) Best, Dan
New software? or custom skin? Incapture 2 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @Incapture "Circuit is a software platform developed in-house. Hope that helps!," writes a representative of the company. Best, Dan
3D Vista Measurements on the radar VTLV 3 4 yearsVTLV (2916): @Marshallartsmedia - thank you for the details. That’s great news.
Distance Learning Platforms to Mashup with Matterport? jbsmoore 5 4 yearsEaglePrecision (289): One of the easiest to learn interfaces there is for the amount of power it has. Lots of tutorial videos on YouTube.
Suggestions for filming a camp (indoor + outdoor) Virtour 6 4 yearsEaglePrecision (289): Why wouldn't you be able to capture the entire campus in one aerial model? Pix4D, DroneDeploy and MapsMadeEasy all have capture apps that enable planning and executing large area flight plans with multiple individual flights (and battery changes) and their processing software, whether desktop (Pix4D) or cloud (Pix4D, MapsMadeEasy, DroneDeploy), can handle very large datasets. There are many examples in their sample galleries of large area...
Video: 3DVista online meet-ups: 9 and 10 DanSmigrod 5 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): online meet-up 14 #UX | Video courtesy of 360Creators | 17 October 2020 From the 360Creators YouTube Channel: 0:00 Start 2:40 Google translate 8:21 Emil starting UX presentation 8:45 UX: user experience 9:13 UX for the VR world. We're the creators of the VR UX. 9:38: Difference subjectivity and objectivity 9:56 About Emil 14:22 Objectivity facts. Subjectivity feelings. 15:22 Who is the end user and what do...
Virtual Tour Marketing Video of the Week: SkyView360º DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Marketing Video of the Week --- SkyView360º | Video courtesy of 360Pros YouTube Channel | 11 October 2020 Hi All, This is a must watch marketing video for all real estate photographers. Lots of different virtual tour tech used in this marketing video. Your thoughts? Best, Dan 360Pros ✓ 360Pros Website ✓ 360Pros Virtual Media Inc Facebook Page ✓ Vancouver | Victoria...
Nice virtual platform for Scanning Exterior Locations with a Theta Z1? SpencerLasky 9 4 yearsHome3D (4213): Each MP model should launch to display in a 'lightbox' style overlay window, dimming the background tour. Near the upper right should appear an "X" to close the MP model back to the underlying 360° tour. Note: These have been designed principally for use on desktop and tablets used in Landscape mode. Some of them work on phones in portrait mode, but this use has not been tweaked fully.
How to import a FBX/OBJ file into 3DVista, or ...? DanSmigrod 4 4 yearsMarshallartsmedia (104): As Meshinages says there’s no way to import a 3D object directly. I work from sketchup so I bring them into that model and then export into Vray or Twinmotion depending on what output I need. There is no sign of 3Dvista being able to work in 3D space like metareal or matterport. it has been talked about for over 12 months and was due in Q3/2020 which has just finished. I have been asking (nagging) on the forum for weeks now but I can’t...
School Mash-Up: Matterport, 3DVista Virtual Tour Pro and Drone DanSmigrod 3 4 yearsPickChuck (413): @peakeagle This is fantastic. So well done and I am sure it will save them a ton of time and help everyone all around. Chuck
Video: 3DVista Virtual Tour Software Training Videos (including Live Chat) DanSmigrod 7 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): How to (video) call within a Virtual Tour with the Live Guided Tour functionality inside 3DVista | Video courtesy of 360Creators YouTube Channel | 29 September 2020
Looking for some advice on 3DVista CharlesHH 3 5 yearsCharlesHH (640): Thanks, would really appreciate that. I'll DM you.
3DVista update! (cuts in HALF the time it takes to set hotspots) Home3D 4 5 yearsfilinto (31): Kevin, I am a new user of 3D Vista (1 week) due to your great presentation with Dan. I am just struggling with my tour... is there a way to start the tour with a still image (like google maps) and set hotspots on it?
WP3D Models and 3Dvista homefinders3d 4 5 yearsDanielBenion (127): Hi Bill, From an SEO standpoint, it is like uploading a youtube video (embedding it to the page). The SEO value will still be the same with or without the iframe. This article goes into more depth, specifically on SEO with Matterport & WP3D. Hopefully that helps answer your...
3D Vista Virtual Tour Pro >> E-Learning skyload300 4 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @skyload300 Is this helpful? Free course: WGAN-TV Training U | Intro to 3DVista Virtual Tour Pro with Kevin Dole The majority of this course is show and tell of Kevin's various tours showing what’s possible with 3DVista Virtual Tour Pro Software, as well as integrations that Kevin does with WP3D Models, Matterport, drone and other solutions that real estate photographers uses. This WGAN-TV course is not intended as a tutorial on how...
360Rumors Video: 3DVista Beginner 15 Minute Tutorial DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsalohaman (5): Great video guys! Thanks a lot! <3
Transcript: WGAN-TV Intro to 3DVista Virtual Tour Pro Software for MSPs DanSmigrod 3 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Matterport-style virtual tour with NO FEES: 3DVista Beginner Tutorial in 15 minutes | Video courtesy of 360Rumors YouTube Channel 23 August 2020 Hi All, From the 360Rumors YouTube Channel: 0:00 Intro 1:55 Why learn 3DVista? 2:38 Top 5 Features of 3DVista 5:43 Is 3DVista hard to learn? 6:01 3DVista tutorial 10:06 Where to learn more 10:37 How much + special offer from Nick Powell 11:49 How to stand out in...
matterport with the Ricoh Theta Z1? PaulM 10 5 yearsPaulM (75): @JuMP your website isn't working - it just comes up as a password protected page
Which platform was used to create this 360º Virtual Tour? filinto 4 5 yearsTakedaSan (222): But you can use 3D Vista also to create a similar project. Takeda
WGAN-TV Training U | Intro to 3DVista Virtual Tour Pro with Kevin Dole DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): 77A-WGAN-TV Training U: Intro to 3DVista Virtual Tour Pro with Kevin Dole of 3DVista Virtual Tour Pro Software WGAN-TV Training U | Intro to 3DVista Virtual Tour Pro with Kevin Dole of...
WGAN-TV: Intro to 3DVista Virtual Tour Pro with Kevin Dole of DanSmigrod 7 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV Intro to 3DVista Virtual Tour Pro Software with Kevin Dole with in Los Angeles. | Thursday, 13 August 2020 -- 3DVista Virtual Tour Pro Software ✓ How to save $60 on 3DVista Virtual Tour Pro Software
sample tour from 3dvista - with floorplan view and navigation indicator Kumar 7 5 yearsKumar (547): @Wingman thanks much there.... that was really handy. btw, i wonder if there is direction/pov alignment possible with 3dvista? Like in MP/GCV and some other tours, we keep our direction of view as we jump from one pano to other. If not 3dvista, which other platform (krpano does it to some extent but not accurate enough) support this? Thanks
3D VISTA Software - Self Hosting JLGonzales 10 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @Home3D Ha! Pet pigs. That's fun! I :heart: your mashup of 3DVista, WP3D Models and Matterport. Way cool! And, thank you for taking advantage of your WGAN Standard Membership Benefits, including: ✓ Free use of WP3D Models WordPress Plugin ✓ Free use of WordPress Hosting Pro powered by Ionblade Dan
Member's impression of Metatreal Stage and Other platforms. Your thoughts? DanSmigrod 5 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @thereal360 ✓ Transcript: WGAN-TV Intro to Metareal Stage 3D Virtual Tour Platform (Demo) ✓ Two Free Metareal Stage Special Offers for WGAN Forum Members Dan
the 'matterport' look PaulM 12 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): On the WGAN List of 150+ 3D/360 Virtual Tour Platforms/Software, 15 have the "walk around" experience including/like Matterport. Dan
"What happens to my 360 virtual tours when I switch platforms?" DanSmigrod 5 5 yearsMeshImages (3050): @thereal360 yes, I switched to self-hosting. It's easy if you know how to upload via ftp.
3DVista pay per view Tripp 4 5 yearsTripp (10): Wingman - Thanks for the tip. Because we are looking at large volume PPV it needs to be more robust and have much greater bandwidth then what a typical website can handle so as not to crash. What we need is to be able to publish an actual embeddable link from our tour we made in 3DVista that connects directly to an embeddable player, not embed code which seems to be the only thing we can use from 3DVista.
Government or highly secure clients Mattmadden 5 5 yearsMattmadden (10): Thanks for the advice, I'll give a review of the other tools out there. Right now we are only offering Matterport but really like the iguide system when we did our initial research. perhaps if the client's budget is large enough we may invest in that product as well for larger commercial/government properties.
Cloud Pano homefinders3d 3 5 yearsahagert (141): I prefer Kuula (can do automatic walkthrough, color correct, more options for adding floorplans into tour, add music, etc.) over cloudpano, BUT then cloudpano started offering live option.
EyeSpy360 versus 3DVista? simbany1 10 5 yearsMarshallartsmedia (104): @andreabortolot Sorry to just get back to you now. They have a bunch of scheduled developments and they also update the software regularly, sometimes every week as they develop new features. in Q3 they have planned moving to working with Z-depth or 3-dimensional space so movement through the model would be more like matterport or metareal. For those of us who use lots of tags this is a game changer because we only need to tag each item...
What technology is this VR tour made with? skyload300 4 5 yearsHome3D (4213): 3DVista has the ability to set "live video" areas within fully active 360 panos, similar to how these people can be "clicked" to come alive. However in this case it's not using 360 panos but simply 2d photos. Probably not 3DVista, but if you're interested in this sort of thing, explore 3DVista. and you can do cool things.
best 360 panorama host platform to do creative hotspots and more RomainReparage 4 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @RomainReparage Does this help? (The platform used for hosting is ThreeSixty Tours: ✓ How to Make Money with ThreeSixty Tours; Making Your Competition Irrelevant Dan
1 page website services/solutions? davem 14 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @davem The following WGAN 3rd Party Service Providers offer Single Property Websites: ✓ CAPTUR3D (@Steven_Kounnas) WGAN Forum posts: captur3d ✓ KoaWare (Alex Gustafson @KoaWare) WGAN Forum posts: koaware ✓ Rela (@mikeland) WGAN Forum posts: Rela ✓ Show & Tour (Josh Mais @sherpa_media) WGAN Forum posts: Show & Tour ✓ WP3D Models WordPress Plugin (Ross Peterson @rpetersn) WGAN Forum posts: WP3D Models Dan
My QuoCam 8K Odyssey: Seeking a 360 Camera for Multiple Tour Platforms homefinders3d 12 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @homefinders3d The Forgotten QooCam 8K Magic : Creatively Use Express DNG8 and In Cam RAW+ at the same time!!! | Video courtesy of Yuqing Guo YouTube Channel | 21 June 2020
3D Vista and Matterport Links or MPembed Links ahagert 4 5 yearsJuMP (2031): There is a bug in Treedis page. When you click the help button at the bottom, you can't close the help page because the close button was covered by Treedis's addon button for email.
Video: How to livestream Youtube and Vimeo inside your 3DVista Virtual Tour DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): How to livestream Youtube and Vimeo inside your 3DVista Virtual Tour | Video courtesy of 360Creators YouTube Channel | 26 April 2020 Hi All, Do you have a need for livestreaming Youtube or Vimeo inside a 3DVista Virtual Tour? Knowing that this is possible, how might you leverage this 3DVista Virtual Tour Software feature? From the 360Creators YouTube Channel: How to activate/trigger...
3D Vista - In Tour Navigation RGould 5 5 yearshomefinders3d (349): I am playing with 3Dvista. The navigation is selected when the tour is published. But, the user can change the method while in the tour by right clicking.
Matterport links taking viewers off of host website matt4hutch 4 5 yearsGerhard (1484): @matt4hutch I have done it in 3D Vista and works fine. There is a setting in 3D Vista that let the tour open inside the player in the Box you created for it. I had a mockup that I made for a hotel group, but cant share it at the moment. And its like Photoshop you need to use it each day to know all the tips and tricks. Just email 3D Vista and they will help you or reach out to Gary Snyder he is on the forum , he also knows it well.
Video: Introducing 3DVista Live Guided Tours DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): 3DVista Live Guided Tours | Video courtesy of 3DVista YouTube Channel | 28 May 2020 Hi All, Have you had a chance to try 3DVista Live Guide Tours feature? 3DVista offers a 30 day free trial. 3DVista Virtual Tour Software From then 3DVista YouTube Channel " Live-Guided Tours allow you to have video conference calls on top of a virtual tour. Have your audience dial in and talk and guide...
Importing existing 360 panoramas into matterport Marshallartsmedia 3 5 yearstoddwaddington (541): No, there are many things we are waiting for from various platforms. With Matterport I wouldn't hold your breath and I'm a user. They are brilliantly frustrating. Similar to the Apple business structure, if you want their product you will need to accept (nay, embrace) their proprietary system. That said, I won't be surprised if they expand their camera selection. I purchased the Pro2 because it was the only way to get hi-res images in...
Virtual Exhibition made in Sketchup / Vray / 3dVista Marshallartsmedia 4 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @Marshallartsmedia Ah! Correct. Thanks for the explanation. Dan
3DVista Live Guided Tours homefinders3d 4 5 yearsPedrotex69 (313): Please keep us updated.
Question For 3D Vista Users Snap 5 5 yearsSnap (194): Thanks so much for your input @BarnesCreative @Home3D and @dzunker
EyeSpy360 Partners with RE/MAX: RE/MAX 360 Tours powered by EyeSpy360 DanSmigrod Jump to first page41Jump to last page 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Inman (15 May 2020) RE/MAX Integra launches 3D tours by EyeSpy360 "RE/MAX Integra, the independently owned Canadian subfranchisor of RE/MAX, has launched 360-degree tour technology for agents through a partnership with EyeSpy360," reports Inman. '“RE/MAX 360 Tours powered by EyeSpy360” will allow RE/MAX Integra agents to create true 360-degree virtual tours and take advantage of the technology’s lead generation...
3D Models in Matterport? Marshallartsmedia 2 5 yearsjuan (1): Hi, as far as I know, Matterport is incorporating 3D Models in there solutions but it is not an open solution, you have to send your tour to a company in UK, I understand that they created a system or addon that works only with mettafort but it is not available to the public, there are some resellers already of this service, I which 3D Vista have something similar but open to the public so everyone can purchase it.
What's the best 3D/360 Virtual Tour Solution for a Museum? DanSmigrod 15 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @gordons This likely will be very helpful to your museum: ✓ WGAN-TV: HomePlan Pay Per View Service for Matterport 3D Virtual Tours Dan
Can this be done in Matterport? MortenKrog 11 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @Home3D Yes. WGAN can save you 5 percent on the Insta360 Pro 2 Camera :cool: ... because you are a WGAN Standard Member. Please Private Message me for details before you make your purchase. Best, Dan
Matterport platform versus?? rastas 23 5 yearsGFHoge (162): @GETMYVR, I completely agree with you. My MLS just started offering the "Virtual Tour" free of charge to all agents (30,000)!! It is nothing more than the 2D photos moving back and forth. I find I have a lot of re-education to do here, but nothing beats a well done True Virtual Tour in 3D/360.
If You Could Only Pick 1 and Why JayInLA 13 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @JayInLA Which Which 3D/360 Virtual Tour Platform and which 360 Camera are great questions, EXCEPT the answer typically depends on for whom and for what use. For most WGAN Forum Members, here's the WGAN short list of: ✓ 3D/360 Virtual Tour Platforms and Single Property Websites for Real Estate These WGAN Forum resources may be helpful too: ✓ List of 140+ 3D/360 Virtual Tour Platforms and Single Property Websites for Real...
Video: 3DVista - 360 Virtual Tour Software - Top 10 Features! DanSmigrod 13 5 yearsHome3D (4213): I just spent the last five weeks learning 3DVista. It’s fabulous. I’m just completing my first tour which has 160+ panos and hundreds of links with custom icons, many of which I created. Everything here is customizable. As much as I’ve learned, I know I’ve barely scratched the surface. If you lament that Matterport is promoted as “anyone can do it” which helps to drive fees into the floor, don’t fret. Drop Matterport and move...
Using a Ricoh Theta Z1: Which 3D/360 Virtual Tour Hosting Platform is best? realeshots 9 5 yearsMeshImages (3050): Yes, drone video clips. 3Dvista allows Pano automation comparable to Matterport walkthrough, but additionally with hotspots (the text Infos) in it.
Alpha channel video / 360 environment azilk 1 5 yearsazilk (1): Hi all, long time immersive tour creator wondering if anyone on this forum is working with alpha channel video ( commonly green screen actor ) in any of the more popular programs. I have done hosted video with krpano/kolor/ 3DVista - but those familiar know it’s not actual alpha. So in short, I would like to establish a workflow to place a studio host into any environment - SU, twinmotion Etc. thoughts appreciated!
Hosted 360 images BlueImmersiveMedia 3 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV Caryn with Garden Knome Software at the 2019 Google Street View Summit on Pairing a 360 Camera with Pano2VR @BlueImmersiveMedia Above is my interview with Caryn with Pano2VR at the 2019 Google Street View Summit in London last week. ✓ GSV19: Remove or Replace the Tripod in a 360º Photo via Pano2VR Software Best, Dan --
GSV: Panos dumped by Google somewhere in the ocean Wingman 4 6 yearsWingman (4426): I have just checked my tour and it has been fixed. And the links between each pano also work so one can walk it from the start to the finish. What does not work properly is 360 icons for panos. Some of them are missing on google maps. Also still no score has been given to my account for these 31 pano tour. However I managed to do 2 reviews yesterday and I reached 7 level for local guides. Now it is a long road for me to the level 8 and even...
Google Trusted Badge and Theta V on a helmet Wingman 7 6 yearsWingman (4426): I have tested it today and it improves GPS data a bit by rewriting Theta GPS data in a pano file with GPS data accrued from a phone built in GPS and logged into a GPSLogger file. It works almost automatically. All you need is to select your panos folder and a GPS Logger file in the following windows software and it rewrites all GPS data in all panos in the selected folder as long as there is a match with date/time in both a pano and the log. ...
Pano2VR Pro vs VirtualTour Pro Wingman 13 6 yearsWingman (4426): it seems google has done with connections on my tour. I have lost a few shoots going over a bridge there so you are kind of jumping under it if you go to the next spot. I will probably redo the whole walk once I get a helmet mount for my Theta V. And it is still a lot to learn for me both for Pano2VR and for publishing tours on google map.
VR Video software solution with Menu option. alirizacil 5 6 yearsizoneguy (468): At $300-$500 per month and up that solution is not viable for an independent producer with a few VR projects per year.
Which 360º camera to pair with 3D Vista Software? DarrylB220 5 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @DarrylB220 You might look at Cupix for 3D tours. Cupix likely checks the boxes for: 1. Offline hosting 2. Privacy and Security with how/whom has access the models when they host 3. Various options for data output Best, Dan PS Cupix works with any 360 camera
Cupix pricing - more expensive than you think CFster 14 7 yearsGarySnyder (2143): If you host Vista yourself and you learn how to use it correctly the transition between pano's is very immersive and quick. You will be surprised how many companies use Vista under their own name as you can completely white label the final product.
3DVista opinions? (Versus CUPIX and Matterport) CFster 15 7 yearsGarySnyder (2143): I've use 3D Vista for 2 years now and I can tell you there is nothing that compares to it if you really use all of its functionally. You can create a VT’s that looks and feels just like MP with hotspots and even turn items in you photos into hotspots which can launch anything. You can drop in any image you want or blur an image. You have complete control of every pano. To top it off you can do the same magic with 360 videos, try that with MP....
3dvista and matterport links peakeagle 7 7 yearsangusnorriss (747): Does 3dvista work with a Matterport camera / scan?
City uses VR to attract visitors GlennTremain 18 7 yearsimad (184): @mori Thanks for sharing, Dubai's Tour looks like something from the future.
3D Vista Software - 360's Alternative VTLV 19 8 yearsDanielDI (10): I am glad that I found this. I have been digging and comparing PTGui and Giga for past few days. It is frustrating when comparing products that is similar. I finally purchased AutoPano Giga + Krpano + AutoPano Tour Pro. Started using it for few days now. So far everything is smooth.