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'Zillow 3D Home' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Nathan Cool Video>The BEST Cameras and Apps for Floor Plans & Virtual Tours DanSmigrod 7 1 monthScanYourSpace (867): @Fathom3D I see the comment is still on the youtube video :) I wouldn't call him oblivious.. but there are efficient ways to scan and they differ between Matterport and iGuide. what you do for one is not what you'd do for the other. I noticed his iguide example had a lot fewer scans that i'd typically do.
16 Virtual Tour Examples of the Same House (Different Platforms or Cameras) DanSmigrod 3 2 monthsDanSmigrod (31629): - Examples of some "buy the camera now" feature showing annotations with a link. Not all the features have been implemented, but it gives you, there's a path to follow to get to a destination. And, there's the route, some tools, info. I just wanted to show that because you actually shot the house today with the REALSEE 3D Galois LiDAR Camera. And unfortunately the camera was supposed to arrive on Friday of last week. It arrived...
WGAN-TV Podcast: REALTOR Brandon Doyle Compares 16 Virtual Tours DanSmigrod 3 2 monthsDanSmigrod (31629): - Examples of some "buy the camera now" feature showing annotations with a link. Not all the features have been implemented, but it gives you, there's a path to follow to get to a destination. And, there's the route, some tools, info. I just wanted to show that because you actually shot the house today with the REALSEE 3D Galois LiDAR Camera. And unfortunately the camera was supposed to arrive on Friday of last week. It arrived...
WGAN-TV Transcript: REALTOR Brandon Doyle Compares 16 Virtual Tours DanSmigrod 3 3 monthsDanSmigrod (31629): - Examples of some "buy the camera now" feature showing annotations with a link. Not all the features have been implemented, but it gives you, there's a path to follow to get to a destination. And, there's the route, some tools, info. I just wanted to show that because you actually shot the house today with the REALSEE 3D Galois LiDAR Camera. And unfortunately the camera was supposed to arrive on Friday of last week. It arrived...
WGAN-TV | 16 Virtual Tours Examples to be Discussed on WGAN-TV Live at 5 DanSmigrod 1 3 monthsDanSmigrod (31629): Text Me 5 Minutes Before WGAN-TV is Live | WGAN-TV | REALTOR Magazine Preview: REALTOR Brandon Doyle Compares 16 Virtual Tours | Guest: RE/MAX Results REALTOR and Doyle Real Estate Team Leader Brandon Doyle | Thursday, 9 January 2025 | Episode: 235 ...
WGAN-TV | REALTOR Brandon Doyle Compares 16 Virtual Tours DanSmigrod 3 3 monthsDanSmigrod (31629): Text Me 5 Minutes Before WGAN-TV is Live | WGAN-TV | REALTOR Magazine Preview: REALTOR Brandon Doyle Compares 16 Virtual Tours | Guest: RE/MAX Results REALTOR and Doyle Real Estate Team Leader Brandon Doyle | Thursday, 9 January 2025 | Episode: 235 ...
Inman Connect: Zillow Immerse App on Apple Vision Pro Demo DanSmigrod 4 3 monthsDoyleRealtor (534): I happen to own an Apple Vision Pro and checked it out for myself right when I got it, the experience leaves a lot to be desired, but I appreciate their quick adoption of the new platform and vision for the future. I'd love to see a world where we can use AVP to do virtual renovations, get real time quotes, stage existing furniture or shop for new pieces online. Imagine exploring a digital twin of a home but instead of seeing their furnishings...
How do I get listed on Zillow as a Zillow 3D Home Tour/RE Photographer? Taoiseach_7 5 7 monthsTaoiseach_7 (78): @lilnitsch Lol, glad I could help.
Zillow mapping without target: Does it work? ron0987 4 8 monthsJake (49): I'm loving the new setup with no mouse pad! I'll probably do a test next week to see how accurate the measurements are. A while back, I compared Zillow, Cubicasa, and Matterport against the actual appraiser's floor Plan for a big house. I found that Zillow's measurements were on average 1% larger, Cubicasa was 1% smaller, and Matterport's floor plan was 12% smaller for the appraiser's room dimensions.
Coming soon to Zillow 3D home tour, no more floorplan setup! ScanYourSpace 8 9 monthsChemistrydoc (1930): @Home3D They must have gotten the name from you - they don’t even realize that what they have is a 360 tour and not a 3D tour. But hey, why not co-opt a name? (Sarcasm) Keitj
Is There a Timer With Insta360 One RS 1-Inch With Zillow 3D app? PhotographyByWasim 1 1 yearPhotographyByWasim (40): So I've used the Theta V for Zillow 3D capture for years and there's always a timer option at the top so I can run out of the way before the bugger snaps, but I recently upgraded to an Insta360 One RS 1-Inch and noticed there's no timer option. Anyone have any ideas on if that's possible with this camera?
WGAN Marketing Video of the Week: Matterport versus Zillow 3D Home Tour? DanSmigrod 12 1 yearlilnitsch (5803): @GlennTremain Not a problem
Is Zillow's ShowingTime+ affecting you yet? GlennTremain 3 1 yearDataventurer (521): I compiled a review of all the active residential listings in the area south of San Jose a few months back. I looked at all the listings with 3D tours. Of the listings with tours, only 10% (three at the time!) had Zillow 3D Home Tours, and I don't recall that any of those three were bundled with ShowingTime services. I have seen ShowingTime media on only a small handful of properties in the past 6 months. The area I survey is about 25...
Is it possible to export 360s from Zillow 3D Home? DanSmigrod 17 1 yearlilnitsch (5803): Yesterday I was lazy and mounted the camera to my sunroof so, I didn't have to play hide and seek on this 10 Acre parcel:
Zillow Acquires RE Platform Aryeo Hopscotch 4 2 yearsdave3d (527): Kind of funny they talk about tall basement ceilings and then include none of it in the tour......
Video: The Best Way to Set Camera & Monopod Height for Zillow 3D Home Tours DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): The Best Way to Set Camera & Monopod Height for Zillow 3D Home Tours | video courtesy of @Hopscotch Interactive YouTube Channel with Emily Olman | 28 August 2023
To use by Ricoh Theta Z1 with Matterport, do I need a plug-in? StevesS 8 2 yearsGETMYVR (1941): Don't forget processing matterport 3D scans from non MP cameras such as a Theta is about double the fee. If you're planning on doing this long-term a pro 2 3D could be an option but best of luck either way.
Video: Zillow + Disney’s Haunted Mansion Virtual Tour DanSmigrod 4 2 yearsVTLV (2916): @Shakoure - I'm going that direction. I don't believe... that a Zillow 3D Tour exists. I was on that ride a couple months ago and none of that looks familiar. I believe a Remake of the Movie comes out in July. Wouldn't be surprised if Zillow get a mention in the movie for subliminal advertising. I found a movie trailer. At 1:11 on this movie trailer. They're using the same video of the ceiling as Dans Ad at 1:17. ...
Video: Ricoh THETA Z1 versus Insta360 X3 for Zillow 3D Tours DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Ricoh THETA Z1 versus Insta360 X3 for Zillow 3D Tours | Video courtesy of FelixM YouTube Channel | 25 June 2023 Your thoughts? === Buy Ricoh THETA Z1 via Amazon Buy Insta360 X3 via Amazon ===
Ghosts in my Zillow 360 Tour (me!) Help requested Dataventurer 10 2 yearsVTLV (2916): You did it right. Unpublish old one prior to uploading new one usually keeps everything in line.
Zillow 3D Home Apps "Revolutionary" New Camera Integration: A Bitter Review VTLV 13 2 yearsVTLV (2916): @Expertise has a good one here adding more to the ick. Sad story but I love the certified imbecile :angel: Becoming Zillow Certified required uploading 3 Zillow 3D's and a talk with a 3D home rep and Bam.. You get to put this cute badge on your site and give your self another title. Welcome Welcome to being a "pro" photographer with your $400 camera. Drop $500 on your credit card and you're a 3D pro. Charge up another $500 and your...
Quickest ways to make a floor plan? Brtz 7 2 yearsmp2fp (509): One fast and affordable method is to use the Polycam room scan or pointcloud (free or paid) app and then send a link of the files from your scan to us and you will have your 2D or 3D or BIM plan back the next day. We can give you detailed advice about this and other methods of input and accuracy depending on your need. Contact us any time at [][/url] Else if you need any type of floorplan from any input...
Insta360 support for Zillow’s 3D home tours lilnitsch 4 2 yearslilnitsch (5803): @ron0987 I haven’t shot a Zillow tour with an Insta360 yet. I need to pick up a newer model in order to try this.
[video] Zillow 3D home tour walkthrough ScanYourSpace 8 2 yearsScanYourSpace (867): Here's the updated video:
Any More Pay-Per-Tour Virtual Tour Software/Sites Out There? PhotographyByWasim 11 2 yearsron0987 (3499): @PhotographyByWasim Once your model is finished, I hope you can and will share the tour.
Farwell to Zillow Offers Program including Zillow Certified Photographer VTLV 14 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Zillow launches Showingtime Plus. What is Showingtime+? | Video courtesy of Tristan Ahumada YouTube Channel | 26 September 2022
Zillow's Interactive Floor Plan goes Nationwide once again lilnitsch 9 3 yearsDataventurer (521): I have been waiting for months for floorplans to be available in my area. There was no auto-update on the Zillow 3D Home app. I had to reach out to 3D Home support to inquire. Got a full answer this morning. Free floor plans?... Good stuff! Here is the scoop: Hi Dave, Welcome to the Zillow 3D Home Floor Plan Program! Please update your app to ensure you are running version 7.0.0 on iOS or 3.0.0 on Android. The next time you log in to...
WGAN-TV Podcast Episodes: Zillow DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV Podcast | WGAN.INFO/search-zillow
What/How do you charge for Zillow 3D Home Tours and Photo Packages? rzphotoman 15 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @VTLV May your bother always continue to live in your heart. Dan
Statistics: Real Estate Agents: Listings with Virtual Tours and Floor Plans DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): LinkedIn Hi All, Above is an example of how I use this infographic on LinkedIn (and other social media). Dan
Zillow AI Auto-Generated Floor Plans to Zillow 3D Home Created Tours DanSmigrod 11 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Statistics of the Day --- Zillow | June 15, 2022 Statistics of the Week | Real Estate Agents: Listings with Virtual Tours and Floor Plans Hi All, Want to post the above to social media - but without the WGAN branding? The branded PNG version is available - free - in the WGAN Sample Forms Library for WGAN...
What are all the competitors to Matterport and... GlennTremain 7 3 yearslilnitsch (5803): My latest Zillow 3D home tour shot on the new Theta X:
Zillow 3D Home Tour Add Panorama? Brian360 2 3 yearslilnitsch (5803): @Brian360 I have seen the feature but, have yet to try it yet. it appears that it works in a similar manor to Matterport where a new tour link is created though with the Zillow dashboard it should be relatively easy to relink the new tour to the property
Video: How to Do a Zillow 3D Home Tour Hack with Pivo Pod Black DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsPivoRealEstate (109): Thank you @DanSmigrod for the detailed transcript to the introduction of Pivo Black and Pivo Tour. We would like to seize the opportunity and say thank you to @Hopscotch for the detailed video. We hope that this video is helpful to the community members who are interested in Pivo. Pivo Real Estate Team
Matterport 3D Tour versus Pivo 3D Tour versus Zillow 3D Tour by @lilnitsch DanSmigrod 17 3 yearsPivoRealEstate (109): Hello @lilnitsch Regarding your question about privacy and if we can blur things captured by and seen in the Pivo Tour. The answer is yes. it's true that the option is yet to be available now but it's possible and our team are working on it. We hope this helps. Thank you!
Zillow Seeks to Sell 7,000 Homes for $2.8 Billion After Flipping Halt DanSmigrod 6 3 yearsWingman (4426): Thanks Dan, it is more relevant here.
Video: Shoot Zillow 3D Tours and Interactive Floor Plans Like a Pro DanSmigrod 3 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Creating Zillow 3D Virtual Tours (How They Can Earn You Extra Money!) | Video courtesy of Inside Real Estate Photography YouTube Channel | 11 November 2021 From Inside Real Estate Photography YouTube Channel In this video we take a look at creating Zillow 3D virtual tours using the Zillow 3D Home app and also how offering this service can earn you extra money as a real estate photographer. Get the Ricoh...
Video: Zillow 3D Home Marketing Video Acknowledges Real Estate Photographer DanSmigrod 21 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Screen Grab of My Visual Listings Interactive Floor Plan - within the Single Property Website photo gallery - from a Matterport 3D Tour | Floor 2 @Dataventurer The interactive floor plan links to photos: not 360s. @MyVisualListings confirmed this after the show. Enjoy your weekend, Dan
Zillow Floor Plans - anyone been successful in creating? tmroberts 14 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, Above is from the WGAN Forum discussion: ✓ Video: Zillow 3D Home Marketing Video Acknowledges Real Estate Photographer Dan
ZillowHomes Include Zillow 3D Home tours and Interactive Floor Plans DanSmigrod 3 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, Above is from the WGAN Forum discussion: ✓ Video: Zillow 3D Home Marketing Video Acknowledges Real Estate Photographer Dan
Zillow CEO: "Virtual 3-D tours & remote, digital closings will be the norm" DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsbriangreul (684): He's smoking crack and engaging in "sales talk." He fantasizes about virtual agents (AI) and transactions as easy as subscribing to NetFlix. Not happening. Agents still have a role to play, Buyers will want to inspect the house, negotiate on the findings, and be engaged with their agent, in person. Meanwhile Zillow will shape shift a few more times, burn more investor money, and see if it can actually become profitable.... like a...
3D Tour: more buyers (58%) feel comfortable making an offer sight-unseen DanSmigrod 3 3 yearsWingman (4426): I do not know what is current situation in the world but in Brisbane some buyers have gone nuts buying old houses without any building/pest inspection. And I am sure there are some sellers who are selling just because of it. I am even hearing stories how some sellers accept lower offers just because there are unconditional while they have much higher ones that are subject to a building/pest inspection. I feel very sorry for these buyers but...
Zillow 3d home tour just got a significant update lilnitsch 13 3 yearslilnitsch (5803): @Dataventurer The Zillow panos can also be recycled if you turn the option on then you can do a quick color correction and rebuild a tour in one of the other platforms
Zillow: Remote Work Will Fuel Housing Demand for Years to Come DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Zillow Media Release --- Zillow: Remote Work Will Fuel Housing Demand for Years to Come New Zillow survey finds remote workers are far more likely to move, yet nearly 40% of employees still don't know if or how often they must return to their workplace - More than 80% of U.S. workers want to work remotely at least occasionally, and 44% want to work from home all the time. - People who work from home at least once a week are nearly...
Video: Zillow Rentals Webinar: 3D Tours & Rich Media DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Zillow Rentals Webinar: 3D Tours & Rich Media: The Importance of Digital Tools for Today’s Renters | Video courtesy of Zillow Group Rentals | Tuesday, 14 September 2021
WGAN-TV eBook>How Photographers Can Resist Zillow’s Threat To Monopolize RE DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): 116-WGAN-TV | How Photographers can Resist Zillow’s Threat to Monopolize Real Estate with HomeJab Founder and Owner Joe Jesuele | Aired: Thursday, 2 September 2021 | Episode: 116 WGAN-TV eBook | How Photographers can Resist Zillow’s Threat to Monopolize Real Estate with HomeJab Founder and Owner Joe Jesuele | Aired:...
Free Course: How Photographers Can Resist Zillow’s Threat To Monopolize RE DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV Training U | How Photographers can Resist Zillow’s Threat to Monopolize Real Estate with HomeJab Founder and Owner Joe Jesuele | Aired: Thursday, 2 September 2021 | Episode: 116 WGAN-TV Training U (Free Course): How Photographers Can Resist Zillow’s Threat To Monopolize Real Estate Hi All, After reading...
WGAN-TV Podcast: How Photogs can Resist Zillow's Threat to Monopolize RE DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV Podcast | How Photographers can Resist Zillow’s Threat to Monopolize Real Estate with HomeJab Founder and Owner Joe Jesuele | Aired: Thursday, 2 September 2021 | Episode: 116 WGAN-TV Podcast: How Photographers Can Resist Zillow’s Threat To Monopolize Real Estate Hi All, After reading this blog post ...
Transcript>How Photogs can Resist Zillow's Threat to Monopolize Real Estate DanSmigrod 4 4 yearsDataventurer (521): Well, Dan, you put the bait in the water and I’m going to bite!... Let me offer a short “executive summary” at the beginning of my “opinion piece”. Every business must craft and promote their Unique Selling Proposition as the reason to do business with them over other options. In the case of HomeJab, I think they have focused upon a narrow and insignificant Benefit Set. The company expends a lot of ink attempting to create the...
WGAN-TV: How Photogs can Resist Zillow's Threat to Monopolize Real Estate DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): 116-WGAN-TV | How Photographers can Resist Zillow’s Threat to Monopolize Real Estate with HomeJab Founder and Owner Joe Jesuele | Aired: Thursday, 2 September 2021
Is MagicPlan a good Zillow floorplan alternative? tmroberts 7 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): 5 free floor plans [via USD$90 credit with CAPTUR3D] from a Matterport tour when you use this WGAN affiliate link to create a free CAPTUR3D account. [To be eligible to receive WGAN-TV Training U (in Matterport) 1-Year Membership, send your CAPTUR3D receipt for $250 or more to:...
"listings with a Zillow 3D Home tour sold, on average, 10% faster" DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Media Release --- To Sell Your Home Quickly, List it on a Thursday Before Labor Day Homes are selling within days in many U.S. metros, and the day a home is listed can have an impact on time on market and sale price SEATTLE, June 3, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- In today's competitive housing market, the time it takes to sell a home is measured in days, not weeks. Homes listed on a Thursday sell faster on average and are more likely to sell...
Video: I shot Matterport vs iGuide vs Zillow 3D Home Tour on the same day! DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): [Placeholder for Part II, once published - Dan]
Zillow: Nearly 40% of millennials are comfortable buying a home sightunseen DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, All WGAN Forum discussions tagged: Statistics Dan
List of Virtual Tour Platforms/Software that do NOT require a Subscription DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsHome3D (4213): Anyone who's been on the WGAN Forum for the past year knows how highly I regard 3DVista. My admiration is for the software, its power and flexibility while NOT requiring knowledge of coding, the responsiveness of the company and its support team, and that your finished work can be self-hosted which builds your company's SEO. Google "matterport los angeles" and my company ranks top of page one except for the paid Ads. I credit...
7 Zillow Statistics on 3D Virtual Tour, Floor Plans and House Buying DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsDunetop (40): Thanks for the valuable information.
Zillow: Nearly 40% of Millennials are Comfortable Buying a Home Online DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Media Release --- courtesy of Zillow courtesy of Zillow Nearly 40% of Millennials are Comfortable Buying a Home Online More millennials want digital home shopping tools and are...
Zillow 3D Home Tour Adds AI-Generated Interactive 2D Floor Plans DanSmigrod 5 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Shoot Zillow 3D Tours and Interactive Floor Plans Like a Pro | Video courtesy of @Hopscotch Interactive YouTube Channel | 19 February 2021 ✓ Video: Shoot Zillow 3D Tours and Interactive Floor Plans Like a Pro WGAN Forum Related Discussions ✓ Zillow 3D Home Tour Adds AI-Generated Interactive 2D Floor Plans ✓ WGAN-TV Training U in Zillow 3D Home App | Shooting and Post Production ✓ WGAN-TV How to...
Zillow Stats: buyers saved listings with 3D Home tours 32% more often ... DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsDataventurer (521): From my perspective as a real estate agent and Zillow Certified Photographer, this is the kind of information that should provide the motivation for every home listing to include a Zillow 3D Home tour as the foundation of a home marketing plan. I would seek to present this information to all your agent contacts.
If you are shooting Zillow Tours, would this be a great Add On? DanSmigrod 23 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Grab: Get a WGAN-TV Live at 5 Show Reminder via Text Hi All, Reminder that this WGAN-TV Live at 5 show airs tonight, Friday, 12 February 2021. Best, Dan
Asteroom 3D Tour Syndication: How to Publish to and DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Asteroom 3D tour will currently show on Zillow listings as a "Virtual Tour". When buyers click on the virtual tour link ( top left) or the virtual tour tab (middle left) the link will open your Asteroom [3D] tour. The tour will be displayed in a new tab, says this Asteroom Support page. | Screen Grab courtesy of ...
Virtual Tour Link on Zillow links to Matterport Tour frstbubble 11 4 yearsGlennTremain (2953): @VTLV too busy to correct all of this because
Status of publishing virtual tours to VRBO and Airbnb? SpencerLasky 4 4 yearslilnitsch (5803): I do not do a lot of vacation rentals ~ several of these properties in my market are currently being sold for top dollar as there’s little inventory available
Take Zillow 3D Tour of Santa's House to See if Worth $764,389 Zestimate DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsrzphotoman (1837): Zillow 3D Tours are atrocious!
72% of Zillow Premier Agents expect to continue using these VTs after COVID DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Media Release --- Zillow Predicts Stronger Housing Market Across the Board in 2021 Continued frenzied demand, economic recovery and tech adoption expected to bring biggest annual home sales growth since 1983 SEATTLE, Dec. 21, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- The for-sale housing market showed incredible strength in 2020, and Zillow® predicts 2021 will be even stronger. Demand continues to grow, and is expected to surge in the cities as...
Zillow 3D home tour shooters lilnitsch 20 4 yearslilnitsch (5803): @Expertise I shoot Matterport w/Pro2’s and Zillow 3D home tours with the Z1 All my improved property shoots get at least a Zillow 3D home tour in addition to professional stills When the app is working as it should an average sized home can be knocked out in 10-15 minutes tops
Zillow 3D Home ~ Capture Issues lilnitsch 9 4 yearslilnitsch (5803): An update is in the works ~ I am working on possibly becoming a beta tester for pre-releases moving forwards
Zillow floor plans & now Android device support lilnitsch 11 4 yearsGETMYVR (1941): @lilnitsch Vegas huh! Add $7,000 to the taxes if in NY State for $200K properties. Plotting my move to the next best real estate photography destination.
Which Rotator, if any, is seamlessly integrated with Zillow 3D Home? DanSmigrod 3 4 yearslilnitsch (5803): Zillow supports the Z1 (best quality), V, & SC2 the v & sc2 are indistinguishable in the Zillow 3D home tour space
Given the pandemic, why has Zillow not jumped on this opportunity? DanSmigrod 10 4 yearslilnitsch (5803): @DanSmigrod Matterport is about to head off to middle school and still is a startup looking for dollars. While I am vested in Matterport gear and genuinely like their tours they need to get their stuff together or they will be a what ever happened to. Someone will buy their technology only to part it out.
I am thinking about starting a virtual tour/Real Estate Photograph business Malek Jump to first page32Jump to last page 4 yearsVTLV (2916): Do yourself a favor and learn the fundamentals of photos editing. This is a trade, not a get rich quick scheme breaking into a new industry. So many real estate agents get a license and think they'll make large sums of cash. 80% of them make less than $20,000 a year. Agents get in, sell a friend or family members home, starve and drop out to a part time job and rarely get back in. Happening a ton with 360 photographers as well. Ebay always has...
Do you offer Zillow tours and MP tours? fotoguy 10 5 yearsGETMYVR (1941): $50 add on for Zillow. I got one guy who refuses to pay for Zillow but what I do is a couple scans in the front in the back of the house and upload that to Zillow and voila, that unit gets the special 3D home icon. For free!! I want my agents to be top performers.
Video: Shooting Zillow 3D Home? How to keep 360 panoramas on iPhone DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Video: Shooting Zillow 3D Home? How to keep 360 panoramas on iPhone | Video courtesy of Jeff Nitschke YouTube Channel | 15 September 2020 Hi All, If you are shooting Zillow 3D Home virtual tours, this quick tip video by @lilnitsch shows how to keep the 360 panoramas on the iPhone. Keeping the 360s on your iPhone is helpful to: ✓ Use the 360s from Zillow 3D Home to create Asteroom Tour Got a...
Can't edit 360 uploads to Zillow? kjonyou 16 5 yearsVTLV (2916): Zillow Video used to require being shot through the app or pay them a couple hundred bucks to upload your beautiful video. Unless you uploaded more than 10 a month. One month you're told a video will help your tour tour rank first on Zillow Search results. Then they fade off and not longer rank high making you a liar. Same for Zillow 3D. It's a constant revolving tower of goo with updates. As you know Zestimates rarely match up to proper current...
Suggestions wanted: cheap, fast 3D solution Expertise 16 5 yearsExpertise (1192): We're going with Zillow 3D, slideshow and stills for $150. We have experience with the Zillow thing, we have a ll the equipment and it's got name recognition... and there is no hosting cost. I also suspect they will roll out an evolution of it soon.
"Housing market skirts coronavirus crisis as sellers use 3D virtual tours" DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): CNBC (9 August 2020) Housing market skirts coronavirus crisis as sellers use 3D virtual tours to find eager buyers "While shelter-in-place orders shut down much of the economy, realtors stepped up their use of 3D virtual tours to sell houses," reports CNBC. "During the pandemic, Matterport has rapidly transitioned from being a niche product used by big budget groups in commercial and residential real estate to a standard...
Will Adding Zillow 3D Homes Cannibalize Your Matterport Business? OneFineDay 13 5 yearsChemistrydoc (1930): Yes!
Zillow Considering Offering a Tool for Creating Digital Floor Plans DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsChemistrydoc (1930): @DanSmigrod My first impulsive reaction is to say to them that they can keep the floor plans if they are charging folks to generate them. But, likely they have costs involved that are way above what they are for simply uploading photo media (including 3D). I guess my answer to their marketing questions would be 1) hire someone to do market research instead of asking Zillow photographers to provide this; 2) the market will decide what cost...
How to set the starting point of a Zillow 3D Home Tour? DanSmigrod 5 5 yearsChemistrydoc (1930): So, on the Zillow listing itself, the first tour that you encounter (right under the main property image) will have a seemingly random start position that cannot be edited and is not related to shoot order, or any other discernible factor. The SECOND instance of the tour, which appears just below the photos, will have the start condition as you select it with the info above. Also, if you use a link to access the tour, it as well will start as...
Inman: Zillow will allow self-tours on all company-owned homes DanSmigrod 2 5 yearslilnitsch (5803): I have seen these digital floor plans ~ I put in a request for the ability to add these for some of my builder clients. But, they are keeping these for Zillow Owned homes for the time being.
Matterport Tours on Zillow!? 8643d 14 5 yearsadc1967 (79): No 3d option with Chrome on my main PC
Time to scan- iPhone or iPad for Matterport Expertise 9 5 yearsWingman (4426): If they had had it first it would have more logic in it. However they have released it as it is and they are ruining impressions from their own product. And on top of that they have created a lot of problems for their own providers. It all could be avoided. They could just get their pro services aligned and done quickly. Why chasing extra revenue from small users with IoS devices when they can start doing what they promised to their...
Video: Workflow for 360 Shot Placement for a Zillow 3D Home or RICOH Tour DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Quick overview on 360 placement for a Zillow 3D home tour or RicohTour | Video courtesy of Capture NW YouTube Channel | 12 May 2020 Hi All, What are the best practices for shooting a Zillow 3D Home tour of RICOH Tour (or other 360 tour)? In this workflow video, Jeff Nitschke with CaptureNW - serving North Idaho and Eastern Washington State - shows best practices regarding where to place a 360...
Inman: Interest in 3D tours explodes on Zillow, especially for rentals DanSmigrod 5 5 yearsHome3D (4213): Dan's post from Inman is where this is going. It's also the only reason virtual tours have grown so slowly over the past 5 years - the PUBLIC (meaning buyers) was not expecting or demanding them. Now the cat is out of the bag as buyers realize what they could have had all along. And it's buyers who run this business, even though listing agents would like to feel they do. Remember, the "asking price" that a seller and agent agree on...
WGAN-TV Training U in Zillow 3D Home App | Shooting and Post Production DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsVTLV (2916): Emily does a great Step by Step job of going over every piece of Zillow 3D. Or you can watch Supper @DeeJ and I have some fun going over different aspects of Zillow 3D on yesterdays episode of Capturing the World with Dee Johnson. Then return back to these two episodes if it sounds like something you want to now every bit about.
Zillow 3D Home Tour not publishing certain listings botticelli 16 5 yearsChemistrydoc (1930): If you think the above are bad, consider a multiunit condo. The permutations of "#", "Unit #", "Nr", when describing the unit number are nearly endless! To top it off, the part of the app that associates address with the tour has not been working for me the last several days. And, getting anyone at tech support to respond is like "Waiting for Godot". Be Well - Keith
Matterport with Ricoh Theta Z1 🤜 versus 🤛 Zillow 3D Home with Z1 JoshMais 5 5 yearsJoshMais (392): @lgmarketingco The shooting process is pretty much the same for both cameras, except the Ricoh is a bit faster and you cannot stand behind it like the Matterport camera. You can pull stills from a tour that was created with the Z1, they just aren't as high quality. See this post as an example: ✓ Ricoh Theta Z1 🤜 versus 🤛 Nikon Z6 FX-Format Mirrorless Camera
Video: How to Create a Zillow 3D Home Virtual Tour App Tutorial DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsSkeeter (452): Is there a way to do this from iMac with 360º photos from Matterport? I just had a client ask me to do that from an old 3D Showcase.
Video: How to Edit a Zillow 3D Home Tour (Post Production) Tutorial DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Post-Production: Zillow 3D Home Tour App Editing Tutorial | Video courtesy of Hopscotch Interactive YouTube Channel | 25 April 2020 Hi All, From Hopscotch Interactive YouTube Channel (WGAN Member @Hopscotch Founder Emily Olman) ... Video: How to Edit a Zillow 3D Home Tour (Post Production) Tutorial (above, transcript below) Please see this related WGAN Forum discussion: ✓ Video: How to...
Who's including Zillow 3D tours with your services? realeshots 10 5 yearsrealeshots (146): Correct, so your info does not show up on the Zillow tour, the listing agent does. I just did not know if you needed to attribute the tour somehow to the listing agent, but it goes with the property, not the agent. Thanks!
How to get Matterport 3D Tours on Zillow's Street Easy? foxwrth13 3 5 yearsGETMYVR (1941): I sent them an inquiry asking them why in an age when virtual tours are mandatory, why they refuse to go along with the plan, but fortunately, Street Easy has competition, and that's where the website hits are ending up I imagine if people are looking for a virtual tour. Zillow is good at somethings, but they are the worst real estate tech firm peddling real estate without virtual tour. It's pathetic and forces me to research R/E...
Zillow: Can I show my house without having anyone come into my home? DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Zillow Website: Can I show my house without having anyone come into my home?
How to Create a Zillow 3D Home Tour lilnitsch 9 5 yearslilnitsch (5803): @DouglasMeyers Not my Tour ~ here is a Theta V Zillow 3D home example Listing agent use to be a Front Desk Staffer at our Sotheby's Office here in North Idaho a few years back
Quick overview on 360 placement for a Zillow 3D home tour or Ricoh Tour lilnitsch 1 5 yearslilnitsch (5803): Not sure if this will be of any help to anyone but, I have been getting questions recently on using 360 cameras to shoot virtual tours. This is just a quick over view of photo placement
Inman: "Need a virtual tour solution now? Here are our top picks" DanSmigrod 4 5 yearsEricTsai (171): Thanks for sharing Dan! We are honored to be featured on Inman again as we continue to ramp up our operation here in the US.
Inman Connect 2020 in New York City 28-31 January 2020 DanSmigrod 5 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): For WGAN Forum coverage of Inman Connect New York 2020, please see this WGAN Forum tag: ICNY2020
Video: How to add a Matterport 3D Tour to a Zillow Listing DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): --- Hi All, This How To video (above) was created by Jeff Nitschke (@lilnitsch) with CaptureNW serving North Idaho and Eastern Washington State. The video is from the WGAN Forum discussion: ✓ Brief overview on Syndication of Matterport tour Happy New Year, Dan Related WGAN Forum Discussions ✓ WGAN-TV Transcript: An MSP Customer Journey: Jeff Nitschke with CaptureNW ✓ New! Zillow 3D Home™ + Ricoh Theta Z1...
New! Zillow 3D Home™ + Ricoh Theta Z1 for multi-family rental listings DanSmigrod 2 5 yearslilnitsch (5803): With the last update Zillow's 3D tour app started asking if the tour was a rental or residential re-sale. In addition to this feature Zillow also, has made some pretty major improvements to the automatic linking of the 360 imagery making backend editing nearly non-existent. Overall (whether you like Zillow or not), their tool set is getting better every day. Zillow boosts properties with a Zillow 3D tour &/or Video walk through so, it...
How to Add a Matterport 3D Tour to a Zillow Listing DanSmigrod 3 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @Home3D Yes. Next time Zillow executives are on WGAN-TV Live at 5, I will ask them ... Thanks in advance for your WGAN-TV reports from the 2019 Commercial UAV Expo Americas this week. Please tag: uavexpo19 Best, Dan
Video: Zillow 3D Tour Branding for Photographers/Agents DanSmigrod 4 5 yearsHome3D (4213): @DanSmigrod - ...which is why it's so important for 3D/360° platform creators to incorporate embedded, persistent branding for creators - separate from agent info fields. Thank you NodalView, Thank you GeoCV. Uh, Matterport?
Marketing strategies for selling zillow 3D Home Tours - I need help. Mungo 2 6 yearsChemistrydoc (1930): @Mungo Good job in finding a niche! I've had incredible resonance with my clients with the Zillow 3D Home - NOT because of the beautiful photography (it's not), but because of the advantages that it achieves. You need to sell it as a marketing boost / enhancer. Let them know that for 1 week, they have preferred search placement, the home gets extra email blast treatment, etc. Get the exact facts from your Zillow contact and pitch those...
Zillow 3D Home - Zillow Certified Photographer Mungo 3 6 yearsHome3D (4213): I became “Zillow Certified” a couple years ago, well before 3D Home even existed. If you have skill in photography, video OR use of 3D Home, just communicate with their photo staff through the page @VTLV mentions.
Zillow 3D Home: a Newsletter eBlast Promotion Example DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Grab of eBlast Hi All, Worth noting: ✓ Must buy additional service for the...
Zillow 3D Home Versus Ricoh Tours Versus Matterport: Must Read @cnitschke1 DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, WGAN New Member @cnitschke1 wrote – a must read – post today about Zillow 3D Home Versus Ricoh Tours Versus Matterport 3D Tours in this WGAN Forum discussion: ✓ "Zillow Is Buying And Selling Lots Of Homes; It's Almost Half Its Business" The post is super-insightful. I encourage you to read it and continue the discussion there. Best, Dan P.S. Thanks SO much to @cnitschke1 !!! (!!!!)
Shoot Matterport 3D Tour: Publish Many Places (Including Zillow 3D Home?) DanSmigrod 4 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, Wish there was some news to report on this topic of if/when we will be able to shoot with Matterport and publish to Zillow 3D Home. Best, Dan
Zillow 3D Home Tour requirements. Mungo 5 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @Mungo Listing Agent needs to make Zillow 3D Home your live for their active Listing. Dan
Video: Zillow 3D Home Tour Gives Real Estate Agents 7-Day Boost on Zillow DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsHome3D (4213): Just seven days? Are they kidding? Maybe I'm missing something, but to me this is a resounding reason NOT to bother with Zillow's 3D Home system until they permit NodalView (better looking and more versatile with aerial panos) or GeoCV (better in many ways) tours to be linked to Zillow's 3DH image frame. For years they've allowed professional videos to play from the Zillow Video image link, so why not engage alternate (and better) 3D/360°...
Transcript: WGAN-TV How to Make Money with Zillow 3D Home DanSmigrod 4 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, ✓ Video: Zillow 3D Home Tour Gives Real Estate Agents 7-Day Boost on Zillow Dan
Zillow 3D Home Tour using the Theta Z1 TomLeinbaugh 4 6 yearsTomLeinbaugh (6): The Zillow app automatically adds many of the navigational arrows between spaces, but I added some myself later. While taking photos you are given a choice of area/room labels from a list in the app, which you can change later when editing the tour.
Has anyone produced a Zillow 3D Home tour with the Ricoh Theta Z1 camera ?? RichardBurt 3 6 yearsbmnyphoto (16): OK, here’s a little more feedback. My main matterport user, Emailed me. I have done to Zillow tours for him so far. He likes the product but is very disappointed in how you walk-through/flow of the home. He feels it’s a little cumbersome. We are back to matter port :-)
WGAN-TV Live at 5: How to Make Money with Zillow 3D Home with Zillow Sr Dir DanSmigrod 26 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @Home3D Yes. Let's hope that Zillow is listening. They could take a huge leap forward with professional photographers by enabling the Nodalview experience. :heart: the aerial as a hero imagine in your Nodalview tour example. Dan
Slowly but surely being forced to Zillow 3D pixelray 9 6 yearspixelray (1068): @3D_Hoffa - I think the listing only gets 7 days at the top of the search results when you do a zillow video or zillow 3d - think that is what they meant As far as improvements - I wish they would allow me to select the INTRO starting point - I don't understand how they choose what and where to start these. I have had them be my first 360 pic; my middle and even one toward the end. I also have weird quirks in the field. App crashes, wifi...
Is anyone impressed by the Zillow 3D Tour? eggardner 16 6 yearsVTLV (2916): @eggardner - Glad you are able to see some room to be impressed still. I personally do not have an Iphone X, so I am not sure about clarity. I can tell you that the stitching program using phones in Zillow can give stitching errors in just about every tour. I use a theta V and have learned that home designs, windows and time of day have a lot to do with the lighting and our ability to great a picture. We can't control the pink dot when we get...
Zillow Seeks Manager, Partner Services (Includes Zillow 3D Home / Video) DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, This Zillow Manager, Partner Services job opening probably includes posting to the WGAN Forum. Ha! Get paid for what you :heart: doing already! ---- About the team The Zillow Photo Team works to improve listing media content on Zillow by building relationships with professional real estate...
Is Zillow a 3D Tour or a 360º Tour? (And - Yikes! Who owns the Photos?) DanSmigrod 5 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, Step by Step 3D Virtual Tours Blog (27 April 2019) Is Zillow 3D Home™ a True 3D Virtual Tour? Dan
Zillow 3D Homes goes National [USA and Canada] VTLV 13 6 yearsTrustedPhotoDC (1108): [redacted] Can you read this and not laugh?
Zillow 3D Home (yeah, should be 360° Home) Home3D 4 6 yearsTrustedPhotoDC (1108): Go to App Store and leave a 1 Star review for a product mis-named.
Fun with NodalView Home3D 3 6 yearsHome3D (4213): NodalView system uses your own smartphone in a custom case with their NodalView fisheye lens and mounted to their Nodalview Rotator. You launch the NodalView app, it connects to the Rotator via bluetooth, and the base rotates, automatically clicking off super-wide shots, capturing bracketed HDR photos which it automatically blends, and these are all uploaded to NodalView's system which stitches them into photospheres. It's all easy and...
Zillow 3D DouglasMeyers 4 6 yearsVTLV (2916): Zillow 3D's new interface is looking more and more like a Google Maps listing where some of the 360 images are getting integrated into the picture feed. Agents can still place a virtual Tour link and have Zillow 3D. Get Ricoh Theta , Get Zillow Certified and contact the agent listing Zillow Homes and be off to the races!
(Matterport versus GeoCV) versus (Nodalview versus Zillow 3D Home 360 tour) DanSmigrod 3 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @TakedaSan In December 2016, @pcollart wrote for the WGAN Blog: ✓ Compare 3D/VR Platforms for Scanning/Shooting Homes: Matterport, InsideMaps, Realvision, iGuide, immoviewer (and More) It was – and still is – the single most comprehensive study of its kind. That said, it did not contain GeoCV, Nodalview and Zillow 3D Home (to give you a sense of how quickly the market is changing). The Guide is available free as a .pdf for...
Video: Why Shoot Zillow 3D Home (360º Tours) Today-Today-Today DanSmigrod 6 6 yearsHome3D (4213): No comparison there. MP and GeoCV are comparable (without GeoCV’s astounding Outdoor view) so I price these similar. Zillow 3D home and NodalView (which looks better and can include aerial panos) are both fast to shoot, so I use them as an argument that all listings should now include a “walkthrough” experience. If a client asks me for just HDR stills, I include Zillow or NodalView without charge. I’m committed to changing the agent...
Nodalview 360º Tour versus Zillow 3D Home 360º Tour DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsKumar (547): The 3D model must be the neatest of all opi have seen. Real good. PS: closer look tells that it is just flat images stacked In different planes. Nothing is 3D there. May be a good compromise may be not.
Comparing Cupix, GeoCV, Matterport, Nodalview and Zillow 3D Home Platforms DanSmigrod 12 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @Metroplex360 Thanks for sharing that MPEmbed enhancement ... :cool: -- WGAN-TV Los Angeles-bsaed Kevin Dole (@Home3D) with on Matterport versus GeoCV versus Nodalview versus Zillow 3D Home Hi All, Thanks to Kevin Dole for shooting the same multi-million home in Calabasas, CA with four different virtual tour solutions and sharing this experience with the WGAN Forum Community. Platforms/Cameras used: ✓ Matterport 3D Tour...
Today on WGAN-TV: Comparing Matterport, GeoCV, Nodalview and Zillow 3D Home Home3D 4 6 yearsHome3D (4213): In case helpful, here again are direct links to the four finished walkthroughs: Matterport model - GeoCV with exterior terrain - (in WP3D wrapper with my video and stills, FYI) [wp3d][/wp3d] Nodalview -...
3D/360° tour comparisons: Matterport, GeoCV, NodalView, Z-3D Home, (Cupix) Home3D 24 6 yearsShakoure (568): @AntonYakubenko ...Very thankful & humbled that you - as co-founder of a direct MP competitor - make the time to engage with 3D spatial photographers on WGAN. If only MP would have a c-level or VP person on this platform to engage members in dialogue and answer questions. That level of inter-personal connection will take you a long way. Thank you.
Tour Santa's House in 3D VTLV 2 6 yearsTrustedPhotoDC (1108): Let’s stop calling this 3D.
Zillow 3D Home + Ricoh Theta V - first test results Home3D 13 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @Home3D Thank you for being the first to borrow a Ricoh Theta V from the WGAN 360º Camera Loaner Program and writing a review of the Ricoh Theta V paired with Zillow. While looking at your Zillow tour to see image quality, navigation and slide show, I was distracted by the: ✓ Skate ramp ✓ Trampoline ✓ Solar grid ✓ Spa ✓ Basketball court ✓ Superslide ✓ Theater ✓ Vistas My takeaways: ✓ All MSPs should be offering Zillow...
Anyone Using Roku or Apple TV to Airplay Presentations? VTLV 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @VTLV I have used Apple TV with Airplay for presentations at the We Get Around Atlanta co-working space. All the conference rooms in Atlanta Tech Village have a big screen TV with Apple TV and we can either use an HDMI cable to Airplay to connect. I once tried to use an Apple TV that I brought with me to a hotel for a presentation at the hotel. I recall that the hotel network would not allow the Apple TV to work. I would encourage you to get...
WGAN-TV Live at 5: Zillow 3D Home Tour for Newbies DanSmigrod 26 6 yearsHome3D (4213): Bless you, my son. Go forth and multiply.
"I was considering adding a second MP camera to my business, and then" DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, I received this email today .. (Tuesday, 20 November 2018) Dan -- Hi Dan! I was considering adding a second MP camera to my business, and then I saw this from you. My question, (to the guru of 3D), do I get another MP or are there better options now? Thank you, and Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃🍁 [redacted] --- Hi [Redacted], Thank you for reaching out (and for your kind words). If you have enough business...
How to shoot/share a 3D Tour of a 3,000 SQ FT House in 15 minutes for free* DanSmigrod 4 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @TrustedPhotoDC I apologize that i did not ask your question during the WGAN-TV Live at 5 show .. It is a great question. @TrustedPhotoDC @Home3D Our entire space has a challenge about naming conventions where virtual tour can mean slide show and virtual reality can mean a 3D Tour. It IS totally confusing. Going forward, I will refer to Zillow 3D Tour as Zillow Tour and in the first reference mention that Zillow calls it Zillow 3D...
What's the best tool for Zillow 3D? VTLV 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @VTLV You may find it helpful to watch this Thursday's WGAN-TV Live at 5: ✓ WGAN-TV Live at 5: Zillow 3D Home Tour for Newbies II (Better yet: join the Virtual Studio Audience) Given a choice of using a Ricoh Theta V or an iPhone and a rotator, the answer to which to use may not be obvious. I discussed this topic with Dermandar ( theVRkit) Founder Elie Gregoire Khoury (@egkhoury) earlier in 2018 on this WGAN-TV Live at 5...
Zillow 3D Home tours? leeverdon 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV Zillow 3D Home for Newbies: Get Ready National Launch with Zillow’s Steve Lake and Alison Light @leeverdon Thanks for sharing. Some related WGAN Forum discussions: ✓ WGAN-TV Zillow 3D Home tours for Newbies ✓ WGAN Forum discussions tagged: Zillow ✓ WGAN Forum discussions tagged: Zillow 3D Home Best, Dan
Cell Phone Wide Angle Lens Zillow 3D VTLV 6 7 yearsVTLV (2916): Based on your recommendations, I got my Moment lens in the mail today and of course had to get the camera case with it. Thank you for the recommendation :cool: New Problem. Camera case will not fit in the The VR Kit holder. Currently using this because it shoots in portrait mode for Zillow 3D App. Otherwise panoramic 360's could be handled on the DJI. What are you using for a Tripod head? Are you shooting manual with a fluid video...
Zillow Walk Through- No Android Support VTLV 1 7 yearsVTLV (2916): Video Walkthrough No Longer Supported in Android Apps. "In an effort to support quality video features and in response to feedback from users, we ended Android support for the Video Walkthrough feature on the Zillow and Premier Agent apps in June [2018]." Full story here
Zillow 3D Home Coming to Orlando and Houston Soon DanSmigrod 3 7 yearsVTLV (2916): I wish it was called Zillow 360 to help distinguish 360 from 3D dollhouse and VR 3D. I gotta say leveling is the biggest hurdle with this product. My next issue is the demands of my Zillow rep expecting hallways and bathrooms to be included when my agreement with the agent is about 10. Kinks will work out eventually.
Zillow Engineering: Behind Zillow 3D Home App and Tour - Backend Algorithms DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, In the article below - reprinted with the permission of Zillow - Zillow Engineering explains the recipes it uses to create Zillow 3D Homes, both for panorama generation and inter-panorama connections. While Zillow is still beta testing its 3D Home app -- used to create the Zillow 3D Home Virtual Tours for...
WGAN-TV Zillow 3D Home tours for Newbies DanSmigrod 13 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @CharetteImaging This is exactly what I'm thinking :) I'm wanting to bundle this solution with my other services. Sounds like it's easy enough to do and it would be my hope to always sell a Zillow Tour with DSLR photos AND Matterport Tours and Floorplans -- I'm giving this new product two thumbs up and am VERY excited that Dan established a relationship with them. I've bumped Zillow's product up to the 2nd most powerful way to use panoramas...
3 Free Rotators for Zillow 3D Home Testing DanSmigrod 27 7 yearsVTLV (2916): Wife wanted to upgrade her phone. So I talked her into taking mine and sprung for an iPhone7. Hit up Zillow and time to add another service.
"Keller Williams is a technology company" whereareweat 1 7 yearswhereareweat (172): Recent article [18 February 2018] in Inman, seemed appropriate to share given the Zillow webinar tomorrow [Thursday, 22 February 2018], zillow threads and @GeorgeK “changed” industry vlog “We are a technology company. No. 1 that means we build the technology. No. 2 that means we hire the technologists …. We are not a real estate company anymore,” Keller Williams co-founder Gary Keller declared today at Keller Williams Family...
Zillow 3D Home app Bernardhhi 10 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, My guests on WGAN-TV Live at 5 (5 pm EST | GMT -5 on Thursday 22, February 2018 are: ✓ Steve Lake from the Zillow Photography Program ✓ Allison Light, Zillow Group Senior Product Manager The topic for the show is: Zillow 3D Home Tour for Newbies Zillow is likely to roll-out Zillow 3D Home tour service nationwide in 2018. Found out how and why to shoot a Zillow 3D Home. Best, Dan
Zillow creates new ‘3D Home’ iphone app iTours360VR 11 7 yearsfullpreview (163): @EileenB - what you have said is very true and practical, for Zillow. And, you're right - because of the simplicity of performing the video and its inherent "Zillow" value, it should be done... if for nothing else, it's a value proposition. For all the MSPs, please ALWAYS mentioned one, if not the best, USP for a Matterport Tour - dedicated property detail pages! These are the best way for an agent to market the property outside of...