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Tripod Legs or "cockroaches" ???9661

Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user
Has any seen this before? A client just sent me these pictures. The email read what are these cockroaches on the floor? Nearly fell off my chair laughing.

I have checked previous tours I have done and nowhere tripod "feet" are showing. I have a Manfrotto 190X and checked the legs and the spirit level also shows its plumb. So the legs are not bent or overextended. I use a standard height for hotels and never seen this in any of my tours. Just finished a complete school (83,000 sqft) and have zero cockroaches in the tour.

What to tell the client? As we can't edit the panos / scans. So options are going back and just reshoot those scans in the tours. Tell the client that when people are "walk-in" through a tour they don't look down, maybe if they are floor inspectors or have a floor tile fetish. Or go and reshoot all 12 tours? Already doing the tours at cost so it is not business sense to go and reshoot them. Yes will get 23 others to go and do for them. But need a fix now.

Would love to hear your feedback and if anyone has run into this problem before?

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Hilton Head Island, SC
THRHHI private msg quote post Address this user
Do they show up on the preview scans? Never had that happen but then again i always shoot on a dolly so the legs can never spread that far. I did mount my Ipad to the tripod on one big job so i would not have to carry it. Luckily about 10 scans in i checked a preview scan and could see the tip of it so i had to go back and redo them.
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WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Would the client like a free upgrade to Google Street View? You could then moderate the tour and Photoshop out ...

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WGAN Standard
Las Vegas
VTLV private msg quote post Address this user
I wouldn't waste my time trying to apologize. Take a look at some of your portfolios or examples on your website. Hopefully, you will see tripod feet in one of them you can reference. Then explain it is something you cannot edit out of the tour.

If you get more resistance, mention most clients use the tour to navigate the property and inspect when they arrive in person. Took 12 tours to find a flaw? Sounds like a search for discount or a minion not doing their job who needs to point attention away from what they are doing day to day.

Fishy, unless we're talking a 5 star property here. - Good Luck.
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