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'CMS' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Free use of PocketBuildings Professional for WGAN Standard/Premium Members DanSmigrod 3 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): PocketBuildings
WGAN-TV: WP3D Models WordPress Plugin: Demo of Calendly Integration DanSmigrod 12 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): WP3D Models WordPress Plugin: Demo of Calendly Integration and How to Upgrade WP3D Models Software with WP3D Models Head of Product Daniel Bennion (@DanielBennion) and Head of Marketing Andrew Pincock (@WP3D_AP) | Thursday, 15 April 2021 1. WP3D Models: Overview of Features/Benefits 2. Book an Appointment: Demo what the viewer sees 3. Book an Appointment: Demo back-end 4. How to do this WP3D Models...
Video: InsideMaps Edit Listing Mode (Content Management System) DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): WGAN-TV How to Shoot and Create InsideMaps 3D Tours for Free with an iPhone-#1701-How Do The Back End Settings Look Like with InsideMaps Vice President of Strategic Partnerships Gabe Knox (@InsideMaps_Gabe) and InsideMaps Chief Technology Officer Jörgen Birkler Video: InsideMaps Edit Listing Mode (Content Management System) Hi All, In this WGAN-TV Short Story (#1701, above) - InsideMaps Vice President of Strategic Partnerships...
Free Use: Show & Tour Starter Membership for WGAN Standard/Premium Members DanSmigrod 4 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Standard or Premium Member? Receive the free use of Show & Tour Starter Membership using this WGAN Order Form for Show & Tour Starter Membership Plan. For the password, Private Message @DanSmigrod
CAPTUR3D launches new One Page Website template builder feature AlexHitchcock 1 5 yearsAlexHitchcock (451): Hey WGAN crew! CAPTUR3D has just launched its new One Page Website Template Builder feature. You can now create multiple One Page Website layouts from scratch with various content modules (including Virtual Tours, Floor Plans, Documents, Image & Video carousels and lots more!) and save these to your CAPTUR3D account for future projects. We will be using this feature to build in additional compatibility for 360° images/video and...
Three Free Months of Show & Tour Plus Plan for WGAN Forum Members DanSmigrod 3 5 yearsSpencerLasky (413): Yes thanks very much both of you this is very helpful - look forward to using this service! Spencer
WGAN-TV Training U: Show & Tour Property Websites and Project Delivery DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): [showtour][/showtour]Show & Tour player with three Matterport Tours [showtour][/showtour]Show & Tour player WGAN-TV Training U: Show & Tour Property Websites and Project Delivery (Free Course) Hi All, ✓ Seeking a Single Property Website for your Matterport (or other 3D/360 Tour)? ✓ Wondering how best to deliver your digital assets? ✓ Need...
Transcript: WGAN-TV-Show & Tour Property Websites and Project Delivery Demo DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): (Page 2) - That's awesome. That's really cool. - Yeah, so that's just, kind of a use case there. We again have the Header section. This Header section also has a Header Action button. And that's what, if I click on Preview here, that's what this top button is, you can make it basically jumped down to any section. So maybe you want it to jump down to Property Info first or the Virtual Tour. And then we have a Header Action Text. So I...
Video>Summary of Pain-Points/solutions: RELA for Real Estate Photographers DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): WGAN-TV RELA Booking System and Billing Platform for Matterport Pros #1247-A Summary About RELA Features Video: RELA for Photographers Storefront Configuration Options Hi All, In this WGAN-TV Short Story (#1247, above), RELA CEO Mike Land and I summarize the pain-points/solutions for RELA for Photographers Storefront Add On configuration options, including: 1. getting paid 2. collections 3. scheduling 4. delivering digital...
Treedis: All in one MSP's platform - Announcement! Omertreedis 12 5 yearsNathtreedis (5): Hello We Get Around Network, Nath here, Co-founder. Nice to meet you all. We will be glad to have you on board and break matterport capabilities together. Wishing you the best in these crazy times, Waiting for you in
CAPTUR3D Training Videos for Matterport Service Providers DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, For a deeper dive into the CAPTUR3D platform, please see this free WGAN-TV Training U (in CAPTUR3D) course: ✓ 8A-WGAN-TV | CAPTUR3D Training for Matterport Service Providers (5+ hours of CAPTUR3D training by Steven Kounnas: the co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of PHORIA. (CAPTUR3D is a Division of PHORIA.) Dan
Tip: Scanning for 2D Schematic Floor Plans DanSmigrod 2 9 yearscraigsauer (1078): Being able to use updateable links is a HUGE benefit of the WP3D plugin. Just today I got a call from a realtor who found out that an unpermitted loft in a property I'd scanned for him was getting him in trouble with the property's HOA. I was able to delete the scan locations in the loft (from a copy of the data on the Capture App of course!), reprocess it, and paste the new matterport URL in the WP3D model page and the realtor didn't have to...
Matterport API and Software Development Kit DanSmigrod 19 10 yearsal9901 (61): Add to that replacing 360 photos with your own stitched photos. One or two avid amateur photographers thought the HDR photos were lacking. If you could take the photos with an SLR, with the features of MP, it would be miles ahead of any other tour technology.
Publishing 3D's Content Management System DanSmigrod 9 10 yearsrpetersn (2013): Thank you for the kind words Dan...much appreciated! For anyone who's following along, I'd love to hear your ideas for future features that would make WP3D Models more valuable for you! Cheers!
AD-Content Management System (CMS) Solutions DanSmigrod 10 10 yearsrpetersn (2013): Hi all... Just wanted to circle back here and leave a quick note. We launched the WP3D Models WordPress Plugin for sale earlier this week. There are just a few lifetime licenses still available and I wanted to be sure that I put the word out here on this "CMS specific" thread. Special thanks to @DanSmigrod and others here on the Forum for all of your support! I'm excited to be a part of this with all of you. Thx...Ross
MP vs Google Business View CKC 9 10 yearsJamieSher (200): Hi Todd, Thanks for the kind words! Glad you like the films. I've been making these for a little under a year now so it's been a bit of time to get the techniques down. Always getting better at making them but each place and space is different and it's cool to see how they turn out. The other good thing is that people from anywhere in the world can just email them to me and they can be produced, packaged and sent back. Oh how good the...
Turn-key Model Site Tim 8 10 yearsMat (22): Both of these are a great option. Makes it very easy and user friendly. Great work. Good to see that you are both sharing your knowledge of this.