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Single Property Websitesx

'Single Property Websites' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Single Property website for real estate? ron0987 12 1 yearGETMYVR (1941): I love ARYEO as the best real estate property page +++. Since 75%+ of property views are on mobile, I also love it because it's easy to ZOOM in, and that matters to potential buyers. Check out an example Unbranded page: I pay about $50/mo. Behind all of this is a robust platform with impressive deliverable page, payments, and fully customizable order form, complete listing management...
WGAN-TV eBook | Intro HDPhotoHub All-in-One Platform for Photographers DanSmigrod 2 1 yearDanSmigrod (31629): (Continued ...) --- And so the more steps we can take out of that process for them and so help them be effective, the better. And of course we want agents using those social media tools because every time they do, they're broadcasting your media out to the world, right? And it carries your link, carries your white-labeled URL. So when they share those things out, they're really sort of marketing you at the same time, right? A bunch of...
WGAN-TV Podcast | Intro HDPhotoHub All-in-One Platform for Photographers DanSmigrod 2 1 yearDanSmigrod (31629): (Continued ...) --- And so the more steps we can take out of that process for them and so help them be effective, the better. And of course we want agents using those social media tools because every time they do, they're broadcasting your media out to the world, right? And it carries your link, carries your white-labeled URL. So when they share those things out, they're really sort of marketing you at the same time, right? A bunch of...
Transcript-WGAN-TV Intro HDPhotoHub All-in-One Platform for Photographers DanSmigrod 2 1 yearDanSmigrod (31629): (Continued ...) --- And so the more steps we can take out of that process for them and so help them be effective, the better. And of course we want agents using those social media tools because every time they do, they're broadcasting your media out to the world, right? And it carries your link, carries your white-labeled URL. So when they share those things out, they're really sort of marketing you at the same time, right? A bunch of...
Intro to HDPhotoHub All-in-One Platform/White-Label App for Photographers DanSmigrod 4 1 yearDanSmigrod (31629): Text Me 5 Minutes Before WGAN-TV is Live | WGAN-TV | Intro to HDPhotoHub All-in-One Platform and White-Label App for Real Estate Photographers | Guest: HDPhotoHub Founder and CEO Herb Dierks @Herb_HDPhotoHub | | Episode: 209 | Thursday, 8 February 2024 Hi All, Why does your real estate photography business need an all-in-one platform and a white-label app? Watch ...
New Year’s Photographer’s Wish - Am I dreaming? Home3D 4 1 yearron0987 (3499): @Home3D that sounds as mythical as a little old man that lives at the North Pole with small people whom have a huge Amazon production warehouse that build packages all year long. The little old man has ChatGPT create a list of places to go that can be accomplished in 24 hours with the assistance of some furry four legged friends one with a red spotlight. That leave’s December 24 at midnight and is back home like all good Amazon drivers by...
Transcript: Intro to Urbanimmersive Services for Real Estate Photographers DanSmigrod 2 1 yearDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV | Intro to Urbanimmersive Services for Real Estate Photographers | Guests: Urbanimmersive Inc. President and CEO Ghislain Lemire and Urbanimmersive Inc. Executive Vice-President François-Hugues Liberge | Episode: 208 | Thursday, 30 November 2023 | @fhliberge WGAN-TV Transcript | Intro to Urbanimmersive Services for Real Estate Photographers - Are you a busy real estate photographer that would like to get all your digital...
Video: Getting Started with Matterport + CAPTUR3D DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): How to use our Features & Services - Onboarding | CAPTUR3D | Video courtesy of CAPTUR3D YouTube Channel | 16 August 2023 WGAN.INFO/search-captur3d | CAPTUR3D Website ===================================================== If you haven't signed up to CAPTUR3D already, you can do...
Got CAPTUR3D questions? Try Free WGAN Chatbot powered by ChatGPT-4 DanSmigrod 4 2 yearskaliforniatuffy (38): @DanSmigrod I used the link to sign up and did not receive $90 credit. Only $50.
Got a WP3D Models (Single Property Websites, Map Models) Question? ChatGPT4 DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WP3D Models WordPress Plugin WP3D Models WordPress Plugin WP3D Models WordPress...
Got a RELA Single Property Website and Booking Platform Question? ChatGPT4 DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): RELA Website | RELA Landing Page for Real Estate Photographers RELA Website | RELA Landing Page for Real Estate Photographers [chatbot]d6VDxh3umhrk3xM6MHKA8[/chatbot]Got RELA questions? Try Free ...
Search Tourbuzz (3D Tours, Image Editing, Floor Plans, Property Websites) DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Tourbuzz powered by Urbanimmersive Tourbuzz powered by Urbanimmersive [chatbot]g14qOOJTUAXBkLS0d8nbq[/chatbot] WGAN Chatbot powered by ChatGPT-4 Tourbuzz powered by Urbanimmersive --- ...
Single Property Website recommendation? leeverdon 15 2 yearsDanielBenion (127): Hey Everyone, This is great feedback, and we just released an update in WP3D Models (this week!) to now allow users to showcase model details on the gallery page. This can be turned on/off, and you can specify abbreviations for the gallery page since space there is more limited. Special thanks to Jean Gottschalk who was our design partner in bringing this to fruition. Please keep the feedback coming, and we are looking at ways we...
Urbanimmersive: Unlimited 3D Tours, Floor Plans and Property Websites DanSmigrod 4 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @ron0987 Two options: 1. Sign-up for the live webinar and receive access to the recording (after the live webinar) | Sign-Up for the Urbanimmersive Franchise Network Webinar 2. Book a free 1:1 meeting with Urbanimmersive Executive Vice-President François-Hugues Liberge with this scheduling link. Enjoy your weekend. Dan P.S. Great visiting with you at Geo Week in Denver in February.
WGAN-TV Training | Intro to Urbanimmersive Real Estate Photography Services DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): We Get Around Network Sponsor --- WGAN-TV Training Academy | Free Course | WGAN-TV | Real Estate Pros: Intro to Urbanimmersive Real Estate Photography Services | Guest: Urbanimmersive VP, Business Development and Partnerships François-Hugues Liberge | Episode: 148 | Thursday, 9 June 2022 | Urbanimmersive website...
WGAN-TV Podcast | Intro to Urbanimmersive Real Estate Photography Services DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): We Get Around Network Sponsor --- WGAN-TV Podcast | WGAN Forum Podcast [podbean][/podbean] WGAN-TV Podcast | Real Estate Pros: Intro to Urbanimmersive Real Estate Photography Services | Guest: Urbanimmersive VP, Business Development and...
WGAN-TV eBook | Intro to Urbanimmersive Real Estate Photography Services DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): We Get Around Network Sponsor --- [issuu][/issuu] WGAN-TV eBook | Real Estate Pros: Intro to Urbanimmersive Real Estate Photography Services | Guest: Urbanimmersive VP, Business Development and Partnerships François-Hugues Liberge | Episode: 148 | Thursday, 9 June 2022 | Urbanimmersive website | WGAN-TV Podcast WGAN-TV | Real Estate Pros: Intro to...
8 Reasons to Deliver Tours/Photos via Show & Tour + First 30 Days Free DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN 3rd Party Service Provider --- WGAN.INFO/SHOWANDTOUR [showtour][/showtour]Example: Matterport Tour within a Show & Tour Player | Tour courtesy of Show & Tour (@sherpa_media) 8 Reasons to Deliver Tours/Photos via Show & Tour + First 30 Days Free Coupon Code: ...
Matterport overlay tech for event company wanted GETMYVR 11 3 yearsGETMYVR (1941): Pretty cool stuff
WP3D Models WordPress Plugin: Free Lite Version (And, 30 Day Guarantee) DanSmigrod 3 3 yearsDanielBenion (127): Hi @808virtually, The Lite Version only allows for a single model. The purpose is to enable customers to get a feel for the plugin and understand the flexibility it allows for a model. For unlimited models, gallery pages, Maps, and agent/scheduling features you'll still need the full version. Cheers!
Video: Journey of Real Estate Photographer/Show & Tour Owner Josh Mais DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Becoming a LEADING Real Estate Photography Software IN JUST 2 YEARS | Show & Tour Founder Interview | Video courtesy of Alex Serrao YouTube Channel | 22 November 2021 [showtour][/showtour]Show & Tour player with three Matterport Tours [showtour][/showtour] Show & Tour player Video: Journey of Real...
eBook: MSP? Free Single Property Website with Every Floor Plan Order DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN 3rd Party Service Provider Member --- My Visual Listings WGAN-TV eBook | Matterport Service Provider? Free Single Property Website with Every 2D Floor Plan Order from My Virtual Listings | Guest: My Visual Listings Co-Founder and CEO Greg Paterson @MyVisualListings | Air Date: Thursday, 21 October 2021 | Episode:...
Training: MSP? Free Single Property Website with Every Floor Plan Order DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN 3rd Party Service Provider Member --- My Visual Listings WGAN-TV Training...
Podcast: MSP? Free Single Property Website with Every Floor Plan Order DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN 3rd Party Service Provider Member --- My Visual Listings WGAN-TV Podcast...
Transcript: MSP? Free Single Property Website with Every Floor Plan Order DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Continued from above ... --- [00:41:44] Dan Smigrod: - Take us in, show us how this is done. [00:41:47] Greg Paterson: - I'm going to have to find the agent Christy Adams, here's our sample USA. [00:41:55] Dan Smigrod: - This is your demo agent. This is not a real person. It's your demo account. [00:41:58] Greg Paterson: - That's correct. Right here we have created and this is the Member Area, so every single agent gets this. This is when...
WGAN-TV: MSP? Free Single Property Website with Every 2D Floor Plan Order DanSmigrod 3 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): 122-WGAN-TV | Matterport Service Provider? Free Single Property Website with Every 2D Floor Plan Order from My Virtual Listings | Guest: My Visual Listings Co-Founder and CEO Greg Paterson @MyVisualListings | Air Date: Thursday, 21 October 2021 | Episode: 122 Hi All, If you are a Matterport Service Provider, you can get a Free Single Property Website with Every 2D Floor Plan Order from My Virtual Listings. My Visual Listings...
Comparison: Matterport Floor Plans versus My Visual Listings Floor Plans DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN 3rd Party Service Provider Member --- [wp3d][/wp3d] Matterport Digital Twin by We Get Around Atlanta | This is the Matterport tour that was used to order 2D schematic floor plans from My Visual Listings and Matterport. My Visual Listings 2D Schematic Floor Plans (Available in: Color or Black and White) ...
Matterport users: have you tried CAPTUR3D yet? AlexHitchcock 2 4 yearsHome3D (4213): Okay, it's me again. Everyone should engage with Captur3d. They do a lot of good stuff, but their Virtual Staging is breakthrough. Be the first in your area to add this to your toolset and publicize it. Captur3d finally got virtual staging right! [captur3d][/captur3d]
Matterport Webinar: CAPTUR3D | Wednesday, 23 June 2021 DanSmigrod 3 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): It worked for me (when I received this email. How about trying a different browser? (I am using Chrome) Dan
CAPTUR3D: Enable White Label Domains for Single Property Websites DanSmigrod 4 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, Transcript (video above) Alex Hitchcock: Hi, there. This is Alex from the CAPTUR3D team. And in this video, I'm going to take you through the Whitelabel Domain URL Setup for your CAPTUR3D account. So the first step is to activate your API key within your Matterport cloud. So all you need to do is login to your Matterport, click Settings. And then under Settings, you can click the developer tools tab. Within here, you can click apply...
Transcript: WGAN-TV RELA Booking System with Team Calendar and Getting Paid DanSmigrod 4 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN.INFO/RELA Special Offer for WGAN Forum Members ✓ Free WGAN-TV Training U (in Matterport) 1-Year Membership when you sign-up for RELA Photographer + Storefront Add On using the We Get Around Network affiliate link: WGAN.INFO/RELA ✓ email me your first paid RELA receipt: Dan
Video: RELA Platform for Real Estate Photographers DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Grab: RELA Single Property Website Examples Capture the World with Dee & Rela CEO Mike Land | Video courtesy of Capture the World with Dee YouTube Channel | 27 April 2021 Hi All, Dee interviews RELA CEO Mike Land about the RELA Platform for Real Estate Agents. RELA...
WGAN-TV Podcast: WP3D Models WordPress Plugin: Calendly Integration Demo DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Grab: WGAN-TV Podcast: 98-WGAN-TV WP3D Models WordPress Plugin Demo of Calendly Integration and How to Upgrade WP3D Models | Course Recorded: Thursday, 15 April 2021 Save 10 percent with this WGAN...
WGAN-TV Training U: WP3D Models WordPress Plugin: Calendly Integration Demo DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Grab: WGAN-TV Training U (in Matterport): 98-WGAN-TV WP3D Models WordPress Plugin Demo of Calendly Integration and How to Upgrade WP3D Models | Course Recorded: Thursday, 15 April 2021 Save 10 percent...
Transcript: WGAN-TV WP3D Models WordPress Plugin: Calendly Integration Demo DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): 98-WGAN-TV WP3D Models WordPress Plugin: Demo of Calendly Integration and How to Upgrade WP3D Models Software with WP3D Models Head of Product Daniel Bennion (@DanielBennion) and Head of Marketing Andrew Pincock (@WP3D_AP) | Thursday, 15 April 2021 Save 10 percent with this WGAN affiliate link for WP3D Models WordPress...
WGAN-TV: WP3D Models WordPress Plugin: Demo of Calendly Integration DanSmigrod 12 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WP3D Models WordPress Plugin: Demo of Calendly Integration and How to Upgrade WP3D Models Software with WP3D Models Head of Product Daniel Bennion (@DanielBennion) and Head of Marketing Andrew Pincock (@WP3D_AP) | Thursday, 15 April 2021 1. WP3D Models: Overview of Features/Benefits 2. Book an Appointment: Demo what the viewer sees 3. Book an Appointment: Demo back-end 4. How to do this WP3D Models...
Save 10% on WP3D Models + Receive 12 Months Free: WGAN-TV U (in Matterport) DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Save 10 percent with this WGAN affiliate link for WP3D Models WordPress Plugin and WGAN Coupon Code: WGANBONUS10 Save 10% on WP3D Models + Receive 12 Months Free: WGAN-TV Training U (in Matterport) Hi All, Save 10 percent when you use this WGAN affiliate link for WP3D Models WordPress Plugin and WGAN Coupon...
WGAN-TV Course: Augmented Reality of Matterport Spaces powered by CAPTUR3D DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV Training U Free Course: Augmented Reality of Matterport Spaces powered by CAPTUR3D | Guest: PHORIA Co-Founder and COO Steven Kounnas. Thursday, 25 February 2021 93-2 WGAN-TV Training U Free Course: Augmented Reality of Matterport Spaces powered by CAPTUR3D --- Receive 6 free CAPTUR3D 2D Floor Plans...
WGAN-TV Course DIY Virtual Staging of Matterport Spaces powered by CAPTUR3D DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV Training U Free Course: DIY Virtual Staging of Matterport Spaces powered by CAPTUR3D | Guest: PHORIA Co-Founder and COO Steven Kounnas. Thursday, 25 February 2021 93-1 WGAN-TV Training U Free Course: DIY Virtual Staging of Matterport Spaces powered by CAPTUR3D --- Receive 6 free CAPTUR3D 2D Floor...
My InsideMaps 3D Tour shot with iPhone 12 Pro + InsideMaps HERO Rotator DanSmigrod 9 4 yearsWingman (4426): @InsideMaps_Gabe, Guys, any news on the app update to fix quality issues and noise on Iphone 12 Pro?
Video: InsideMaps Edit Listing Mode (Content Management System) DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV How to Shoot and Create InsideMaps 3D Tours for Free with an iPhone-#1701-How Do The Back End Settings Look Like with InsideMaps Vice President of Strategic Partnerships Gabe Knox (@InsideMaps_Gabe) and InsideMaps Chief Technology Officer Jörgen Birkler Video: InsideMaps Edit Listing Mode (Content Management System) Hi All, In this WGAN-TV Short Story (#1701, above) - InsideMaps Vice President of Strategic Partnerships...
Single Property Website Services Offering White-Label for 3D/360 Tours DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, Problem ✓ you use a 3D/360 tour platform that does not offer a white-label URL - you want your domain/brand. The platform that you use DOES offer iFrame embed code. Solution ✓ Single Property Website Services Offering White-Label for 3D/360 Platforms from WGAN 3rd Party Service Providers Enjoy your weekend, Dan
WP3D Models: Free Installation, Configuration, Training & 30-Day Guarantee DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN Forum Membership Benefit of the Week --- ...
Video: InsideMaps Includes Branded/Unbranded (MLS) Single Property Websites DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV How to Shoot and Create InsideMaps 3D Tours for Free with an iPhone-#1696-How To Personalize Branding Hi All, In this WGAN-TV Short Story (#1696, above), InsideMaps Vice President of Strategic Partnerships Gabe Knox (@InsideMaps_Gabe) shows how/where to copy InsideMaps branded/unbranded Single Property Website links. To watch my entire interview with InsideMaps Vice President of Strategic Partnerships Gabe Knox...
Video: What does an InsideMaps 3D Tour (and Property Website) Look Like? DanSmigrod 4 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV How to Shoot and Create InsideMaps 3D Tours for Free with an iPhone-#1692-What Are The Features In Tour View Hi All, In this WGAN-TV Short Story (#1692, above), InsideMaps Vice President of Strategic Partnerships Gabe Knox (@InsideMaps_Gabe) shows the view in InsideMaps 3D tour view. To watch my entire interview with InsideMaps Vice President of Strategic Partnerships Gabe Knox (@InsideMaps_Gabe) and InsideMaps Chief Technology...
Free Use: Show & Tour Starter Membership for WGAN Standard/Premium Members DanSmigrod 4 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Standard or Premium Member? Receive the free use of Show & Tour Starter Membership using this WGAN Order Form for Show & Tour Starter Membership Plan. For the password, Private Message @DanSmigrod
Free! First Three Months of Show & Tour Starter Plan for WGAN Forum Members DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN Forum Members | Special Offer To get the first three (3) months free of Show & Tour Starter Plan, Private Message me - @DanSmigrod - for the coupon code. Or, join WGAN Forum (free) and receive 50+ WGAN Forum Membership Benefits including the coupon code to receive the first three (3) months of Show & Tour ...
Video: Intro to WP3D Models WordPress Plugin in 77 Seconds DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Video: Intro to WP3D Models WordPress Plugin | Video courtesy of WP3D Models YouTube Channel | 4 November 2020 Hi All, Above is a short intro to WP3D Models WordPress Plugin video. We Get Around Network Forum Members save 10 percent on WP3D Models WordPress Plugin with the WGAN Discount Code. Plus, when you use the WGAN Discount Code to buy WP3D Models, you also receive the 1st 12 months...
CAPTUR3D's new OPW feature for Insurance, AEC and Facilities Management AlexHitchcock 1 5 yearsAlexHitchcock (451): Hi everyone! CAPTUR3D recently released a One Page Website feature which allows your colleagues, clients or contractors to collaborate on your One Page Websites by submitting reports. Anyone physically or digitally assessing a property can add their personal information, a message and upload attachments directly onto the One Page Website. Check out an example here:...
WP3D Models Developer Ross Peterson Adds Partners to Grow Development DanSmigrod 4 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Screen Grab 1 | Select Model Base Screen Grab 2 | Paste iGUIDE iFrame Embed code into the code block for Generic iFrame Embed @ToddsFotos You can use WP3D Model WordPress Plugin with any 3D/360...
CAPTUR3D launches new One Page Website template builder feature AlexHitchcock 1 5 yearsAlexHitchcock (451): Hey WGAN crew! CAPTUR3D has just launched its new One Page Website Template Builder feature. You can now create multiple One Page Website layouts from scratch with various content modules (including Virtual Tours, Floor Plans, Documents, Image & Video carousels and lots more!) and save these to your CAPTUR3D account for future projects. We will be using this feature to build in additional compatibility for 360° images/video and...
Three Free Months of Show & Tour Plus Plan for WGAN Forum Members DanSmigrod 3 5 yearsSpencerLasky (413): Yes thanks very much both of you this is very helpful - look forward to using this service! Spencer
1 page website services/solutions? davem 14 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @davem The following WGAN 3rd Party Service Providers offer Single Property Websites: ✓ CAPTUR3D (@Steven_Kounnas) WGAN Forum posts: captur3d ✓ KoaWare (Alex Gustafson @KoaWare) WGAN Forum posts: koaware ✓ Rela (@mikeland) WGAN Forum posts: Rela ✓ Show & Tour (Josh Mais @sherpa_media) WGAN Forum posts: Show & Tour ✓ WP3D Models WordPress Plugin (Ross Peterson @rpetersn) WGAN Forum posts: WP3D Models Dan
WGAN-TV Training U: Show & Tour Property Websites and Project Delivery DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): [showtour][/showtour]Show & Tour player with three Matterport Tours [showtour][/showtour]Show & Tour player WGAN-TV Training U: Show & Tour Property Websites and Project Delivery (Free Course) Hi All, ✓ Seeking a Single Property Website for your Matterport (or other 3D/360 Tour)? ✓ Wondering how best to deliver your digital assets? ✓ Need...
Transcript: WGAN-TV-Show & Tour Property Websites and Project Delivery Demo DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): (Page 2) - That's awesome. That's really cool. - Yeah, so that's just, kind of a use case there. We again have the Header section. This Header section also has a Header Action button. And that's what, if I click on Preview here, that's what this top button is, you can make it basically jumped down to any section. So maybe you want it to jump down to Property Info first or the Virtual Tour. And then we have a Header Action Text. So I...
WGAN-TV Live at 5: Show & Tour Property Websites and Project Delivery Demo DanSmigrod 13 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV | Show & Tour Property Websites and Project Delivery Demo and Discussion with Kansas City-based Josh Mais, owner of Sherpa Media and Co-Founder Show & Tour. Hi All, WGAN Forum Members | Special Offer To get the first three (3) months free of Show & Tour plus, Private Message me - @DanSmigrod - for the coupon code. Or, join WGAN Forum (free) and receive 50+ WGAN Forum Membership benefits including the coupon code to...
CAPTUR3D: The all-in-one platform made specifically for Matterport users AlexHitchcock 10 5 yearsPaulo (21): @Dan Thanks for the information Dan. @AlexHitchcock sounds great. I will reach out to you soon. Thanks.
Website Development for Hosting Tours jericreson 3 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @jericreson A WGAN List of Single Property Website solutions: ✓ 3D/360 Virtual Tour Platforms and Single Property Websites for Real Estate Dan
Treedis: All in one MSP's platform - Announcement! Omertreedis 12 5 yearsNathtreedis (5): Hello We Get Around Network, Nath here, Co-founder. Nice to meet you all. We will be glad to have you on board and break matterport capabilities together. Wishing you the best in these crazy times, Waiting for you in
3D/360 Virtual Tour Platforms and Single Property Websites for Real Estate DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, Just thinking about a 3D/360 Virtual Tour platform to get started with? The list above is likely a great place to start. Plus ... ✓ WGAN List of 130+ 3D/360º Virtual Tour Hosting Platforms/Software ✓ WGAN List of 50+ 3D/360º Cameras for Virtual Tours Best, Dan
Video>19 Ways RELA Platform Makes it easier to run a Matterport Service Biz DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV RELA Booking System and Billing Platform for Matterport Pros #1247-A Summary About RELA Features with Rela CEO Mike Land Hi All, If you are using many tools to manage your business, RELA simplifies with its "Swiss Army Knife" all-in-one platform. 19 Ways RELA Platform Makes it easier to run a Matterport Service Provider Business 1. creating Single Property Websites (branded, unbranded) 2. getting paid (option to...
Video: Overview of RELA Platform for Property Websites; Booking and Billing DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV RELA Booking System and Billing Platform for Matterport Pros #1223-Intro Hi All, In this WGAN-TV Short Story (#1223, above), RELA CEO Mike Land gives an overview - and demo - of the RELA Platform: it's like a Swiss-Army Knife for: ✓ Single Property Websites (branded, un-branded) ✓ Booking (integrated to calendars) ✓ Invoicing ✓ Managing Rate Cards ✓ Managing Discount Promo Codes ✓ Content delivery (get paid to...
WGAN-TV Training U (in RELA): Free Courses DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, WGAN-TV Training U offers two free courses in using using the Swiss-Army knife-like RELA Platform: RELA Solves These Problems ✅ creating Single Property Websites (branded, unbranded) ✅ getting paid (option to release digital assets when paid in full or party) ✅ delivering digital assets in one place ✅ booking shoots ✅ reminder notifications to client and photographer (and/or 3rd party service provider such as...
WGAN Forum Members Special Pricing: RELA Property Websites/Booking Platform DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN Forum Member Benefit Of the Week --- WGAN-TV RELA Booking System and Billing Platform for Matterport Pros #1249-White Label And Pricing Features with RELA CEO Mike Land WGAN-TV RELA Booking System and Billing Platform for Matterport Pros #1250-Examples, Plans And Pricing with RELA CEO Mike Land WGAN-TV RELA Booking System and Billing Platform for Matterport Pros #1251-Outro Hi All, RELA Special Pricing for WGAN Forum...
WGAN-TV RELA Booking System with Team Calendar Sync & Getting Paid for MSPs DanSmigrod 9 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): (Continued from above) --- - So when they click on 3D walkthroughs, any of the products that you have in here, any of these product names here, you can change the title and the description and everything in here. This is purely meant for just quick organization. - So on that a la carte, you're going to get into this, but I guess the question would be, if you're doing aerial photo or aerial video and you charge by the second or you...
Show & Tour Feature Update: Now Easier to Set Up Custom Domain Names JoshMais 2 5 yearsJoshMais (392): Here is how I have personally used this feature. 1) My Show & Tour admin dashboard is set to You will notice my logo and branded background color. This will match your branding as well once you have it set up. 2) My default domain name is set to Since I am located in Kansas City and is short, easy to remember, and somewhat descriptive of my projects. Here are a few example projects I have under...
New feature! CAPTUR3D Launches Custom Analytics Reports AlexHitchcock 1 6 yearsAlexHitchcock (451): Hey WGAN crew! CAPTUR3D has just released some awesome new updates to our Analytics feature! You can now... ✅ Schedule custom, automated analytics reports to your clients ✅ Record and deliver analytics from your One Page Websites A great way to showcase ROI to clients, and maintain that all-important bridge of communication. Please drop me a pm if you have any questions or would like me to run you through a demo. Thanks! ...
WGAN-TV CAPTUR3D Training Week for Matterport Pros | 12-16 August 2019 DanSmigrod 11 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @GaryQuigg Thanks for watching and reaching out. Pricing - Charging Clients 1. CAPTUR3D One Page Websites – include in your basic service (to differentiate yourself) 2. 2D Schematic Floor Plans and Site Plans - Seems like these price points: USD $49, $149, $249, $299 3. Photo Editing – some Pros include in basic service / others charge Photo Editing Services 1. Yes. You can use CAPTUR3D solely for photo editing (without...
CAPTUR3D: a Virtual Concierge Platform for Matterport Service Providers DanSmigrod 5 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Here is the link to Add to Your Calendar, CAPTUR3D TRAINING WEEK on WGAN-TV Live at 5. One week from today! Dan
Captur3d for editing photos and single property websites? RayV 21 6 yearsEyeMazing (15): Thankx Dan. Have an EyeMazing weekend yourself! Rick
Question of the Day: Do you charge extra for a Single Property Website? DanSmigrod 4 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, This Matterport Service Provider charges $50 for a Single Property Website (with custom domain name). For those that do not charge for a Single Property Website, why not? Best, Dan
Want to use WP3D Models WordPress Plugin, but do not have WordPress (yet)? DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): I received an email today related to this topic. So, I thought I would move it to the top of the WGAN Forum. Best, Dan
Question of the Day: Got a Tip for Creating WP3D Single Property Websites? DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, The WGAN Forum Question of the Day for Monday, 29 October 2018) is: Got a Tip for Creating Single Property Websites via WP3D Models? Best, Dan
Free Use of RELA Photographer (White-Label) for 6 Months / 6 Properties DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV Video: Part 1 of 2 | Rela Single Property Websites and 1-Click Flyers Platform with RELA CEO Mike Land WGAN-TV Video: Part 2 of 2 | Rela Single Property Websites and 1-Click Flyers Platform with RELA CEO Mike Land (RELA Brochure Tool demo and discussion at 31:05 into the video) Hi All, Special Offer...
Matterport Service Provider? Essential Tool: WP3D Models WordPress Plugin DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsHome3D (4213): Anyone doing MP should be using WP3D or at least carefully examine it’s powerful benefits and consider doing so. I’ve been using WP3D for three years now and couldn’t be happier. If you want to see one customer’s use in action check out - Thank you Ross!
WP3D Models WordPress Plugin (V3.2) Includes MPEmbed Support (and More) DanSmigrod 7 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, WGAN Forum: Question of the Day: Examples of MPEmbed + Matterport? Best, Dan
Single Property Websites and 3D Animation of Unbuilt Spaces to Win Business DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, A WGAN Forum Member writes (and my reply). Best, Dan ---- Hi Dan, Trust you are good. Appreciate if you could help on how to deliver 2 projects that a client reached out to me for. 1. He needs an interactive real estate website. He has no clear idea of how to achieve this but he wants a website that is different from the conventional. I think the website of is the most interactive I have seen. Do you...
How to create a single property website using WP3D Models WordPress Plugin? fotoguy 11 7 yearsrpetersn (2013): @fotoguy - Awesome! Thanks for following up. :)
Free Use of RELA (White-Label) for 6 Months DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV Video: Part 1 of 2 | Rela Single Property Websites and 1-Click Flyers Platform with RELA CEO Mike Land WGAN-TV Video: Part 2 of 2 | Rela Single Property Websites and 1-Click Flyers Platform with RELA CEO Mike Land (RELA Brochure Tool demo and discussion at 31:05 into the video) Hi All, Special Offer...
WGAN-TV Getting Started with RELA for Pros DanSmigrod 7 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV Getting Started with Rela for Matterport Service Providers with RELA CEO Mike Land Hi All, Here (above) is the recording of today's (Tuesday, 8 May 2018) show with RELA CEO @MikeLand ... This show is a deep dive into getting started with Rela for photographers. We also covered creating brochures, flyers, post cards and social media with Rela. Best, Dan
WGAN-TV RELA Single Property Website Service DanSmigrod 10 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31629):
How to build Matterport website in Wordpress AnnekeCilliers 7 7 yearsfrstbubble (639): @Metroplex360 Does putting multiple showcases on one-page bog down load times or hog resources?
Relahq Single Websites, Anyone using? ploft 4 7 yearsMeshImages (3050): I just wanted to give Relahq a try, but they are not selling to Europe? Only USA, Canada and Australia. Maybe the WGA 14-day free trial works for European clients.
Newbie Question - Single property website Virtuality22 9 7 yearsmikeland (10): Hi @Virtuality22 - Mike from here... Rela's platform makes it easy to create single property websites for your agents. Our platform is also white-labeled, which allows you to automatically set up the domains for the property websites exactly as you described "" - You also have the option to attach a custom domain like You can give us a try for free by signing up at...
RELA Listing agent websites (Example) rzphotoman 12 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @rzphotoman Got more of your RELA examples to share? Best, Dan
RELA 14-Day Free Trial 4 WGAN Forum Members DanSmigrod 3 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, Reminder that WGAN Forum Members can get a 14-day free trial of RELA. See above for details. Best, Dan
Single Page Website abekarapenner 8 7 yearsJonJ (1760): Great info @fullpreview! Thanks for sharing.
Reshoot Content - Same Sharing Link LMTLESS 3 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @LMTLESS One of the benefits of using WP3D Models Wordpress Plugin is that you can keep the same URL - even though the Matterport 3D Tour URL changed. For example, We Get Around Atlanta typically delivers the Matterport Spaces 3D Tour the next morning to the client. That said, we may want to reprocess the model before we to MatterTags, Screen Grabs, etc. When we reprocess the Matterport 3D Tour - it does generate a new URL - but we...
sell website with matterport model? Rootsyloops 2 7 yearsKoaWare (106): Hey @rootsyloops! While we can't address the ownership of the actual MP model, we can help transfer the Property Website to a different user's account with your permission. It will remain active from the original date you purchased it, and then up to the new owner to renew or re-purchase in the future. Feel free to email us the specific site you want transferred, and the owner details and we can take it from there! Best, Kristyn
WP3D Models Wordpress Plugin-Power User Tip DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, If you are using WP3D Models to create Single Property Websites, you can now easily include a 360º photo – or 360º Tour – instead of a Matterport Spaces 3D Tour. To do this, select Model Base as ThreeSixty Tours, then insert a ThreeSixty Tours link: ✓ New! ThreeSixty Tours: 360º Hosting...
Introducing bldr By KoaWare KoaWare 2 8 yearsKoaWare (106): Check out our full press release here! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - KoaWare is excited to officially announce bldr, the most easy to use agent & broker website building platform specifically built for real estate. bldr focuses on instant customization through it’s directly editable, drag + drop platform; as opposed to rigid template based designs, and the constant back and forth between account managers, bldr provides a library...
Inman Innovator Awards KoaWare 1 8 yearsKoaWare (106): The KoaWare team is honored to be chosen as an Innovative Technology Finalist for the Inman Innovator Awards! Visit us in the Startup Alley at Inman Connect SF, where we will be showcasing upcoming product releases and new innovation. Winners will be announced at Connect!
Matterport Single Property Websites Integratedman 15 8 yearsViewing (589): @srennick I can't say too much more about it at the moment sorry.
KoaWare: Weekly Newsletters KoaWare 1 8 yearsKoaWare (106):
KoaWare Announces immoviewer Integration KoaWare 1 8 yearsKoaWare (106): Promoted Post --- Real estate pros can now integrate @immoviewer’s 3D home tour software into their KoaWare Property Website. Together, we can deliver a comprehensive solution for agents to digitally market their listing, and simplify the user experience within the digital real estate realm. Previously limited to Matterport embed codes and URLs, KoaWare has now opened the 3D field to accept preferred vendors. Users can simply copy and...
How Created: this Single Property Website DanSmigrod 7 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @justinv AWESOME! And, thank you for sharing. This is SO BIG AND IMPORTANT, it deserves its own, new discussion. Can you start a new discussion on this topic? Include examples of your .info links? Other info too? Thanks again!!! (!!!) Dan
Koaware, WP3D Models, or both? Rootsyloops 11 9 yearsKoaWare (106): Hey All! I wanted to follow up with some newly released feature updates to our bulk subscription plans! All tiers grant access to premium features, including white label (removing KoaWare branding in the footer), and our new feature, the ability to add your own custom branded footer. Simply click, type, and edit to add your own custom branding, see a quick demo here! Our bulk subscription pricing is a great option for people creating...
Tip: Scanning for 2D Schematic Floor Plans DanSmigrod 2 9 yearscraigsauer (1078): Being able to use updateable links is a HUGE benefit of the WP3D plugin. Just today I got a call from a realtor who found out that an unpermitted loft in a property I'd scanned for him was getting him in trouble with the property's HOA. I was able to delete the scan locations in the loft (from a copy of the data on the Capture App of course!), reprocess it, and paste the new matterport URL in the WP3D model page and the realtor didn't have to...