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'Floor' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Video: Matterport for Restoration in 30 Seconds DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): Matterport for Restoration in 30 Seconds | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 6 April 2021
Signed up , but can't use Asteroom Swinc20022002 5 4 yearsSwinc20022002 (16): I was hoping I could work my way up to buying a Matterport but I guess for now I WILL JUST HIRE SOMEONE TO DO FOR NOW.
Shiny Shop Floors, Building the 3D Tour - issue? BlueImmersiveMedia 5 5 yearsGerhard (1484): @GETMYVR Yes did a shoot last week for a very big client and had only two days onsite. The artifacts is absolutely horrible, especially the exterior 360 from balconies, took 6 shots at different heights and distance from the railing, all had broken artifacts. Also door handles and other things like cylindrical light fittings are broken. Never had that problem when I was shooting with Geocv. And the color and textures are also getting very bad in...
How to rename a floor in Matterport Showcase? tresdear 3 5 yearstresdear (21): I've seen it, Dan. But it seems to be an old Showcase interface. Finally, I found it. You can rename floors in Mattertag or Label menus (like in the images).
MSPs: How to get more Matterport biz from winter storms (and at full-price) DanSmigrod 3 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): @johnwheatley Thanks for asking. Here is the full interview: ✓ Transcript: Matterport Insurance Claims: Flood/Fire Remediation/Restoration And, a related upcoming WGAN-TV Live at 5 show: (Wednesday, 11 December 2019 | 5 pm EST (GMT -5) ✓ WGAN-TV: Matterport Meets Insurance Underwriting and Risk Management Please do share your ideas as a restoration contractor. Perhaps you can use the WGAN Find a Matterport Pro Map to source Pros...
Fort Myers, FL: Inside Xactimate Estimator with Matterport Experience DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): Promoted Post --- Fort Myers, FL: Inside Xactimate Estimator with Matterport Experience FP Property Restoration is seeking an experienced Xactimate Estimator for this Inside Estimator position. This position would be responsible for writing accurate scopes for emergency service and repair work. This is an Inside Estimator position works from our Corporate office. They intake Matterport Sketches and input the proper lines items for...
Split my Matterport Tour by Floor SNFmarkerting 7 5 yearsWingman (4435): There is an example on MOUG when they have used deep links in a Mattertag to mimic an elevator. Here is a model When the model is loaded go to a dollhouse view to see where their elevator Mattertag is located.
Video: Matterport Academy | All About Floors (Lesson 8) DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): Matterport Academy | All About Floors (Lesson 8) with Matterport Content Marketing Manager Amir Frank | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel (28 September 2017) Hi All, If you are just getting started with Matterport, here is Lesson 1 of 11 from the Matterport Academy: Introducing the Capture App (above) with Matterport Content Marketing Manager Amir Frank. Video Transcript Hi, I'm Amir...
Overlapping Floors with Matterport Gianni 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): @Gianni Can you post: 1. The Matterport 3D Tour 2. Mini Map screen grabs showing the problem This will help the WGAN Community trouble-shoot the problem. Thanks, Dan [via Google Translate] @Gianni Puoi pubblicare: 1. The Matterport 3D Tour 2. La schermata della Mini mappa mostra il problema Ciò aiuterà la comunità WGAN a risolvere il problema. Grazie, Dan
Moving 360 Scans to new floor Bernardhhi 4 6 yearsleonherbert (903): @Bernardhhi Thank you for the kind words, I am blushing now. All I know, I have mostly learnt from other people, and a lot of it was on We Get Around. Thanks Dan. I do not believe in holding things to myself, and I think most people are like that. Glad we could help. Leon
Are you using Matterport for fire/flood insurance claims? DanSmigrod 3 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): 3D Capture for Insurance Documentation - Dayton, Notre Dame | Video courtesy of Rafael A. Renteria YouTube Channel @ron0987 Below is my video (11 June 2016) that Rafael refers to (above) from this WGAN Forum post: ✓ Video Matterport Space Meets Insurance Claim And, here is the WGAN Forum post that Rafael refers to: ✓ Horrific Fire That Engulfed Norte Dame Cathedral: Why what we do Matters Dan ...
Re-naming floors in workshop rzphotoman 3 6 yearsrzphotoman (1837): Thanks again Danny...maybe I should just hire you.
Video: Scanning Multiple Floors with Stairs DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): Hi All, If you are just getting started with Matterport - or thinking about buying a Matterport 3D Camera – this Matterport created video will be helpful Scanning Multiple Floors with Stairs. Training Includes ✓ How and when to specify which floor you are scanning ✓ Why specifying "which floor" makes it easier to use trimming tools ✓ How to see a mini-map floor-by-floor ✓ Where to begin ✓ How many scans for...
how to rename a Matterport floor fotoguy 3 8 yearsfotoguy (835): You da best! Thank you!