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Matterport Cloud Restore is Here!17920

Hopscotch private msg quote post Address this user
Hey Everyone, I discovered that Matterport Cloud Restore is working and I was able to use it on a Classic Plan, New Plan, and from Models shot with both Pro1 and Pro2 cameras, so I would go so far as to say this is a universal Matterport Cloud Feature and Upgrade, and that is pretty awesome!

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Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
funny I just mentioned it in another thread in terms how it helps to have an iPad with smaller storage capacity. It is a very good addition to the whole system. I have not tried it yet but glad to see it works.
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Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
wow, it is actually a cross platform... I just recovered a job to my Ipad that was done on Android phone using 360 import in beta Android version. I cannot say if I can add anything to it but it has been downloaded to my Ipad, I can open it and see a minimap and a preview of 360s used.

That can make moving jobs between IOS and Android very easy. As far as I know it was not possible before at all.
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Matterport Cloud Restore is a big deal.

Thank you for being the first to report on this major new Matterport feature.

And, thank you for the detailed video that you created on Matterport Cloud Restore.

I anticipate that Matterport will officially announced this feature on Monday (12 December 2022) or Tuesday in a Matterport Blog post.

Here is the Matterport Cloud Restore link that you reference in your video:

Restore, View, and Edit Models on the Matterport App

(As I write this, Matterport notes that they last updated this link on 6 December 2022 at 9:39 pm PT)

Happy holidays,


P.S. Thank you for being my guest yesterday (8 December 2022) on WGAN-TV Live at 5:

WGAN-TV 10 Use-Cases: Matterport Pro3 Camera to Help MSPs Make More Money

Transcript (Emily's video above)

Emily Olman: Hi guys. It's Emily from Hopscotch Interactive. I'm coming to you here with what I think is breaking news for Matterport users. As soon as I discovered this, I wanted to share it.

If you have already used this and had already discovered this, then please add some notes in the comments because I was talking to my friend and fellow Matterport nerd Dan Smigrod earlier today, he picked up on something that I had mentioned in the call, which was that I had used Cloud restore to actually import a model onto my iPad and then keep going with the scan.

Emily Olman: I mentioned it casually because it was something that I had Googled a couple of days ago on December 6th when I was about to go out and do a scan, but I needed to transfer one model to another iPad so that I could have a photography assistant come with me and we can split up and tackle our commercial space together, going to different floors, but we wanted to have the same 360s from a previous shoot.

I just searched just to refresh my memory on the best way to do it. Things change often. What I got was I was led to a link on the Matterport website that surprised me because it was talking about restoring a model from the Cloud and from your account in the app.

This was something I had never seen before and I either totally missed it or this is a new announcement that they are going to make and just haven't quite done it yet.

But this is, I would say, huge news for anybody that uses Matterport and anybody that is involved in sharing spaces between teammates or even contractors or anyone else. This is a major game changer and a major upgrade and also the quelling of a pain point that really affects all of us.

What I'm going to share with you is this news that Matterport Cloud restore is here. They have now launched this on the app, which means anybody who has a Matterport account can go on and they will see two things. They'll see their jobs and their spaces. If they go into spaces, they can actually click and drill down into that menu and then restore right from there.

Emily Olman: Let's see here. Here is the part that I'm talking about. This is what I found online. If you go to this, it is going to be in the notes. You can check out this post and you can see that it was actually last updated on December 6th. It just turns out that it was by coincidence that I was also looking for this content at the exact same time that it was updated on the website.

Again, I don't know if this was a partial release, maybe in September, and they didn't completely rule it out, but now this seems to be working perfectly. I'm just going to walk you through what I did to restore a space on my iPad. Now, this is an example, let me see if I can pause this, where I'm doing it from an existing scan.

Let's just back up just a second here. I'm going to go back and start it from the beginning. You can see here that if you look at the bottom, you can see that there are jobs and there are spaces. I recorded this from my iPhone just to make sure that there wasn't something that I was missing because maybe one of the models that I wanted to import was already on my iPad.

But actually, this is a scan you can see from 2016, which means that if this is 2016, not only was this in my classic account, number 1, I didn't have the new plan or the new pricing plan until 2019. This was a Pro1 model. This was shot with a Pro1 all the way back in 2016. I shot this scan in Germany. This was not done on my iPhone. This was not done on anything recent or current at all. You can see, and we're just going to watch the video here and you can get a sense of what is going on as I restore this and in this case, my phone. Let's take a look. There we see restore job data. I click Restore job data.

It loads the space. Then I can see that in fact, this is the model that I want to bring back. It wasn't archived, which means that I was able to click into it from the app. If it had been archived and I looked and I checked if if it had been archived, I would need to unarchive it, I would need to reactivate and then I could actually from there then start this import process.

The import process, this is a scan of actually what was an outdoor space and I uploaded it a long time ago. I do not think that I have the raw data anymore on an iPad. This is huge because it means that if you've uploaded data from the app into the Matterport Cloud Classic plan and I'm assuming new plan as well because I did it from new plan from a client before I went into the field on Tuesday.

This is going to be a huge game changer for you if you need to just store stuff, you need to free up space on your tablet or on whichever device you're using. It also means that thankfully, Matterport did something that we can all be happy about, which is that they are not putting up a paywall for this access back to our own contents, so that raw data is being restored.

There have been so many workarounds done over the years from side-loading an eye explorer and eye-mazing. It was an extremely cumbersome process when we were trying to restore data from existing scans over the past few years. But now this seems to actually resolve all of that.

I'm really excited to see what Matterport is going to say about this if they have a press release, which they should have. Again, I don't know, maybe I missed it, but it's a little bit, this is too big of news for anybody to just simply miss.

I feel I would have seen it in the forums, just exploding as people checked this out. Now you can see I'm scrolling back onto my phone and, that is the space. It took a little bit more time for this space to actually update the scans, which is this process, I think, of reading the data and calibrating it before you're able to access it again. What excited me about this beyond the fact that now I can get access to scans from the past, but this scan in particular look,

I was hacking this because I wanted to create a, this is a 3D model I shot in Germany of a memorial actually to the Kindertransport and to the children that were transported during the Nazi era to concentration camps. This is in Levetzowstrasse in Berlin.

Now if I were to in fact go back with the Pro3 camera, I could theoretically add to the scan if I'm able to bring it back in and then have it on my new device and then connect to the Pro3 camera, which is a pity because I was just in Berlin last week and what I didn't have my Pro3 with me, but I would have been happy to have actually attempted this because I think it would have proven that we are able now to modify scans, bring them back, seems from classics, seems from a new plan, seems you can get as long as you have the login and you can get into all of the spaces, you're able to do this. Now, I think that if you delete the app and you haven't uploaded the space, you will still lose your data. Make sure you always upload everything.

Then even if you archive it, you can bring it back. But this should be a huge relief for every single Matterport user out there. I feel the vision for the Matterport cloud is absolutely coming forward in this new release and I'm so excited about it. I want to give Matterport just a huge thumbs up for doing this.

I feel we are all definitely reliant on Matterport and the team and the tech team there to keep pushing features to us that make our jobs easier and will help us scale and this is certainly a major game changer. Good job. Thumbs up. I hope you enjoyed this video. If you liked it, please subscribe. This is certainly breaking news for me, and I hope it was breaking news for you and I hope that it helps you on your scan today or at some future point with your work.

Thanks so much and I hope to see you again soon.
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johnwheatley private msg quote post Address this user

Well! This is big news, indeed!! Thank you for the details. But the even bigger news (for me, at this moment, anyway)is something that I think I heard you say in your video, kind of inadvertently, but I don't quite believe what I think I heard. Are you saying that two (or more) people can scan the same model at the same time using more than one camera, logged into the same model at the same time!? Is that what I heard!? So, I can bring an employee with me on a big project and cut the job in half!? This blows me away. Can you link me to a video about this?
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