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WOW!!! Email Chat Between Matterport and Matterport Pro3 Camera Purchaser17474

WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
WOW!!! Email Chat Between Matterport and Matterport Pro3 Camera Purchaser

Hi All,

Are you sitting down?


This is an insightful email between Matterport and a long-time Matterport customer about his Matterport Pro3 Camera purchase directly from Matterport (and subsequently canceled and purchased from Amazon).

I received permission from Mark Jackson to publish his email chat with Matterport about his Matterport Pro3 Order: including leaving in his name/contact info.

I choose to redacted (red) the names of the Matterport employees, the order number and Matterport reference number for the discussion.

1. I recommend reading from the bottom up
2. Appears that Amazon orders are being fulfilled before Matterport direct orders
3. Matterport did not answer the question: Which ships faster: Amazon or Matterport direct orders?
4. Request to cancel Matterport direct order resulted in

We don't want you to cancel your order, for this reason, so I reached out to the Fulfillment team to see if we can push your order to the top of the list to receive one of the Pro 3 when we receive a new delivery by the end of the month. Is this something that will work for you or would you still like to cancel?

5. Request for refund be processed as quickly as Pro3 order was charged. [It appears that Matterport charges the credit card immediately for a Matterport Pro3 Camera order rather than changing when the Pro3 is shipped which is how Amazon and Adorama handled back-ordered/pre-shipping order.]

6. Customer received Amazon shipping notice that Matterport Pro3 Camera will arrive Monday, 19 September 2022.

7. Note reference to Matterport Classic Pricing (long time Matterport customer) not being honored by Matterport for Matterport digital twins shot with the Matterport Pro3 Camera.

What are your thoughts?


Post 1 IP   flag post
Osaka, Japan
Meidansha private msg quote post Address this user

In Japan this is taken very seriously. A date on delivery of an order is considered "time action". That means if an order cannot be fufilled by the due date (in this case mid September should mean 15th) then the buyer can refuse payment (even if it could be potentially fufilled after). The buyer must agree to have it delivered by said date in order for this to take place.

That is why Amazon in Japan encourages us to choose "as soon as possible" to avoid issues.
Post 2 IP   flag post
Bon Secour, Alabama
Chemistrydoc private msg quote post Address this user
I think Matterport doesn’t give a tinker’s dam about long term folks like us.
Post 3 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Meidansha

In Japan this is taken very seriously. A date on delivery of an order is considered "time action". That means if an order cannot be fufilled by the due date (in this case mid September should mean 15th) then the buyer can refuse payment (even if it could be potentially fufilled after). The buyer must agree to have it delivered by said date in order for this to take place.

That is why Amazon in Japan encourages us to choose "as soon as possible" to avoid issues.

Yes. I believe similar in the United States ...

From my post: Matterport Pro3 Camera Shipments Begin in "early October 2022"

Originally Posted by DanSmigrod
Plus, it looks like Matterport is not following best practices - like Amazon and Adorama - of charging a credit card once the camera ships. Instead, Matterport appears to be charging credit cards when it receives the order. In the same WGAN Forum discussion (above) was this comment:

Originally Posted by @GamelLarry
Has anyone gotten estimates on ship times for the Pro3?
I ordered mine on the 30th and the charges have hit my account.

Ten thousand eyes were on him as he rubbed his hands with dirt;
Five thousand tongues applauded when he wiped them on his shirt;
Then while the writhing pitcher ground the ball into his hip,
Defiance flashed in Casey's eye, a sneer curled Casey's lip.

I called and the rep stated 5-7 weeks. Has anyone else been told this?

My understanding from a quick read of the Federal Trade Commissions Website, if a merchant charges a credit card and does not deliver the product within 30 days, the cardholder needs to be notified and given a choice of cancelling the order or continuing to receive the order.

While I could imagine everyone will keep the order, it still means that Matterport has created yet another Matterport Kerfuffle for its customers and itself.


Post 4 IP   flag post
Virtual_Homey private msg quote post Address this user
My only thought is that emails shouldn't be shared on a public forum.
Post 5 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Virtual_Homey
My only thought is that emails shouldn't be shared on a public forum.


Post 6 IP   flag post
Virtual_Homey private msg quote post Address this user
Consent from both parties.
Post 7 IP   flag post
GamelLarry private msg quote post Address this user
I've just reached out to them as well with the same issue.. They stated they will escalate my case and respond by email.
Post 8 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GamelLarry
We don't want you to cancel your order, for this reason, so I reached out to the Fulfillment team to see if we can push your order to the top of the list to receive one of the Pro 3 when we receive a new delivery by the end of the month. Is this something that will work for you or would you still like to cancel?

Please let us know if you get to jump the queue:

We don't want you to cancel your order, for this reason, so I reached out to the Fulfillment team to see if we can push your order to the top of the list to receive one of the Pro 3 when we receive a new delivery by the end of the month. Is this something that will work for you or would you still like to cancel?
Post 9 IP   flag post
Osaka, Japan
Meidansha private msg quote post Address this user
@Virtual_Homey I believe a certain amount of review is necessary as the company consists of a relatively small number of people as employees and relies on a large number of people who invest as what are essentially franchisees.

The Management as such tends to move in from other companies without an understanding of what took place before their current postings.

We as photogarphers and as stakeholders together have a unique opportunity shape the direction of this company as they are more dependent on us to fill their regular income than the potential large clients they would hope to obtain judging from their current advertising.

These large clients do fufill one important role; to lend credibility to their platform and credibility only as the pricing structure does not benefit Matterport, and further any large company would save money by getting a regular photographer to scan their facilities directly rather than through Cap. Serv. from a view point of regularity and regular human relationships that exist between businesses.

To support that claim, the majority of their income must come from regular photographers. With big business only holding one account per business there is a limit to how much they can make from the model Matterport wishes us to believe it is persuing. Even if Matterport Cap. Serv. gained them some income from the small margins on Cap. Serv. it would be negligable compared with the $99+ we all pay per month just to be a part of this.

I am happy to voice my concerns here, on this forum, as this forum is meant for us, Matterport's principal stake holders. On otherwise known public SNS (such as Facebook etc) I am all compliments for "the business" (see the terms of use foe a definition).

However eventually Matterport's competition will arrive. When that happens I do not imagine the current management will be willing to wait long to make the platform free with the small cost of a royalty for those platforms willing to adopt the Matterport standard as their base. I mean a simple cost for downloads to a server of our choice taking the place of the royalty we used to pay on the price of a blank video to JVC. You only have to look at the history of VHS or CD etc to see this. When that happens we will be the early pioneers of this industry.

I believe in Matterport, or rather I believe they will come through for us in the end. That's why I do this.
Post 10 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @Virtual_Homey
My only thought is that emails shouldn't be shared on a public forum.

Originally Posted by Virtual_Homey
Consent from both parties.


We may need to respectively disagree with each other.

Post 11 IP   flag post
Virtual_Homey private msg quote post Address this user
It's gossip.
Post 12 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

I decided to publish the email exchange - with the permission of the Matterport customer - because the email exchange provides a ton of insight for those that have purchased - or are planning to purchase - a Matterport Pro3 Camera.


Originally Posted by DanSmigrod
Appears that Amazon orders are being fulfilled before Matterport direct orders
3. Matterport did not answer the question: Which ships faster: Amazon or Matterport direct orders?
4. Request to cancel Matterport direct order resulted in

We don't want you to cancel your order, for this reason, so I reached out to the Fulfillment team to see if we can push your order to the top of the list to receive one of the Pro 3 when we receive a new delivery by the end of the month. Is this something that will work for you or would you still like to cancel?

5. Request for refund be processed as quickly as Pro3 order was charged. [It appears that Matterport charges the credit card immediately for a Matterport Pro3 Camera order rather than changing when the Pro3 is shipped which is how Amazon and Adorama handled back-ordered/pre-shipping order.]

6. Customer received Amazon shipping notice that Matterport Pro3 Camera will arrive Monday, 19 September 2022.

7. Note reference to Matterport Classic Pricing (long time Matterport customer) not being honored by Matterport for Matterport digital twins shot with the Matterport Pro3 Camera.

Respectively, the right to be informed out ways any other reason for not publishing it. I choose to redact the names of the Matterport employees because I could imagine that they are just doing their job by following the instructions of Matterport management.

Post 13 IP   flag post
Virtual_Homey private msg quote post Address this user
I understand you need content for WGAN but this begins with three exclamation marks. It is being packaged as gossip and if you do understand it is the job of the employee then the topic is less than a "WOW!!!" factor.

Please remove me from the emails, they are far too frequent and of little use.

Thank you for your time and understanding.
Post 14 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Okay if you use this link to change your WGAN Forum email notification preferences?

How to change WGAN Forum Email Notifications (in Settings)


Post 15 IP   flag post
ittam private msg quote post Address this user
Let's not forget Matterport's acquisition of VHT. Likely their priority is to get the new cameras in the hands of VHT photographers first. Since VHT covers much of the country, they no longer need us we are just a nuisance to them.
Post 16 IP   flag post
michaelr private msg quote post Address this user
seems like from everything going on that Matterport customer care is getting even worse, and im with Dan that as Virtual photographers we need to know what is going, that's one of the reasons of this forum to help us make better informed business decisions,
Post 17 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

As I noted in this WGAN Forum discussion:

Matterport Pro3 Camera Shipments Begin in "early October 2022"

P.S. It would be nice if Matterport was transparent about "what happened" that is delaying shipment (just days after its announcement). Is it a delay from its manufacturer in Taiwan? Due diligence for the regulators taking longer than expected? Or, shipping to a select list of customers (that makes it true that shipping was "early September" for some, but not for the vast majority of orders.


Matterport missed an opportunity to manage expectations about "what happened" and now "what will happen" about shipping. Thus, this WGAN Forum discussion.
Post 18 IP   flag post
GamelLarry private msg quote post Address this user
So far all I've received is a canned response with little to no information. I guess I should have ordered through Amazon instead.
Post 19 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GamelLarry
So far all I've received is a canned response with little to no information. I guess I should have ordered through Amazon instead.

My impression from reading the email exchange between Mark Jackson and Matterport (above) and the two screen grabs (below) sent to me by Mark Jackson, whether you order from Matterport or Amazon, Matterport still ships the cameras and from its Sunnyvale, CA office. It appears that Matterport is giving priority to Amazon orders for shipping (even though it is charging the credit cards of direct orders immediately).

For clarification, in the email exchange above, the Matterport rep tries to switch Mark back to ordering from Matterport the potential of receiving the order by the end of September.

We don't want you to cancel your order, for this reason, so I reached out to the Fulfillment team to see if we can push your order to the top of the list to receive one of the Pro 3 when we receive a new delivery by the end of the month [September]. Is this something that will work for you or would you still like to cancel?

I could imagine that Matterport makes more money on orders that go directly to Matterport versus orders than come through the Amazon channel.

Amazon shipping labels courtesy of Mark Jackson. Note that the Amazon shipping originals in Sunnyvale, CA where Matterport is located
Post 20 IP   flag post
RealtyMediaMx private msg quote post Address this user

noun: gossip
casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true.

Definitely NOT gossip.

This the place made for opinion exchange as professionals, this is a business for us and we need to be informed and united, Matterport (a public company) has history of not being a fair provider and Dan is giving us great information while keeping the right amount of disclosure.

@DanSmigrod Thanks and Keep the great labor you are doing.

Post 21 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by RealtyMediaMx
@DanSmigrod Thanks and Keep the great labor you are doing.


Thanks Nick! Doing my best to provide a platform for giving/getting help to help the Community succeed faster.

Originally Posted by RealtyMediaMx
noun: gossip
casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true.

Definitely NOT gossip.

And, thanks for adding clarity.

Yes. The email chat (above) is a professional conversation between vendor-client that provides insight on many topics that the community is interested in.

It goes without saying that Matterport should be coaching its employees that everything they write needs to be professional, accurate and be sensitive to that it may show up in in the WGAN Forum: a community that 20,000 members/guests read to help make decisions.


Post 22 IP   flag post
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