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.objMarketingNewObject File

VirtualSite for AEC | OBJ-->PTS/FBX/3DS/More1581

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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
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Matterport Meets Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC)

The Object File (.obj) captured by the Matterport Pro 3D Camera may be more valuable to Matterport Photographers than creating Matterport Spaces for real estate agents.

I have been testing a beta version of a powerful, new platform (beta) that adds huge value to the Matterport ecosystem. Plus, we have added We Get Around Spaces to the platform to help demo its features.

With the VirtualSite Platform for Matterport Users (Beta) – created by Perth-based Veriscian – you don't need to be a CAD expert to offer top service to your clients in the AEC industry. VirtualSite enables Matterport Pros to easily convert the Matterport Object File to commonly used CAD formats (.pts | .fbx | .3DS for SketchUp).

The VirtualSite platform has been developed with the goal of making Matterport technology as valuable to the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry as it has been for real estate.

"Following the overwhelming positive response from local industry, the platform has now been opened up to the wider Matterport community to allow other users to expand their service offering and grow their business," says Veriscian Business Development Executive - and MUG Forum Member – @JoshReadhead.

(On 7 October 2015, Josh wrote this related guest We Get Around blog post, Photographers: How to Convert a Matterport Object File (.OBJ) to a Point Cloud (.PTS) for CAD 3D Modeling)
The VirtualSite platform provides all of the necessary post scan processing and interactive tools to make your Matterport service offering stand-out to prospective clients.
You don't need to be a CAD expert to offer top service to your clients in the AEC industry.
Features Include

✓ Automatic conversion of Matterport scans to point cloud; FBX and 3DS
✓ Interactive smart measure tools
✓ Explore 3D Matterport spaces (now with Mattertags™)
✓ Overlay multiple Matterport scans on Google Maps (New)
✓ Manage, share and explore multiple MP scans via dedicated project site
✓ Available in a range of flexible pricing options

Getting Started

More Info
Support Docs 

If you you have friend, colleagues and clients that are architects, engineers and in construction, show them this post, ask them to try the VirtualSite platform and this will open doors for your scanning services (because of the value of the Objective File that can be converted to high-value file formats).

If you have been giving away the Object File for free: stop. It's an incredibly valuable tool that has tremendous value in the AEC space.

Plus, I could imagine that this is just the beginning of value-creation from the Object File: both from Veriscian and other companies in and related to the Matterport eco-system.

What are your thoughts about the VirtualSite platform and its potential for your Matterport service provider business?



By the way, some helpful screen-grabs and text from the VirtualSite platform website ...

Image Above: Automatic conversion of Matterport scans to point cloud | Automated workflows convert your Matterport scan to commonly used CAD formats available for secure download by users (i.e. PTS, OBJ, FBX, 3DS for SketchUp)

Image Above: Smart measure tools via the interactive viewer | Measure distance, perimeter and area via the interactive floor plan and reflected ceiling plan viewer. Measuring tools intelligently snap to feature points.

Image Above: Overlay multiple Matterport scans on Google Maps | Overlay multiple scans on Google Maps satellite view allowing users to navigate scans intuitively as a single project site.

Users only see their own content. Scan content is kept separate from Google Maps and only overlayed within the context of the site. This means any content can be kept secure within the project team and not freely accessible to the public.

Image Above: Manage, share and explore multiple Matterport scans within a dedicated project site | Securely share access with your client or project team. Incrementally add more Matterport scans to your site as the project progresses. Manage your clients easily with separate dedicated sites for each project.


If you do not need full VirtualSite platform access, Veriscian continues to offer a range of Matterport scan to CAD file conversions via its cloud services:

Convert Matterport scan to point cloud
| $3.99

Convert Matterport scan to PDF floorplans: feature snap points| $7.99

Convert Matterport scan to 3DS Max File | $3.99
Post 1 IP   flag post
smcclell private msg quote post Address this user
The demo is very impressive, I especially like the map integration.

Veriscan continues to push the boundaries and think outside the box!

EDIT* Could someone clarify the difference in the pricing of a hosted scan and an included's not clicking for me. cheers
Post 2 IP   flag post
iGor private msg quote post Address this user
The idea is very cool, but it is not clear payment. You can get a more detailed explanation for understanding.

Post 3 IP   flag post
smcclell private msg quote post Address this user
So included scans are the ones on the map and the hosted ones are the ones to the side on the demo?
Post 4 IP   flag post
Saint Louis, MO
Invelop private msg quote post Address this user
Dan, thanks for posting. I was kinda hoping this would be limited to the full-time MSPs, but alas. We have used this service several times for commercial applications and are satisfied with the results. We are looking forward to expanding our relationship.
Post 5 IP   flag post
JoshReadhead private msg quote post Address this user
Hi @smcclell - thanks for the kind words about Veriscian.

I can appreciate the confusion about pricing, hopefully I can clarify a little.

Our pricing is setup similarly to Matterport with a monthly subscription cost, and once-off processing fee for adding scans (this processing includes all of the necessary conversions to point cloud/CAD formats/rendering/etc)

The processing fee for adding a Matterport scan to your site is a flat USD$10 across all plans, however each plan has a different number of "included" scans where no processing fee is incurred. The "hosted" number by comparison refers to the total number of scans that can be held in a single site.

As an example; say you purchase a Project Plan for USD30/month - this will allow you to add 5 Matterport scans to your site for no additional fee. Then if required, you can add more scans to your site at a cost of USD10 per scan up to a maximum of 10.

I appreciate the documentation is a little sparse at the moment but we are working hard to fix that with more supporting content.

Best Regards
Post 6 IP   flag post
JoshReadhead private msg quote post Address this user
Hi @iGor - hopefully my above post helps to clarify some of your questions also. If you are chasing a bit more info on the mechanics of setting up a new site, this guide should hopefully provide some guidance also -

Best Regards
Post 7 IP   flag post
smcclell private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks Josh, got it now
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