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ZillowZillow 3D Home

Is Zillow a 3D Tour or a 360º Tour? (And - Yikes! Who owns the Photos?)9192

WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

This is a great read on this topic:

WAVGroup Blog (24 April 2019) Zillow 3D Home Tour is Really Property Panorama


"... they call Zillow 3D Home – and claim it is a 3D tour. Way to catch a headline, Zillow, but your tours aren’t even close to a real Matterport or GeoCV 3D Tour."

"The gap between Zillow’s 360 panorama tours and 3D tours is significant. Perhaps the most significant difference is the absence of the 3D Doll House view of the home in Zillow’s 3D tours."

"True 3D delivers a special feeling in a way that the Zillow 360 panoramas do not."
Zillow’s tours are not all bad, I just take exception to calling them 3D tours. The experience is not horrible; they provide a much better online property experience than still images, and will likely create a stepping stone to drive more adoption of true 3D tours. Zillow may further prove out the value of Matterport and GeoCV by popularizing the experience with consumers, especially if they highlight these properties and favor them in search results. Even after years of being in the marketplace, most consumers have never experienced a Matterport or GeoCV tour. When they first do, they are blown away. In some small way, Zillow will train the consumer eye to expect this experience and grow the category. "

"But if you want to do it right, continue to invest in the Matterport and GeoCV 3D solutions. They are much better, and with GeoCV, you own it."

Photo Ownership

"Here we go again with Zillow policy concerns of perpetual, unfettered use. I wish that our industry would take the responsibility of protecting homebuyers’ privacy seriously, by adopting solutions that enable a buyer to remove the interior photos of their home off of the internet. Zillow already has the largest photo repository of property photos in the world, but more than that, they have the freedom to commercialize them however they like. I don’t blame Zillow for this strategy, it’s damn smart. But I do blame brokers, agents, and photographers for not being equally smart."

Source: WAVGroup Blog

Your thoughts on Zillow calling their solution 3D and photo ownership?


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GFHoge private msg quote post Address this user
There is quite a bit of difference between the two as you point out. I have both the MP250 and Ricoh Theta. The Theta is NOT 3D and I am precise when marketing that camera's results. It is only 360. Even when put in the Ricoh Tours, it is still 360.

Now regarding who owns the photography, it is the creative work of the photographer. I am forbidden to use another's photos on my listings because they have ownership of them. I have to tell my web master to make sure that none of the photos are taken from the internet unless they are free to use. I think Zillow is wrong and will be proven to be in court-if that is what it takes.

Thanks for posting.
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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

The only way to publish a Zillow 3D Home tour (really a 360º tour) is to use the Zillow 3D Home iOS app paired with either a Ricoh Theta V or Ricoh Theta Z1. (I could imagine that the next 360º camera integration will be with the Insta360 One X (and then all popular 360º 1-click camera options. (Technically, there is no reason that Matterport and Zillow could not strike an alliance to enable Matterport to publish to Zillow (just as Matterport publishes to Google Street View). I could imagine that's a political conversation, as discussed elsewhere in the WGAN Forum.

My impression is that once you publish to Zillow, Zillow Terms and Conditions carves out the right to use photos in perpetuity in all worlds known and yet to be discovered

I am not a lawyer. I don't give legal advice.

Ownership and use of photos is a hot potato topic. I could imagine that most real estate photographers license (or should license) the imagery for a one time use related to selling the house. I also imagine that the real estate agent uploads the photos to Zillow and Zillows terms and conditions says, Zillow now has a license to use the images – even if the copyright is still owned by the photographer. So, essentially, the real estate agent – whom does not own the intellectual property is caught in the middle. I could imagine that if the photographer sued Zillow, they would says the real estate agent is at fault and that the agent indemnified Zillow for just such a case.


When Zillow 3D Home with Zillow Sr. Director, Product Development, 3D & Computer Vision Josh Weisberg is my guest on WGAN-TV Live at 5 – 5 (5 pm EDT - GMT -5) on Thursday, 9 May 2019 – I will ask about ownership and use of "our" photos after the house sells.

I hope you will join the show to ask Josh questions directly.


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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

Looks like Zillow is taking some heat from Matterport and GeoCV on this 3D versus 360º topic:

✓ Inman (25 April 2019) 3D imaging companies say Zillow's app is not true 3D

"Matterport and GeoCV both say they offer a more immersive and truer three-dimensional touring product than Zillow's 3D Home app can provide." Source: Inman

I could imagine that it is a fine line for Matterport and GeoCV went it would make TOTAL SENSE to be able to publish to Zillow Zillow 3D Home Tour (360º tour) via both Matterport and GeoCV (and Cupix) and other platforms as well.

If Zillow's goal is to have every Zillow listing contain a "3D Tour" .. it's obvious that it could succeed faster by partnering with Matterport, GeoCV, Cupix and other platforms.

Today, for photographers, it's kinda like should I buy TV set A, B, C or D when A only receives CBS, B only receives, NBC, C only receives, ABC, etc.

We all want to shoot once and publish everywhere.

The key here is that companies need to start thinking about what do their Customers want. With this mindset, all decisions are easy.

What do you think?


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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

Step by Step 3D Virtual Tours Blog (27 April 2019) Is Zillow 3D Home™ a True 3D Virtual Tour?

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