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'Mirrors' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Realsee AI feature removes the camera from all mirrors in 1-click ron0987 1 4 monthsron0987 (3499): I just did a new house and was editing it. While going thru the editing features I came to the good old remove the camera from the mirror feature, nothing new I though. This house had four bathrooms, and the camera was in the mirror in several views as you walk up to several of the doorways leading to one of the bathrooms. I clicked on remove the camera and waited for it to work, the first time I used it one camera one mirror it worked...
Question of the Day: Need for a 3rd Party Tool to Remove Camera in Mirror? DanSmigrod 8 9 monthsRealwalk3D (60): @DanSmigrod I think Matterport is a thing of the past, there are other solutions on the market that solve all these problems without using third parties.
Im having a problem with the capture app while scanning Marmao6 6 1 yearMarmao6 (10): Si now that I was home today I set up the pro 2 and scanned my basement. When I was done scanning I marked out the windows, doors, and mirrors and the arrow was there for me to go back to my scan screen. So it worked perfectly... there must of been a glitch in the capture app. At the time of my job, after scanning my first floor and noticed I had this problem I should have deleted the job and started over.... So now I know and you guys now know,...
3rd Party Matterport editing service to remove person in a mirror? Taoiseach_7 13 2 yearsron0987 (3499): @MeshImages would you be willing to show a screenshot of your IOS capture app, MP will not respond to my questions about the Beta feature in Android also being available in IOS.
Help Please: Matterport "Mark" (Trim Tool) Features not working correctly Jrphoto 8 3 yearsJrphoto (50): Issue resolved All working fine again.
Matterport Capture App very slow when marking windows, mirrors and trim. rzphotoman 11 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): @rzphotoman Thanks for the update. Hmmmm.... Beta / via TestFlight Dan
Edit Matterport 360s: Export 360-->Edit 360-->Upload 360 to Matterport DanSmigrod 7 3 yearsSkeeter (452): @ahojman I offer that highlight real fly through for free and always have. I call it the interactive fly through video:
How to mark a floor mirror? Meidansha 6 4 yearsWingman (4435): There may be a way but I have not mentioned it because I do not think it is ready. Check with Captur3d (@AlexHitchcock) to see if they have implemented their trimming tools into their platform. I have seen their announcement through a video that they are working on a box type of trimming and the way it has been shown in the video it should be able to solve this problem.
Reflective glass partition marking matterport: Trim as Window or Mirrors? ukvisualimmersion 3 4 years3rantz (10): @ukvisualimmersion I had that case some months ago with an office, marked the partition as mirror both sides and worked ok. You can see it here.
WGAN-TV Podcast: 97-WGAN-TV Advanced Outdoor Matterport Scanning Techniques DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): 97-WGAN-TV Podcast: Advanced Outdoor Matterport Scanning Techniques and 9 Bonus Matterport Tips and Tricks with Los Angeles-based Founder Kevin Dole (@Home3D) | Thursday, 8 April 2021 WGAN-TV Podcast: 97-WGAN-TV Advanced Outdoor Matterport Scanning Techniques Hi All, 1. How do you get the Matterport...
WGAN-TV Training U: 97-WGAN-TV Advanced Outdoor Matterport Scan Techniques DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): 97-WGAN-TV - Advanced Outdoor Matterport Scanning Techniques and 9 Bonus Matterport Tips and Tricks with Los Angeles-based Founder Kevin Dole (@Home3D) | Thursday, 8 April 2021 WGAN-TV Training U: 97-WGAN-TV Advanced Outdoor Matterport Scanning Techniques Hi All, 1. How do you get the Matterport Dollhouse...
Materport Windows, Mirrors ets kwreece 9 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN-TV Training U (in Matterport) @toddwaddington Much thanks! Hi All, The five part series - Matterport Workshop 3.0 with Matterport Content Marketing Manager Amir Frank is included in the WGAN-TV Training U (in Matterport). WGAN paid Members receive an All Access Pass to the 50+ courses in all things Matterport. The ...
Try JuMP-MIRROR to remove camera from your mirror JuMP 15 5 yearsKumar (547): Take your time... Plans - I most welcome 'pay as you go or one time buy' than fixed subscriptions :)
Video: How to mark mirrors in Matterport Capture App and why that matters DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN-TV Matterport Capture App and Matterport 3D Showcase App-Short Story #944- Capture App Marking Feature For Mirrors Scanning with Matterport Content Marketing Manager Amir Frank Hi All, Markking mirrors in Matterport Workshop 3.0 is super-important. In this (above) WGAN-TV Short Story (#944), Matterport Content Marketing Manager Amir Frank shows how to mark mirrors within the Matterport Capture App (and why that matters)? If you...
Can we remove the Matterport Camera in the Mirror-lined exercise room? Sandiemcr 11 5 yearsSandiemcr (56): Thank you everyone for your responses... levity appreciates too
Video: Matterport Academy Marking Windows, Mirrors, and Trim (Lesson 4) DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Matterport Academy Marking Windows, Mirrors, and Trim (Lesson 4) with Matterport Content Marketing Manager Amir Frank | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel (28 September 2017) Hi All, If you are just getting started with Matterport, here is Lesson 4 of 11 from the Matterport Academy Marking Windows, Mirrors, and Trim (Lesson 4) (above) with Matterport Content Marketing Manager Amir Frank. ...
Matterport Academy Coping with Alignment Errors & Misalignment (Lesson 3) DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Academy Coping with Alignment Errors & Misalignment (Lesson 3) with Matterport Content Marketing Manager Amir Frank | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel (28 September 2017) Hi All, If you are just getting started with Matterport, here is Lesson 3 of 11 from the Matterport Academy Coping with Alignment Errors & Misalignment (Lesson 3) (above) with Matterport Content Marketing Manager...
Tip: How to keep the Matterport Camera out of mirrors DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): [wp3d][/wp3d]Matterport 3D Tour by We Get Around Network Photographer Dan Smigrod Hi All, This hotel room (above) has four mirrors: 1. a full-length mirror as you walk in 2. a super-large mirror on the wall behind the bed (and the mirror is titled downward) 3. a mirror on the wall behind the bathtub 4. a mirror above the sink Despite the...
How (and why) to mark mirrors as you do your Matterport scans DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN-TV Training U - Matterport Scanning with Harlan Hambright-Short Story #976-How To Scan Rooms With Mirrors (From WGAN-TV Training U Course: Watch Harlan Hambright do a Matterport scan of a Multi-Million Dollar Ocean-Front Home --- How (and why) to mark mirrors as you do your Matterport scans Hi All, In the WGAN-TV Training U video (above) from the Course Watch Harlan Hambright do a Matterport scan of a Multi-Million Dollar...
Camera In Mirrors... HELLO It's 2019 3dVuz 13 6 yearsKumar (547): @Home3D, Which tripod is that? Thanks
Tip: How to turn Mirrors into a Matterport Marketing Tool for your MSP Biz DanSmigrod 3 6 yearsangusnorriss (747): Or you could place a mattertag on it linking to your website.
WGAN-TV: Matterport 101 Training for Newbies DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Hi All, If you are thinking about getting started with Matterport - or have done less than 10 Matterport 3D Tours - it's likely that you are thinking about what training is available to help you succeed faster. 1. Engage a Matterport Pro - ask to watch both the scanning and post production 2. Need a Corporate Trainer for Matterport? Private Message me for a free referral 3. WGAN-TV has 250+ hours of videos. These five (5) WGAN-TV...
Open door - close door issues pixelray 11 7 yearspixelray (1068): @shak - yes! That's right! Thanks for reminding me
Video: How to Scan a Floor to Ceiling Mirror with the Matterport Camera DanSmigrod 6 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): Nah :) I've had this scenario come up so many times recently. These vertical columns of weighted balls seem to be the rage in fitness centers right now and I'm always using them so that I can block the camera and scan! Then you don't have what it takes! Bring her to your scan so that she can pick them up and move them around for you!!!!
Thank God for well placed flower arrangements! Richierichks 4 7 yearsBrokerBruce (281): Geat tips!
Question of the Day: Matterport Trim Tools: One Thing You would change? DanSmigrod 4 7 yearsBuzzStudio (22): It would be nice to have a Door Trim, so that you could make a way to walk through a door. Thanks Jeff Hutchinson Houston, TX.
Matterport Camera removal from mirror Bernardhhi 10 7 yearsBernardhhi (204): @JuMP Thanks for sharing this tour. The reflection in the bathroom mirror of the sample Chinese tour looks like a similar camera to Matterport with additional equipment on top - Have they reverse engineered a Matterport? The dynamic floor plan overlay is very cool and the toggle for room measurement overlay that dynamically changes as you walk through the tour shows just what’s possible. Hopefully Matterport will sped up further...
Video: How I Matterport: Mirrors DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Video: How I Matterport with @Metroplex360 Chris Hickman: Mirrors | Video curtesy of Metroplex 360 YouTube Channel Hi All, This short-sweet-smart-dash-of-humor how to video - Mirrors - is by @Metroplex360 Chris Hickman. The video is from this WGAN Forum discussion that includes more videos by Chris. I posted it separately from the other videos, in case you want to discuss/share Matterport scanning of...
This Place Gave Me NightMirrors! Richierichks 10 7 yearsRichierichks (715): @MarkCantu Thanks! Good luck with the Theta! It’s so much fun when you get to do something cool and the challenge of learning how to push the limits of the technology keeps it interesting!
Matterport Mirror mark-up confusion angusnorriss 8 7 yearsJuMP (2031): @rzphotoman I think the only problem you may get is when you have a special wall and there are two mirrors back to back on the both side of the wall. If you mark wrong direction it may get problem. Normally the scan process will generate a hole at the mirror area if you don't mark it. After you mark it, Matterport generation code will add a piece of rectangle to cover the whole at that place. Matterport can get the direction information...
Have you tried a Matterport"trim sandwich"? DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsTrustedPhotoDC (1108): yes, I don't like the teleport look that you experience when walking through the "sandwich". Also if you look closely, the dollhouse view will no longer be open in the sandwich, but replace by an image.
What if there are mirrors everywhere? alirizacil 7 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): We Get Around Network Training Academy Video: Scanning Mirrors and Stairs | WGAN Basic, Standard and Premium Members receive an All Access Pass that includes watching this video. See the Welcome Onboard Letter. If you are a WGAN Basic, Standard or Premium Member - and need the password - please Private Message me. @alirizacil While we cover How to Scan with Mirrors with Matterport in this We Get Around Training Academy Video, the...
Video: Marking Windows, Mirrors and Trim DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Hi All, If you are just getting started with Matterport - or thinking about buying a Matterport Pro2 3D Camera – this Matterport created video will be helpful: Marking Windows, Mirrors and Trim. This video helps you: ✓ avoid spray ✓ avoid creating a barrier to walking through a door ✓ mark and move trim Video: Marking Windows, Mirrors, and Trim | Video courtesy of Matterport Want a...
Matterport MIrror FIx viewnvisit 3 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): I have suspicions that Matterport are either planning on offering a service to us in the future, or allowing us to do this ourselves. If I had an estimate for this, it would be before GSV launches -- as we likely need to be able to blur license plates and people's faces.
Scanning Spaces with Mirrors: Tips DanSmigrod 6 8 yearsnat_vanveen (598): @DanSmigrod Although we won't be scanning many mirrors up at the mining sites Dan lol, what I learnt about mirrors today was awesome! :D
WGAN-TV Live: Scanning Mirrors and Stairways DanSmigrod 15 8 yearsnat_vanveen (598): @epicfoto @DanSmigrod thanks so much to everyone on the hangout! I really learned a lot from you all and feel it was such a worthwhile event to do Dan. I look forward to seeing more! :):D:cool:
Self inflicted mirror aristepp 5 8 yearsaristepp (58): no, I didn't see anything that looked abnormal at all. I am confident that it can be fixed. Has to be my oversight, somewhere.
Mark Features not working VTLV 1 8 yearsVTLV (2922): How is your Mark Features Option working on your app? My mark windows and mirrors feels useless this month. Are you getting loads of spray in your scans creating blocks in the walk throughs?
Tip: how avoid mirror reflection PedroAvilez 9 8 yearsJonJ (1760): Drum roll please.... original showcase ...
Need Tip for a shoot on Hallway with mirror hometakes 3 9 yearsrenderingreal (31): I bought white butchers paper. Cheap. Comes in rolls, 36 inches wide by 1000 feet. Amazon sells it, as do restaurant supply places. That and a razor blade, scissors and some scotch tape. I cover the mirror neatly and carefully and kiss reflections on difficult mirrors goodbye.
Hiding the camera in the Bathroom Mirror lisahinson 16 9 yearslisahinson (785): Thanks again, everyone!
Glass Walls Issue?? CharlieB 23 10 yearsTim (355): Many scans at many different heights...
Mirror on celing alx3D 3 10 yearscraigsauer (1078): I know rescanning isn't an option, but I had an idea that might be better for future mirrored ceilings than the Matterport suggestion: Instead of covering the ceiling with something, you could probably fashion a mask for the camera, something like a piece of thick cardboard or foamboard painted black, and mounted securely to the top of the camera. As long as it didn't wiggle much while the camera was moving, it might work to block out the...
My first Coach Drew 3 10 yearsfabien (28): Same problem with noises coming from high ceiling on an exhibition booth : Actualy, I do not find any solutions to remove these artifacts afterwards. Looking for some suggestions. Regards, Fabien
New Member Cindiewozniak 2 10 yearsJohnBecker (391): Cindie, other than turning on lights and/or closing blinds, you're pretty much at the mercy of the ambient light. The system handles it reasonably well, for the most part. As for mirrors, just try to mark them as early as you can. Even if they're not all the way visible in the scan, mark approximately where they are and then touch up the mark as the mirror's position is revealed more accurately in successive scans. The biggest obstacle I've...
Glass issues? sdubose99 14 10 yearssdubose99 (143): Thanks again everyone... today we had another one give us minor trouble in a room with reflective surfaces. Glossy floor near windows, and glossy granite counters. Not marking windows right away seems to have been the issue... after he started marking windows, the syncs got better. Supported by Bob at Matterport: "Certainly if there are many reflective surfaces within the home and brightness changes could affect the alignment ability. I...
A New Scan Question CharlieB 8 11 yearsGarySnyder (2143): Just got back from a job but I'm still using the old app until Matterport give the all clear. Rpetersn, welcome on board. Once I know that the new app is working without a hitch then I'll try as Charlie and you suggest not marking the windows or just trimming them to see how they look.