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TrimTrimmingWish List

Wish List: Matterport Trimming Tools4796

WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

Trimming a Matterport Space 3D Tour in the Matterport Capture app has come along way since I bought my Camera in July 2014. That said, I still have a few "wish list" items for Matterport trimming:

1. Undo last trim; undo last trim before that, etc. (When I try moving one trim and accidentally move another)
2. Snap trimline to trimline (when I have a 90ยบ angle, the trims should snap into place)
3. Trim skylight tool
4. magnifying glass: my finger cover-ups the placement. Give me a magnifying glass else where on the iPad to see a placement)
5. Cloud-based trimming (especially important when other Pros publish to our Matterport Cloud account) - At the moment, we're still dependent on going back to the Pro to trim the model

What would you add to this "wish list" for Matterport Trimming Tools?

Post 1 IP   flag post
Hartland, Wisconsin
htimsabbub23 private msg quote post Address this user
Along with that I think tap to tap trimming would be great. Tap on one corner and then tap on the next spot and it draws a straight trim line in between.
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Wanderfish360 private msg quote post Address this user
I know this is a preprocessing feature but it would be great if it was possible to clean up scans in Workshop. So that I can clean-up the dollhouse view. This might be a different feature request.
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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @htimsabbub23
Along with that I think tap to tap trimming would be great. Tap on one corner and then tap on the next spot and it draws a straight trim line in between.

Yes. That would be very helpful. Seems like this step could be a lot easier than it is now.

Originally Posted by @Wanderfish360
I know this is a preprocessing feature but it would be great if it was possible to clean up scans in Workshop. So that I can clean-up the dollhouse view. This might be a different feature request.

It's a great observation. As you point out, the "bigger picture" opportunity here is to enable all the functionally of editing (trimming, scans, floors, etc.) and enable these steps to also be done in the Cloud. This is particularly important when Collaborating with others. For example, We Get Around Atlanta Associate Photographer and Architect @YairYepez did a day-long scan yesterday. Since I am a morning person, I would have liked to begin some of the post production. Instead, I had to wait for him to bring the iPad over to our office. And, if you are collaborating with an out-of-town Pro, you are dependent on them completing the trimming (and possibly re-publishing the model until you are happy with their trimming.

Other wish list items related to trimming? Or, feel free to create a "wish list" on another topic.


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WGAN Basic
New Brighton, PA
frstbubble private msg quote post Address this user
Big thumbs up on being able to trim in the cloud! More and more of us are using other MSPs to service our customers in different area's making this very important.
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