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'EyeSpy360' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
16 Virtual Tour Examples of the Same House (Different Platforms or Cameras) DanSmigrod 3 2 monthsDanSmigrod (31629): - Examples of some "buy the camera now" feature showing annotations with a link. Not all the features have been implemented, but it gives you, there's a path to follow to get to a destination. And, there's the route, some tools, info. I just wanted to show that because you actually shot the house today with the REALSEE 3D Galois LiDAR Camera. And unfortunately the camera was supposed to arrive on Friday of last week. It arrived...
WGAN-TV Podcast: REALTOR Brandon Doyle Compares 16 Virtual Tours DanSmigrod 3 2 monthsDanSmigrod (31629): - Examples of some "buy the camera now" feature showing annotations with a link. Not all the features have been implemented, but it gives you, there's a path to follow to get to a destination. And, there's the route, some tools, info. I just wanted to show that because you actually shot the house today with the REALSEE 3D Galois LiDAR Camera. And unfortunately the camera was supposed to arrive on Friday of last week. It arrived...
WGAN-TV Transcript: REALTOR Brandon Doyle Compares 16 Virtual Tours DanSmigrod 3 2 monthsDanSmigrod (31629): - Examples of some "buy the camera now" feature showing annotations with a link. Not all the features have been implemented, but it gives you, there's a path to follow to get to a destination. And, there's the route, some tools, info. I just wanted to show that because you actually shot the house today with the REALSEE 3D Galois LiDAR Camera. And unfortunately the camera was supposed to arrive on Friday of last week. It arrived...
WGAN-TV | 16 Virtual Tours Examples to be Discussed on WGAN-TV Live at 5 DanSmigrod 1 3 monthsDanSmigrod (31629): Text Me 5 Minutes Before WGAN-TV is Live | WGAN-TV | REALTOR Magazine Preview: REALTOR Brandon Doyle Compares 16 Virtual Tours | Guest: RE/MAX Results REALTOR and Doyle Real Estate Team Leader Brandon Doyle | Thursday, 9 January 2025 | Episode: 235 ...
WGAN-TV | REALTOR Brandon Doyle Compares 16 Virtual Tours DanSmigrod 3 3 monthsDanSmigrod (31629): Text Me 5 Minutes Before WGAN-TV is Live | WGAN-TV | REALTOR Magazine Preview: REALTOR Brandon Doyle Compares 16 Virtual Tours | Guest: RE/MAX Results REALTOR and Doyle Real Estate Team Leader Brandon Doyle | Thursday, 9 January 2025 | Episode: 235 ...
Benchmarking Floor Plans: Matterport, Zillow, CubiCasa and Urbanimmersive DanSmigrod 3 1 yearmp2fp (509): Thank you Dan for a good article that shows there is several dedicated tech solutions to register input to produce basic plan presentations! If any of you need an independent provider that can deliver all types of 2D, 3D floorplans or BIM models, the next day, and with no bindings to particular HW or SW, consider as well...
Frustrations with Virtual Tours EyeSpy360 1 2 yearsEyeSpy360 (88): https: Frustrations with Virtual Tours Hi all - I hope everyone is well. Recently we have been contacted by a large number of real estate photographers becoming increasingly frustrated with a particular Virtual Tour Platform, resulting in large numbers moving to us. There have been many reasons why they have decided to migrate; the overriding one being price. As such we have restructured our...
What is the current EyeSpy360 Special Pricing for WGAN Forum Members? JPPeron 2 2 yearsEyeSpy360 (88): Hi - We have now standardised our offerings. You can now sign up with No subscription for 6 months. You will only pay a per processing fee of $1 per room / 360 image (typical rooms only require 1 x 360 image). This price point includes the auto build of your virtual tour, 3D Model & Floor Plan. You can access this offer by signing up via our home page: Do let me know if you have any questions. Many thanks
How to add live video chat, multi-user sync and audio to a Matterport Tour realeshots 10 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @realeshots A follow-up to your original post of 8 May 2020: ✓ Matterport App Developers Use Digital Twins Improve Home Buying Experience Dan Wednesday, 2 March 2022
Question of the Day: Which Virtual Tour Platforms Offer a Dollhouse View? DanSmigrod 30 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @Dataventurer Congrats on your first Matterport tour and wow - 7,200 SQ FT with a Ricoh Theta SC2 - please do start a new WGAN Forum discussion to tell us about your first Matterport scan experience with a Ricoh Theta SC2 (when you can). Did you shoot a Zillow 3D Tour too with the Ricoh Theta SC2? Tip: You can add music to your Matterport tour using a 3rd party service such as CAPTUR3D and MPEMBED. Yes. Thanks for noticing the TWO...
Ben Claremont Video Review: Matterport versus Competitors DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsGETMYVR (1941): Ben is the best, I truly enjoy all the coverage and details only he can provide - a great asset for us all. So, it's like when the first car you drive is a Lamborghini Aventador, and you spend all your money on that car, for years - and then someone hands you the keys to a Porsche 911 Turbo, you just can't refute the original experience and base everything off of that first love - if you made the right pick originally. For myself, Matterport is...
Meero to Offer EyeSpy360 360 Virtual Tours/EyeSpyLIVE via Globa Partnership DanSmigrod 3 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Inman (19 August 2021) Virtual tour provider EyeSpy360 to expand through Meero agreement Meero raised $230 million in 2019 to expand its ability to connect visual artists with businesses in need of marketing assets --- Free 90 day trial of Inman with this WGAN Affiliate Code
Video: EyeSpy360 | How to use the Blur Tool DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): EyeSpy360 | How to use the Blur Tool | Video courtesy of EyeSpy360 YouTube Channel | 20 July 2021
EyeSpy360 Adds Video Recordings to EyeSpyPLAY and Background Music DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629):
New Real Estate Photography Competitor bryanhscott 6 4 yearsbotticelli (97): I was in the portrait business before this and there was always Lifetouch and other chains. They serve a middle to low end client and as a reminder to always be adding value and improving yourself and your art. Do not compete for the bottom.
Why/How Asteroom 3D Tours (and others) Will Succeed Despite Matterport $$$$ DanSmigrod 4 4 yearsGerhard (1484): @JuMP they just need to change the hosting fees that is the only way they will win as back for good...
Video: How to use EyeSpyLIVE | Live Video Chat within an EyeSpy360 Tour DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): How to use EyeSpyLIVE | Live Video Chat within an EyeSpy360 Tour | Video courtesy of EyeSpy360 YouTube Channel | 15 January 2021 [eyespy360][/eyespy360]EyeSpy360 Tour example to show features that can be included Hi All, It's super-easy to do a live video chat within an EyeSpy360 Tour. In 2020, this one feature - live video chat within a tour - to...
EyeSpy360 Photo Realistic Virtual Staging: Residential/Commercial Examples EyeSpy360 5 4 yearsbbreish (13): @Eyespy360_Support Prices are different on your linked page than when completing the form on the same page. Costs are $6.00 more per scene or pano when completing the order form. Please explain the actual cost as $1700 for staging a 20 pano tour is quite expensive IE could have the home professionally staged for the cost.
Eyespy360 delivery delay?? simbany1 4 4 yearssimbany1 (145): Thanks for the response Andrew. It still showed the lock icon on the tour since this morning then the lock was gone but couldn't open the tour. Emailed support yesterday and messaged Frederick this morning and was waiting to hear back. Client called me this morning asking about the tour so needed to escalate. Let me know the best way to contact Eyespy360 with time sensitive issues? I haven't been able to find the quickest way to get a...
EyeSpy360 Brand New Features Update EyeSpy360_Support 1 5 yearsEyeSpy360_Support (55): EyeSpy360 Update with BRAND NEW FEATURES We here at EyeSpy360 are always working to make our platform bigger and better. Our team have been working around the clock to add four exciting new features: 1. Expiry Link Set time limits on how long your virtual tour is accessible to your clients by clicking the Expiry Link icon inside your tour’s publish window. Be in control and choose how long your tours are live and available to your...
Suggestions wanted: cheap, fast 3D solution Expertise 16 5 yearsExpertise (1192): We're going with Zillow 3D, slideshow and stills for $150. We have experience with the Zillow thing, we have a ll the equipment and it's got name recognition... and there is no hosting cost. I also suspect they will roll out an evolution of it soon.
creating a video with matterport 360 views? davem 8 5 yearsdavem (54): Thank you for all the advice.
EyeSpy360 versus 3DVista? simbany1 10 5 yearsMarshallartsmedia (104): @andreabortolot Sorry to just get back to you now. They have a bunch of scheduled developments and they also update the software regularly, sometimes every week as they develop new features. in Q3 they have planned moving to working with Z-depth or 3-dimensional space so movement through the model would be more like matterport or metareal. For those of us who use lots of tags this is a game changer because we only need to tag each item...
Three quick questions from a newbie... DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, A new WGAN Member - whom is new to 3D/360 virtual tours - sent me the email below. Below that is my response. Your thoughts? Best, Dan --- Three quick questions from a newbie Got to ask you a couple quick questions.... Background: fairly new real estate agent in [redacted]. Just bought a Ricoh Theta SC2 last week [week of 29 June 2020]. I want to help my fellow agents with virtual tours in exchange for...
EyeSpy360 is the virtual tour platform you don't know you're already using DanSmigrod 8 5 yearsbryanhscott (843): As a long-time real estate agent, working with buyers, sellers and investor/landlords, I agree with @jericreson. Few clients require all that control, unless they are very experienced. Most leave it to the agent to make sure they don't miss anything important. The more experienced just use/need less time to decide on next steps, before proceeding to the next one on their list. Whether in person, or using a 3D tour, I offer the driver's seat...
Eyespy360 - Creating a pre=-recorded video tour for client? simbany1 10 5 yearsEyeSpy360_Support (55): Hi @JPPeron, It isn't currently possible to directly assign a tour from one user to another. You would need to create your tour inside the user account you wish for it to belong to. Kind regards, Frederick EyeSpy360 Support Team
My QuoCam 8K Odyssey: Seeking a 360 Camera for Multiple Tour Platforms homefinders3d 12 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @homefinders3d The Forgotten QooCam 8K Magic : Creatively Use Express DNG8 and In Cam RAW+ at the same time!!! | Video courtesy of Yuqing Guo YouTube Channel | 21 June 2020
Seaking honest opinions about my latest 360Tour (Which I am not hapy about) Pedrotex69 16 5 yearsWingman (4426): If you wait for tiles to load it is not all that blurry. It is actually not that bad considering resolution of an Insta360 OneX.
Exploring Options Virtual Tour Platform and Floor Plan Options ... PowerHouseMedia 3 5 yearsandriystrebkov (143): Hello, Maybe you should try our services at iGUIDE, our camera generates 3D tours, floor plans, and square meters measurements in one package every time you scan a property. Also, these measurements and floor plans will have a high degree of accuracy since we use the LiDAR Laser for them. Plus, unlike with MP, you won't have to pay monthly fees to keep your tours active, you would pay only once per project (per tour) and then you can keep...
Bad Quality pictures with Insta 360 One X Pedrotex69 8 5 yearsandreabortolot (199): Hi Pedro! I own a Insta360R and had the same problem but then I discovered a software which is very useful when there is noise on a pic. Its name is I'd warmly suggest it.. it's only $69 for full version. I am also using the video plugin for Davinci REsolve that remove noise from 360 videos. Let me know if that works! Força POrtugal!
Eyespy360 Floor Plan Measurements simbany1 10 5 yearsbryanhscott (843): @Spint_Jeremy Notwithstanding the room-to-room variances to your Leica Disto D2, what was the overall variance on the whole space. Just curious. As I had mentioned above, room-to-room variances were fairly wide (percentage-wise), but the overall space measurement was within 1%.
Free WGAN-TV Training Academy Course: EyeSpy360 Virtual Tour Platform DanSmigrod 3 5 yearsCabrahams (118): I am watching this "Live at 5" explanation of Eyespy 360 and I have to say the explanation video is extremely confusing and makes the entire software seem confusing. Is there anything that is concise that explains this step by step? The guy narrating (founder), is all over the place. Starting w one thought mentioning something else saying he'll get back to it, etc. I'm looking to answer a request of a client who will be trying to...
Anyone Used the Qoocam 8k for Tours? homefinders3d 10 5 yearshomefinders3d (349): I've watched several videos on the Qoocam 8k with polar opposite findings lol. Mine should be here in the next hour. I will send it back if the images are not sharp. Kind of wish I kept my Insta360 One X.
Subscription Services fotoguy 1 5 yearsfotoguy (835): I just want to vent a bit about subscription services. I bet I'm not the only one that feels this way. I signed up for EyeSpy. I really just wanted to do a test tour for myself and be able to show it around. I don't want to pay the monthly subscription fee until I start to use the service on a regular basis. I'm not sure if I can still use my sample tour if I cancel. The same goes for several other subscription services. I sign up and then I...
Metareal Stage versus EyeSpy360: which do you prefer? Pau 6 5 yearsahagert (141): I think hands down a better walkthrough experience is provided by Kuula. I tried EyeSpy360 and the user experience does not compare to Kuula.
EyeSpy360 questions Expertise 4 5 yearshomefinders3d (349): I may be missing something, but it seems to me that the EyeSpy360 is not as a good deal as I first thought. If you shoot 25 tours with EyeSpy360 and host them for 3 months (the average free hosting included by most providers in my area) the cost will be $395 plus $89.97 for the monthly fee. Total Cost for 25 models for 3 months using Eyespy360 = $484.97. Using Matterport 25 model monthy fee plan = $207 or using annual plan = $177 for 3...
Eyespy360 Reports simbany1 10 5 yearssimbany1 (145): I appreciate it @homefinders3d! I hope Eyespy360 looks into adding this as an option in the near future. Would be another great added value!
Eyespy360 - Publishing URL Link simbany1 3 5 yearsEyeSpy360_Support (55): Hi @simbany1, Glad to hear this has been resolved! Kind regards, Frederick EyeSpy360 Support Team
EyeSpy360 Partners with RE/MAX: RE/MAX 360 Tours powered by EyeSpy360 DanSmigrod Jump to first page41Jump to last page 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Inman (15 May 2020) RE/MAX Integra launches 3D tours by EyeSpy360 "RE/MAX Integra, the independently owned Canadian subfranchisor of RE/MAX, has launched 360-degree tour technology for agents through a partnership with EyeSpy360," reports Inman. '“RE/MAX 360 Tours powered by EyeSpy360” will allow RE/MAX Integra agents to create true 360-degree virtual tours and take advantage of the technology’s lead generation...
EyeSpy360 Partners with North America's Large Reach Estate Tech Provider DanSmigrod 10 5 yearsGerhard (1484): I spoke with Andrew about 3 years ago when he just launched. And was looking at the option of getting exclusivity in my market. Long story short. After we had a vert long an open conversation, I realized that this is not a solution that I can make money of and it is more geared towards the agents and could respect what he was building. I wish them all the luck and success and hats off to him for keeping in this space and also innovating.
How much should I charge for EyeSpy360 Tours? fotoguy 4 5 yearsbryanhscott (843): @fotoguy For me, for a small property (up to 1,000sf), retail for EyeSpy360 is about 75% of Matterport. For a larger property (say up to 5,000sf) it works out to be about 58%. The fixed costs; drivetime, computer time, etc. is close to same for all. Those static costs are spread across small and large to account for the difference in price between MP vs EyeSpy360.
What are the EyeSpy360 Tour branding opportunities? And, recording intro? fotoguy 6 5 yearsjunior (55): Yes the ability to add an audio file without a http address would be great and give us the ability to sweeten the file (fairly easy and quick to do)before uploading to create a better and more professional product.
EyeSpy360 Tip - Changing Floor Plan Name simbany1 3 5 yearsDanielleNewson (17): Thank you, this was very helpful. I had requested this as well, but didn't get an answer.
Best Contact for EyeSpy360 Support? simbany1 4 5 yearsEyeSpy360_Support (55): Hi @simbany1, The best and quickest way to get support from our team is to email I have responded to your PM and hope that is helpful. Kind regards, Frederick EyeSpy360 Support Team
Eyespy360 - Replacing pics after publishing simbany1 19 5 yearsPau (58): Hello @ella_EyeSpy360 @Home3D Any news regarding the replacement of panoramas? Cheers,
Eyespy help?! slmaslowski 8 5 yearsbryanhscott (843): @slmaslowski EyeSpy360 turn-around on tour builds has been running less than 24 hours this past week and a half. The last one I just had done, was right at 18 hours. And, just one person's observation, but if you can pay a tour build fee of a mere $15.80 (with just a click of their TaaS button!), which has ES build your tour, handle most all the navigation, plus gives you back a 2D floor plan, why in the world would you want to do it...
Eyespy 360 Virtual Tour - Staging simbany1 10 5 yearsina1979 (1): I don't even know what to advise you
EyeSpy360 recorded tours JPPeron 2 5 yearsEyeSpy360_Support (55): Hi @JPPeron, I've had our technical team investigate and they haven't had any difficulties. Would you kindly let me know which browser you are using and on which device so they can try to investigate further for you? Kind regards, Frederick EyeSpy360 Support Team
Can this be done in Matterport? MortenKrog 11 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @Home3D Yes. WGAN can save you 5 percent on the Insta360 Pro 2 Camera :cool: ... because you are a WGAN Standard Member. Please Private Message me for details before you make your purchase. Best, Dan
anybody used the qoocam 8k to make a tour? fotoguy 19 5 yearsJuMP (2031): @Wingman Yes, keep in touch.
EyeSpy360 Tour as a Service rzphotoman 3 5 yearsrzphotoman (1837): I got it. Thanks
Eyespy360 Branding Profiles simbany1 4 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @simbany1 Please see this WGAN Forum discussion: ✓ Video: How to Add Branding to EyeSpy360 Tours for Multiple Clients Best, Dan
Best 360 camera for EyeSpy 360 rzphotoman 9 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @rzphotoman ✓ WGAN List of 50+ 3D/360º Cameras for Virtual Tours If Matterport enabled the same workflow as Ricoh Theta Z1 and Insta360 One X for Labpano Pilot One / Labpano Pilot Era, these would be cameras for a Matterport Pro to consider (that also wanted the flexibility of using the camera for other 3D/360 virtual tour platforms/software. Dan
EyeSpy360 support????? realeshots 8 5 yearsPedrotex69 (313): Thank you Ella, but from what i gather they are not even making any conversions, they are just charging me the UK prices, and that is not what I sign for. Thank you for looking into this, all the best, keep safe.
Eyespy360 Questions/Suggestions simbany1 5 5 yearssimbany1 (145): Submitted a tour through TAAS last night. I'm hoping that I see a normal turnaround time since this is for my first luxury my last tour I submitted for floor plans took several days and messages to get back.
Staging EyeSpy360 panos realeshots 5 5 yearsEricTsai (171): Asteroom now offers virtual staging for tours created on Asteroom See the discussion here
How to start EyeSpy360's EyeSpyLIVE video chat? DouglasMeyers 8 5 yearsJPPeron (59): I'm having an issue with people trying to join the Eyespy360 Live with their android phones. Has anyone else experienced any problems?
Do you have examples of EyeSpy360 Tours I can use to Develop Business? fotoguy 5 5 yearssimbany1 (145): Thanks Dan. It's interesting. I know about the toggle for the 3d floorplan. I toggle the Eyespyplan Autostart 'On' so that when the tour starts, the 3d model is the first scene. Gives a sense of "coolness" when the tour starts. When you do that and go back to the 360 tour, the 3d floor plan doesn't show up in the bottom left... Guess I think I prefer having the 3d floorplan at the bottom left, unless Eyespy adds that in eventually. ...
EyeSpy360: Creating a tour of my office realeshots 13 5 yearsEyeSpy360_Support (55): Hi @realeshots, On the WGAN deal $15.80 is the fee per tour and you can either submit your 360 photos as: a) a TaaS order where we will build your 360 tour, 3D model box and 2D floor plan for you. or alternatively b) you can build the tour yourself. To select the TaaS option, all you have to do is upload your 360 photos and then click the Orange TaaS button at the top of the screen inside your tour editor where you will be prompted to pay...
Are you offering Matterport AND EyeSpy360? realeshots 13 5 yearsEyeSpy360_Support (55): Hi @bryanhscott, Yes! You can certainly upload your own floor plan and then make it interactive on our platform. Please see this webpage below for a step-by-step video tutorial on how to do this: Do let me know if you have any more questions.
EyeSpy360 Offer Questions impact360 4 5 yearsEyeSpy360_Support (55): Hi @impact360, Many thanks for your post. In response to your questions: 1. $15.80 is the fee per tour and you can either submit your 360 photos as: a) a TaaS order where we will build your 360 tour, 3D model box and 2D floor plan for you. or alternatively b) you can build the tour yourself. To select the TaaS option, all you have to do is upload your 360 photos and then click the Orange TaaS button at the top of the screen inside your...
Something like eyespy360? GlennTremain 16 5 yearsimpact360 (7): Cloudpano is adding a live video chat feature as well.
EyeSpy360 Questions homefinders3d 13 5 yearsBrokerBruce (281): @bbreish Thanks much for that clarification. Certainly helps in my decision making.
RICOH Theta Z1 and EyeSpy360 realeshots 10 5 yearsimpact360 (7): For quality images you really need to use the Dual Fisheye plugin and export the DNG which allows great post processing. I can still shoot and edit my DSLR faster because of batch capabilities but Z1 is a little more fun.
EyeSpy360 Issues? realeshots 2 5 yearsEyeSpy360_Support (55): Hi there, This isn't an issue we're aware of but I will have our technical team investigate immediately. Could you PM me the email address for your account and a screenshot of the issue? Many thanks. Frederick EyeSpy360 Support Team
EyeSpy360 offer in the forum TamiB Jump to first page47Jump to last page 5 yearsGlennTremain (2953): I have experienced and client I referred experienced and I told them that they were very responsive but the the recent demand has caused growing pains and my client was cool with it. I'm cool with it as well and wish them well
Current Eyespy Offer simbany1 7 5 yearssimbany1 (145): Update: contacted support through their live chat and received everything in a few hours. Happy with the support I received.
New Member and Trying to Find the right Virtual Software simbany1 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi @simbany1 Thanks for joining, backstory and for reaching out. I sent your post - and other @EyeSpy360 posts - to EyeSpy360 for comment. I could imagine that they are just swamped with business (as likely all 3D/360 virtual tour platforms). EyeSpy360 is an excellent platform. It takes a few tours to get the swing of it. (Use the EyeSpy360 TaaS order button to get them to create the tour for you.) ✓ Free Training inn EyeSpy360 - WGAN-TV...
EyeSpy Marketing material fotoguy 11 5 yearsGlennTremain (2953): @fotoguy prayers sent to you and loved ones and medical staff
EyeSpy360 showing my info, not listing agent's info. realeshots 12 5 yearsrealeshots (146): Yes, this shows how to create branding profiles and assigning each tour to a branding profile, but it still shows my picture in the upper left corner as the service provider. Also, when you select non-branded tour, it removes the "shared viewing" option located in the tool bar with the dollhouse and floor plan views. This is a HUGE drawback. I am hoping support returns my inquires and I can speak to someone to remedy this.
WGAN-TV: EyeSpy360 Virtual Tour Platform Demo for Photographers DanSmigrod 26 5 yearsrealeshots (146): No, the new deal is
I need help choosing a 3D Virtual Tour Platform for by Real Estate Listings ExmouthGroup 7 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @Alex_iGuide Gareth gets around! I visited with him at the 2019 Google Street View Summit in London too. What's different about Metareal meets 360º photos meets floor plans meets dimensionally accurate is that you can calibrate the floor plans with known measurements. Plus, Metareal will create the 3D model and 2D floor plan for their customers if they do not want to use the DIY option. @ExmouthGroup When you place your order for floor...
Is the EyeSpy360 Offer that expired in February 2020 Still Available? TamiB 4 5 yearsTamiB (23): Thanks Dan!
EyeSpy360 🤜 vs 🤛 Matterport JoshMais 4 5 yearsGlennTremain (2953): I just found this through kevin dole. great find Dan!Can this allow the agent to switch view to other properties with the client(s) still there? I have been informed that there is something coming out that does that. EyeSpy360 like @sherpa_media did here is outstanding!!!
Inman: "Need a virtual tour solution now? Here are our top picks" DanSmigrod 4 5 yearsEricTsai (171): Thanks for sharing Dan! We are honored to be featured on Inman again as we continue to ramp up our operation here in the US.
EyeSpy360: How to do a Live Video Chat within a 360º Virtual Tour DanSmigrod 8 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Grab of this Tweet Business Insider (13 March 2020) The coronavirus pandemic is pushing real estate agents around the country to show homes over video chat Hi All, "The Seattle-based brokerage, Redfin, is looking to virtual home tours as a way to mitigate the coronavirus' impact on its business," reports...
EyeSpy360: Corona Virus Contingency Plan and Offer DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsHome3D (4213): Very astute promotion. Our local office of one of the nation’s largest brokerages has just notified its agents to discourage the holding of broker and public open house events for the near future. This technology is what is needed as a safe alternative, which serves everyone - homeowners, agents and potential buyers.
Takeaways>Labpano Pilot One Shot EyeSpy360 Virtual Tour of Our Cruise Cabin DanSmigrod 8 5 yearsWingman (4426): I mean something simpler than that. Have a look at this picture I am sure most of us have something similar laying around or it can be bought in any $1 dollar store for $2-5. And these are just synthetic bags and they can be soft. If you have one made from thick leather that is going to be even better. As for GPS, it is good in Pilot Era for their built in but there will be...
EyeSpy360: Matterport Pro2 vs. Ricoh Theta Z1 bryanhscott 18 5 yearsEricTsai (171): @bryanhscott - thanks for the info. Our dollhouse processing starts at $10, goes up in tiers and caps at $35 (40 Panos). Each membership tier also comes with certain number of free processing depending on the tier. Similarly - once the user uploads them - our team will take it from there with no manual intervention required. More info on pricing:
EyeSpy360 Special Pricing for WGAN Forum Members Ends Saturday, 29 Feb 2020 DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, Reminder ... ✓ EyeSpy360 Special Pricing for WGAN Forum Members Ends Saturday, 29 Feb 2020 To receive the WGAN Forum Special Offer pricing, please email: by 11:59 am, Saturday, 29 February 2020. Best, Dan
EyeSpy360 Virtual Tour Platform - Special Pricing for WGAN Forum Members DanSmigrod 3 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, Reminder ... ✓ EyeSpy360 Special Pricing for WGAN Forum Members Ends Saturday, 29 Feb 2020 To receive the WGAN Forum Special Offer pricing, please email: by 11:59 am, Saturday, 29 February 2020. Best, Dan
Transcript: WGAN-TV EyeSpy360 Virtual Tour Platform Demo for Photographers DanSmigrod 3 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, Reminder ... ✓ EyeSpy360 Special Pricing for WGAN Forum Members Ends Saturday, 29 Feb 2020 To receive the WGAN Forum Special Offer pricing, please email: by 11:59 am, Saturday, 29 February 2020. Best, Dan
Video: EyeSpy360 Virtual Tour Platform Backstory with CEO Andrew Nicholls DanSmigrod 4 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, Reminder ... ✓ EyeSpy360 Special Pricing for WGAN Forum Members Ends Saturday, 29 Feb 2020 To receive the WGAN Forum Special Offer pricing, please email: by 11:59 am, Saturday, 29 February 2020. Best, Dan
My 3rd EyeSpy360 Tour (Workflow for Furnished Apartment in Atlanta) DanSmigrod 6 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, Reminder ... ✓ EyeSpy360 Special Pricing for WGAN Forum Members Ends Saturday, 29 Feb 2020 To receive the WGAN Forum Special Offer pricing, please email: by 11:59 am, Saturday, 29 February 2020. Best, Dan
Matterport Service Provider Seeks to Make a Change: Recommendation? DanSmigrod 3 5 yearsHome3D (4213): I’ll add to Dan’s thread that I am finding some of my customers prefer 360° Tours over Mattterport. It’s about 50/50 for me. Some like MP’s dollhouse, smooth automated tours and accurate floor plans, but others prefer the ease with which 360° tours can display both indoors and outdoors, and the lower cost. A few prefer 360° tours regardless of the cost differential, in other words, they’d be happy to pay the same for either. As...
EyeSpy360 questions: Use Matterport Camera to Shoot? Stills for MLS? fotoguy 20 5 yearsfotoguy (835): Awesome. You are the best!!
Videos: How to create an EyeSpy360 Tour (Spoiler Alert: It's super-easy!) DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV EyeSpy360 Virtual Tour Platform for Photographers- #1218 - How Hard Is To Create A EyeSpy360 Tour? | with EyeSpy360 Founder and CEO Andrew Nicholls WGAN-TV EyeSpy360 Virtual Tour Platform for Photographers- #1219 - Tour Workflow And WGAN Community Collaboration | with EyeSpy360 Founder and CEO Andrew Nicholls Hi All, In this WGAN-TV Short Stories (#1218, #1219), EyeSpy360 Founder and CEO Andrew Nicholls how to create an...
Video: Why Virtual Tours Will be Ubiquitous DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV EyeSpy360 Virtual Tour Platform for Photographers- #1217 - WGAN-TV EyeSpy360 Virtual Tour Platform: Why 360 Tours will be Ubiquitous with EyeSpy360 Founder and CEO Andrew Nicholls Hi All, In this WGAN-TV Short Story (#1217 above), EyeSpy360 Founder and CEO Andrew Nicholls discusses why 360º tours will become ubiquitous. See the entire discussion in this free WGAN-TV Training Academy Course ... How to Shoot, Upload,...
Can I create a walkthrough video from my 360 images? KeithMitchell 3 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV EyeSpy360 Virtual Tour Platform for Photographers- #1212 - Pre-Recorded EyeSpyPLAY Tour Presentation with EyeSpy360 Founder and CEO Andrew Nicholls -- @KeithMitchell EyeSpy360 Founder and CEO Andrew Nicholls (@EyeSpy360) shows and tells more about the EyeSpy360 pre-recorded EyeSpyPLAY 24/7 "Interactive Video" in this WGAN-TV Short Story (#1212 above). Best, Dan -- EyeSpy360 Special Offer for WGAN Forum Members ...
EyeSpy360 360º Virtual Tour Created Using Labpano Pilot One Camera DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, By the way, unlike other 360º virtual tour platforms where you have to link the 360ºs together, EyeSpy360 does that for you! For clarification, EyeSpy360 creates: ✓ 360º virtual tour ✓ 3D model ✓ 2D floor plans That's a huge help: particularly when you have many, many 360º panoramas that are included in the 360º virtual tour. Best, Dan
Help Needed: Review and recommend changes to EyeSpy360 marketing piece bryanhscott 1 5 yearsbryanhscott (843): Hello WGAN Forum: Lots of interest being generated about this new offering for WGAN Forum Members from EyeSpy360! Recently, I asked Andrew, CEO of EyeSpy360, if he might put together a marketing piece to assist us in selling these services to prospective clients. He was kind enough to provide a DRAFT, v1.0 from which to make edit recommendations. The following link contains 2 files: . The 1st is the DRAFT...
How to Create a Pre-Recorded, Narrated EyeSpy360 Tour "Interactive Video" DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629):™ Tutorial. Part One - What Is EyeSpyPLAY™? | Video courtesy of EyeSpy360 YouTube Channel EyeSpyPLAY™ - How to create pre-recorded narrated virtual tours | Video courtesy of EyeSpy360 YouTube Channel Hi All, With EyeSpy360 tour platform, you can create a pre-recorded and narrated virtual tour for your customers to watch at any time. EyeSpy360 calls these...
Video: How to add hotspots to EyeSpy360 Tours DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): EyeSpy360 - How to add interactive info labels to your virtual tour. Video Courtesy of EyeSpy360 YouTube Channel Hi All, It's easy and fast to add interactive info labels - hotspots - to EyeSpy360 Tours: ✓ video (YouTube or Vimeo) ✓ Google Street View map ✓ images ✓ links ✓ text Plus, each kind of info label has a different icon. Below is an example of an EyeSpy360 Tour that I...
How to Mash-up an Aerial Land Map with 3D Tours, Video & Driving Directions DanSmigrod 3 5 yearsHome3D (4213): @GlennAronwits - The Stillpoint Lodge project is fabulous. Congratulations Glenn. A spectacular job. I'm curious as to your shooting of the cabins in Matterport. Did you use MP Pro camera or Z1? Or both? I see direct sunlight on some panos and dusk / soft light on others. These small MP tours of the cabins are really beautifully done, so I hope you'll share tips regarding your methodology shooting them. I found the full tour link -...
Video: How to Add Branding to EyeSpy360 Tours for Multiple Clients DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): How to Add Branding to EyeSpy360 Tours for Multiple Clients | Video courtesy of [url=How to Add Branding to EyeSpy360 Tours for Multiple Clients]EyeSpy360 YouTube Channel[/url] (29 January 2020) [eyespy360][/eyespy360]EyeSpy360 Tour by We Get Around Atlanta Chief Photographer Dan Smigrod - Note the addition of the We Get Around nadir logo patch and...
EyeSpy360 Floor Plans versus Matterport Floor Plans DanSmigrod 5 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Ah! Understood. Worth testing in the future. I could always delete the extra 360º in the Tour experience. Yes. How ever you handle your pricing. The point here is that the EyeSpy360 Tours are super-fast to shoot, super-fast to create and are at such a low price point - one-time charge of $19.75 each - (plus, unlimited hosting at $9.99 monthly), that it can be priced to a client at an affordable price even for low-priced homes or apartments...
My EyeSpy360 Tour Example of a Senior Living Apt (Easy, Fast & Affordable) DanSmigrod 10 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, ✓ EyeSpy360 Tour Versus Matterport Digital Twin Best, Dan
EyeSpy360 Tour Versus Matterport Digital Twin DanSmigrod 6 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @bryanhscott Thanks for your patience on the camera info ... I will circle back on this. ✓ EyeSpy360 Floor Plans versus Matterport Floor Plans The Matterport and EyeSpy360 measurements are identical for the same apartment. (I still need to laser measure the apartment (next week). Best, Dan
EyeSpy360 Announce Exclusive Global Partnership With eXp Realty DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, Great news for real estate photographers. The global marketing alliance between eXpRealty and EyeSpy360 will generate leads for real estate photographers by eXp agents and brokers that do not want to shoot eXp 360º Tours – EyeSpy360 Tours – themselves. Thus, EyeSpy360 has joined WGAN as a Gold Member to aggressively grow its network of EyeSpy360 photographers to handle these leads in the: ✓ United States ✓...
EyeSpy360 Tour Photographer Wanted: Atlanta, Georgia DanSmigrod 4 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): This opportunity has been handled. Thanks, Dan
Are you a 3D/360º Camera Manufacturer? The Must Have Killer Feature is ... DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Are you a 3D/360º Camera Manufacturer? The Must Have Killer Feature is ... Hi All, Which one 360º camera feature do I recommend for real estate photographers that is a must have when deciding which of 50 3D/360º cameras is right for you? Answer: Platform(s) compatibility For example, if you are considering using one of these platforms … 1. Cupix 2. EyeSpy360 3. Google Street View 4. Matterport 5. Panoskin 6. ...
eXp Realty has their own 360 Tour business(system)? coulee360 10 5 yearsbryanhscott (843): @lilnitsch Couldn't agree with you more! As we know, the DIY'ers are not (yet) our Clients. When they get really busy, given they are already hooked on 360/3D tours, I'm confident they will reach out for help. In terms of pricing such a product for real estate listings, I price per square foot of interior, then just throw in a few exterior panos to complete the job. I treat 360 pretty much same as Zillow 3D Home in terms of time vs. cost,...
Platform offering the "guided visit" service Pau 1 5 yearsPau (58): Hello good afternoon! Someone from the forum who knows or has tried a platform that offers the “guided visit” service of the virtual tour where there is real-time interaction between the real estate agent and the client. This is a sample of what I'm looking for: For now those that give me the best feeling are: [][/url]...