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'Customer Service' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Compare Realsee to Matterport Customer service experience ron0987 4 4 monthsron0987 (3499): @ScanYourSpace Also to address your last comment and this is just my opinion its name recognition and I agree Mattaport has done a great job in marketing everybody knows the name and the brand. Iguide has some recognition and Realsee has little to none. In the last week I spoke with a small group of agents I was testing them I showed them a model, one was in Matterport and one was in Realsee. The difference was I did not let them start them...
My Experience with Matterport Customer Service for Pro3 Accident EMILIANO 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @EMILIANO Thank you for sharing. That was nice of Matterport to send you a new Matterport Pro3 Camera to replace the one that you accidentally dropped. Please keep us posted on how your insurance handles your out-of-pocket expense. Best, Dan
Does your Matterport Pro3 Camera sound like this? RichardStanton 10 2 yearsHome3D (4213): Our Pro 3 makes a generally similar noise coinciding with the mirror spin. I was surprised at first since the BLK360 mirror appear to spin even faster and makes virtually no sound at all. But the Pro 3 works well, so I've presumed this is normal.
Matterport Pro3 Camera Failure - Error code #80 808virtually 10 2 yearsBlueCandle (4): @GamelLarry Is there a firmware update for the Pro3? We haven't seen any prompts to update. Any info you have on what the new firmware addresses would be appreciated. We have had Error #80 coming up. Seems to happen about 40-odd scans into a job. It has resolved without much intervention other than turning the camera off and on again. I am wondering if it is a temperature related issue.
WOW!!! Email Chat Between Matterport and Matterport Pro3 Camera Purchaser DanSmigrod 22 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Thanks Nick! Doing my best to provide a platform for giving/getting help to help the Community succeed faster. And, thanks for adding clarity. Yes. The email chat (above) is a professional conversation between vendor-client that provides insight on many topics that the community is interested in. It goes without saying that Matterport should be coaching its employees that everything they write needs to be professional, accurate and be...
Matterport poor customer service. Floor problems JimmyJim Jump to first page32Jump to last page 3 yearslilnitsch (5803): @JimmyJim it was a combination of early morning lighting, smoke, and tree cover
Transcript: Video: Matterport ShopTalk #16 Webinar (10 Feb 2021) DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Matterport ShopTalk Webinar held on Wednesday, 10 February 2021 | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | Thursday, 11 February 2021 Hi All, Transcript below ... Aired Live on Wednesday, 10 February 2021 [i] Ask us anything. Just getting started? Have some burning questions to ask? Join Amir [Frank] as he hosts our Customer Success leader, Holly Brunk, and Kurt Dahlin, Senior Manager of...
Thanks to Asteroom fotoguy 2 5 yearsEricTsai (171): @fotoguy. Thank you for sharing. We are happy to help!
Matterport Customer Service... :( Seaweedsoul 7 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): To follow-up on your discussion: ✓ How to use a 'Matterport Sandwich' (and How to Avoid Having to Use it) Dan
Cannot install Cortex on Capture app. Please Help!!! Teden 16 5 yearsWingman (4426): 401 error is an authorisation error of HTTP protocol. It means one is trying to access some files on a web server that they have not been authorised to access. Most likely Cortex installation is coming from the Matterport server directly(not Apple store) and Matterport only gives it to their authorised users. So it looks like when one cannot download Cortex installation files they simply have not been logged in into their Matterport cloud...
Adventures in high scan count models. briangreul 12 5 yearsbriangreul (684): I believe it was. My deliverable was the completed scans so I don't know what finally happened or how they ultimately used it. The space was a vacant hospital and there were parts of it that were unscannable. Even with Apriltags I couldn't reliably scan in the bathrooms in each patient room. As it was I had to deploy the Apriltags in a fairly high density. I would have needed too many to scan the bathrooms. I personally didn't see the...
Is there a problem with Matterport URL parameters working? craigsauer 6 5 yearsGhagendorf (378): Yesterday I coded a url to start automatically and it didn’t work.
Matterport's no longer restoring deleted spaces! PeterMcCready 15 5 yearsPeterMcCready (232): Final update. I asked Matterport: "What are your plans for my data?" They responded: "This is a great question! After checking in with my supervisor, he told me that you deleted spaces will go into stasis, and would only ever be used for internal training purposes." Queue the 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' theme...
Urgent: Uploading to Matterport FAILED multiple times? rzphotoman 11 5 yearstresdepro (385): Just an update guys ...Well finally it went through All I did was duplicate the model on the iPad and upload it again :)
Best Contact for EyeSpy360 Support? simbany1 4 5 yearsEyeSpy360_Support (55): Hi @simbany1, The best and quickest way to get support from our team is to email I have responded to your PM and hope that is helpful. Kind regards, Frederick EyeSpy360 Support Team
EyeSpy360 support????? realeshots 8 5 yearsPedrotex69 (313): Thank you Ella, but from what i gather they are not even making any conversions, they are just charging me the UK prices, and that is not what I sign for. Thank you for looking into this, all the best, keep safe.
Can someone from Matterport call me to discuss a billing situation? JCHAFE 3 5 yearsJCHAFE (84): @Garnetwest Thanks Garnetwest At least its not a dispute per say, its just a few things I need looked into and resolved and it would be done considerably easier with a 5 minute phone call rather then typing a book via email every second day!
IMMERSOLUTIONS - Matterport Reseller in Canada - Buyer Beware JCHAFE 26 5 yearsImmerSolution (19): It will be ok for tomorrow. I will send you an email when it's ready to pick up
Matterport Support: the Maximum Number of Scans in a Matterport model is... DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, From the Matterport Support Live Q&A Thursday, 21 November 2019. Transcript Question: "Is there a maximum of scans I can do within one tour? I've heard of problems when reaching 1,000 scans." Matterport Support: ... the supported number of scans is 200. The reason why it is 200, yes you can definitely scan more than that 'cause if you get yourself an iPad Pro, you can potentially, you know, it's a...
Question of the Day: Have you noticed larger Matterport tours are smoother? DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, The WGAN Forum Question of the Day for Friday, 22 November 2019. Have you noticed larger Matterport tours are a smoother experience? Backstory: "... six months ago, maybe less, that [Matterport] engineers updated [Matterport] Showcase [player] to be able to better handle larger models," said Matterport Content Marketing Manager Amir Frank during the Matterport Support Live Q&A Thursday, 21 November...
Dear Matterport, please reply Home3D 4 5 yearsOboldyrev (218): Thw way I see it - as long as Matterport continues to suport MSP it's not a bad thing. Limited availability is always good fir business. That is of course they continue supporting MSP structure
Matterport Customer Support Live Q&A! | Thursday, 21 Nov 2019 aiMBackwards 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Reminder: going on now :cool:
Combining 2 large Matterport scans rzphotoman 6 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @rzphotoman Above from a similar WGAN Forum discussion: ✓ Split my Matterport Tour by Floor Best, Dan
Anyone Ever Encountered This Problem w Capture App? Chemistrydoc 10 5 yearsleonherbert (903): @Jwbuckl there has been discussion on this issue for the last few weeks (17 days)
Cupix Care - more than Matterport angusnorriss 4 5 yearsJoakim360 (125): Great job and congratulations to you all! :)
house not lining up fotoguy 6 6 yearsfotoguy (835): Thanks Dan. I just submitted an online support request and attached the image. I believe they work on pacific time so there is still time for them to call today.
HELP! Matterport has overcharged me, again! GETMYVR 11 6 yearsGETMYVR (1941): Thank you Dee! I did receive your email and appreciate your quick resolution for finally restoring my service correctly, and for amending the wrongful charges. My best, Chris.
Uploading to the Wrong Matterport Account Matt19 4 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @Matt19 Obviously a missed opportunity by Matterport to surprise and delight a Client. Dan
Cupix pricing - more expensive than you think CFster 14 7 yearsGarySnyder (2143): If you host Vista yourself and you learn how to use it correctly the transition between pano's is very immersive and quick. You will be surprised how many companies use Vista under their own name as you can completely white label the final product.
Matterport customer service non existent... mjstef 26 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @mjstef Are you using an Apple charger and cable or a 3rd party charger and cable? Dan