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PluginsRicoh Theta VRicoh Theta Z1Time Shift Plugin

Theta V(and Z1) fantastic plugin: saves you time & takes you out of a pano9631

Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
Today I was thinking that it would be great to have 1 click 360 camera that does not shoot with both(front and back) lenses simultaneously. It would allow to set some delay between the front lens shoot and the back lens shoot. That would make possible for a photographer to walk in the front of the camera after shoot with the front lens is done and be there when the back camera start shooting.

And to my surprise Ricoh has released a plugin this year that works for both Theta V and Theta Z1 that does exactly this. It is called Time Shift shooting. It allows to set the first time delay for the front camera and the second delay for the back one.

I have set the first delay to 2 sec and the second to 5(even though you can do second delay 2 sec too) So when you press a button in their plugin control app the camera will beep for 2 sec and takes the front camera shoot only, then beep for 5 sec and that when you need to walk in front of it and after 5 sec it takes a shoot with the back lens.

And as a result

a)you do not have to run anywhere to hide
b)you are not loosing 10-20 seconds for each shoot just to run to a hiding place and come back
c)you do not need to leave your smartphone near Theta just to keep your phone connected to your Theta camera
c) you are not in pictures with that simple and easy to use plug in

Here is a plugin page

Before installing the plugin make sure your firmware is updated to the last version(on V it is 3.0 something) If you do not update firmware and install it on 2.5 something firmware it won't work properly and after updating to the latest one you will have to reinstall the plugin.
Post 1 IP   flag post
Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
Just an extra info: for some reason you still need two delays and it won't allow you to shoot front camera without it. It is a bit strange as it is excessive to have the first delay. We could always stay at the back shooting from the front first then with 2 or 5 seconds delay for back camera shooting we could walk around to the front

However for some unknown reason Ricoh thinks differently and you will need to set up two delays. Unless I have missed something in the plugin settings.

There are no user specified delay numbers in the plugin settings, they offer only 2, 5 and 10 seconds to choose from for both delays.

May be 2 seconds is enough to move around your camera if you are really fast. I have tested 5 seconds so far and it has given me enough time just walk slowly to the front.

There are two videos on youtube about this plugin, but both are not in English. If you need help installing it and running please check the following page first. It is not crystal clear on instructions but it will help especially if you never used Theta V/Z1 plugins.

If you still have troubles installing it I can try to help to do it on Theta V cameras.
Post 2 IP   flag post
Cincinnati, OH
leonherbert private msg quote post Address this user
Good to know, it was something I wished they would do for a while, will have to try it out.
Post 3 IP   flag post
HarlanHambright private msg quote post Address this user
Capture does not use it. Next update will be compatible.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Los Angeles
Home3D private msg quote post Address this user
I wonder if Insta 360 is listening in? All 360 cameras should have this option.
Post 5 IP   flag post
Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by HarlanHambright
Capture does not use it. Next update will be compatible.

I do not think it would be possible to use it with The Capture app. It's not even using the Theta app and this plugin is controlled through a web interface.

I believe it is not even allowing to press a shoot button in the Theta app when this plugin is active. The button for start shooting with the time shifting is located in their web interface.

So I am not sure how they can access its feature through the Capture app. However you can turn plugin on directly from a Theta V(probably Z1 too) camera. If a camera shoot button still works with this plugin then may be it is possible to use it with the Capture.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Home3D
I wonder if Insta 360 is listening in? All 360 cameras should have this option.

I am quite sure they will follow. May be even have done it already. Try to ask on their forums.

I cannot recall how I found one for Theta after my thinking. There has not been any email announcement sent about it from Ricoh. Even though I cannot say it for sure because I believe I have not registered my camera with Ricoh.
Post 7 IP   flag post
HarlanHambright private msg quote post Address this user
It will work in next capture release.
Post 8 IP   flag post
Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
I have checked it with the Capture app. So far it does not work. The way Capture works at least for now it seems no plugin can be used with it. The camera mode set directly on the camera does not help too. However this plugin works with a camera shoot hard button so it may be possible for Matterport to make it working in the future.
Post 9 IP   flag post
Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
And just extra info about how it makes things faster.

I did 32 panos last Saturday in a park. I set both delays to 2 sec and it took me around 8 sec per shoot. Extra 4 sec came from transferring and processing with me picking up the camera straight after back camera shoot and caring it while the camera was doing all required actions.

Before it was more like 35-40 seconds with 10 seconds delay to allow me to walk away or run to hide somewhere. That's 4-5 times faster and you are out of all your panoramas.

May be not a big deal for 30 panos(only saving 15 minutes) but for 300 that's 2.5 hours difference. Not to mention that you stay near the camera so nobody would bump into it and knock it down or worse grab your camera/phone and run away with it.
Post 10 IP   flag post
Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
Just a short addon. My Z1 also works with it without any problem.

To be honest Ricoh has hooked me up with this plugin. I cannot imagine using something else that does not offer the same functionality.

If they fix coarse location data coming from their app I will stick with their cameras at least until somebody else starts offering the same functionality and provides a better resolution. So far I have seen features to achieve the same results without a photographer captured in iris360 cameras(50/50 option) and rotators(either manual or motorised).
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