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Suggestions wanted: cheap, fast 3D solution12749

Expertise private msg quote post Address this user
Hi guys!

I'm looking for some help. Although I read this forum regularly, I usually ignore all the Matterport competitor stuff. We have always taken the high road on quality.

BUT... We are launching a new spin-off to offer run-n-gun type products.

We currently offer only 1 package with our spin-off: 30-40 stills for $100

We would like to now do a package for $150: with stills, a slideshow "video" and a 3D type tour. We already have 2 Theta Vs and a 360 ONE X. We also have DSLRs we could use. Obviously if you're only charging $150 you can't spend a lot of time on shooting the tour or processing/hosting.

What would you do??

Please all insights welcome!
Post 1 IP   flag post
CLUB Member
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
lilnitsch private msg quote post Address this user
Stills plus Zillow 3D home tour ~ While my minimum is $250 to show up. I offer this as a value option
Post 2 IP   flag post
ToddsFotos private msg quote post Address this user
Question, who is your target client(s) for this service?
Post 3 IP   flag post
CLUB Member
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
lilnitsch private msg quote post Address this user

I shoot Residential Real Estate for agents & builders
Post 4 IP   flag post
ToddsFotos private msg quote post Address this user
My bad, that question is for the originator of this forum thread.
Post 5 IP   flag post
bryanhscott private msg quote post Address this user
Nodalview stills for sure. For 3D tours, either Nodalview or EyeSpy360. If you want to throw in a 2D floor plan without making a 3rd pass through, EyeSpy360 is a no-brainer. However, the quality of Nodalview is better. You can control/edit your panos with either, but you won’t have to with Nodalview.
Post 6 IP   flag post
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

In addition to Zillow 3D home tour (which is really a 360 tour) that @lilnitsch points out above, these WGAN Members offer solutions that can be shot in 15-20 minutes for up to 3,000 SQ FT to hit your price point:

Asteroom (@EricTsai) WGAN Forum posts: Asteroom
EyeSpy360 (Andrew Nicholls and Michael Valentine @EyeSpy360) WGAN Forum posts: EyeSpy360
Metareal State (@gareth) WGAN Forum posts: Metareal Stage
Nodalview (@ThomasNodalview) WGAN Forum posts: Nodalview

Additionally, since you would like to offer as an Add On for the budget-minded real estate agent:

Add On: if your real estate agent clients only engages you to shoot photos
Tips for Matterport Photographers Shooting Asteroom Virtual Tours
Identical Tours: Matterport (73 scans) Versus Asteroom (20 360s)

[quote=@DanSmigrod] While some will (likely) argue that with a Matterport Pro2 3D Camera and latest iPad, the scanning time would be dramatically reduced; and scanning time could be reduced further by fewer scans in in each room ... That said, my key takeaway is the amount of time that it takes to shoot an Asteroom tour is far less than a Matterport tour. That's important for shooting budget conscious listings where you may only be able to Add On $149 or $199.

Post 7 IP   flag post
jericreson private msg quote post Address this user
IMHO - your clients - even the budget ones, aren't going to be too happy with the visual quality of a "quick and dirty" tour shot with a Theta V or a 360 one x... those are cameras for consumers to play around with on vacations - not pro stuff. The industry visual standard has become the Matterport. That's because with so many scans, the visual data is immense and details crisp. You can get around this, and provide a stunning visual competitor without doing the enormous amount of time investment (and financial investment) with Matterport, by using an XPhase - because of the outrageous Megapixels it offers.

It's a quick, one shot per room equation, and I can generally get in and out of a house in under 30 minutes. Also, the exterior shots with an Xphase? WhOOO! Beautiful stuff - not possible with these other cameras that leave you wishing for more crisp detail clarity -

I process through eyespy360 - and love it. I recommend removing the room titles option when you save the tour - it's less cluttered looking.

Best of luck to you!
Post 8 IP   flag post
Expertise private msg quote post Address this user
Cheap Realtors. We do quite well with the guys who spend $300 to $600 per listing. We would like to get a lot more $100 to $200 folks. Mid and lower volume Agents are hurting for money now.
Originally Posted by ToddsFotos
Question, who is your target client(s) for this service?
Post 9 IP   flag post
ToddsFotos private msg quote post Address this user
May I add my $2-cents. By attempting to add an inexpensive alternative to your current menu of services it will actually take away from your current business model. "You can please some of the people some of the time, but can't please all of the people all of the time." There should be very little difference in expenses/costs to shoot, labor, process and deliver this "inexpensive" content with a couple of exceptions compared to what you are already offering. Your gross revenue may increase but so will your expenses and in the end your profit gain will be minimal.
Post 10 IP   flag post
Expertise private msg quote post Address this user
I appreciate your advice.

But-It's a spin off. Different name, different business model. A lower priced, bare bones deal. The differences in processing and shoot time are significant.
Post 11 IP   flag post
Expertise private msg quote post Address this user
Anyone using the Ricoh Tours solution?
Post 12 IP   flag post
CLUB Member
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
lilnitsch private msg quote post Address this user

I have used RicohTours if you are considering them you should really look at CloudPano
Post 13 IP   flag post
Expertise private msg quote post Address this user
Will do.

Originally Posted by lilnitsch

I have used RicohTours if you are considering them you should really look at CloudPano
Post 14 IP   flag post
PaulM private msg quote post Address this user
Cloudpano is quick and easy and there's a non-subscription model (I used it once for a test $10 for permanent hosting) I just didn't particularly like the transitions, I wanted something more 'matterport like which I've found with 3dVista & Metareal Stage

This was a test using Cloudpano
clickable text
Post 15 IP   flag post
Expertise private msg quote post Address this user
We're going with Zillow 3D, slideshow and stills for $150. We have experience with the Zillow thing, we have a ll the equipment and it's got name recognition... and there is no hosting cost. I also suspect they will roll out an evolution of it soon.
Post 16 IP   flag post
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