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A New Scan Question32

CharlieB private msg quote post Address this user

I am looking to get your feedback on this scan...only my second scan so far and my first using the new updated software.

This is a home that I have been excited to scan! In my first scan with the previous software it was a two story and I couldn't figure out how to mark the windows since the upper floor was imposed over the lower floor. But I ended up with some decent outside views. Here is that scan

And this new Classic New Mexico Home has incredible "in your face" mountain views and you can barely catch a glimpse of them in the model. I wonder if that is because I marked all of the windows in this model?

Should I try removing the Window marks and upload it again?

Appreciate any suggestions and feedback on the model scan.

I can see that I am going to really have problems here in Southern New Mexico with the big windows and sunshine since we have 350 days of sun. In the Classic New Mexico Home model I did it in the afternoon when the sun was on the mountains instead of coming in the windows and it still seems washed out with all the light....hope that the software will improve on this aspect of the renders.
Post 1 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Charlie

Windows are a problem with Matterport as they're changed to 2D and for some reason turned that awful blue. I know in some of the early scans that Matterport had shown someone actually went into the JPG files and inserted stills of the windows but that was the last time I’ve seen this done. To try and do this would involve a hell of lot of work and every other client would want the same treatment.

I think until Matterport comes up with a solution we’ll just have to live with it. Or you could move to the UK where I live and not have to worry about it as sunshine here is something we don’t get a lot of so the sky is by default gray.
Post 2 IP   flag post
CharlieB private msg quote post Address this user

Thanks...but I like the sunshine! Appreciate the info...that is what I thought....going to have to live with it until they prefect it a bit more. Scott with Support shared that they actually capture HDR images but suggested that it would be near impossible at this time to process so many views as we are panning the I understand...but also feel that as things progress that could improve maybe.

But what is interesting is that in my first model.... where I did not mark the can see more of the outside views including the barns and trees. But in this latest Model where I did mark the windows you can barely see anything outside.

I am waiting to hear from Scott on this but may try a new upload with the window markings removed to see what happens. Will let everyone know what I find out.
Post 3 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
Please let me know if this works as that would be a great improvement.

BTW; I forgot to mention that that was a beautiful job you did of that house.
Post 4 IP   flag post
CharlieB private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks Gary,

It was 125 sweeps and took me about 3 hours to complete....whew.

I feel like an X-Ray tech ducking into the next room with each sweep...ha.

It amazes me to see the creative builders take an 100-200 year old piece of lumber and then incorporate it into a new home to create a masterpiece such as they do. Just incredible to experience one of these homes.

I hope to know later today about the windows...I might just try re uploading it anyway to see for my self.
Post 5 IP   flag post
Missoula, MT
rpetersn private msg quote post Address this user
Hey guys...first post here to the user group.

A quick introduction, we're now offering 3D scans in Missoula Montana using our Matterport Camera!

I recently had the same issue/question re: windows in a recent scan:

The window views are extremely "posterized" unlike some of our first dozen(or so) scans we did with the camera.

Perhaps it is the new version of the Capture App? Has anyone tried just using the "trim" feature instead of marking a space as a "window"? It was something I thought we might try in a re-upload of this space.

Anyway...hope that helps. Look forward to connecting with other Matterporters.
Post 6 IP   flag post
CharlieB private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks for sharing....I am currently not able to edit my model and remove the windows that I keeps crashing. Has anyone else tried to edit or remove a marked window?

Since this was my first scan with the new app I also wonder if it is not maybe a change in the new app...
Post 7 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
Just got back from a job but I'm still using the old app until Matterport give the all clear.

Rpetersn, welcome on board. Once I know that the new app is working without a hitch then I'll try as Charlie and you suggest not marking the windows or just trimming them to see how they look.
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