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Is the Matterport MSP Program going away?6403

immersivespaces private msg quote post Address this user
I have noticed in the past month or so that every time I do a scan with a new agent, within a few days of completing the job, they miraculously get a sales contact from Matterport trying to sell them a camera so they can do their own scans. I have suspected that they have been using the contact information that I include with the model as a lead generation tool, but now I have seen a consistent pattern that is concerning.

Customers that I have had for years have not heard anything from Matterport, but all of a sudden I do one scan and they get a sales contact like clockwork. One customer said they specifically referenced the model we created for them and told them they could "save money by purchasing the new Pro2 Lite camera."

This makes me think that Matterport is preparing to dump the MSPs in anticipation of getting agents to buy the cheaper "lite" camera. That, coupled with things like charging for .obj assets and now even preparing to license our content to third parties through the Ecosystem without compensating us for them seems to indicate that something big is about to drop, and it's probably not going to be pleasant for people who have built their businesses on this platform.

I could be wrong, but I have been in business long enough to know when the signs start pointing in a certain direction, something is likely coming sooner than later.
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GeorgeK private msg quote post Address this user
They will suffer if this is the path they take.
Post 2 IP   flag post
MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user
If this is true, Matterport will not reach the 2.000.000 spaces.

After all recents steps I have to ask myself: can we still TRUST Matterport?

From my point of view there is too many changes in licence and business terms.
Post 3 IP   flag post
immersivespaces private msg quote post Address this user
From one of my agents that sells $20 Million+ homes:

Hi Adrian,

I got an email today from matter port asking me about the Palm property. I thought it was a followup to the scan you did for me the other day so I called him back. Turns out it was actually a sales call trying to sell me a camera. Just thought you would like to know that it seems like that company is farming your scans for leads to cut you out. I don't think we will do any scans with the matter port anymore. I'm perfectly fine with the other 360 tours you did, so let's stick with those from now on.


Post 4 IP   flag post
benn1973 private msg quote post Address this user
Well I put almost no information into my capture app not even an address.
I put all the relevant info into WP3D for this exact reason.
I could care less about there eco system so why give them data.
Post 5 IP   flag post
Liam_Tayler private msg quote post Address this user

I received a call from a potential client who was looking into a camera for themselves and I was shocked when I discovered that matterport had given them my details, the details of the camera I purchased and when I had purchased it... looks like they are a heading for the end-user market.
Post 6 IP   flag post
PWIMAGING private msg quote post Address this user
In my opinion this if true is just wrong. Contacting your client that you have won, to end around them. To try and sell their services directly.
Poor business practices

Post 7 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Do you guys ever do scans for people who already own Matterport Cameras and don't want to use them?
Post 8 IP   flag post
DouglasMeyers private msg quote post Address this user
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Matt19 private msg quote post Address this user
@immersivespaces that is so bad!!! That they would try and steal your customers! Infuriating actually!
Post 10 IP   flag post
isabel private msg quote post Address this user
I don't think Matterport has ANY concern whatsoever for MSPs. Or even real estate agents. Their vision is for owners and renters of every residential and commercial space to have (and pay for) a Matterport account. Current camera owners are just stepping stones.
Post 11 IP   flag post
PeterMcCready private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by isabel
Their vision is for owners and renters of every residential and commercial space to have (and pay for) a Matterport account.

From reality capture to reality distortion within 24 hours

Bill, I firmly believe you can do the right thing and turn this fiasco around:

Let content creators OWN/CONTROL the destiny of their own content.
Properly INCENTIVISE content creators to OPT-IN re Ecosystem.
SUPPORT your MSPs, you've nothing to pitch without their paid contributions.
Post 12 IP   flag post
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