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'Trimming' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Video: How to use the Matterport Trim Tool DanSmigrod 3 8 monthsDriveIndustries (49): Thanks very much for this! Clueless noob that I am (for now), this video really helped me to understand how to trim a property correctly. I really appreciate your adding this!
Matterport Trim versus Window tool outdoors? Buster6070 3 8 monthsSdoughtie (570): I scan for a different use case. I only use the mirror tool and I don't use it for all mirrors. But I can see for presentation these tools are necessary, but they really have bad effects on the matterpak pointcloud.
Trimming A Matterport Model that has been transferred? rhelling 3 9 monthsrhelling (347): @MeshImages Yes. Thank you. I was using that tool wrong...
Im having a problem with the capture app while scanning Marmao6 6 1 yearMarmao6 (10): Si now that I was home today I set up the pro 2 and scanned my basement. When I was done scanning I marked out the windows, doors, and mirrors and the arrow was there for me to go back to my scan screen. So it worked perfectly... there must of been a glitch in the capture app. At the time of my job, after scanning my first floor and noticed I had this problem I should have deleted the job and started over.... So now I know and you guys now know,...
Video: Matterport Pro2 vs. Pro3: Timing, are you saving more time w/ Pro3? ScanYourSpace 6 2 yearsVanaman06 (85): I think this would depend more on the device used to run the Matterport. I use iPhone 13 Pro Max 512gb to run the Pro3 and haven’t noticed any slow down up to 300 scans. Pro3 also has better Wi-Fi. Much less slow down if you have to move far away from the camera and I haven’t once dropped connection from the Pro3 yet. Pro2 would dramatically slow down if you had to go to the next room and sometimes would continue to be slow. It also had...
Help! I tried a "trim sandwich" to fix an open/close door. Other solutions? Alex77 9 2 yearsaerialpixels (457): @3dblickwinkel super solution. thanks for sharing i suppose the poor man's equivalent is to use mattertags deep links to link thru the door too.
Video: How to use the Matterport Trim Tool in Matterport Workshop DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Matter Hacks | Trim Tool | Video courtesy of Actionable Insights YouTube Channel | 23 February 2022 --- Transcript (video above) -Hey, what's going on? My name is Marting, and this is Matter Hacks, a video series brought to you by Actionable Insights. Today we're going to be talking about the Trim Tool, an exciting new feature that Matterport has recently dropped that allows you to remove portions...
Problem: How can I improve this Matterport dollhouse view? Alex77 8 4 yearsJuMP (2031): Maybe you can try to add two "windows" mark back to back at the "red arrow" area, one inside and one outside of the glass. Reupload and reprocess to see if there is any imporvement. It will make the windows mark area to be a full double sides surface. Same thing can be try at the "yellow arrow" area. About the fragments on the roof, currently no way to solve it except the Matterport guy can modify the mesh...
Any suggestions to trim a scan after capture? wishing_well 6 4 yearsjpierce360 (160): The markings look better.
Matterport failed processing - has anyone come across this before? sonic_nc 5 5 yearssonic_nc (18): Thanks all, I adjusted trim markers in the exterior space as suggested and it processed :)
Matterport Trimming does not provide an expected result Wingman 7 5 yearsWingman (4435): Yeah, I noticed it. Bad thing that the only spot where I have no duplicates to replace it with. It was really hard with a lot of people in the space and I only had time to capture quick and move to another spot. Probably need to redo this spot but I will show it to the client first. They know they did bad, keeping their doors and gates open and letting people from a street to come in while they told me they would be nobody after specific time.
Video: Matterport Academy Marking Windows, Mirrors, and Trim (Lesson 4) DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Matterport Academy Marking Windows, Mirrors, and Trim (Lesson 4) with Matterport Content Marketing Manager Amir Frank | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel (28 September 2017) Hi All, If you are just getting started with Matterport, here is Lesson 4 of 11 from the Matterport Academy Marking Windows, Mirrors, and Trim (Lesson 4) (above) with Matterport Content Marketing Manager Amir Frank. ...
Window Trim (or not)? And, what if I go over 100 Matterport Spaces? June 6 6 yearsJune (411): Thanks everyone! @DanSmigrod I think I will leave it as it is then because I do like that I can fly down to the 2nd floor.... @Queen_City_3D thanks! That was what I wanted to know $38.00 U.S. which translates into $53.00 Canadian. I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't being charged something else as well. Thanks again!
Scanning apt Wonderdawg 3 6 yearsJonJ (1760): @Wonderdawg, I have found that the best approach to creating a space where the doors appear to open and shut as in @Queen_City_3D's example is to first scan the entire space with all of the doors open. You will want to be sure that you have a scan on each side of the open door. Once this as been done, you will want to re-scan each room with the doors shut. You only need to scan in actual spots where you want the viewer to navigate. Also, you do...
Remote iPad access angusnorriss 3 6 yearsangusnorriss (747): @JC3DCX I’ll try and report back on this thread. thanks!
Question of the Day: Got a tip for using the Matterport Trim Tool? DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Hi All, The WGAN Forum Question of the Day for Tuesday, 6 November 2018) is: Got a tip for using the Matterport Trim Tool within the Matterport Capture app? Best, Dan
Matterport trimming issues Liam_Tayler 8 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): @Liam_Tayler So @rzphotoman is at least one other Pro that is having the same problem. Hopefully, Matterport can figure-out what's up. This needs to be a rock-solid, automated process with out the need for manual intervention of changing a trim line and trying again. Enjoy your weekend, Dan
Trimming Matterport Dollhouse Issue: “wall scatter” Networker 19 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): @Networker Much thanks for your kind note. It’s Members like you ... giving and getting help that makes this Community magic. Dan
Question of the Day: Other uses for Matterport Trim Tool? DanSmigrod 3 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): I only ever use it for outside scans. When inside, the window tool acts as a trim tool and there's rarely a reason to use it. As Liam points out, the trim tool CAN remove mesh on the inside of the model, and that can be accomplished by using two opposing trim markers. This may, however, create a hole in the tour which may result in a 'black hole' effect when moving through the affected area. Mileage may vary on this trick.
Above 'Spray' Removal Grant 3 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): The fix is likely going to come in Workshop v3.0. I expect it to be a vertical mask.
Matterport Model Trimming Issue Networker 7 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): @Networker That's super-kind (and much appreciated). While we started out as the Matterport User Group Forum (MUG) in August 2014, we quickly realized that while we are Matterport centric, Matterport Service Providers - and those researching Matterport - were (and continue to be) interested in Matterport competitors to either: ✓ make a decision to buy Matterport faster ✓ make a decision to buy a different camera and/or...
Navigation Problem Input requested frstbubble 4 7 yearsfrstbubble (639): @Metroplex360 I couldn't get into the bathroom from the scan point by the desk. But the trim trick did work. Again thanks!
Who knew ? leonherbert 4 7 yearsleonherbert (903): @Walkabout that was the extra step I was talking about :)
Video: Marking Windows, Mirrors and Trim DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Hi All, If you are just getting started with Matterport - or thinking about buying a Matterport Pro2 3D Camera – this Matterport created video will be helpful: Marking Windows, Mirrors and Trim. This video helps you: ✓ avoid spray ✓ avoid creating a barrier to walking through a door ✓ mark and move trim Video: Marking Windows, Mirrors, and Trim | Video courtesy of Matterport Want a...
Wish List: Matterport Trimming Tools DanSmigrod 5 8 yearsfrstbubble (639): Big thumbs up on being able to trim in the cloud! More and more of us are using other MSPs to service our customers in different area's making this very important.
How to improve the Matterport Dollhouse View DanSmigrod 13 8 yearsBiggles (43): Thanks Dan, I'll keep playing with it and see how I go. I updated 30 models last week, some were fine, some not. I'll see if there are any standouts but in the meanwhile I've updated one in particular that wasn't working this morning and will let you know how I go. Chris
Trimming a Matterport Space Advice? fotoguy 5 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): Official statement from a Matterport Rep: "The window tool will create a false plane where that is drawn. That plane will be textured with an image from a camera position facing the plane. There will be a trim line 40cm behind the window line." "That 40cm leaves a gap, which is why it's important to mark windows and mirrors wider than the window or mirror actually is. (Mark partway or entirely along the wall to prevent a...
Brain Teaser: Scanning 1 Floor as 3 Floors? DanSmigrod 9 8 yearsArtisticConcepts (681): 1. Tours will be viewed in VR and you are accommodating for viewer perspective options (taking into consideration special needs and children). (See also: Request for Matterport Pro "no later than April 10th" for Furniture Showroom" ) 2. Each floor would represent a different scan height (or viewer perspective). 3. There is matching scan data (which would be needed even if there were actually three floors) so you get...