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'SPAR3D18' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
SPAR3D18: StructionSite 3D/360 Platform for Documenting Job Sites DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsimad (184): Sounds Promising and worth testing, however if they didn't provide a white label version it's gonna be hard to adopt because construction industry is so different than other sectors like Real Estate and other one time service sectors where you scan the property (House, restaurant, club .. etc) only once for your client, but in construction you scan periodically for your client to show progress, and if you offer them the solution source they...
Matterport + Leica Geosystems (BLK360) Real Estate + AEC Press Release DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsDaveChawaga (19): A perfect marriage! Our company has been integrating BLK and Matterport with some amazing indoor/outdoor results and winning higher margin AEC work. Generating more sophisticated AEC deliverables can be a little complicated.
Prediction: Matterport + NCTech LASiris VR DanSmigrod 16 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @DanSmigrod - Quick things: - No other platform touches Showcase on presentation. - Windows and MacOS dominate Linux (re: open platforms). I'm not sure that open platforms win in all fields. - I agree that allowing download of the imagery at full resolution is a good move to simply open up more use cases (and add revenue!!) - I look forward to Matterport opening their platform to more cameras. Their adoption of the BLK was fast,...
SPAR3D-How to Make Money with PIX4D and Your Drone DanSmigrod 3 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): @Matt19 I recall seeing posts by WGAN Forum Members using PIX4D. That's why I did the interview :cool: Best, Dan
SPAR3D-Thinking about buying an NCTech iStar Pulsar? DanSmigrod 4 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Hi All, A WGAN Member writes: "Did you end up ordering the new istar pulsar? Would love to see some real user reviews. This camera does interest me. I could see it being used for golf course's, resorts, national parks etc. Biggest thing is would they want this service and would they be willing to pay a good dollar for this service?" My reply: It's certainly got me thinking. Could you make the sale first before buying the camera?...
SPAR3D-NCTech Product Preview (Tuesday, 5 June 2018) DanSmigrod 4 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): What I want to know is if the lens can survive a small rock flying at it out of the back of a 'lorry' (GSV Summit Reference)
Are you a Reality Capture Photographer? Creating Digital Twins? DanSmigrod 6 7 yearsRedRock3D (46): :eek:
SPAR3D-Virtual Design & Construction Sessions DanSmigrod 3 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): @Montreal3D Thank you for your kind note. I have more SPAR3D Expo & Conference videos to post tomorrow, Tuesday, 12 June 2018. Thanks for your patience. Fun time at SPAR3D including visiting with Members at the WGAN Forum Meetup at SPAR3D! Best, Dan P.S. All SPAR3D coverage - and more to come - is tagged: SPAR3D18
SPAR3D-NCTech iSTAR Pulsar at Product Preview Session DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): [ Private Link for this Video] WGAN-TV: NCTech Technical Sales Director Andrew Baddeley presented the iSTAR Pulsar camera/scanner at the 2018 SPAR3D Expo & Conference Product Preview Session on Tuesday, 5 June 2018. Hi All, NCTech Technical Sales Director Andrew Baddeley presented the iSTAR Pulsar camera/scanner at the 2018 SPAR3D Expo & Conference Product Preview Session on Tuesday, 5 June 2018. The iSTAR Pulsar was...
SPAR3D-Unique Scanning Applications: HBO's Hit Series; Game of Thrones DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): SPAR3D: Unique Applications: Insurance & Real Estate; Entertainment & Gaming[/b] - at the 2018 SPAR3D Expo & Conference in Anaheim, CA on Thursday, 7 June 2018. --- [ Private Link for this Video] WGAN-TV Long Live Photogrammetry and SLAM-How Edge Computing/Cheap Hardware Enable Real-Time, Real-World 3D...
SPAR3D-Contracting for 3D Technologies Session DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): --- [ Private Link for this Video] WGAN-TV Contracting for 3D Technologies-Deliverables-What Should You Expect & Specify? with John Russo with Architectural Resources Consultants and Kevin Kianka with Haag 3D Solutions at the 2018 SPAR3D Expo & Conference in Anaheim, CA. --- [ Private Link for this...
SPAR3D-Keynote: Integrated Projects – A Vision for Future DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Thursday, 6 June 2018 - Keynote: Integrated Projects – A Vision for Future with Atul Khanzode with DPR Construction at the 2018 SPAR3D Expo & Conference in Anaheim, CA --- [This keynote video...
SPAR3D-Digital Historic Preservation DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): --- [ Private Link for this Video] WGAN-TV Virtualizing World Heritage Sites in the Mediterranean Region with Davide Tanasi and Michael Decker with the University of South Florida at the 2018 SPAR3D Expo...
SPAR3D-Should Your 3D Be-Inhoused or Outsourced? DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Wednesday, 6 June 2018 - Should Your 3D Be-Inhoused or Outsourced Session at the 2018 SPAR3D Expo & Conference in Anaheim, CA --- [ Private Link for this Video] WGAN-TV: In-House vs. Outsourcing Considerations and Costs with Jody Lounsbury with Control Points Associates --- [ Private Link for this...
SPAR3D-Keynote: Creativity and Constructability in AEC | Gensler and NVIDIA DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653):, 6 June 2018 - Keynote: Creativity and Constructability in AEC with Ken Sanders with Gensler and Jack Dahlgren with NVIDIA at the 2018 SPAR3D Expo & Conference in Anaheim, CA --- [Keynote Video Removed at the Request of SPAR3D] WGAN-TV-Creativity and Constructability in AEC with Ken Sanders with Gensler and...
SPAR3D-Matterport: Integrating Disruptive Technology into Your AEC Workflow DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Hi All, Unfortunately, I failed to attend this session. I do not have a recording of it. Dan
SPAR3D-Leica Geosystems: A Strategic Approach to Data Capture .... DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Hi All, Unfortunately, I failed to attend this session. I do not have a recording of it. Dan
WGAN Meetup Anaheim, CA Tues., June 5, 2018 DanSmigrod 6 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): If you are going to be a SPAR3D this week, join the WGAN Forum Meetup dinner on Tuesday, 5 June 2018 at 8 pm at TBD restaurant. Please use the RSVP form above so that I can send you the restaurant info. Best, Dan
AWE2018: Matterport Mashes Up Augmented Reality via PTC Wuforia DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN-TV: Matterport Demos Augmented Reality Meets Matterport at the AWE Conference in Santa Clara, CA (29-31 May and 1 June 2018) AWE2018: Matterport Mashes Up Augmented Reality via PTC's Wuforia and ThingWorx Studio Matterport has partnered with PTC (NASDAQ: PTC) to create an Augmented Reality (AR) proof of concept mashing up PTC’s Vuforia engineer and Studio platform with Matterport 3D Tours, I learned Friday (1 June 2018) at AWE...
BLK 360 + matterport> 3D CAD 3dR 9 7 yearslauks (19): i was wondering if the BLK360 added any accuracy to the model (it should, but as MP does a lot of decimation, I am not sure about this. The BLK360 could make it possible to use the spaces for BIM, but I am not sure if the 3d space as it is now is acceptable. (ok, MP is about visualization, not about precise survey= :-)
NCTech iSTAR Pulsar: First Look DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN-TV NCTech iStar Pulsar at GEO Business with UK-Based WGAN Member @leonvanzweel Hi All, UK-based WGAN Forum Member - and WGAN Field Correspondent - @leonvanzweel attended GEO Business in London last week in London to report back on his first look at the NCTech iSTAR Pulsar as previously announced at the 2017 Google Street View Summit in Tokyo (May 2017). WGAN Forum discussions tagged: iSTAR Pulsar --- Hi All, I will...
All Things Leica BLK360 in the WGAN Forum DanSmigrod 4 7 yearsMeshImages (3050): Yes, probably I will go there. I will keep you and the wgan community updated via this post.
BREAKING: Matterport & BIMobject Partnership Metroplex360 3 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Only a digital model of Big Foot was found. :cool: That said, looks like this announcement takes us one 'Big Foot' step to finding him. Keep up the search! Dan
WGAN-TV Architects, Engineers & Construction DanSmigrod 3 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653):