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Oculus Go - Matterport6952

MarkCantu private msg quote post Address this user
Good Day! I just bought a pair of the Oculus Go goggles. Unfortunately, the salesperson didn't quite know all the details, he was pushing the Oculus full system, itself. I do have to say, "It was amazing."

I tried to cheaper models that require your phone, but I thought the picture looked so bad. I haven't even tried out the Go model, so I was wondering if any one has some experience with it? Since you don't use a phone, I am wondering how or if I can view my Matterport tours with this headset?
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MarkCantu private msg quote post Address this user
This is about all I got to go on right now - but getting goggles out of box is probably a good start!

Matterport VR
Thursday at 15:56
The Oculus Go (mostly) works well... The colors are slightly muted compared to the S7, but performance is great. However, there are a few issues.

WebVR tours work fairly well.

Open the Oculus Web Browser, navigate to the Space and then launch WebVR. It works just like our Daydream app at that point.

It is not quite as polished as our VR apps, but it does fully support the hand controller which makes for a great experience. We are going to be updating the WebVR experience to include floor plan navigation, and to bring it closer in line to our VR apps. Still working on the ETA for that update.

Our GearVR app also works fairly well...

The difficulty is getting your own Spaces into the GearVR app. It does not work as it should... Something in the Oculus Browser is preventing it from deep linking correctly...

I have a few more experiments that I will be running to see if I can get it to work correctly and I am also reaching out to the Oculus Browser Team to discuss. I will update once I know more.
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WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

I could imagine that Matterport will announced by SPAR3D Expo & Confernece in June 2018 that Matterport VR plays nice with the Oculus Go.

Given the (amazing) price and that the Oculus Go does not tie-up a smartphone, this VR View solves a problem for business to business VR Viewer sharing.

Imagine doing a trade show today with 10 VR Viewers that each need to be paired with an unlocked ($$$) smartphone. No more!

Keep those posts coming on the Oculus Go.


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MarkCantu private msg quote post Address this user
I think that big game changer here is 360 video. The Matterport link is disappointing, but you can see where it's going to go. I just don't know if a 360 video diminishes Matterport's significance as a viewer option. Curious to see where this goes. I went to buy a cheaper telephone viewing option, but after seeing Oculus it was like first seeing a typewriter, then seeing a new Mac, and the salesperson asks you, "Which one is better?"

I went to Facebook 360, and saw some of my photos on the Oculus and I was truly amazed at the experience it provided.
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Bellevue, Washington
Tosolini private msg quote post Address this user
I just played with my new Oculus Go too. My first impression is positive. It's so portable and light. I haven't loaded any of my content yet, but the MP app works well, the display is quite clear and didn't see any performance issue. I noticed the battery doesn't last long. Overall I think it'll be a successful device.
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3dvirtualview private msg quote post Address this user
@Tosolini @MarkCantu Does the Oculus Go run on wifi? How do you get the matterport working on them? I have the VR goggles and it seems to be a pain in the but to get to the matterport VR and run them full screen. May be a newbie prob but it could be easier IMO.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Bellevue, Washington
Tosolini private msg quote post Address this user
@3dvirtualview The Go works with WiFi. I did two tests on MP tours. The MP app runs fine using the default content provided in the app. I'm not sure if we can load our own content on the MP app in the Go yet.

Then I experimented running a MP tour in the Oculus browser (just type the URL or navigate to a MP embedded into a page). The experience is not immersive, as the browser is just a rectangle container in front of you. But you can click on the little goggle icon, which loads the same model in Cardboard WebVR mode. Then you are in immersive mode, but each scan point is a (very) bubble and you can use your controller to navigate around. Not perfect, but it works.
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