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Tip: Scanning for 2D Schematic Floor Plans1962

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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Why scan 12,458 sf when the client only wanted 10,936 sf of a house? (1,522 sf extra)

When We Get Around Matterport Service Provider Photographer @YairYepez scanned a 12,458 home in Atlanta Thursday (2 June 2016), he also included these spaces that the client did not request:

✓ storage 1,332 sf
✓ storm shelter 1,003 sf
✓ garage 709 sf
✓ inside of many closets

The client did not want the storage or storm shelter scanned because these spaces were being used for untidy storage and did not want to include the (a bit messy) garage.

We managed the client's expectations that we wanted to scan the additional spaces -- at no charge unless kept in the 3D Tour - to create the 2D schematic floor plans (which she thought was a great idea) and FLY-IN 3D Video of the entire house.

The additional scanning made it easy for Blue-Sketch - @PetraSoderling - to create 2D schematic floor plans that included the correct closet space (scanned with doors closed; then open), garage, storage and storm shelter. The FLY-IN 3D Video required some additional cleaning up of the mesh by Inspirational Views (@pirusan).

The closet door open scans were either deleted or hidden.

It took Yair 406 scans to do the house, including the outdoor portico and patio overlooking the pool and waterfalls. While the model did process successfully with 406 scans, we still reduce the delivered model to the client with 207 scans. WebGL running in iFrame can crash with very, very large models. Matterport recommends and supports models up to 200 scans.

While we believe the Matterport Spaces 3D Tour looks nicer with the addition of the garage (scan and hide so viewers can not walk in), the client still asked us to remove the garage after we showed it to her.

Plus, since we use WP3D Models ( @rpetersn ) to provide links to the agent, she could move forward with the listing while we reprocessed the model. For clarification, the WP3D Model links do not change. We "swap out" the Matterport link within the WP3D Model Content Management System.

What else? When do you overscan spaces and why?


P.S. Yes. I understand that some MUG Members would have used a laser to measure the extra spaces to save time. That said, we felt that the client would want to the entire model with the extra 1,522 sf after seeing it, so we also did extra sf on spec (which did not pan out).

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Orange, California
craigsauer private msg quote post Address this user
Being able to use updateable links is a HUGE benefit of the WP3D plugin. Just today I got a call from a realtor who found out that an unpermitted loft in a property I'd scanned for him was getting him in trouble with the property's HOA. I was able to delete the scan locations in the loft (from a copy of the data on the Capture App of course!), reprocess it, and paste the new matterport URL in the WP3D model page and the realtor didn't have to update any links on his end. All the links I'd given him just pointed to the new Matterport Space.

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