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'Business Affairs' Topics

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Video: How to Increase Revenue and Future Proof Your 3D/360 Photography Biz DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): How to Increase Revenue and Future Proof Your 3D/360 Photography Biz | Video courtesy of Hopscotch Interactive YouTube Channel | 23 December 2021 From the Hopscotch Interactive YouTube Channel Hopscotch Interactive CEO & Chief Photographer Emily Olman shares her research on the latest sentiments of 3D, 360°, and emerging technologies for real estate photographers. Originally presented at the ...
Save $400 on Business and Finance Pro for Photographers Course by Eli Jones DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): Save $50 with this WGAN affiliate link for Business and Finance Pro for Photographers and coupon code: WEGETAROUND Save $400 with this WGAN affiliate link for Real Estate Photographer Pro course and ...
WGAN Forum Sample Forms Library DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): Hi All, I am particularly interested in added the following forms: ✓ Non Disclosure Agreement ✓ Non Compete Agreement ✓ Engaging Independent Contractor to shoot for you Thanks, Dan
Have questions for industry leaders? immersivespaces 12 7 yearsfrstbubble (639): @rzphotoman I believe that there will be a big push of virtual tours in the rental markets. We are seeing more and more companies scanning their base models then linking to the tour when spaces become vacant. This could give us longer-term licensing of the scans and provide recurring revenue based on your business model.
Service Agreement or Contract langbali 5 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): @reinspimg Before Matterport, what have you done? It's likely that you have a form from your previous business. Best, Dan
Is the Matterport MSP Program going away? immersivespaces 12 7 yearsPeterMcCready (232): From reality capture to reality distortion within 24 hours ;) Bill, I firmly believe you can do the right thing and turn this fiasco around: Let content creators OWN/CONTROL the destiny of their own content. Properly INCENTIVISE content creators to OPT-IN re Ecosystem. SUPPORT your MSPs, you've nothing to pitch without their paid contributions.
Client Contracts for MP services Snap 10 7 yearsmori (819): I would highly recommend a section, where your clients agree to the Matterport terms as on normal photography jobs a transfer of rights and unlimited use of the images is possible. That´s not the case with Matterport as they only allow you to use "their" content as long as you pay.