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'Restore' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Issues Restoring Matterport scans: How about you? michaelr 1 2 yearsmichaelr (63): Anyone else having issues restoring scans in their accounts after matterport's changes? I have been trying to restore a few archived scans for the past week and a half with nothing happening after I agree to their new fees. After a bit of back and forth with tech support this is their answer "The team found the issue is code related and not a simple UI notification fix. We have to patch the code but make sure nothing else breaks...
What is the approved method to back up the iPad? SpencerLasky 7 2 yearsWingman (4426): yes you can bring it back using Export. But most important if you just keep models in your workshop or its archive you can just download job data on any device and you can use it to update a space. The cool part of it it is cross-platform so you can do a job on iPad initially, send it for processing from there but download it later to android and update a space from Android version of the capture app.
Did anyone notice the "Restore Job Data" in the Matterport App? Sdoughtie 4 2 yearsHarlanHambright (2133): Correct.
Matterport Backup Matt19 14 3 yearsMatt19 (354): @Queen_City_3D That would be frustrating! Hopefully the new way is the answer.
Matterport Video: Capture for Android: Backup + Restore your Model Data DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Video: Capture for Android: Backup + Restore your Model Data | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 13 January 2022 How might you use this Matterport Export/Import (Restore/Transfer) Feature? ✓ Matterport Video: Capture for iOS: Backup + Restore your Model Data Transcript Amir Frank: - There will definitely come a time when you want to Back-up your model data and it's really...
Matterport Video: Capture for iOS: Backup + Restore your Model Data DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Video: Capture for iOS: Backup + Restore your Model Data | video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 13 January 2022 How might you use this Matterport Export/Import (Restore/Transfer) Feature? ✓ Matterport Video: Capture for Android: Backup + Restore your Model Data Transcript Amir Frank: - Clearly, there are many reasons why you might want to Back-up, Restore, or Transfer your model...
Video: How to Restore Matterport Models to Capture on iOS or Android DanSmigrod 4 4 yearsWingman (4426): sorry I see something in transcript about it. Will watch it or read it in full. There is no "Import jobs" option in the capture app, you can only export jobs and it is one by one which can take significant amount of time if you have over 100 of them stored.
Help with Capture app/ iExplorer and restoring an old scan on iPad? CharlesHH 1 4 yearsCharlesHH (640): Hi. I back up my Capture scans using iExplorer. I needed to reopen an old scan which I had removed from my iPad Pro. I added it to my iPad Pro with iExplorer. Now my iPad Capture App is refusing to open. It starts, flashes once and closes. It's tempting to delete and reinstall the App but I don't want to risk losing the data on the iPad (even though I have backed them all up on iExplorer) Anyone had similar problems retrieving an...
Matterport Plans a Zip File Sharing Solution: Copy Model to Another Device DanSmigrod 3 4 yearsron0987 (3499): Wow after how many years of asking.
Backup and "restore" with iMazing (or others) seems to have stopped working briangreul 6 4 yearslilnitsch (5803): I missed the scan I transferred when I was first looking as it used the date stamp so, it was in the middle of all my other models on this particular iPad
Transcript: Matterport ShopTalk #6 Webinar Video | 2 September 2020 DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Shop Talk 6: Expanding Camera Lineup, Android Support, New Betas, How to Back Up & Restore Models | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 2 September 2020 Hi All, Below is a transcript of Matterport ShopTalk #6 Webinar that aired live on 2 September 2020. Topics Covered ✓ Expanding Camera Lineup ✓ Android Support ✓ New Betas ✓ How to Back Up & Restore Models ✓...
Matterport Backup and Restore Scenarios: Questions/Issues mikemay1 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @mikemay1 WGAN Forum Discussions that may be helpful for your Matterport Back-up and Restore Questions ✓ Video: Backup & Restore Your Matterport Models (And Why This is a Problem!) ✓ WGAN Forum discussions tagged: Backup | Restore | iMazing | iExplorer If you still have questions, I suggest that you do new WGAN Forum posts with just one question per post. (Please do read through the above first). Best, Dan
Video: Backup & Restore Your Matterport Models (And Why This is a Problem!) DanSmigrod 6 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Backup & Restore Your Matterport Models using Mac OS 10.15 Catalina | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 16 September 2020 Hi All, This video amends the first video above regarding Mac OS Catalina. Dan Transcript (video above) - Welcome Matterporters, thanks for joining us again. In this video, I wanted to very quickly just go over how to back up and restore if you're using Catalina. You...
Deleted scans, Matterport no longer restoring... Expertise 4 5 yearsbriangreul (684): @Lilsnitch - more winning. :(
Using iXplorer: Which Download Should I upload? mikemay1 5 5 yearsbriangreul (684): yes.... as long as you don't delete anything from the old iphone you are good. If you move all the JOBS folders it will be fine and they will all show up. Sort by age and do one or two to test. Do not move the JOBS folder itself.... it's the folders in there that matter.
Help please transferring to iPhone 8+ And iXplorer challenge mikemay1 8 5 yearsbriangreul (684): On the subject of speed... the iPad Pro 2020 is a beast. It will align the scans pretty much as fast as they copy to the device. The only time I've seen it not do this is when I was exploring the limits of the app. Around 1100 scans the first scan alignment would take 5 to 7 minutes. The app seems to have no concept of where to start and I think it starts at the beginning looking for a match. For the record, I made it to 1144 scans before...