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Obj file need some help1971

Wyzlo private msg quote post Address this user
Hi all

what can we do?
I have 2 clients waiting Arquitecto and contractors

Can they modified ?
What programs

they need to scan some spaces and make the changes

Thanks to all
Post 1 IP   flag post
Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
Your questing is confusing. What do you need to do?
Post 2 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Ask the architect and general contractor if they would prefer an:

Object File (.obj)
Point Cloud (.pts)
SketchUp File (.skp)
Autodesk Filmbox (.fbx)
Autodesk 3DS Max 3D (.3DS)

The SketchUp file (.skp) is the easiest solution for importing into nearly all 3D modeling programs and easier to quickly modify a space (for a renovation project, for example, where the "as built" plans no longer exist.

And, just because the object file is free does not mean you should give it away.

The data that the camera captures has huge value. For example, if the architect does not have the original floor plans in CAD software, the architect needs to spend a ton of time measuring the space, taking photos and then re-create the space in 3D software.

With the data that the Matterport Camera captures, the architect can begin designing immediately.

By the way, now you have the "before" ... Once the construction is done, quote on doing the "after". That's a great visual storytelling solution for both the architect and general contractor.

I hope this above helps you get business from architects and general contractors that are doing renovation projects.


Post 3 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Also, read this Matterport User Group Forum post about ...

VirtualSite for AEC | OBJ --> PTS/FBS/3DS and more

@JoshReadhead is a MUG Forum Member and with Veriscian, if you have more questions about their solution, VirtualSite.


P.S. AEC = Architects, Engineering and Construction industry.
Post 4 IP   flag post
aerialpixels private msg quote post Address this user

the OBJ file that you get with the matterport scan will be quite useless in CAD meant for architects and contractors.

this is because the OBJ file will be made up of messy geometry that cant be edited efficiently.

the most the architect and contractor can do is to use the OBJ file to 'trace it' and re-draw their 3D based on it. But still the OBJ file will not have a level of accuracy (mm detail etc) required in architectural work.

Usually scanning for converting to architecture drawings is done by laser scanners like FaroFocus 3D etc. They will create a point cloud which software like Autodesk can import in and 'tracing' can be done.
Post 5 IP   flag post
Wyzlo private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks Dan & Aerialpixels

Ok now I start to understand it.

When I deliver to my clients

✓ Point Cloud (.pts)
✓ SketchUp File (.skp)
✓ Autodesk Filmbox (.fbx)
✓ Autodesk 3DS Max 3D (.3DS)

can they modify ?

one of a the potencial clients is a constructor and needs the file to make the renovation, they have new construction going but they need also to (change color walls, floors, adding furniture etc. ''With AutoCad''

So if I understand right this can be done with the resulting files of veriscian.

any difference of this ones?

✓ Point Cloud (.pts)
✓ Autodesk Filmbox (.fbx)
✓ Autodesk 3DS Max 3D (.3DS)

as I read they can be open with CAD Softwares

thanks again
Post 6 IP   flag post
aerialpixels private msg quote post Address this user

Hi Wyzlo.

See my sketch image.

1) Is a mathematical definition of a cube. 6 square faces at perfect 90 deg to each other and lets say 1000mm each edge.

2) Is a 3D point cloud. Point clouds are usually created only by scanning hardware. 3d scanners, LIDAR, or for us, Matterport. That is why when you scan in matterport, in your capture app, you see all these little dots.

- depending on the resolution of the 3d scanner, the point cloud (just points in XYZ space) can be very very dense, or not so dense. In matterport, I believe it isnt a very dense scan.

3) From these point clouds, a 3d MESH (geometry) is created.
This can be done by computers / softwares / plugins etc.
The easiest way to create meshes (OBJ etc) is to triangulate.
Find 3 dots on roughly the same plane and make it into a triangle. You may end up with a slightly lumpy imperfect cube of say 980mm one edge, 1050mm other edge, an no perfect flat faces.

- in professional scanning software that comes with professional scanners(Like FaroFocus), you can probably control the density of the mesh (like what I sketched...many triangles or few triangles). You can also probably do some 'smart / intelligent' meshing.

4) BUT, 3D CAD software for designers (Autocad, 3dsMax, Sketchup, etc) all require neat mesh / geometry to be REALLY USEFUL.

- a cube looking like this in (4) can only usually be modelled by a human brain. To my knowledge, computers and software cannot do a good job of making (3) to become (4).

-------So, to answer your question------

Matterport camera scans the space in (2) I think. (point cloud)

It converts it to (3). OBJ Mesh. When it does this,
you PROBABLY lose resolution to become a model with fewer triangles than it could actually produce.

Hence to use Veriscian to convert OBJ back to PTS, I THINK it is moving backwards, you dont get the original resolution that matterport camera could scan at.

You can import (2) or (3) into many different 3d softwares
like Autocad / 3dsmax. But they are only useful to SEE and TRACE over.

So in the case of a interior room, it is faster for a technician to use a point cloud to re-draw / re-model, import into 3dsmax/autocad and re-model it, compared to re-modelling the interior room from scratch.

BUT to do things like change materials, etc (all the useful things CAD software does), the model / mesh needs to be something like (4).

I think your contractor maybe wants (4) and not (3) or (2).
To get (3) or (2) looking like (4), you need Human version 2016

Even between 3d software formats, things can get messy.
Eg, SKP to 3DS max, or vice versa, you can get a triangulated model.

BTW, I hope you dont miunderstand that OBJ is a messy/bad format. OBJ is just the file format. The content is the issue.

Just like a word document file can contain rubbish like

A Obj file can contain something useful like (4) or something less useful like(3)

I hope this helps.
Post 7 IP   flag post
JoshReadhead private msg quote post Address this user
I really like @aerialpixels summary of the file types. Very clear explanation of what can be a confusing world of CAD file types.

To add an earlier comment, I would agree that the Matterport OBJ (or other derivative format) by itself is not immediately useful for architects/engineers/contractors. Most AEC users will generally still need a CAD drafter to "trace" a Matterport scan with CAD software (most AEC users will have the CAD drafting talent to do this either in-house or via sub contractors). However, even with the necessary manual manipulation, Matterport can still save a tremendous amount of time when compared to the alternative of creating a model from scratch.

Further, one of the most popular use cases we have seen for Matterport amongst AEC users has been to verify installations. i.e architects + engineers designed and modelled a new building in CAD, contractors have finished installing as per the design/model, now lets check that everything has been installed as per the design and update the CAD model if anything has changed. In particular it has proved most useful for verifying the installation of building services - eg. ductwork, heating/cooling, water/drainage, fire services, cable trays etc. For this type of use case Matterport is ideal because is can capture large areas quickly, cheaply, and 3D template for CAD drafters to update the model.
Post 8 IP   flag post
Wyzlo private msg quote post Address this user
Ok @JoshReadhead

i'm trying to understand and make my speech for sell this OBJ file, or all the solutions you are giving to us.

I just need a guide to know if is a plus to do it or not.
or keep my focus on Open Houses 24.

to the Developers:
"I will give you a (.pdf, .skb, .pts or a...."

and you can do This and this and this.
yes but you need a CAD guy
uhm yes I can do it (subcontract a CAD guy)

Lets say for a Store (renovating)
or a restaurant, or a Office.

I better just to offer a PDF floor plan?
they can import that to a CAD software !

Why will they prefer to have the model in all those posible files (skb, obj, ? If they can do not much with it.

Post 9 IP   flag post
Wyzlo private msg quote post Address this user
lets begging the conversation with the .obj file already converted

and we will give to our clientes al this files possibilities:

✓ Point Cloud (.pts)
✓ SketchUp File (.skp)
✓ Autodesk Filmbox (.fbx)
✓ Autodesk 3DS Max 3D (.3DS)

And they would be able to do:??
Post 10 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

I suggest staying focused on Matterport Spaces 3D Tours rather than get distracted about the data that the camera captures.

While the data that the Matterport Camera captures is very important in some industries, it has no relevance to the vast majority of residential and commercial real estate agents.

Revisit the topic, when you have a friend that is an architect that does renovation and uses CAD software to do this.

Otherwise, you will invest a ton of time trying to understand and communicate this topic to others.

Even before understanding the AEC space, start learning about using the Matterport Camera to capture, create and share Virtual Reality (VR) models.

Post 11 IP   flag post
Wyzlo private msg quote post Address this user

I'm a Real Estate Agent since 2006
my focus is in trying to offer what we can do

You know the time in this industry gives you a lot of contact with all related profesional in the Industry.

All the possibilities are just by extending my hand
the best arquitecs
the best Interior designers
the best developers.

So if we have nothing to offer them (just the tour)
I will forget this matter.
and offer just what you see is what you get.

But them I will Suggest to put a big note about this .obj matter. so we all know that is nothing to even lost a minute to understand.

All the best
Post 12 IP   flag post
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