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6 Videos: Matterport for Insurance & Restoration9981

WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Video: Customer Stories - Dry Patrol helps insurance adjusters resolve claims faster with 3D capture | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel (13 August 2019)

Hi All,

This Matterport video tells a great customer story in the insurance space:

✓ essential for major weather events such as a hurricane
✓ document all mitigation equipment
✓ show before and after mitigation
✓ Matterport in 3D documents everything
✓ Enables photography (Matterport Snapshots) after team has left the job site
✓ insurance claim adjuster amazed
✓ enables doing the Xactimate drawing off-site
✓ saves time
✓ great ROI

Please see bold in the transcript below for the above points.

From the Matterport YouTube Channel:

"Derron Oakley, Partner at Dry Patrol, the top fire damage, mold removal, and water remediation company in the Cincinnati and Dayton area, explains one of the company’s keys to success is working within an insurance carrier’s individual estimation processes and documentation needs."

Matterport for Insurance & Restoration

Source: Matterport YouTube Channel

How might this video help you get business in the insurance and restoration space? (Add to that list onsite training and peak overload scanning after disasters.)



Transcript of Video

Derron Oakley, one of the partners, Dry Patrol out of Carlisle, Ohio. We're pretty new to Matterport. We actually purchased it right before the first hurricane last year.

As soon as the call comes in and the crew gets out, the gentleman that is doing the Matterport is dispatched to meet the guys out there. If it's a drying job, three to four days later right before they're going to pull equipment, he goes back out again and gets it with all the demo done and all the equipment set in place.

So we can actually show two jobs to the insurance, one before we did anything and one after demo and equipment set. And that's what really strike the interest with the Matterport system, is because it does document everything as 3D. It eliminates most of the questioning on, "Did you do this or did you do that? We need a picture for that."

The first adjuster we had utilized it with was a large loss adjuster, and we had told him about it and he had never heard about it. So we met him out there on site when he was doing his site inspection, and did it with him. So he seen the whole process, he seen the camera, seen the iPad of what it looks like.

And within 48 hours, we had him the uploaded document to him so he could view it, and he was absolutely amazed and blown away. And on that one, we had also did the sketch for Xactimate so he didn't have to worry about drawing it.

It sent him everything he needed, and he became a big believer from the first one. He was sold on it and so he basically said, "Submit me a bill. I would have a lot more time in it, and I have no issues for paying for it because it saved me the work."
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WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
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Video: Customer Stories - Accent Property Restoration responds faster with 3D capture | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel (13 August 2019)

Hi All,

This Matterport video tells a great customer story in the restoration space:

✓ reduce time spend on job site (extra important when freezing cold)
✓ reduced visit for estimator
✓ all documentation is in the Matterport scan
✓ competitive advantage: only contractor with Matterport
✓ show smoke damage - smoke trailers- to an insurance adjuster that was not on site (to see other rooms affected)
✓ resolve disagreements with insurance adjuster
✓ end-to-end documentation: damage to mitigation to restoration

Please see bold in the transcript below for the points above.

From the Matterport YouTube Channel:

"From hurricanes to wildfires to the intense winter storms, restorers must overcome issues including lack of electricity, communications, road access, and hazards. Accent Property Restoration, serving Milwaukee home and business owners feels fast, accurate execution is essential when facing harsh conditions in the Midwest."

Matterport for Insurance & Restoration

Source: Matterport YouTube Channel

How might this video help you get business in the restoration space? (Add to that list onsite training and peak overload scanning after disasters.)



Transcript of Video

In Wisconsin is freezing cold, we don't have to go spend three, four hours on a fire job anymore, scoping a job. There's no heat, there's no electricity, there's no light. I don't have to send estimators out there multiple times because we literally have it all documented for us with the 3D scan.

My name is Dean Rossey Junior with Accent Property Restoration. I'm the CEO and owner of the business. I started the business with two partners about 11 years ago, it'll be 11 years in May. Brought both partners out since that time and we're now in a 21,000 square foot facility. We are a start to finish full service restoration contractor. At this point I'm the only contractor in the area that has Matterport, so I use that as a technology advantage versus my competition at this point.

With Matterport is the ability to be able to see smoke damage when a adjuster is not on site. You can zoom in to show that this is additional smoke damage. You can see that was a kitchen fire and you can see the amount of damage that it caused to the kitchen, but you can also see the smoke trails that it went into other bedrooms and to the bathroom as well. If I have a disagreement I can send to the adjuster and they can look at it and see at that point.

Everybody that I've shown it to loves the product and is generally willing to pay for it because it helps them out as well. Whether it's from the initial water mitigation to the end, to document contents, I think it's a revolutionary product for our industry and I love it.
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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
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Video: Customer Stories - Dalworth Restoration captures 3D spaces to help customers recover faster | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel (13 August 2019)

Hi All,

This Matterport video tells a great customer story in damage mitigation:

✓ no longer need to do on-site measurements
✓ Matterport scan contains all the measurements
✓ Matterport creates the sketch
✓ saves a lot of time in doing measurements
✓ Great ROI
✓ Annotate moisture points on the walls
✓ Annotate psychometric readings
✓ Entire documentation package (forensic photos to moisture mapping)
✓ Matterport documents helps us get paid faster

Please see bold in the transcript below for the points above.

From the Matterport YouTube Channel:

"Traditionally, restoration companies scoped projects by sending a technician to photograph and measure homes or businesses — a process often requiring three or more site visits. For Dalworth Restoration, 3D capture transformed their workflow, eliminating the need for multiple visits to document hundreds of 2D photographs and manual measurements."

Matterport for Insurance & Restoration

Source: Matterport YouTube Channel

How might this video help you get business in the damage mitigation space? (Add to that list onsite training and peak overload scanning after disasters.)



Transcript of Video

I no longer have to have somebody go out and measure the house, which takes a significant amount of time. Now we have our project managers going in, scanning the whole home or commercial space, and it's rendering all the measurements. It's producing a sketch and for us that's saving a lot of time and ultimately we see that on the bottom line.

My name is Nick Hobbes. I worked for Dalworth Restoration and I'm our mitigation manager. It's family owned business. We've been in business since 1976. My dad and my uncle started the company so I've kind of worked all the way through from middle school to high school and even through college.

We annotate all of our projects. All have our mitigation jobs, we'll go in, annotate all the equipment, how many days the equipment was on site, and we also put all of our moisture points on the walls. Basically showing, day one it started at a hundred percent saturation going all the way down to 0% saturation by day four, day five. We also put our psychometric readings in there as well. And so we're using it as our entire documentation package from our forensic photos to our moisture mapping. And so being able to see everything in one package just helps us get paid faster.
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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Video: Customer Stories - Level Creek Property Restoration connects with adjusters better | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel (13 August 2019)

Hi All,

This Matterport video tells a great customer story in documentation through the documentation process of mitigation and restoration:

✓ help maximize insurance claims
✓ Matterport tour contains all data/details for all departments
✓ simultaneous walkthrough with team/insurance company in multiple locations
✓ resolve disputes between homeowner and restoration company
✓ compare before restoration and after restoration (business development)

Please see bold in Transcript below for these points.

Source: Matterport YouTube Channel

"Level Creek Property Restoration, based in Buford, Georgia, has been helping homeowners recover from fire, water, wind, and mold damage for more than 10 years. With 23 Level Creek Restoration Property employees connected on the Matterport Cloud, the company can help homeowners recover faster and collaborate with insurance adjusters better than ever before."

Source: Matterport YouTube Channel

How might this video help you get business in the documentation in insurance, mitigation and restoration space? (Add to that list onsite training and peak overload scanning after disasters.)



Transcript of Video

We're not a nonprofit organization. We're here to make money, so we certainly don't want to leave anything on the table. To be able to have the technology and have the scan right there, it helps us to make sure that we're maximizing a claim.

My name is Andy Mason. I'm the co-owner and CEO of Level Creek Property Restoration. My partner and I started working together about 10 years ago. We started a roofing company back in the economic downturn. We actually started the company on my kitchen table, and we went to Kinko's and made copies and started knocking on doors to do roof placements for hail repair. We've morphed completely from where we started. We have 23 employees, two buildings, a number of vehicles, and we continue to do a good job.

One scan from Matterport can take care of the data and the details that are needed for my content department, my mitigation department, and my recon department. We could have an adjuster sitting at his home office, I can be in my office, and we can walk through somebody's living room and show them the damage and show them why this needs to be done, and they think it's amazing.

We can give it to that customer as well. You're always going to have an issue. You're always going to have a dinged refrigerator or somebody priceless vase got broken and it's so easy to go back and say, "Well, ma'am, here we are in your kitchen. Here's the ding the day that we got there. We didn't do it," or, "Yeah, we did do this." What's even neat is they can see their house, how it looked when it was just completely destroyed, and now look where we are, you're back in your home. So it is really neat. It has a lot of different capabilities.
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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Video: Customer Stories - DRS embraces a 3D-led approach to help clients recover faster | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel (13 August 2019)

Hi All,

This Matterport video tells a great customer story in Insurance and Restoration:

✓ eliminate on-site estimating team
✓ dramatically reduce time to create estimates
✓ reduce back and forth with the insurance company
✓ easier to manage digital info
✓ send out lower wage tech to document
✓ efficiency of high-level team members (don't need to be onsite)
✓ time savings
✓ easier transition from mitigation to restoration team
✓ spot Scope of Work issues: team communication
✓ calculate square feet
✓ MatterTags for annotation
✓ fewer repeat visits to the job site

(See bold in transcript below for the above points.)

Source: Matterport YouTube Channel

"Recent advances in 3D technology and collaboration platforms challenged Disaster Restoration Services (DRS) to reimagine documentation, estimation, and insurance adjuster engagement to help customers restore properties faster."

Matterport for Insurance & Restoration

Source: Matterport YouTube Channel

How might this video help you get business in insurance, mitigation and restoration space? (Add to that list onsite training and peak overload scanning after disasters.)



Transcript of Video

I actually eliminated my estimating team, so I actually do all the estimates myself now. I was writing estimates. It would take me about four and a half, five hours of time from the information I got in the fields to, after Matterport, now it's about an hour and a half. One of the previous hurdles that we face was compatibility with the uploads, the amount of data that would have to go up with photographs being sent back and forth. This is allowing us to put 95% of our information within one system, sending it up with very minimal time.

I'm Danny Strong, president and founder of Disaster Restoration Services. With me covering New England, sometimes we're driving up to six hours out for a job. Instead of it being my time, I'm capable of sending out a lower wage tech because I'm able to see a full job site without even being there myself.

Last month we did 20 scans. I only had to go to one property [...][, before I would had to go to 20 properties. Times that by two to three hours on a clip. That's quite a significant time savings. Not only that, when we're going from our mitigation services to our reconstruction, we're able to do a job site meeting at our office and do a virtual walkthrough, identify any trouble issues, areas that we want them to be aware of is when we do the scope [of work], it's not always detailed to which wall, which specific location. It just gives overall global square footages. This, we'll be able to use the Mattertags and virtually walk them through and point them out without having to spend the time to go out to the facility again, cause at that ... we call it our pre-production briefing. At that point, we would typically have three managers, which are all upper paid, higher tier employees that no longer have to travel to and fro.
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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Video: Customer Stories - Premier Restoration helps people and businesses recover when disaster strikes | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel (13 August 2019)

Hi All,

This Matterport video tells a great customer story in Insurance and Restoration:

✓ Faster estimates
✓ Adjusters do not need to physically visit the loss
✓ a platform for reference
✓ point-to-point measurement in Workshop
✓ Matterport MatterTags for annotation
✓ resolve points of contention
✓ Restoration team can see the Scope of the Loss
✓ Validate field measurements
✓ Make life easier

(See bold in transcript below for the above points.)

Source: Matterport YouTube Channel

"While many restoration firms use traditional methods of 2D photography and manual measurement to document losses, Premier Restoration Hawaii relies on the Matterport Pro2 camera to capture 3D models of water, mold, wind, and fire damage more effectively."

Matterport for Insurance & Restoration

Source: Matterport YouTube Channel

How might this video help you get business in restoration of a space? (Add to that list onsite training and peak overload scanning after disasters.)



Transcript of Video

"We did have a brush fire on Maui that affected approximately 500 homes. We did 212 of them, and so me being resident of Maui and most of our estimating staff being Oahu based, I grabbed the camera and I became our first Matterport tech for a couple of weeks. And I was able to scan 40 losses, send them over to our Oahu department. They were able to estimate them and we were able to go ahead and push those out faster than we ever have been able to before."

"I'm Anthony Nelson, SVP of operations for Premier Restoration Hawaii. Before Premier Restoration was in existence, we were Maui Fire and Flood. It was 2016, we were looking for an opportunity to expand our operations, we saw potential in going statewide. Our market is a little different in the fact that 70% of our adjusters are not based in the location of the loss, so we were pretty fluent in documentation and working across those lines digitally."

"What Matterport's actually done is it's given us a platform of reference, particularly the Workshop tools where you can go in and do point to point measurements. So whenever there's items of contention, we'll go ahead and validate our findings using the MatterTags and using the tools in the Workshop."

"The biggest influence internally has been with our repair department. They're able to go and actually take a look at the scope of the loss. Some of our guys are actually using the Matterport images to do cabinet take-offs for layouts for kitchens, or to validate what they've measured in the field just as a separate system of checks and balances."

"And I'm always looking for ways to make our lives easier. It's not an easy business that we're in. I spent a number of years as an estimator in the field, and if I had Matterport technology, my life would have been a whole lot easier."
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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

The six (6) videos above are great stories from those using Matterport in:

1. insurance documentation
2. mitigation
3. restoration

For Matterport Service Providers, I do not see you scanning 24/7 that insurance work can require.

That said, I do see opportunities for:

1. on-site training
2. local support
3. peak load scanning (after a natural disaster (when there are not enough Matterport cameras at the mitigation and restoration companies).
4. vacation (covering when someone goes on vacation)
5. consulting
6. demos
7. workshops
8. scanning in a pinch

How else can you leverage your Matterport expertise in the Insurance and Restoration space?


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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
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Hi All,

Interested in Matterport Meets Insurance Claims: Flood/Fire Remediation and Restoration?

Add this WGAN-TV Live at 5 show to your calendar (optional: and receive reminders)


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WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
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Hi All,

Our thoughts are with those in the path of the hurricane in the gulf coast region.

Safety first; then help others with documentation for faster Insurance claims.

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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
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Video: Insurance Rebrand | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 9 September 2020
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WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
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Video: How We Utilize Matterport Camera Technology | Video courtesy of Paul Davis Restoration of Broward | 21 September 2020
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