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Zillow 3D home tour shooters13695

CLUB Member
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
lilnitsch private msg quote post Address this user
I've joined their beta program & the current beta is also experiencing these issues. The iPad mini 4 running the current iOS completely locks up it will not even let you capture an image.

You can kinda work around this currently but, it isn't an elegant fix. If a image hangs X out of that image delete it - quit the Zillow 3D home tour App and re-launch the app then re-capture the last room (sometimes this is each room) this will at least get you through a home I only ask that you submit a "Request help" form from the settings tab prior to completing the tour this sends the app log to their dev team also add a note of any other issues you may have encountered while shooting.

Happy Wednesday!

Many of our photographers are having an issue with their Ricoh Theta communicating with the iOS Zillow 3D Home app since updating their iOS device to the latest version of iOS 14. If you aren’t yet experiencing this issue, please refrain from updating the iOS version on your iOS devices until our developers release a fix to the Zillow 3D Home app. Our developers are currently working full-time on this fix; If you are experiencing this issue today, please let me know and I will keep you informed on all updates.

In the meantime, if your team has any Android devices you can now download the Zillow 3D Home app on Android; The Android app can connect to the Theta 360 cameras just like the iOS app 😊I hope this information helps! And I’m so sorry for this current issue with iOS 14!

Post 1 IP   flag post
thephilm private msg quote post Address this user
A little too late right?

I shot a house yesterday and found that if I turned off my timer it worked a little better. It was a shame that it took longer to shoot the 360s than it did my regular photos.
Post 2 IP   flag post
CLUB Member
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
lilnitsch private msg quote post Address this user

with luck it will be sorted out in short order
Post 3 IP   flag post
CLUB Member
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
lilnitsch private msg quote post Address this user
I just jacked (borrowed) my brothers old iPhone 7 Plus

I plugged it in and saw that it was running iOS 13.6 so, I'll do a dry run on a Zillow tour tomorrow ~ I suspect this will run smoothly
Post 4 IP   flag post
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Gilroy, California
Dataventurer private msg quote post Address this user
@lilnitsch Hey, nice to hear from you that the Android app is now available! I hadn't heard that. I just upgraded my Android phone this week to a Samsung S20 FE. I downloaded the app and it looks to be working.

I had bought an iPad Air 2 just to run the Zillow 3D app, it was $100, cheaper than buying an old iPhone. Maybe I can sell the iPad now since that was the only thing I used it for (not an Apple user ever...)

Thanks for your post! You inadvertently just helped me cut down my equipment kit!
Post 5 IP   flag post
CLUB Member
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
lilnitsch private msg quote post Address this user

Pay close attention to the exposure ~ I have an older android phone that I tried it out on and several of the photos were really underexposed ~ the play store reviews were stating similar issues but, this could be device dependent
Post 6 IP   flag post
Virginia Beach, Virginia
carloscardo private msg quote post Address this user
I had the same issues, went to bestbuy they had the mini 5 for $299 and that solved my problem my first small condo in about 15 min. Now with one done that same condo should take about 10 min. As soon as I take pix it tells me to go to the camera for the next shot. It was that fast. Now they come out with Android (of course I have an android phone)??? Boy, can't just win in this game... I can hear it in the back room "ok boys, new rules" At least I got a new mini.
Post 7 IP   flag post
CLUB Member
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
lilnitsch private msg quote post Address this user

Which iOS is your Mini 5 running?

If it's running a version of 13.x.x hold of on updating the OS for a bit
Post 8 IP   flag post
richardbollands private msg quote post Address this user
Hi guys is Zillow only for the US market, it wont let me downloaded it here in the UK:/
Post 9 IP   flag post
CLUB Member
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
lilnitsch private msg quote post Address this user

Yes, US & Canadian markets only. It’s a real estate portal that happens to have its own tour platform
Post 10 IP   flag post
Virginia Beach, Virginia
carloscardo private msg quote post Address this user
I have the latest version on the Mini 5 same thing as the Mini 4. It is just that the Mini 4 won't handle it.
Sure, it could be a glitch, but it really feels a lot like when you do a system update on a device and it runs really slow after that. The standard answer in the past from Microsoft/ios/computers/phone (androids)/Operating software designers is:
"It is is a by-product of the new services/threads/processes running that the older processor/hardware configuration cannot handle. It is that and NOT that we are purposely making your older systems obsolete and you need to buy newer ones."
I read that the mini 4 is basically a 2012 design ( and the mini 5 is a much improved 2018 new chip design { Apple A12 Bionic vs. Apple A8 - Benchmark and Specs clickable text ).
Post 11 IP   flag post
CLUB Member
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
lilnitsch private msg quote post Address this user

Understood, but, my iPad Pro's or iPhone 11 Pro Max also have some issues with regards to the Zillow App when running iOS or iPadOS 14 or above

I was curious if your Mini 5 might still be running a version of iPadOS 13
Post 12 IP   flag post
Virginia Beach, Virginia
carloscardo private msg quote post Address this user
I am running ipad0s 14.2, I'll let you know when I do my next scan hopefully later today.
Post 13 IP   flag post
CLUB Member
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
lilnitsch private msg quote post Address this user

Sounds good ~ should it hang at image transfer it is still possible to bully your way through a tour by X ing out of the hanging image/Room then delete the incomplete image Quit the app then re-shoot that room ~ sometimes this will let you shoot several rooms other times it may be rinse & repeat for each room.

With iOS 14 I typically get 3-4 rooms in before image transfer issues
Post 14 IP   flag post
CLUB Member
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
lilnitsch private msg quote post Address this user
So, I am in the Beta program with Zillow and the latest build that dropped this morning seems to be working well on my iPhone 11 Pro Max running iOS 14.2 I was able to scan 18 consecutive rooms with no issues.

The iPad mini 4 running iPad OS 14.2 however still hangs at the first preview screen
Post 15 IP   flag post
CLUB Member
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
lilnitsch private msg quote post Address this user
I have had quite a bit of back and forth with the Zillow Dev team today ~ With the last beta build it seems to be working well on all but, the iPad mini 4 running iPadOS 14.x.x ~ though, I have had some hit and miss results getting it to work with an older build so, I documented this and they believe they might have a fix for it as well

the iPad mini 4 is on the ragged edge of supported devices as it's really limited with only 2GB or Ram
Post 16 IP   flag post
CLUB Member
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
lilnitsch private msg quote post Address this user
Great news! Our team has fixed the issue that was causing the app to freeze when connected to a Ricoh Theta camera! You can now Update the Zillow 3D Home app to version 14.6 in the App Store. Here’s a link to the App Store so that you can update immediately: It may take a few hours for the App Store to show version 14.6 in all regions, so if you don’t see the option to Update to 14.6 right away, please check back every hour today.

We appreciate everyone’s patience while our team worked tirelessly to locate the root cause of this issue and release a fix! I am so sorry for the frustration and inconvenience this error caused you before it way fixed. Please note that the best way to report errors and bugs to our team is to click Settings, then Request Help inside the app. This will attach a log file to your email containing any error codes that your app has experienced during the current app session, which our developers can then look at and see what’s going on!

Keep up the great work everyone and let me know if you have any questions!
Post 17 IP   flag post
CLUB Member
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
lilnitsch private msg quote post Address this user
The iPad min 4 is still experiencing some issues and lag.

I found for some reason it worked a little better in the portrait orientation ~ Load time for preview was really long seemed like a minute or two for each room (pano) Zillow's Dev team is still working on a fix for this device
Post 18 IP   flag post
Expertise private msg quote post Address this user
My experience: we gave up on the Zillow3D product very quickly. I found it clunky, glitchy and low quality. I assume someday they will roll out something decent. Maybe.

I'd rather do Matterports with the Ricoh and sell em cheap, them mess with Zillow.
Post 19 IP   flag post
CLUB Member
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
lilnitsch private msg quote post Address this user

I shoot Matterport w/Pro2’s and Zillow 3D home tours with the Z1

All my improved property shoots get at least a Zillow 3D home tour in addition to professional stills

When the app is working as it should an average sized home can be knocked out in 10-15 minutes tops
Post 20 IP   flag post
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