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'Trim' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Matterport Trim versus Window tool outdoors? Buster6070 3 8 monthsSdoughtie (570): I scan for a different use case. I only use the mirror tool and I don't use it for all mirrors. But I can see for presentation these tools are necessary, but they really have bad effects on the matterpak pointcloud.
How to trim the top layer of the Matterport model so it looks right? SpencerLasky 6 2 yearsSpencerLasky (413): Ok I have some results - Matterport helped me work with the mesh and add the name back onto the top of the the building but the final word was the name was just too high on the facade and no matter how much I scanned on the street level - with a higher stand or not I was not going to get higher - Five stories was the height of the lettering. At least that is my understanding. Happy to say I was given support. Spencer ...
Issues trying to delete a window or trim mark from a tour in Capture app? DouglasMeyers 2 2 yearsHarlanHambright (2133): You have to use the trash icon at bottom of screen, not the delete command appended to the marker.
Help! I tried a "trim sandwich" to fix an open/close door. Other solutions? Alex77 9 2 yearsaerialpixels (457): @3dblickwinkel super solution. thanks for sharing i suppose the poor man's equivalent is to use mattertags deep links to link thru the door too.
How to export to Sketchfab or 3D software to trim model? ron0987 4 3 yearsron0987 (3499): @Saulius @Wingman thank you for the input, the trim function I am familiar with. The thing that I am not familiar with is after you trim it is to complete the model. In this case the building was attached to a second less attractive building. I would like to trim that business and recreate the back wall and side wall that is missing to create a four-sided 3D model. Being able to either create these walls with an old brick texture or clone...
Video: How to use the Matterport Trim Tool in Matterport Workshop DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Matter Hacks | Trim Tool | Video courtesy of Actionable Insights YouTube Channel | 23 February 2022 --- Transcript (video above) -Hey, what's going on? My name is Marting, and this is Matter Hacks, a video series brought to you by Actionable Insights. Today we're going to be talking about the Trim Tool, an exciting new feature that Matterport has recently dropped that allows you to remove portions...
Post-process trimming in Matterport Workshop! Virtour 20 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Editing your Matterport Model: Trim | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 8 November 2021 From the Matterport YouTube Channel With some use cases, it's important that your digital twin be as clean as possible. This new Trim tool allows you to hide any bits of the 3D geometry or mesh you'd like. In this video, Amir [Frank] demonstrates some examples of kind of mesh you may want to hide and how to...
Matterport Dollshouse trim beta ukvisualimmersion 2 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @ukvisualimmersion Thanks for sharing. Please see this earlier discussion on this topic: ✓ Post-process trimming in Workshop! Thanks, Dan
How to mark a floor mirror? Meidansha 6 4 yearsWingman (4426): There may be a way but I have not mentioned it because I do not think it is ready. Check with Captur3d (@AlexHitchcock) to see if they have implemented their trimming tools into their platform. I have seen their announcement through a video that they are working on a box type of trimming and the way it has been shown in the video it should be able to solve this problem.
Matterport tour screw up with some small piece of mesh stuck in a doorway. Wingman 9 4 yearsWingman (4426): The password has been removed so you can see how simple trick with trimming has completely removed the mesh sitting in the doorway.
Not seeing Matterport Processing SpencerLasky 3 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @SpencerLasky Thank you for letting us know that you fixed the problem by making one slight change via the Matterport Trim tool. Dan
Reflective glass partition marking matterport: Trim as Window or Mirrors? ukvisualimmersion 3 4 years3rantz (10): @ukvisualimmersion I had that case some months ago with an office, marked the partition as mirror both sides and worked ok. You can see it here.
Problem: How can I improve this Matterport dollhouse view? Alex77 8 4 yearsJuMP (2031): Maybe you can try to add two "windows" mark back to back at the "red arrow" area, one inside and one outside of the glass. Reupload and reprocess to see if there is any imporvement. It will make the windows mark area to be a full double sides surface. Same thing can be try at the "yellow arrow" area. About the fragments on the roof, currently no way to solve it except the Matterport guy can modify the mesh...
How to deal with internal windows while creating a 3D Matterport model? sandhun 3 4 yearssandhun (112): Hi Dan, looks like it could be quite a simple one then. No mirrors, no windows. This is an unpaid job which I'm doing in the hope of attracting future work from a client
Help with Matterport trimming please? I need help with the Dollhouse rodrigocastillo 4 4 yearsron0987 (3499): @Matt19 is correct you have 5 scans that would fall outside the trim lines which is counter product for the trim lines. You have two options extend the trim lines to include those scans. Or copy your model and delete those 5 scans not moving the trim lines. In both cases then reprocess.
Help me clear up the use of the trim tool in Matterport tubazoltan 20 4 yearsron0987 (3499): This is what I was talking about the limitations of the MP trim line. I wish they would make trim work like a typical CAD program. If it would work like that then your problem be resolved.
Why I carry a Z1 along with my MP Pro camera Home3D 8 4 yearsahagert (141): @Home3D helpful, thank you very much!
What is this Matterport issue, and is there a fix? MattSCrowder 15 4 yearsMattSCrowder (110): It appears that a window marker from the upper floor was bleeding down onto the main floor. Once I removed that window marker, everything worked.
Materport Windows, Mirrors ets kwreece 9 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV Training U (in Matterport) @toddwaddington Much thanks! Hi All, The five part series - Matterport Workshop 3.0 with Matterport Content Marketing Manager Amir Frank is included in the WGAN-TV Training U (in Matterport). WGAN paid Members receive an All Access Pass to the 50+ courses in all things Matterport. The ...
Video: Do not use the Matterport Capture trim tool for windows above a door DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV Matterport Capture App and Matterport 3D Showcase App-Short Story #949- Capture App Window Markings And Doorways Scans with Matterport Content Marketing Manager Amir Frank Hi All, A best practice is to mark/trim both sides of a window in the Matterport Capture App. Plus, ever mark a window above a door and wonder why you then can not "walk-in"? In this WGAN-TV Short Story, Matterport Content Marketing Manager Amir...
Video: How to mark mirrors in Matterport Capture App and why that matters DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV Matterport Capture App and Matterport 3D Showcase App-Short Story #944- Capture App Marking Feature For Mirrors Scanning with Matterport Content Marketing Manager Amir Frank Hi All, Markking mirrors in Matterport Workshop 3.0 is super-important. In this (above) WGAN-TV Short Story (#944), Matterport Content Marketing Manager Amir Frank shows how to mark mirrors within the Matterport Capture App (and why that matters)? If you...
Is there a way to place cut marks in Workhop? Thea_VR 4 6 yearsWingman (4426): I once tried to put cut lines all around a house and it removed most of reflections. Basically it was just an outline of the house created with Matterport cut lines.
Shooting house with sliding glass doors izoneguy 5 6 yearsahojman (335): If you cannot open it, another option is to go outside using another opening and leaving that area for the end. I don't know if you understand me: you have to reach that window from inside and them from outside, of course in one moment you need another door or window to reach there. Here you can find an example we had some time ago (the big door window was closed) but we could finally open it then (the key was there at the house): ...
Remote iPad access angusnorriss 3 6 yearsangusnorriss (747): @JC3DCX I’ll try and report back on this thread. thanks!
Question of the Day: Got a tip for using the Matterport Trim Tool? DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, The WGAN Forum Question of the Day for Tuesday, 6 November 2018) is: Got a tip for using the Matterport Trim Tool within the Matterport Capture app? Best, Dan
Question of the Day: Matterport Trim Tools: One Thing You would change? DanSmigrod 4 7 yearsBuzzStudio (22): It would be nice to have a Door Trim, so that you could make a way to walk through a door. Thanks Jeff Hutchinson Houston, TX.
Question of the Day: "Wish List" for Matterport Capture App? DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsRomainReparage (161): be able to being with new scan on a new floor (could be use for an hotel with elevators for exemple) vertical trim automatic double windows (inside/inside) place 360 views on specific floors
Question of the Day: Other uses for Matterport Trim Tool? DanSmigrod 3 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): I only ever use it for outside scans. When inside, the window tool acts as a trim tool and there's rarely a reason to use it. As Liam points out, the trim tool CAN remove mesh on the inside of the model, and that can be accomplished by using two opposing trim markers. This may, however, create a hole in the tour which may result in a 'black hole' effect when moving through the affected area. Mileage may vary on this trick.
Above 'Spray' Removal Grant 3 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): The fix is likely going to come in Workshop v3.0. I expect it to be a vertical mask.
How the Window Trim Tool Saved My Life DanSmigrod 8 7 yearsTosolini (4395): @dansmigrod I'm not sure what's the best solution to make lots of tags fit. Baking the labels in the image (through drawing / post-it notes) is one way (as suggested by @Shakoure). The absence of labels on tags invites the user to discover what they are, but there is only so much exploration that we can ask users to do before they move on. Customizable tags might be another way. Today we can only choose a color, tomorrow we might be able to...
Have you tried a Matterport"trim sandwich"? DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsTrustedPhotoDC (1108): yes, I don't like the teleport look that you experience when walking through the "sandwich". Also if you look closely, the dollhouse view will no longer be open in the sandwich, but replace by an image.
Idea: Mesh Object removal. Metroplex360 4 8 yearsVTLV (2916): You guys got the Beach Boys song stuck in my head now. Lol. "Wouldn't it be nice?". I got spray from a mirror or radiant barrier in the sliding door making a balcony look like crud in the dollhouse.
Wish List: Matterport Trimming Tools DanSmigrod 5 8 yearsfrstbubble (639): Big thumbs up on being able to trim in the cloud! More and more of us are using other MSPs to service our customers in different area's making this very important.
How to improve the Matterport Dollhouse View DanSmigrod 13 8 yearsBiggles (43): Thanks Dan, I'll keep playing with it and see how I go. I updated 30 models last week, some were fine, some not. I'll see if there are any standouts but in the meanwhile I've updated one in particular that wasn't working this morning and will let you know how I go. Chris
Ugly doll house Radie842 2 8 yearsQueen_City_3D (3159): It needs a few additional scans and some additional trimming. I'd suggest one or 2 more scans in the mechanical/furnace room, even if those scans are later deactivated, and 1 more scan in the upstairs bedroom where the black spot shows on the floor plan view. It looks like that's where the camera was positioned and so it...
Ceiling height and trim jntooker 3 9 yearsjntooker (109): Thanks @danmorell, I will try that. I wonder if maybe I can temporarily move the suspect scans one at a time to a different floor temporarily - in theory, I should be able to see which scan is offending. I have a bad feeling the offending scan is the one directly in front of the front door, though, and in that case if I delete it I will have no circle at the entrance. :( I may just have to live with it.
Trim 3Dwalkmethru 6 9 years3Dwalkmethru (289): Thanks
I can't get back in the house!! jntooker 13 9 yearsMarcel (387): Solution that worked for me. (credit to Matterport support team). - Make a duplicate of the model in your iPad’s Matterport Capture App. - Using the Trim Marking tool, create two trim markings the width of the doorframe- one on either side of the doorway threshhold, facing one another (set to remove with the arrow in one another’s direction ><. - Upload. - Once processed, investigate thoroughly and check your dollhouse to see if it...
3D space blotchy and messed up BabluN 12 9 yearsJonJ (1760): Here is something i wrote in a previous thread about windows. There are a number of reasons to mark windows that are apparent in the final product. 1) If you mark the window, in the dollhouse view, the image on the window will be fixed. It will not change as though you are able to look through the window into the yard or patio space. This would be the desired effect if there are no scans on the opposite side of the window. If the window was...
Dollhouse View lisahinson 5 9 yearslisahinson (785): oh, ok - She didn't have a blind or curtain in the entire downstairs. Thanks Gus.
Editing - New Black spots on Windows why? walk360 9 9 yearswalk360 (79): Thanks for your recommendations JonJ and Pirusan! The extra scans we did was to covered some black spaces on the iPad so the Dollhouse will look perfect... yes it took us an extra hour to do those but one of our selling strategies are the dollhouses and we like them to be as close to perfect as possible. Like you both said, at this point I'll be trinng anything I can to make those black holes look better. thanks,
Trimming BabluN 5 9 yearsdanmorell (74): Hi - How tight do you trim? I've seen it noted not to trim to close as it will effect or cut up the walls of the tour. In turn, I've been hesitant to trim too tight and effect the walls. Thank you for your feedback!
Can I empty a room? overview 3 9 yearsoverview (4): I was hoping for a solution that works within the current MP farmework. Has anyone tried trimming inwards?
Wish List: Trim the Ceiling RenderingSpace 8 9 yearsRenderingSpace (607): Here's a good example of why you'd want to trim the ceiling. The dining room ceiling is one gigantic mirror! Impossible to trim.
Changing start location of tour justinS 4 10 yearsjessetutt (70): Make sure all the lights are on. The lighting isn't that good in the space. I find the blue led lights make the spaces look harsher than they are so lighting can be an issue. I wish I had the basement during my college years!
What's the average processing time? CarlosFHdz 11 10 years3dHouseScan (52): UPDATE: After 12 hours of processing and emailing/calling Matterport, my model is complete! Weird part is, I didn't receive an email saying that the model is ready to view. Oh well. When it doubt, reach out.. to Matterport.
Failed to Generate from Scan NoRC 15 10 yearsNoRC (16): Well thought I would post an update, I sent Matterport an email about the issue. They duplicated the job 4 times, of that 2 actually rendered out and are now available while 2 others failed. So at least the issue is their end and not the upload/shoot. Will post more as I find out.
First scan advice and observations... Lbelland 9 10 yearsRenderingSpace (607): Great Job. I'm a big fan of keeping the camera height around 5' or lower and it looks like you did it just right.
Some scans not registering? EricThomas 5 10 yearsEricThomas (175): The area I am having trouble with is an outdoor covered patio. Sun was going down and this patio is huge...Its about 12-15ft wide and the covered ceiling is about 12ft high. So there was plenty of shade in my opinion, but Im guessing I was wrong. The funny thing is once I use the dollhouse view to access those points I can move freely between them. If I want to come back inside the house I am unable to reach the scan closest to the door but...
Glass Walls Issue?? CharlieB 23 10 yearsTim (355): Many scans at many different heights...
First Complete Test Scan 5000+ sq ft EscapeVelocity 2 10 yearsEscapeVelocity (25): Support responded that there's a bug in the trim tool. Engineering is going to look into the tearing issue.
Trimming Your Models? Artifacts in Dollhouse CharlieB 11 10 yearsCharlieB (77): ccctucker, Thanks....I understand the error of my ways now....:)) I just thought that you only needed to trim it if you saw artifacts in the floor plan view. Now I know better....appreciate it.
A New Scan Question CharlieB 8 11 yearsGarySnyder (2143): Just got back from a job but I'm still using the old app until Matterport give the all clear. Rpetersn, welcome on board. Once I know that the new app is working without a hitch then I'll try as Charlie and you suggest not marking the windows or just trimming them to see how they look.