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Object Filex

'Object File' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Matterpak of a modified project ? PhilDark 2 2 yearsJuMP (2031): Matterpak just for one showcase link. For example: you reupload the showcase from your ipad without any change, a new showcase will appear into your account, and you should pay the 2nd time to get its Matterpak. PM me the new showcase links after update. We can provide a little help to you for free.
[R&D] A comparison of GeoCV and Matterport 3D OBJ files Tosolini 8 6 yearsConvrts (240): Home3D - we just used the OBJ from a HD GeoCV tour to create a model and it was much the same. Compared to creating the model from Matterport tours as he's done previously my mate (the one who's better at this stuff than me!) said he found it so much easier to work with. Thanks for the comparison Tossolini, really great!
Videos: How to Import Matterport MatterPak into Autodesk ReCap and Revit DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Matterport into Autodesk ReCap and then into Autodesk Revit (Construction Site Example) Matterport into Autodesk Revit (Pump Room Example) Hi All, How to Import Matterport MatterPak into Autodesk ReCap and then into Autodesk Revit, is a video from Matterport Sales Engineer (AEC) Mark Carroll. If you are working with an AEC Client – Architect - Engineer -...
How to Import Matterport Object File (.obj) into FULmax .fbx Format DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): FULmax Matterport Instructions | Video courtesy of Fulcro YouTube Channel Hi All, "The video shows step by step instructions to take the raw data from the Matterport scanner, process it into an FBX format, import taht data into Unity and then export to the FULmax." Source: Fulcro YouTube Channel If you are in the Matterport meets the AEC space, this workflow may be...
HW reqs to run SketchUp with large MP objs PetraSoderling 12 6 yearsMontreal3D (202): @thor604 Suprisingly, while Quaddro card and xeon processor are sold to be the most efficient for CAD, the price difference is huge compared to the actual variation in processing time. Unless you are dedicated at CAD modeling and pushing the limit of a CAD software, investing into such graphic card is often a bad investment.
WGAN-TV Live: InventiveCG's Danny Basting DanSmigrod 17 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, In addition to offering Matterport 3D Tours of real spaces, look for opportunity for pre-built spaces (builders, architects, property management companies). Dan
Architect Interested in Matterport Camera DanSmigrod 5 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): @DannyBasting Thank you for your insight, as always. Here are We Get Around Network Forum discussions tagged: blk360 Dan
Photo Sparc: Matterport Conversion Service DanSmigrod 7 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): I was asking what 'editable model' meant ... not edible :) Because without reading further - one could easily say - 'Hey, an OBJ is an editable model.'.
Brain Teaser: Why 4 Floors When Only 2? DanSmigrod 8 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): @htimsabbub23 Yes. You're on the money! For clarification, I raised the camera to the highest setting on the trip to help "reach" the duck work. I lowered the camera to its lowest setting to scan under some tables and some VR Viewers in "cubby holes" ... Now imagine that I did 50 scans on the 1st level and 50 scans on the loft level and now wanted to add 50 scans to each level. BUT, how would I know where I scanned, since...
HoloLens Meets Matterport Object File (.OBJ) DanSmigrod 5 8 yearsnat_vanveen (598): @DanSmigrod funny Dan :D Can you also please organise a WGAN Event so that we can all come to the US!!!
Mixing Point Clouds & Desing Spaces into One Ramblinman 18 8 yearsRamblinman (46): Any of you come up with anything yet
Matterport Scan Data to Expedite 3D Modeling DanSmigrod 5 8 yearsJuMP (2031): @lisahinson Thank you for your Showcase in our POF. Our server is located in China so the speed is slow for USA access. We will soon setup another server at east coast of USA. The speed will get improvement.
InventiveCG Matterport OBJ File to SKP File DanSmigrod 5 8 yearsDannyBasting (1171): Thank you @PedroPretell, At this time these conversions are not browser compatible. While it is possible to export to HTML5, there are currently too many trade-offs to be made (quality wise) in order to make it run. I am positive that in the furture compatibility will only get better though. For now, a zip file can be hosted online, containing a standalone application that can be downloaded so that the client can run it on his own...
NY HQ tango capture Max_Sodomovskiy 3 8 yearsfrstbubble (639): Thanks, you for sharing. I used the built in app and had trouble capturing a 19-24ft space. Will have to try the Rtabmap app. I was just wondering if the Phab2pro would just be another boat anchor.
360 video before and after renovation craigsauer 1 8 yearscraigsauer (1078): I posted here a while back with a very simple 360 video I made from a Matterport OBJ file that just spiraled around the exterior of a model, and everyone seemed pretty underwhelmed. But I've moved on to bigger and better 360 videos! I made a few videos of flythroughs that ended with the original exterior dollhouse view, but I held off posting them here because I had an idea for an even better idea: a 360 video that transitions back and forth...
Mattertags Options & 3D Objects manipulation matthew 7 8 yearsaerialpixels (457): @matthew @metroplex360 i was thinking more like metroplex360 was saying there is always a chance that since this is a 3rd party feature, it can be disabled by matterport at anytime? hence it isnt something we would want a client to expect it is a fully functioning feature? correct me if i am wrong. love matterplus, but havent been pushing it to clients for that reason above.
Pixel Pitch/ image quality BenedicteDamm 5 8 yearsBenedicteDamm (26): I need to firmly establish the viewing quality, eg how detailed and how high quality of detail is from certain distances. Eg how clear can one see details 1 mtr from the camera. 5 meters from it and so one. Pretty much "How clearly will we be able to count Michelangelo's nosehairs in the ceiling"- kind of answer. However, it needs to be solid data, not "really good" or "somewhat blurry", I need to provide data...
Working with OBJ files Bill 4 8 yearsBill (288): Much appreciated on the feedback
Removing Furniture touted in older MP video? mike02h 7 8 yearsmike02h (19): @DanSmigrod That's hilarious Dan!
Matterport Unique Project: 30,000sf to CAD? Acomeau15 6 8 yearsAcomeau15 (52): @JC3DCX Awesome thank you!
Schematic floor plan in Matterport 3D Tour? dphi 6 8 yearsfrstbubble (639): The floor plans are not in the highlight reel. They are an addition on the Single Page Website.
Change Background Color Dollhouse & FP view Dolloff 13 8 yearsDolloff (131): @Metroplex360- Just wanted to thank you as well. You always go above and beyond and I am amazed at your hard work and dedication. Thank you for looking into this for me!
Anyone use converted OBJ files for clients? FuturePhotography 4 8 yearsFuturePhotography (13): Thanks Danny. Looks really great. I just sent you a PM ;)
Using MP to scan SR-71 in museum DSPhoto 8 9 yearsPieroBortolot (230): Yes. When you do multi-level scans from the scaffolding you have a model with one level
Point cloud to CAD Problems Invelop 3 9 yearsJoshReadhead (24): @Invelop Hi Stephen Sincere apologies for taking so long to reply. The process for importing the point cloud does vary depending on what version you have, but will attempt to troubleshoot as best I can. Judging by the error message, it sounds to me like you are trying to open the point cloud directly within AutoCad. For most AutoCad versions, the point cloud still needs to be imported (even though it's in the .rcs Autodesk format) while the...
Obj file need some help Wyzlo 12 9 yearsWyzlo (100): @danSmigrod I'm a Real Estate Agent since 2006 my focus is in trying to offer what we can do You know the time in this industry gives you a lot of contact with all related profesional in the Industry. All the possibilities are just by extending my hand the best arquitecs the best Interior designers the best developers. So if we have nothing to offer them (just the tour) I will forget this matter. and offer just what you see is what you...
OBJ file - lack of understanding lisahinson 4 9 yearslisahinson (785): @jscottsmith and @GarySnyder thank you. It made more sense viewing the 2 YouTube links.
VirtualSite for AEC | OBJ-->PTS/FBX/3DS/More DanSmigrod 8 9 yearssmcclell (156): Thanks Josh, got it now :)
Convert Matterport to clean sketchup file Neelupeelu 9 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): @Neelupeelu Welcome to the Matterport User Group Forum. Thank you for the great question ... We Get Around converts the Matterport Object File (.obj) to a SketchUp File (.skp. Please see ... We Get Around FloorMe Extreme: Matterport Meets SketchUp File for Easy, Fast and Affordable 3D Modeling We also create .dwf, .dwg and .rvt files from the .obj. Please see ... FloorMe: Create Floor plans from the...
3D Video Clip - Blender (plus some MP obj) JamieSher 5 9 yearsandreabortolot (199): Amazing work Jamie! You are grat and my clients love videos you produced for us. Cheers!
Customer wants tour file for forever use? EricThomas 5 9 yearsdavidpylyp (178): The model is not a model unless they keep paying a hosting fee. I tell customers that the model pricing works out to near $15.00 per month and is billed every 6 months for $90. There is an option the FLATTEN the model into a screen capture [but then it no longer functions] They can BUY that version for an EXTRA $[How Big was it / Time]
Importing MP model into Unity bamir 1 9 yearsbamir (10): It seems the Matterport support page which documents the recommended process to import into Unity is no longer available. There are a number of tools that one can use in addition to a number of different processes and settings to use in the conversion process. So, it would be nice to know what MP suggests is the optimal...
Sample Matterport produced 3D model bamir 3 9 yearsbamir (10): Awesome, thanks Dan!
Matterport vs Others romdus 7 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): @MDuff Thank you ... and thank you for being a Member of the We Get Around Referral Network in Newport Beach, California. @romdus If you would like a referral of a Matterport Pro in France, please Private Message (PM) me. (And, please let me know which city too please.) We have Matterport Pros all across France. Thanks, Dan
Will matterport ever become a designer tool? Dennis_N 8 9 yearsDennis_N (91): Well, if Matterport allowed some expansion to their software through 3rd parties, other companies would be able to do this. These expansions are called "plugins" and no software can thrive in a competitive market without them. It is totally fine if Matterport doesn't want to continue developing in any other direction. Just give power to other companies to expand their software toolset for a fee. I've bought a $3,000 design package in...
I offer 3D model cleanup if anyone needs it. Dennis_N 8 9 yearsMarcel (387): Good on you @Dennis_N , now you starting to think straight (your other posts you seemed on a downer). You have a huge advantage of being a 3D animator. The Matterport camera is so much more than a real estate marketing tool. I've been a member and a MP camera user for quite a long time and honestly I dont think 10% of members on this forum are being successful pushing MP as a real estate marketing tool alone. It's a 3D scanner, target...
When do you get the OBJ file? JHR 13 9 yearsBill (288): Being in the industry and attending many VR conferences around the world we are privy to some up and coming projects. Many are public knowledge and some not. I personally give Matterport about 1 year before we see "serious" competition providing more for less. Matterport is riding the gravy train as far as they can whilst dominating this particular market. Overall we can still maintain profit in providing tours to clients. But we know...
How to convert OBJ to an ArchiCAD 3D format MikeLjungbergTvedt 5 9 yearsYairYepez (106): An Skp file made with We Get Around own FloorMe Extreme service can be easily imported into Atchicad.
Best OBJ file software Kracka60 18 9 yearsNoel (94): Hi This might seem a silly question, but once you have downloaded and made the changes, are you able to upload back to the portal, or do we (the photographer) need to host on our own server. Thanks for any info.
Matterport Object File to SketchUp .SKP File DanSmigrod 6 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): If you need a Point Cloud File (.pts) created from the Matterport Objective File (.obj), please see this related Matterport User Group Forum thread post.
Multiple obj files to be stitched together Jamie 6 10 yearsJamieSher (200): Hi Jamie, write to me at I think I can help :) Thanks! J
New AR companion APP for Matterport scans Aaron 13 10 yearsCKC (85): Really cool, keep up the great work!
Matterport+Samsung Gear VR powered by Oculus DanSmigrod Jump to first page75Jump to last page 10 yearsDoyleRealtor (534): The 3 demos in Samsung Gear VR are retail space, a art gallery, and canyon. None of which are really fitting for real estate, and honestly those samples kind of suck. I just got my beta version of the app with a model that we scanned and it turned out great. We're going to be doing demonstrations here in MN on Thursday and will see what kind of response we get. Currently the cost is $400, but I heard it'll be under $50 once they can get it...
Upsell these services to your clients alx3D 16 10 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): All, If you have a Matterport related service that you offer to other Matterport User Group Forum members, please post it in these threads. Content Management System (CMS) Solutions Videos from 3D Showcase and/or Mesh View Floor Plan Services created from 3D Showcase or .obj file Maps Advert: Facebook Sharing - 3D Showcase or Mesh (If you offer a service that does not fall into any of these categories, please private message me...
Best .obj files Hathakas 15 10 yearsEww (4): Hi Jacques, You should be able to find those programs on the autodesk website to download trials etc. Eric
.OBJ TrueSpaces 9 10 yearsBryn (136): That is awesome stuff!