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Google Street ViewGSVPhotomatixVersus

google business virtual tour and Matterport2157

michelg private msg quote post Address this user

A comparison with a virtual visit Google

and matterport

I think the quality with Matterport is very good

I can better exploit the HDR photopheres on google but this takes time
autopano for assembling the 4 * 3 HDR pictures 90 °
+ For Photomatix HDR processing
+ Realization of the virtual tour on the Google cloud

In fact it is for me the big advantage of matterport, scanning takes longer but after it's over. There are less post-production work with matterport in comparison with Google photosphere ..

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mori private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Michel,
thanks for sharing.

BTW: Dan is looking for support and for a 360° Photograph (No Matterport) for next week wednesday in Nice, France. Maybe you can help. Details here ...
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michelg private msg quote post Address this user

I thank you Mori, I send a mail to Dan

Thank you again

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JC3DCX private msg quote post Address this user
I think I am biased towards Matterport, 😄.

In my humble opinion this is like comparing aplles to peaches. Matterport is much more fluid and real life, does not feel like "flat photos" stiched together to form a space. Also the doll house is a very nice way to get a total idea of the space.

With google it feels like looking trough a fish-eye lens and if you look at the floor, the wooden planks are warped, while in matterport scan all your lines are straight like in real life.
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TrustedPhotoDC private msg quote post Address this user
@jc3dcx you are viewing Street View in an equirectangular projection on a device or app that does not support WebGL.

The issue with 3d vs 2d is the latency in load times with the size of the data. You cannot wait for Street View to load if you are going down a street. But if you look closely, you can see Google is working with photogrammetry to build models and testing in SV today. (screen capture of SV fly-in below)

There are also other companies working on 3d like NCTech and their announcement at IVRPA of a camera for 2017.

@michelg our production workflow automates much of the tasks after principle photography, and our photospheres are 72 megapixels compared to an equivalent of 4 megapixels out of Matterport. The quality and dynamic range of capturing with a FF sensor, leaves the MP in the dust. Of course there is no cloud point - so apples to oranges.

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JC3DCX private msg quote post Address this user
@TrustedPhotoDC, ah ok, had it open on my Ipad Air and it looked warped, :-)

Tried it now on my Lenovo, and looks much better, but I still prefer the way you "move" through the space with Matterport.
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