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BLK 360 + matterport> 3D CAD7174

3dR private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Dan
Saw your webinar on BLK360 + matterport and congrats on asking "Pointed questions" , however I found the presenters did not really had all the answers as perhaps this is still not as good as it is expected to be!
I am specifically referring to the needs of Engineering / construction 3D /BIM industry as compared to using 3D visualization for real estate sales ( which is where Matterport perhaps started it's life)
The requirement of engineering industry are slightly higher/ demanding than those of RE visualization.
Same way as 3D printing in real engineering is vastly different than say Toy / hobby 3D printing
Thinking from pure mech 3D CAD perspective the BIM as used in Civil construction industry is nothing but bringing together all diff physical objects ranging for Steel fabrication/ Concrete/ Electrical/ Piping etc in ONE 3D CAD environment along with lots of Metadata. one can then perform a simple command like" Show me all piping or List all Electrical assets or highlight all handrails etc
With respect to this and Multivista
-Would it be correct to say that the BLK360 laser scanning + matter port scanning gives both the interior and ext scanning ability? resulting in one single model either for visualization only or for conversion to point cloud in to 3D CAD packages!
- In the workflow since there are 2 camera's involved how the scanning process happen? do you use one device after another on same spot?

- For BLK 360 does one need place "targets" as this video using FARO laser scanning process shows
- Is the combination of two a proprietary technology of Multivista?
- Are these scanners in same league as FARO?
- Pathway from BLK to to ACAD or other 3D packages, are you planning an more in depth webinars on this? - Other touchy subject perhaps is ability to have own internal hosting or no hosting just having the output and not to be dependent upon Matterport or anybody else for that matter,,,! my guess is engineering clients wont like this dependency since the output is mostly for it's internal stake holder and for long term use as compared to short usage cycle for real estate sales!
Do clients in this space get annoyed when they know that apart from scanning costs they have to fork out money every month to Matterport ! Say it is a shopping center they won;t like to pay somebody years upon years for having access to the deliverable! any way the coming together of diff technologies is great and like 3 D printing it is evolving , the day we can have a smooth external and Internal scanning it would be great, Although the walkthrough of a Matterport scan is very impressive the first look of a Doll house gives a "somewhat unfinished" model frankly the model looks like s hurricane had gone through the building and wondered what happened to external scanning! Now with combining the two technologies would perhaps gives a better experience , but are there more examples of the two combined? Perhaps some of my questions are the way they are because my background is Industrial / Mechanical Engineering 3D CAD rather than RE photography! IN my field a finished 3D File has to have everything in it, Imagine a CAR or Wrist Watch 3D CAD model with no external skin! Thanks for the webinar though. Keep them coming
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WGAN Forum
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Welcome to the WGAN Forum.

Thank you for joining.

Flying today. I will have an opportunity to read your post late today (Sunday, 3 June 2018).

Thanks for your patience,


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WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

All great questions. I can answer them all late, late tonight when I am in front of my computer at the hotel.

Hi All,

Feel free to answer some or all of the questions, and/or provide commentary.

Thanks for your patience,

Post 3 IP   flag post
ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
I can answer a few of your questions and will do so and preference them with, I have not used BLK360 with Matterport yet, but I am familiar with the scanning ability of it.

Your first question as viewing, I have seen that there is a viewing in Matterport that allow viewing the model without a need for special software. There are third party software's that do allow you to view the point cloud as a stand alone. You can scan both interior with matterport and exterior with the Blk360 but your exterior will be limited to a point cloud. Depending on the density of the point cloud from a distance or pull out in the viewing mode the model looks good.

Question two, I do not know the work flow for using both and cannot answer that.

Question three, targets are no longer need in either Faro or Blk360 technology. Target are only need in some extreme situations but the software for Blk360 uses Recap and targets are not needed.

Question four not familiar with that software.
Question five this scanner is in the same league as Faro.

That is about all I can answer hopefully that helps with part of it.

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WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi @ron0987 ....

Thanks for keeping the conversation moving forward while I've been on a plane today. And, great visiting with you the the GSV18 Summit. So glad that you could make it.


Thank you for the backstory on BIM modeling. Feel free to start move discussions on this topic. It's super-helpful for those that are not BIM modelers, but have something to contribute to the process via MatterPak.

Here are my answers to your questions:

Q: Would it be correct to say that the BLK360 laser scanning + matter port scanning gives both the interior and ext scanning ability? resulting in one single model either for visualization only or for conversion to point cloud in to 3D CAD packages!

A: Yes. The addition of the Leica Geosystems BLK360 to scanning within the same Matterport Capture app and the same model adds:

1) outdoor scanning;
2) height of data capture;
3) density of point cloud
4) Note that the BLK360 is both high-resolution photography and scan data (See MatterPak)

Q: In the workflow since there are 2 camera's involved how the scanning process happen? do you use one device after another on same spot?
A: Use the Matterport Capture app for both cameras in the same model (seamless integration) You do not need to place the cameras in the identical locations within the model. Typically, you wold use one or the other camera

Q: For BLK 360 does one need place "targets" as this video using FARO laser scanning process shows
A: As @ron0987 shared - an experienced Faro user in addition to Matterport - you do not need targets. (I could imagine that you might need targets in the space is cavernous with similar patters.)

Q: Are these scanners in same league as FARO?
A: I could imagine that the key difference (for you) in a Faro versus a BLK360 is the accuracy of the point cloud.

Q: Pathway from BLK to to ACAD or other 3D packages, are you planning an more in depth webinars on this? A: Beyond my expertise to ask intelligent questions. Perhaps you can tee-up the person to be interviewed and you ask the questions on WGAN-TV?

Q: Other touchy subject perhaps is ability to have own internal hosting or no hosting just having the output and not to be dependent upon Matterport or anybody else for that matter,,,! my guess is engineering clients wont like this dependency since the output is mostly for it's internal stake holder and for long term use as compared to short usage cycle for real estate sales!

A: Matterport does not offer a off-line hosting solution. Two similar solutions that do are: CUPIX and NCTech iStar Pulsar

Q: Although the walkthrough of a Matterport scan is very impressive the first look of a Doll house gives a "somewhat unfinished" model frankly the model looks like s hurricane had gone through the building and wondered what happened to external scanning! Now with combining the two technologies would perhaps gives a better experience , but are there more examples of the two combined? Perhaps some of my questions are the way they are because my background is Industrial /

A: If you scan outdoors with the BLK360 within the Matterport app, you can disable the "dollhouse view" in Matterport Workshop. I recommend only using the dollhouse view when scanning indoors (to avoid look that you described).

Be sure to check out the WGAN-TV Training Academy Library for an index of videos by subject.

WGAN-TV will have live (and recorded) coverage of SPAR 3D Expo & Conference this week (5-7 June 2018).



Link: 2018 SPAR3D Expo & Conference
Post 5 IP   flag post
3dR private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks Dan and Ron
Just few more
- With large building ext scanning would there be need to get to heights by using either booms or Drones because scanning the roof from ground wont capture everything
- Are there more examples of such a combination scan?
- To combine BLK and Matter port does one have to go through Multivista?
Post 6 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

About height, depends on how high. Does this BLK360 Spec sheet answer your height question?

Here are more examples of BLK360 + Matterport combined scans.

You do not need to go through Multivista to combline BLK360 and Matterport: simply use the Matterport Capture app with the two cameras.

At SPAR3D, I will ask if there are show specials (on pricing) for both cameras. Stay tuned.


Post 7 IP   flag post
ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
Range on the Blk360 is 60m about 196 feet, but depending on what your scanning, flat open surfaces you may need to overlap 20-35% to get good registration between scans. If your scanning buildings or architecture you maybe able to reduce that percent of overlap. Or flat or open commercial space is where you would use targets to assist in scan registration. When I scanned residential property I never used a boom but the scanner I used had three time the range. But depending how large you are talking about will depend on the requirement for boom or increased heights. I usually scanned from neighbor building. Most home I would believe you would not need the boom.
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lauks private msg quote post Address this user
i was wondering if the BLK360 added any accuracy to the model (it should, but as MP does a lot of decimation, I am not sure about this. The BLK360 could make it possible to use the spaces for BIM, but I am not sure if the 3d space as it is now is acceptable. (ok, MP is about visualization, not about precise survey= :-)
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