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Oculus Go VR Headsetx

'Oculus Go VR Headset' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Matterport Video: How to edit the Virtual Reality (VR) Path in a Matterport DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): Customizing your Matterport Model: Virtual Reality (VR) | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 17 November 2020 In this Matterport video, Matterport Marketing Content Manager Amir Frank shows how to edit the virtual reality (VR) path in a Matterport space (and how/why this will change over time with Oculus Go and Oculus Quest headsets. How do you leverage the Matterport Virtual Reality (VR)...
Matterport with Oculus Go tmroberts 3 4 yearstmroberts (161): @DanSmigrod - thank you for the video - it sure answered my question. Seems the instant transition blue spheres are dated and now the use of the controller is required. There are sure benefits of the experience with and without the use of the controller. We have 2 Oculus Go headsets we use for demo's so as long as they work...they will work ;) I encourage all agents to at least experiment with VR whether it be something as simple as a BNext...
Help please! Oculus Go problem with Matterport CharlesHH 5 5 yearsKumar (547): this should help. 1. install mp vr app on oculus go 2. browse couple of tours - make sure you download and explore them (at least 5 spots in each 3. Quit the app completely. 4. Connect your oculus go to pc - allow access on oculus go 5. locate the file recents.json (folder - Androiddatacom.matterport.vrshowcasefilesDownloadedModelsroot) 6. Edit the .json file. You have to replace the space sid (space id) that is of the model you just explored...
Inman: VR Among 4 tech products every brokerage should invest in DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): Inman (29 January 2020) 4 tech products every brokerage should invest in "Virtual reality, better video, podcasts and agent analytics are helping some brokers bring in new business" Virtual reality "During the panel, [kwELITE CEO Jeff] Cohn pulled out a pair of Oculus Go glasses, which his firm uses to offer clients a VR tour of homes they like before they discuss showing times. While such a high-tech option may not...
FYI to my fellow MP VR enthusiasts: WebVR RichardStanton 1 6 yearsRichardStanton (253): Just a heads up for any of you that have in the past or want to in the future incorporate VR into your workflow, I just finished testing the new WebVR release changes from Matterport last night and I am happy to say that the Oculus GO is once again usable for viewing your spaces via the WebVR integration! (performance was so poor previously that would stutter constantly when tracking head movement). This release also fixed some of the issues...
Will Matterport support Oculus for the 360 VR Experience? fear_knight 5 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): Related WGAN Forum discussions: ✓ Creating a split-screen video from VR ✓ Display vr on a screen ✓ Display the VR content on a TV ✓ View matterport in VR and watch on a screen? ✓ VR remote for device in headset? Related (Suggested by WGAN Forum Members in the WGAN Forum discussions above) ✓ Stream your Gear VR experience to your TV using Chromecast ✓ How to Cast Your Smartphone’s VR Experience to Your TV ✓ ...
Oculus Go & Matterport Showcase App - Any Compatibility? Shakoure 1 7 yearsShakoure (568): Hey Mates... anyone insight on whether the iOS Showcase app by Matterport works for offline viewing of downloaded models on the Oculus Go?
Matterport Meets Oculus Go @ 2018 GSV Summit DanSmigrod 3 7 yearsPhotoAndVideoEdits (258): Any Updates on this? has anyone looked at their own models through the app yet (Taken with the series one camera)?
First impressions: $199 Oculus Go VR hesdset DanSmigrod 10 7 yearsJamie (2037): Anyone had any luck loading their own content on it yet?
Oculus Go - Matterport MarkCantu 7 7 yearsTosolini (4398): @3dvirtualview The Go works with WiFi. I did two tests on MP tours. The MP app runs fine using the default content provided in the app. I'm not sure if we can load our own content on the MP app in the Go yet. Then I experimented running a MP tour in the Oculus browser (just type the URL or navigate to a MP embedded into a page). The experience is not immersive, as the browser is just a rectangle container in front of you. But you can click on...