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MSPs: How to get more Matterport biz from winter storms (and at full-price)10588

WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
WGAN-TV Matterport Meets Insurance Claims-Fire and Floor Remediation and Restoration Short Story #1125-How to get more Matterport biz from winter storms with Matterport Director, Business Development and Head of Partnerships and New Market Development Tomer Poran (Thursday, 7 November 2019)

Screen Grabs from Matterport Support: Matterport TrueSketch™ and TrueSketch™ PLUS are additional deliverables you can request after you've scanned a property and uploaded it to | Matterport TrueSketch Beta Sign-Up Form

Hi All,

Winter storms = more Matterport Service Provider business - and at full-price/no haggling - for Matterport Service Providers.

In this WGAN-TV Short Story (#1125), Matterport Director, Business Development and Head of Partnerships and New Market Development Tomer Poran explains why - and how to get this business.

"Another big opportunity is I mentioned this industry being extremely centered around disasters. Often you'll see folks, 70% of my annual revenue comes from the two months of winter and specifically one or two or three big storms. That's something that you often hear in this industry. And this industry is very used to supplementing," says Tomer.

" Get familiar with the public adjusters in your area and offer them this service. So I'd say probably in between the public adjuster, supplementing restoration contractors and offering inventory documentation services, those are probably my top three opportunities for Matterport Service Providers."

And, while this may feel opportunistic, you are providing a value service that will help homeowners get the most money from insurance companies for winter storm that causes fire and flood damage in their home - to get their life back together as fast as possible.

What has been your experience with insurance documentation for restoration companies and public adjusters?

Happy holidays,


Transcript (Video Above)

Another big opportunity is I mentioned this industry being extremely centered around disasters. Often you'll see folks, 70% of my annual revenue comes from the two months of winter and specifically one or two or three big storms. That's something that you often hear in this industry. And this industry is very used to supplementing.

And like I said, that's labor supplementing, supplementing with vehicles, supplementing with hardware. What they would often like, and we've seen this and I've talked to several MSPs who have done business like this, is say, go reach out to your local restoration company. They'll likely not use you for the day to day Matterport scanning because they have cheap labor, they're already going on site, and they're very used to lugging around hardware. Their trucks are full of hardware.

- It's also 24/7 on demand.

- We're set that they need in emergency. But in the case of a storm and now suddenly there's a flood, there's a hurricane, I guarantee you, you as a Matterport Service Provider go to that area, that region, call up the restoration contractors and say, hey, I've got a device mostly likely by now if I've done my job well they would have heard about Matterport and they're ready for your call basically saying, of course you're another hand, a working hand with a Matterport device? I've got five jobs for you today.

Not only that, but even if they haven't heard of Matterport, your pitch is, I will go to all your losses, perfectly document them, and deliver you an Xactimate sketch all within the next two business days for these next two properties. And they'll say go, basically. So that's the other element of big opportunity is I'd say familiarize yourself with your local restoration contractor.

Reach out to them. Get them to understand the offering that you have. Often, by the way, they may say, you know what? This seems like a great service and on the day to day use you maybe until they buy a Matterport camera or even afterwards, who knows. Depending on their business model and how much they want to get involved in this.

So definitely be able to offer them as an initial service but even more so in the case of a disaster where you say, in a disaster, tell me, give me addresses, and all I do is go hit up these addresses, scan, send it to your estimator, and move on to the next loss.

You'll be estimating 10 times more homes than you would having your own estimator going around measuring, documenting, and moving on like that. So it's a great offering to restoration firms in that sense. Same thing with public adjusters. Public adjusters, unlike restoration contractors, are not minimum wage.

And they are often not on site as an emergency as much as the contractor. So I'd say there's even more opportunity there. Get familiar with the public adjusters in your area and offer them this service. So I'd say probably in between the public adjuster, supplementing restoration contractors and offering inventory documentation services, those are probably my top three opportunities for Matterport Service Providers.

- Yeah, I think I would add maybe one or two. I think if there's maybe a remediation company, a restoration company that's thinking about Matterport but they just don't know, then this might be an opportunity to say, hey, take me with you on some jobs so that you can see the workflow, continue to use your Xactimate, but watch the parallel process of what I can deliver for you. That's not a sustaining business model for the photographer. On the other hand, it might be an opportunity for training and support locally to be training people.

- I'd say it is an opportunity, because even when that contractor buys that camera, you are there to go to supplement. So actually going around and saying, initially, I will offer Matterport services on your losses until a point where that contractor says, hey look, this is amazing but I need more availability of the camera and I want my team with it and I want it to be readily available to me and I'm okay with hardware costs and the training of it.

But like I said, suddenly we get 3x more jobs because there was a storm this month, and I'm not gonna go and buy two more Matterport cameras and then sell them. So that's the idea of supplementing. The best way to get in your contractor's supplement pocket is by initially offering a Matterport service until they buy. So I think it's a sustainable model.

- I could imagine the company you were describing in Chicago that has now bought 50 cameras. At some point, somebody had to train the people and there was an opportunity for some company to being doing training and support and handholding.

So I think that's an opportunity for Service Providers. I think demonstrating what Matterport can do. Given that there's three places that someone scans, which is 24/7 within an hour of that fire or flood, that's not really an opportunity for a service provider, nor is documenting after that remediation of here are all the blowers, dehumidifiers, devices, et cetera. Maybe for the after fact. But again, I think that's probably a general contractor that now already has a camera.

So I still think that the training and the emergency if there's particularity in California or the panhandle, someplace in Florida, maybe hurricanes, fires, flood, it seems like there's a whole lot of business there and that probably is not a business that is going to be a lot of pushback on price when the general contractor all of a sudden has 1,000 opportunities, it can only handle half of them, those other 500 is found money. And I would imagine that the scanning is going to be a very profitable business for the service provider as well as marking up the, forgive me, the TrueSketch. TrueSketch? Even if the service provider's paying $250 for the TrueSketch, it's still an opportunity to mark that up.

- Yeah, either mark it up or just use it as, like I said, as a leads generator. That's what's going to get the contractors extremely interested is when you say you can deliver a full Xactimate sketch. They know that there is... Today in the world, there are 34 Xactimate certified trainers. That's an extremely coveted skill set. So for you to come off the street and say, I'll deliver a perfect sketch in two days is often mind blowing for these guys.

- Yeah, it's crazy exciting. Before we wrap it up...
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johnwheatley private msg quote post Address this user
This gives some ideas to me as a restoration contractor, too. Can you provide a link to the full interview?
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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Thanks for asking. Here is the full interview:

Transcript: Matterport Insurance Claims: Flood/Fire Remediation/Restoration

And, a related upcoming WGAN-TV Live at 5 show: (Wednesday, 11 December 2019 | 5 pm EST (GMT -5)

WGAN-TV: Matterport Meets Insurance Underwriting and Risk Management

Please do share your ideas as a restoration contractor. Perhaps you can use the WGAN Find a Matterport Pro Map to source Pros prior to major weather events in your area?


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