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Help please transferring to iPhone 8+ And iXplorer challenge12405

mikemay1 private msg quote post Address this user
Hello All. My 1st post. I'm using Pro2, on a 500 plan.

My iphone was stolen 26/June and now backing up. 1st time for me. I know.

Following Matterport Help instructions and puchased IExplorer (great tool) Matterport Help said to move specific files (e.g., DM...*.*) into the "Jobs" folder on the phone.

I restarted, opened Matter app. Can't see the restored models. Under "Profile" I see the number of models, but they don't render in the app...

Now, I have another issue: As it has taken me so long to (yet) figure this matter out, I had an urgent job ystrday, and used another older IPhone to do that job using the updated CaptureApp for that iPhone.

Q: is there a way I can get that ONE scan exported/imported from OLDPHONE>PC>NEWPHONE ... without damaging the large database by attempting that? Saving it in a separate folder on Desktop? I'm worried.

I'd rather eat that already-Published model and forget it..

Geez and ty in advance.
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castaway private msg quote post Address this user
Did you update the IOS and Capture app?
Post 2 IP   flag post
Atriux private msg quote post Address this user
HI ,

So you tried this link and is not working ? You need latest OSX ( Catalina )

Look @ this thread in the forum : Moving Matterport models between iPad and iPhones devices
Was reported success with a bit of tweaking .
Post 3 IP   flag post
mikemay1 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by castaway
Did you update the IOS and Capture app?

yes i did before the transfer
Post 4 IP   flag post
mikemay1 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Atriux
HI ,

So you tried this link and is not working ? You need latest OSX ( Catalina )

Look @ this thread in the forum : Moving Matterport models between iPad and iPhones devices
Was reported success with a bit of tweaking .

OK I will retry everything. FYI, I'm not using the Ipad, just the Iphone8+ ..iPad too big for my needs. I will double-down to see if I've missed something. Did the transfer to pc>upload to new Iphone 2x, but I've time to try again before tomorrow.
Post 5 IP   flag post
Atriux private msg quote post Address this user

It's meant for IOS devices . I'll try it my self when I have right resources .
The fact that you are using and IP8 with a MP2 it's a downer in my opinion.
IP8 has a Apple GPU 3 cores and 2GB of Ram which is at edge with Capture app supporting it .
Do you know how much time you save scanning/processing when you have a powerful "slave" ?
For portability phone is ok, but for nice complex & big projects you'll need a great tool to work with MP2 . (They are working in tandem ) . Just throw it out there ...everyone is happy with their own tools .

Try scanning conversions 360 to 3D and big projects and you will see the difference .
I'm about to take the iPad Pro an call it a day ( it's a powerhouse) ...tired of my iPad mini and IPX crashing when works has to be done .
Good luck
Post 6 IP   flag post
briangreul private msg quote post Address this user
I'm using iMazing on a PC to move files off and on to my iPads. I don't think the app is a critical piece of it. iMazing was $49 for a 2 computer license.

The jist of it is that there is a "Jobs" folder in the Matterport App. In this folder are a series of folders with really long names. These names are the GUIDS of the jobs. A GUID is a Globally Unique IDentifier... think of it as a serial number for the record. It's globally unique to that computer/device, but could in theory be duplicated. I'd have to know more about how they are generated to tell you the odds of duplication. Don't get hung up on it unless you have 10 iPads capturing the same job on the same day.... i.e. scanning 50 apartments and you plan to put it all in one folder... that could get messy until you have it sorted and then it wouldn't matter again.

Inside the GUID folder is all of the scan/image data that relates to a job. It's a series of folders and files. I haven't fully figured out what they all do so I'll skip that and just say don't change them. Spaces seem to be portable as long as you do it at the GUID folder level.

My workflow for moving them out is:
- Move jobs off the iPad to a "inbox" folder on my PC.
- Open each GUID folder and look for the floorplan.png file. Open it.
- Look at the floorplan (mini-map) to figure out which job it is on the iPad.
- Create a folder on the PC and name it for the job. ex: 3Jul2020-JoeRealtor-123MainSt-Houston
- Move the GUID folder I have identified to the Job folder.
- Delete the job from my iPad.
- Repeat until all jobs have been identified.
- Move all folders from Inbox to a NAS (Network Attached Storage) for archiving.

On my NAS I maintain a folder called "Matterport Backups". In that is a 2020 folder. In that is a folder for each month. Jun, Jul, Aug. Jobs get archived by month.

If I am doing multiple models for a shoot, like an apartment I use a slightly different naming scheme:
- 3Jul2020-JoeRealtor-Gardens of Paradise- 123 Main St- Houston
- Apartment 456
- Apartment 1234
- Lobby
- Fitness Center of Mirrors
- Gameroom

In the appropriate folder I keep the GUID folders.

To move a model to a device (iPhone, iPad, etc)
1. Force close MP capture App.
2. Move the appropriate GUID folder back to the Jobs folder.
3. Open the Matterport App. It will rescan the Jobs folder and say "updating Map" the first time you open the model. It's basically rescanning the data from what I can tell.
4. Once you are sure the model is on your iOS device you can either A) delete it from your PC, or B) if you want a copy of it, then rename it so you understand what it is. Ex: you are asked to make changes and resubmit, split a model, rescan a portion of it.

I hope this helps you and others with managing models. I've gone to a point where I archive them a couple of times a week and don't keep much data on my iPad. Once they are processed and "done" they get archived. If something comes up I can always move them back. I believe this would be scalable with multiple iPads/photographers and it frees you from having your valuable data on a device that can be lost, stolen, or damaged.

My NAS has mirroring on two disks and is backed up to 3 other single disk devices to give me some redundancy against gremlins eating my data.
Post 7 IP   flag post
briangreul private msg quote post Address this user
On the subject of speed... the iPad Pro 2020 is a beast. It will align the scans pretty much as fast as they copy to the device.

The only time I've seen it not do this is when I was exploring the limits of the app. Around 1100 scans the first scan alignment would take 5 to 7 minutes. The app seems to have no concept of where to start and I think it starts at the beginning looking for a match.

For the record, I made it to 1144 scans before it became unusable. I think I made a strategic error and if I had not done that I could probably have scanned the whole place in about 1300 scans.

I did have to split the 1144 scan model into two spaces for it to process. 784 scans processed fine, but I don't know for sure what the upper limit is. The job wound up as 784/300ish/230ish for 83,000 s/f. It was a hospital with a ton of identical rooms and hallways. Apriltags were a lifesaver once I figured out how to use them. Data consumed was approximately 23GB on a Pro 2. Most scans are 1-2GB per scan.

If I were buying another iPad right now, I'd buy an iPad 2020 11" with 256MB of Ram. This is because I move the jobs off when I'm done, so no need for stupid amounts of memory. The 11" screen is fine and battery life is good at about 5.5 hours with bluetooth disabled.

If you are doing alot of scanning it's also a good idea to go into General / Settings / Cellular and disable cellular data for the MP Capture app. Otherwise it will chew up your data allowance and send you to data purgatory.
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