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'.obj' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
SIMLAB STAGES desktop platform supports point cloud! Jedrzej 1 2 yearsJedrzej (314): STAGES desktop platform for AEC professionals supports point cloud! The latest update introduces support for .XYZ files. Within a single project, the point cloud can be synchronized and overlaid with other 3D file formats supported by the platform: .OBJ, .IFC, or .FBX, as well as 2D plans in .JPG or .PDF formats. The available edition options for .XYZ are: • opacity • point size • amount of points STAGES provides a centralized...
Accurately scaling an imported Matterport Matterpak file (.OBJ/.XYZ)? DigitalTwin 6 2 yearsDigitalTwin (140): now what about units from a DroneDeploy scan??? LOL. But really, serious question...
Video: How to Import Google Maps into Blender (and Use-Case Example) DanSmigrod 3 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31520): Hi All, Above from the WGAN Forum discussion: ✓ [R&D] Mashing up Google Earth, Matterport and 3DVista Happy holidays, Dan
[R&D] Mashing up Google Earth, Matterport and 3DVista Tosolini 7 2 yearsMeshImages (3023): @CharlesHH @Tosolini Yes, correct. I’m not sure about the 3D ripping from Google Earth, but I have successfully created 3D models from Google Earth Fly-Around videos in Agisoft Metashape photogrammetry software. If you then add the Google credit to the 3D, everything should be fine according to the Terms of Service of Google Earth Studio.
SIMLAB STAGES - Texture switch in Matterport 3D models Jedrzej 1 2 yearsJedrzej (314): Texture changes of Matterport 3D model in the Standalone App! Achieve better performance of STAGES while working on the construction site! The purpose of the texture quality switch is to allow 3D geometry views to work freely with a weaker internet connection. If someone is using a mobile device in the field, it will take...
Land topographic Model??? Tools and Solutions? DigitalTwin 16 3 yearsEaglePrecision (289): I don't think the topics posted were relevant to the original question by DigitalTwin which was about using topography in CAD and 3D models. Surveying accuracy was not mentioned and is a more complicated topic to address. Survey-level accuracy is achievable with the providers that were previously mentioned: Pix4D, DroneDeploy, etc. but requires a deeper level of understanding of drone mapping and surveying. There are different approaches...
Video: How to | Matterport Point Cloud to ArchiCAD Workflow DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31520): How to | Matterport Point Cloud to ArchiCAD Workflow | Video courtesy of Matterport Senior Sales Engineer Si Horton | 2 November 2021 WGAN Forum Related Discussions Taagged: ✓ MatterPak ✓ CAD ✓ ArchiCAD ✓ .OBJ ✓ .XYZ ✓ AEC ✓ As-Builts Transcript (video above) Si Horton: [00:00:00] - Hi, my name is Si Horton. I'm a senior sales engineer from Matterport. During the short...
Got tips for Matterport Scanning of an empty vessel hull for an .obj ...? sese 4 4 yearsEaglePrecision (289): It is possible to do a 3D exterior scan of the hull using photogrammetry (a set of overlapped images that are stitched together in 3D software such as Agisoft Metashape or DroneDeploy). The exterior 3D model can then be linked to the interior 360 tour using annotations in Sketchfab.
Will use of Cortex allow for .OBJ file? Queen_City_3D 5 4 yearsGladsmuir (664): I tried placing them on another floor at one point in the hope it would help keep them together and ‘outside’ but to no avail.
3D Room Scan to CAD>Canvas by Occipital Supports iPhone 12 Pro LiDAR Sensor DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31520): Canvas - 3D Scanning Best Practices for LiDAR-enabled Devices | Video courtesy of Occipital HQ YouTube Channel | 2 December 2020 From the Occipital HQ YouTube Channel Video Description Page A brief tutorial on best practices for scanning spaces with Canvas with a LiDAR-enabled device, such as an iPhone 12 Pro or iPad Pro (2020). Source: Occipital HQ YouTube Channel
A new day, a new problem with MP sandhun 5 4 yearsmp2fp (509): Dear @sandhun Instead of spending a lot of time to find out a best way as an alternative we can make any CAD file from any Matterport proj or Matterpack for you and your customers. Matterpack XYZ will be the most accurate as input and it usually is important when someone want CAD files. Send us a link to with input of one of your projects and we will give you a detailed feedback and example including info how you can...
How to import a FBX/OBJ file into 3DVista, or ...? DanSmigrod 4 4 yearsMarshallartsmedia (104): As Meshinages says there’s no way to import a 3D object directly. I work from sketchup so I bring them into that model and then export into Vray or Twinmotion depending on what output I need. There is no sign of 3Dvista being able to work in 3D space like metareal or matterport. it has been talked about for over 12 months and was due in Q3/2020 which has just finished. I have been asking (nagging) on the forum for weeks now but I can’t...
Matterport MatterPak Webinar: Point Cloud (.XYZ), 3D Mesh File (.OBJ) DanSmigrod 3 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31520): Hi All, Reminder. This free Matterport webinar is 11 am EST today (Wednesday, 16 September 2020). Dan
Please help me understand Matterport .obj Meets WebGL ... srennick 4 5 yearsJuMP (2031): With MatterPak you can get OBJ file and all textures for further process. But the OBJ in MatterPak is a high resolution file and it is too big for a webpage display. The mesh showing in the Matterport showcase page is an optimized OBJ file with <50K faces and small textures. It is the one you can use in your webpage applications, but the file is in Matterport format named .dam file. You must decode it before you use it. JuMP team provide...
Matterport Augmented Reality (AR) JamieSher 7 5 yearsJamieSher (200): Hi guys, sorry for the slow response! Tosolini, great tutorial! MP .obj's are really nice in AR! Dan, yes I patched this mesh for a film but now moving the data into AR applications. I'm hoping to send you guys a .ipa (iOS) and a .apk(Android) file soon with more functionality. I will just post it here or in a new thread but would be great to share. Will update you all! J
BLK360 OBJ file needed for test in 3D Max bouncedmx 8 5 yearsbouncedmx (7): @Tasolini Thank you!
[R&D] A comparison of GeoCV and Matterport 3D OBJ files Tosolini 8 5 yearsConvrts (240): Home3D - we just used the OBJ from a HD GeoCV tour to create a model and it was much the same. Compared to creating the model from Matterport tours as he's done previously my mate (the one who's better at this stuff than me!) said he found it so much easier to work with. Thanks for the comparison Tossolini, really great!
Use a custom .obj in a matterport like player NeroAugustus 4 6 yearsNeroAugustus (4): Thanks these are great resources,I'll check them out !
Help please! If you do a 3D survey-can we take dimensions from the footage? 3dshowcaseuk 5 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31520): @3dshowcaseuk Please see this WGAN Forum discussion: ✓ Videos: How to Import Matterport MatterPak into Autodesk ReCap and Revit Best, Dan
OBJ to LAS (Point Cloud) Is it possible? Priest 3 6 yearsxiarosh (32): 3DReshaper
So the MatterPak includes a floor plan? izoneguy 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31520): Grab in Matterport Workshop @izoneguy The Matterport MatterPak does NOT contain a 2D schematic Floor Plan It does contain: 1. Color point cloud (.xyz) 2. Reflected ceiling plan image (.jpg and .pdf) 3. High resolution floor plan image (.jpg and .pdf) 4. OBJ file of the 3D mesh (.obj) You can download a sample within...
Matterport Object File (.obj) with mac? RomainReparage 3 6 yearsRomainReparage (161): Thanks a lot for your answer John. i did it but i have read somewhere that it was not a good solution. Do You think it's easy to clean up the file that way ?
[R&D] Matterport OBJ meets Facebook 3D Photos Tosolini 3 6 yearsTosolini (4359): @dansmigrod Thanks. I think it's important to share knowledge and your forum is a great platform to reach the extended community.
How to Import Matterport Object File (.obj) into FULmax .fbx Format DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31520): FULmax Matterport Instructions | Video courtesy of Fulcro YouTube Channel Hi All, "The video shows step by step instructions to take the raw data from the Matterport scanner, process it into an FBX format, import taht data into Unity and then export to the FULmax." Source: Fulcro YouTube Channel If you are in the Matterport meets the AEC space, this workflow may be...
Matterport OBJ format for autocad? Gregconway 3 6 yearsmp2fp (509): @Gregconway It is best to import OBJ files 1st into a native 3D Viz program (that OBJ originally are made for) like 3DSMax or Blender (Blender is free) then export from one of these program to AutoCAD. When MP2FP get jobs from forum members to convert and establish 3D DWG models from Matterpack data we prefer to use the XYZ file (it has higher accuracy than the OBJ file) and then insert it into Autodesk Recap...
HW reqs to run SketchUp with large MP objs PetraSoderling 12 6 yearsMontreal3D (202): @thor604 Suprisingly, while Quaddro card and xeon processor are sold to be the most efficient for CAD, the price difference is huge compared to the actual variation in processing time. Unless you are dedicated at CAD modeling and pushing the limit of a CAD software, investing into such graphic card is often a bad investment.
[R&D] Matterport AR portal effect using MP OBJ Tosolini 4 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31520): @Tosolini Thanks for sharing the magic! I want one in our backyard! Happy Thanksgiving, Dan
What CAD file types can be converted to .OBJ ...? DanSmigrod 4 6 yearsneeravbm (49): BIM is the same as intelligent BIM. There is no difference. By definition, BIM is supposed to be intelligent. :) BIM is very different from OBJ file though. OBJ file has a bunch of triangles that are used for rendering geometry on screen but there is no way to know whether a triangle belongs to a wall or a pipe, as an example. Hence OBJ file is not intelligent. BIM, on the other hand, is parametric. If you add a wall, it will add a wall object...
Measurements in Matterport Showcase instead of Matterport Workshop? DanSmigrod 10 6 yearsJuMP (2031): Hello All, JuMP team had released a POC (proof of concept) long time ago with the function of in showcase measurement. In this POC you can use mouse right key to measure within the showcase anytime. >>1st click to set the start point; >>2nd click to set the stop point and get the result; >>3rd click to start a new...
Wanted: 3rd Party Service to Mashup Matterport OBJ and DroneDeploy DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31520): About Matterport Pro Wanted Posts --- The We Get Around Network has a need for a 3rd Party Service Provider to Mashup Matterport OBJ and DroneDeploy. A WGAN Member writes: --- I was very impressed by the GeoCV inside/outside example you shared to us a few days ago. Got me to try out DroneDeploy on my latest shoot which worked well. I am EXTREMELY interested to find someone who can take Matterport models and DroneDeploy...
Am I missing something or is there no Floorplan Scale on the floorplans? Liam_Tayler 8 7 yearsLiam_Tayler (239): Hello all, Sorry for the radio silence, sick children! I had taken a measurement in workshop and from that calculated the scale, I was just surprised at how little use the .obj files actually are to architects, I thought they were meant to make their life easier. But it seems that without spending $750CAD and up to convert the obj files to Sketchup (essentially manually), that the matterpak is pretty limited in its usefulness for...
BLK360 Processing in ReCap vs. Matterport? c2astudio 8 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31520): Thanks SO much for the info and side-by-side comparison. :heart: it! So nice to be able to read the WGAN Forum and learn something new every day. Best, Dan P.S. @c2astudio great question!
Matterport MTL (Matterpak) Problem c2astudio 9 7 yearsJuMP (2031): @c2astudio We PM you for the detail about our JuMP-POP v1.0 and you can get a trial account if you provide your email address. With the trial account you can try our services within one week trial period. Thank you. JuMP team from Beijing China
Matterport OBJ question Chi3d 15 7 yearsChi3d (16): what is the pricing?
cannot find sample files APN 2 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31520): @APN ✓ We Get Around FloorMe Extreme: Matterport Meets SketchUp File for Easy, Fast and Affordable 3D Modeling The examples link goes to a Dropbox with the following file format examples: .obj .skp .rvt .pts .pdf .png .dwf .dwg Architects typically work in SketchUp (.skp) and Revit (.rvt). While the Matterport Object...
$49 for OBJ File Thank You Matterport Gerhard Jump to first page95Jump to last page 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31520): Hi All, From the Matterport Newsletter today, Friday, 4 May 2018. Dan --
BREAKING: Matterport & BIMobject Partnership Metroplex360 3 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31520): Only a digital model of Big Foot was found. :cool: That said, looks like this announcement takes us one 'Big Foot' step to finding him. Keep up the search! Dan
BIMobject signs Letter of Intent with MP leonvanzweel 2 7 yearsLiam_Tayler (239): Not surprising when you see's article here: Real Estate & Home Improvement use of Virtual reality will be worth $2.6Billion by 2025! In 2016 51% of consumers put off home improvements because they couldn't visualize what it would look like!
Collaborate in Innovation Briski2208 4 7 yearsangusnorriss (747): The chaps earlier have answered the the crux of your enquiries yes. As context, I recently completed some large scale scans for a cement factory seeking to step up their automation by introducing robotics. We created before and after scans and then introduced virtual staging displaying the new factory layout. It was captured with Matterport and integrated with the Matterpak and AEC packages. A fantastic project and part of their digital...
NON-Matterport 2D Floor Plan Service immersivespaces 10 7 yearsharshp (1): @immersivespaces Here is an example of what you get for $49.95 with Insidemaps (Floorplans included, volume discounts available) Floorplan-only packages start at $34.95 for upto 2000 sq ft. and $15 for every 1000 sq ft over that.
[R&D] From MP OBJ to Facebook 3D post Tosolini 3 7 yearsTosolini (4359): @leowanzweel You may be right that a cleaned up floorplan will likely be a better option. We wanted to test the output from MP, but the limitations are so severe that I'm not really sure it's a viable option.
Download 3D OBJ from Cupix - Is it possible? scott_cupix 2 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31520): Seems like a timely discussion ... Dan
We are not Silent Lamb, we can have free OBJ JuMP 10 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @mori I agree completely. Give out the 50k OBJ file and label it 'BASIC OBJ' - For hobbiests and enthusiasts. And then have 'PRO OBJ' with high resolution textures with the MatterPak. I believe that the people who want the OBJ files for recreational purposes are unlikely to purchase Matterpak and the people who actually want the 3D data will gladly pay.
Matterport Obj file for Newbie? Briski2208 3 7 yearsBriski2208 (147): I'm curious about how it may be used either by architects or construction groups or implemented for example into a training aid by industries which are security conscious due to the tour being an open source.
What is a FBX Model? Property3dNZ 6 7 yearsProperty3dNZ (617): Thanks for all your help! I really appreciate it
Vehicle (Van) interior MP scan to CAD? Noddy 18 7 yearsalirizacil (162): Here is a 3d model that we did for our customer: clickable text
A "Must Read" WGAN Forum Discussion DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31520): Hi All, While you may not be interested in this discussion (and related video) - based on its title .... ✓ $49 for OBJ File Thank You Matterport ... it is a "must read" WGAN Forum Discussion because the discussions cover many additional topics that are important to anyone that owns - or is thinking about buying - a Matterport Camera. Best, Dan
WGAN-TV MatterPak Bundle Roundtable With You DanSmigrod 5 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31520): Hi All, Plan to watch the WGAN-TV Live at 5 Roundtable on MatterPak Bundle Roundtable. That's today at 5 pm (5 pm EST | GMT -5). About 5 hours from now. Best, Dan
Changing Colors and textures Andyh2o2 8 7 yearsPetraSoderling (752): @Andyh2o2 Hi Andy, we (Blue-Sketch) can stage snapshots with new materials, structure, furniture, etc. The outcome is a still .jpg image (not a virtual tour) which the builder can use on their website. I will PM you some recent cases we've done. Alternatively we can create a furnished 3D Floor Plan, again still .jpg images, of how the place looks like after renovation.
Combine OBJ with Revit render model NEXT_DIMENSION 5 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31520): @NEXT_DIMENSION SketchUp files can be imported into Revit. Does that help? Dan
[R&D] Interacting with MP models in Hololens Tosolini 5 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31520): @Tosolini, like @jfantin says :cool: Dan
Matterport->Architech: OBJ-SKP-PTS-DWG-Other DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsleonvanzweel (521): With regards to your problem with your Ricoh Theta V. I had the same problem with the iphone app disconnecting at a very short range ie about 2 meters. My Ricoh Theta S is good for about 20 meters. Enough distance to hide out of sight. Could not hide with the Theta V, In the end, I returned the camera as unfit for purpose.
Can we get a 360 photo of a reguar MP Scan? walk360 4 7 yearswalk360 (79): Great!!! I though that was only available for the pictures taken on the 360 mode!! thanks a lot for the great news ;) Have a great night!
3D Interior to Reflect Renovation Design SpencerLasky 5 7 yearsSpencerLasky (410): Ok thanks Danny I've sent the form, excited! This beta program and continued usefulness of this camera really opens up ways to use this camera and specifically for renovations and digital interaction, fantastic! Spencer
[R&D] Matterport + Vuforia = AR Tosolini 9 7 yearsTosolini (4359): @bale100 I agree that we need to find new value in mashing up technologies in novel ways. @sailaway Feel free to continue our conversation via personal message
WGAN-TV Live: InventiveCG's Danny Basting DanSmigrod 17 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31520): Hi All, In addition to offering Matterport 3D Tours of real spaces, look for opportunity for pre-built spaces (builders, architects, property management companies). Dan
[R&D] We turned our Web site into a VR space Tosolini 6 7 yearsTosolini (4359): @jc3dcx @Richierichks Thank you! There are many opportunities to tell your business story with MP. We are just exploring a few.
Architect Interested in Matterport Camera DanSmigrod 5 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31520): @DannyBasting Thank you for your insight, as always. Here are We Get Around Network Forum discussions tagged: blk360 Dan
Matterport mash-ups featured on Tosolini 2 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31520): @Tosolini I look forward to reading. Super that they included your videos. Wished SPAR3D also embedded your Matterport Spaces 3D Tours. Almost time for Monday night tango class with my wife. :cool: Dan
Photo Sparc: Matterport Conversion Service DanSmigrod 7 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): I was asking what 'editable model' meant ... not edible :) Because without reading further - one could easily say - 'Hey, an OBJ is an editable model.'.
Brain Teaser: Why 4 Floors When Only 2? DanSmigrod 8 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31520): @htimsabbub23 Yes. You're on the money! For clarification, I raised the camera to the highest setting on the trip to help "reach" the duck work. I lowered the camera to its lowest setting to scan under some tables and some VR Viewers in "cubby holes" ... Now imagine that I did 50 scans on the 1st level and 50 scans on the loft level and now wanted to add 50 scans to each level. BUT, how would I know where I scanned, since...
Idea: Mesh Object removal. Metroplex360 4 8 yearsVTLV (2910): You guys got the Beach Boys song stuck in my head now. Lol. "Wouldn't it be nice?". I got spray from a mirror or radiant barrier in the sliding door making a balcony look like crud in the dollhouse.
Download the Matterport OBJ for Future Use? DouglasMeyers 6 8 yearsSailAway (181): I'm surprised it's so quiet here.
Matterport with Oculus Rift mikerodin 4 8 yearsmori (819): No - currently no way exists as the 3D is too bad quality.
HoloLens Meets Matterport Object File (.OBJ) DanSmigrod 5 8 yearsnat_vanveen (598): @DanSmigrod funny Dan :D Can you also please organise a WGAN Event so that we can all come to the US!!!
Mixing Point Clouds & Desing Spaces into One Ramblinman 18 8 yearsRamblinman (46): Any of you come up with anything yet
JuMP-ME v2.0 result preview JuMP 6 8 yearsJuMP (2031): @mori Thank you, we will send invitation to you when betatest begin.
New free Square Footage measure APP online! JuMP 24 8 yearsJuMP (2031): @arielgrasso It works as usual. Some Mac system with Safari can't use it. We recommand you try latest Chrome under Windows system.
Matterport Scan Data to Expedite 3D Modeling DanSmigrod 5 8 yearsJuMP (2031): @lisahinson Thank you for your Showcase in our POF. Our server is located in China so the speed is slow for USA access. We will soon setup another server at east coast of USA. The speed will get improvement.
InventiveCG Matterport OBJ File to SKP File DanSmigrod 5 8 yearsDannyBasting (1171): Thank you @PedroPretell, At this time these conversions are not browser compatible. While it is possible to export to HTML5, there are currently too many trade-offs to be made (quality wise) in order to make it run. I am positive that in the furture compatibility will only get better though. For now, a zip file can be hosted online, containing a standalone application that can be downloaded so that the client can run it on his own... - New interface... working? ArchimedStudio 6 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): MP2SQFT uses data that Matterport generated from the patched OBJ that is seen in showcase. The patched OBJ is the OBJ generated by the tour with areas that were missing data 'filled in'. JuMP uses the downloadable OBJ file without the patched data. That's why there's a discrepancy. I'm fairly confident that both JuMP and Matterport are calculating SQFT based on surface area of the OBJ files. If JuMP were to intercept the OBJ file used by...
3D view of "Dollhouse" in new technology Max_Sodomovskiy 13 8 yearsJonJ (1760): I would definitely say the quality of the .obj file has improved! Here is an example of a condo I shot yesterday. clickable text This model was created with the fewest scans possible and the dollhouse still looks great. Enjoy, Jon
Archilogic for 3D rendering DannyBasting 6 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31520): Hi All, ✓ 20 Questions Live: Archilogic 2D Floor Plans to 3D Tours Service Dan
Client asking for Virtual Furniture davidpylyp 9 8 yearsMontreal3D (202): There are many ways to do it if you work with the OBJ or Point cloud. I don't think you could do much with the actual Matterport WebGL tour. Here's a way to do it with the point cloud. Use Agisoft or Meshlab to create a cleaner OBJ file than the one available from the Matterport service. You can then use the OBJ in many different 3D modeling app. I saw a neat asset for the game engine Unity to do it with the HTC Vive in real time. Load your...
Matterport in the AEC Space: 21 March 2017 DanSmigrod 2 8 yearsDannyBasting (1171): Thanks for sharing. I've been using the camera for similar use cases. I'll definitely check that out. Always good to see what others or up to :)
Pixel Pitch/ image quality BenedicteDamm 5 8 yearsBenedicteDamm (26): I need to firmly establish the viewing quality, eg how detailed and how high quality of detail is from certain distances. Eg how clear can one see details 1 mtr from the camera. 5 meters from it and so one. Pretty much "How clearly will we be able to count Michelangelo's nosehairs in the ceiling"- kind of answer. However, it needs to be solid data, not "really good" or "somewhat blurry", I need to provide data...
Hi! Question regarding floor plans polygon_imagery 6 8 yearspolygon_imagery (1): Ahhh I would have never known to go into my account settings to allow that. Thank you! Also thanks for the links Dan, I'll read through them.
Working with OBJ files Bill 4 8 yearsBill (285): Much appreciated on the feedback
VR with Oculus Rift or HTC Vive xavierchardon 3 8 yearsVince_MccrayT (5): As for the price difference, obviously they will be much closers in price once the rift controllers are purchased.Also,can anyone imagine the ps4 or Xbox one being released without controllers,and I don't mean a stand in Xbox one controller until your actual equipment is ready.
Matterport Unique Project: 30,000sf to CAD? Acomeau15 6 8 yearsAcomeau15 (52): @JC3DCX Awesome thank you!
Matterport to Sketchfab? AAS 10 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @AAS Download the OBJ, then upload to Sketchfab. If I remember correctly, I had to disable a few options for the tour to look right and then position the view inside of the tour.
unique/personal links to 3d tours JTW_VR 8 8 yearsQueen_City_3D (3144): The hosting of spaces (hosting fees) is the real money-maker for a company like Matterport, so even if the technology evolves to where they no longer give support to new scans, I can't see why they'd ever give up hosting existing ones and getting that recurring revenue for as long as the scans are viewable on webpages or mobile devices.
Change Background Color Dollhouse & FP view Dolloff 13 8 yearsDolloff (131): @Metroplex360- Just wanted to thank you as well. You always go above and beyond and I am amazed at your hard work and dedication. Thank you for looking into this for me!
Anyone use converted OBJ files for clients? FuturePhotography 4 8 yearsFuturePhotography (13): Thanks Danny. Looks really great. I just sent you a PM ;)
Matterport to CAD by Veriscian: Save 50%* DanSmigrod 2 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31520): Open thread to view post.
MatterPort OBJ - SolidWorks LRA 3 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31520): @LRA I could imagine that the Matterport Object File (.obj) is too large to manipulate. You may want to convert the .obj to a file format that is manageable. Any of these Matterport .obj conversions by Veriscian ( @JoshReadhead ) helpful? Best, Dan
Exporting Equirectangular Matterport George_WALKINTOUR 8 8 yearsgrmngrl (942): @Metroplex360 I can not understand how this can be legal. The 360 sphericals don't need to be hosted. And at the point in time when they where made available I do not have a choice but accepting the t&c. Could Nikon, Cannon etc just update their conditions and not give us the raw files either? I really think it was a bad choice from my side to buy the camera. I would not be so upset if Matterport would provide me with the service I...
Using VR after manipulating my MP space? OGH604 4 8 yearsOGH604 (25): Thanks gents. I'll share the end result; it might take me a while. Cheers, -Olivier
Backing Up/Saving Scans Off of iPad danmorell 8 8 yearsdanmorell (74): @Metroplex360 - I would agree. Based on the terms of service it's a delicate dance of staying within the lines. I also need to stop fiddling and planning and start scanning lol. @Max_Sodomovskiy - I reviewed your method and it seems viable. Something I will have to hold my breath and test out to see how everything goes. I need to get a fresh iPad, take a test scan, complete the methods out that are being talked about and determine which works...
Point cloud to CAD Problems Invelop 3 8 yearsJoshReadhead (24): @Invelop Hi Stephen Sincere apologies for taking so long to reply. The process for importing the point cloud does vary depending on what version you have, but will attempt to troubleshoot as best I can. Judging by the error message, it sounds to me like you are trying to open the point cloud directly within AutoCad. For most AutoCad versions, the point cloud still needs to be imported (even though it's in the .rcs Autodesk format) while the...
Vendors that will do virtual remodels? Sedry 5 9 yearsSedry (10): Thank you everyone. I am ideally looking for something that, after the remodeling, can still be used as a walkthrough/tour. So I'll check into Archilogic. If anyone thinks of anything else, please feel free! :)
Accuracy of Matterport Scan for Construction DanSmigrod 11 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31520): Please see related MUG Forum thread about the Object File (.obj) captured by the Matterport Camera. Dan
Obj file need some help Wyzlo 12 9 yearsWyzlo (100): @danSmigrod I'm a Real Estate Agent since 2006 my focus is in trying to offer what we can do You know the time in this industry gives you a lot of contact with all related profesional in the Industry. All the possibilities are just by extending my hand the best arquitecs the best Interior designers the best developers. So if we have nothing to offer them (just the tour) I will forget this matter. and offer just what you see is what you...
OBJ file - lack of understanding lisahinson 4 9 yearslisahinson (785): @jscottsmith and @GarySnyder thank you. It made more sense viewing the 2 YouTube links.
OBJ file... ny360east 2 9 yearsron0987 (3457): One option on the obj file is convert it to PTS file which is a point cloud and any architect familiar with 3d CAD will know what to do with it. It is a great tool for as build's for builders and architects. It fall a little short on the accuracy but for as builds it is great, determining building concepts and general sizing it is great. Just one application. Ron
VirtualSite for AEC | OBJ-->PTS/FBX/3DS/More DanSmigrod 8 9 yearssmcclell (156): Thanks Josh, got it now :)
Convert Matterport to clean sketchup file Neelupeelu 9 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31520): @Neelupeelu Welcome to the Matterport User Group Forum. Thank you for the great question ... We Get Around converts the Matterport Object File (.obj) to a SketchUp File (.skp. Please see ... We Get Around FloorMe Extreme: Matterport Meets SketchUp File for Easy, Fast and Affordable 3D Modeling We also create .dwf, .dwg and .rvt files from the .obj. Please see ... FloorMe: Create Floor plans from the...
3D Video Clip - Blender (plus some MP obj) JamieSher 5 9 yearsandreabortolot (199): Amazing work Jamie! You are grat and my clients love videos you produced for us. Cheers!
Customer wants tour file for forever use? EricThomas 5 9 yearsdavidpylyp (178): The model is not a model unless they keep paying a hosting fee. I tell customers that the model pricing works out to near $15.00 per month and is billed every 6 months for $90. There is an option the FLATTEN the model into a screen capture [but then it no longer functions] They can BUY that version for an EXTRA $[How Big was it / Time]
Importing MP model into Unity bamir 1 9 yearsbamir (10): It seems the Matterport support page which documents the recommended process to import into Unity is no longer available. There are a number of tools that one can use in addition to a number of different processes and settings to use in the conversion process. So, it would be nice to know what MP suggests is the optimal...
Sample Matterport produced 3D model bamir 3 9 yearsbamir (10): Awesome, thanks Dan!
Matterport vs Others romdus 7 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31520): @MDuff Thank you ... and thank you for being a Member of the We Get Around Referral Network in Newport Beach, California. @romdus If you would like a referral of a Matterport Pro in France, please Private Message (PM) me. (And, please let me know which city too please.) We have Matterport Pros all across France. Thanks, Dan
Will matterport ever become a designer tool? Dennis_N 8 9 yearsDennis_N (91): Well, if Matterport allowed some expansion to their software through 3rd parties, other companies would be able to do this. These expansions are called "plugins" and no software can thrive in a competitive market without them. It is totally fine if Matterport doesn't want to continue developing in any other direction. Just give power to other companies to expand their software toolset for a fee. I've bought a $3,000 design package in...
Needing Volume Floor Plan & Sq Ft. Partner tydowning 14 9 yearsMarcel (387): @RenderingSpace, does good work and helped me once with an urgent job. I think hes just very busy since he has a good service at a low cost.
.OBJ files Moreve 4 9 yearsCLE3D (193): Because I have been asked this too, does anyone out there charge additionally to share the OBJ?
How to convert OBJ to an ArchiCAD 3D format MikeLjungbergTvedt 5 9 yearsYairYepez (100): An Skp file made with We Get Around own FloorMe Extreme service can be easily imported into Atchicad.
Construction Proposal cdpmedia 10 9 yearsandreabortolot (199): Convert showcase to point clouds file. It's more accurate and detailed than obj. They can open it with free autodesk recap and shoot measures and other things. I made a few tests and architects loves it.
Best OBJ file software Kracka60 18 9 yearsNoel (94): Hi This might seem a silly question, but once you have downloaded and made the changes, are you able to upload back to the portal, or do we (the photographer) need to host on our own server. Thanks for any info.
Matterport Object File --> Point Cloud .pts DanSmigrod 5 9 yearscdpmedia (52): ah see it thanks!
Matterport Object File to SketchUp .SKP File DanSmigrod 6 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31520): If you need a Point Cloud File (.pts) created from the Matterport Objective File (.obj), please see this related Matterport User Group Forum thread post.
Oculus intergration inna 4 9 yearskc1302 (16): Better to build it maya, 3dsmax, modo or whatever you use. Should be easy and fast. Just make clever use of substances (SBSAR)and your good to go. Performance The mesh chunks are randomly cut. The mesh have holes not very suitable for frustum/occlusion culling. The mesh will require decimation especially if you wish to port it to gearvr, cardboard etc. Where the limit is currently set at 100.000 vertices / 100.000 triangles / 100...
Scan Data & Gaming - obj's & Unreal Engine 4 JamieSher 8 9 yearsvrealstudio (103): Jamie, Thank you. I imported fbx from blend to UE4 successfully. It works normally shadow on wall and ground. I will try to make a game. Many thanks :)
3D/VR Game and Oculus Rift VR Showcase vrealstudio 5 10 yearsDanSmigrod (31520): @vrealstudio Great work. Fun to see Forum members showing what's possible with the Matterport Pro 3D Camera generated .obj file. For those thinking about "diving in" for Matterport VR Showcase Beta: This We Get Around blog post today (20 August 2015): Matterport Pro 3D Camera Photographers Prep for Virtual Reality (VR) and We updated our Matterport VR Showcase Beta Gear and Accessories Shopping List. If you have...
VR showcase svensson 6 10 yearssvensson (10): thanks @dan @CarlosFhDz
Multiple obj files to be stitched together Jamie 6 10 yearsJamieSher (200): Hi Jamie, write to me at I think I can help :) Thanks! J
Building a New Player in Unity3D al9901 3 10 yearscraigsauer (1075): This is very interesting to me, although I don't know enough about it to contribute to the effort. I have several clients that would love to be able to customize the look of the 3D Showcase, but Matterport doesn't give us any power over that. Craig
Best .obj files Hathakas 15 10 yearsEww (4): Hi Jacques, You should be able to find those programs on the autodesk website to download trials etc. Eric
Branding grantmuller 23 10 yearsalx3D (719): Just saying: If Paul and other people from matterport are looking at our content and reading what we post and have an issue or want to relay info they should just join the forum and post. I think we could get a lot more accomplished together and with first hand info than a he said she said type deal.