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'Plugins' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Matterport Showcase Plugin: Add Minimap-User Knows Where They are in Tour DanSmigrod 17 6 monthsDanSmigrod (31653): of Matterport Mini-Map enabled. This Matterport digital twin was provided as part of the Matterport 2024 Fall Release. Matterport...
New! Matterport Plugs: Business Card, MiniMap, Compass, Quick Link DanSmigrod 6 6 monthsDanSmigrod (31653): of Matterport Mini-Map enabled. This Matterport digital twin was provided as part of the Matterport 2024 Fall Release. Matterport...
WP3D MODELS WordPress Plugin debug - make sure yours works fully GlennTremain 3 7 monthsGlennTremain (2953): WP3DMODELS fixed it yesterday! Great job on getting it fixed. Thank you so much
WGAN-TV | How to Use Matterport Property Report and 4 Plug-ins DanSmigrod 7 9 monthsDanSmigrod (31653): Matterport: All About Property Layout | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 16 June 2024 | 16 June 2024
Wish List for Matterport Plugin: Compass DanSmigrod 8 10 monthsBenrk0385 (225): @DigitalReplica3D, thanks so much. That’s exactly what I was looking for. I should have played around with it more. I only just started using it. Thanks again.
Wish List for Matterport Plugin: Business Card DanSmigrod 5 10 monthsDigitalReplica3D (191): I like Tom’s @scanyourspace suggestion to be able to create a file for the Business Card add-on. I recently updated a bunch of Spaces. Creating new business cards one by one is redundant and time consuming. I’d like to see the ability to edit the size of the picture and logo within MP’s add-on. I needed to edit, crop and experiment various uploads to yield the proper sizing. MP appears to allow re-sizing however it overrides back to the...
WGAN-TV Podcast: How to Use Matterport Property Report and 4 Plug-ins DanSmigrod 3 10 monthsDanSmigrod (31653): Open thread to view post.
Matterport Webinar Shop Talk 61: Property Layout & Plugins DigitalReplica3D 1 10 monthsDigitalReplica3D (191): Shop Talk 61: Property Layout & Plugins | Video courtesy of Matterport | 10 June 2024 @dansmigrod Per your request. This is Matterport’s most recent webinar.
Question of the Day: Are you offering Matterport Plug-ins as an Add On? DanSmigrod 2 10 monthsSdoughtie (570): I'll just be honest; I don't find the property report to be useful. It's more work to correct the AI than if I just did it myself. Perhaps there are keys that will select segments with a window, but as it stands now, I have to delete rooms and individual segments, frankly, it's a huge waste of my time. Moreover, I don't like giving clients access to models with erroneous info on it. ...
WGAN-TV Transcript: How to Use Matterport Property Report and 4 Plug-ins DanSmigrod 2 10 monthsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN-TV | How to Use Matterport Property Report and Plug-ins: Compass, Mini-Map, Quick Link and Business Card | Guest: Scan Your Space (a Division of Sparks Media Group) Founder and CEO Tom Sparks | Thursday, 6 June 2024 | Episode: 218 | | @ScanYourSpace Transcript (video above) - Do you want to add a Compass or an interactive Mini-Map to your Matterport digital twin? - How do you...
Video: How to create a Matterport Business Card (Plugin) DanSmigrod 3 11 monthsIntegratedman (629): Lovely how Matterport is offerring new and wonderful toys, but they do not make them available for the pioneers the ones, that were here in the beginning... Thoughtful folks :)
Matterport Showcase Plugin: Add Salesperson Pop-up Info/Photo/Company Logo DanSmigrod 3 1 yearBuster6070 (277): Use cases are endless. Could be contact info for an event coordinator if it's a wedding venue, ballroom, or conference center. A sales person for any type of theater, music hall, dealership. What would be cool is if it could change depending on your location in the model. For example, Microcenter has Matterport scans of their store. What if the contact person and info changed as you moved from one department to another.
Matterport Showcase Plugins: Add Compass via Matterport Workshop DanSmigrod 1 1 yearDanSmigrod (31653): Shop Talk 55: Matterport Digital Twin Platform: 2023 and Beyond | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 6 December 2023 Matterport Showcase Plugins: Add Compass via Matterport Workshop Hi All, You can add a Compass to a Matterport tour via Matterport Workshop, according to Matterport VP, Product Preethy Vaidyanathan in the video above (starting at 30:31 and going to 31:35). Compass...
To use by Ricoh Theta Z1 with Matterport, do I need a plug-in? StevesS 8 2 yearsGETMYVR (1941): Don't forget processing matterport 3D scans from non MP cameras such as a Theta is about double the fee. If you're planning on doing this long-term a pro 2 3D could be an option but best of luck either way.
Video: 3D Map Generator - 3D Mapper - Photoshop plugin DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): How to create 3D maps from your location in Photoshop - 3D-Mapper | Video courtesy of Orange Box Ceo YouTube Channel | 30 March 2021 From the Orange Box Ceo YouTube Channel: The video shows how you can easily search for your location in Photoshop and create a 3D map of it. Use the location browser to find the locations directly in Photoshop. Check the 3D map in the preview before you download it. Save...
How to incorporate virtual tours on a WordPress page? meehow 3 4 yearsrzphotoman (1837): Best option is to use WP3D Models plug in.
How to shoot 180 instead of 360? A Ricoh Theta Z1 plug-in for that? DanSmigrod 3 4 yearsbotticelli (97):
Video: Ricoh Theta Z1: Dual Fisheye Plug-in: Complete Guide DanSmigrod 3 4 yearsPaulM (75): I watched this - it's certainly in-depth and explains a lot.
Ricoh - time shifting plugin sdubose99 10 4 yearscgraft (117): I can second the response from @HarlanHambright Best to just keep running out of the shot & save up for a Matterport Pro camera as fast as possible. Thats how I did it.
Quick Tip to those who use WP3D Models and encountered the same issue ZakhZ 4 5 yearsrpetersn (2013): Thanks @ZakhZ - Great suggestion here! There is also the option of adding a bit of custom code to your site (in the form of a 'single-model.php' template replacement) that doesn't require the use of a plugin, but this is a great/quick/straightforward solution. For a plugin-less way of redirecting the "standard" to the "skinned" view, do this: 1. Create a new file named 'single-model.php'. 2. Paste the...
Help with WP Matterport Shortcode plugin Astroprojector 4 5 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): I believe that on mobile, WP Matterport Shortcode shows single column regardless of the setting. It can be overwritten by css probably.
Theta V(and Z1) fantastic plugin: saves you time & takes you out of a pano Wingman 11 6 yearsWingman (4435): Just a short addon. My Z1 also works with it without any problem. To be honest Ricoh has hooked me up with this plugin. I cannot imagine using something else that does not offer the same functionality. If they fix coarse location data coming from their app I will stick with their cameras at least until somebody else starts offering the same functionality and provides a better resolution. So far I have seen features to achieve the same...